THE ADVENTURES OF Capt. Barth. Sharp, And Others, in the South Sea.
THAT which often Spurs men on to the undertaking of the most difficult Adventures, An. Dom. 1680. April. is the sacred hunger of Gold; and 'twas Gold was the bait that tempted a Pack of merry Boys of us, near Three Hundred [Page 2] in Number, being all Souldiers of Fortune, under Command (by our own Ele [...]tion) of Captain I [...]hn Coxon, to list our selves in the Service of one of the Rich West Indian Monarchs, the Emperour of Darien or Durian. Which Country has its Name from a River so called, running into the South Sea, almost a cross the I [...]mus, which is between the two formerly Great Empires of Mexico and Peru, and joyns the Northern and Southern America.
These Emperours of Darien heretofore commanded a large Tract of Land, lying about the Bay of Darien, but are now reduced to much narrower limits by their Enemies the Spaniards, with whom they have continual Wars. The Seat of this Empire is now in a Place called by us the Golden Island in the said Bay of Darien, not very far distant from Porto Belo, where the Spaniards ship their Treasure on board their Gallions for Spain.
After a kind invitation from the Indians, and Treaty with the Emperour in Person, he gladly listned to our Propositions and accepted us into his Service, resolving with us to attempt the recovery [Page 3] of some of those Places, the Spaniards had taken, and kept from him; particularly Santa Maria, once the Bishop's See of that Diocese, which was since removed to Panam [...]. It is now but a small Town with a little Fort, which serves for a Guard to the Spaniards while they gather their Golddust, brought down on the Sands of a River running into the Darien. The thoughts of a rich Booty encouraged us to this Design, but we were all firmly resolved, that in case we missed of good success in this, to undertake a more hazardous Enterprize; which was to go down the River Darien, and in our Canoes attempt the surprise of the City of Panama, and Ships lying there; this being the Port where the Spaniards unlade their Vessels, which bring their Treasure from Ciud [...]d de los Reyes, or Lima, as we still call it, and from all other parts there on the South Sea; as they likewise from thence export all their Merchandise coming from Europe, which is landed at Porto Belo, and brought over land thither to Panama.
Though the Undertaking seemed very imprudent, we having no shipping [Page 4] of our own there, and there being no other way home for us (as we then had ever heard of) but round about through the Streights of Magellan, or Le Maire, when we should have made our selves Masters of some of their Vessels, yet the incouragement we had, in the expectation of [...]raighting home our Coffers with Spanish Gold, and Pieces of Eight, overcame all difficulties; together with the hopes the Indians gave us of our getting to Panama e're the Spaniards could have intelligence of our coming, and the satisfaction we had of the promise of having along with us, the Company of our Emperour, under whose Commission we fought. These I say were the allurements that induced us to list our selves into this Service.
5. Mund. All things being thus concluded on, upon Munday the fifth day of April we landed about Seven a Clock in the morning, and began our march with our Emperour in the head of us till two in the afternoon, and took up our Quarters for that night in some Indian Houses.
6. Tuesd. At the first appearance of day we began our march; our last [Page 5] nights Lodging, (Chambers and Silk Beds being as much out of Fashion here, as they were in Adam's time) was nothing better than the cold Earth covered by the Starry Canopy, which gave us but small encouragement to stay longer, and travelled up a steep Mountain till about three, at which hour we came to a fresh Spring of Water where we satdown and rested our selves, then marching about six miles further we took up our Lodgings by a River-side.
7. Wedn. Early in the morning we continued our march to King Goldencaps Court; going till four we met two Indians loaden with Fruit which the King had sent us as a present, which we thankfully accepted, and marching an hour longer we came to the King's Pallace, where he with his Nobility and Men of the best Quality gave us a kind Reception and Entertainment. These Inhabitants are very handsome people though Tawny, but clean limbed and well featured, and are very obliging and affable, as those of our Men who afterwards marcht back again, over Land, experienced.
8. Thursd. This day finding such good Entertainment we staid at the Court, [Page 6] being Favourites not inconsiderable, and so well Armed and Resolute, as our party was.
9. Frid. In the morning we took our leave, and our path being bad, were forced to wade a River fifty or sixty times, which almost foundered us, at last we came to three large Indian Houses where we had free quarter, and found all things convenient for refreshment (by the Emperors and Kings command) ready provided, as Plantins, Bonanoes and Moria Flesh, but the same Lodging that Nature affords Animals, less mischievous than our selves, the Earth.
10. Saturd. We continued our march, and at night took our Lodging, (where the Poets fancy so many delicacies and advantages of sensual enjoyment, but for my part I would not envy their pastime had I had the Poets Bed in Exchange, for the Green Bank of a River on which we lay, whether perfumed with Roses or Jessamines; our tired limbs had not leisure to search, or our sences any vacancy for meer weariness from sleeping to perceive.)
11. Sund. Early in the morning, our Indian consorts having a few small Canoes, [Page 7] some of our Men embarked and going down the River met with several inconveniences, both Natural and Artificial: As first great falls, and then the Spaniards throwing great T [...]ees cross the Rivers, by which we lost several of our Canoes, the rest of our Men marching by Land to the place where the Emperour had ordered our Rendezvouz.
12. Mund. This day the remainder of our Men embarked at a place where the Emperour had provided more Canoes, and had a pleasant Voyage. About four in the afternoon we arrived at the appointed place, but not finding our fellow Souldiers there, who embarked the day before us, as we expected, it created in us a jealousie that the Indians had thus divided us, the better to execute some treachery, by the assistance of the Spaniard, the Emperor perceiving by our Caballing and Whispering among our selves, that we had some cause of dissatisfaction, Commanded a Canoe to row up another arm of the River in search of our Men, and meeting two Canoes with some of them, they returned with all expedition to us, and informed us of their safety, and that they [Page 8] had been honourably treated by the Indians, and would be with us the next morning; so here we staid for them this night.
13. Tuesd. This day all our party met, which not a little confirmed us in the good opinion we had of the Indians fidelity; we staid here all day to rest our selves, and fit our Arms and Necessaries for our next days proceedings, the Emperor acquainting us we were near the Town, which we were glad to hear; our tedious march put us quite out of fancy of walking to take the Air any more, now we were fallen so low down the River; the Emperour and the King had provided Canoes, &c. enough for us all.
14. Wedn. We rose with the day, and all embarked, also the Emperour and King with us; the Emperour was Cloathed with a loose Robe or Mantle of pure Gold, which was extraordinary Splendid and Rich. The King was in a White Cotton Coat fringed round the bottom, about his Neck a Belt of Tygers Teeth, and a Hat of pure Gold, with a Ring and a Plate like a Cockle Shell hanging at it of Gold in his Nose, which is the [Page 9] Fashion in this Country for the people of Quality, and which for what I could perceive was the only distinction. We rested not this day or night, and at two in the morning we landed within two miles of Santa Maria, and shrowded our selves in the Woods till day light.
15. Thursd. About six this morning we attacqued the place and carried it with little difficulty, it being a Stockadoe Fort, and a small Town o [...] Thatched Houses. This Fort of Santa Maria was kept by the Spaniards for the conveniency of gathering Dust-Gold, which the River affords plenty of, and the poor Natives are the Drudges to gather it for them. We designed to make no further progress, being told there was a sufficient quantity of Gold-dust at this place to enrich us all, but the wary Spaniards had carried it away two days before, as thinking a conveyance of their own contriving safer than ours, though not so well guarded as it would have been by us.
17. Saturd. Disappointment is an incentive to Revenge, and good Resolution the commander of Success; these being now our cheifest directors, we fitted our [Page 10] Canoes, and got what Provisions we could, being loth to return empty handed, and at the tide of Ebb designed to fall down, to see what fate would afford in the Southern Ocean. At this place it flows near two fathom perpendicular. The River is else very showly and full of Banks, which are dry at low Water. About twelve in the night we came to a Watering place, where we got drink, the River being Salt, here we staid till morning filling Water, it being very dark, and the mouth of the River wide, one branch of it coming from the Golden Mines; but having no Chymist to refine the Ore, we thought it best to go look for it where it was to be had with the King of Spains Arms on it, for we like other Children loved Pictures strangely.
18. Sund. This morning we proceeded on our intended Voyage, and about eleven in the forenoon we saw the South Sea; then coming to a small Isle near the mouth of the River Darien we rested our selves; from this we went to another about two Leagues distant, and took our Lodging there.
19. Mund. At day light we put from [Page 11] this Isle, and rowing not above half an hour, the Wind blew very hard and against the tide of Ebb, which made a great Sea, and had like to have put a period to all our atcheivements: One of our Canoes being overset with seven Men in her; but it pleased God, that with extream danger even to those that rescued them, they were all saved. It being a certain truth that those who are born to be hang'd shall never be drown'd, it proving so with us, one of our Company being hang'd at Iamaica on Port Royal; And we were very near it here in London; After this having a violent storm of rain we were forced on shoar upon a long sandy bank, where we built a House and were content to Lodg in it this night.
20. Tuesd. This morning it being fair weather again, we put to Sea with our Fleet of Canoes. Towards noon it began to blow hard, yet nothing is difficult to a willing mind, so we proceeded; About two in the after noon we put ashoar at an Isle to look some Water to drink, and finding some in the stinking holes of the Rocks we drank it as heartily as Canary. This Island is high, round, [Page 12] and Rocky, and here is plenty of Sea-Fowl; we staid not long here, but about four of the Clock we came to Planting Isle, where finding a Bark, and we standing in need of Shipping, put some of our Men on board here; At this place we took Quarters for this night; There was on board the Bark 130. Men, so this was now our Admiral, the rest being Canoes that carried from six to fifteen Men.
21. Wedn. In the morning we departed from this Isle, with the Bark and Canoes, being bound for the Island of Chipila for Provisions, we in our way met with one of the Spaniards Armadillo Barks, or little Men of War, who fell foul of us, Killing one Man and Wounding five more, so left us. Having no Provisions, and perceiving we should be continually Skirmishing, we went on shoar at this Island, and lay there that night
22. Thursd. Finding but small supply for our wants on this Isle, we were resolved to seek further, so we stood to the Westward, rowing along the shoar all that day and the night following, in hopes to reach another Island where we [Page 13] were informed we might accommodate our selves with neeessaries.
23. Frid. We parted with our Bark and 130. Men in her, whom we had sent to look some Water for us, where they could find it, early in the morning; And soon after we met with three Armadillo Barks with 280 Men on board them, which engaged our Fleet of Canoes, having in all scarce above 200 found Men in them. These three Barks were fitted out of Panama, who by this had notice from Santa Maria of our approach, on purpose to cut us off, thus unprovided of Shipping, or convenience of defence, being in Canoes that carried some six, some eight and ten, to fifteen Men, which leaning on one side might overset the biggest; however nothing daunted at the disadvantage of Fight, we made a resolution rather than drown in the Sea, or beg Quarter of the Spaniard, whom we used to Conquer, to run the extreamest hazard of Fire and Sword, and after a sharp Contest, still birding with our Fusees as many as durst peep over Deck, we boarded one of them, and carried her; so with her we took the second; and the third had certainly run the same [Page 14] fate, had not she scoured away in time, (though to speak without diminution of the Commanders courage) he staid as long as he could, and we plyed him very warmly, so that though we know not certainly how many Men they lost on board, yet are confident but few found Men returned to their City.
In this engagement we had eleven Men Killed right out, and thirty four more Wounded dangerously.
These Vessels being purposely fitted out for this design, afforded but small conveniency for our Wounded Men; so we went in chase of a larger Ship which we soon after took, put our Wounded Men on board her, and lay before the City of Panama, as well to refresh our tired Men, as to show them, they were not like to be rid of us so.
25. Sund. Captain Iohn Coxon, with fifty Men perswaded the Indians to return back, being a little in disgrace amongst our Men, as something tainted with cowardize in the late action, which made him leave us, and take with him his Chyrurgeon, and most of our best Medicines, not having any consideration or respect for our Wounded Men which [Page 15] we had on board, being forty in number, as a Man of moral honesty ought to have had: Thus making our retreat the more unsafe by taking away fifty sound Men, and then leaving us destitute of remedies for the recovery of our Wounded and Sick; but this last thing was unknown to the rest of our Company.
26. Mund. Captain Coxon being gone, Captain Sawkins and Captain Sharp having full Commission from our said Emperour of Darien, agreed to stay in those Seas till our Wounded Men were cured; After this we had lay some time before Panama, and took some of their Ships, one of which slipt by us in the night, but we followed her with an Oyster Bark into the Harbour; and so near the shoar that we could hear the Spaniards talk, and fetched her out again. She came with money to pay off the Souldiers, but we eased them of it; it being 60000 pieces of Eight, which we divided amongst us the next day, coming to 247 pieces of Eight per Man; Then we went to a small Island which they call Taboga for Wood, Water, and other Necessaries, and staid there till May the 13th.
[Page 16] May 13. An. Dom 1680. May After we had thus for so many days blocked up the Harbour of Panama, and having maturely debated the Condition we were in, beginning to want Provisions, we designed to take some Town on the Main that might supply our Necessities; so we weighed and stood along shoar till the 23. of May, at which time we arrived at the Isles of Quiblo.
25. We landed some of our Men here to look for Provisions, where Captain Sawkins being too rash, and landing before the rest of our Men, who were in other Canoes with Captain Sharp, and running up to the Town, which having timely notice of our coming, had made several Brest-works for our reception, entertained him very hotly, yet he being a man that nothing upon Earth could terrifie, ran eagerly up to the end of their works, and though at that time not one fourth part of our men were landed, fell in amongst a thousand of them, as they that retreated informed us, and was there unfortunately killed with two men more, and five wounded; the remainder drew off, still skirmishing till they came to their Boats, by which [Page 17] time the rest of our Men were landed.
Thus Rashness and Want of conduct overthrew our design, yet we took a Bark at the Rivers mouth loaden with Montego and Indian Corn.
