Triumphus Hymenaeus.
LONDONS Solemn JUBILE, For the most Auspicious NVPTIALLS of their Great SOVERAIGN CHARLES the SECOND KING of Great Britain, France, and Ireland; Their Publick Joy, and Pompous kind receiving Him, UPON THE River of THAMES, COMING WITH CATHERIN, INFANTA of PORTUGALL, His Royal SPOUSE and QUEEN, FROM HAMPTON-COURT TO VVHITE-HALL▪ AUGUST 23. 1662.
As it was Presented to Both Their MAJESTIES.
Triumphus Hymenaeus.
A PANEGYRICK To the KING and QUEEN'S most Sacred MAJESTIE, Vpon their ever to be remembred most glorious passing upon the River of THAMES, Coming from HAMPTON-COURT To WHITE-HALL; August the 23 d 1662.
Consurgunt geminae Quercus intonsaque coelo Attollunt capita, & sublimi vertice nutant. Virg. Aeneid. l. 9.
London, Printed by R. Daniel, 1662.
To the most August, Most Illustrious And most Christian MONARCH CHARLES The SECOND, KING of Great Britanne, France and Ireland, &c.
To the KING.
TO be present at the celebration of your most glorious Nuptials and then be silent, were to be a Marigold in your Sun's presence (without life & natural sense) closed up. No wonder then if from the dull plant You shine on, You have these blossomes here. I must either pay such grateful tribute to your beames or wither. I am (though so unworthy) a living part of Nature and your Vassal, and therefore can and must do no lesse. I submissively tender them the person of your sacred Majesty, from whence ( filled with the glory of your Marriage Triumph and the contemplation of the blisse you diffuse from it through all your Kingdomes) with a transported sense of joy I receive them. Your powerful aspect vouchsafes to call them forth. Though the weakness, defect and poverty of my own nature denying them both lustre & fragrancy, will let them [Page 6] be no better, I who am so great a sinner against heaven and live, having seen such matchlesse and divine effects of your Royal goodnesse, despair not of your Majesty's favour after this act of so high presumption I cannot remedy ( Qui apud te dicere audent, ô Caesar, magnitudinem tuam ignorant; Qui non audent, humanitatem & clementiam.) with all humility and loyal devotion praying alwaies for your present and future happinesse, as
To the most excellent and most incomparable LADY, as famous for her illustrious virtues, as fortunate in her Nuptial Choice, CATHERINE, QUEEN, The Royal Consort and Spouse of the puissant and invincible MONARCH, our Great SOVERAIGNE CHARLES The SECOND.
To the QUEEN.
WHere your Majesties gracious influence united with our great Soveraignes, becomes generally beneficial to the whole Country we live in (where Honour; if it hath not the selfsame worship now it had of old, we do as highly adore at this very day as ever did heretofore the Holy City, of which your Sacred Person, though Supream here, are pleased to hold your Religion) we presume to have the liberty according to our ancient customes (that your Majestie, we hope with the permission of our Religion, will let us enjoy likewise) to make addresses even to the very Throne of your Sacred Person, to homage you with adoration. VVhat can be objected here? It is your bright Sunny Majesty we adore, and we can do no otherwise. If that glorious Planet bestows day-light upon us as animating and amazing with its splendour the very Atomes (the smallest and most inconsiderate part of Nature) attracts them up to its sublime Orb, there as so many eyes to [Page 10] gaze on, and admire the power they move by; no wonder if such worthlesse earth and so meere a dust as my self, be found now at your feet. VVhere you so infinitely oblige all your Subjects, no particular Person among them, will certainly be condemned by any for acknowledging your worth. Since we are all bound to augure you the greatest happinesse to be had in this life and that hereafter, and give testimony of our transcendent joy for the long wanted blessings you bring with you to us, I humbly beg your Majesty's pardon, for this presumption to present you the devotion of my poor fancy in these few lines. I am chiefly sorry I cannot make them worthy your Royal hands. But since a free-will offering to the Temple was accepted, though in wood, when gold could not be had, Exod. 35.7. to despair of favour from your superlative goodnesse, were to commit a sin far greater than this can be, I do here as
A PANEGYRICK to both their Sacred MAJESTIES, Upon their ever to be remembred most glorious passing upon the River of Thames, coming from Hampton-Court to White-Hall. August the 23. 1662.
