SIX Centuries OF SELECT HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS Collected out of the Holy Bible. TOGETHER With a Catechism, the Canticles, and a Catalogue of Vertuous Women. By William Barton, A. M. late Minister of St. Martins in Leicester.
The Fourth Edition Corrected, with above a third part of Additions.
LONDON, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for William Cooper at the Pelican in Little Britain. 1688.
TO The Right Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, K t. Lord Chief Justice of England.
WHEN this Labour lay obstructed by the injuriousness of others, and partly by my own inability, a word of your Lordship, in favour of this Work, did instantly excite the Right Worshipfull, the Mayor and Aldermen of Leicester, and soon after some Honourable Personages and Worthy Gentlemen of our Town and County to promote the Printing of this Book of Hymns: and had not fraud and injury inevitably prevented, I had e're this presented this little Volume into your Honourable [Page] Hands in humble Gratulation of your Lordship's Favours: hoping also to leave it as a lasting monument of your attested Piety and the Liberality of the Benefactors a [...]d of your Honourable Protection of,
BE pleased to understand that I was sent to and requested by Mr. Richard Baxter to translate that famous Hymn, composed by St. Ambrose and St. Augustine, called Te Deum, if I thought good, and so good I thought it, (harping upon Scripture all along) that I did it in double Metre, both to the Chapter-Hymns and to the Psalm-Hymns, and to the former I prefixt the [Page] Proofs, as you may find in pag. 2, &c. and to render it as near as possibly I could to the Prose-translation by variety of Metres, and the same correspondency I have generally aimed at in all the work, the main design whereof is to propagate and promote Godliness, without which the Notions and Contests of Knowledge are but meer shadows, and (as the Apostle saith of Genealogies) vain janglings; Now how far Spiritual Songs and Psalmody tend to true Godliness, we may gather from the Holy Scriptures, Col. 3.16. where the Apostle saith, Let the word of Christ dwell richly in you, in all wisedom, teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs, &c.
For in the use of such as these Christians may truly say, that they do teach and admonish one another. For certainly the most [Page] pressing passages of Holy Scriptures being put into smooth and familiar Verse, (keeping also the order, and, as much as may be, the words of the Prose-translation) will fix good Lessons in our mind and memory, so as to edify the understanding, and kindle the affection, and do excellently instruct a Christian unto prayer and Meditation, Ministring abundant hints and helps thereto: And is no innovation or induction, but a renovation and reduction (rather) to Primitive use and Order.
(And) how frequent, famous and familiar was the use of Hymns in the ancient Churches is both attested by the Ancients themselves, and applauded by worthy Writers of the later times. For the former see Justin Martyr in his 107th. Answer to the Orthodox (here following) touching Songs used in the Church: Tertullian in his Apology against the [Page] Gentiles, Chap. 2. and 39. Eusebius de praeparatione Evangelicâ. lib. 12. cap. 14. where he saith That by good right and reason, Christians did train up their Children in Godliness, by the use of Songs and Hymns. And in his Ecclesiastical History, Lib. 5. Cap. 25. of the English Translation, pag. 94. lin. 1. we have these words: How many Psalms and Hymns and Canticles were written from the beginning by faithfull Christians, which do celebrate the praise of Christ, &c.
And for the late Writers, the Reverend Bishop Davenant on Col. 3.16. saith, That it is apparent by ancient Writers, that the ancient Churches did use Hymns.
Comenius, in a little Book dedicated to his Majesty, saith, that among the Bohemian Brethren they had above 700 Hymns in use, besides the Psalms of David. But if we do reckon the [Page] Hymns, Aliters, several Parts, and double Metres, together with the Prefatory Hymns, now published, these do in all amount to the number of 778.
Learned Dr. Hammond gives this Paraphrase upon Eph. 5.19. And let all your Mirth and Jollity be exprest in several kinds of Hymns, &c. that are used among Christians in a pious manner.
Aretius upon that excellent Scripture, 1 Tim. 1.15. This is a faithfull saying, &c. hath these words,
Wherefore I shall plead no further at present, but only to present my honest aim and purpose in these few Disticks following.
This Third or New Century of Chapter-Hymns is composed (for the most part) of Context Scriptures, seldom fetching in any other save for a Doxology, and therefore one quotation at the beginning doth commonly serve for all; yet I dislike not the conjunction of parallel places but may say with holy Herbert,
And of the usefulness of these Hymns I may say again with him,
[Page]Hymns were accounted Sacred and Divine, even among the ancient Heathen Poets, who the Apostle, Titus, Chap. 1. Vers. 12. calls Prophets, witness that of Hesiod in the beginning of his Book.
Of what account then should Hymns be among Christians? Hymns especially taken out of the Holy Scriptures? Scripture-Hymns then may challenge the preheminence, for St. Paul calleth it the Sword of the Spirit, for it is the Word of God; whereby we may gather that the Hymns used anciently were composed out of the Sacred Scriptures, [Page] and certainly such as are thence aptly composed and keep nearest to the original Text are the most spiritual and fittest to be sung in God's worship.
But if any shall think it far inferiour, for these ends, to the accustomed Psalmody; I hope I have now, in the regulation of the Psalm-Hymns, given further satisfaction; having retained none but such pressing parts and passages as are generally suitable to the condition of all good Christians, and shall be of easie apprehension for application: I shall say no more, but that if these twenty short Hymns following, prefix'd for Preface, (being supernumerary to the Centuries, and consisting most-what of History and Crimination) be thought by some not so suitable for Song, yet, for Apology-sake, [Page] I would have the Judicious consider, that some Psalms consist of the same Subjects. The 104th. Psalm (as learned Dr. Roberts saith) is a Narrative of the first five days Creation, and of Man (for whom all things were made) as is shewed throughout the Psalm. The 105th. and 106th. Psalms are Narrative, and Criminatory also, as some other Psalms are, as Psalm 50. and Psalm 78. and many others: Neither are such Psalms without great use for Edification; and Edification is a matter of such importance, that the Apostle saith, 1 Cor. 15.5.26. Let all things be done to edifying: and, Greater is he that prophesies than he that speaks with tongues, that the Church may receive edifying.
So that if these twenty following Hymns touching the Creation, &c. were but frequently read, [Page] though not sung, it might (by imprinting in the memory) conduce much to Edification, which is the design of the whole,
AN ADVERTISEMENT Concerning this Posthumous Edition OF THE HYMN-BOOK.
BE pleased to understand that the Author of these Hymns, having a natural Propensity to Divine Poesie, and being conversant in the Hebrew Tongue, took great delight in the study and frequent Meditation of David's Psalms, which at last did incline him to set upon a new Translation thereof into English Metre, (finding withall that the ancient usage of our Speech in Sternhold [Page] and Hopkins Translation was become obsoletely contemptuous to many people of this Age) which pious and laborious undertaking he having happily effected caused it to be published in the year of our Lord 1644. which Impression selling off quickly, he set forth a second Edition in the year 1645. and it was again reprinted An. 1654. in 12 o. (besides the Piracies which some committed upon him) afterwards finding himself at leisure, in his Meditations upon several parts of Sacred Scripture, he collected 100 Hymns and published them under the Title of a Century of Select Hymns collected out of S. Scripture and Printed Anno 1659. in 12 o. and finding in a little time that this single Century was very acceptable to the people, it did much encourage him to proceed, as he did in collecting another Century of Chapter-Hymns (for so he called them to distinguish them from the Psalm-Hymns which he afterwards published) for after he had finished his second Century of Chapter-Hymns, he took occasion to overlook the multiplicity of Aliters which he had made in his Translation of the Psalms, wherein he found that many of those which he had refused at first were not inferiour [Page] to those which he had published in his Psalm-Book, but were far too many to insert in that Book, therefore not willing that any of his Labours should be lost, he composed out of them two Centuries more of Psalm-Hymns, which four Centuries unpollished and as yet not Methodized, to use the Author's own words in his Epistle to the Reader before the Psalm-Hymns Section 5. [Because these Centuries were formerly put forth Anno Dom. 1668 against my will by an imperfect Copy and in great disorder, I have put them into a handsome method, passing by no Psalm of common use, but have in whole or in part, inserted it, and have put the whole Psalms together in double Metres,] and having reviewed the four Centuries which were surreptitiously printed without the knowledge or consent of the Author, but after that he did then methodize and polish them at his leisure to render them as near the Hebrew, and yet as smooth and acceptable as was possible to mean Capacities, and in the year 1670. he published the two Centuries of Chapter-Hymns; and in the year 1672. he set forth the two Centuries of Psalm-Hymns [Page] at his own proper cost and charges, and all in order according to his own desire and design; but since that time it pleasing God to prolong his days he collected a third Century more out of the Chapters of the Old and New Testament, and another out of the Psalms, which he compleated, together with a Catechism, the Book of Canticles, and a Catalogue of the Vertuous Women mentioned in Holy Writ, all in Metre, with the last Additions and Corrections of the Author's own hand writing, and his twenty Prefatory Hymns, besides his Replenishings with various Metres, as also compleating it with divers excellent Aliters, with his last supervising, and then declared to his Children, Relations and Friends that he had finished all he designed, returning thanks to Almighty God that had spared him to finish his Work, and hoped he should survive to see both his Psalm-book and Hymn-book (so at large compleated) to be printed, but within a short time after he sickened, and upon the 14th day of May, 1678. it pleased God to call him out of this life to his Heavenly Kingdom being aged about 74, or 75; and since his death, his last Revise of the Psalm-book was printed [Page] Anno 1682. and Now this present year 1688. is published the rest of his Works carefully preserved ever since his death, viz. The Compleat Hymn-Book in Six Centuries, besides Aliters, double Metres and distinct Parts, which together with the Prefatory Hymns amounts to the number of 778 Hymns, besides the Catechism, the Book of Canticles, and a Catalogue of Vertuous Women enlarged, all in Metre, and thoroughly corrected by his own hand a little before his Death. The Third Century of Chapter-Hymns are wholly New, and the last Century that he made of Psalm-Hymns (which though mixed for Method sake are distinguishable by the Poetical Arguments) were never before printed: And though the Psalm-Hymns in this Edition follow in order, yet you may not expect here a Psalm-Book; for here is never a Hymn composed upon any of these 29 following Psalms; viz. the for these you may see his Psalm-Book printed 1682. in 12 o. which with this Hymn-Book makes up the Author's Divine Works compleat.
[Page]I need say no more concerning this Posthumous Edition of the Hymn-Book, it will sufficiently manifest its excellency in the perusal; but this only I do assure the Reader that all the care imaginable has been taken that no Injustice might be done to the Memory of the Worthy Author (through any considerable Errata's) not only by the Circumspection of the Printer and Corrector but by sending the Sheets of the whole Work to be Corrected by his Son, And
Justin Martyr of the use and Excellency of Spiritual Songs in the Church. In his 107. Answer to the Orthodox.
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TWENTY Prefatory Hymns.
HYMN 1. Creation.
First Day.
Gen. 1.1.
PART. Second Day.
v. 6, 7.
3. PART. Third Day.
PART. Fourth Day.
v. 14, 15.
PART. Fifth Day.
v. 20.
PART. Sixth Day.
v. 24.
HYMN 2. The Sabbath.
Gen. 2.1.
HYMN 3. Marriage.
Gen 2.7.18, 21. &c.
HYMN 4. Paradise.
Gen. 3.8.
HYMN 5. The Covenant of Works.
Gen. 2.16.
HYMN 6. Man's shamefull Fall.
Gen. 3.1.
HYMN VII. Adam's Arraignment and Excuse.
Gen. 3.9.11.
HYMN 8. Eve's Arraignment and Excuse.
Gen. 3.13. 1
Tim. 2.14.
Rom. 5.12.
HYMN 9. The Serpent's Censure, and the Covenant of Grace intimated to his Sorrow.
Gen 3.14, 15.
HYMN 10. The Woman's Censure and the Mans.
Gen. 3.16, 17, 18, 19.
HYMN 11. Adam's Expulsion from Paradise.
Gen. 3.21, to
HYMN 12. The World degenerate.
Gen. 6.1.
HYMN 13. The Ark Ordered.
Gen. 6.8.
HYMN 14. The Floud rising.
HYMN 15. Eight Souls saved in the Ark.
Pet. 3.20.
HYMN 16. The Floud falling.
HYMN 17. The Raven and Dove sent out.
HYMN 18. The Dove with the Olive leaf.
Gen 8.
HYMN 19. The Covenant signed by the Rainbow.
Gen. 8.15, &c. Chap. 9.11,
HYMN 20. Noah's Sacrifice.
Gen. 8.20.
Rev. 1.4, 5. Chap. 4.8. 1
John 5.7.
The Table of the Prefatory Hymns.
Hymn 1. CReation.
- The First Day. i.
- The Second Day. ii.
- The Third Day. Ibid.
- The Fourth Day. iii.
- The Fifth Day. iv.
- The Sixth Day. Ibid.
- 2. The Sabbath. vi.
- 3. Marriage. vii.
- 4. Paradise. viii.
- 5. The Covenant of Works. ix.
- 6. Man's shamefull Fall. Ibid.
- 7. Adam's Arraignment and Excuse. xi.
- 8. Eve's Arraignment and Excuse Ibid.
- 9. The Serpents Censure, and the Covenant in Christ intimated. xii.
- 10. The Womans Censure and the Man's. Ibid.
- 11. Mans Expulsion from Paradise. xiii.
- 12. The World degenerate. xv.
- 13. The Ark ordered. xvi.
- 14. The Deluge, or Flood rising. xvii.
- 15. Eight Souls saved in the Ark. Ibid.
- 16. The Deluge ceasing. xviii.
- 17. The Raven sent forth and the Dove. xix.
- 18. The Dove with the Olive-leaf. xx.
- 19. Noah Coming out of the Ark, and the Covenant of the Rainbow. Ibid.
- 20. Noah's Sacrifice. xxii.
The First Century.
Hymn I. Access to the Throne of Grace at our awaking.
Tim. 4.10. 2
Cor. 1.10.
Psal. 119.133.
Jude 21.
Psal. 73.24.
Rev. 22.8.
The second Metre. The Mighty God.
Hymn II. Acclamations of Praise, or
Te Deum Laudamus. Exemplifi'd with proofs of Holy Scripture.
Rom. 15.6. Rev. 11.17.
Rev. 4.10.
Rev. 5.9.
Mat. 8.11.
Mat. 6.13.
Psal. 123.3.
The second Metre.
Rom. 15.6.
Isa. 6.3.
Gal. 4.4.
Heb. 9.15.
