A Two part SONG
[...]Ah Lovely Nymph I'm quite undone, 'tis thou hast caus'd my Smart, thou whose bright [...]Ah Lovely Nymph I'm quite undone 'tis thou hast caus'd my Smart thou whose bright [...]Eyes ex—ceed the Sun, hase rob'd me of my heart, hast, ro—b'd me [...]Eyes ex—ceed the Sun hast rob'd me of my heart hast ro—b'd me [...]of my heart. Bright Cloe object of my vow Procu— [...]of my heart. Bright Cloe ob—ect of my vow object of my vow Procu—rer [...]of my pains, unbend a while thy serious brow & hear & hear your Lovers Strains. [...]—rer of my pains unbend a while thy serious brow & hear & hear your Lovers Strains.
For the FLUTE [...]