Querela Cantabrigiensis:


For the banished Members of the late flourishing UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE.

By some of the said sufferers.

S. MATTH. 10. 17, 18. Beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the Councils, and they will scourge you in their Sy­nagogues. And yee shall be brought before Go­vernours, &c.
Basil, Magn, Epist. 79. Eustach. Episc. Sebastiae. [...].

Anno Dom. 1647.

AN ADVERTISEMENT To every indifferent Reader.

Christian Brethren, and Fellow-Subjects,

IT is a memorable saying of an ancient Hea­then Moralist, Curae leves loquuntur, ingen­tes stupent: And the like may be said concer­ning sorrowes; when they come once to over­charge the heart, they stupifie it, and obstruct those passages, by which it should ease it selfe of them. This hath been our particular case: Our being de­prived of our livelyhoods (for how small a Trifle this ensuing Remonstrance will manifest) hath filled our hearts with sorrow: But when wee considered, not onely the hand from whence this oppression co­meth, (even that which pretexdeth to the infallible weild of the Sword of Justice) but withall that through our sides such a fatall stroke is given to one of the most famous Ʋniversities of Christendome: this sad prospect did so farre surcharge us with griefe, that it cast us for a long time into a fit of Musing, till at last (the fire being kindled) we spake with our tongue.

[Page] And now that the string of our tongue is untyed, our earnest desire is, that none of these its sorrowfull ex­pressions may be mis-interpreted by any. And to that end wee have prefixed this advertisement, to prevent three mistakes, which are all we can possibly imagine the malice of our greatest enemies can any way phancy a­gainst this our Remonstrance.

I. The first is, That perhaps it may be groundlesse, because we have not therein set down the expresse words, either of those Protections by which we might securely have expected an Indempnity, or of those Orders by which we suffered.

To which wee answer, That the reason hereof was partly to avoid tediousnesse, and therefore we gave onely some short hints in the margent. And partly because (being dispersed) wee could not possibly have the true Copies of all of them by us. And to publish any thing that was but supposititious, could not con­sist with our constant endeavour still to maintaine the truth, notwithstanding whatsoever difficulties to the contrary. But yet (to prevent all mistakes as neere as we can) wee have here inserted the true Co­pies of such as wee had by us: whereby the indiffe­rent Reader will not onely guesse at the rest, but al­so easily imagine what rigour and malice there was used in the execution of them, which we assure him are as much (or more) then he can possibly phancie. For they being to deale with an Ʋniversity, which then had a reverend esteeme over the whole King­dome [Page] must counterfeit Jacobs voice as much as possi­bly he could in their Orders, though their hands were farre rougher then Esaus in the execution of them. And accordingly (though now it is too apparent it was but onely in mockery) we had sent us these two following Protections.

Die Sabbati 4. Mar. 1642.

THe Earle of Holland, Chancellour of the University of Cambridge, having this day represented in the House the present condition of the said University; The Lords in Par­liament apprehending that through the publique distracti­ons, and by reason of great multitudes of Souldiers resorting from severall places to the Towne of Cambridge, some di­sturbance might happen to the quiet and studies of the Scholars: For preventing therefore of any such mischiefe, have thought fit to declare the esteeme and care they have of that ancient and noble Seminary of Learning; And have accordingly Ordered, That no person or persons what­soever, shall presume to offer any outrage or violence ei­ther by themselves or others unto any the Colledges, Chap­pels, Libraries, Schooles, or other buildings belonging to the said University, or to any the Scholars or publique Mi­nisters thereof: Nor plunder, purloyne, deface, spoyle, or take away any the Bookes, goods, chattels, or houshold­stuffe of or belonging to the said University, or any Col­ledge there, or to any Scholar or publique Minister there­of, under any colour or pretence whatsoever, as they will answer the contrary to this House at their utmost perils. And that Divine Service may be quietly performed and executed throughout all the said University according to the settlement of the Church of England, without any trou­ble, let, or disturbance, untill the pleasure of the Parlia­ment be further signified. Provided neverthelesse that this [Page] Protection shall not extend to stop any due, course of Law, or proceeding of Parliament, that may or might have had its course if this Protection had not been granted. And herein ready obedience is to be given by all such whom this doth or may concerne, as they will answer the contrary at their perils.

Jo. Browne Cleric. Parliamentorum.

THese are to will, require, and command you, and every of you, to forbeare (under any pretence whatsoever) to prejudice or offer any dammage to the University of Cam­bridge, or to any the Schooles, Colledges, Halls, Libra­ries, Chappels, or other places belonging to the said Uni­versity, by plundering the same or any part thereof in any kind whatsoever. Hereof faile not as you will answer the contrary at your perils.

To all Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Captaines, and all other officers and Souldiers of the Army under any command.

These indeed were our Protections, but they were bla­sted in the bud by this following Warrant.

THese are to authorize you to enter into the houses of all Papists, Malignants, and other persons whatsoever, that have or shall refuse to appeare at Musters, or to contribute according to the Propositions of both Houses of Parlia­ment, or refuse to enter into the Association: And to seize upon all such Horses, Armes, and Ammunition, as shall be found in their custodies, and to apprehend their said per­sons, and them to be brought before mee, or any one of the Deputy-Lievtenants of the County: and in case of Resi­stance, to force the same, Commanding all Mayors, She­riffes, [Page] Captaines, Trained-Bands, and other inferiour Of­ficers whatsoever, to be aiding and assisting to Colonel Coke herein.

Gray of Wark.
To Col. Coke, Lieutenant-Col. Brildon, or any other of his Officers.

This Warrant was issued out the more suddenly, and prosecuted the more violently, in regard that our Pro­tections were then in procuring: But the rigorous prosecution of this, made those to be of little or no use, more then the name, unlesse it was to shut the Stable doore after the Steed was stolne. For under pretence of Papists, Malignants, &c. there was scarce a Scholar in all the Ʋniversity which escaped examination: And left our Colledge-Chappels, Li­braries, or Treasuries, or even the privatest Cabi­net therein, or in any of our Chambers or Studies, should (perchance) have been converted into Stables for Horses, or Magazines for Armes and Am­munition, they searched them all so strictly, and plandered them all so throughly, that nothing which they liked escaped their fingers, our ancient Coynes not excepted.

When wee had seen their unparallel'd rigour here­in, and how wee were sleighted when wee admitted our just Complaints against it, wee did not much regard whether they had any Commission or not for what­soever they did to us afterward. But like Christi­an sufferers, when they took our cloaks, we forbade [Page] them not to take our coats also: and when they tooke our goods, wee asked them not againe. For wee did plainly see that wee were destinated to ruine, and that all these were but previous dispositious, to take us downe and fit us for the great stroke, when they should please to lay it upon us. And therefore (omitting all the rest, though wee could insert some) wee shall here onely adde two other Warrants, men­tioned hereafter: The one their generall Summons, the other their first forme of their Writs of Eje­ction.

THese are to will and require you upon sight hereof, to give speedy advertisement, viis mediis & modis, to Ma­ster, Fellowes, Scholars, and Officers of your Colledge, to be resident in your said Colledge the 10. day of March next ensuing, to give an account wherein they shall be re­quired, and to answer such things as may be demanded by me, or such Commissioners as I shall appoint.

E. Manchester.
To the President or Locum tenens of — Colledge.

BY vertue of an Ordinance of Parliament, entituled, An Ordinance for regulating the University of Cambridge, and the removing of Scandalous Ministers in the seven As­sociated Counties; giving me likewise power to eject such Masters of Colledges as are scandalous in their lives or doctrines, or doe oppose the proceedings of Parliament: I doe eject—from being Master of— Colledge in Cambridge, for opposing the proceedings of Parliament, and * other scandalous acts in the University [Page] of Cambridge. And I require you to sequester the Profits of his Mastership for one that I shall appoint in his place; and to cut his name out of the Butteries, and to certifie me of this your act within one day.

E. Manchester.
To the President and Fellowes of — Colledge in Cambridge.
Mark. It was not FOR scandalous acts, but for opposing.

This, wee hope, will satisfie the indifferent Reader concerning the truth and ground of our Sufferings.