As affairs were now with us, we took this for good Provisions, and so returned to our Ships; When we came on board there hapned a great distraction amongst our Men, which was occationed by the death of Captain Sawkins. In this mutiny seventy five more of our Men left us, and returned over Land as they came, delivering up their Commissions to our Emperour. Captain Cooke who was Commander of a Ship, not finding things answering to his desire and expectation, laid down his Commission and went on board Captain Sharp
At this juncture, things lookt with a very bad aspect: But Captain Sharp, who was created by us Captain, or rather General, made head against all difficulties, and resolved to stay by our Poor Wounded Men and make a further discovery in those Seas. For performance of which he ordered Mr. Iohn Cox to fit out the May-flower, and put forty [Page 18] Men on board her, An. Dom. 1680. Iune which he did, and we now design'd to find a place where we might carreen our Ves [...]els; thus we spent our time till the sixth of Iune following.
Iune the sixth, We set fail from Quiblo in the afternoon, bound for the Gallipagoes, which are seven Islands that lie under the Aequinoctial, and about 100 leagues from the main.
8. Tuesd. This day at twelve the Eastermost lsle of Quiblo bore N. 6 leagues dist. lat. 7 deg. 30 min. wind South West, much rain.
The winds hung at South West, and South West and by South so long, with very much rain, that we could not go to the Southward, but fell in with an lsle called Gorgony which lies in 3 deg. 10 min. N. where we found pretty good convenience to fit our Ships; we arrived here the 17th. Inst.
17th. Here we lay and carreened the Trinity, but could not bring her Keil up, because she had sprung her Mainmast, but the May-flower Captain Cox his Vessel we laid ashoar, and gave her a Coat of Tallow; this is a good Isle for Wood, Water, Timber, Pearl, Oysters, [Page 19] Conies, An. Dom. 1680. Iuly Monkies; and some rank Turtle, with which we feasted our selves till Iuly the 25th. 1680.
25. Iuly. Being Sunday, we set Sail from Gorgony, bound to the Southward, wind West, and West South West.
26. and 27 Plying along shoar, wind West, and South West.
28. Wedn. This day and night we had the wind round the compass, with very much rain; in the night we lost sight of the Trinity, we lower'd our Top-sails and halled up our Courses, judging our selves to windward of her, and staid for her a whole watch, but not seeing her we made Sail and plied to windward.
29. Thursd. This twenty four hours we had the wind in the day at West, at night South East▪ that we laid very good slants along the shoar; we had very much rain, and saved seven Jarrs of Water, and in carrying Sail sprung our Main-top-mast.
30. Frid. This twenty four hours we lay very well along shoar, and carried our Main-top-mast by the board, we got out our Mizon and made a Top-mast of that.
31. Saturd. We had fair weather, the wind [Page 20] wind between the South, and West South West, An. Dom. 1680. August. we kept close under the Land in, five to ten fath. Water, the Land high with reddish Cliffs.
August the 1st. Sund. We plied under the high Land, clear weather, lat. 1 deg. 40 min. N. by a good Observation.
2. Mund. We kept plying under the shoar, the wind South, and South South East.
3. Tuesd. We stood about 10 leag. from the shoar, and in standing in, weathered Cape Francisco eight leag. we had a strong Current which set to the Southward.
4. Wedn. We kept plying under the shoar, fair weather, l [...]t. 00 deg. 20 min. South.
5. Thursd. We still ply to windward under the shoar, sometimes five or six leag. off, the wind South South West, Cloudy.
6. Frid. We ply under the shoar, wind South West.
7. Saturd. We plied still to windward in a Bay called Manta, where is seated an Indian Town of the same name, which affords plenty of Indian Corn and Fowls.
[Page 21]8. Sund. This twenty four hours we got under Cape Lawrence; it is pretty high Land: And a little way up in the Country lies a high Hummock of Land like a Sugar-loaf which is called Monte de Christo.
9. Mund. We got about the Cape.
10. Tuesd. This morning we came to an Anchor on the North East side of the Island of Plate, alias Drakes Isle; which is the place for Ships to Ride. This Island affords plenty of Goats, of Fish, and of Turtle, little Water, and no Timber, but small shrubby Bushes. It is a smooth level and lies five leag. South West by South from Cape Lawrence, we rid in 10 fath. Water, clear ground, and the Bay pretty steep too.
11. Wedn. I sent our Canoe round the Isle, for discovery, at night they returned on board, bringing some Fish that they had caught with hooks and lines.
12. T [...]ursd. We dugg a hole by the side of a Rock, and filled some Water.
13. Frid. This day Captain Sharp, to our great joy, Arrived in the Trinity, but we had Sailed away the night before, had not our Men in fetching Goats from the windward side of the [Page 22] Isle, sunk our Canoe, for we all judged the Trinity had gone to windward upon the Coast of Peru.
14. Saturd. Our Men turned nine Turtle, and continued filling Water night and day, by reason of its scarcity.
15. Sund. Our Men feasted on shoar with Barbakude, Goats and Fish, &c.
16. Mund. We heilded our Ship, and gave her a pair of Boot-hose-tops, and took in two or three Tun of Ballast.
17. Tuesd. This day we set Sail from Drakes Isle, the wind at South South West, fair weather; This lies in 1 deg. 25 min. South lat. Here it is reported Sir Francis Drake shared his mony: And here a great many of our Men plaid theirs away, and were fit for new adventures.
18. Wedn. We got little to windwards this twenty four hours, by reason of a Leeward Current, wind at South, and South South West.
19. Thursd. This twenty four hours we stood on and off the shoar, but got little to windward, Cloudy weather, wind South and South West.
20. Frid. We kept plying along shoar, but a strong Leeward Current, wind at South small gales.
[Page 23]21. Saturd. This twenty four hours we plied along shoar, wind South, to South West, Cloudy weather.
22. Sund. This twenty four hours we find the Current is abated, and the wind has this night favoured us, that we lay well along shoar, the wind at East South East, Cloudy weather.
23. Mund. This twenty four hours we had the wind at West South West, good weather, we made Point St. Hellena, which makes like an Island as we Sail along shoar, but when you come within a league or two, like a Ship on the Carreen.
24. Tuesd. This twenty four hours we met with a strong Currant which sets to the Southward, at twelve a Clock Point Hellena bears North North East, 4. leag. distance, our Ship being out of her trim, Captain Sharp took us in a Tow.
25. Wedn. On Tuesday night about nine a Clock, we stood to the Westward and saw a Sail; the Trinity then cast us off, and gave chase, and in a short time came up with her, and after a short dispute with our small arms we took her, she was a small Man of [Page 24] War, fitted out of Guiaque or Wyake by a parcel of merry Blades, Gentlemen, who drinking in a Tavern, made a Vow to come to Sea with that Vessel and thirty Men, and take us; but we made them repent their undertaking. The captains name was Don Thomas d' Algondony, whom after we had severely School'd for his sawcy attempt we entertained on board our Admiral. In this conflict we had three of our Men Wounded; what they lost we knew not, because it was night; the next day we sunk the Vessel, and plied to the Southward.
26. This day Captain Sharp took me in a Tow, lat. 2 deg. 46 min. we have had a Current which has carried us very far into Wyake Bay, wind at South West to North West, little winds.
27. Frid. This day we had a good observation, In lat. 3 deg. 15 min. the wind at North West, and West North West, the Current sets South West; this morning, examining some Prisoners, they told us that one of our Barks that left us at Quibloa Nova, came to the Isle of Gallea, where the Men going on shoar, were all Killed but one; we suppose it was the Bark that Mr. Edward Doleman was in and seven Men more.
[Page 25] In the night the Trinity put a stays, and they not halling their main Sail in time the Ship, backt a stern and carried our Boltspreet by the board.
28. Saturd. This morning the Trinity came to an Anchor, in 9 or 10 fath. Water under the shoar, so we laid her aboard with our Ship, and took out the best of her Apparel and sunk her, for that Country could not afford us a Tree large enough to make us a new Boltspreet. In the afternoon we got up our Anchor and stood to the Southward.
29. Sund. We kept plying under the shoar, not standing above 5 or 6 leag. off, expecting a Land wind, but found none; This is high Land with white Cliffs, and green shrubs growing in the Vallies, wind at South West, a hard breaze between ten and two in the afternoon, a strong South West Current which makes a great Sea.
30. Mund. This twenty four hours we got about Cape Blanco, the wind West South West, hard gales and two reifs in our Main-top-sail.
31. Tuesd. We kept plying under the shoar; this day we saw a pair of Bark loggs but came not near them for descrying [Page 26] our selves, An. Dom. 1680. Septem. lat. 4 deg. 45 min. the wind South West, fair weather.
Sept. 1. Wedn. We plyed to windward 6 or 7 leagues off shoar, wind South West.
2. Thursd. This twenty four hours we plied under the shoar, and this morning saw a Sail about 6 or 7 leag. to windward of us, lat. 5 deg. 34 min. wind South West, to West South West.
3. Frid. We still kept plying to windward in chase of the Ship, a fresh gale of wind between South East and South South West.
4. Saturd. We came up with her and took her, she came from Wyake, loaden with Timber, some Bail Goods and Cocoa, bound for Lyma, which they now call Ciudad de los Reyes.
5. Sund. We began to take out her Goods that we wanted. Moderate gales at South East, and South South West.
6. Mund. We finisht our business, and took out all that was valuable in her, cut her Main-mast by the board, put most of our Prisoners on board her, gave them six packs of Flower, and all the Provisions that were taken in the Ship, and turned them loose. Now we judged our selves 45 leag. to the Westward [Page 27] of the High Land of Payta in lat. deg. 12 min. South, the wind be [...]ween South East and South West, our [...]eparture West is 45 leag.
7. Tuesd. The wind South South East, [...]ir weather, lat. 7 deg. 35 min. departure [...]leag. West 50 leag.
8. Wedn. The wind South South East [...] South. Fresh gales lat. 8 deg. 5 min. [...]eparture 15 leag. West. This day we bu [...]ed Robert Mongomery, who died of his [...]ounds, West 65 leag.
9. Thursd. We have gone but a leag. [...]o the Westward, lat. 8 deg. 12 min. Wind South to South South East fair [...]eather, West 66 leag.
10. Frid. 12 Leag. West lat. 9 deg. [...] min. wind South South East, West 78 [...]eag.
11. Saturd. We have run 8 leag. West [...]at. 10 deg 19 min. the wind from South East to South South East, foggy weather.
12. Sund. We have run 13 leag. West [...]at. 11 deg. 49 min. the wind from South East to East. West 99 leag.
13. Mund. We have run 19 leag. West [...]at. 13 deg. 24 min. a fresh gale at South and South South East, the Sun was Eclipsed [Page 28] this afternoon, our departure West 118 leag.
14. Tuesd. We have run 7 leag. West, lat. 14 deg. 9 min. very hard gales that put us by our Top-sails, West 125 leag.
15. Wedn. 13 Leag. West. lat. 15 deg. 21 min. moderate gales, West 138 leag.
16. Thursd. 13 Leag. West lat. 16 deg. 33 min. fresh gales at South to South East, fair weather, West 151 leag.
17. Frid. We have run 4 leag. West, lat. 18 deg. 5 min. fresh gales; this night we had a gust of wind that made us hand our Top-sails for the space of two hours; our departure west is 155 leag.
18. Saturd. This twenty four hours we have run 3 leag West, lat. 19 deg. 35 min. small rain with a gust of wind at East, West 158 leag.
19. Sund. This twenty four hours we have run 5 leag. West, lat. 20 deg. 8 min. small winds at South South East; by this account we are departed from the Meridian of Payta, 163 leag West. Finding Water will be scarce with us, we are put to an allowance, of not full a pint each Man for four and twenty hours, the Captain having but the same [Page 29] with another Man, our other Provision was only Flower, of which we had five ounces per day.
20. Mund. This twenty four hours we have run 10 leag. East lat. by observation 19 deg. 48 min. the wind at West. East 10 leag.
21. Tuesd. We have run 31. leag. East lat. 20 deg. 12 min. the wind West fresh gales, in the morning it came to South South East, fair weather. East 41 leag.
22. Wedn. This twenty four hours we have run 22 leag. East lat. 19 deg. 38 min. the wind at South South East very hard gales, East 63 leag.
23. Thursd. We have run 2 leag. East lat. 20 deg. 40 min. a hard gale at East and East South East. East. 65 leag.
24. Frid. This twenty four hours we have run 4 leag. East lat. 21 deg. 39 min. the wind at East south East to North East. East 69 leag.
25. Saturd. We have run 4 leag. East. lat. 21 deg. 58 min. windy. East 73 leag.
26. Sund. 5 Leag. East lat. 22 deg. 12 min. wind North West. East 71 leag.
27. Mund. This twenty four hours we have run 35 leag. East lat. 22 deg. 29 min. fair weather, wind North to [Page 30] West a strong Southern current. An. Dom. 1680. Octob. 113 leag.
28. Tuesd. 21 Leag. East lat. 22 deg. 35 min. wind South with rain. East 134 leag.
29. Wedn. We have run 20 leag. East lat. 22 deg. 18 min. fair weather, the wind South to South East. East 154 leag.
30. Thursd. 26 Leag. East in lat. 21 deg. 45 min. wind at South East and East South East fresh gales. East 180 leag.
October the 1st. We have run 17 leag, East lat. 21 deg. 12 min. the wind at South East. East 197 leag.
2. Saturd. We have run 22 leag. East lat. 20 deg. 39 min. the wind at South East, cloudy weather.
3. Sund. We we have run 23 leag East lat. 19 deg. 37 min. very fre [...]h gales of wind at South East, cloudy weather. East 242 leag.