Heb. 1.3.
Joh. 5.22.
Mat. 6.13.
The third Metre.
Fourth Metre.
Hymn III. Adventus Christi; or Accomplishment of the first Promise.
Joh. 1.14.
Hymn IV. A faithfull saying.
Tim. 1.15.
Hymn V. A joyfull Death, or the Song of Holy Simeon.
Luke 2.29.
Hymn VI. A Morning Exercise.
Lam. 3.22.
Hymn VII. A Promise of sending the Holy Ghost, and of the Miracles at Pentecost.
Luke 24.49.
Hymn VIII. Arraignment of Ambition, Covetousness, and Cruelty.
Hab. 2.9, to 12.
Hymn IX. A Song to celebrate the restauration of the CHVRCH.
Isa. 54.11.
Isa. 60.15, 16.
Hymn X. Astonishing Judgments, or AEGYPTS ten PLAGVES, for
Nov. 5.
Psal. 135.9.
2. PART.
Hymn XI. A Testimony Prophetical of the Birth and Kingdom of CHRIST.
Isa. 9.3, 6.
PART. On the Birth, Kingdom, and Conquests of CHRIST.
Isa. 9.3, 4.
Hymn XII. At FVNERALS to mitigate Mourning.
Job 1.21.
Hymn XIII. At Funerals to press Patience.
Tim. 6.7.
Job 1.21.
Hymn XIV. At Funerals touching the preciousness of the Saints death.
Psal. 116.15.
Rom. 14.8.
Hymn XV. At Funerals touching the Resurrection.
Job 19.25.
Hymn 16. At Funerals touching the Saints safety in Death.
John 11.25, 26.
Hymn 17. At Funerals touching the Saints sweet Rest.
Rev. 14.13.
Hymn 18. A Thanksgiving at, or after the Sacrament.
Luke 2.13.
Hymn 19. Attonement sought upon Humiliation, or, a woefull bewailing of our Corruptions and Calamities.
Dan. 9.4, 5.
Dan 9.8, 11.
Hymn 20. A wofull Lamentation (or
David's Elegy) for
Saul and
Sam 1.19.
Verse 22, 23.
Hymn 21. A zealous applause of Christian Conquests.
Joh. 5.4, 5.
Hymn 22. A zealous Invective against Hypocrisie.
Luke 12.1.
Mat. 5.20, 23, 25.
Prov. 30.11.
Mat. 23.27.
Hymn 23. Blessed Angels Attendance.
Hymn 24. Blessedness of Pardon.
Rom. 4.6.
Hymn 25. Boasting Corrected.
Jer. 9.23.
Hymn 26. Charity and Piety extended.
Prov. 3.9, 10. 2
Cor. 9.7.
Hymn 27. Circumcision of the Heart.
Jer. 9.25.
Hymn 28. Confession of Sin.
Joh. 7.20.
Isa. 3.8.
Hymn 29. Constant seeking of God, by the Meek.
Zeph. 2.3.
Hymn 30. Correction of Anger.
Jam. 1.19, 20.
Hymn 31. Danger of heinous Sins, and dehortation from them.
Pet. 2.9.
PART. The Adulterers Peril and Penance.
Prov. 6.32.
PART. The seven Abominations.
Prov. 6.16.
PART. The flying Roll for Swearers and Cursers.
James 5.12.
Hymn 32. Deceitfulness of the Heart.
Jer. 17.9, 10.
Hymn 33. Deliverance from shipwrack, or of the Prophet
Jonah 2.
Hymn 34. Descending of the Spirit.
Numb. 11.29. 2
Cor. 3.18.
Hymn 35. Drunkard's Cup and Calamities.
Prov. 23.31.
Hymn 36. Due fear of God and the King.
Prov 24.21, 22.
Hymn 37. Duty to Magistrates.
Prov 8.15.
Pet. 2.13.
Rom. 13.1.
Tit. 3.1.
HYMN 38. Esaie's Commination.
HYMN 39. Exaltation of Humility.
HYMN 40. Exalting a Nation.
Prov. 14▪34.
HYMN 41. Excellent Counsel of Wisedom.
Prov., 32, 33.
2. PART. 8.34, 35, 36.
HYMN 42. Fallow Ground to be dressed.
Hos. 10.12.
HYMN 43. Gods Covenant for us with the Creatures.
Hos. 2.18, 19, 21.
HYMN 44. Gods Jealousie for
Zach 1.14.
HYMN 45. Humble Supplications and Confessions.
Deut. 32.4.
Rom. 7.12, 14.
HYMN 46. Humble Supplications in time of Drought.
Jer. 14.20.
HYMN 47. Humble Supplications in time of Sickness.
Jer. 10.24.
HYMN 48. Humble Supplications in times of Tempest.
Psal. 103.19.
Isa. 64.6.
HYMN 49. Humble Supplication in times of Transgression and Revolt.
Isa. 43.27.
HYMN 50. Humble Supplication in time of War.
Isa. 64.1.
HYMN 51. Judgment waited for.
Luke 21.19.
Jam. 5 7.
Hab. 2.3.
Heb. 10.37.
HYMN 52. Judgment upon the Proud and Scornfull.
Prov. 8.13.
HYMN 53. Kind love of God, in Christ.
John 3.2.
Rom. 8.35, 36.
HYMN 54. King
David's EXALTATION, in type of Christ.
Pet. 2.6.
Mat. 21.42.
Psal. 118.22, 23.
HYMN 55. Large Mercies Corporal.
Psal. 68.21, 22.
HYMN 56. Large Mercies Spiritual.
Eph. 3—7.
HYMN 57. Large Mercies Temporal implored, to make
Jerusalem a praise in the Earth.
Isa. 62.1.
HYMN 58. Large Mercies through Christ in things Eternal.
Eph. 1.8.
HYMN 59. Life and Conversation Conscientious.
Isa. 33.15.
HYMN 60. Light and Darkness discovered.
John 2.9.
HYMN 61. Looking and longing for the general dissolution.
Pet. 3.12.
HYMN 62. Love in deed and truth.
Joh. 3.18.
HYMN 63. Loves Link, or the Golden Chain of God's Mercy.
Rom. 8.28.
HYMN 64. Memorial of God's Mercies.
Isa. 63 7.
HYMN 65. Ministerial Gifts conferred.
Eph. 4.11. 2
Cor. 9.15.
HYMN 66. Our Saviour's call to the Nations.
Isa. 45.22.
HYMN 67. Our thorough Sanctification prayed for.
Thes. 5.23.
HYMN 68. Passover slain for us and preparation thereunto.
Cor. 5.7.
HYMN 69. Perpetuity and Power of Christ's Resurrection.
Rom. 6.9.
HYMN 70. Power and prevalency of Christ's Resurrection.
Cor. 15.20.
HYMN 71. Praise to the Creator.
Rev. 4.11.
HYMN 72. Praise to the giver of Grace.
Eph. 3.20.
HYMN 73. Praise to the Prince of Potentates.
Tim 6.15.
HYMN 74. Praise to the Redeemer.
Rev. 1.5, 6.
Eph. 5.27.
HYMN 75. Praise to the Trinity.
John 5.7.
Rev. 1.4.
HYMN 76. Remission of Sin.
John 1.5.
HYMN 77. Renewings of Joy.
Isa. 65.18.
HYMN 78. Restraining of fleshly lusts.
Pet. 2.11.
HYMN 79. Right reasoning of Temptation.
Jam. 1.13.
HYMN 80. Sobriety, Prayer and Charity enjoyned.
Pet. 4.7, 8.
HYMN 81. Solemn ascension of Christ, and leading Captivity captive.
Psal. 68.18.
Eph. 4.10.
HYMN 82. Spirit of God dwelling in us.
Thes. 3.23, 24.
HYMN 83. The Benediction from the God of Peace.
Heb. 13.20, 21.
HYMN 84. The Children of light exhorted▪
Thes. 5.4.—9.
HYMN 85. The Confidence accursed.
Jerem 17.5, 6.
Psal. 106.
HYMN 86. The Confidence applauded and blessed.
Isa. 30.18.
Jer. 17.7.
HYMN 87. The day of grace proclaimed.
Cor. 6.2.
Rom. 10.10, 11.
HYMN 88. The great Condemnation.
John 3.19.
Eph. 5.13.
HYMN 89. The Lively Hope.
Pet. 1.3—
HYMN 90. The Sluggard rouz
Prov., 5.
HYMN 91. The true fast.
Isa. 58.6.
10, 11, 12.
HYMN 92. The vile bodies change.
Phil. 3.20.
Mat. 24.31.
HYMN 93. Warning of Judgment by beginning at God's house.
Pet. 4.17.
HYMN 94. Warning of the general dissolution.
Pet. 3.9.
HYMN 95. Well approved hearers.
Jam. 1.25 &
vers. 22.
HYMN 96. Whirlwind of God's Wrath.
Jer. 23.19.
Rom. 1.18.
HYMN 97. Winking at the times of ignorance.
Mat. 24.36.
HYMN 98. Works, Words and Thoughts for the Lord's-day.
Mark 2.27.
Rev. 1.10.
Thes. 3.1.
Psal. 51.13.
HYMN 99. Wrongs to be remitted, or a Lesson of true Charity.
Mat. 18.21.
Heb. 12.25.
HYMN 100. Worldly CARES forbidden.
Mat. 6.31, 25, 32.
The Second Century.
Hymn CI.
HYMN 102. ALLELVJAH for the same.
Rev. 19.5, 6.
Isa. 32.8.
Psal. 112.9.
HYMN 104. Blessed Death.
Rev. 14.13.
HYMN 105. Blessings of Obedience.
Prov. 3.1, 2, 3.
Deut. 28.1, 2, 3, 4.
HYMN 106. Blessings on the Mount, or Blessed Qualifications.
Mat. 5.3. to the 10.
HYMN 107. Call out of
Rev. 18.4,— 8.
HYMN 108. Charities Qualifications.
Cor. 13.4, 5.
HYMN 109. Chastisement.
Heb. 12.5, 6.
HYMN 110. Christ his Benefits.
Eph 1.3. 1
Cor. 1.30.
HYMN 111. Christ's Commission.
Mat. 10.1, 8.
Mat 28.18, 19.
HYMN 112. Communion of Saints.
Heb. 12.22, 23.
HYMN 113. Confession of Christ.
Mat. 10.32.
Rom. 10.10.
HYMN 114. Confession of Sin.
Heb. 1.13.
Dan. 9.6.
HYMN 115. Confidence in God.
Hab. 3.17, 18.
HYMN 116. The Conquest.
Deut. 33.26, to the end.
HYMN 117. Conscience.
Tim. 1.5.
Prov. 4.23.
Act. 21.16.
HYMN 118. Contentation.
Prov. 30.8, 9.
HYMN 119. Covenant-Grace.
Isa. 55.1, 2, 3.
Ezek. 36.25.
Heb. 10, 11.
Jer. 50.5.
HYMN 120. Counsel of Christ.
Rev. 3.18.
Gal. 1.8. 1
Cor. 3.11.
Eph. 2.20.
HYMN 122. Deborah's Song.
Judg. 5.2, 3.
12, 19.
HYMN 123. Diligence in Duties.
Phil. 2.12. 2
Pet. 1.8, 10.
HYMN 124. Dragon's Downfall.
Rev. 12.10, 11.
HYMN 125. Easy Yoke.
Mat. 11.28.
HYMN 126. Errours and Heresies to be avoided.
Gal. 5.1.
Eph. 4.14.
Col. 2.8. 2
Cor. 11.19.
HYMN 127. Esaies Song of Thanksgiving.
Isa. ch. 12.
HYMN 128. Esaie's Triumphant Song.
Isa. 26.1, 2, 4, 5.
Isa▪ 16.18, 19,
HYMN 129. Example of Saints.
Ephes. 5.1, 2.
Heb. 6.12.
HYMN 130. Ezekiel's Infant.
Ezek. 16.3, 5, 6.
HYMN 131. Faith praised.
Heb. 11.1, 2, 13.
HYMN 132. Faith Proved.
Jam. 1.14, 20.
HYMN 133. God's Glittering Sword.
Deut. 32.39,—43.
HYMN 134. Government.
Sam. 23.1.
Deut. 16.20. 2
Cor. 2
Chr. 19.6.
Psal. 82.1.
Thes. 5.12, 13. 1
Pet. 4.10.
Eph. 6.1, 2, 4.
HYMN 135. Government of the Tongue.
Jam. 1.26.
Mat. 12.36.
HYMN 136. Harvest.
Mat. 9.37, 38.
HYMN 137. High and lofty One.
Isa. 57.15.
HYMN 138. Humiliation.
Hos. 6.1.
HYMN 139. Idolatry Forbidden.
Cor. 10.14.22. 2
Cor. 6.14.
HYMN 140. Jew and
Gentiles Call.
Rom. 11.26.15.
Rom. 11.32, 33.
HYMN 141. Jew and
Gentiles fulness held out in many Promises.
Isa. 66.8.
Isa. 66.10, 11, 12.
Isa. 51.1, ch. 4.
HYMN 142. Imperfection.
Eccl. 7.20.
Jam 3.2. 1
Cor. 10.12.
Gal. 5.17.
Rom. 7.23.
HYMN 143. Joys of Heaven.
Rev. 22.14.3.
HYMN 144. Judgment-Day Forewarn'd.
Joh. 5 28, 29.
Luke 21.34.
HYMN 145. Justification.
Rom. 8.33, 34.
HYMN 146. Laud and Praise for God's Judgments, or the Lambs Song.
Rev. 15.3, 4.
HYMN 147. Longing after Christ.
Joh. 6.32, 35. Chap. 7.38.
HYMN 148. Love of God.
Joh. 3.16. 1
Joh 4 9.
Joh. 3.17.
Joh. 2.3. c. 5.3.
HYMN 149. Love of the World forbidden.
Mat. 16.26.
Col. 3.2.
HYMN 150. Marriage.
Heb. 13.4.
HYMN 151. Mediator.
Tim. 2.5.
HYMN 152. Mercies.
Mic. 6.18, to the end.
HYMN 153. Mercy and Terror mixt.
Nah. 1.2,
Nah. 1.7, 8.
HYMN 154. Merit disclaimed.
Luk. 17.10.
Phil. 2.13.
HYMN 155. Moral Precepts.
Mic. 6.8.
Psal. 37.28.
Col. 3.25.
Jam. 5.12,
Eph. 4.25.
Rev. 21.8.
Eph. 4.31, 29.
Rom. 12.21.
Rom. 12.10, 15.
Eph. 2.4.