II. But lest a second mistake should arise, That (supposing them to be true, yet) they are not (per­haps) so great as we pretend, because that for the most part wee have given but a sleight glance at them; wee held it very requisite to give this further Advertisement:

1. That in matters of this nature, a man ought not to macerate his soule too much by reflecting on his owne misery, lest the devill thereby get an ad­vantage upon him, to tempt him to a melancholy de­spaire. 2. Though wee desire hereby to move every compassionate Christian to a fellow-feeling of our miseries; yet have wee endeavoured (as much as we could) to forbeare the long insisting upon particu­lars, lest wee should offend his eares instead of mo­ving his compassion. For as in Musique the harsh­nesse of a discord may be omitted, if it be not too long produced; so have wee studied to temper these harsh notes to the tender eare of the Christian Au­ditor, [Page] by making a speedy transition from one to ano­tier. 3. We had so many matters of complaint, (and might have had many more, if wee had been all together to conferre our sufferings) that this small remonstrance would have swelled to (an lliada malorum) a just Volumne, if we had not pur­posely endeavoured to comprise an Ilias in a Nut­shell, by instancing onely in some, and reducing those to as small a modell as possibly we could. And to this end also wee have used as much plainnesse of speech in our expressions, as ingeniousnesse of the truth of the thing it selfe. And indeed if wee should but a little have indulged our penne the liberty of a Rhetoricall flourish, wee should thereby have made our sufferings (which in themselves are almost be­yond beliefe) to have seemed altogether incredi­ble.

III. But our greatest aur last feare is, least the intollerable weight of those heavy pressures under which wee have so long groaned, have (perhaps) ex­torted from us some expressions which may not seem altogether to become persecuted Christians. And in this we submit our selves wholly to the candour of the charitable Reader, desiring him to interpret all things in the best sense. For though wee have used our endeavours to avoid all manner of expressions which might seeme to savour of malice, yet carrying about us those passions which accompany flesh and blood, it is impossible but wee should somtimes slip. [Page] Wee know very well, and acknowledge, that Prayers and teares are the onely defensive weapons of a Chrstian against persecutions: And if any thing, which is not fully confonant hereunto, hath passed from our pen, wee desire it may be imputed to out many infirmities; seeing we are still ready to pray for our Persecutors, that God would open their eyes, that they may yet see and repent of those many and great wrongs which they have done to him, his true Religion and Service, to his Annointed our gracious Soveraigne, as also to us in particular, and other their fellow-sub­jects. Which if it would please him to grant unto them, wee might quickly recover the temporall peace of this distracted Kingdome; and they the possibility of enjoy­ing everlasting peace in the Kingdome of Heaven.

1 PET. 4. 16. If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorifie God on this behalfe.
ACT. 5. 41. They departed from the presence of the Councill, rejoycing that they were counted worthy to suf­fer shame for his Name.
JOHN 16. 33. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheere, I have overcome the world.
Aug. in Psal. 93. Boni laborant quia flagellantur ut filii: mali exultant quia damnantur ut alieni.
Idem in Psal. 125. Sicut qui seminat per hyemem non deterretur ab opere propter hyemem: Sie & nos pressura mundi non debemus à bono opere deterreri, quia qui seminant in lachrymis, in gaudio metent.

Querela Cantabrigiensis: OR, The Universities Complaint.

THough an Apology for our long silence might better become us then any other forme of Pre­facing, yet were there some that thought it better to fit downe in the shade of coole patience, and sweeten the sad prospect of our owne miseries, by reflecting on the great publike woes of this Kingdome, then incurre the suspicion of querelous natures, such as are apt to cry out onely at the imagination of being hurt. But seeing our miseries are reall, and our sufferings not so much in­tended against us, as against that famous University, where­of by right, wee are still actuall members; And that the adverse party, hath hitherto made so much advantage of our tamenesse, as to steal away our livelyhood from us, and conceale the Theft: though our owne Mothers mouth be stopped, by violently seizing her presse, and thereby not suffered to speake, but (like Apollo's Statue of old) just as the evill spirit speakes in her, which at this time utters little else but disloyalty and Rebellion: yet seeing it hath pleased the hand of providence to give us this happy op­portunity freely to bewaile our owne miseries; We are at length resolved to doe Justice to these Mens iniquity and our owne innocence, that our Fellow-Subjects may know, (and if they leave so much learning as to speak in another language, the whole world may hereafter understand) how, and by what A [...]s the Knipperdullings of this Age (who [Page 2] thinke shortly to make themselves Kings of this Sion) have reduced a glorious and renowned University, almost to a meere Munster, and have done more, in lesse then three yeers, then the Apostate Julian could effect in all his raigne, viz. broken the heart-strings of Learning and Learned men, and thereby luxated all the joynts of Christianity in this Kingdome.

The particulars whereof, and the barbarous courses taken to bring these designes to effect, as we shall truly and impar­tially set them downe, so we feare not to appeale to any im­partiall Judge, whether if the Goths and Vandalls, or even the Turks themselves, had over-run this Nation, they would more inhumanely have abused a flourishing University, then these pretended advancers of Religion and Learning have done; it being a constant custome (if not also the law of Na­tions) in the fiercest encounters of the most enraged parties, to exempt and priviledge Scholars from, if not protect them by their Martiall proceedings.

To begin therefore with the first occasion, (as wee con­ceive) from whence they pretended any cause of this rage and persecution against us, (though the meere conscience of so senslesse a Rebellion cryed up onely by the illiterate herd, might afford reason enough for them to look asquint upon all Scholars quâ tales) The contribution of a small pittance of money to our Soveraignes extream necessity before any Warre was thought on by us, is made to be our impardon­able crime, (though not then prohibited by any Order or Ordinance) which (added to the tendernesse of our consci­ences in refusing their wicked consederacie, commonly cal­led the Covenant) by the help of their Legislative engine, has bereaved us of all, and cast us from our livelyhoods, main­tenance and Colledges,

For when His Sacred Majesty (whom they made to be the first Grand Delinquent, and whose Crowne-Revenues and Estate, together with His Townes, Ships, and Maga­zines, they sequestred and seized on) daigned (by His [Page 3] Royall Letters to acquaint his poore University with his strange wants, even of sustenance for his very houshold: Our hearts burned within us, to heare our living Founder, whom we expected to be made (by that time) a great and glorious King, (as was promised him) should almost starve while we had bread on our Table. Whereupon out of our poverty, a small and inconsiderable summe of money was collected and tendered, as a Testimony not onely of our Loyalty to him as King, or of our gratitude as our most gracious and bountifull Protector and Benefactor [...] but al­so of our Charity to him as a Christian, then in extreame want and necessity. Wee hope our Persecutors will pardon us this expression, seeing our Metaphysicks may with lesse danger of Treason abstract Charles from King, then their bullets; And this was the first flower out of which they suckt all that venome which shortly after they disgorged upon us.

Hereupon His Sacred Majesty (knowing well how eager that partie was in revenging the least seeming provo­cation, and being informed of that Cloud which was then hanging over us and ours, for that action of Humanity, Loy­alty, and Christianity) out of His care and tendernesse, proffered to secure our Colledge plate (if wee were content to deposit it in his hands) which their intended Revenge, had already swallowed without any Grace, so much as of the Publick Faith: and therefore wrot his most gracious Letters to us to take an exact survey of it, not only for the weight, but also of the forme of every piece, together with the Names, Armes, and Mottoes of the respective Donors, that if (perhaps) his Majesty could not preserve it intire as it was, he might restore it hereafter in the same weight and forme, and with the same markes: All which he graciously insured upon his Royall word.