- [Page 27]CATHERIN,
Non semper feriet, quodcunque minabitur arcus.
The figured Words in every Page before here displayed, which (unless some courteous peruser vouchsafe in favour to make them seem of use, by pretending to be unacquainted with the Poets) appear in their black characters, to serve only as shadows to the living Ideas of the same Poetical fancies in the minde of each candid Reader.
- 1 ACheron ab à privati. partic. & [...] gaudeo; an infernal Lake without joy or comfort, which the soules of the dead are feigned to pass.
- 2 An huge Forrest in Germany, where some are said to have travailed forty dayes together, without finding its beginning or end.
- 3 He going to the top of the high mountain Atlas, that he might the better observe the motion of the starres; was seen no more, and so said to be turned into a star.
- 4 Citheron, or Cithaeron: a Mountain dedicated to the Muses.
- 5 A famous Poet that accompanied Iason to Colchis to ferch the golden Fleece.
- 1 Apollo.
- 2 One of Apollo's Temples at Delphi is said to have bin made of Laurel boughs, fetcht from the Tempe fields, which were very pleasant and delightfull places in Thessalie. Apollo's Temple was famous for the rich [...], presents or gifts of most of the Princes and people of the world: hence Aphetoriae opes (so called from [...], the name of Apollo who gave Oracles there) is used as a proverb for abundance of wealth.
- 3 Poets.
- 4 Donations of Land heretofore were writ in meeter; belike, to be kept the better in memory.
- 5 The Influence of Iupiter was esteemed to be of great force and efficacy for generation.
- 6 As the Bride was carried into the house, all the company cryed out with a loud voice, Talassio, Talassio; a word they used in memory of one Talassio, whose Marriage being very fortunate, they repeated his name often at Marriage-Feasts; to signifie their good wishes, and expresse their joy.
- 7 He would sound two trumpets together so loud, that the noise of them seemed to shake the the very Earth.
- 8 An Isle, where Apollo is said to be born.
- 9 The Morning, that appears before we can see the Sun.
- 10 Solis Civitas, the City of the Sun.
- 1 Canutus the Dane for having five Kingdomes, is said to be the greatest King that ever England had.
- 2 A Serpent destroyed by Hercules, that had fifty heads, and as fast as any one of them was cut off, two others came in the stead: Hercules to prevent this, as soon as he cut off any, took fire and seared the place.
- 3 He being put into a great Vessel full of Serpents, by the virtue of some herbs he had about him, charmed them so, that instead of hurting him, they all came about him and licked him.
- 4 Strabo gives Europe the form of a Dragon, and makes the head Spain, the neck France, the body Germany, the right wing Italie, the left Denmark.
- 5 The Titans are said to have waged War against Iupiter, who overthrowing them, sent them to hell.
- 6 Who'll expect Earth 'ere free from warres, That's overpow'rd by ( [...]) Dragon starres?
- 7 Iupiter and the rest of the Planets are said to have their Ioyes, when they are in those houses where they are most strong and powerfull.
- 8 She had her Image erected in a great Cedar, and was therefore called Cedreatis.
- 9 Acts 2. 3.
- 10 A City in which were spoken three hundred several Languages.
- 11 i. e. Germans.
- 12 The Pagan Germans great God, who as their Prince and chief Ruler, conducted them down from the tower of Babel, of which they say we are descended.
- 1 Where Babel was built.
- [Page]2 England, that many are of opinion was once Continent with France.