4. Mund. We have run 16 leag. East, lat. 19 deg. 00 min. this night we handed our Top-sails for wind. East 258 leag.
5. Tuesd. This twenty four hours we have run 15 leag. East lat. 18 deg. [Page 31] 30. min. hard gales of wind at South East, and South South East. East 273 leag.
6. Wedn. 7 Leag. West lat. 19 deg. 00 min. wind East South East, my last We [...]ting was 163 leag. this 7 added makes W [...]st 170 leag.
7. Thursd. This twenty four hours we have run 7 leag. West lat. 19 deg. 30 min. fresh gales at South East, cloudy weather, we went with our courses; here I find a strong North West Current for which we allowed 20 leag. West which makes 170. 7. 20. West 197 leag.
8. Frid. We have run 13 leag. East lat. 19 deg. 25 min. little wind at South East and [...]air weather. East 216 leag.
9. Saturd. We have run 11 leag. East lat. 19 deg. 3 min. Cloudy weather. East 297 leag.
10. Sund. 4 Leag. East lat. 19 deg. 50 min. wind South to East. East 301 leag.
11. Mund. 21 Leag. Eastlat. 19 deg. 8 min. wind South East. East 322 leag.
12. Tuesd. 11 Leag. East lat. 18 deg. 1 min. hazy weather. East 333 leag.
[Page 32]13. Wedn. 4 Leag. East lat. 18 deg. 26 min. wind round the compass. East 337 leag.
14. Thursd. 2 Leag. East lat. 18 deg. 20 min. little wind at South East. East 339 leag.
15. Frid. 16 Leag. East lat. 17 deg. 57 min. wind South East. East. 355 leag.
16. Saturd. 15 Leag. East lat. 17 deg. 19 min. wind South South East to South East. East. 370 leag.
17. Sund. We have run 11 leag. East lat. 16 deg. 49 min. the wind at South East to East South East. This morning we made Land it bore North East 6 leag. distance. East 381 leag.
18. Mund. By this account Heloe lies to the Eastward of Payta. Our Easting 381 leag. Our West. 197 leag. The remainder which is our distance is 184 leag. East.
19. Tuesd. We turned up along shoar, the wind by day South and South South East, at night at East.
20. Wedn. We still continued plying along shoar, the current sets here North West very strong, the shoar lies North [Page 33] West and S. E. lat. 17 deg. 42 min. and little wind.
21. Thursd. We kept plying to windward a long shoar lat. 18 deg. 2 min. the wind at S. to E. very high land.
22. Frid. We plyed along shoar in lat. 18 deg. 8 min. the wind from E. to S. E. fair weather.
23. Saturd. We had no benefit of the land wind, we lay so near the high land in lat. 18 deg. 10 min.
24. Sund. This twenty four hours we kept plying under the land, and this morning saw the South shoar, lat. 18 deg. 16 min.
25. Mund. This day at twelve a Clock we made the White Hill that is by Aryca, we made small Sail to spend away the day, at night we manned our Canoes and Boat and went to the shoar side, where the Sea ran so high, that we could not land.
26. Tuesd. Being thus unfortunately disappointed of landing our Men, we bore up the Helm for a port called Heloe. At this time Water was worth 30 pieces of Eight per Pint to those that could spare their allowance, and he that bought it thought he had a great peny-worth; [Page 34] from Aryca to Heloe, the Coast lies N. W. and S. E.
27. Wedn. This day about six or seven of the Clock we manned our Canoes, and in the dawning of the day landed our Men. There is but seven or eight Indian Houses by the Water-side, and a Spa [...]ish Village upon a Hill about half a mile from the landing place, with a Church in it.
28. Thursd. This morning our Ship came to an Anchor in the Road, in 14 fath. Water, where we lay till Wednesday following, when we had examined our Prisoners, they told us that two miles up the Vally, there was a Sugar work, to which, when we had set some of our Men to fill us fresh Water, we marched, and finding the People all gone to hide themselves for fear of us; we loaded our selves down to the Waterside, with Sugar and some Wine, and then returned to the work to keep Possession, and lay there that night.
29. Frid. This day we had some Gentlemen came to speak with us, bringing with them a Flag of Truce, which persons we treated very Civilly; they desired we would not demolish their Sugar [Page 35] work, and they would bring us Eighty Beefs, to the Water-side and some Hoggs, which they promised should be [...]rought us in 48 hours, so having Feasted our selves with fresh Pork, Sallads, [...] &c. we returned to the Water-side.
30. Saturd. Here we took up our Lodging ashoar, filling Water and pulling old Houses down, to carry on board for fire wood. After we had lain the time out that the Beefs should have been brought thither, came a Spaniard and told us the wind blew so hard that they could not drive their Cattle; but that all expedition should be used to bring them to us, so we continued till Tuesday the second of November.
November the 2d. This morning we expected our Beefs, but in lieu of them the Spaniard sent us 300 Horsemen to to fight us, so we drew out our Men in a plain ground for fear of Ambuscades, and resolved to stand the shock; for we had left a select Guard to receive our Canoes, and Boat, when they should come to shoar. The Enemy came riding at full speed toward us, that we thought their Horse would have been in with our body and charged us home; [Page 36] but when they came within reach of our Fuzees, An. Dom. 1680. Novem. we dismounted most of their Front with a Volly of small Shot, which put a stop to their carreer and courages, and not finding it safe to come nearer, fairly wheeled off to the left, and took shelter amongst the Hills. This confirmed us that we should get no other Beefs; so having filled our Water, we that night went on board, our Ships; leaving the starched Spaniards room to stalk about their empty Houses, for at this time we had no other so good firing as old Houshold stuff made us.
3. Wedn. This morning having dispatched our affairs at Heloe, we weighed and stood to Sea, wind South West, we run 2 leag.
4. Thursd. We had little wind at South: We have run 4 leag. West. In all West 6 leag.
5. Frid. This twenty four hours we have run 5 leag. West, little wind at S. S. E. to E. S. E. and fair weather.
6. Saturd. This twenty four hours we have run 15 leag. W. wind S. and S. E. and by S.
7. Sund. This twenty four hours we [Page 37] have run 4 leag. West, little wind at S. and S. E.
8. Mund. We have run 4 leag. W. little wind at S.
9. Tuesd. We have run 2 leag. E. little wind at S.
10. Wedn. We have run 3 leag. E. little wind at S.
11. Thursd. We have run 13 leag. W. wind S. and E. S. E.
12. Frid. We have run 19 leag. W. wind S. S. E.
13. Saturd. We have run 3 leag. West lat. 21 deg. 37 min. we have now run in all 64 leag. to the Westward of Heloe.
14. Sund. We have run 14 leag. West, lat. 22 deg. 44 min. fair weather, West 78 leag.
15. Mund. We have run 15 leag. West, [...]at. 23 deg. 28 min. the wind from S. to E. West 93 leag.
16. Tuesd. We have run 5 leag. East, lat. 23 deg. 33 min. wind at South, the 5. leag. Easting deducted, our departure West is 88 leag.
17. Wedn. We have run 8 leag. West, [...]at. 23 deg. 35 min. wind S. to S. W. [...]air weather. VVest 96 leag.
18. Thursd. We have run 16 leag. West, [Page 38] lat. 24 deg. 15 min. wind S. E. West. 112.
19. Frid. We have run 13 leag. West, lat. 25 deg. squally weather, West 125 leag.
20. Saturd. We have run 12 leag. West lat 25 deg. 57 min. the wind from S. E. to S. good weather. West 137 leag.
21. Sund. We have run 14 leag. West lat. 26 deg. 57 min. squally weather with drisling rain, wind S. E. West 148 leag.
22. Mund. We have run 8 leag. West lat. 27 deg. 30 min. West 156 leag.
23. Tuesd. We have had very little wind at N. W. and W. N. W. lat. 27 deg. 41 min. 1 leag. West. West 157 leag.
24. Wedn. We have run 19 leag. East, lat. 28 deg. 39 min. wind at N. W. fair weather. East 19 leag.
25. Thursd. We have run 23 leag. East, lat. 29 deg. 50 min. wind N. W. a very great N. W. Sea. East 42 leag.
26. Frid. We have run 25 leag. East, lat. 30 deg. 9 min. wind S. W. East 67 leag.
27. Saturd. We have run 23 leag. East, lat. 30 deg. 16 min. fair weather the wind at S. and S. S. E. East 90 leag.
28. Sund. We have run 26 leag. East, [Page 39] lat. An. Dom. 1680. Decem. 30 deg. 8 min. wind S. East 116 leag.
29. Mund. We have run 20 leag. East lat. 30 deg. 17 min. wind S. and S. S. E. smooth water, a fresh of winds. East 136 leag.
30. Tuesd. We have run 16 leag. East, lat. 30 deg. 23. min. East 152 leag.
Decemb. the 1st. We have run 15 leag. East, lat. 30 deg. 30 min. East 167 leag.
2. Thursd. We have run 12 leag. East, lat. 30 deg. 36 min. very hard gales of wind at South all night under our Courses, after we had done observing this day we made the Land, it was high and barren, we bore up and steered N. E. by N. 12 leag. East. in all 179 leag.
3. Frid. About two of the Clock in the morning we Manned our Canoes and Boat, with eighty five stout Fellows, and away we went for the Town of Coquimbo, resolving not to return without plundering it in revenge of the affront the Heloe Men put upon us. The Canoes wherein were thirty five Men out-rowed the Boat, and Landed before day, and just upon day light they discerned the Patroule, which is kept on [Page 40] the Bay; and at this time did consist of about 150 Horse, who deriving Courage from their advantage in numbers, hemmed us in a ring, not doubting but to have an easie conquest over so few Men, and rid boldly up to us; our Commander considering we were but thirty five, ordered that but six Men should Fire at once on the Enemy, to keep the longer from a close Fight; being provided of no other Arms then a Fuzee and a Pistol, as also knowing our Party would in a little time come up to our rescue, but whether they did or no, this was our resolution, to turn our backs on the water-side and every Man maintain his ground, or fall upon the spot he stood on. By this time they were come pretty near, and I believe scarce a shot flew in vain, and so quick, having Cartridges alway fitted for our small Arms, that scarce two Vollies were fired before those that had discharged were ready loaded for them again, that he was happiest amongst them that got furthest behind; thus we battered them severely, which they, after they had made a stand to carry off their dead, not liking, retreated in disorder, doing no other damage then the Wounding [Page 41] one Man. We followed the chase, though but leisurely, that our Men who had been set on shoar by the Boat, might come up with us, which in a little time they did, following us, by the track of our Feet and tops of the Cartridges, coming with full speed to our Assistance if there had been occasion; Then we followed the Enemy as close as we could, thinking they had retreated into the Town, but they decoyed us (to give the people time to secure their Valuable Commodities) a contrary way, and led us amongst Ditches and watry Swamps; yet at last we got to the Town, and in a short time made our selves Masters of it, with little or no loss on our side. Here we staid four days to refresh our selves, finding plenty of Hogs, Fowls, Mutton, and Sallads, with very good Wine, which is made here, also great store of Wheat, Barly, and all European Grain, and many large Orchards as they have in Kent, of Apples, Pears, Cherries, &c. Likewise delicate Gardens of Apricocks, Peaches, Strawberries, Gooseberries, and other Fruit.
The Town of Coquimbo, Scituate upon a Hill, is three quarters of a mile square, [Page 42] and has nine good Churches in it; An. Dom. 1680. Septem. and it is distant from the Road for Shipping about Eight Miles. The chief Manufacture of the place is Copper, which they have in abundance.
Here is also Gold-dust, which washes out of a great River that runs into the Sea, at the foot of the Hill whereon the Town stands, the latitude of the place is 29 deg. 50 min. South.
The second day that we were in the Town, there came six Gentlemen to us, with a Flag of Truce, desiring that we would send their Governour some Wine, for he had none in the Fields where he lay, which we did, together with some Fowls. And this Compliment; That if either Himself or his Lady wanted any thing that they had left behind them, Gold, Silver, and Jewels excepted, they might with freedom command it. After this, finding we were such sociable Enemies, and so good Natured Victors, he Invited our Captain to drink a glass of Wine with him at the top of a Hill just by the Town side, and desired our Captain to come without Arms, and but with one Man, and he would do the same, which our Commander [Page 43] consented to, and met the Governour with two Bottles of VVine, An. Dom. 1680. Decem. where they drank and were merry together, and where amongst other discourse our Interest was not forgotten. Our Commander agreeing with the Governour, who was unwilling the Town should be demolished, to Ransom it for 95000 pieces of Eight, which he promised to send us the next day.
So having drank their VVine, they parted; we receiving the Captain into the Town with a Volly of small Arms.
The next day our fancies being filled with the expectation of so much money, we were at a pitch of mirth higher then ordinary, when we received a Letter from on board our Ship, intimating that there was an Indian with a couple of Seal Skins blown like Bladers, of which he made a float, and in the dead of the night came under the Stern of our Ship, with a Ball of Pitch, Sulphur, Oakum, and such combustible matter, and stuck it between the Rudd [...]r and Stern-port, and set it on fire with a Brimstone match, after this he left his new Fashioned Boat and swome on shoar. This fire made such a stench that almost choaked the [Page 44] Men in the Ship, who else, it is possible, had not awaked, for had they kept a good look out, the Indian could not have effected so great a part of his design, some leaped into their Canoes and others searched within board, and at last found the fire before it had taken hold of the Ship. This piece of Treachery made us despair of our money; However it wrought this effect upon us, that ever after, we kept so strict a watch, that we had prevented any such other mischiefs, had they attempted the like against us. And truly as our circumstances were, it was a deliverance, no Serious Man will be ever unmindful to give God Thanks for. For at that time, had our Ship been burnt, not one man of us had escaped, the Spaniards being not easily reconciled to us, for those ill Offices we had done them since our visits there on the South Sea Coasts, and some of us also not unknown to them in the North Seas; That they would have hanged the rest if they had been Saints.