Gal. 6.
Mat. 7.12.
Rom. 13.7. Chap. 12.17.
T. 3.2. 1
Thes. 4.7.
Eccles. 5.4, 5.
Heb. 13.16.
HYMN 156. More spiritual Precepts.
HYMN 157. Mortality and Immortality.
HYMN 158. Mortification.
Rom. 8 7. Chap. 12.2.
HYMN 159. Mose's Song.
Exod. 15.1.
HYMN 160. Oppression and Rapine disswaded.
Prov. 4.14, 15, 16.
Prov. 1.10, 11, 13.
HYMN 161. Passion and Compassion of Christ.
Pet. 3.18. Chap. 2.24.
Joh. 15.13.
Rom. 5.7.
HYMN 162. Patience.
Jam. 1.4.
Heb. 10.36.
HYMN 163. The Peace of God, and Prayer.
Phil. 4.6, 7.
HYMN 164. Perseverance.
Heb. 3.12, 13.
HYMN 165. Portion of the little Flock.
Luke 12.32. 1
Cor. 2.9.
HYMN 166. Power of Prayer.
Jam. 1.5.
Mat. 7.11.
HYMN 167. Reasonable Service.
Rom. 12.1. 1
Cor. 6.19.
Cent. I. Hymn 55.
Psal. 68.
HYMN 168. Recovery of the Church.
Mic. 17.8, 9.
HYMN 169. Redeeming of Time.
Eccles. 12.1, 7.
HYMN 170. Redemption. Out of the Songs of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, of
Zacharias and Old
Luke 1.46.47, —50.
Luke 1.1.68, 69.
Luke 2.30, 31, 32.
HYMN 171. Reformation.
Hag. 2.6.
HYMN 172. Regeneration.
Joh. 3.5.
Gal. 6.15.
HYMN 173. Repentance.
Isa. 59.1, 2.
Jer. 3.13. 1
Joh. 1.9.
Isa. 55.6, 7.
HYMN 174. Reproach for Christ, and Imitation of him.
Pet. 4.14, 16.
Phil. 2.5, 7.
HYMN 175. Resurrection.
Cor. 15.20, 21, 22.
HYMN 176. Revenge forbidden.
Rom. 12.19.
Luke 6.27.
Mat. 5.44.
HYMN 177. Sabbath.
Isa. 58.13.
HYMN 178. Sacrament of the Supper.
Cant. 1.1, 2. Chap. 2.5.
Cant. 5.16 2
Cor. 5.20.
Cor. 5.7.11.
Cor. 10.16.
Joh. 4.10. Chap. 5.6.
Mat. 21.9.
Rev. 5.9.
HYMN 179. Salvation Shining.
Tit. 2.11, 12.
HYMN 180. Sanctification.
Eph. 5.14. Chap 4.17, 18.
Eph. 4.24, 23. Chap. 5.8.11.
HYMN 181. Scriptures.
Joh. 5.39.
HYMN 182. Secret reveal'd.
Cor. 2.7, 8, 14.
John 1.18.
HYMN 183. Secrets unreveal'd.
Rom. 12.3.
Deut. 29 29.
HYMN 184. Souls under the Altar.
Rev. 6.10.
HYMN 185. Spiritual Shepherds.
Acts 20.28. 1
Pet. 5.4.
HYMN 186. Strait Gate.
Mat. 7.13, 14.
HYMN 187. Suffering and Self-denial.
Mat 10.34, 21.
Mat. 10.39, 38.
Luke 14.27, 33.
HYMN 188. Temptations succoured.
Heb. 4▪15.
HYMN 189. The Tree good.
Prov. 21.27.
Mat. 7.16, 18.
HYMN 190. Trinity.
Joh. 1.7.
Joh. 6.57.
Luke 11.13.
HYMN 191. Vine-yard of
Isa. 5.1, 2, 3.
HYMN 192. Vnity and love of Brethren.
Pet. 1.22.
Heb. 12.1. 1
Joh. 1.16.
HYMN 193. Vocation.
Cor. 12.2.
Tit. 3.3.
Eph. 2.11, 12, 19.
Jam. 2.5. 1
Cor. 1.26.
HYMN 194. Whole Armour.
Eph. 6.10.13, 14.
HYMN 195. Will for the Deed.
Cor. 8.12.
Mat. 10.42.
HYMN 196. Wisdoms exhortation.
Prov. 1.20, 21.
Prov. 4.5.7, 8. Chap. 3.15.17.
HYMN 197. Word preached.
Cor. 10.4.
Heb. 4.12.
PART. Work of mercy magnifi'd, or The second part of mercies (forgot to be inserted in its due place.)
Cor. 7.13.
HYMN 198. Worker of Grace.
Cor. 3.5.
Phil. 2.12.
HYMN 199. World and the Church.
John 5.19.
HYMN 200. Zealous Ejaculations at Evening or Bed-time.
Psal. 31.6.
Rev. 1.5.
THE Third and Last Century OF CHAPT. HYMNS. Newly Translated.
HYMN 201. The Covenant of Grace entred to Abraham.
HYMN 202. The Test to the Covenant.
Deut. 26.16.
HYMN 203. The Song of Moses the man of God, commanded to be learnt by heart of all Israel. Deut. 32. to 44. v. 46. Moses's Title, Psalm 90.
v. 5.
v. 9.
v. 15.
HYMN 204. The Song of
Sam. 2.1.
HYMN 205. The Change.
Job 14.1.
HYMN 206. Seeking God betimes.
Job. 8.5.22, 23.
HYMN 207. God's expostulation with
Job. 40.6.
HYMN 208. Job's Answer.
Job. 42.1.
HYMN 209. Man's mortality minded.
Isa. 2.
HYMN 210. A Vine-yard of Red Wine.
Isa. 27.2.
HYMN 211. Debate in measure.
Isa. 27.7.
HYMN 212. Commands for comfort.
Isa. 40.1.
HYMN 213. Jacob's sadness cheer'd.
Isa. 40.27.
HYMN 214. Love engraven.
Isa. 49.14.
HYMN 215. A Child of Light incouraged and instructed.
Isa. 50.10.
HYMN 216. Mourners comforted.
Isa. 51.7.
HYMN 217. Almighty Arm invoked.
The First Metre.
Isa. 51.9.
HYMN 218. The Preachers Lips.
Isa. 57.19.
HYMN 219. Robes of Righteousness.
Isa. 61.10.
HYMN 220. Treading the Winepress alone.
Isa. 63.1.
2. PART. v. 4.
HYMN 221. Mercies recorded and requested.
Isa. 63.7.
v. 10.
v. 15.
HYMN 222. Idolatry exploded.
HYMN 223. Backsliders called back.
Jer. 3.22.
HYMN 224. The old good way.
Jer. 6.16.
HYMN 225. False fears and false Deities derided.
Jer. 10.1.
v. 8, 10, 11.
Isa. 44.9.
4. PART.
v. 18.20.
v. 24.
HYMN 226. Humble Supplications in hard times.
Jer. 14.7.
HYMN 227. The Glorious Throne.
Jer. 17.12.
HYMN 228. Vanity of Idols.
Jer. 16.19.
HYMN 229. The Partridge.
Jer. 17.11.
HYMN 230. Wo to Oppressors.
Jer. 22.13.
HYMN 231. The LORD our Righteousness.
Jer. 23.6.
HYMN 232. Effectual Prayer of Captives.
Jer. 29.11.
HYMN 223. Restoration of
Jer. 30.7.
HYMN 234. The constancy of God's covenant.
Jer. 33.20.
HYMN 235. Murmuring restrained.
Lam. 3.39.
HYMN 236. God afflicts not willingly.
Lam. 3.33.
HYMN 237. Exhortations to Repentance.
Lament. 3.40.
HYMN 238. The Sins of
Sodom recorded.
Ezek. 16.49.
HYMN 239. Pacification by Repentance.
Ezek. 16.62.
HYMN 240. The exact Doom.
Ezek. 18.4, 5, 9,
HYMN 241. Repentance urged.
Ezek. 18.30.
HYMN 242. God's Oath of Grace.
Ezek. 33.10.
HYMN 243. The Sabbath.
Ezek. 20.12.
2. PART. v. 18, 20.
3 PART. v. 42.15.
HYMN 244. Ezekiel's evil Hearers.
Ezek. 33.30.
2. PART.
HYMN 245. Vniting the Nation.
Ezek. 37.21.
HYMN 246. Michael our Prince.
Dan. 12.
from 1.
to v. 5.
and 10.
HYMN 247. Back-slidings censured, or
Israels Revolt.
Hos. 11.1.
HYMN 248. Aptness to back-sliding holpen by Grace.
Hos. 11.7.
HYMN 249. The Calves of our Lips. Have mercy,
Hos. 14.1.
HYMN 250. Backslidings healed.
Hos. 14.4.
HYMN 251. The Fast proclaimed.
Joel 2.15.
HYMN 252. Three and four Transgressions.
Amos 1.3, 6, &c.
Amos 1.9, 11.
Amos 1.13.
Chap. 2.
v. 4 & 6.
Joel 2.12.
HYMN 253. Heavy Judgments.
Amos 4.5, 6.
HYMN 254. Grass-hoppers and Fire.
Amos 7.1.
HYMN 255. Nonsufficient Sacrifices.
Micah 6.6.
HYMN 256. The Treasures of deceit challenged.
Micah. 6.10.
Deut. 25.14.
HYMN 257. The Priesthood.
Zech. 3.1.
Zec. 3.8, 9.
Heb. 10.14.
HYMN 258. The Brother-hood.
Zech. 7.9.
HYMN 259. God's Jewels.
Mal. 3.16.
HYMN 260. The Son of Righteousness arising.
Mal. 4.1.
HYMN 261. The Fan of Judgment.
Mat. 3.12.
HYMN 262. The Agreement necessary.
Mat. 5.25.
HYMN 263. The Cabinet.
Mat. 6.19.
HYMN 264. The wise builder.
Mat. 7.24.
HYMN 265. Our Saviour's Rapture.
Mat. 11.2, 25.
Luk. 10.20.
John. 5.23.
HYMN 266. The Mustard-seed.
Mat. 11.31.
HYMN 267. The Leaven.
Mat. 13.33.
HYMN 268. The wise Merchant.
Mat. 13.45.
Prov. 2.6.
HYMN 269. The Draw-net.
Mat. 13.47.
Pet. 12.3.
HYMN 270. The Fool in grain.
Luke 12.16.
HYMN 271. The best fear.
Mat. 10.23.
Luke 12.4.
HYMN 272. The best rejoycing.
Luke 10.17.
HYMN 273. Peace with all men
Rom. 12.18.
HYMN 274. Subsistance of God's Kingdom.
Rom. 14.17.
HYMN 275. Moderate affections. All People,
Cor. 7.27.
HYMN 276. Sowing to the Spirit.
Gal 6.7.
HYMN 277. Amity and Vnity.
Phil. 2.1.
HYMN 278. Our Saviour's coming in the Clouds.
Thess. 4.16.
HYMN 279. Charity charged upon the rich.
Tim. 6.17.
HYMN 280. The Call of Grace.
Tim. 1.9.
HYMN 281. The Cross and Crown.
Tim. 2.11.
HYMN 282. Vessels to honour.
Tim. 2.19.
Mat. 22.14.
Eph. 5.3.
HYMN 283. Evill Times to be amended.
Tim. 3.1.
HYMN 284. Exhortations to good Works.
Tit. 3.1.
HYMN 285. Dehortation from evil.
Tit. 1.8.
HYMN 286. Pure and impure described.
Tit. 1.15.
Rev. 3.4.
HYMN 287. Fruitfulness blessed.
Heb. 6.7.
HYMN 288. Charity rewarded.
Heb. 6.10.
Gal. 6.9.
HYMN 289. Benediction from the God of peace.
Heb. 13.20.
HYMN 290. Evenness of Spirit in all conditions.
Jam. 1.9.
HYMN 291. War with lusts.
Jam. 4.1.
HYMN 292. Our Advocate in Heaven.
John 2.1.
HYMN 293. The Children of God and Satan described.
John 3.10.
HYMN 294. God's Children and Satan's distinguished.
John 3.10.
Mat. 19.17.
HYMN 295. Want of Charity discovered and censured.
John 3.16.
HYMN 296. St. Judes Admonition, Exhortation and Benediction.
HYMN 297. The Joys of Heaven.
Rev. 7.13.
HYMN 298. The New
Rev. 10.5.
HYMN 299. The Coronation of Spiritual Conquerors, and reward of Carnal evil doers.
Rev. 21.5, 6, 7, 8.
HYMN 300. The Celestial Paradise.
Rev. 22.1.
A Brief Summary OF Christian Religion, Poetically drawn up. Shewing, • 1. What things are to be Believed. , • 2. What things are to be Implored. , and • 3. What things are to be Performed.
2. What things are to be implored.
The Preface of the Lord's Prayer.
[Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.]
The First Petition.
[Hallowed be thy Name, &c.]
The Second Petition.
[Thy Kingdom come, &c.]
The Third Petition.
[Thy will be done in Earth at it is in Heaven, &c.]
The Fourth Petition.
[Giev us this day, &c.]
The Fifth Petition.
[Forgive us our trespasses, &c.]
The sixth Petition.
[And lead us not into temptation, &c.]
The Conclusion.
[For thine is the Kingdom, &c.]
3. What things are to be performed.
Which are contained in the Decalogue or Ten Commandments.
A TABLE to the Three First Centuries, containing the Chapter-Hymns.
- ABominations seven, Page 43
- Acclamations of Praise, or Te Deum Laudamus, exemplified with proofs of Holy Scripture, 2
- Acclamations for Babylon's Fall, 97
- Access to the Throne of Grace at our awaking, 1
- Admonition of St. Jude, 309
- Adventus Christi, or the Accomplishment of the First Promise, 12
- Advocate in Heaven, 307
- Adulterers Peril and Penance, 42
- Affections moderate 294
- Aegypt's ten Plagues, for the fifth of November, 18
- Agreement necessary 286
- Allelujah for Babylon's Fall, 98
- Almighty Arm invoked, 232
- Almsdeeds, 99
- Amity and Vnity, 296
- Angels their blessed attendance, 35
- Anger corrected, 39
- Applause of Christian Conquests, 30
- Aptness to backsliding holpen by Grace 267
- Arraignment of Ambition, Covetousness and Cruelty, 16
- Arising of the Sun of Righteousness, 284
- [Page 324]Ascension of Christ, and leading Captivity Captive, 81
- Astonishing Judgments, or Aegypt's ten Plagues, 18
- Attonement sought upon humiliation, or a wofull bewailing of our Corruptions and Calamities, 27
- Attendance of blessed Angels, 35
- BAbylon's Fall, 97
- Backsliders called back, 242
- Back-slidings censured, or Israel's Revolt, 266
- Backslidings holpen by Grace, 267
- Backslidings healed, 269
- Benediction from the God of Peace, 82 & 304
- Best fear, 292
- Best rejoycing, 293
- Benediction of St. Jude, 309
- Bewailing our corruptions and calamities, 27
- Blessed Angels attendance, 35
- Blessed death, 100
- Blessings of obedience, Ibid.