It behoved not us to refuse protection from that hand to which God (for that end) had entrusted a Scepter, especially considering the concurrence of Actions about [Page 4] that time. It is not unknowne to most part of this King­dome, that not long before this, the zealous Brethren of Essex and Suffolke had packt themselves together in a re­ligious rout, to give the first Essay of a Popular Refor­mation: How happily this work did thrive in their hands, has been already published to the Kingdome, and the ru­ines of the two magnificent houses of the Countesse Rivers (with many other gentlemens houses of quali­ty) are still dismal I witnesses. Vid. Mercur. So that (having found the sweat of their labours) the Refor­mers would in all likelyhood have prosecuted the great work as farre as Cambridge, Rustic. 2. for a lesse prize then our University plate, (thanks be to God and our good Benefa­ctors.) And we had good reason to fear the increase of their Army, if they had come neer us, seeing the inferiour part of the Town had provided Arms, and yet had no Commanders; and some that durst discharge a Musquet, made it their pra­ctice to terrifie us, and disturb our studies by shooting in at our windows. This particular appeareth by a paper delivered into the Registers Office, under the hands (if not also upon the Oathes) of Master Christo­pher Terne, and Mr. An­thony Walker, both of S t. Johns Colledge, who had Musquets severall times discharged in at their win­dowes, as also divers o­thers. And therefore lest our Plate should become a bait to have our Libraries rifled, our Colledges pulled down, and per­haps our throats cut, we thought it our wisest course to secure all, by securing that in His Majesties gracious hands.

Upon these reasons (which no judicious man will esteem other­wise then weighty) we endeavou­red to convey away some part of our Plate about the beginning of August, 1642. (which by the way was before either His Majesties Standard was erected, or His Proclamation issued out to that end: However many of us, and others have suffered for it, as fomenters of this Warre.) But within a few dayes after, (see how the just [Page 5] grounds of our feares concentrated) one Master Cromwell, Burgesse for the Towne of Cambridge, and then newly turn'd a Man of Warre, was sent downe by his Masters a­bove, at the invitation of his Masters below, (as himselfe confessed) to gather what strength hee could to stop all passages that no Plate might be sent: But his designes be­ing frustrated, and his opinion as of an active subtile man, thereby somewhat shaken and endangered, hee hath ever since bent himselfe to worke what revenge and mischiefe he could against us. In pursuit whereof, before that month was expired, downe he comes againe in a terrible manner with what Forces he could draw together, and surrounds divers Colledges, while we were at our devotion in our se­verall Chappels, taking away Prisoners, severall Doctors of Divinity, Heads of Colledges, viz. D. Beale Master of S. John's Colledge, D. Martin Master of Queens Col. and D. Sterne Master of Jesus Col. men of such eminent worth and abilities, as render them above the reach of our commenda­tion, and these he carryes with him to London in triumph: And though there was an expresse Order from the Lords House for their imprisonment in the Tower, which met them at Tottenham-High crosse, (wherein notwithstanding there was no Crime expressed) yet were they led captive through Bartholomew Faire, and so as farre as Temple-Bar, and back through the City to prison in the Tower, on purpose that they might be houted at, or stoned by the rabble-rout.

Since which time, now above three yeares together they have been hurried up and downe from one prison to ano­ther at excessive and unreasonable charges, and fees exa­cted from them, farre beyond their abilities to defray, ha­ving all their goods plundered, and their Masterships and Livings taken from them, which should preserve them from famishing. And though in all this time there was ne­ver any accusation brought, much lesse proved against any of them; yet have they suffered intolerable imprisonment over since, both by Land and Water, especially that in [Page 6] the Ship, where for ten dayes together, they (with many other Gentlemen of great rank) were kept under deck, without liberty to come to breath in the common aire, or to ease nature, except at the courtesie of the rude Saylors, which oftentimes was denyed them. In which condition, they were more like Gally-slaves, then free-borne Sub­jects, and men of such quality and condition; and had been so indeed, might some have had their wills, who were bar­gaining with the Merchants to sell them to Argiers, Alex. Rigby the Law­yer. Vide Declar. of the Parl. at Oxf. March 19. 1643. or as bad a place, as hath been since notori­ously knowne upon no false or fraudulent information.

And now that we are mentioning our Reverend and wor­thy Heads of Houses, we may not omit, what our long exile from the said University will not suffer us otherwise then by certaine Report to be apprehensive of: Namely, that a ve­ry great number of them are since in the same condition with us, that is, deprived of all, and banished: Particu­larly, the Right Reverend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Exeter, against whom their malice could invent no more then that he was a Bishop, nor pretend any thing, but that, being Vice-chancellour, hee did according to his office preach a learned and pious Sermon in Saint Maries, March 27. 1645. being the day of His Majesties most happy inau­guration. To whom wee may adde that most reverend and learned man, Doctor Collins, His Majesties Professor of Divinity, whose extraordinary worth and paines had conti­nued him in that place almost thirty yeares, and made his name famous, and his person desirable in every Protestant University in Christendome: And yet his Loyaltie and con­science caused our new pretended Reformers to think him unworthy so much as of a Countrey Cure, (for they seque­stred likewise both his Livings) though since, as wee heare, they have restored him to his Professors place, which none of them are able to discharge, and he living in their Quar­ters, [Page 7] durst not deny. Thus likewise have Doctor Comber, D. Pask, D. Cosin, and D. Lany, been deprived of their se­verall Masterships and Livings, and some of them also plundered of their goods, though all of them be very eminent for their Learning, Prudence, Judgement and Pie­ty, among all that know them, and have no prejudice of them. And for conclusion (as the epitome of all) wee adde D. Holdsworth, whose universall approbation put him up-the troublesome office of Vice-chancellour-ship for three yeares together in the beginning of these troubles; yet be­fore his Trienniall office was expired, his person was sei­zed upon and imprisoned, first in Ely-house, then (because they thought that was not expensive enough, though they had plundered him of all) they thrust him into the Tower onely for his Loyaltie in seeing His Majesties Com­mands executed for the printing of such Declarations at Cambridge, as were formerly printed at York; which though the Committees before which he appeared have alwaies ob­jected against him as Licensing the Kings Books, yet hath hee ever denyed it, (for the manner, though not for the matter) prosessing himselfe before them, not to be so sawcy as to offer to License any thing which His Majesty commanded to be printed: but yet still enjoyning the Printer (as he would answer the contrary at his perill) that the thing might be performed according to His Majesties Command.

And that the whole Body of the University might fare no better then the Heads; not long after the carrying up of the first three, they gave us an Argument of a sad presage. What was like to become of that ancient and famous Semi­nary of Learning and Religion, when those Root-and-Branch-men chose that place for the prime Garrison and Ran [...]ezvouz of their Association? whereby the subtile En­giniers of the great pretended worke of Reformation ho­ped not so much to gaine security to their disloyall actions by any fortifications of that Towne, (which it never was capable of, as now plainly appeares) as some countenance [Page 8] and authority rather (which they had more need of) from the sacred name of an University to be listed Theirs. By this meanes instead of carrying us all to London Gaoles, (thanks be to our multitude, not their mercy) they found a device to convey a Prison to us, and under colour of Fortification confin'd us onely in a larger inclosure, not suffering any Scholars to passe out of the Towne, unlesse some Townes­man of their Tribe would promise for him that he was a Consider, as they call it.

And after this intrenchment for almost two yeares to­gether, (wee are forced with unsp [...]akable griefe of mind to think) what prophanations, violence, outrages and wrongs our Chappels, Colledges and Persons have suffered by the uncontrolled fury of rude Souldiers, notwithstanding two severall protections to the contrary, one from the House of Peeres, the other from the Generalissimo the Earle of Essex. It is grievous to our memories to recount, how our Vice­chancellour and Heads of Colledges solemnly assembled in Consistory, being many of them threescore yeares old and upward, were kept Prisoners in the Publique Schooles in an exceeding cold night till midnight, without any accommodations for food, On Good Fri­day, Mar. 30. 1643. fi­ring or lodging; and for no other reason, but onely because they could not in con­science comply or contribute any thing to this detestable Warre against his Majesty: Yet they, notwithstanding all terrours and ill usage the day follow­ing this their [...]m [...]r [...]sonment, did constantly and unani­mously avouch and decla [...]e before the then Gonerall of the Association, That it was against true Religion and good Conscience for any to contribute to the Parliament in this Warre. Whereupon our Learned and Reverend Professors, two of Divinity, and one of the Law, the very Junior whereof (as well as the other two) had faithfully dischar­ged his place almost so long as that by the Imperiall Lawes (his owne profession) ever since Valens the Emperour, he [Page 9] might have challenged to have been Imperator Valens Gram­maticos, Sophistas, Legum Professores, qui per vigin­ti annos probe munere do­cendi functi sunt, annume­rari & honorari cum its, qui ex vicaria sint princi­pis dignitate jubet & in­ter Comites. Greg. Tho­lossan. Syntog. lib. 19. c. 1. §. 8. uvi citat l. uni de Professor. qui in urbe Con­stantinop. lib. 12. C. tit. 1. juncta rub. & gl. Comes Imperii; yet all the encouragement any of them could get from these was, perpetually to be harrowed by Plundering and redious im­prisonment to betray their Loialty, Learning, and Con­sciences to the advancement of this present Rebellion, till at last that Reverend man whom Posterity will honour (henceforth as much for his Loyaltie as his Learning) Doctor Samuel Ward (a man of knowne integrity and uni­versall approbation even a­mongst those who were his adver­saties in this Cause) took the wings of a dove to flye away and be at rest: whose dying words (as if the cause of his Martyrdome had been written in golden letters upon his heart) were breathed up to heaven with his parting soule, GOD BLESSE THE KING.

