[Page] May the Seventeenth, 1642.

Admirable, Good, True, and Joyfull Newes from IRELAND.

Being an Exact Relation of the last weekes passages in IRELAND, dated from Dublin May the 8. 1642.

Wherein is shewed how by the un­daunted Valour and wisedom of Sir Charles Coot, the Town and Castle of Trim was taken from the Enemy, wherein 4000. of the Rebels were, besides 4. Lords of the Pale; who were glad to fly with as many more as could, the rest were taken prisoners, & about 200. or more killed.

By which happy victory 40 Protestants obtai­ned their freedome, who were before kept Pri­soners by the Rebels in that Castle.

Likewise a Relation of another great over­throw given to the Lord Misery, by the Lord President of MUNSTER.

With the names of some other Forts and Townes taken from the Rebels by the Protestant Army.

Printed at London for Iohn Wright, 1642.

In my last I acquainted your Lordship with a design then undertaken by my Lord Lisse, for the reliefe of the Lady Ofaly, which his Lordship hath prosecuted with so much judgment and good successe, that not onely her Ladyship is put into a condition of sub­sistance, in despight of what the Rebels were or are like to be able to doe, but upon intelligence given him, he hath approved his first intentions, and taken in a Towne called Trim, from whence his Lordship sent hither a partie of Horse, desiring to be enabled to follow his good fortune, by the sending to him one troope of Horse more, and 1200. foot, which is condesended unto, and the troopes will be sent home on Saturday next, no man can observe his gal­lant inclinations, attended with his suitable events, with greater delight than I doe, Nor shall be more ready to serve him to ward accomplishment of all his undertakings.

H. Elsing. Cler. Part. de Com.

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