The Spaniards perceiving their project had not operated to burn our Ship, they Early in the morning turned [Page 45] all the water sluices into the Town, which in an hours time, made the streets almost Ankle deep in water, which before was dry dust. This they did, either to drive us out of the Town, or to have water at hand to quench it, in case we set it on fire, which (resolving to keep our word with the Enemy) we did, firing it in several Places at once, and Packing up our Luggage, after we had staid till the greatest part of it was in Flames, we marched out of it down to the water side; But the Governour had drawn all his men from the tops of the Hills, down into the Vally, by the water side into the way that we should pass; So we detached out a small party for a forlorn, supposing we must have fought our way through; But as soon as we began to pink some of their Jackets for them with our Fuzees, they got out of our reach, and went to their ruin'd Town leaving us to go peaceably on Board our Ship. When we came on Board, we sent a shoar a great number of our Prisoners, and amongst the rest Don Thomas d'Algondony, Captain Peralta, Captain Don Iuan, [Page 46] and many others, some of them being Merchants, which we had taken and kept on board, to learn them to eat Montego and Do [...]eboys. Yet had they no reason to complain of their entertainment amongst us, they being very civilly treated with the best our Ship could afford, which if they do not justly acknowledge, let them have a care we call them not to an account for their ingratitude, when they least think of it.
7. Tuesd. This day we weighed from Coguimbo, wind at South.
8. Wedn. Little wind at South, we stood to the Westward, and made three Islands that Lye North West, a little distance from the Harbour of Coquimbo.
9. Thursd. At 12 a Clock the Southermost Isle bore West 12 leag. distance.
10. Frid. Very little wind at South we have run 2 leag. VVest. VVest 14 leag.
11. Saturd. VVe have run 3 leag. VVest, wind N. E. VVest, 17 leag.
12. Sund. VVe have run this 24 hours 13 leag. VVest wind South. VVest 30 leag.
1 [...]. [...]nd. Plying between Coquimbo [Page 47] and Iuan Fernandoes. This 24 hours we have run 11 leag. VVest, lat. 30 deg. 2 min. the wind at S. E. fair weather. VVest 41 leag.
14. Tuesd. VVe have run 4 leag. East, lat. 30 deg. 29 min. wind S. S. VV. with rain the 4 leag. East deducted makes our departure VVest 37 leag.
15. Wedn. VVe have run 7 leag. VVest, lat. 30 deg. 40 min. very hard gales at S. and S. S. W. West 44 leag.
16. Thursd. VVe have run 20 leag. VVest, lat. 30 deg. 40 min. VVest 64 leag.
17. Frid. VVe have run 11 leag. VVest, lat. 30 deg. 30 min. VVest 75 leag.
18. Saturd. We have run 12 leag. West, lat. 30 deg. 54 min. wind S. to S. E. squally weather. West 87 leag.
19. Sund. We have run 15 leag. VVest, lat. 31 deg. 39 min. wind S. E. VVest 102 leag.
20. Mund. VVe have run 17 leag. VVest, lat. 32 deg. 21 min. VVest 119 leag.
21. Tuesd. VVe have run 12 leag. VVest, lat. 32 deg. 13 min. VVest 131 leag.
[Page 48] 22. Wedn. VVe have run 3 leag. East, lat. 32 deg. 10 min. the wind round the Compass. East 3 leag.
23. Thursd. VVe have run 3 leag. East lat. 32 deg. 43 min. the wind from N▪ W. to S. E. East 6 leag.
24. Frid. We have run 15 leag. East lat. 33 deg. 33 min. wind at N. to N. N. VV. this day we made the VVestermost Isle of Iuan Fernando's, it bears S. VV. East 21 leag.
25. Saturd. VVe have run 10 leag. East, lat. 33 deg. 42 min. at six a Clock in the Evening we came to an anchor at the Southermost part of this Island in 11 fath. water, where we lay very smooth, in the N. VV. Bay.
VVe lay at this Place until Tuesday following, but not finding it a good road we went to Leeward of the Island, where we lay very smooth in the N. W. Bay.
Here we lay and refresht our men, with Goats Flesh and fresh Fish, of both which here is plenty; and as it is usuall amongst the generality of men, that plenty of all things, breeds an increase of ill humors, Faction and Disturbances so it had the same effect [Page 49] upon our men, for now they are for a new Commander.
A party of the disaffected to Captain Sharp got ashoar and subscribed a Paper to make Iohn Wutling Commander, pretending liberty to a free election as they termed it, and that Watling had it by vote. The reason of this mutiny was, that Sharp had got about 3000 pieces of Eight, and was willing to come home that year, but two thirds of the Company had none left; having lost it at play; And those would have Captain Sharp turned out, because they had no mind as yet to return home. This Fewd was carried on so fiercely, that it was very near coming to a civil VVar, had not some prudent men a little modera [...]ed the thing; Yet all this while we all [...]oined in the ready Fitting our Vessel, and used all diligence imaginable to get [...]o Sea again.
It pleased God as our Ship was newly made clean and ready to Sail, there came three Men of War to look for us; Now we had at that time two Canoes [Page 50] at the windward side of the Isle, An. Dom. 1680. Ianuar. setching Goats, who saw the three Men of War, and gave us notice of them, so that we had just time to get our Men on Board, who were most of them at that time on shoar, cutting wood and washing their clothes. As soon as they were got on Board, the Ships came in sight, so we got up one Anchor, and left the other behind us. We heysted in our Canoes and Boat, and clapt close by the wind, for at this time those Ships were to Leeward of us about two miles; their Admiral sailed well, so that in chase of us, the other two were two leagues distant from him; now knowing we could deal well enough with him, tho he had twelve great Guns, and we not one, we went about-Ship, resolving to Board him before the other two could come up with us, and then we should be ready for them.
But so soon as he saw us put a stays, he bore up the Helm and went to his consorts. This was the twelfth of January 1680.
[Page 51] Iuan Fernandez at Queen Katherines Isle, as we called it, is very high Land, well wooded, and has plenty of fresh Water, Goats and Fish, with a wholesome Air, and Lyes in 33 deg. 40 min. South lat. and about 100 leag. from the Main Land.
13. Thursd. We keep plying to windward, to see the motion of these three Ships; we saw one plying for the Island, the other two we judged were got to an Anchor under the Island. Our Men being mutinous and full fed, Resolved to surprise the City of Aryca, so in the night we bore up the Helm, and left the Spaniards to cast a figure to know where to meet us next.
14. Frid. We have run 15 leag. East, lat. 32 deg. 33 min. the wind at S. and S. S. E. 5 leag. distance from the Isle when we bore up, which makes East 20 leag.
15. Saturd. Between Iuan Fernandez and Aryca; We have run 21 leag. East, [Page 52] lat. 30 deg. 36 min. wind South East 41 leag.
16. Sund. We have run 20 leag. East, lat. 29 deg. 23 min. East 61 leag.
17. Mund. We have run 18 leag. East lat. 29 deg. 49 min. wind S. S. E. we differ by dead reckoning and corre [...]t it by Observation 7 leag. which being deducted out of our Easting, there remains East 7 [...] leag.
18. Tuesd. We have run 22 leag. East lat 26 deg. 13 min. wind at South and S. S. E. clowdy weather. East 94 leag.
19. Wedn. We have run East 20 leag. lat. 25 deg. 7 min. wind South. East 114 leag.
20. Thursd. We have run 22 leag. North lat. 24 deg. the wind at South; this morning we saw the Land which was very high and mountainous, and bore E. N. E. 14 leag. distance. East 114 leag.
[Page 53] 21. Frid. We have run 26 leag. North lat. [...]2 deg. 43 min. wind South.
22. Saturd. We have run 12 leag. West, lat. 21 deg. 26 min. wind South and S. S. E. 12 leag. West from 114 East make our departure. East but 102 leag.
23. Sund. We have run 11 leag. East, lat. 20 deg. 42 min. the wind in the day at South, by night East, a strong Current that sets to the Northward. East 113 leag.
24. Mund. VVe sent our Canoes to an Island that lyes a little from the shoar to take some prisoners, that might inform us how the City of Aryca was fortified, so we lay on and off the shoar for this day.
25. Tuesd. VVe plyed to windward, for our Canoes at night they came on Board, but had mist of the Island, so we put in a fresh gang of Men and away they went on the same errand this night.
[Page 54] 26. Wedn. Our Canoes came on b [...]ard at night, bringing with them two old Indian Men, who informed Captain Iohn Watling who now was commander in Chief, and took their examinations in Private, that there was seven Companys of Kings Soldiers in the Town, and that the Place was well fortisied with Breast-Works, besides a strong Fort of thirteen Copper Guns, but for fear of discouraging us in the attempt he discovered nothing of this to us, but swore he would have the Town or that should have him, which proved a prophecy; with this resolution he commands the Helm to be bore up.
27. Thursd. Little or no wind, lat. 20 deg. 20 min.
28. Frid. We went with our Boat and Canoes, wherein we had 92 Men that we could Land, leaving a small Guard on our Boats. We rowed along shoar till 29. Saturd. morning, and lay still all this day for fear of being descried, and on Saturd. night we rowed most part of the night.
[Page 55] Ianuary the 30. Sund. Being the Anniversary day in commemoration of the Martyrdom of King Charles the First, for which I believe the English both have and will suffer severely, and Seas of our Blood be shed for Sacrifices to expiat [...] the Murther of the best of Princes, we landed our Men, and advanced towards the Town of Aryca, but as we marched we divided our Men [...]nto two Parties, of which 40 were designed for the Fort, and the rest for the City.
When we drew near the Town, we saw a great number of Men drawn up without their works, in a plain Sandy Ground, who fired at our Party that marched towards the Town, and our Men returning their compliment kept on their way; our other Party that were for the Fort seeing us ingaged, hasted down the Hill, with a Shour, and cried, They run, they run, and then firing on their Flank, made them run in good Earnest, and with what haste they could, get into their Breast-works.
[Page 56] When we were united into one body the Enemy played their Cannon briskly upon us; So we resolved to attaque their Breast-works, which were out of the Bearing of their Fort, but we had a smart A [...]sault of it, for we being all open to their, fire and naked Men, and they secured in their works, they by this advantage, killed us a great many Men. At last some of ours got to the End of their biggest Breastwork, which galled us most and then we plyed them well with small Shot, which was a Cartridge fit for the Bores of our Fuzees with a full Shot in it and 7 or 9 Swan Shot loose upon that. This kept them in play till our Men in the Front began to Storm the wall; upon which they cryed for quarter, which our unwary Commander too readily granted, it afterwards proving the ruin of our design.
In this jun [...]ture we received many a Volly from three other Breastworks, that this great one lay within command of; and we being for dispatch faced about with a party of ours, and took them all by assault without giving any quarter [Page 57] to those that were in them, they being Creolians, a people half Spaniards and half Indians, of a Copper colour'd Complexion, and Men that never give it themselves.
From hence we advanced to the Town and took it, that now we had nothing to do but to give a general assault to the Fort, but Captain Watling delaying his time, in the Breastwork where he staid to give quarter; Those we drove out of the Town got into the Fort; whom, had it not been for the Guns to put into our Ship, we would not have troubled our selves with; for we knew that having once possession of the Town, there was more Coined money then we could tell how to bring away, in case we had not been disturbed, which Plunder would have made us what we could desire; but we wanted their Cannon, to secure it on board when we should get it there. At length the Captain marched into the Town with his Prisoners and called us all together, where being come, we found we had more Prisoners then Men of our own. So that after [Page 58] we had sent our Wounded Men to the Hospital, got the Doctors to dress them, and set a Guard upon our Prisoners and Wounded, which took up above an hours time, we marched to the Fort, and then too plainly saw that had we not been so hasty in giving quarter, but as soon as we had taken the Town, rallied again and made an attempt on the Fort, no doubt but we had carried it in spight of all Opposition.
We then contrived to set some of the Prisoners before us, to secure us the better in our approach to the walls of the Fort, but they fired as well upon them, as us, and on a sudden at a signal given, they all run from us into a Sally Port, Which was hastily shut with some of them left out, whom we knocked on the head. Yet we undauntedly got under the walls, and began to throw over our Hand-granadoes, which proved bad and were altogether Unserviceable. Now while we were under the wall, and consulting how we should get amongst them, though a Prisoner told us there were three hundred Kings Souldiers, [Page 59] in the Garison. The Country people came in so [...]ast upon us, that we could do no good on the Fort, so we retre [...]ted towards the T [...]wn. In which action Captain Watlin was Shot into the Reins, and Killed; and to add to our loss & disappointment we found both the Town, and Breast-works, new manned by the Country people, which while we were engaged with, they Sallyed out of the Fort upon us, so that we were forced to quit our attempt on the Town and betake our selves to the plain Field, leaving our Doctors, and some Wounded Men in the Hospital behind us. When we came into the Field, and saw such a small remainder of our Men, and our Enemies Horse quite round us, we got our Wounded Men into the middle, and casting our selves into a circle or ring, Fought our way through. Not one Man of us offering to run, and thus marched down to our Boats, but with heavy Hearts, to think we should leave so much Plate behind us. And notwithstanding we were so few, and this few almost Choaked for want of water, having been ingaged from eight a [Page 60] Clock in the morning till two in the afternoon, yet durst they not break in with our Body, which at this time consisted but of forty seven Fighting Men, and they at least twelve hundred in the Field, besides what were in their Fort, Town, and Breast-works; and our Canoes lay full three miles from the Town. All which way we charged through and through them, and lost not one Man in the retreat, though some of us were Wounded; what damage we did them we never knew, but it could not but be considerable. In this Fight we had eight and twenty Men Killed, seventeen Wounded, and the Doctors taken Prisoners, who had quarter given them as we were afterwards told.