And though the grave resolutions of all the Reverend Professors of Divinity and Law in so famous an University ought to be more sacred and powerfull with them then the noise of their new Teachers and obstreperous American Lay-Lecturers, yet they are not ashamed, after all these (upon mature deliberation and consultation with the rest of the Learned men of that famous University) have publique­ly and unanimously declared their proceedings to be flatly contrary to Christian Religion and Loyalty, (and have stood therein even to imprisonment and death) to perswade the silly abused multitude, that all is for the Defence of His Ma­jesty, and the Protestant Religion.

Neither is their wild fury confinable within those banks, it swels yet higher: for as the Tyrant wished that Rome [Page 10] had but one neck, that hee might cut it off at one stroke; so these having got the opportunity, imprisoned the whole University, March 23. 1643. which day the whole Senate, (the Representative Body of it) being solemnly assembled in the Regent House, were there violently invironed with great Binds of Armed Souldiers, who wanted nothing but the Word to dispatch us, because wee would not vote in a matter as they would have us, though that matter did not any whit concerne them or their Cause, more then the conferring of a Degree upon such a man as the whole University in their consciences judged unworthy of it: And one Master Danes, (Generall of that famous Expedition, but formerly a member of that House which he then so abu­sed) adding Perjury to his former sinnes, came in a terrible manner, (contrary to his Oath formerly taken to his Mo­ther the University) and flatly denied the Vice-chancellour leave to dissolve the Congregation, unlesse hee would first promise that the matter should be voted, as they required: Whereupon sundry Members of that Senate, being obser­ved to make use of that Statute-liberty and Freedome, which was essentiall to that Assemblie, were forrhwith sei­zed on, and imprisoned by the Committee, in no better Lodgings then the common Court of Guard. Which strange and violent perverting of our Universities proceedings, wee wondred at the lesse, for that this Captaine had not done more to us, then Captaine Ven with his Raggamuffins had done formerly to the sacred Senate of the whole King­dome.

And that all Academicall Exercises might expire, and so the face of an University be quite takenaway, a grave Di­vine (the Lady Margarets Publique Prea­cher) going to Preach Ad Clerum, M. Power. (according to his office) pridie Termini, was furiously pursued over the market place by a confused number of Souldiers, who in a barbarous uncivill manner cryed out, A Pope, A Pope, and vowed high revenge if he offered [Page 11] to goe into the Pulpit; whereupon the Church was straight­wayes filled with great multitudes, and when some who accompanyed the Preacher, told them, It was an Univer­sity Exercise, and to be by Statute performed in Latine, they replyed, They knew no reason why all Sermons should not be performed in English, that all might be edified, threatning withall to teare the Hoods and Habits which Graduates then wore, according to the University Statute. Yet all this may perhaps be extenuated as a sudden uproare of undisciplined Souldiers, but (which is the aggravation of all, and makes us beleeve that these petty Reformers were but the senslesse instruments of higher Agents) when all this was related to their then Generall of the Association, no course was taken at all to prevent these growing mis­chiefes, Lord Gray of Warke. but the Divine appointed by Statute to preach ad Clerum, was inforced to returne Re in­fectâ, and glad he could escape so: And this is the great pro­tection which Learning is like to find from these grand pre­tenders to advance it.

And that Religion might fare no better then Learning in the University Church, (for perhaps it may be Idolatry now to call it Saint Maries) in the presence of the then Generall our Common-Prayer-Book was torne before our faces, See the Preface. notwithstanding our Protecti­on from the House of Peeres for the free use of it, some (now great one) encouraging them in it, M. Crom­well. and openly rebuking the University Clerk who complained of it before his Souldiers. Thus those Reverend Fathers, the Compilers of it, who sealed the truth thereof with their dearest bloud, be­ing content to burne at a stake for the light of the Gospel, are now this second time martyred and torne in pieces in their Liturgie, yet all this under pretence of Re­ligion.

It will not be strange now to hear how our persons have been abused, seeing Religion and Learning have suffered [Page 12] so deeply amongst us: how divers of us have been impri­soned without so much as pretending any cause, but snatcht up in the streets, and throwne into prison at the pleasure of a small sneaking Captaine, where wee have laine three or foure moneths together, Jordan. not so much as accused, much lesse heard, but quite and cleane forgotten, as if there had been no such thing in nature. How some of us (and many others with us) have been thrust out of bed in the night, that our Chambers might forthwith be converted into Prison Lod­gings: So at Saint Johns Coll. How our young Scholars with ter­rour have been commanded to accuse and cut out the names of their owne Tutors, and some of them throwne into prison for not being old enough to take their Covenant So was Joh. Bullock of S. Johns.: But (to passe higher) how often have our Colledges been beset, and broken open, and Guards thrust into them somtimes at midnight, while wee were asleep in our beds? How often our Li­braries and Treasuries ransackt and rifled, not sparing so much as our auncient So at Saint Johns Colledge, whence they took in ancient Coines to the value of 22. l. according to weight. Coynes? which those that know any thing, know to be a great light to the understanding of Historie. How often hath that small pit [...]ance of Com­mons which our Founders and Benefactors allotted for our sustenance, been taken from off our Tables by the wanton Soldier? How often have our Rents been extorted from our Tenants, or if received, remanded of our Bur­sars and Stewards, and by force taken from them? and all this under the old odious title of Plundering, which word though they cannot endure to heare of, since that new terme of Sequestration was invented; yet the thing is the same, and more practised then ever, they having for above two yeares together set themselves upon little else then to [Page 13] seize and take away our goods and furniture belonging to our Chambers, prizing and selling away our Books at a tenth part of their value, which are our onely tooles and instruments whereby the trade and profession of Learning should be holden up. And to this end they have constituted a decay'd Hatter, Fortune. Plunder-Master Generall, who (together with a Conventieling Barber and a Confiding Tayler) hath full Commission, Parrell. for our propriety sake, Curd. to Lord over us, and di­spose of out goods as they please: So despica­ble a thing to them is an University, or any that belong unto it.

But their malice is unsatiable, and cannot be contained within the Line of their Fortifications, and therefore to propagate their owne wickednesse, and make us odious and abominable to the whole Country, as wee were already (though most undeservedly) to some of themselves, they have invented a pretty device to reserve out of their plun­der all sorts of pictures, were they but paper prints of the twelve Apostles, and every market-day to burne them o­penly in the market-place, proclaiming them the Popish Idols of the University, untill wee became so hated by the weaker sort of the deceived people, that a Scholar could have small security from being stoned or affronted as he walkt the streets.

But why doe wee insist so long upon particular mens plundering, when whole Colledges (wherein not onely the present, but also the future propagation of Religion and Learning is concerned) have drunke so deeply the dregs of their malice? For besides the cutting down of our Walks and Orchards, (contrary to their own Generalissimo's Orders of Warre) they have cut downe the Woods and Groves belonging to our Colledges, So at Je­sus Coll. and sold them before our eyes to a great value, when by an Ordinance they were declared not Seque­strable: And (which was likewise contrary to an Order) [Page 14] they have seized and taken away the Materials of our in­tended buildings, to the worth of three or foure hundred pounds in Timber, which our pious and charitable Benefa­ctors had out of their devotion conferred to­wards the re-edifying of an ancient Colledge which Time had impaired: Clare Hali. And, to shew what violent passions they are transported withall, they have pulled down, demolished and defaced five or six faire Bridges of Stone and Timber belonging to severall Colledges, S. Johns, Trin. Kings, Garret Hostle, and z. at Queenes. and have spoyled a goodly Walk with a new Gate pertaining to one of our Kings Coll. Colledges, upon pretence of keeping our Cavaliers, and yet for forty shillings they would faine have been hired to spare it, and cast up a Work beyond. And let the world judge whether this was not done to get the coun­tenance of a Contribution from a Colledge to their For­tifications, and consequently to this Warre against the King.