- 3 A famous rich City in Egypt, that the King bestowed upon his Queen to buy her shoes with.
- 4— Quo tempore primum Deucalion vacuum lapides jactavis in orbem: Vnde homines nati durum genus—In Deucalion's time they say there was a general inundation, that drowned all but him and his wife Pyrrha; they afterward consulting with Themis how to repair mankind, the Oracle answered them that they should cast the bones of their great Mother behind them: these they interpreting to be the stones of the Earth, cast them over their heads; and so those he cast became men, those she cast, women.
- 5 Mark 11. 13.
- 6 An Island in the German Ocean, in which great store of Amber is said to drop from the trees.
- 7 These countries adjoyning upon the sea lie even without hills, but of such an height, as no inundation of sea can now annoy them: formerly they with all the Netherlands that are without hills, are supposed to have bin sea.
- 8 Made by them in the Isle of the Walkers in the year 758.
- 1 One, whom the miseries of this life kept always weeping.
- 2 An huge Serpent, that after Deucalion's floud was bred out of the corruption of the Earth.
- 3 A Philosopher who dyed with joy.
- 4 A great Philosopher writ a book with this Inscription, Dii sint, necne, incertus sum.
- 5 Diros Pharsalia campos Impleat: in this Field fell the storms of two great civil Warres, the one between Caesar and Pompey, the other between Augustus and those bloudy Rebels, Brutus and Cassius.
- 6 Vbi piorum animae habitant, a place of Blisse.
- 7 A River said to come out of Hell.
- 8 A River comes out of Paradice, that hath it's name from [...] to rejoice and make glad, for the wonderfull great abundance it produceth in those places it watereth.
- 9 [...], i. e. Luporum civitas, a Citie of Wolves.
- 10 From [...], beatus; the Romans call it Beata the Blessed City.
- 11 She for contending with Pallas for beauty, was turned into a Fish.
- 12— Volucres Pyrois, Eous & Aethon Solis equi, quartusqae Phlegon hinnitibus auras Flammiferis implent: Sol the Sun is said to be carried in a charriot drawn with four horses.
- 13 Hecate Dea triforme, significante li tre aspetti della Luna e la portenza lunare nelle cose elementari, stà sogetta al Sole ed è pigliata per la Natura. Hecate vel Luna, (quam triformem putabant: quia nunc in cornua & prope vacua surgit, nunc dimidia est, nunc orbe pleno) Natura non rarò appellabatur.
- 14— Venti Divum referatis ad aures, Virgil. Dice venti non fama, perche volevano li poëte che i venti portassero le preci humane all' orecchie de' Dei che lafama divolgasse i fatt [...]h mani all' orec [...]hie de gli huomini. The Poets esteemed the winds conveyed their prayers to the gods.
- 1 Macaria ò Dea Felicità fà fatta con il Caduceo ed il dcorno i divitia in mano, quello significante la virtù, questo le ricchezze necessarie e l' un' e l' altro alla felicità humana. The goddess Macaria or Felicity had in one hand the Caduceus, in the othe the Cornu-copia, signilying by that the virtue▪ by this the Riches that are requisite to humane happinesse.
- 2 The Icarian Sea was so called from Icarus, who flying too high with his waxed wings, the Sun melted them; and he fell down there.
- 3 He presuming to be able to rule the Horses of the Sun, let the reins go, and so being like to fire all the world, Iupiter struck him with a Thunderbolt, who presently tumbled down into the River Eridanus.
- 4 A River made of the Tears of those Nymphs lamented the death of Marsyas, whom Apollo destroyed for his impudence to contend with him.
- 5 Atlas is said to bear the Heaven upon his shoulders.
- 6 He fought with Hercules for Deianira, and being vanquished, turned himself into a River of his name; in this River is found the stone Galactis, that looks and tasts like milk.
- 7 He was King of three Spanish islands; from hence said to have three bodies, or else from his three sonnes, the unitie of whose minds was such, as if they had but one soul among them all.
