Admirable Newes From IRELAND Both good and true: viz.

First, A humble Petition to the Honourable Houses of Par­liament, of divers Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen of the King­dome of Ireland now resident in London.

Secondly, A true Coppy of a Letter sent from a Gentleman of worth in Ireland, to a speciall friend of his, a Servant of great trust to the Kings Majesty: Importing joyfull Newes of a great overthrow given to the Rebells by Sir Simon Harcot, and Sir Charles Coot.

Thirdly, A true Relation of all the first Occurrences and chie­fest things of note, that hath hapned in Ireland for a moneth past; being a true Coppy of a Letter sent to a Gentleman in London, and to one Master Clay in Lombard-street: dated the twenty fourth of January. 1641.

Fourthly, Divers other matters worthy of note.

Printed at London for Francis Coules. 1641.

To the Honourable Knights, Citizens, and and Burgesses of the Com­mons House of Parliament.
The humble Petition of the Lords, Knights, and Gentle­men of the Kingdome of Ireland now in Towne,

Humbly shewing,

THat your Petitioners have received many & par­ticular advertisements from all parts of the King­dome of Ireland, which set forth the universall desolations made in such plantations of the Bri­tish, both English and Scotch, wheresoever the barbarous Irish Rebells have come, to the utter destruction both of the persons there inhabiting, and extirpating of the reformed Protestant Religion there set up, through the Royall care and pietie of K. James of blessed Memorie, and his Majesty that now is, and prosccuted by the great industrie and pious endevours of neare forty yeers travaile by those who have spent their whole lives in reducing that Kingdome to Civility, which is now utterly desolated, by the proceedings so match­lessely cruell, that no age nor storie can parallell their inhuma­nities; some whereof your Petitioners are informed have beene touched upon by advertisements already brought to this Honou­rable House, whereof there is so great variety, that volumnes were but little enough to containe the particulars; many thou­sands [Page 2] of men, women, and children, lying mangled on the face of the earth, crying loud to God and their neighbour King­domes for reliefe against those Monsters, whose Conspiracy is now so universall, that small ayds will be not onely inconfide­rable to effect the worke. but a meanes to lengthen the warre, with the losse not onely of the treasure applyed therein, but also of the persons imployed, who being but few will be in dan [...]er to be given up to the cruelties of the Rebells, by that means (which God prevent) will they gaine not onely great accesse to their number, but (which is much more considerable. that ex­perience in war and use of Armes, as may render them infinite­ly more able to make resistance against the hereafter supplies; these particulars your Petitioners, out of the deep sence they have of the calamities incumbent to that, and in danger to fall on this Kingdome, with all humility crave leave to present; most hum­bly desiring, that in pursuance of the zeale, and servency already shewn to the glory and worship of God, of the Honour and Renowne of His most Excellent Majestie (both which are now strongly assaulted and pusht at) and out of the tender commise­ration already exprest for the reliefe of that bleeding Kingdome;

That this Honourable Assembly will represent such prevalent arguments to his Sacred Majesty, and the House of Peeres, that the 10000. men tendred by the Kingdom of Scotland and accep­ted of by this Honourable Assembly, may be speedily ordered to resort unto Vlster: Not but that we doe also desire there may be as great a, proportion of Souldiers sent out of this Kingdome, as soon as they can be prepared, if so it may please his Majestie and both Houses of Parliament, the contagion of rebellion in Ireland having spread it selfe over so many other parts of the Kingdome, and yet dayly more and more increasing, as will re­quire the service of those who shall be sent out out of England for the subduall of the Rebells, and comfort of his Majesties good subjects in the other Provinces.