But (as if Bridges and materials for Buildings were no­thing) they have yet proceeded further, even to the very Structure it selfe of one of the fairest Col­ledges in our University, S. Johns Coll. which they plun­dered the true owners of, for above sixteen moneths together, as an especiall argument of their love to Learning, and have converted all the old Court thereof into a Prison for His Majesties Loyall Subjects, (which before the other was built, has contained above three hundred Students at a time) not suffering any whom it concerned to remove any bedding or other goods, whereof the Gaoler could make any use or benefit, but renting them all out together with the Chambers at above five hundred pounds per An.

And as if spoyling of one Colledge were not enough, their malice has since extended it selfe to all the rest, in Quartering multitudes of Common Souldiers in those glo­rious [Page 15] and ancient Structures, which our devour and Royall Founders designed for Sanctuaries of Learning and Piety, but were made by them meere Spittles and Bawdy-houses for sick and debauched Souldiers, being filled with Queans, Drabs, Fiddlers, and Revels night and day. Which black deeds of darknesse being divers times complained of by us to their Officers, and the particular men thewed them, who had thus lewdly abused our Colledges, none of these new Reformers were ever punisht, Pembr. Hall. nor the holy Sisters removed, nor so much as cal­led before any that then bore rule among us. By which meanes, (see what Religion they fight for, and what a glo­rious Reformation we may expect) they have dishonoured God, countenanced lewdnesse, scandalized modest and civill men, and driven from us, or poysoned among us, those young Students which were lest.

To this we may adde, how they have torne and defaced those Reverend buildings, pull'd down and burned the Wainscot of our Chambers, our Bed-steads, Chaires, Stools, Tables, and Shelves for our Books, so as they may now have some plea for multiplying of Gaoles, if the Liberty of the Subject shall so require. And when their ragged Regi­ments which had lyen lowzing before Crowland nigh a fort­night, were commanded to Cambridge, forthwith the Col­ledges are appointed for their Kennels, and fourscore were turned loose into one of the least Halls in the University, Pembr. Hall. and charged by their Of­ficers to shift for themselves; who without any more ado, broke open the Fellowes and Scholars Cham­bers, and took their Beds from under them. But when the Kings Prisoners taken at Hilsden-house were brought famished and naked in triumph by Cambridge to London, some of our Scholars were knockt down in the streets, only for offering them a cup of small beere to sustain nature, and the drinke throwne in the keanell, rather then the famished and par­ched throats of the wicked, as they esteem'd them, should [Page 16] usurp one drop of the creature. And it is much to be fea­red, they would have starved them in prison there, Mistris Cum­bers maid. if a valiant Chamber-maid had not relieved them by force, trampling under her feet in the kennell their great persecuter, a Lubberly Scotch Major. Homes.

What should wee mention moreover, how we have been over-whelmed with insupportable Taxes extorted from us by plundering, sessed not by any of our owne Body, but (which is directly contrary to our established priviledges) by the Arbitration of a few confiding Aldermen, our pro­fessed Enemies, who, instead of that gratitude which very nature requires at their hands, now repay us with unsatiable malice and Envy; which property of theirs have since commended and qualified them to be appointed Commissi­oners and Judges to strip us of our Estates and Livelyhoods. And when neither our Consciences nor Estates could ex­tend any further to defray their imposts for our very Cham­bers (which their Soldiers then possessed and burnt) besides all excises, weekly paiments, Taxes, fift and twentieth part, upon all our Revenews, and other such new termes of property and libertie, all the favour we can expect from them, is, quietly to be thrust into prison without further abusings.

And although all these are but sad Theames to be thus farre inlarged and dilated upon, yet they thinke they can stop the noise of all these just complaints with their usuall grinning objection, that sundry of our Students are in the Kings Army: making that to be their crime, to which if their owne innate Loyaltie did not draw them, yet their haughty and heathenish usage would of necessity drive them: For who had not rather fall upon the bed of honour, and assert with his dearest blood, his Religion, Loyaltie, and Liberty, then live a slave under them, to set his surviving foot-steps upon the graves and ashes of expired [Page 17] Loyaltie, Nobility, Gentry, Clergie, and Civility it selfe?

And now to tell how they have prophaned and abused our severall Chappels; though our pens flowed as fast with vineger and gall, as our eyes doe with teares, yet were it impossible sufficiently to be expressed: when as multi­tudes of enraged Souldiers (let loose to reforme) have to me downe all carved worke, not respecting the very Monu­ments of the dead: And have ruined a beautifull carved structure in the Universitie Church (though indeed that was not done without direction from a great one, as appeared after upon complaint, M. Cromwell. made to him) which stood us in a great summe of money, and had not one jot of Imagery or statue worke about it. And when that Reverend man the then Vice-Chancelour told them mildly, D. Ward. That they might be better imployed, they retur­ned him such Language, as we are asham'd here to express.

Nor was it any whit strange to find whole Bands of Soldiers training and excercising in the Royall Chappell of King Henry the sixth: Kings Coll. Nay even the Comman­ders themselves (being commanded to shew their new Major Generall Crawford. how well they understood their trade) chose that place to trayne in, (whether in policy to conceale their My­sterie, or out of feare to betray their igno­rance, or on purpose to shew their Soldiers how little Gods house was to be regarded, let the world conjecture.) And one who calls himselfe John Dowsing, and by vertue of a pretended Commission goes about the Country like a Bed­lam, breaking glosse windowes, having battered and beaten downe all our painted glasse, not only in our Chappels, but (contrary to Order) in our publique Schools, Colledge Halls, See the Pref. Libraries, and Chambers, mi­staking perhaps the Liberall Artes for Saints (w th they in end in time to pull down too) and having [Page 18] (against an Order) defaced and digged up the floors of our Chappels, many of which had lien so for two or three hun­dred yeares together, not regarding the dust of our founders and predecessors, who likely were buried there; compelled us by armed Souldiers to pay forty shillings a Colledge for not mending what hee had spoyled and defaced, or forthwith to goe to Prison: We shall need to use no more in­stances then these two, to shew that neither place, person nor thing, hath any reverence, or respect amongst them. Master Pawson of Sidney Colledge, though since hee hath proved himselfe an arrant honest man, and is reward­ed for it with a Fellowship in S. Johns. A Fellow of one of our Colledges was violently pluckt from the Communi­on, as hee was ready to re­ceive that holy Sacrament before the solemne Election of a Master of that Colledge, and thrown into Gaole, to the great disturbance of the Election: And at another S. Johns. Colledge the Communion-Plate was most sa­crilegiously seized upon and taken away from the very Communion Table, notwithstanding it was (upon a former Plunder) restored to the said Col­ledge by an Order from the Close Committee of the 18. of September, 1643. under the hands of the Earle of Pembrooke, Earle of Denbigh, Lord Say, Lord Howard, Sir William Wal­ler, and Master Pym.

And yet all these actions of theirs were but preparatory Pils to dispose our whole Body for its finall purge of Refor­mation, when ever they should please to think it sick of us: And that is this last act, which is none of the least argu­ments of this our sad complaint. For although wee were seldome in any freedome for any time neere these three yeares from some Protestation, Oath, Association, Vow and Covenant, &c. menaced upon us, yet this last onely brought with it the fatall doome of our finall extirpation: though wee must have leave to wonder that all Liberty of Conscience [Page 19] should be denied us by them, who lately pleaded nothing else against the established Ecclesiasticall lawes, and now pretend partly to fight for the same: But indeed the Co­venant was not the true cause but the pretence onely for our Ejection, (for that is the word of Art, for this newly in­vented Mystery) as appeares by severall writs issued out under hand and seale without mention of refusing the Co­venant. The thing was absolutely determined by a perent­ptory decree, to plant a new University for propagating at least, if not inventing a new Religion: And to that end the Old one must be removed, at least so much of it, for the pre­sent, as might hinder this great designe; onely some meanes and plausible pretences were yet wanting.