This Arica is seated in a very pleasant Vally by a River side, and is the Barkador or place for Shipping off the Treasure which comes from the Mines of the Mountain of Potosy, is a good Harbour, and secure, and lies in eighteen deg▪ and twenty min. South latitude, and a Healthy Air, the people of a good Complexion and Stature. The Mountains by the City [Page 61] afford good Salt, which the Inhabitants digg in Cakes of a hundred weight per peice. Here is also a very good Harbour.
This night about nine a Clock we got on board.
31. Mund. We stood to the Westward. Little wind at S. and S. S. E.
February the Ist. We plied to the Southward under the shoar.
2. Wedn. We kept plying under the shoar till afternoon, then stood off to Sea. The high land in 19 deg. bears East 10 leag. distance; West 10 leag.
3. Thursd. Little wind all day.
4. Frid. We have run 6 leag. West, wind E. and E. S. E. West 16 leag.
5. Saturd. We have run 2 leag. West, [...]at. 20 deg. 53 min. wind S. S. E. West 18 leag.
[Page 62]6. Sund. An. Dom. 1680. Februa. We have run 17. leag. West lat. 21 deg. 22 min. West 35 leag.
7. Mund. We have run 19 leag. West, lat. 21 deg. 34 min. wind South. West 54 Leag.
8. Tuesd. We have run 9 leag. West, lat. 21. deg. 49 min. clowdy weather. West 63 leag.
9. Wedn. We have run 19 leag. West, lat. 22 deg. 20 min. wind S. S. E. West 82▪ leag.
10. Thursd. We have run 18 leag. West, lat. 23 deg. 5 min. a Southern great Sea. West 100 leag.
11. Frid. We have run 15 leag. West, lat. 23 deg. 50 min. wind S. E. West 115 leag.
12. Saturd. Lat. 25 deg. 12 min. a great Sea wind E. S. E. and S. E.
13. Sund. We have run 15 leag. West, lat. 25 deg. 50 min. wind South East, [Page 63] with some rain. West 130 leag.
14. Mund. We have run 3 leag. West lat. 26 deg. 6 min. West 133 leag.
15. Tuesd. 14 leag. West, lat. 26 deg. [...]0 min. West 147 leag.
16. Wedn. We have run 2 leag. West, lat. 27 deg. 44 min. wind South and E. S. E. we are run in all West. 149 leag.
17. Thursd. We have run 8 leag. West, lat. 28 deg. 7 min. West 157 leag.
18 Frid. We have run 10 leag. West, lat. 28 deg. 44 min. West 167 leag.
19. Saturd. We have run 14 leag. West, [...]at. 29 deg. 29 min. West 181 leag.
20 Sund. We have run 15 leag. West, [...]at. 31 deg. 1 min. West 196 leag.
21. Mund. We have run 24 leag. West, lat. 31 deg 34 min. squally weather. West 220 leag.
22 Tuesd. We have run 2 leag. West, [...]at. 31 deg. 50 min. wind S. E. to S. W. hazy weather. West 222 leag.
23 Wedn. We have run 5 leag. West, lat. 32 deg. 11 min. wind S. E. to South. West 227 leag.
[Page 64] 24. Thursd. and 25. Frid. We have lain becalmed, lat. 32 deg. 26 min.
26. Saturd. We have run East 16▪ leag. in lat. 3 [...] deg. 50 min. the wind a [...] North West to West clear weather▪ East 16 leag.
27. Sund. We have run 15 leag. East, lat. 33 deg. 18 min. the wind at VV. S. VV. at night the wind took us a stays at S. E. with rain. East 31 leag.
28. Mund. We have run 6 leag. East, lat. 34 deg. 4 min. the wind from E. to S. E. clowdy weather. East 37 leag.
March the 1st. Tuesd. We have lain becalmed in lat. 34 deg. 13 min.
2. Wedn. We have run 16 leag. East, lat. 34 deg. 2 min. the wind at VV. to S. E. with rain; at this time water grew scarce, and our Men mutinied about a Commander, for the former Dissenters had not forgot their Old Cant, so we proposed standing over for the main to get water and fresh Provision; this appeased them for a while, nothing else was capable to do it but only finding them employment for their stirring Spirits and unruly Humours. We have run East 53 leag.
[Page 65] 3. Thursd. 1680/1. March. We have run 6. Leagues East Latitude, 33. Degr. and 35. Min. Wind at S. E. to E. S. E. East 59. Leagues.
4. Frid. We have run 17. Leagues, East Latitude 32. Degr. and 35. Min. the Wind at S. E. and very cloudy weather. East 76. Leagues.
5. Saturd. We have run 15. Leagues East, Latitude 31. Degr. 27. Minut. East 91. Leagues.
6. Sund. We have run 12. Leagues East, Latitude 30. Degr. 20. Minutes. East 103. Leagues.
7. Mund. We have run 13. Leagues East, Latitude 30. Degr. 36. Min. Good weather. East 116. Leagues.
8. Tuesd. We have run 21 Leagues East, Latitude 30. Degr. 22. Min. Wind S. W. East 137 Leagues.
9. Wedn. We have run 28. Leagues East, Latitude 29. Degr. 35. Min. Fair weather. East 165. Leagues.
10. Thursd. We have run 38. Leagues East, Latitude 29. Degr. 45. Min. Wind S. East 203. Leagues.
11. Frid. We have run 32. Leagues East, Latitude 29. Degr. 45. Min. the wind at S. and S. S. W. we went with [Page 66] our Courses for Wind. East 235. Leagues.
12. Saturd. We have run 27. Leagues East, fresh gales at S. Latitude 29. Degr. 17. Minutes. This Morning we saw the Land. East 262. Leagues.
13. Sund. We have run to the Northward along the Shoar, about 7. Leagues, where we went into our Canoes to go ashoar at a place called Gwasko; but the Sea breaze came in so fresh they could not get ashoar. About three of the Clock in the Afternoon our Ship got into the Harbour, and came to an Anchor in 17. f [...]thom Water; sandy ground.
At Night we landed 45 Men, and marched up into the Countrey about seven Miles; but could find nothing but Provisions, as Wheat, &c.
About eleven of the Clock we came back three Miles, where there was a Church, where we dressed some Sheep, and Goats for Supper, and kept our Court of Guard there that Night.
In the Morning Captain Sharp went with ten Men down to the water-side, to hasten our filling of Water, the rest staid behind to bring down some Sheep [Page 67] and Goats; which we did, driving before us a drove of 150. that served for fresh meat for our wounded men a great while.
During this time, our people were at the River to fill Water, but the Sea ran so high, they could not get any off the Shore. In the Morning we went about fifty Men on Shoar again, to fill Water, and were forced to carry our Jarrs a quarter of a Mile, because the Sea ran so high we could not get our Canoes into the shoar, to take it in at the River, but filled them at a Pond; thus we got on Board one hundred and fifty Jarrs.
This Gwasko is a very good Harbour, and clear Ground with the Land, in the Wind three quarters of the Compass, a Land wind in the Night, and Sea breaze all day: here we lay till the 15. Instant.
15. Tuesd. About three of the Clock in the Afternoon, we set sail from Gwasko, the Wind S. W. and S. S. W.
16. Wednes. We have run 4. Leagues West, Wind S. West 4. Leagues.
17. Thursd. We have run 9. Leagues West, Latitude 27. Degr. 45. Min. West 13. Leagues.
[Page 68]18. Frid. We have run North, Latitude 26. Degr. 33. Min. Wind at S.
19. Saturd. We have run 10 Leagues East, Latitude 25. Degr. 21. Minut. fresh gales; the 10. Leagues Easting deducted, makes our Westing but three Leagues.
20. We have run 10. Leagues East: More a Morania bears East 6. Leagues distance. The 3. Leagues Westing deducted, leaves our departure East 7. Leagues.
21. Mund. We have run 3. Leagues East, Latitude 22. Degr. 52. Min. the Wind at S. to S. E. This day we made the point of Land like a Sugar-Loaf; by report here is a Harbour that lyes in South about the Point, good Anchor Ground, in 15. Fathom Water, but neither fresh Water nor Wood.
22. T [...]esd. This day we have lain by with our Ship, and sent our Canoes to look for the River Loa, but they c [...]me on board without discovering it. East 10. Leagues.
23. Wednesd. These 24. hours we have lain by, while our Canoes went on Shoar, in Latitude 21. Degr. 21. Min. The [Page 69] River bears E. by S. about two of the Clock our Canoes came on Board.
24. Thursd. We sent our Boat on Shoar. This River of Loa issues out of the high Land, and scarce discernable▪ it being but a small running Stream like an English Brook; on the North side of which is a small Chappel, which by report of the Inhabitants, was built by Sir Francis Drake, when he was in those Seas.
Two Leagues North from this, is a Fish Rainge, which the Spaniards keep for the Natives to fish for them. These miserable Natives are kept in great subjection, and do not generate as [...]ormerly, though they are a stout people, and have amongst them good comely Women: the reason of it, as we conjecture, is, the depressure of their Spirits, by the tyranny of the S [...]aniards, which causes this failure of Generation; the means of Propagation not taking its natural effect upon people so absolutely dejected with oppression, as they most certainly are.
These 24. Hours we have run 12. Leagues West, Latitude 20. Degr. 55. Min. Wind E. S. E.
[Page 70]25. March. These 24. Hours we have run 12 Leagues West, Latitude 20. Degr. 15. Min. West 24. Leagues.
26. Saturd. These 24. Hours we have run North, Latitude 18. Degr. 19. Minutes, the Wind S. to E. S. E. this day we made the high Land of Heloe.
27. Sund. This Morning we made a small sail to spend away the day. In the Afternoon, about five of the Clock, we made what sail we could; and about 11. in the Night, we landed about 50. Men upon a point of Rocks, which lies two Leagues from the Town of Heloe, or Hilo, and about break of the day, our Men took most of the Inhabitants that were in that place: And were not altogether unmindful of their Horse flesh, they sent us for Beefs, when we made them a visit before. The Prisoners, we took, told us, that at Arica, our Doctors had had good quarter given them, for the sake of their skill; but that the wounded were knockt on the Head; and that one Negro, who had his Leg shot off, being offered quarter, refused it, and killed four or five of their Men, before he was shot dead on the spot. [Page 71] This fellow had been a Slave, whom our Commander had freed, and brought from Iamaica.
What they lost at Aryca, they would not confess, only said, that a great many were killed, and that the wounded Men came fast out of the Countrey to be cured by our Doctors, we had left behind us.
Here we filled fresh Water, got some good new Wine, store of Figgs, and plenty of fresh Provisions for our Men. This Heloe is in Latitude 17. Degr. 49. Min. South, and stands in an extraordinary fruitful Valley, with fine Olive Yards, two pretty Vineyards, a great Sugar work: They have a Corn Mill, and plenty of Wheat, Beef, Mutton, Pork, also Fish, and all manner of necessaries both for life, and for recreation. Here we stayed till Tuesday the 29. and at nine of the Clock at Night, we weighed, and stood to Sea, the Wind at S. E.
Wedn. 30. We have run 12. Leag. West, Wind S. S. E. West 12. Leagues.
31. Thursd. We have run 14. Leag. West, Wind S. a great Current which sets N. W. West 26. Leagues.
[Page 72] April 1. 1681. April. We have run 22. Leagues West, Latitude 17. Degr. 13. Min. the Wind at S. S. W. to S. W. West 48. Leagues.
2. Saturd. We have run 22. Leagues West, Latitude 16. Degr. 46. Min. Wind S. E. to E. fair weather. West 70. Leagues.
3. Sund. We have run 25. Leagues West, Latitude 16. Degr. 16. Min. the Wind S. E. cloudy weather. West 95. Leagues.
4. Mund. We have run 15. Leagues West, Latitude 14. Degr. 28. Min. West 110. Leagues.
5. Tu [...]sd. We have run 10. Leagues West, Latitude 12. Degr. 52. Min. West 120. Leagues.
6. Wedn. We ran due North, Latitude 10. Degr. 56. Min. the Wind S. E. this day we saw the Land very high 15. Leagues distance.
7. Thursd. We have run 10. Leagues West, Latitude 9. Degr. 38. Min. the Wind at S. E. a great Currant that sets to the Southward▪ this small of the Moon, we keep Land too, in hopes to take some Shipping. West 130. Leagues.
[Page 73]8. Frid. We have run 9. Leagues West, Latitude 8. Degr. 44. Min. Wind S. W. 138. Leagues.
9. Saturd. We have run due North, Latitude 7. Degr. 38. Min. the Wind at S. a strong South easterly Currant.
10. Sund. We have run due North, Latitude 6. Degr. 33. Min. Wind S. and S. S. E. thick foggy weather. This Morning we made Land, it was one of the Northermost Isles of Lobos, which lye in Cheripe-Bay.
11. Mund. 12. Leagues West, Latitude 5. Degr. 57. Min. Wind. S. E. foggy weather. West 150. Leagues.
12. Tuesd. We have run 13. Leagues West, Latitude 5. Degr. 8. Min. Wind S. E. West 163. Leagues.
13. Wednes. We have run [...]. Leag. West, Latitude 3. Degr. 48. Min. West 168. Leagues.
14. Thursd. We have run 9. Leagues East, Lat. 2. Degr. 48. Min. Wind. S. a N. W. Currant East 9. Leagues.
15. Frid. We have run 8. Leagues East, Latitude 1. Degr. 58. Min. Wind S. S. E. very great riplings, and a strong N. W. Currant. East 17. Leagues.
[Page 74]16. Saturd. We have run 5. Leagues East, Latitude 1. Degr. 38. Min. The Isle of Plate bears N. 5. Leagues distant. East 22. Leagues.
Here by our account, Heloe or Hilo, lyes to the Eastward of the Island of Plate 146. Leagues, this Island lyes in 1. Degr. 23. Min. S. Latitude.
17. Sund. This day about Noon, to our great trouble, 45 of our Men left us, quitting our Emperours service, and went away with our Boat and two Canoes, with what necessary things they wanted for their journey over Land. They would have stayed if we would have chosen a new Commander, but would not serve longer under Captain Sharp. When they put away from the Ship, Cape Passado bore N. E. 10. Leagues distance.