- Blessings on the Mount, or blessed Qualifications, 103
- Blessedness of pardon, 36
- Boasting corrected, 37
- Bodies changed, 88
- Brotherhood, 281
- CAbinet, 287
- Call out of Babylon, 104
- Call of Grace 298
- Calves of our Lips 267
- Captives Prayers effectual 252
- Carnal and evil doers rewarded, 312
- Change, 224
- [Page 325]Charity and Piety extended, 37
- Charity charged upon the rich, 297
- Charity what it is truly, 94
- Charities qualifications, 105
- Charity rewarded, 304
- Chastisement, 105
- Celestial Paradise, 313
- Child of light encouraged and instructed, 231
- Children of light exhorted, 83
- Children of God and Satan described, 307
- Christ's Birth, Kingdom and Conquests 21, 22
- Christ's commission, 108
- Christ's Benefits, 106
- Christ [...]s Passion and Compassion, 167
- Christian Conquests applauded, 30
- Circumcision of the Heart, 38
- Comforting mourners, 232
- Commands for comfort, 229
- Commination of Esay 52
- Communion of Saints, 109
- Compassion and Passion of Christ 167
- Confession of Christ, 110
- Confession of sin, 38, 110
- Confessions and Supplications, 56
- Confidence in God, 111
- Confidence applauded and blessed, 84
- Confidence accursed, 83
- Conquest, 112
- Conscience, Ibid.
- Constant seeking of God by the meek, 39
- Constancy of God's Covenant, 253
- Contentation, 113
- Conversation and life conscientious, 69
- Correction of anger, 39
- Correction of boasting, 37
- Coronation of Spiritual Conquerours, 312
- [Page 326]Corruptions and Calamities bewailed, 27
- Covenant of God constant, 253
- Covenant of Grace, 114
- Covenant of God's Grace entred to Abraham, 213
- Covenant of God for us with the Creature, 55
- Counsel of Christ, 117
- Counsel of Wisedom excellent, 54
- The Creed, 118
- Cross and Crown, 298
- Cup and Calamity of Drunkards, 47
- DAngers of heinous sins, and dehortation from them, 40
- David's Exaltation in type of Christ, 64
- David's Elegy for Saul and Jonathan, 29
- Day of Grace proclaimed, 84
- Death blessed, 100
- Debate in measure, 228
- Deborah's Song, 119
- Deceitfulness of the heart, 45
- Descending of the Spirit, 47
- Dehortation from heinous sin, 40
- Dehortation from evil, 302
- Deliverance from shipwrack, or the Prophet Jonah, 45
- Diligence in duties, 121
- Dissolution general longed for, 70
- Dragons downfall, 122
- Drawn Net, 291
- Drunkards Cup and Calamities, 47
- Due fear of God and the King, 48
- Duty to Magistrates, Ibid.
- EAsy yoke, 123
- Effectual Prayers of Captives, 252
- [Page 327]Errours and Heresies to be avoided, 124
- Esay's Commination, 52
- Esay's Song of thanksgiving, 125
- Esay's triumphant Song, 126
- Evenness of spirit in all conditions, 305
- Evil times to be amended, 300
- Evil dehorted, 302
- Evil doers rewarded, 312
- Exalting a Nation, 53
- Exaltation of Humility, Ibid▪
- Example of Saints, 128
- Exact doom, 258
- Excellent Counsel of Wisedom, 54
- Exhortation to Repentance, 256
- —To good works, 301
- — Of St. Jude, 309
- Expostulation with Job, 225
- Extension of Charity and Piety, 37
- Ezechiel's infant, 128
- Ezechiel's evil hearers, 262
- FAith praised, 129
- Faith proved, 130
- Faithfull Saying, 13
- Fruitfulness blessed, 303
- Fallow Ground to be dressed, 55
- False fears, and false Deities derided, 243
- Fan of Judgment, 286
- Fast proclaimed, 270
- Fear of God and the King, 48
- Fleshly lusts restrained, 80
- Fire and Grasshoppers, 276
- Flying Role for Swearers and Cursers▪, 44
- Fool in grain, 291
- Funerals to press Patience, 24
- Funerals to mitigate mourning, 23
- [Page 328]Funerals touching the pretiousness of the Saints death, 24
- Funerals touching the Resurrection, Ibid.
- Funerals touching the Saints safety in death, 25
- Funerals touching the Saints sweet rest, 25
- GEneral dissolution longed for, 70
- Giver of Grace, 77
- Glorious Throne, 249
- God's Children described, 307
- God's Covenant for us with the Creature, 55
- God's Children distinguished, 308
- God's Covenant constant, 253
- God's Oath of Grace, 260
- God's glittering Sword, 131
- God's jealousie for Jerusalem, 56
- God [...]s jewels, 282
- God's Expostulation with Job, 225
- God's mercy, the golden chain thereof, or loves link 71
- Good works exhorted, 301
- Government, 132
- Government of the Tongue, 135
- Graces call, 298
- Grasshoppers and fire, 276
- Great condemnation, 85
- Gifts ministerial conferred, 73
- HAinous sins dangerous, 40
- Healing of Backsliders, 209
- Heart Circumcised, 38
- Heart deceitfulness, 45
- Heavy Judgments, 274
- High and Lofty one, 136
- Humility exalted, 53
- [Page 329]Humiliation, 137
- Humble Supplications and Confessions, 56
- Humble Supplications in time of drought, 57
- Humble Supplications in time of sickness, 58
- Humble Supplications in time of tempest, Ibid.
- Humble Supplications in time of transgression and revolt, 59
- Humble Supplications in time of war, 60
- Humble Supplications in hard times, 248
- JAcob's sadness cheered, 230
- Idols, their vanity, 250
- Idolatry forbidden, 138
- Idolatry exploded, 241
- Jerusalem, God's Jealousie for it, 56
- Jew and Gentiles call, 138
- Jew and Gentiles fulness held out in many Promises, 140
- Immortality and Mortality, 162
- Imperfection, 143
- Impure and Pure described, 303
- Invective against Hypocrisie, 31
- Job Expostulated by God, 225
- Job's Answer, 226
- Jonah's Deliverance from Shipwrack, 45
- Joys of Heaven, 145, 310
- Joyfull Death, or the Song of holy Simeon, 13
- Israel restored, 253
- Israel's revolt, 266
- St. Jude's Admonition, Exhortation, and Benediction, 309
- Judgment waited for, 60
- Judgment upon the proud and scornfull, 61
- Judgment day forewarned, 146
- Judgments heavy, 274
- Justification, 147
- KInd love of God in Christ, 62
- King David's Exaltation and Type of Christ, 64
- —His Elegie of Saul and Jonathan, 29
- —His Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan, Ibid.
- LArge Mercies Corporal, 65
- Large Mercies Spiritual, 66
- Large Mercies Temporal, 67
- Large Mercies Eternal, 68
- Laud and Praise for God's Judgments, or the Lambs Song, 148
- Leaven, 289
- Lamentation of David for Saul and Jonathan, 29
- Lesson of true Charity, 94
- Life and Conversation Conscientious, 69
- Light and Darkness discovered, Ibid.
- Lively Hope, 85
- Longing after Christ, 148
- Looking and longing for the general Dissolution, 70
- Lord our Righteousness, 251
- Love of God, 149
- Love of God in Christ, 62
- Loves Link, or the Golden Chain of God's Mercies, 71
- Love in Deed and in Truth, Ibid.
- Love of the World forbidden, 151
- Love Engraven, 231
- MAN's mortality minded, 227
- Marriage, 152
- Mediator, 153
- [Page 331]Meek constantly seeking of God, 39
- Memorial of God's Mercies, 72
- Mercies recorded and requested, 238
- Mercy and Terrour mixt 155
- Mercies,— 154— The Second Part, 210
- Mercies Corporal, 65
- Mercies Spiritual, 66
- Mercies Temporal, 67
- Mercies Eternal, 68
- Merit disclaimed, 157
- Michael our Prince, 265
- Ministerial Gifts conferred, 73
- Miracles at Pentecost, 15
- Mitigation of mourning at Funerals, 23
- Mixture of Mercy and Terrour, 155
- Moral Precepts prest with Arguments, 157
- Moderate Affections, 294
- More Spiritual Precepts, 161
- Morning Exercise, 14
- Mortality and Immortality, 162
- Mortification, 163
- Moses Song, 215
- Mourners comforted, 232
- Murmuring Restrained, 254
- Mustard-Seed, 289
- NOnsufficient Sacrifices, 277
- New Jerusalem, 311
- OATH of Grace, 260
- Obedience blessed, 100
- Old good way, 242
- Oppressors, wo to them, 251
- Oppression and Rapine dissuaded, 165
- Our Advocate in Heaven, 307
- Our Saviour's call to the Nations, 74
- [Page 332]Our Saviour's Rapture, 288
- Our Saviour's coming in the Clouds, 297
- Our thorough Sanctification prayed for, 74
- PAcification by Repentance, 257
- Pardon, the blessedness thereof, 36
- Partridge, 250
- Passion and Compassion of Christ, 167
- Passover slain for us, and preparation thereunto, 75
- Patience, 169
- Patience to press at Funerals, 24
- Peace of God and Prayer, 170
- Peace with all men, 293
- Peril and Pennance of Adulterers, 42
- Perpetuity and Power of Christ's Resurrection, 75
- Perseverance, 170
- Portion of the little flock, 171
- Power and prevalency of Christ's Resurrection, 75
- Power of prayer, 172
- Praise to the Creator, 77
- Praise to the giver of grace, Ibid.
- Praise to the Prince of Potentates, Ibid.
- Praise to the redeemer, 78
- Praise to the Trinity, Ibid.
- Prayers of Captives Effectual, 252
- Preachers lips, 234
- Pretiousness of the Saints death, 24
- Priesthood, 279
- Prince Michael, 265
- Promise of sending the Holy Ghost, and of the Miracles of Pentecost, 15
- Prophet Jonah's deliverance, 45
- Pure and impure described, 303
- Qualifications of blessedness, 103
- Qualifications of Charity, 105
- RApine and oppression dissuaded, 165
- Rapture of our Saviour, 288
- Reasonable Service, 172
- Recovery of the Church, 173
- Redeeming of Time, 174
- Redemption out of the Songs of the Blessed Virgin, of Zacharias and old Simeon, Ibid.
- Reformation, 177
- Regeneration, 179
- Remission of sin, 79
- Renewing of Joy, Ibid.
- Repentance, 179
- Repentance pacifies, 257
- Repentance urged, 259
- Reproach for Christ, and imitation of him, 182
- Restoration of Israel, 253
- Restraining of Fleshly lusts, 80
- Resurrection, 24, 183
- Revenge forbidden, 184
- Reward of Charity, 304
- Rich Charged with Charity, 297
- Right reasoning of Temptation, 80
- Robes of righteousness, 235
- Role for swearers and cursers, 44
- SAbbath, 184, 260
- Sacrament of the Supper, 185
- Sacrifices nonsufficient, 277
- Saints Communion, 109
- Saints, their safety in death, 25
- Saints, the pretiousness of their deaths, 24
- [Page 334]Saints, their sweet rest, 25
- Salvation shining, 189
- Sanctification, 190
- Sanctification prayed for, 74
- Satans Children described and distinguished, 307
- Saviour's Rapture, 288
- Saviour's Call, 74
- Saviour's call to the Nations, 74
- Saviour's coming in the Clouds, 297
- Saul and Jonathan lamented by David, 29
- Scriptures, 192
- Seven Abominations, 43
- Secrets revealed, 193
- Secrets unrevealed, 194
- Seeking God betimes, 225
- Sin confessed, 38
- Sins of Sodom recorded, 256
- Sluggard rouzed, 86
- Sobriety, Prayer and Charity enjoyned, 81
- Solemn Ascension of Christ, and leading Captivity Captive, 81
- Son of righteousness arising, 284
- Song of Holy Simeon, 13
- Song of Deborah, 119
- Song to celebrate the Restoration of the Church, 17
- Song of Zacharie, 175
- Song of Simeon and Zacharie, 176
- Song of Hannah, 222
- Song of Moses the man of God, commanded to be learned by heart of all Israel, 215
- Souls under the Altar, 195
- Sowing to the Spirit, 295
- Spirit of God dwelling in us, 82
- Spiritual precepts, 161
- [Page 335]Spiritual Shepherds, 196
- Strait Gate 197
- Subsistance of God's Kingdom, 294
- Supplications and Confessions, 56
- Supplications in time of Drought, 57
- Supplications in hard times, 248
- Suffering and self-denyal, 197
- Swearers and Cursers their flying Role, 44
- TE Deum Laudamus, 2, 4, 7, 9
- Testimony prophetical, of the Birth and Kingdom of Christ, 21, 22
- Temptations succoured, 199
- Terror and mercy mixt, 155
- Test to the Covenant, 214
- Thanksgiving at or after the Sacrament, 26
- Thorough sanctification, Prayed for, 74
- Three and four Transgressions, 271
- Time of Drought, Sickness, Tempest, Transgression, Revolt and War, Vide Humble Supplications.
- Treading the Wine-press alone, 237
- Treasures of deceit challenged, 278
- Tree good, 199
- Trinity, 200
- True Fast, 87
- Vanity of Idols, 250
- Vessels of honour, 299
- Vineyard of Israel, 201
- Vineyard of Red-Wine, 228
- Vile-bodies changed 88
- Vnity and Amity, 296
- Vnity and love of Brethren, 202
- Vniting the Nation, 264
- Vocation, 204
- WANT of Charity discovered and censured, 308
- Warning of Judgment by beginning at God's House, 89
- Warning of the general Dissolution, Ibid.
- War with lusts, 305
- Well approved hearers, 90
- Whirlwind of God's wrath, Ibid.