The first that was attempted was to summon all those that were absent to return within ten dayes. But then they were so far to seek for reason of Ejection, as that after al­most halfe ten dayes more study all they could insert in their writ was, For opposing the Proceedings of Parliament, See Preface. and other Scandalous Actions in the University: Their tongues thereby te­stifying their mindes, though perhaps out of incogitancy, which are so furiously set upon their great worke of Refor­mation as to punish the opposing of Scandalous Actions, with the losse of all a mans livelyhood. Whether they were asha­med of the phrase or not, we know not; but they had very good reason to be ashamed of the Act, being so different from all shew of Justice, as to enjoyne impossibilities in commanding men to returne within twelve dayes, after is­suing the summons, which at that time were above two hundred miles distant, and had two Armies to passe through all the waies: or enjoyning them to be resident at Cambridge, whom themselves at the same time kept fast prisoners at London: And yet for non appearance, for no man knowes any other cause, these must be eje­cted.

But though this be not so plausible, yet they have a sure [Page 20] reserve, their Solemne League and Covenant, which com­ming from their deare Brethren of Scotland, they thinke no penalty too great for refusall of it: And this, because it carries in its frontispice a pretence of Reformation, comes not alone, but (though without any visible Order) accom­panied with a new Legislative fangle called An Oath of dis­covery, but indeed was an Oath of Treachery, a wild un­limited devise to call whom they would before them, and make them accuse their nearest and dearest Friends, Bene­factors, Tutors, and Masters, and betray the Members and Acts of their severall Societies, manifestly contrary to our Peaceable Statutes formerly sworne unto by us, which pro­vide against all faction and sedition, which these men only hunt after, [Viz. Non revelabis aliquod secretum Collegii; Non malum aut damnum inferes Collegio aut cuilibet Sociorum:] And apparently reviving the Oath Ex Offishio, (as their Commissioners spell it) abolished this present Parliament, to accuse our selves: For what is it else to accuse our owne Societies and Corporations, whereof our selves are parts and members?

And though wee would not any whit derogate from the Oath Ex Officio as it is used this day in most Christian Kingdomes and Common-wealths, nay even in Scotland and Geneva, and may be of excellent use, if not stretched beyond the due limits of Law: yet this Oath of discovery, all, we thinke, except one or two, refused, perceiving that thereby the designe of a second Century was to be promo­ted; for they finding no accusation or crime objected against any of us, wherewith to colour their ugly purposes, which they had already plotted in private against us, and yet their Covenant must be for Reformation, they resolved to shrive us with an Auricular Confession sanctified to the Cause, that so we might help them out with their malice, which was otherwise like to be borne blind, though hitherto it hath been Eagle-eyed over our most veniall slips; And forthwith upon refusall of this Oath was their Solemne [Page 21] league and Covenant urged upon us.

We cannot but signifie by the way, that seeing it must be tendered to the University, as their printed instructions told us, we hoped it should have beene to the whole body Statuteablie assembled, either to admit of, or otherwise humblie to shew reasons of deniall, but they were wise enough to foresee what entertainment such stuffe was like to find from all the learned Men of so famous an Universi­tie, and were not willing it should be blasted with their Universall refusall. And therefore contrary to our hopes, a selected number of particular men are cull'd out, partly as the lot fell, for it much resembled a lottery, but cheifly of such whom they most redoubted, & of whom by some pettie information, they had received a black Character of Loy­altie termed Malignancy, and to these, yet severally, was tendered the Oath of discovery, and after that the Cove­nant.

And though indeed we should, by Gods help, as often have refused it, as it should have bin offered, yet after one single deniall, without a second tender, Contrary to the Elea­venth Article of the Instructions, a warrant was straightway issued forth under the Earl of Manchesters hand and seal for our Ejection and Banishment from the universitie of Cambridge for refusing to take the Solemn League and co­venant, and other Misdemenors in the said Universitie, which were surely no other then the deniall of the Oath of discovery, for not one of us who were there present, had any one accusation brought, much lesse proved against him, when we appeared upon their Summons. And without any delay our names are cut out of the Colledge Tables, and we strictly commanded in three dayes space to quit the universitie and Towne under paine of Imprisonment and Plunder, if any thing was left.

And it is here not to be passed by, that whereas by the laws of the Land we were ever reputed to have as good an interest in our several fellowships during life, as any of our [Page 22] fellow Subjects in his see Simple, provided we carried our selves according to those Statutes by which our severall Colledges were respectively to be governed, yet now we are utterly deprived of them by the meer Arbitrary power of one of our fellow Subjects without transgressing of any one Statute, or being called to answer for any pretended offence whatsoever. Nay, so little was Propriety valued, that a paire of M. Ash, and M. Good. Camp-Chaplains, or one of them, might expunge, eject, and banish whom they pleased, especially such as would not sacrifice their Loyalitie and Consciences to the nerves and cement of this Rebellion, called the Cove­nant. For instance, when a Warrant for Ejection of certain Fellows of Saint Johns Colledge was issued out under hand and seale, and their names expresly mentioned in it, yet M. Ash knowes very well who it was that expunged M. Henmans name, and put in M. Botelers, without so much at writing the Warrant over againe.

And now (seeing what courses were taken) it will not seeme strange to the Reader, to heare that no lesse then 29. Fellows, (together with the Master) have been thrust out of the said Colledge, the emoluments of whose places have beene ever since swallowed up by not halfe the num­ber, and not content with that neither. And in another they have made a through Reformation, Queenes Colledge. Root and Branch, leaving neither Fellow nor Scholar. In others indeed they have left per­haps one or two, (or more as they see good) like Gibeo­nites, to hew wood and draw water, till such time as they have discovered unto them all the mysteries concerning their Colledge Revenues, and by that time they will finde enow godly men of their owne Tribe, learned enough to pocket the profits of two Fellowships apiece, which is the end of all this blessed Reformation. Thus is their old pre­tence of Regulation vanished, in place whereof their true intention of a totall Extirpation of the whole ancient Body [Page 23] of the University doth now so plainly appeare, that they which runne may read it; which though a great many would not beleeve, till by woefull experience they found it, yet was it conspicuous enough from the very beginning to any that was but tollerably provident in matters of this na­ture.

For it was hardly possible that Cambridge should be free from these two crying sinnes of Sacriledge and Rebellion, which the devill hath long endeavoured to make this whole Kingdome guilty of; and to that end (mis-calling them by the names of Religion and Liberty) had masked under the counterfeit vizard of a Covenant for Reformation: By which means though the simplicity of the vulgar was much abused, to the extreame hazard of this once flourishing Church and State; yet seeing it could not be able to en­dure the strict search, which in such an Universitie of all sorts of learned and conscientious men it was not like to escape; it could not be otherwise expected, but that those who were his instruments herein, would lay a sure founda­tion, and (how moderate soever their pretences were) reforme Root and Branch, as they called it, that seeing they could not make the University of Cambridge to rebell by taking their Covenant, they might at least make a rebelli­ous University at Cambridge which should take it.

And to this end those new intruders which falsly call themselves Masters and Fellowes of our severall Colledges, instead of those solemne Oaths which our pious and pru­dent Founders and Legislators enjoyned to be taken, (and without taking of which, no man can pretend any right to any of their foundations) onely take their Covenant againe, and make a Protestation to reforme all our wholsome Laws and Statutes according to that Covenant.