This was a great weakning to our party, and a hindrance to our designs: Nevertheless we bore our loss as chearfully as we could, and resolved not to quit those Coasts till we had got the Booty we expected, and weakened the Spaniards as much as we could, as our Emperor had obliged us to do.
[Page 75]18. Mund. We have run 9. Leagues West, Lat. 0. Degr. 20. Min. North, the Wind at S. W. fair weather.
19. Tuesd. We have gone North, by reason of a N. E. Currant, Latitude 1. Degr. 48. Min. N. the Wind at S. W. good weather.
20. Wedn. We have run 18. Leagues West, Latitude 3. Degr. 16. Min. the Wind S. W. cloudy weather. West 27 Leagues.
21. Thursd. We have run 23. Leag. N. N. W. a strong Currant.
22. Frid. We have run 76. Miles N. W. by N. Wind W. S. W. much rain, and we saved 40. Jarrs of Water.
23. Saturd. We have run 25. Leag. N. W. by N. a strong Currant which sets to the Westward.
24. Sund. We have run 26. Leagues N. W. by N. no observation; a strong Currant. Since we parted from our Men, these five days, we have had plenty of Turtle and Fish.
25. Mund. These 24. Hours we have had the Wind round the Compass, we have run 12. Leagues N. we made the Island Caynia, a different observation, [Page 76] Latitude 7. Degrees 40. Minutes.
26. Tuesd. We came to an Anchor at the Island, it affords good Timber, Hogs, Fish, and Cocoe Nuts: while we lay here, we sent our Canoe to the Main to look for a Harbour to lay our Ship in, but could find none; the anchoring is on the North end of the Island, where we filled some Water, and lay till the 30.
30. Saturd. We weighed about 11. a Clock in the Forenoon, and stood to the West.
May day. May. We stood to the Westward, Latitude 9. Degr. 1. Min. the Wind off Shoar in the Night, by Day S. W. with Rain.
2. Mond. To Thursday the 5. we kept plying along the Shoar; very much Rain, with Thunder and Lightning, the Wind S. in the Day, at Night N. W.
6. Frid. We came to an Anchor in the Gulf of Nicoya, in 11. Fathom Water, ouzy Ground, the first Key with a Rock at the North end, bears S. by E. from us, very much Rain.
[Page 77]7. Saturd. 1681. May. We weighed with the Tide of flood, and got up to the next Key, which lyes N. W. 12. W. 5. Leag. distance.
8. Sund. Our two Canoes went to the Island Chero with 20. Men, and took a Family of Indians that lived there, who told us, there were two Barks in the next River, loading of Tallow. In the Afternoon-Tide, our Ship got up to the Isle of Cheroe.
9. Mund. Our Canoes went up the Flood, and took the two Barks, and the next Ebb brought them down to the Ship.
Those Indians told us, That up another River, lived a Shipwright, who was building two new Ships. This was welcome news to us; so we went up to the Carpenters Yard, and friendly desired the chief Builder, and seven of his Workmen, to go on Board us, and help us to cut down our Ship: He also helped us to a Canoe load of Spikes, and Iron Work, which our Ship wanted to fit her with; but some of our Men being drunk, they over-set her coming on Board, and drowned one of the Men: But it being but low Water, [Page 78] next day at low water we got her again with all our Utensils.
On Wednesday we set our Carpenters to work to chalk out our lower Deck.
On Thursday our drowned Man came swimming by the Ship, so we took him up, and buried him the next Morning. We fell this day with our Ship to the mouth of a Vogue about a League off, which we thought convenient to lay our Ship in, out of the Tides way, and this day unrigged her, got our Yards and Topmasts down, and made preparation for our Carpenters to shorten our low Masts.
On Saturday we laid one of the Barks on shoar, and took out her Tallow. It rained all Day, and continued raining till Tuesday following. We made an awning over the other Bark, and turned Tallow Chandlers, making Candles for our Bidacle, &c.
On Wednesday the eighteenth it held up, fair weather till Wednesd. the 25. at which time we began to rig our Ship, and on Thursd. were ready to sail. We gave the Carpenter and his Men one of the Barks, and sent them [Page 79] home; who returned us many thanks for our generosity, and using them so civilly; and with them, we turned away some Prisoners which we had on Board, resolving to keep no more but Negroes to do our drudgery.
During our stay at Cheroe we did this work:
- We shortned our Main-Mast six foot, made new Cross and Trussel-trees to it.
- Shortned our Fore mast 5. Foot, and made new Cross and Trussel-trees.
- by the Head.
- Made our Main, our Fore-Top-Mast, our Fore, our Main▪ Top-Mast.
- Cut off her upper Deck, and sunk her quarter Deck; she was six Foot ten Inches high, between Decks, and we left her something more than four Foot in the Waste.
All this we did in 10. Days, and she was fit for the Sea, and we had done sooner had not wet weather hindred us.
26. Thursd. After we had sent away our Prisoners, we fell down with our Ship to the Isle of Cavalla, where we [Page 80] lay filling Water till Sunday following.
On Saturday Iacobus Marquess our Truchman or Interpreter, and an Indian Boy ran away from us to the Spaniards; this person was a Dutchman, who was a good Linguist, and left behind him 2200 ps. [...]. besides Jewels and Goods: But we had one Mr. Ringrose with us, who was both an ingenious man, and spake very well several Languages.
29. Sund. We weighed from Cavalla, and fell down to Tortuga: North from this Isle lyes a parcel of Rocks like a Church with a Steeple.
30. Mond. We weighed and stood to Sea, little Wind at S. W.
31. Tuesd. Very little Wind at S. W. Cape Blanco at 12 a Clock bears North 3. Leagues distance.
Iune Iune. the 1. Wedn. We have run 13. Leagues West, Wind S. E. Latitude 10. Degr. 26. Min.
2. Thursd. We have had the Wind at N. W. and got a little to the Westward.
3. Frid. This Morning debating the thing in Council, and our mens running away being maturely considered, [Page 81] we judged we should be discryed at Rehela, 1681. Iune. which was the place we were designed for; we therefore bore up the Helm, and stood to the Eastward, to look an Harbour to lay our Ship on Shoar; for all this while we had not cleaned her bottom. Latitude 9. Degr. 56. Min.
4. Saturd. We have run 20 Leagues East by South, Latitude 9. Degr. 48. Min. Wind S. W. and W. N. W. East 18. Leagues.
5. Sund. We have run 7 Leagues E. S. E. The Isle Caynia bears S. E. by E. 5 Leagues distance, Wind S. W. to N. W.
6. Mund. These 24 hours we had very much Rain, we lay by all Sunday Night for the Gulf of Dulcia; and this Evening we got to an Anchor in the mouth of the Gulf, in 13. Fathom Water, the Wind at South, and much Rain.
7. Tuesd. We sent our Canoe up the Gulf, to look a place to lay our Ship on Shoar in, but they found none.
8. Wednesd. We weighed our Anchor, and sailed three Leagues higher up the Gulf, then sent our Canoe and [Page 82] Bark up before the Ship: The Canoe going on Shoar, took an Indian Man and two Boyes, and brought them on Board. Here finding a place for our purpose, we came to an Anchor in 24 Fathom Water, close by the Shoar; and rainy weather.
9. Thursd. We halled our Ship near the Shoar, and mored her; and some of us built an House, while others landed our Goods with all expedition; fair weather.
10. Frid. Here we lay till Munday the 13. which Night had like to have proved fatal to us, for our Cable gave way, and our Ship went ashoar, that we almost despaired of saving her; but having many Hands, we shoared her pretty upright, and on Wednesd. the 15. got her off again, without much damage: here we continued until Thursday the 23.
23. Thursd. This day having cleaned our Ship and Bark, and gave them a Coat of Tallow, we weighed and intended to have gone a League higher, but it proving little Wind, we had like to have drove out at the Gulfs mouth.
[Page 83] 24. Frid. We got up to the Watering place; fair weather.
25. Saturd. We began to fill our Water, and left our Bark with some Hands cutting Wood where we cleaned our Ship.
26. Sund. and 27. Mund. These days we made an end of filling our Water, and came to an Anchor a mile below the Bark.
28. Tuesd. We weighed and stood to Sea, the Wind at S. with much Rain. This Gulf of Dulcia has plenty of Wood and Water, store of Fish, is very bold, and void of all danger but what is in fight.
It has an Island on the North Shoar, which makes a good Harbour: it lyes in 8. Degr. 30. M. and is 6. Leagues distance N. N. W. from Point Berica, which Point is high, with a low tract of Land running into the Sea with a small Cape, a little distance from it; at the West side of the Gulf lye two small Rocks close to the West Point.
29. Wednesd. Very much Rain all Day, at 6. a Clock Point Berica bears N. E. 5. Leagues distance.
[Page 84] 30. Thursd. 1681. We have run 25. Leag. South, the Wind W. Cloudy weather.
Iuly Iuly. the 1. We have run 17. Leag. South, Latitude 6. Degr. 13. Min. Wind West.
2. Saturd. We have run 8. Leagues East, Latitude 5. Degr. 35. Min. Wind S. S. W.
3. Sund. We have run 28. Leagues East, Latitude 4. Degr. 23. Min. Wind S. S. E. Here we had plenty of Dolphins.
4. Mund. We have run 23. Leagues East, Latitude 3. Degr. 14. Minutes. little Wind at S. S. W. to W. N. W. fresh gales. East 23. Leagues.
5. Tuesd. We have run 21. Leagues East, Latitude 2. Degr. 30. Min. little Wind at S. W. and S. S. W. This day we made the Isle of Galloe.
6. Wedn. We plyed to windward under the Shoar.
7. Thursd. This Morning we weathered the Point of Manglas, as the Spaniards call it, which is no more than a Point of high Mangrows. To windward of it is a small Bay.
[Page 85]8. Frid. We kept plying to windward, along Shoar.
9. Saturd. We kept plying along Shoar, and got under the high Land, to the Eastward of Cape Franco, which makes with White and Redish Cliffs.
10. Sund. This Morning we saw a Sail 6. Leagues to Windward of us, and about 7. at Night came up with him, so we made sail to get under the Cape with our Prize.
11. Mund. We made the best of our way to get under the Cape.
12. Tuesd. This day we got to an anchor under the Cape, about 2. Leagues from the Shoar, in 6. Fathom Water, stiff sandy Ground; to the Eastward of this Cape lyes the River of S. Matthias, where live several Indians, Negroes, and Creolians, which are a mungrel breed of Spaniards and Indians mixt.
13. Wednes. and 14. Thursd. We began to rummage our Prize, which was loaden with Cocoa, and some Plate. On Thursday we cut away her Main-Mast, and turned her before the Wind for Pa [...]ama, it being but requisite that a light Ship should have [Page 86] less sail; we put her not out of her Road neither, but sent her to proceed on her Voyage she was bound for, which was for Panama.
17. Sund. This Night our small Canoe broke loose, but we got her again next Morning. As they rowed along the Shoar, they saw an Indian Man, but could not pursue him, for want of Arms.
After they came on Board we manned both our Canoes, and went on Shoar, where we found a delicate fresh water River; so we sent thither our Bark and Canoes to fill Water, which took up our time till Tuesday, when they came on Board; after we had unloaden the Bark, we sunk her.
20. Wedn. This Morning we weighed, and stood to Sea, the VVind at S. W. Very hazy weather.
21. Thursd. VVe plyed to windward, VVind at W. S. W. and S. W. cloudy weather, with drisling Rain.
22. Frid. This 24 Hours we had a great S. W. Sea, the VVind shifting from E. S. E. to W. S. W. out of sight of Land.
[Page 87]23. Saturd. This day we came in sight of Cape Saint Francisco, the Wind between S. W. and S. hazy weather.
24. Sund. These 24. hours we had the Wind at S. to S. W. thick hazy weather with drisling Rain.
25. Mund. These 24 hours we h [...]d the Wind at S. S. W. After we had weathered the Cape to the Southward, is a great Bay, then a high land, but not so high as the Cape, Latitude 0. Degr. 34. Min. North.
26. Tuesd. The Wind S. to S. W. we got within 6. Leagues of Cape Passado. To the N. E. of this Cape is high Land, with white Cliffs like those of Beachy.
27. Wedn. In the Morning we saw a Sail close by the Shoar; so we gave her chase, she came to an Anchor, and most of the people got on Shoar, but we followed them, and took them all but a Fryer and four Negroes, who made their escape.
The next day we sent them for Panama, from whence they came bound for Payta, with advice from Old Spain. At Payta they always land ther Pacquets, [Page 88] to be sent to the City of Lyma. Next day we turned her away, and plyed to windward, the Wind at S. to S. W.
29. Frid. This day we saw a Sail, and in a short time came up with her, the Spaniard began to fire some small Arms at us, but our way being to come Board and Board, and never to fire a Shot at randome, when we came up close with her, we warmed their Decks so that they soon struck, and called for Quarter; but the Captain was killed first, and one Man more, and several others wounded.
On Saturd. we came to an Anchor under Cape Passado, in 14. Fathom Water. The Prize was loaden with Wine, Brandy, Oyl, and Fruit, and 670. Piggs of Metal, which we (such was our dulness) supposed to be Tin. All the Arguments some of us could use, would not perswade our Captain and rest of our men to take them in; only one was brought away to make Bullets; part of which we gave to a Bristol Man, being about a third part of a Pigg, when we came to Anteg [...], and he sold it at Bristol for 75. l. Sterl. for it was Silver, though not refined [Page 89] to the purity it should have been.
On Sund. Night the Men positively resusing to take in those Piggs, we turned away to Sea our Prize, that might have sufficiently enriched us all, and having stored our selves with Wine and Brandy, and considering our small number of Men left, and good stock of Provisions, we thought it best to return home with what Booty we had; not over Land as our Comrades had done, but round by the streights of Magellan: So on Wedn. Morning we weighed, and stood to Sea, the Wind S. S. E.