- Whole Armour, 206
- Will for the Deed, 207
- Winking at the times of ignorance, 91
- Wisedoms Exhortation, 208
- Wise builder, 287
- Wise Merchant, 290
- Woe to the oppressors, 251
- Wofull bewailing our Corruptions and Calamities, 27
- Wofull Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan, 29
- Word preached, 209
- World and the Church, 211
- Worldly cares forbidden, 95
- Work of Mercy magnified, 210
- Work of grace, Ibid.
- Works, Words and Thoughts for the Lord's Day, 92
- Wrongs to be remitted, or a Lesson of true Charity, 94
- ZAchary's Song, 175
- Zealous Ejaculations at Evening or Bedtime, 212
- Zealous applause of Christian Conquests, 30
- Zealous invective against Hypocrisie, 31
The Three Last Centuries OF SELECT HYMNS Collected out of the Psalms of DAVID By William Barton, A. M. late Minister of St. Martins in Leicester.
Teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, &c.
LONDON, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for William Cooper, at the Pelican in Little Britain. 1688.
To the Right Worshipfull the Mayor, Aldermen and Sheriffs of the Honourable City of Coventry: And To the Right Worshipfull Sir Richard Hopkins, Knight, Steward of the said City: And To the Right Worshipfull the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the Corporation of Leicester: And To the Right Worshipfull the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the Corporation of Northampton.
MY Birth, Breeding and Abode in your respective Corporations, together with your kind encouragements and costs bestowed upon these long Labours of Psalm and Hymn-Translations, (after my own excessive Charge and Detriments) have made me excusably ambitious to Dedicate unto your Worships [Page 340] these Three ensuing Centuries, accommodated with some variety of Tunes and Metres, hoping to leave these as a living and lasting Monument of my respect and gratitude, and of your Christian Love and Liberality. Having also finished the Psalm-Book it self with like variety of Metres to most of the shorter Psalms and to some of the longer sort.
The aim and end of all is to revive, increase, and promote Godliness, which is profitable to all things; and hath the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come, 1 Tim. 4.8. In hopes therefore of some good issue of these Labours, and in humble apprecation of the flourishing Felicity of the Corporations to which I stand ingaged, I rest, and subscribe my self
I Find no clear distinction in Scripture between Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Psalm 18 and 45. and Fifteen more beginning at the 120. are called Songs. Psalm 92. is called ‘ [...]’ A Psalm or Song for the Sabbath day. Psalm 145. is intituled [...] David's Hymn or Psalm of Praise: And from this saith learned Schindler the Title of the whole Book seems to be taken; for it is intituled [...] The Book of Hymns or Praises; Quod major Psalmorum pars Dei Laudes contineat; Because the greater part of the Psalms consist of the Praises of God: And of such Psalms the major [Page 342] part of these Centuries is Composed.
As for the parts and parcels of Psalms conducing to this Composure, I find an Example in the Holy Scriptur [...], 1 Chr. 16. where from the 7th ver. to the 36th are sundry parts and parcels of the 105.96.106. and 136 Psalms, collected into a Psalm or Hymn; upon which consideration, I take more liberty to pick and chuse places, and put in parallel Scripture as it serves the purpose.
Now, for the great variety and plenty of them in these Centuries set out, I have great variety of reasons to plead.
1. Because I know nothing so much excepted against in my Edition of the Psalms 1654. as that the variety of Metres was very much omitted; neither did the Impression go off in five times the space that the former did.
2. Because many of these Psalms are done more elaborately than those of the former Edition, till they were corrected and compleated, and printed Anno 1682. with Aliters to my mind as they are now finished.
3. Because I may gratifie the Reader with examples to accommodate the choicer old Tunes, whereof I have omitted none that I know; and have put in more [Page 343] frequent examples for these two delicate and expeditious Tunes of the Old 50th, and the 124th. As in the 320th, and 322d, and in the 338th, and 341st, Hymns of the Fourth Century you may see Examples.
4. Because I might take liberty in some Hymns to Paraphrase for the Exposition of some hard passages; for instance, it is said, Psalm 139.21. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee, &c? which I think to be clearly interpreted in Hymn 565. and more largely varied Psalm 139. of the last Edition thereof, printed Anno 1682.
The latter end of the 51st Psalm I found very dark; for when he had said, Thou desirest not sacrifice, &c. Thou delightest not in burnt offering, &c. He saith presently, Then shalt thou be pleased—with burnt offering, and whole burnt offering—and Bullocks, which I think to be clearly interpreted in the 4.7. and 8. Metres of the 51st Psalm.
A passage in the 72. Psalm, vers. 17. I counted choicely done, and keeping the Allusion which the Hebrew seems to hint, [...], Nomen ejus filiabitur, saith Montanus, His name shall be continued — among the posterities [Page 344] saith the Old Translation: Yet I thought it needfull to put it plainer by an Aliter, as you may find it.
The 8th. Psalm was hardest of all to me to be explained, carrying a construction of Christ our Saviour, as the Apostle saith, Heb. 2.6. Which Psalm shewing the glory of man in his Creation, intimates mans re-investing in his Dominion by Redemption: I have annexed the Intepretation in a different Character.
5. Because these Centuries were formerly put forth against my will, by an imperfect Copy, and in great disorder, An. 1668. I have put them into a handsome method, passing by no Psalm of common use, but have in whole or in part inserted it, and have put the whole Psalms together in double Metres, and in some more.
6. Finally, I have endeavoured to doe the Work so well, as that whosoever approves of the Psalm Book (as it is now compleated Anno 1682.) may not think these Hymns unnecessary or unworthy (for Printing) to precede or follow them.
I might have annexed Scripture-Proofs to that famous Hymn Te Deum, (harping upon Scripture all along) but having done that already in the [Page 345] Chapter-Hymns, (wherein those that are well acquainted may readily find the most noted Sentences of Holy Scripture, as by a Concordance) I let these go for a demonstration, how much the old Version needs amendment, and how near the Verse-Translation may come unto the Prose.
I aimed principally in all this pains to promote Godliness: I much affected that Noble Sentence put out by the famous Dr. Cudworth,
And sure there is nothing more effectual to breed Godliness than Holy Scripture, nothing will preach Scripture to us, or print Scripture in our minds more than Scripture-Hymns.
Wherefore I conclude all with that precept of the Apostle, ‘ Col. 3.16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisedom, teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.’
Of the TUNES.
THE Tunes here set down are none of the common ones, except that of the 100 Psalm.
Note, That the Tune of the 51 Psalm, O Lord consider, &c. or any Tune of eight Sillables in each Line, when four Lines make up the Verse, may be sung in the Tune of the 100 Psalm.
Note, that the Tune call'd, Where Righteousness. &c. may be changed into the usual Tune of the 67 Psalm, if you put in two Sillables more in the third Line of every four.
Note, That the New Tune (set in Mr. Sandy's Psalm-Book by Mr. Henry Lawes) for the 531 Hymn, pag. 646. may be changed into the Tune of the 113 Psalm, Ye Children, &c. if you put in two Sillables more into every third Line.
Note, That the old 127 Psalm, mentioned in the 564. Hymn, pag. 678. hath no proper Tune of its own, but in the old Psalm-Book is referred to the Tune of the 112 Psalm, which is the proper Tune of the Lord's Prayer, as it is in the old Psalm-Book.
Note, That the 111 Psalm, as it is in the old Psalm-Book, may be sung in the Tune of the old 120 Psalm, which is a shorter Tune; And all these Tunes, (except the New Tunes) are taken out of the old Psalm-Book rectified by Mr. Ravenscroft.
The TUNES of several HYMNS in this Book.
PSALM 50. The mighty God, &c.
[...] [...] [...] [...] [...]
PSALM 51. O Lord consider, &c.
[...] [...] [Page 348] [...] [...] [...]
PSALM 100. All People, &c.
[...] [...] [...]
PSALM 111. With heart I do accord, &c.
[...] [...] [...] [Page 349] [...] [...] [...]
PSALM 112. The man is blest, &c.
[...] [...] [...] [...]
PSALM 113. Ye Children, &c.
[...] [...] [Page 350] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]
Ps. 120. In trouble and in thrall, &c.
[...] [...] [...]
Psalm 121. I lift mine Eyes, &c.
[...] [Page 351] [...] [...]
Psalm 122. I did in heart rejoyce, &c.
[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]
Psalm 125. Such as in God do put, &c.
[...] [...] [...] [...]
Psalm 130. Lord, to thee, &c.
[...] [...] [...] [Page 354] [...]
Psalm 148. Give laud, &c.
[...] [...] [...]
Complaint of a Sinner.
[...] [...] [...] [...] [...]
The New Tune of the 532. Hymn of the Sixth Century, Page 646.
[...] [...] [...] [...]
Here follows an Example of turning the Tune, Where Righteousness doth say, into the plain Tune of the 67 Psalm. 6th Century, Hymn 526. p. 622. (2. M.) Have mercy, &c.
Here follows a perfect Praxis for the Tune of the old 111 Psalm, because those Examples of p. 508. (2. M.) and of the 120 Psalm want Hypermeters to each second Verse, and may well be sung in the proper Tune of the 120 Ps. but not in the Tune of the old 111 Psalm.
Pardon of sin implored, the suit pursued, the mercy assured. Out of the 130 Psalm.
A Perfect Praxis for the Tune of the old 126 Psalm. Out of the 117 Psalm.
The Fourth Century. Beginning the PSALM-HYMNS.
HYMN 301. A blessed Man described.
Psalm 1.
HYMN 302. (2.
Psalm 1.
HYMN 303. A difference betwixt good and bad. 3.
Psal. 1.
HYMN 304. (4.
Psalm. 1.
HYMN 305. ( Psal 2.)
HYMN 306. (2. PART.)
HYMN 307. (3. PART.)
HYMN 308. ( Psalm 3.)
HYMN 309. Felicity of God's protection.
Psalm 4.
HYMN 310. Affiance and repose in God.
Psal. 4.6.
HYMN 311. ( Psal. 6.)
HYMN 312. Arraignment of Persecutors.
Psal. 7.11.
HYMN 313. Arraignment of Persecutors and their ruin.
Psal. 7.14.
HYMN 314. Babes and Sucklings setting forth God's praise. 1.
Psalm 8.
HYMN 315. Babes and Sucklings shaming Atheists. 2.
Psalm 8.
HYMN 316. (3.
Psalm 8.
HYMN 317. Calamity of the wicked, or Remarkable Judgment.
Psalm 9.15.
HYMN 318. Chains of Darkness for the Wicked.
Psalm 9.17.
HYMN 319. Comforts for the Righteous. 1.
Psalm 11.
HYMN 320. Confusion of the wicked. 2.
Psalm 11.
HYMN 321. Corruption of the Times.
Psalm 12, 1, 2, 3.
HYMN 322. Curbing of the Wicked▪ 2.
Psalm 12.
HYMN 323. Degenerate World described. 1.
Psalm 14.1.
HYMN 324. Degenerate World (through Atheism) described. 2.
Psalm 14.
HYMN 325. Description of true Christians.
Psalm 15.
HYMN 326. Description of true Citizens of Sion. 2.
Psalm 15.
HYMN 327. Expectation of Resurrection.
Psalm 16.8.
HYMN 328. Extolling of Scripture verity and virtue.
Psalm 19.7.
HYMN 329. Faith seen in fear of Sin.
Psalm 19.12.
HYMN 330. Faith's Triumphant Banner.
Psalm 20.
HYMN 331. Faith's Victorious Banner. 2.
Psalm 20.
HYMN 332. ( Psalm 21.)
HYMN 333. (2. PART.)
HYMN 334. ( Psalm 23.)
HYMN 335. (2.
Psalm 23.
HYMN 336. God our good Shepherd. 3.
Psalm 23.
HYMN 337. God our sure-Shepherd. 4.
Psal. 23.
HYMN 338. Good Christians described.
Psalm 24.3.
HYMN 339. Devout and true Saints. 2.
Psal. 24.
HYMN 340. Entrance of the King of Glory▪ 3.
Psalm 24.
HYMN 341. Good welcomers of the King of Glory. 4.
Psal. 24.7. 1
Cor. 6.19.
Isa 30.18.
HYMN 342. ( Psal. 25. Ver. 8.)
HYMN 343. ( Psal. 25. v. 12.)
HYMN 344. 2.
Psalm 25.
HYMN 345. Greatness of God seen in Tempests. 1.
Psal. 29.
HYMN 346. Greatness of God seen in Thunder. 2.
Psalm 29.
HYMN 347. ( Psalm 30.)
HYMN 348. (2.
Psalm 30.
HYMN 349. Happiness conferr'd on the Saints.
Psalm 31.19.
HYMN 350. Exceeding happiness of pardon·
Psalm 32.
HYMN 351. ( Psal. 33. v. 13. to 21.)
HYMN 352. Honouring God at all times.
Psal. 34.1.
HYMN 353. Holy Angels protecting Saints. And Exhortations to fear God.
Psal. 34.7.
HYMN 354. How to fear God aright.
Psalm 34.11, 12
HYMN 355. Jewels of God's keeping.
Psal. 34
HYMN 356. ( Psalm 36.)
HYMN 357. (2.
Psal. 36.
HYMN 358. (3.
Psalm 36.
HYMN 359. Joys of Heaven. 2.
Psalm 36.5.
HYMN 360. Just mens vindication, Protection, and Provision.
Psalm 37.3.
2. PART.
HYMN 361 Just mens sure safeguard and happy end.
Psal. 37.37.
HYMN 362. Knowledge, and acknowledgment of Mortality.
Psalm 39.5.
HYMN 363. Lovers of Charity blessed. 1.
Psalm 41.1.
HYMN 364. Falseness of Persecutors. 2.
Psal. 41.5.
HYMN 365. ( Psalm 42.1. to 5.)
HYMN 366. ( Psal. 43.)
HYMN 367. (2.
Psalm 43.
HYMN 368.
Psalm 44
v. 3.)
HYMN 369. Martyrdom, or slaughter of the sheep. (2.
Psalm 44.20.
HYMN 370. (3.
Psalm 44.20.
HYMN 371. ( Psalm 45.)
HYMN 372. (2.
Psalm 45.
HYMN 373. (3.
Psalm 45.6.
HYMN 374. (4.
Psalm 45. v. 10.
HYMN 375. (5.
Psal. 45. v. 13.
HYMN 376. ( Psalm 46.)
HYMN 377. (2.
Psalm 46.
HYMN 378. (2.
Psalm 46.
HYMN 379. Mercies to the Church by our Saviour's ascension. 1.
Psalm 47.
2. PART.
HYMN 380. Mercies to the Gentiles by Christ's ascension.
Psalm 47.
HYMN 381. ( Psal. 48.)