A Covenant with hell, begot betweene Munster and Mecha, by the help of a Jesuite, the most impious and un­christian confederacie that their grand master the devill could contrive: the cheife end whereof is to dethrone the [Page 24] Lords anoynted, and throw down the Church and Aposto­licall government thereof, and to force not only their fel­low-Subjects, to contradict their Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacie, but even their most gracious Soveraigne to perjurie, in violating that this sacred Oath which hee so­lemnly made at his Coronation. And to compleat that their most horrid and heinous sin, to joyne in Armes with a forraigne Nation, to lay desolate their owne native Coun­try, to stain this Earth with the Blood of their own Coun­try-Men and fellow-Subiects, and to expose the treasures of England, the Cream of these fruitfull vallies, to the Empty and hungry maw of a Rebellious Scot: and then vow never to have peace, but what shall be written in the bloud of their Enemies (His maiesty and his Loyall Sub­iects) and lastly, most cruelly and wickedly to exhort and solicite all Protestants in the Christian world to under­take the like course with them by rising in Rebellious Armes; thereby exposing the throats and lives of all our Brethren the Protestants in France and elsewhere to the Just iealousy of their severall princes. And yet (forsooth) this Covenant is made the foundation of the great worke of their glorious Reformation, and under pretence of refu­sing this we must be banisht, and thrust out of all we have.

It will not be more then what upon tryall will be found true, if we here mention a mysterie which many (we con­ceive) will not a little wonder at, viz. That this Covenant, for which all this persecution hath been, consisted of 6. Articles, and those Articles of 666. words. This is not the first time that peresecution hath risen in England upon 6. Articles, (witnesse those in the raigne of King Hen. the 8. See M. Fox, Act. and Mon.) But as for the num­ber of the beast, to answer directly to the words of those six Articles, Vol. 2. p. 443. it is a thing, Edit. London. 1631. which (considering Gods blessed provi­dence in every particular thing) hath [Page 25] made many of us and others seriously and often to reflect upon it; though we were never so superstitiously Caballi­sticall as to ascribe much to numbers. This discovery (we confesse) was not made by any of us, but by a very judicious and worthy Divine, formerly of our University, and then a Prisoner (for his Conscience) within the precincts of it, M. Geast. and not yet restored to his liberty, but removed to London. And therefore we shall forbeare to insist any farther, either upon it, or the occasi­on of it.

For our owne particulars we shall only adde thus much, that seeing some of our owne Reasons with which we had armed our selves against that Mysterie of Iniquity have since that time been published to the world (in such hu­militie of phrase as well became Christian sufferers, though in such distraction as may sufficiently testifie who were the Authors and what their Condition) we appeale to any who with Judgment and moderation hath or shal read the same; whether we have causlesly and foolishly triffed away those faire advantages wherewith God by the meanes of our renowned Benefactors had endowed us, for the advance­ment of his Glory, and further propagation of learning and true Religion; or whether we had not rather sufter'd an unjust deprivall of all our livelyhoods under the merci­lesse hands of cruell Tyrants, who neither feare God not re­spect the just sctuples of tender Consciences.

For when a Member or our Vniversitie was brought upon this occasion before the E. M. Maldero. of Manchester, and being not satisfied in conscience, desired his LOP that his Chaplaine (then present) might resolve him in some Scruples about it; to this motion (being then thought not unreasonable ot his LOP, and much pressed by some that were there present) his Reverend Chaplain learn­edly replyed before the whole Company, that he came not thither to resolve Mens Consciences, but to preach to his LOP. Whereupon the Gentleman was not long after sent [Page 26] up prisoner to London by the said Earle for tendring the Reasons of his refusing the Covenant, though invited and required thereunto by his Lordship: And there without farther hearing committed to prison, where he continued a long time at excessive charges, which is all the satisfaction he could finde (or any other can expect) from them, for the scruples of a tender conscience.

Thus are we imprisoned or banished for our consciences, being not so much as accused of any thing else, only suspe­cted of Loyaltie to our King, and Fidelity to our Mother the Church of England; and not onely so, but quite stript of all our livelyhood, and exposed to beggery, having no­thing left us to sustaine the necessities of nature, and many of us no friends to goe to, but destitute and forlorne, not knowing whither to bend one step when we set footing out of Cambridge, having one onely companion, which will make us rejoyce in our utmost afflictions, viz. A cleare Conscience in a righteous cause: Humbly submitting our selves to the chastisement of the Almighty, who after he hath tryed us, will at last cast his rods into the fire.

As for us, God forbid that we should take up any rayling or cursing, who are commanded onely to blesse: we are so far from that, that we have rather chosen to let the names of our greatest persecutors rot in our ruines, then so much as mention them with our pen, save onely where necessity compelled us unto it.

But though we spare their names, we hope we may with­out offence to any describe their qualities: And therefore if Posterity shall ask, Who thrust out one of the eyes of this Kingdome? Who made Eloquence dumbe, Phylosophie sottish, widdowed the Arts, and drove the Muses from their ancient habitation? Who pluckt the Reverend and Or­thodox Professors out of their Chaires, and silenced them in prison or their graves? Who turned Religion into Re­bellion, and changed the Apostolicall Chaire into a Deske for Blasphemy, and tore the garland from off the head of [Page 27] Learning, to place it on the dull browes of disloyall Igno­rance? If they shall aske, who made those Ancient and beautifull Chappells, the sweet remembrancers and Monu­ments of our fore-father Charitie, and kind fomenters of their childrens devotion, to become ruinous heaps of dust and stones? or who unhived those numerous swarms of la­bouring Bees, which used to drop honey-dews over all this Kingdome, to place in their roomes swarmes of senslesse Drones? Tis quickly answered, Those they were, who en­deavouring to share three Crownes, and put them in their owne pockets, have transformed this free Kingdome into a large Gaole, to keep the Liberty of the Subject: They who maintaine 100000. robbers and murtherers by sea and land, to protect our lives, and the propriety of our goods: That have gone a King-catching these six yeeres, hunting their most gracious Soveraigne like a Partridge on the mountaines in his owne defence; They who have possest themselves of His Majesties Townes, Navie, and Maga­zines, and robbed him of all his revenues, to make him a glorious King: Who have multiplyed Oathes, Protestati­ons, vows, Leagues and Covenants for the ease of tender consciences: Filling all Pulpits with jugglets for the Cause, canting Sedition, Atheisme, and Rebellion, to root out Po­pery and Babylon, and settle the Kingdome of Christ: who from a trembling guilt of a legalltry all have engaged three flourishing Kingdomes, and left them weltring in their owne bloud, They (lastly) which when they had glutted themselves with spoyle and rapine, hissed for a for­raigne viper to come and care up the bowels of their deare mother: The very same have stopt the mouth of all Lear­ning, (following herein the example of their elder brother the Turke) lest any should be wiser then themselves, or Po­sterity know what a world of wickednesse they have com­mitted.

And now seeing they are not content to deprive us of our estates, but (which is much more grievous unto us) have [Page 28] also robbed us of our good names, branding all of us in our severall writs of Ejectment with a black Character of misdemeaners in generall (and yet not any one particular was alledged against any one of us, which were then there, much lesse offered to be proved by any one single witnesse, although especiall care was taken by an Ordinance for ap­pointing a Committee to sit at Cambridge for that purpose) we challenge and conjure them as they will one day an­swer for this slander and oppression, that they declare and prove what those Misdemeaners are; which if they doe, the shame and guilt will be ours: if not (as we are confi­dent they cannot) we must appeale herein from these un­just Judges to the impartiall Tribunall of the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth, who knowes our integritie, and to whom we submit our selves and cause, Humblie be­seeching him not to lay this Sinne to their charge. For though for our many sinnes against him we may justly re­ceive at his hands, heavier Judgments then these: yet our Innocence will plead Not Guiltie, to the face of any man who shall obiect against us any Civill misdemeanors, whereby we can more iustly be deprived of our Fel­low. ships then any free Subiect in England of his fee Simple, if they please to say he is guilty of Misdemea­nors.

And as it hath pleased our gracious Master (whose Mini­sters we are) to make us examples (thogh but of suffer­ing) to the rest of our Brethren: So we hope he will con­tinue unto us his grace of humiliation under his mightie hand, as an earnest of his exalting us in due time: And in the interim, that he will lay no more upon us, then he shall be pleased to strengthen our infirmities to beare: And that he will still preserve unto us a good conscience, that whereas our persecutors speake evill of us as of evill doers, they may be ashamed that falsly accuse our good conversation in Christ.


A Catalogue of such Heads and Fellowes of Colledges, and other Learned, Reverend, and Religious Gentlemen, of the famous Univer­sity of Cambridge, as have been Eje­cted, Plundred, Imprisoned, or Ba­nished thence, for their constancie in the Protestant Religion establi­shed by Law, and Loyalty to their Soveraigne.