August August. 4. We keep plying to Windward, the Wind S. and S. W. very fresh gales.
5. Frid. We had fresh gales at S. and S. S. W. and very cloudy weather.
6. Saturd. We had small gales at S. S. E. to S. W. Monte a Christo bears S. 10. Leagues distance.
7. Sund. The Wind at S. S. E. to S. W. small gales and a le-ward Currant that we have got nothing.
8. Mund. A strong leward Currant, and smal Winds that we could get nothing.
[Page 90]9. Tues. 1681. August. We had the Wind at S. and S. W. little Wind: But at 10 in the Day, it came to W. and blowed very hard, which is the usual Course; we are in sight of Manta about 3. Leagues distance, a strong Currant.
10. Wednes. The Wind at S. W. in the Morning we had moderate gales, so we kept our own with Mata.
11. Thursd. We had the Wind at S. and W. S. W. moderate gales: Now the Currant sets as strong to windward as it did to leward. Cape Lawrence bears East, 1 League distance.
12. Frid. This Morning we got to an Anchor at the Isle of Plate, where we lay refreshing our selves till Tuesday the 16. It is high table Land, being level at the top; there is pretty plenty of Wood, Goats, and Fish, but no Water, good anchorage in a sandy Bay, next the Main.
16. Tuesd. We set Sail about 2. in the Afternoon, the Wind at S. W.
17. Wednes. and 18. Thursd. Little Wind at S. S. W. and S. W. we got into Sancta Hellena Bay; the Currant setting to windward under the Shoar.
[Page 91]19. Frid. We had very moderate Winds at S. S. W. but a very great Southern Sea, Point Hellena bears S. S. E.
20. Saturd. Moderate gales at S. W. and S. in the Night Sa [...]cta Hellena bore E. S. E. 3 Leagues distance; this Day at 12. it bore East [...]. Leagues distance.
21. Sund. We have had the Wind at S. to W. S. W. moderate gales.
22. Mund. We have had the Wind at N. W. moderate gales: This Morning we made the South Shoar, of Wy [...]e Bay.
23. Tuesd. We have kept plying to windward under the Shoar, the VVind at S. W.
24. Wedn. VVe have had the VVind at S. W. very fresh, in Latitude 4. Degr. 11. Min. S. Cape Blanko bears S. E. by E. 3. Leagues distance.
25. Thurs. The VVind came to S. and S. E. very fresh gales that we have weathered the Cape 7 Leagues. Cold cloudy weather.
26. Frid. VVe keep plying to windward under the Shoar; thick foggy weather, VVind S. to S. S. W.
[Page 92]27. Saturd. VVe keep plying to windward, the VVind from S. to S. E. thick foggy weather. At one of the Clock we made the high Land to windward of Payta.
28. Sund. This Morning we ran into Payta Bay with our Ship, and manned 2. Canoes with 32. Men to go on Shoar▪ but were descryed upon the Coast, and they provided so well against us, that it was madness to land. Their numbers of Horse and Foot upon the Bay, prevented our running into further danger▪ so we returned on Board our Ship, and sailed away to Sea.
29. Mund. At 6. a Clock the high Land of Payta bears E. N. E. 10. Leag. distance.
30. Tuesd. These 24. hours we had the VVind at S. to S. S. E. thick foggy weather: We have run West five Leagues.
31. Wedn. VVe had fair weather and a good observation▪ Latitude 6. Degr. 32. Min. by our account we are departed from the Meridian of Payta 26 Leagues West.
September Septem. 1. VVe have run 8 Leagues West, Latitude 7. Degr. 38. Min, cloudy [Page 93] weather, 1681. Septem. Wind S. S. E. to S. W. West 34. Leagues.
2. Frid. Latitude 7. Degr. 29. Min. 11. Leagues West, the Wind at S. E. to E. S. E. Our Westing is 45. Leagues.
3. Saturd. Latitude 8. Degr. 17. Min. 16. Leagues West, Wind S. E. squally weather. West 61. Leagues.
4. Sund. 16. Leagues West, Lat. 9. Degr. 18. Min. Wind S. to S. E. West 77. Leagues.
5. Mund. 19 Leagues West, Latitude 10. Degr. 45. Min. Wind S. E. to E. S. E. cloudy weather, and hard flaws of Wind. West 96. Leagues.
6. Tuesd. 15. Leagues West, Latitude 11. Degr. 52. Min. West 111. Leag.
7. Wednes. 10. Leagues West, Latitude 13. Degr. 30. Min. moderate gales. West 121. Leagues.
8. Thursd. 10. Leagues West, Lat. 14. Degr. 42. Min. cloudy weather. West 131. Leagues.
9. Frid. 8. Leagues West, Latitude 15. Degr. 45. Min Wind S. E. to E. S. E. West 139. Leagues.
10. Saturday. 19. Leagues West, Latitude 16. Degrees 25. Minutes, [Page 94] clear weather. West 158. Leagues.
11. Sund. 5. Leagues West, Latitude 16. Degr. 58. Min. Wind S. E. and E. S. E. a great Southern Sea, that we went with our Main-Top-Sail furled, and Sprit-Sail reifed. West 163. Leagues.
12. Mund. Still a great Sea, and we went with our low-Sails to ease our Ship, Latitude 17. Degr. 17. Min. Wind at S. E. 13. Leag [...]es West. West 176. Leagues.
13. Tuesd. A great Sea, and hard gale at S. S. E. Latitude. 18. Degr. 5. Min. West 16. Leagues. West 192. Leagues.
14. Wedn. 12. Leagues West Latitude 18. Degr. 59. Min. hard gales at S. E. and a great Sea. West 204. Leagues.
15. Thursd. 10. Leagues West, Latitude 19. Degr. 56. Min. moderate gales. West 214. Leagues.
16. Frid. 6. Leagues West, Latitude 20▪ Degrees 44. Minutes, the Wind round the Compass. West 220. Leagues.
17. Sat. Little Wind, We have run but one League West, Latitude 20, [Page 95] Degrees 55. Minutes. West 221. Leagues.
18. Sund. 13. Leagues West, Latitude 21. Degr. 23. Min. fair weather the Wind from S. to S. S. E. West 234. Leagues.
19. Mund. 12. Leagues West, Latitude 22. Degr. 20. Min. Wind at S. E. squally weather. West 246. Leagues.
20. Tuesd. 8. Leagues West, Latitude 23. Degr. 23. Min. Wind E. S. E. squally weather. 254. Leagues West.
21. Wedn. 7. Leagues West, Latitude 24. Degr. 44. Min. Wind. E. S. E. to S. E. squalls of Wind and Rain. West 261. Leagues.
22. Thursd. The Wind at East, we steered Latitude 26. Degr. 14. Min.
23. Frid. We have run South Latitude 27. Degr. 45. Min. the Wind S. E. to E. N. E. squally weather.
24. Saturd. Latitude 28. Degr. 49. Min. the Wind S. E. squally weather.
25. Sund. Latitude 29. Degr. 59. Min. cloudy weather, here we allow 20. Leagues from our departure for a N. W. Currant, which makes me 281 Leagues to the Westward of Payta.
[Page 96] 26. Mund. 24. Leagues East, Latitude 31. Degr. 11. Min. Wind at N. E. to N. East 24. Leagues.
27. Tuesd. 23. Leagues East, Latitude 32. Degr. 23. Min. Wind N. E. to N. W. fair weather, East 47. Leag.
28. Wedn. 23. Leagues East, Latitude 33. Degr. 21. Min. Wind N. E. to N. all day, at Night it came to S. W. in a gust, and blowed very hard with small Rain. East 70. Leagues.
29. Thursd. 21. Leagues East, Latitude 34. Degr. 25. Min. Wind W. N. W. gusty weather. East 91. Leagues.
30. Fri. 18. Leagues East, Latitude 35. Degr. 46. Min. Wind VV. N. VV. a great Sea. East 109. Leagues.
October October. 1. 8. Leagues East, Latitude 36. Degr. 50. Min. Wind. N. VV. good weather. East 117. Leagues.
2. Sund. 18. Leagues East, Latitude 38. Degr. 12. Min. Wind W. N. W. squally. East 135. Leagues.
3. Mund. 15. Leagues East, Latitude 39. Degr. 21. Min. Wind VV. N. VV. to S. VV. in the Night we had a hard gust at VV. S. VV. close cloudy weather. East 150. Leagues.
[Page 97] 4. Tuesd. 1681. October 16. Leagues East, Latitude 41. Degr. 18. Min. Wind VV. N. VV. East 166. Leagues.
5. VVedn. 14. Leagues East, Latitude 43. Degr. 15. Min. fresh Winds. East [...]80. Leagues.
6. Thursd. 22. Leagues East, Latitude 44. Degr. 57. Min. hard gales at VV. N. VV. thick weather, with rain: we went with a fore coarse only. East 202. Leagues.
7. Frid. 13. Leagues East, Latit. 45. Degr. 55. Min. hard gales at N. W. and VV. N. VV. with thick drisling Rain, under a fore coarse. East 215. Leagues.
8. Saturd. 11. Leagues East, by judgment, Latitude 46. Degrees 46. Min. very hard gales at VV. by N. at eight of the Clock we laid our Ship by, under a Mizon, ballanced; but the Wind came on so fier [...]e that it blew away our Mizon, so we veered out two Ha [...]sers on an end made fast to a Spareyard, and a quoile of old Rope, and kept our Ships Head to the Sea. East 226. Leagues.
9. Sund. The Wind somewhat abated, that we could suffer a Mizon ballanced, [Page 98] but a very grown Sea, Latitude by judgment 47. Degrees 1. Minute East, 7. Leagues. East 233. Leagues.
In the Afternoon when the fierceness of the storm was overblown, we got in our drudge.
10. Mund. 12. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 47. Degrees 58. Minutes, wind from N. VV. to S. VV. hard gales, with very much Rain. East 245. Leagues.
11. Tuesd. 18. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 49. Degrees 52. Minutes, a very hard gale of Wind at N. to N. E. East 263. Leagues.
12. Wednesd. 5. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 49. Degrees 59. Minutes, a hard gale of Wind, we under a main coarse. This Morning at four of the Clock, we made land, it was very high and mountainous Land; at break of day we saw a Showle to Windward of us, which by Gods providence we sell to Leward of in the Night, our Ship staying three times under a Main Coarse, or else we had been certainly upon it. In the Day the Wi [...]d a little abating, we set our Fore-Sail, [Page 99] and two Top Sails, and stood in for the Shoar; and seeing an opening, sent our Canoes in before the Ship, and found a very smooth place to anchor in, but deep Water: so we came to an Anchor in 45. Fathom Water. At going in, one of our Men fell out of the Sprit Sail-Top, and was drowned; his name was Henry Shergall. In the Night our Cable cut with the Rocks, that we were forced to look for a better Harbour, which finding, we got our Ship in, and mored her to the Shoar with Hassers, and laid two Anchors out, which were all we had left.
Here we lay till Saturday, at which time our Ship brake loose, and her Stern grounded upon a Rock, which unshipt our Rudder, bowed three Pintels, and broke the Goose-Neck. About eight at Night we got her off, and mored her the second time.
On Monday we had a hard gust of Wind with Snow,
On Tuesday we had good weather, and we observed with our Astrolabes Latitude 50. Degr. 37. Min.
On Friday it rained with hard flaws of Wind, at N. VV.
[Page 100]It hailed and rained with hard gusts of Wind from Saturday to Thursday, the 27. at whichtime, it being pretty fair weather, our Canoe went out a fowling, and found a Canoe with 3 Indians in it; who being near the Shoar, one of them got away, another was shot, and the other taken and brought on Board; but we could not understand him, only perceived he used to eat raw Flesh and Fish.
On Friday our Canoe went to see it they could find any more Indians, and by the help of our new Prisoner found several of their Houses, but the Inhabitants were all fled, and their Goods with them, if they had any; so we came on Board without any further discovery.
November Novem. 1. The Month and Weather changed together; so having fair weather we got up our Top-Masts, and bent our Sails: And on Friday the 4, we cast off our shoar Fass, and halled to our Anchors, and on Saturday went to Sea, the Wind at N. VV. and VV. N. VV. hard gales of Wind.
5. To this place we gave the name of the Duke of York's Island; we suppose [Page 101] it to be a knot of Islands like that of Bermudas. 1681. Novem. While we stayed here we spent little of our dry Provisions, but one half of our Ships company went on Shoar one day to gather Lympets and Muscles, and the other half the next; thus we lived with now and then some Geese, Ducks, and Penguins, which we thought good Fare, and were very well content with it. This place is in 50. Degrees 37. Minutes S. Latitude.
6. S [...]nd. Since our coming to Sea, we have run 15. Leagues West, L [...]titude 5 [...]. Degr. 34. Min. Wind N. W.
7. Mund. 16. Leagues West, Latitude 52. Degr. 9. Min. Wind N. N. W. and N. W. good weather. west 31. Leagues.
8. Tuesd. These 24 hours we have run 16. Leagues East, in Latitude 53. Degr. 27 Min. Wind N. N. W. good weather. East 16. Leagues.
9. Wednesd. 18. Leagues East, Latitude 53. Degr. 20. Min. Wind. N. East, 34. Leagues.
10. Thursd. A very hard storm of Wind, sometimes under a M [...]zon, and sometimes a Hull.
[Page 102] 11. Frid. The storm continued from N. E. to N. with Rain.
12. Saturd. Fine moderate weather, and a good observation, Latitude 53. Degr. 27. Min. the Wind continuing at N. E. we were quite our of all hopes of recovering the Streights of Magellan, or Le Maire; so that we were forced to bear up the Helm, to seek for a passage further South. Here is a great S. W. Current.