HYMN 382. (2.
Psalm 48.
HYMN 383. ( Psalm 49.)
HYMN 384. (2.
Psalm 49.
HYMN 385. (3.
Psalm 49.
HYMN 386. True Thankfulness.
Psalm 23
HYMN 387. Mightiness of God in Judgment. (2.
Psal. 50.
HYMN 388. Mightiness of God in Mercy▪
Psalm 50.7.
HYMN 389. Mightiness of God in punishing the wicked. 4.
Psalm 50.16, 17.
HYMN 390. Mightiness of God in the day of Judgment. 5.
Psalm 50.
HYMN 391. Mightiness of God in Vengeance upon the Wicked. 6.
Psal. 50. v. 16.
HYMN 392. New building of Sion: And the Sacrifices most acceptable to God. 1. METRE.
HYMN 393. Pardon implored. (2.
Psalm 51.
HYMN 394. Pardon, Justification and Sanctification implored. 3.
Psalm 51.
HYMN 395. Pardon of bloudshed, and prayers for
Sion. 4.
Psal. 51.14.
HYMN 396. Pardon of Sin implored. 5.
Psal. 51.
HYMN 397. Peace of Conscience implored: Also Justification, and Sanctification. 6.
Psalm 51.7.
HYMN 398. Peace of Conscience and pardon of bloudshed implored. 7.
Psalm 51.14.
HYMN 399. Prayers for
Sions prosperity. (8.
Psal. 51.18.
HYMN 400. Properties of Tale-bearers accused.
Psalm 52.
The Fifth Century OF PSALM-HYMNS.
HYMN 401. Properties of Tale-bearers cursed; and the blessing conferred on Saints.
Psalm 52.
HYMN 402. Punishment of Atheists, and protection of Saints. 1.
Psalm 53.
HYMN 403. Punishment of Atheists, and protection of Saints. 2.
Psal. 53.
HYMN 404. Judgments against Persecutors.
Psalm 54.
HYMN 405. ( Psalm 55.17.)
HYMN 406. Quieting of Cares, or repose in God. 1.
Psal. 61.
HYMN 407. Quieting of Cares, or the Rock of Refuge. 2.
Psal. 61.
HYMN 408. Quieting Principles. Worldly Confidences condemned.
Psal. 62.8, 9.
Psalm 62.10, 11, 12.
HYMN 409. King
David's wicked Enemies destroyed.
Psalm 63.
HYMN 410. ( Psalm 65.)
HYMN 411. (2
Psalm 65.
HYMN 412. ( Psalm 65.) Another Metre.
HYMN 413. ( Psalm 66.)
HYMN 414. (2.
Psal. 66.
v. 7.
HYMN 415. (3.
Psalm 66.
v. 11.
HYMN 416. Release from Afflictions. (4.
Psalm 66.11.
HYMN 417. (5.
Psalm 66.16.
HYMN 418. Revelation of the Gospel. 1.
Psalm 67.
HYMN 419. Revelation, and Riches of the Gospel. 2.
Psalm 67.
HYMN 420. Rising of the Ark,
or, Exurgat Deus.
Psalm 68.1, 2.
HYMN 421. Sanctuary Songs for the wonderfull works of God.
Psal. 68.32.
HYMN 422. Sion's Reparations.
Psalm 69.34.
HYMN 423. Speedy deliverance pray'd for. 1.
Psalm 70.
HYMN 424. Speedy deliverance urged. 2.
Psalm 70.
HYMN 425. Spiritual Government of Christ figured in
Solomon, or, A prayer for the King.
Psal. 72.1, 2.
HYMN 426. Strength and establishment of Christ his Kingdom.
HYMN 427. (1.
Psal. 73.
HYMN 428. (2.
Psalm 73.
HYMN 429. (3.
Psal. 73.
HYMN 430. (4.
Psal. 73.
HYMN 431. (5.
Psalm 73.
HYMN 432. Strength of sinners subdu'd. Or,
Habitation of Cruelty supprest. 1.
Psalm 74.11.
HYMN 433. (2.
Psal. 74.12.
HYMN 434. Temptations encountred and overcome.
HYMN 435. The Safe Conduct.
Psalm 77.15.
HYMN 436. The time of Trouble complained of.
Psal. 79.8, 9.13.
HYMN 437. The Vine of Israel pray'd for.
HYMN 438. Throne of
Israel re-established.
Psal. 80.17.
HYMN 439. Tryal of Loyalty, or
Israels ingratitude.
Psalm 81.7.
HYMN 440. Tryal of
Israel, and attest of God's favour.
Psal. 81.13.
Psal. 81.13.
HYMN 441. Mighty men warned.
Psal. 82.
HYMN 442. Tribulation and Woe to the wicked.
Psal. 83.1.
HYMN 443. True love to Ordinances. 1.
Psalm 84.1, 2.
HYMN 444. Affection to Ordinances. 2.
Psal. 84.
2. PART.
HYMN 445. (3.
Psal. 84.
HYMN 446. (2.
Psal. 84.
HYMN 447.
Psalm 85.10.)
HYMN 448. (2.
Psalm 85.
HYMN 449. (2. PART.)
Psalm 86. to
v. 7.)
HYMN 450.
The Saints Calamity, and God's propensity, Strong Arguments of pity.
HYMN 451. Turning, or conversion of the Gentiles. 2.
Psalm 86.8, 9.
HYMN 452. Turning the Gentiles, or
Sions Glory. 1.
Psalm 87.
HYMN 453. Turning the Gentiles to the Church. 2.
Psalm 87.
HYMN 454. Validity of promises, or faithfulness of God's Chastisements.
HYMN 455. Vanishing of Life.
HYMN 456. Vanishing of Life, or the short age of man.
Psalm 90.10.
HYMN 457. Wishing for good times.
Psal. 90.13.
HYMN 458. ( Psal. 91.)
HYMN 459. (2. PART.)
HYMN 460. ( Psalm 92.)
HYMN 461. (2. PART.)
HYMN 462. Vertuousness or fruitfulness of the Saints in age. 2.
Psalm 92.12.
HYMN 463. Vertuousness or Victoriousness of God's Power. 1.
Psal. 93.
HYMN 464. Vertuousness or Victoriousness of God's Power and Promises. 2.
Psalm 93.
HYMN 465. Vocation to publick Worship, or lowly Adoration.
Psalm 95.1—7.
HYMN 466. ( Psal. 96.)
HYMN 467. (2. PART.)
HYMN 468. ( Psalm 97. to v. 7.)
HYMN 469. Worship of Images accursed. 2.
Psalm 97.
v. 7.
HYMN 470. Salvation of Saints. 2.
Psalm 97.
HYMN 471. Worship of the Soveraign Lord. 1.
Psalm 98.
HYMN 472. Worship of the Supream Judge. 2.
Psal. 98.
HYMN 473. Worship performed by the Ancients. 1.
Psalm 99.
HYMN 474. Worshippers of old,
Moses, Aaron and
Samuel. 2.
Psal. 99.
HYMN 475. Zeal in publick Worship. 1.
Psal. 100.
Deut. 32.18.
HYMN 476. Zeal in the publick Worship: 2.
Psal. 100.
HYMN 477. A Pattern of Princely Government. 1.
Psal. 101.
HYMN 478. A Pious Prince described.
Psalm 101.
HYMN 479. Appearing of Hope, or
[...] Reparation.
Psalm 102.13.
HYMN 480. Stability of the Church.
Psalm 102.25.
HYMN 481. Applause of God's Mercies.
Psal. 103.
HYMN 482. (2.
Vers. 13.
HYMN 483. (2.
Psalm 103.
HYMN 484. (2. PART)
HYMN 485. (3. PART.)
HYMN 486. (4. PART.)
HYMN 487. (5. PART.)
HYMN 488. Applause of God's Greatness. 1.
Psalm 104.
HYMN 489. Applause of the Creation. 2.
Psal. 104.5.
HYMN 490. Blessings of Provision applauded. 3.
Psal. 104.10.
HYMN 491. Blessings of the Creatures,
viz. Plants, Planets. 4.
Psal. 104.16.
HYMN 492. Blessings ordain'd for man. 5.
Psalm 104.20.
HYMN 493. Blessings rich and plentifull by Land and Sea. 6.
PART. 1.
Psal. 104.24.
HYMN 494. Blessings shewing forth the Glory of God. 7.
PART. 1.
Psal. 104.31.
HYMN 495. Creation applauded, or service of the Creator. 1.
PART. 2.
Psalm 104.1.
HYMN 496. Creation applauded, or service of the Elements. 2.
PART. 2.
Psalm 104.5.
HYMN 497. Creation applauded, or service of the field. 3.
PART. 2.
Psal. 104.13.
HYMN 498. Creation-work applauded, or service of the Fruits. 4.
PART. 2.
Vers. 16.
HYMN 499. Creation work applauded, or service of the Seas. 2.
Psalm 104.24.
to 31.
HYMN 500. Creator's Glory celebrated. 6.
PART. 2.
Psal. 104.31.
The Sixth Century. OF PSALM-HYMNS.
HYMN 501. Deliverance celebrated. 1.
Psal. 105.1, 2, 3.
HYMN 502. (2.
Psalm 105.
HYMN 503. (2. PART.)
HYMN 504. (3.
Psal. 105.
HYMN 505. (4. PART.)
HYMN 506. (5. PART.)
HYMN 507. (6. PART.
HYMN 508. Felicity of the Church pray'd for.
Psalm 106.
v. 4.
Psal. 106. (2. METRE.)
Psalm 106. (2. PART.)
Psalm 106. (3. PART.)
Psalm 106.(4. PART.)
Psal. 106.(5. PART.)
Psal. 106. (6. PART.)
Psalm 106. (7. PART.)
Psalm 106. (8. PART.)
Psalm 106. (9. PART.)
Psalm 106. (10. PART.)
Psalm 106. (11. PART.)
Psalm 106. (12. PART.)
Psalm 106. (13. PART.)
Psalm 106. (14. & ult. PART.)
HYMN 509. Free favours to Captives.
1. PART.
Psalm 107.4.
Free favours to Colonies or Planters.
Psalm 107.9.10.
Free favours to distressed ones.
4. PART.
Free favours to Prisoners.
5. PART.
Free favours to sick-men.
6. PART.
Free favours to such as go to Sea.
7. PART.
Fruits of the Earth perish or prosper as men behave themselves to Godward.
8. PART.
God's several dealings with good and bad men to be regarded.
HYMN 510. Gratulations to God and supplications for the Church.
2. PART.
HYMN 511. Greatness of Christ's Kingdom. 1.
Psalm 110.
HYMN 511. Greatness of Christ's Kingdom expressed and explained. 2.
Psalm 110.
HYMN 512. Priesthood and power of Christ. 3. METRE.
HYMN 513. Great works of God celebrated. 1.
Psalm 111.
HYMN 514. Great works of God for his Church. 2.
Psalm 111.
HYMN 515. Honour and happiness and vertues of the Saints. 1.
Psalm 112.
HYMN 516. Honour and Vertue of the Saints. 2.
Psalm 112.
HYMN 517. Lovers of Liberality. 3.
Psalm 112.5.37.
HYMN 518. Honours and promotions of the poor▪ 1.
Psalm 113.
HYMN 519. Honours and promotions of the poor. 2.
Psalm 113.
HYMN 520. Jacob's safe Conduct. 1.
Psalm 114.
HYMN 521. Jacob's safe Conduct from
Aegypt. 2.
Psalm 114.
HYMN 522. Idols derided.
Psalm 115.1, 2.
HYMN 523. Liberty of the Gospel. 1.
Psalm 117.
HYMN 524. Liberty and latitude of the Gospel. 2. METRE. To the New Tune.
HYMN 525. Liberty and latitude of the Gospel. 3.
Psalm 117.
HYMN 526. Life of Religion.
Psalm ▪ 119. (1. PART.)
Psalm 119.1. All People,
The Corruption of youth bridled. 2.
Psalm 119. v. 9, to 16.
The Devotion of pious Pilgrims.
Psalm 119. from
v. 17, to 24. (3.
The dull and drooping Saints quickened.
Psalm 119. from
v. 25, to 32. (4.
PART. 1.
METRE. The faithfulness of Saints to the end.
Psalm 119.
v. 33,
to 40.
PART. 2.
Psalm 119. v. 33, 34.
Life of Religion in practice.
Psalm 119. v. 41, to 48· (6. PART.)
The great freedom of the Godly.
Psal. 119. v. 49, to 56. (7. PART.)
Hearty comfort had in Godliness.
Psalm 119. v. 57, to 64. (8. PART.)
The Just man's portion and practice.
Psalm 119. v. 65, to 72. (9. PART.)
The keenest affliction profitable.
Psalm 119. v. 73, to 80. (10. PART.)
The love of Saints to Grace and Godliness.
Psalm 119. v. 81, to 88. (11. PART.)
The making God our hope.
Psalm 119. v. 89, to 96. (12. PART.)
The never failing of God's word.
Psalm 119. v. 97, to 104. (13. PART.)
The power of Religion in practice.
Psalm 119. v. 105, to 112. (14. PART.)
The pure Lamp of the word.
Psalm 119. v. 113, to 120. (15. PART.)
The renouncing of ill courses and companions.
Psalm 119. v. 121, to 128. (16. PART.)
Supplication for deliverance and direction.
Psalm 119. v. 127, to 136. (17. PART.)
The true Zeal and Charity of Christians.
Psal. 119. v. 137, to 144. (18. PART.)
The true zeal and purity of Christians.
Psal. 119. v. 145, to 152. (19. PART▪)
The unwearied seeking of God.
Psalm 119. v. 153, to 160. (20. PART.)
The unworthiness of the wicked counterpoised.
Psalm 119. v. 161, to 168. (21. PART)
The watchfulness of Saints.
Psalm 119. v. 169, to 172. (22. PART.)
The work of Grace permanent.
HYMN 527. Living in quietness longed for.
Psal. 120. (1. METRE.)
HYMN 528. Looking up to God.
Psalm 121. (1. METRE.)
HYMN 529. Lovers of
Psalm 122. (1.
HYMN 530. Lovers of
Sion blessed.
Psalm 122. (2.
HYMN 531. Meekness of Captives.
Psalm 123. (1.
HYMN 532. Meekness and mourning of Captives. 2. METRE.
HYMN 533. Miracles of Mercy, or the snare broken.
Psalm 124. (1.
HYMN 534. Miracles of Mercy, or the snare broken.
Psalm 124. (2.
HYMN 535. Mount
Sion's sure standing.