But forasmuch as your Petitioners many of whose whole estates, and some of whose wives, children, and neerest kin­dred and friends are already in the hands and possession of those barbarous and bloody Rebels of Vlster, and that they may have more then ordinary cause to feare, that the remai­ning [Page 3] Protestant party, together with the important Towns of Caricfargus, London-Derry and Colerane, being the chiefe, Bulwarks and Fortresses of that province, may for want of speediest reliefe be surprised and destroyed, and by that meanes the rest of the Kingdome extreamely endan­gered, to the irrepairable dammage and discomfort of his Majesty, and all his good and loyast Subjects of all his do­minons; Therefore your Petitioners doe most instatly sup­plicate this Honourable Assembly, to endeavour the hast­ning thither with all possible expedition the ten thousand men out of Scotland, whose assistance being within three houres saile, may be soonest conveyed, and whose constitu­tions will notably match with the rebels, being well able (as many of these petitioners have knowne by former expe­rience) to follow them through the bogs and Moorish pla­ces (frequent in those parts) during the winter season, which other supplies possibly may not bee so fit for at this present; This number added to those raised and to be raised in those parts (through Gods blessing) may soone checke these insolencies, and contribute much for reducing that Kingdome to due obedience, and yeeld unspeakable com­fort, and reliefe to many thousand disconsolate bleeding protestant soules, who have long languished in expectation of aide from that and this Kingdome, the longer retarding whereof will carry loud cries to heaven against those who cause the same?

And your Petitioners shall pray, &c.

  • Adam Viscount Loftus.
  • Thomas Lord Folliot.
  • Henry Lord Blayney.
  • Robert Lord Digby.
  • Theodore Lord Docwra.
  • Francis Lord Mountnorris.
  • Sir George Blundell Baronet.
  • Sir Edward Loftus Knight.
  • Sir Faithfull-Fortescue Knight.
  • Sir Iohn Clattworthy Knight.
  • Sir Robert King Knight,
  • Sir Rob. Parkhurst Knight.
  • Arthur Annesley Esquire.
  • Robert Wallop Esquire.
  • Richard Fitz-Gerald Esq.
  • Arthur Iones Esquire.
  • Iohn Moore Esquire.
  • Nicolas Loftus Esquire,
  • Raelph Whisller Esquire.
  • Richard Perkins.
  • Iohn Davis.

A true Coppy of a Letter sent from a Gentleman of worth in Ireland, to a speciall friend of his, a Ser­vant of great trust to the Kings Majesty. Importing joyfull Newes of a great over­throw given to the Rebels.

TRedah was relieved on Tuesday night last by the two Pinnaces sent from hence, and in happy time, for they were almost at their last morsell: The Pinnaces enjoyed so faire a wind and so full a spring-tide, that the Rebels could not possibly prevent their comming in. That night, in conjecture that the Defendants within the Towne, would be overjoyed with their new reliefe, Captaine Fox undermined a part of the Wall which was most weake, which Sir Henry Tichbourn beheld all the time of their worke untill the breach was made and two hun­bred entred; and when as Sir Henry perceived as many as hee could master, he fell upon them and cut off all but eight men, who hardly escaped; their Captaine was killed, many were slaine the day after.

Philip O-Reyley, an Arch-Rebell, and a man very mighty amongst them, is taken and hanged.

The Lord of Dungarvon, hath brought in Armes for five hun­dred foot▪ and one hundred and twenty Horse out of England into Youghall, and twenty Barrells of powder, part whereof is sent to Duncanvon, to the aide of the Lord of Esmond, who is heseiged, and suspected for a Rebell: That Fort is well stored with brasse Ordnance, and like to become the greater losse.

The Lord Dungarvon, the Lord Braughill, and Sir William [Page 7] Courtney, with a convenient Force, adjoyned to the Lord Presi­dent of Munster, who hath fifteene hundred foot, and foure hun­dred Horse at command, so as if the Lord Muskerie, and the Lord Roch stand firme, that yet stir not, there will be no feare of the Rebels in that Province.

Sir Philip O-Neale, on Tuesday night came to Tredagh with one thousand foot, and two hundred Horse.

Our numbers yet are so few, till further aide come out of England, that it will be hazardous to adventure any part thereof, unlesse upon certain ground and good advantages; for if we should receive a blow, the whole Kingdome might be endangered.

The Townes neare the Mountaines, where Luke O-Toole and others kept their rendevous, are all sackt and burnt: they fly at the voice of an Army in divers places. God granting peace in England, there is no feare of War in Ireland.

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