Trinity Colledge.
  • D. Combar, Master, and Dean of Carlile, ejected, and M. Hill put in his place, now Doctor, and Vice-chancellour.
  • D. Row, Doctor in Divin.
  • D. Meridith, D. D.
  • Master Thorndike:
  • Master Briscoe:
  • Master Nevile:
  • Master Jones:
  • Master Marshall▪ B. D.
  • Master West senior:
  • Master Salmon.
  • Master Chamberlaine, sen:
  • Master Ashton, since dead.
  • Master Willis, B. D.
  • Master Barrey.
  • Master Coake senior.
  • Master Wyat.
  • Master Herbert.
  • Master Shaw.
  • Master Parrat.
  • Master Ofley.
  • Master Crane.
  • Master Creswell.
  • Master Arundell.
  • Master Bourcher.
  • Master Sherley.
  • Master Crawley
  • Master Slater.
  • Master Cooke junior.
  • [Page] Master Price.
  • Master Cave.
  • Master Appleby.
  • Master Meade.
  • Master Wheeler.
  • Master Howard.
  • Master Trevis.
  • Master Campian.
  • Master Cowley.
  • Master Yeardley.
  • Master Lister.

I could not learne certainly how many of these were Bachelors in Divinity.

  • Master Leech.
  • Master Scarlet.
  • Master Yates.

These three were Conducts for the Chappel, and all the rest Fel­lowes.

Saint Johns Colledge.
  • D. Beale, Master, ejected, who was some yeeres in prison, and exchanged, and master Arrowsmith put into his place.
  • Master Thornton.
  • Bodurda.
  • Ridding.
  • Terwhit.
  • Bletchinden.
  • Mason.
  • Buckley.
  • Ambrose.
  • Greenbagh.
  • Cooper.
  • Potter, since dead.
  • Rogers.
  • Wrench.
  • Lacy.

All these and the former were Bachelors in Div.

  • Master Cleveland.
  • Barwick senior.
  • Richardson.
  • Whittingham.
  • Spooner.
  • Bullock.
  • Otwey.
  • Jones.
  • Barwick junior.
  • Morgan.
  • Neale.
  • Hattou.
  • Boteler.
  • Watts.
  • Drake.

All these masters in Arts.

Kings Colledge.
  • [Page]D. Collins Professor in Di­vinity, and Provost, long imprisoned ejected, and master VVhitscot put into his place.
  • Master Edmonds.
  • Mason.
  • Barlow.
  • Franklin.
  • Anstey. M. in Arts.
Queens Colledge.
  • D. Martin Doctor in Divinity, in prison, above these 4. yeeres, and master Palmer put into his place.
  • D. Cox, D. in Law.
  • D. Capel, D. in Div.
  • D. Bardsey, D. in Div.
  • Master Chandler.
  • Marley.
  • VVicherley.
  • Coldham.
  • Kemp.
  • Master Bryan.
  • Sparrow.
  • Hills.

These Bachelors in Di.

  • Master Rogers.
  • Cox.
  • VValpole.
  • Appleby.
  • Freare.
  • Natley.
  • VVells.
  • VVhitehead.

These masters in Arts.

Christs Colledge.
  • D. Bambrigg, Master, who was not ejected, but dyed, and master Bolton chosen into his place.
  • Master Power, Bachelor in Divinity, and the La­dy Margarets Preacher, ejected.
  • M. Norton.
  • M. Brearly.
  • Bambrigg.
  • VVildnet.
  • Tonstall.
  • Potts. since dead.
  • Huntley.
  • Mathews.

All Masters in Arts.

Jesus Colledge.
  • [Page]D. Sterne, D. in Divinity, who hath been in prison above 4. yeeres, and ma­ster Young put into his place.
  • M. Hall, prisoner above 3. yeeres in the Comp­tet in Southwarke.
  • master Anscell.
  • Clerkeson.
  • Bussey.

Bachelors in Divinity.

  • master Blakeston,
  • Robinson,
  • Beale,
  • Taylor,
  • Hanson,
  • Lincolne,
  • Greene,
  • Mason,
  • Short,
  • Walker,

These masters in Arts.

Saint Peters Colledge.
  • D. Cosins, D. in Divinity, ejected, and now gone beyond sea, and master Seaman put into his place.
  • M. Tolley.
  • Barrow,
  • Maxwell,
  • VVilson,
  • Terringham,
  • Pennyman,
  • Beaumont,
  • Bancks,
  • Crashaw,
  • Sr Blackeston,
  • M. Collet,
  • VVarr,
  • VVilsford,
  • Archer,
  • Gowyn,
  • Bargrave,
  • Symsafe,
  • Holder,
  • Sandys

I could not learne how many of these were Ba­chelors in Divinity.

Emanuel Colledge.
  • [Page]D. Holdsworth, Doctor in Divinity, Master, and long imprisoned, and ejected, and master Tuckney put in­to his place.
  • M. Soresby, Bachelor in Divinity, ejected.
Pembroke Hall.
  • D. Laney, Doctor in Divi­nity, master, ejected, & is now gone beyond sea, and master Vi [...]es put into his place.
  • M. Vaughan.
  • Map le tost.
  • Franke.

Bachelors in Divinity.

  • M. Poley,
  • Randall,
  • VVeeden,
  • Ashton,
  • Heath,
  • Lenthall,
  • Depden,
  • Quarles,
  • Cacot,
  • Hamond,
  • Keen senior.
  • Felton, who was eject­ed for refusing the Cove­nant five dayes before he was asked the question whether he would take it or no, as the Warrant for his Ejectment sheweth.
  • Keene Junior.
  • May.

These masters in Arts.

  • Bokenham: tanquam socius.
Magdalen Colledge.
  • D. Rainbow, Doctor in Di­vinity, master, who con­tinueth still not ejected.
  • Ejected, Doctor Greene, Doctor of the Civill Law.
  • M. Howorth,
  • Pullen,
  • Erskin,
  • Leech,

Bachelors in Divinity,

  • Butler, ma: in Arts.
Gunvile and Caius Colledge.
  • [Page]D. Bachcraft, Doctor in Divinity, Master, who was not ejected, but continueth there still.
  • Ejected, master Loveland,
  • Salter,
  • London,
  • Buxton,
  • Pickarell,
  • Colebrand,
  • Watson,
  • Halliburton,

All masters in Arts, and all sequestred.

  • M. Scarborough, since com­menced Doctor of Phy­sick at Oxford.
  • D. Paske, D. in Divinity, Master andejected, and master Cudworth put into his place.
  • M. Oley,
  • Carter, Bachelors in Divinity.
  • M. Gunning,
  • Fabian,
  • Hickman,
  • Bing,
  • Havers,

masters in Arts.

Sidney, Sussex Colledge.
  • D. Ward, D. in Divinity, and Professor, Master, who was long impriso­ned here, & afterwards dyed, and D. Minshall chosen into his place.
  • Ejected, master Bartu,
  • Lawson, who dyed af­terwards.
  • Ward,
  • Gibson,
  • Pawson, Ma: in Arts.
  • [Page]D. Eden, Doctor in Law, Master, not ejected▪ but is dead, and D. Bond is chosen into his place, & none of all that Colledge were ejected.
Katherine Hall.
  • D. Brownrigg, Doctor in Divinity, and Bishop of Exe­ter, master, and ejected, and master Spurstow put into his place, and none of that Colledge ejected besides.
Corpus Christi, alias Bennet Colledge.
  • D. Love, D. in divinity, master, who was not ejected but continueth there still.
  • master Tunstall, Bachelor in divinity,
  • Palgrave, Bachelor in divinity,
  • Briggs, ejected.
ECCLES. 4. 1. So I returned, and considered all the oppres­sions that are done under the Sunne; and behold the teares of such as were oppres­sed, and they had no comforter: and on the side of their oppressours there was po­wer, but they had no comforter.
ECCLES. 5. 8. If thou seest the oppression of the poore, and violent perverting of judgement and ju­stice in a province, marvell not at the matter: for he that is higher then the highest, regardeth; and there be higher then they.
ACT. 13. 50. But the Jewes stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chiefe men of the City, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts.

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