Psalm 125. (1.
HYMN 536. Mount
Sion's sure standing.
Psalm 125. (2.
HYMN 537. Mourning turn'd to rejoycing for
Israel's deliverance from
Psalm 126. (1.
HYMN 538. Mourning turn'd to rejoycing, or the dream made real.
Psalm 126. (2.
HYMN 539. Nativities blessed, or Blessings of the Womb. 1.
Psalm 127.
HYMN 540. Nativities blessed, or Blessings of the Womb.
Psalm. 127. (2.
HYMN 541.
Olive Branches.
Psalm 128. (1.
HYMN 542.
Olive Branches.
Psalm 128. (2.
HYMN 543. Onsets upon
Israel, or the Plowers defeated.
Psalm 129. (1.
HYMN 544. Onsets upon
Israel, or the Plowers defeated.
Psalm 129. (2.
HYMN 545. Pardoning mercies.
Psal. 130. (1.
HYMN 546. Pardoning mercies implored.
Psalm 130. (2.
HYMN 547. Pardoning mercies plentifull.
Out of
Psalm 130. (3.
HYMN 548. (4.
Psalm 130.
HYMN 549. Pride mortified.
Psalm 131. (1.
HYMN 550. Pride to be mortified.
Psalm 131. (2.
HYMN 551. Promotion of the Church and State.
Psalm 132.8, 9.
HYMN 552. Promotion of Vnity.
Psalm 133. (1.
HYMN 553. (2.
Psalm 133.
HYMN 554. Promotion of Vnity.
Psalm 133. (3.
HYMN 555. Protection out of
Sion, or the
Levites Blessing.
Psalm 134. (1.
HYMN 556. Protection out of
Sion, or the
Levites Blessing.
Psalm 134. (2.
HYMN 557. Providences to
Israel God's peculiar treasure.
Psalm 135.1.
to 5.
HYMN 558. Pureness of God's Worship, and derision of Idols.
Psalm 135, 13. to 17. (2.
HYMN 559. Pure services of the Church.
Psalm 135.19. (3.
HYMN 560. Remembrance of God's ancient works, and everlasting mercies.
Psalm 136.1, 2, 3, 4. (1.
HYMN 561. Remembrance of God's ancient Works and everlasting mercies.
Psalm 136. (2.
HYMN 562. Revenge upon
Psalm 137. (2.
HYMN 563. Service and safety of the Humble, God's true favourites.
Psalm 138. (1.
HYMN 564. Service and safety of the Humble, God's true favourites.
Psalm 138. (2.
HYMN 565. Seeking God, or supplications at our awaking.
Psalm 80.1. & 121.4. & 139.17, 18.
HYMN 566. Supplications for the Morning.
Psalm 141.2, 3.
HYMN 567. Supplications in times of extream danger.
Psalm 142. (1.
HYMN 568 Supplication of King
Psalm 142. (2.
HYMN 569. Supplications relating to Posterity.
Psalm 144.
HYMN 570. (Out of
Psalm 145.)
David's Psalm of praise.
HYMN 571. (2.
Psalm 145.
HYMN 572. (3.
Psalm 145. v. 20.
Psalm 145. (4. PART.))
HYMN 573. Trust in God blessed.
Psalm 146.1, 2. (1.
HYMN 574. Trust in God immortal, powerfull, faithfull.
Psal. 146. v. 1, to 9. (2.
HYMN 575. Trust in the preserver;
viz. of Srangers, Widows and Fatherless.
Psalm 146.9. (3.
HYMN 576. (4.
Psalm 146.1 to 5.
HYMN 577. (5.
Psa. 146.
HYMN 578. (6.
Psal. 146.
HYMN 579. (7.
Psalm 136.
HYMN 580. (8.
Psalm 136.
HYMN 581. (9.
Psalm 136.
HYMN 582. (10.
Psalm 136.
HYMN 583. Variety of mercies magnified.
Psalm 147. (1. METRE.)
1. METRE. 2. PART. Ver. 7, 8.
HYMN 584. Variety of mercies magnified.
1. METRE. 3. PART. Psalm 147.12, 13, 14.
4. PART. 1. METRE. 17, 18.
HYMN 585. Variety of Providences praised. 2.
Psalm 147.1.
HYMN 586. Variety of Providences praised. 2.
PART. 2.
Psal. 147.12.
HYMN 587. (3.
Psalm 147.
HYMN 588. (3.
HYMN 589. (3.
Psalm 147.
HYMN 590. (3.
HYMN 591. Vniversal thanksgiving, or
Benedicite, &c. 1.
Psalm 148.
HYMN 592. Vniversal thanksgiving, or
Benedicite, &c. 2.
Psalm 148.
HYMN 593. Works of grace to the Church.
Psalm 149.1.
HYMN 594, Works of Grace to the Church. 2.
Psalm 149.
HYMN 595. Yielding Vniversal Praises.
Psalm 150. (1.
HYMN 596. Yielding Vniversal Praises.
Psalm 150. (2.
HYMN 597. (3.
Psalm 150.
HYMN 598. (4.
Psalm 150.
HYMN 599. (5.
Psalm 150.
HYMN 600. 6. METRE.
THE CANTICLES: OR THE SONG OF SOLOMON PARAPHRASED. By William Barton late Minister of St. Martins in Leicester.
The Song of Songs.
The Second Song.
The Third Song.
The Fourth Song.
The Fifth Song.
The Sixth Song.
The Seventh Song.
The Eighth Song.
A CATALOGUE OF VERTUOUS WOMEN Recorded in the Old and New Testament.
What knowest thou O Wife, whether thou shalt save thy Husband? Or how knowest thou O Man, whether thou shalt save thy Wife?
The Second Edition; with Additions.
LONDON, Printed for William Cooper at the Pelican in Little Britain. 1688.
To the Right Honourable the Lady FRANCES, Countess of Rutland.
THE favourable acceptation which this small Present found with you, incouraged me to communicate it to other vertuous Ladies and Gentlewomen, who were very desirous of a Copy of it; which desires growing ample and importunate, made me weary of writing, and willing (though not ambitious) to impart it to the Press: partly to commemorate the honourable acceptation, and partly to congratulate and gratifie the respects it found.
Moreover, by much perusal, I perceived that I had left out many memorable Persons of high account in Holy Scriptures, and that some that were put in had too scant a Character, wherefore to make all compleat, and to leave a living Monument of those Resplendent Vertues that are recorded of the Female Sex, which will undoubtedly excite good Women to Godly imitation, I have presumed to make this Paper publick for the honour of that Sex which God hath so highly honoured, as the most acute Aretius observes upon the pious Womens coming first to the Sepulchre of our Saviour, [Page 744] Luke 24.1. Totum hoc ad gloriam Muliebris Sexus pertinere, That it did all belong to the Glory of the Female Sex: and learned Polanus saith on the same occasion, Syntag. Theol. Christ. Page 419. at the letter C. Column 1. Resurrectio Christi primum ab Angelo annunciata est mulieribus quia voluit Deus sic ornare pietatem illarum quarum Zelus pro Gloria Christi fervidior erat quàm Virorum. The Resurrection of Christ (saith he) was first told by the Angel to the Women because their zeal for the glory of Christ was hotter than the Mens.
Considering therefore that it cannot be condemned for flattery; (for none can inherit such glory but they that imitate them) nor can it provoke envy or disdain, which is so clear a record of the Holy Scriptures, neither doth it derogate from the Man, but dignifie him. For as he is her head, so she is his glory, 1 Cor. 11.3.7. And a Vertuous Woman is a Crown to her Husband, Prov. 12.4. I humbly crave your Honours allowance and acceptation of the Publication in your Name. And so with supplications for your Honours long health and happiness, I rest,
To the Right Honourable the Lady
FRANCES, Countess of
An EPIGRAM, Presented on the Feast Day of our Blessed Saviour's Nativity, Anno Dom.
The Post-script.
NOTE 1. For the distick in Italian Character Page 748. Take this following if you think it fit.
Though some Interpreters say that the Male Children onely suffered; but that could hardly be: See the Text in Jer. 31.18. And Reverend Bishop Hall, in his Contemplations of Herod and the Infants, saith thus: All the Infants of Bethlehem shall suffer for this one.
Note 2. The Salique Law is a Law of France, whereby the Crown of France cannot fall to a Woman; The Original and injustice of it, and how confuted and condemned from this President of Zelophehad's Daughters, Num. 27. & 36. c. See in Dr. Heylin's description of the World, Edition 8. in Quarto, page 80. and in the Edition in Folio, pag. 177.
Note 3. Some take the Virgin Mary's Sister, spoken of John 19.25. to be the same with the Wife of Cleophas; for [Page 764] thus the Text expresseth it, [...]. His Mother, and His Mothers Sister. Mary the Wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. And Calvin construes it, that this Mary (call'd her Sister) was her Cousin, and might be the Daughter of Cleophas, for any thing said in the Text, and the Translators put it in a different Character; But Aretius distinguisheth them, Adest Mater Christi, adest Soror ejus, Adsunt aliae duae Mariae, Uxor Cleophae & Magdalenae. There was present (saith he) the Mother of Christ, there was present her Sister, there were present two other Maries, the Wife of Cleophas, and Magdalene.
A TABLE to the Three Last Centuries, containing the Psalm-Hymns.
- AAron and Moses Israel's Lamp, 586
- Affection to Ordinances, 512
- Affiance and repose in God. 369
- Afflictions great imposed and allowed, 482
- Ancient Sabbath, 528
- Angels protecting Saints, 415
- Answer of our supplications 478
- Appearing of Hope, or Sion's Reparation, 547
- Applause of God's Mercies, 550
- Applause of God's greatness, 557
- Applause of the Creation, Ibid.
- Arraignment of Persecutors, 371
- Arraignment and Ruin of Persecutors, 372
- Atheists shamed by babes and sucklings, 374
- BAbes and sucklings setting forth Gods praise, 373
- Babes and sucklings shaming Atheists, 374
- Believers victory over the Dragon, 527
- Believers Comfort and Crown, Ibid.
- Benedicite, &c. Or Vniversal thanksgiving▪ 709
- Birth of our blessed Saviour, 516
- Blessed man described, 361
- Blessedness of Charity, 422
- Blessings of the Womb, 653, 654
- [Page 766]Blessings ordained for man, 560
- Blessings conferred on Saints 465
- Blessings rich and plentifull by Land and Sea, 561
- Blessings of a fruitfull year, 477
- Blessings of provision applauded, 558
- Blessings of the Creatures, viz. Plants, Planets, &c. 559
- Blessings shewing forth the glory of God, 562
- CAlamity of the Wicked, 377
- Canaan the Type of Heaven, 428, 576
- Canaan fell to Israel, 4 [...]8
- Captives redemption prayed for, 593
- Captives free favours, Ibid.
- Chains of darkness for the wicked, 378
- Charity blessed, 422
- Chastisements, God's faithfulness therein 523
- Christ's Kingdom, how exalted, 366
- Christ's Kingdom, how opposed and hated, 365
- Christs praise, 431
- Christ's praise past all expression, 434
- Christ's power converting souls, 432
- Christ's Throne deckt with Justice, Ibid.
- Christ's Reign and Triumph his enemies dread, 535
- Churches inward beauty and succession, 434
- Churches beauty highly prais'd, 442
- Churches favours pray'd for, 583
- Church besieged and delivered, 442
- Church records God's mercies her safety, 443
- Church-freedom to Saints, 514
- Church redeemed from Captivity, 517
- Church redeemed and warned, 518
- Comfort in godliness, 624
- Comforts flowing from above, 426
- [Page 767]Comforts for the righteous, 379
- Comparison between good and bad men, their Works, and their Rewards, 364
- Confusion of the wicked. 380
- Converted Nations comforted, 535
- Corruption of youth bridled, 619
- Corruption of the times, 381
- Creation applauded, or service of the Creator, 563
- Creation applauded, or service of the Elements, 564
- Creation applauded, or service of the Field, 566
- Creation applauded, or service of the Fruits, 567
- Creation applauded, or service of the Seas, 568
- Creation-works & wonders wrought of old, 695
- Creation-works demand ours and the Churches praise, 694
- Creator [...]s Glory celebrated, 570
- Curbing of the wicked, 382
- DAvid's wicked enemies destroyed, 475
- Death, the Saints advantage, Worldlings sorrow, 444
- Death and Judgment shews difference between Saints and Sinners, 445
- Degenerate world described, 383, 384
- Deliverance pray'd for, 490
- Deliverance urged, 491
- Deliverance celebrated, 573
- Depths of mercy, 661
- Derision of Idols, 669
- Description of true Christians, 385
- Description of true Citizens of Sion, 386
- Destruction of Rebellious Men, 393
- Difference betwixt Good and Bad, 363
- [Page 768]Devout and true Saints, 399
- Devotion of pious Pilgrims, 620
- Devotion, Pardon and Vocation, 478
- Dull and drooping Saints quickened, 620
- ENVY not Worldlings honour or delight,
- Which ends in horrour and perpetual night. 446
- Enemies of the Saints increase, 368
- Enemies of King David destroyed, 475
- Entrance of the King of Glory, 400
- Escape from death and the Joy thereof, 408
- Establishment of Christ's Kingdom, 493
- Everlasting mercies, 671
- Exaltation of Christ's Kingdom, 366
- Exceeding happiness of pardon, 412
- Exhortations to fear God, 415
- Expectation of the Resurrection, 387
- Experience stirs up to prayer and praise, 483
- Extolling of Scripture, Verity and Vertue, 388
- Exurgat Deus, 487
- FAith seen in fear of sin, 389
- Faiths Victorious Banner, 391
- Faithfulness of Saints to the end, 621
- Faithfulness of God's Chastisements, 523
- Falseness of Persecutours, 423
- Favours pray'd for, 583
- Favours free to Captives, 593
- Felicity of God's Protection, 369
- Felicity of the Church pray [...]d for, 581
- Flattering world applauds her own, 445
- Foes of the Lord dismay'd with fear, 435
- Free-Grace of God revealed, 404
- Free Favours to Colonies or Planters, 594
- Free Favours to distressed ones, 595
- [Page 769]Free favours to Prisoners, 596
- Free favours to sick-men, 597
- Free favours to such as go to Sea, 598
- Freedom of the Godly, 623
- Frequent Prayer prevalent, 470
- Fruits of the Earth perish or prosper at God's pleasure, 599
- Fruitfull year a Blessing, 447, 478
- Fruitfulness of the Saints in Age, 530
- GEntiles called to Sion's Court, 433
- God's acceptable sacrifices, 455
- God ceaseth wars, proclaims his power, 438
- God's Clemeney tenders mans frailty, 555
- God's comforts the Saints feast, 418
- God's different dealings with good and bad men, 600
- God's free Grace revealed to them that seek it, 404
- God's Free-grace to Israel, 428
- God's Free-love cheers the soul, 426
- God our good and sure Shepherd, 396, 397
- God the good Shepherd of our souls, 394
- God the good Shepherd doth supply our wants, 395
- God's greatness and goodness, 696
- God's greatness seen in Tempests, 405
- God's greatness applauded, 557
- God's greatness seen in Thunder, 407
- God's glory in his Temple, 534
- God guides the meek and penitent, 403
- God's Judgments and Destruction of Rebels 393
- God just and holy, delights to hear prayers, 688
- God loves the just, helps the distrest 694
- God's mercies the Saints support, 417
- God's mercies keeps both man and beast, 418
- [Page 770]God's mercies to the Saints secure, 418
- God's mercies larger than from East to West, 554
- God's mightiness in Judgment, 448
- God's mightiness in mercy, 449
- God's mightiness in punishing the wicked, 450
- God's mightiness in the day of Judgment, 451
- God's mightiness in Vengeance upon the wicked, 453
- God's Ordinances cheer the godly mind, 425
- God [...]s pardoning grace, 552
- God's praise set forth by babes and sucklings, 373
- God's praises past all expression, 582
- God a present refuge, 437
- God procures peace for the Saints, 368
- God's providences prais'd, great foes submit, 480
- God's Providence cannot be descried, 529
- God's propensity to pity the Saints calamity, 519
- God's protection the felicity thereof, 369
- God's soveraign rule to keep our souls alive, 481
- God's Soveraign Throne, 556
- God slow to anger, prone to grace, 687
- God subverts lewd sinners in their ways, 688
- God the sure portion of the pure in heart, 499
- God sends the seasons from above, 708
- God's true favorites, 676
- God vindicates the oppressed, 553
- God's wondrous works of Judgment, 697
- Good Christians described, 398
- Good Men and bad their ways and ends discovered, 362
- Good wellcomers of the King of glory, 401
- Gospel days celebrated, 533
- [Page 771]Gratulations to God, and supplications for the Church, 601
- Greatness of Christ's Kingdom, 602
- Greatness of Christ's Kingdom expressed and explained, 603
- Great freedom of the godly, 623
- Great works of God celebrated, 606
- Great works of God for his Church, 607
- Great sins scor [...]d on, great mercies are forgot, 583
- HAbitation of cruelty supprest, 500
- Happiness conferred on the Saints, 410
- Happiness of pardon, 412
- Hearty comfort in godliness, 624
- How to fear God aright, 415
- Holy Angels protecting Saints, Ibid.
