WHereas divers People are at great expence in printing, publishing and dispersing of Bills of Advertisement: Observing how practical and Advantagious to Trade and Business, &c. this Method is in parts beyond the Seas.
These are to give notice, That all Persons in such cases concerned, henceforth may have published in Print in the Mercury, or Bills of Advertisements, which shall come out every Week on Thursday morning, and be delivered and dispersed in every house where the Bills of Mortallity are received, and elsewhere, the Publications and Advertisements of all the matters following, or any other matter or thing not herein mentioned, that shall relate to the Advancement of Trade, or any lawful business not granted in propriety to any other.
NOtice of all Goods, Merchandizes and Ships to be sold, the place where to be seen, and day and hour.
Any Ships to be let to Freight, and the time of their departure, the place of the Masters habitation, and where to be spoken with before and after Exchange time.
All Ships, their Names and Burthens, and capacities, and where their Inventaries are to be seen
All other Parcels of Materials or Furniture for Shipping in like manner.
Any Houses to be Let, or Sold, or Mortgaged, with Notes of their Contents.
Any Lands or Houses in City or Country, to be Sold or Mortgaged.
The Erection, Alteration, or Removal of any Stage-coach, or any common Carrier.
Advertisements of any considerable Bargains that are offered.
Any curious Invention or Experiment that is to be exposed to the Publick view or sale, may be hereby notified when and where.
Hereby Commissioners upon Commissions against Bankrupts may give large notice.
In like manner any man may give notice, as he pleaseth, to his Creditors.
Hereby the Settlement or Removal of any Publick Office may be notified.
Hereby all School-masters, and School-mistresses, and Boarding-schools, and Riding-schools, or Academies, may publish the place where their Schools are kept.
And in like manner, where any Bathes or Hot-houses are kept.
And the Place or Key at the Waterside, whereto any Hoy or Vessel doth constantly come to bring or carry Goods; as, those of Lee, Feversham and Maidstone, &c.
AT the Office which is to be kept for the Advertisements, any Person shall be informed (without any Fee) where any Stage-coach stands, where any common Carrier lies that comes to any Inn within the Bills of Mortality, and their daies of coming in, and going out.
In like manner all the accustomed Hoys or Vessels that come to the several Keys from the several Ports of England.
All Masters and Owners of the several Stage-coaches, and the Master-Carriers, and the Masters of all the Hoys and Vessels above-mentioned, are desired to repair between this and Christmas day next, to the Office kept for the receipt of the Advertisements, to see if no mistakes be in their several daies and rates, that the said Books may be declared perfect, which shall be no charge to the Persons [...]erned.
The Office or Place where every Person may have his desires answered in any thing hereby advertised, is kept in St. Michaels Alley in Cornhil, London, right against Williams Coffee-house, where constant Attendance every day in the Week shall be given, from Nine in the Morning, to Five in the Evening, to receive the desires of all Persons in matters of this nature, carefully to answer them in the same.
With Allowance.
LONDON: Printed by Andrew Clark in Aldersgatestreet. 1675.