13. Sund. Lat. 57. Degr. o, Min. great Currents. Variation 14. Degr. East 18. Leagues.
14. Mund. 22. Leagues East, Latitude 57. Degr. 43. Min. Wind at W. East 43. Leagues.
15. Tuesd. 28. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 58. Degr. 19. Min. Wind at N. to N. N. E. very cold, with Snow and Rain. East 71. Leagues.
16. Wedn. 26. Leagues East, Latitude 57. Degr. 52. Min. Wind at S, to S. S. E. very cold freezing weather. East 97. Leagues.
17. Thursd. 24. Leagues East, Latitude by observation, 58. Degr. 10. Min. Wind at S. vv. This Morning we came up with two great Islands of Ice, [Page 103] one about three Leagues long, the other smaller; about three in the Afternoon we came up with four more, but not so big: clear weather, but freezing cold. We find by this observation, and our last 24 hours run, that we h [...]ve been further Southerly by almost two Degrees, than our computation by dead reckoning makes out, and by many Degrees, than ever any others have sailed in that Sea, that have yet been heard of: for we were at about 60 Degrees South Latitude. We find diversity of Currents, but have not Provision to try them. 16. Degrees variation. East 121. Leagues.
18. Frid. 25. Leagues East, Lat. by judgment, 57. Degr. 25. Min. Wind at N. to N. N. E. East 146. Leagues.
19. Saturd. 20. Leagues East, latitude 57. Degr. 25. Min. Wind at N. to N. N. E. snowy, cold, freezing weather. East 166. Leagues.
20. Sund. 9. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 57. Degr. 13. Min. Wind at N. cold, thick, foggy weather. This Day the Water was cnanged very green, like a River. East 175. Leagues.
[Page 104] 21. Mund. 5. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 57. Degr. 13. Min. little Wind at N. sometimes calm, very green Water, and great Sea, with thick foggs, East 180. Leagues.
22. Tuesd. This 24 hours, Wind at E. and E. N. E. we laid our Ships Head to the Northward, thick foggy weather.
23. Wedn. 3. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 56. Degr. 19. Min. the Wind round the compass. East 183. Leagues.
24. Thursd. 10. Leag. East, Lat. 56. Degr. 9. Min. the Wind shi [...]ting in the Northern board. East 193. Leagues.
25. Frid. 13. Leagues East, Latitude 54. Degr. 50. Min. Wind N. E. to E. S. E. very hard gales under two Coarses: This Day we judged we saw the Land bear N. N. W. East 206. Leagues.
26. Saturd. 25. Leagues East, Latitude 53. Degr. 43. Min. Wind E. S. E. blowing very hard with Hail and Snow. East 231. Leagues.
27. Sund. 21. Leagues East, Latitude by a good observation, 52. Degr. 48. Min. the Wind at E. to E. S. E. blowing hard. East 252. Leagues.
[Page 105] 28. Mund. 21. Leagues East, Lat. by judgment, 51. Degrees 45. Minutes, Wind at S. W. good weather. East 273. Leagues.
29. Tuesd. 30. Leagues East, Latitude by observation, 49. Degr. 41. Min. Wind at S. to W. fresh gales, and a N. E. Current. East 303. Leagues.
30. Wednesd. 30. Leagues East, Latitude 48. Degr. 57. Min. good weather. East 333. Leagues.
The 1. of December Decem. We ran 9. Leag. East, Latitude 48. Degr. 35. Min. a very hard gale at N. N. W. to N. East 342. Leagues.
2. Frid. 39. Leagues East, Latitude 47. Degr. 35. Min. a very hard gale of Wind at S. W. we went with our fore-Course reift, and Sprit-Sail▪ we made good weather. East 381. Leagues.
3. Saturd. 31. Leagues East, Latitude 46. Degr. 2. Min. hard gales of Wind at S. W. we went with our Fore-Coarse, and Fore-Top-sail low set. East 41 [...]. Leagues.
4. Sund. Latitude by observation, 43. Degr. 59. Min. Wind S. to S. E. fair weather, we have met with a N. W. Current that we made our way North.
[Page 106] 5. Mund. 1681. Decem. 32 Leagues East, Latitude 42. Degr. 27. Min. the Wind S. W. pretty warm weather. East 444. Leagues.
6. Tuesd. 33. Leagues East, Latitude 40. Degr. 27. Min. Wind S. W. to W. S. W. fair weather. East 477. Leagues.
7. VVednesd. 27. Leagues East, Latitude 39. Degr. 33. Min. a hard gale at VVest, about 10. at Night it came to N. VV. at 11. in the Day it came to W. with Rain; we being under a pair of coarses, and it came so violently with a hard showre of Rain, that it blew both our Coarses away.
Though several of us had been in a Hurricane in the VVest Indies, yet every one declared it was the greatest stress of Wind for the space of two Glasses that ever they were in in their lives. East 504. Leagues.
8. Thursd. 18. Leagues East, Wind at W. to N. W. a hard gale under a fore Coarse, Latitude by observation, 38. Degr. 36. Min. East 522. Leagues.
9. Frid. 21. Leagues East, Latitude 37. Degr. 42. Min. a moderate gale. East 543. Leagues.
[Page 107] 10. Saturd. 22. Leagues East, Latitude by observation, 37. Degr. 11. Min. good weather, Wind N. W. to N. N. E. 565. Leagues East.
11. Sund. 17. Leagues East, Latitude 36. Degr. 59. Min. Wind from N. N. E. to N. W. a great S. W. Sea, and a hard gale. East. 582. Leagues.
12. Mund. 13. Leagues East, Latitude 36. Degr. 20. Min. the Wind at S. S. W. thick foggy weather. East 595. Leagues.
13. Tuesd. 9. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 35. Degr. 41. Min. Wind from E. S. E. very thick weather. East 604. Leagues.
14. Wedn. 2. Leagues East, Latitude 34. Degr. 29. Min. the Wind at N. W. very smooth Water. East 606. Leag.
15. Thursd. 25. Leagues East, Latitude 33. Degr. 52. Min. Wind N. N. W. East 631. Leagues.
16. Frid. 20. Leagues East, Latitude 32. Degr. 5. Min. East 651. Leagues.
17. Saturd. 17. Leagues East, Latitude 31. Degr. 2. Min. the Wind at N. W. by N. and N. W. East 668. Leagues.
[Page 108] 18. Sund. 14. Leagues East, Latitude 29. Degr. 39. Min. Wind W. N. W. and fair weather. East 682. Leag.
19. Mund. 22. Leagues East, Latitude 28. Degr. 26 Min. Wind at W. and fair weather. East 704. Leagues.
20. Tuesd. 3. Leagues East, Latitude 27. Degr. 29. Min. Wind round the Compass. East 707. Leagues.
21. Wedn. 2. Leagues East, Latitude 27. Degr. 2. Min. the Wind round the Compass, and cloudy weather. East 709. Leagues.
22. Thursd. We have lain becalmed in 26. Degr. 36. Min. by observation.
23. Frid. 2. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 25. Degr. 39. Min. Wind at E. S. E. good weather. East 711. Leagues.
24. Saturd. 5. Leagues East, Latitude 23. Degr. 51. Min. the Wind at E. S. E. fair weather. East 716 Leag.
25. Sund. 14. Leagues East, Latitude by observation, 22. Degr. 1. Min. the Wind at E. fair weather.
When we took the two Barks at Nicoya, we had a little sucking Pigg in one of them, which we kept on Board ever since for our Christmas days Dinner, [Page 109] which now was grown to be a large Hogg; so we killed it for Dinner, but thinking it not enough for us all, we bought a Spaniel-Dogg of the Quarter-Master for forty pieces of Eight, and killed him; so with the Hogg and the Dogg, we made a Feast, and we had some Wine left, which made us merry: This being the only thing we had eaten that had blood in it since our departure from the Duke of York's Island. East 730. Leagues.
26. Mund. 5. Leagues East, Latitude 20. Degr. 28 Min. the Wind. at E. N. E. to E. S. E. fair weather. East 735. Leagues.
27. Tuesd. 6. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 18. Degr. 48. Min. East 741. Leagues.
28. Wednes. 5. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 16. Degr. 42. Min. Wind E. S. E. fresh gales. East 746. Leagues.
29. Thursd. 4. Leagues East, Latitude 14. Degr. 26. Min. Wind E. S. E. East 750. Leagues.
30. Frid. 7. Leagues East, Latitude 12. Degr. 20. Min. Wind E. S. E. to S. E. East 757. Leagues.
[Page 110]31. Saturd. 1681/2. 6. Leagues East, Latitude by judgment, 10. Degr. 20. Min. Wind at E. fair weather. We have now run 763. Leagues East from the Duke of York's Isle.
Ianuary Ianuary the 1. Sund. We have run 33. Leagues West, Latitude 8. Degr. 41. Min. Wind S. E.
2. Mund. 30. Leagues West, Latitude by observation, 6. Degr. 7. Min. Wind S. E. We here saw abundance of flying Fish. West 63. Leagues.
3. Tuesd. 31. Leagues West, Latitude 4. Degr. 33. Min. Wind S. E. close cloudy weather. West 94. Leagues.
4. Wedn. 30. Leagues West, Latitude by judgment, 3. Degr. 3. Min. Wind at S. S. E. fair weather. West 124. Leagues.
5. Thursd. 28. Leagues West, Latitude by observation, 2. Degr. 10. Min. Wind at S. S. E. to E. S. E. fair weather. West 152. Leagues.
6. Frid. 25. Leagues West, Latitude by observation, 0. Degr. 53. Min. South, Wind S. S. E. We saw here abundance of Fowls. West 177. Leagues.
7. Saturd. 25. Leagues West, Latitude by observation, 00. Degr. 33. Min. [Page 111] North, 1681/2. Ianuary Wind at S. S. E. West 202. Leagues.
8. Sund. 20. Leagues West, Latitude 1. Degr. 33. Min. North, Wind at S. small gales. West 222. Leagues.
9. Mund. 16. Leagues West, Latitude 2. Degr. 45. Min. West 238. Leagues.
10. Tuesd. 3. Leagues West, Latitude by observation, 3. Degr. 17. Min. we lay becalmed most part of this 24. hours. West 241. Leagues.
11. Wednes. 11. Leagues West, Latitude 4. Degr. 6. Min. the Wind round the Compass. West 252 Leagues.
12. Thursd. 10. Leagues West, Latitude 5. Degr. 37. Min. Wind N. E. West 262. Leagues.
13. Frid. 28. Leagues West, Latitude 6. Degr. 37. Min. Wind N. E. West 290. Leagues.
14. Saturd. 26. Leagues West, Latitude 7. Degr. 27. Min. Wind E. N. E. and N. E. fair weather. West 316. Leagues.
15. Sund. 28. Leagues West, Latitude 9. Degr. 1. Min. Wind N. E. cloudy weather. West 344. Leagues.
[Page 112] 16. Mund. 27. Leagues West, Latitude 10. Degr. 52. Min. Wind N. E. a great Northern Sea. West 371. Leagues.
17. Tuesd. 30. Leagues West, Latitude by observation, 12. Degr, 17. Min. Wind N. E. and N. N. E. hazy weather. West 401. Leagues.
18. Wednes. 42. Leagues West, Latitude by observation, 13. Degr. 17. Min. the Wind E. N. E. and N. E. West 443. Leagues.
19. Thursd. 52. Leagues West, Latitude 12. Degr. 55. Min. Wind E. N. E. and N. E. West 495. Leagues.
20. Frid. 42. Leagues West, Latitude 13. Degr. 4. Min. Wind E. N. E. West 537. Leagues.
21. Saturd. 44. Leagues West, Latitude 13. Degr. 7. Min. Wind N. E. West 581. Leagues.
22. Sund. 48. Leagues West, Latitude 13. Degr. 15. Min. Wind E. to N. E. West 629. Leagues.
23. Mund. 54. Leagues VVest, Latitude 13. Degr. 8. Min. Wind E. N. E. clear weather. West 683. Leagues.
24. Tuesd. 52. Leagues West, Latitude 13. Degrees 5. Minutes, Wind N. E. West 735. Leag.
[Page 113] 25. Wedn. 54. Leag [...] West, Lat. 13. Degr. 26. Min. Wind at N. E. hard squals of Wind and Rain. West 789 Leag.
26. Thursd. 52. Leagues West, Latitude 13. Degr. 12. Min. Wind at E. to N. E. much Rain with squals. West 841. Leagues.
27. Frid. 56. Leagues West, Latitude 13. Degr. 30. Min. the Wind at N. E. squally weather, with Rain. West 897. Leagues.
28. Saturd. This Morning about 4. of the Clock, we made the Island of Barbados, it bore W. by S. 3. Leagues distance; but we fell in with the North part of the Isle. This was the first Land we had seen in about three Months time, which was▪ from our leaving the Duke of York's Island, in the South Sea; we coming a Way that had never been known before, many Degrees South of the Magellan Streights.
From Friday Noon, till the time of making Land, we have run 30. Leagues West. West. 927. Leagues. When we were about the North end of Barbados, we stood in for Spikes's Bay, and there coming a Boat off to us, who told us, they belonged to the Richmond Frigat, [Page 114] we invited them on Board, being desirous to know how affairs stood since our Maritime Pilgrimage; but they refusing, and standing in to the Shoar, made us suspect, That the Frigat might make Prize of us; so we bore up the Helm for Antego, where we arrived the 31. instant.
Our Commander sent a Letter to the Governour, and a Present of Jewels to his Lady: But the Governour refusing to let us come publickly on Shoar for common refreshment, the Lady returned the Present; so we gave the Ship to 7. Men which had played away all their Money, and every Man shifted for himself. Some came into England, others went to Iamaica, New England, &c. I And those who came to London were committed by his Majesties Order, and tryed and acquitted at a Court of Admiralty, where the Spanish Ambassadour was Prosecutor.