- Honour, Happiness and Vertue of the Saints, 608
- Honours and promotions of the poor, 611, 612
- Honouring God at all times, 414
- JAcob's safe conduct, 613
- Jacob's safe conduct from Aegypt, 614
- Idols derided, 615
- Idolatries bloudy and inhumane, 590
- Jew and Gentiles glory with confession, 434
- Jewels of God's keeping, 416
- Ill deeds describe the wicked, 417
- Image-worship accursed, 536
- Joys of Heaven, 419
- Joseph reserved for many Lands relief, 577
- Israel's refuge and high tower, 438
- Israel's deliverance from Babylon, 651
- Israel's passing the Red Sea, 480
- Israel's ingratitude, 506
- [Page 772] Israel's seed charged to seek God, 575
- Israel in Aegypt harboured, then opprest, 578
- Israel departs from Aegypt, 580
- Israel forgets the works of God, 585
- Israel grown brutish, 586
- Israel believes not, but murmurs basely, 587
- Israel spares the worst people in Canaan, 589
- Israel mixes with Heathen Idolatries, 590
- Israel ensnared by Heathens examples, 589
- Israel grosly stain'd by Idolatries, 590
- Israel's misdeeds recorded and punished, 591
- Israel's enemies rule over them; Ibid.
- Israel cries in their great distress, moves God to their redress, 592
- Judgments against persecutors, 469
- Just mans portion and practice, 625
- Just mans Vindication, protection and provision, 419
- Just mans sure safegard and happy end, 421
- Justification implored, 457, 460
- Just beloved of God, 694
- KEenest afflictions profitable, 626
- King David's wicked Enemies destroyed, 475
- Kings moved to receive Christ's Kingdom, 367
- Kings supply and sure defence by prayer, 392
- Kingdom of Christ how opposed and hated, 365
- Kingdom of Christ how exalted, 366
- Knowledge and Acknowledgment of Mortality, 421
- LEvites blessing, 667
- Liberty of the Gospel, 616
- Liberty and latitude of the Gospel, 617
- Life of Religion. Ibid.
- [Page 773]Life of Religion in practice, 6 [...]2
- Living in quietness longed for, 640
- Lord proclaim'd a present aid, 435
- Looking up to God, 642
- Lowly Adoration a publick worship, 532
- Love of Saints to Grace and Godliness, 627
- Lovers of Liberality, 611
- Lovers of Sion, 643
- Lovers of Sion blessed, 644
- Lovers of Charity blessed, 422
- MAking God our hope, 628
- Man's frailty tendred by God's Clemency, 555
- Man's Glory shining in his Creation and Restoration, 376
- Martyrdom or slaughter of the Sheep, 429
- Meekness of Captives, 646
- Meekness and Mourning of Captives, Ibid.
- Mercies to the Church by our Saviou's Ascention, 439
- Mercies to the Gentiles by Christ's Ascention, 441
- Mercies the Saints support, 417
- Mercies keeps both man and beast, 418
- Mercies secured to the Saints, Ibid.
- Mercies larger than from East to West, 554
- Mighty men warned, 509
- Mightiness of God in Judgment, 448
- Mightiness of God in the day of Judgment, 451
- Mightiness of God in Mercy, 449
- Mightiness of God in punishing the Wicked▪ 450
- Mightiness of God in Vengeance upon the Wicked, 453
- [Page 774]Miracles of Mercy, or the Snare broken, 647,
- — Idem, 648
- Moses and Aaron Israel's Lamp, 586
- Moses saves Israel in the Gap, 587
- Mortality acknowledged, 421
- Mount Sion's sure standing, 649, 650
- Mourning turn'd to rejoycing for Israel's deliverance from Babylon, 651
- Mourning turn'd to rejoycing, or the Dream made real, 652
- Murmuring at Meribah moves the meekest Man, 589
- NAtivities blessed or Blessings of the Womb, 653, 654
- Never failing of God's word, 629
- New Building of Sion, and the Sacrifices most acceptable to God, 455
- ORdinances, true love to them, 511
- Ordinances, Affection to them, 512
- Olive Branches, 655
- Onsets upon Israel, or the Powers defeated, 656,
- — Idem, 657
- Opposition or hatred to Christ's Kingdom, 365
- PArdon implored, 456, 457
- Pardon of bloudshed, and Prayers for Sion, 458, 461
- Pardon of sin implored, 459
- Pardoning Grace, 476
- Pardoning Mercies, 658
- Pardoning Mercies implored, 659
- Pardoning Mercies plentifull, 660
- Pattern of Princely Government, 545
- Peace of Conscience implored, 460, 461
- [Page 775]Peace of Worldlings a Riddle, 444
- Perpetual praises to the Lord, 686
- Persecutors Judgments, 469
- Persecutors Arraignment, 371
- Persecutors arraigned and ruined, 372
- Persecutors falseness, 423
- Persecutions greatly grieve and grind, 425
- Pharaoh overthrown in the Wilderness, 501
- Phineas does justice and is blest, 588
- Pious Prince described, 546
- Plagues of Aegypt, 578, 579
- Portion and practice of just men, 625
- Power of Religion in Practice, 630
- Power of Christ converting souls, 432
- Praises to God, 706, 707
- Praise of Christ, 431
- Praise of Christ past all expression, 434
- Praise sui [...]s with Saints, 705
- Praises from Heaven and Earth, 717
- Prayer frequent, prevalent, 470
- Prayer for the King, 492
- Prayers for Sion's prosperity, 462
- Prayer for Captives redemption, 593
- Priesthood and power of Christ, 605
- Pride mortified, 662
- Pride to be mortifyed, 663
- Promotion of the Church and State, Ibid.
- Promotion of Vnity, 664, 666
- Properties of Tale-bearers accused, 462
- Prosperity puffs up, and Grace withdraws, 409
- Prosperous state of the wicked makes them commit greater sins, 496
- Protection and provision from above, 413
- Protection, provision and vindication of just men, 419
- Protection of Saints, 467, 468
- [Page 776]Protection out of Sion, or the Levites Blessing, 667
- Providences to Israel God's peculiar Treasure, 668
- Providences to the Saints, 528
- Punishment of Atheists, 467, 468
- Pure Lamp of the Word, 631
- Pure in Heart are taught to know the Worldlings End and Woe, 497
- Pure in heart have joys supream, 498
- Pure in heart are God's sure portion, 499
- Pure Services of the Church, 670
- Pureness of God's Worship, and derision of Idols, 669
- QVieting of cares, 471, 473
- Quieting principles, 474
- RED Sea dried, and Israel passing it, 480
- Red Sea dryed and enemies drown'd, 584
- Release from Afflictions, 483
- Remarkable judgments on the Wicked, 377
- Remembrance of God's ancient works and everlasting mercies, 671, 673
- Renouncing of ill Courses and Companions, 632
- Repose in God, 471
- Revenge upon Babylon, 675
- Revelation of the Gospel, 484
- Revelation and Riches of the Gospel, 485
- Riddle of Worldlings peace and bliss, 444
- Righteous comforted, 379
- Rising of the Ark, or Exurgat Deus, 487
- Rock of Refuge, 473
- SAcrifices, which are most acceptable to God, 455
- [Page 777]Safe Conduct, 503
- Saints sighs and prayers when confined from God's house, 424
- Saints should banish fears, 437
- Saints Calamity and God's propensity to pity, 519
- Saints preservation in times of pestilence, 52 [...]
- Saints Honour, Happiness and Vertues, 608,
- — Idem, 610
- Salvation of Saints, 537
- Sanctification implored, 457, 460
- Sanctuary Songs for the wonderfull works of God, 489
- Satisfying grace, 476
- Seeking God, or supplications at our awaking, 679
- Service and safety of the humble, God's true Favourites, 676, 678
- Services of the Church, 670
- Service of the Creator, 563
- Service of the Elements, 564
- Service of the Field, 566
- Service of the Fruits, 567
- Service of the Seas, 568
- Short Age of man, 524
- Sion's prosperity prayed for, 462
- Sion's Reparations, 490
- Sion's glory in turning the Gentiles, 521
- Sion's reparation, or the appearing of Hope, 547
- Silent praise to God, 476
- Sins kept, with hold true Blessings, 483
- Slaughter of the Sheep or Martyrdom, 429
- Speedy deliverance prayed for, 490
- Spiritual uncleanness follows Corporal, 588
- Spiritual Government of Christ figured in Soloman, or a prayer for the King, 492
- [Page 778]Speedy deliverance urged, 491
- Soul cheered in God's free love, 426
- Spouse of Christ, 433
- Stability of the Church, 548
- Strength and establishment of Christ's Kingdom, 493
- Strength of sinners subdued, 500
- Strength of the Leviathan subdu'd, 501
- Supplication to God to spare Chastisements, 370
- Supplication for deliverance and direction, 633
- Supplications for the Church, 601
- Supplications at our awaking, 679
- Supplications for the Morning, 680
- Supplications in times of extream danger, 681
- Supplications of King David, 683
- Supplications for posterity, 684
- Sweet pardoning Grace, 476
- TAle-bearers properties, 462
- Tale-bearers cursed, 46 [...]
- Temptation much assaults the pure in heart, 495
- Temptation encountred and overcome, 502
- Throne of Christ, 432
- Throne of Israel reestablished, 506
- Time of trouble complained of, 504
- Tribulation and woe to the wicked, 510
- True love to Ordinances, 511
- True believers victory over the Dragon, 527
- True zeal and charity of Christians, 634
- True zeal and purity of Christians, Ibid.
- True thankfulness, 447
- Truth springing out of the earth, 516
- Trust in God blessed, 689
- [Page 779]Trust in God immortal▪ powerfull, [...] [...]
- Trust in the pres [...]ver of strangers, [...] and fatherless, [...]
- Trust not in Kings and Princes, Ibid.
- Trust alone in the high and holy one, 693
- Tryal of Loyalty, or Israel's Ingratitude, 506
- Tryal of Israel and attest of God's [...], 5 [...]
- Turning the Gentiles, or Sion's Glory, 521
- Turning the Gentiles to the Church, 522
- VAlidity of God's promises, 523
- Vanishing of Life, 524
- Variety of Meroi [...] magnified, [...]98, 7 [...]0
- Variety of providence [...] praised, [...]02, 704
- Victoriousness of God's power, 530
- Victoriousness of God's power and promises, 531
- Virtuousness of Saints in Age, 530
- Vocation to publick Worship, 532
- Vnity and Christian Love, 665
- Vniversal thanksgiving, or Benedicite, 709
- Vnwearied seeking of God, 636
- Vnworthiness of the wicked counterpois [...]d, 637
- WANT of God's Fear destructive, 470
- Watchfulness of Saints, 638
- Ways and Ends of Good-men and Bad-men discovered, 362
- Weak upheld, all Creatures are supplyed, 688
- Wicked their calamity and remarkable Judgment, 377
- Wicked, their chains of darkness, 378
- Wicked their Confusion, 380
- Wicked their curbing, 382
- Wicked described by their ill deeds, 417
- Wicked, Great Woes attend them, 418
- [Page 780] [...] for good times, [...]
- [...] of God by sea and Land, 476
- [...] Confidences condemned, 474
- Worldlings peace a Riddle, 444
- Worldlings honour and delight ends in hor [...]our and darkness, 446
- Worldlings [...]nd and wo [...], 497
- Wordlings joy is but a dream, 498
- Works of God celebrated, 606
- Works of God for his Church, 607
- Works of Grace permanent, 639
- Works of Grace to the Church, 712, 713
- Worship of Images accursed, 536
- Worship of the soveraign Lord, 538
- Worship of the supream Judge, 539
- Worship performed by the Ancients, 540
- Worshippers of old, Moses, Aaron and Samuel, 542
- YIelding Vniversal praises, 714, 715
- ZEAL to the Temple, 513
- Zeal in publick Worship, 543, 544