- 8 Iason, Typhis, Castor, Pollux and the rest that went in the Ship Argo to fetch the Golden Fleece.
- 9 A stately vessel so called, like a Galley, wherein the Duke of Venice goes to wed the Sea, to entertain great Princes, or take his pleasure.
- 10 She with her Brother Phryxus riding upon the golden Ram to passe the Pontus, fell off and was drown'd; from whence that Sea was afterward called Hellespont.
- 11 A very cunning Artificer, who made a Labyrinth, an intricare work, with so many turnings and windings, that whosoever was put in, could not finde the way out agen. To 'scape out of this place, into which he and his Son was put by the King's command, with Feathers and Wax that he obtained under pretence of making some present for the King, he made himself and his Son Wings, and so escaped.
- 1 Lybia Africa, so called that abounds with wild beasts.
- 2 The Pageant that attended the MerchantTaylors Company, was a Wildernesse, and in it [Page] sitting an Aged Man representing a Pilgrim in a Pilgrim's weed, and attended with Faith, Hope and Charity.
- 3 Dodona's Grove was said to have Trees that spake.
- 4 The motion of the Moon; Dum Luna ascendit ab Oceano, donec ad medium coeli veniat, effluunt aquae; refluuntque cum descendit.
- 5 The Moon.
- 1 Triton was son of the Ocean, and the Ocean's and Neptune's Trumpetter: he was a Man to his Navel, from thence downwards a Dolphin.
- 2 Souldiers that lined all the shore which by reason of the height of the flood was overflowed: so as they seemed as so many Trees planted in the River, being environed with water.
- 3 Oceanus is said to have 3000. Sonnes: Dicti sunt Fluvii [...] ▪ the Rivers that proceed from the Sea are said to be a divine Off▪ spring.
- 4 Meropus, a Mountain in Greece that answers the Voice with innumerable Eccho's.
- 5 Daughters of Nereus god of the Sea.
- 6 The Off spring of Noah remained dwelling divers yeares after the Floud upon the Hills and Mountains, 'till Shem, Ham and Iaphet adventured to descend and make their habitations in the lower ground, which before through the conceived fear of drowning, they durst not attempt to doe.
- 7 Philo writes that Noah had issue before he dyed 24000 men, besides women and children.
- 8 Menelaus being promised by Cyniras King of Cyprus 50. ships well manned with Souldiers▪ had onely one true ship of him, and for the rest, ships and men of clay.
- 1 Milesia stragula & vestes Milesiae, ob insignem mollitiem in matronarum delitiis habitae: in Miletos was made very rich Ornaments and furniture of all sorts.
- 2 Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia, attendants of Venus:— Terram deffugiunt Charites.
- 3 Gratiae fertilitatem agrorum frugumque abundantiam significant. Sunt illae tres conjunctae sorores creditae, quia triplex est utilitas agriculturae, è cultu agrorum scilicet, arborum & animalium: the Graces that signifie the fruitfulnesse of the fields and great plenty of grain, are said to be three Sisters, holding each other, in respect of the threefold benefit of Husbandry; from the trees, beasts and fields, that they are said to bless.
- 4 Molles habent pedes, & omnium Deorum sunt tardissimae.
- 5 Fructiferae semper crescunt, augentur & Horae.
- 6 Sunt triplices Charites tres Horae;—Eunomia, Dice, Irene.
- 7 Semper cum Gratiis conjunctae sunt.
- 8 They attribute to the Howers, to make cloudy or fair weather as they please.
- 9 Fish that cleaving to the keel of a ship, hinder it from going.
- 1 The Howers are said to keep the Gates of Heaven.
- 2 A River in Boe [...]tia where the Temple of Themis stood, to which Deucalion and Pyrrha repaired to consult how to repair Mankind.
- 3 In his Ol [...]ae ramum foribus appendebant civitatis.
- 4 One of Iupiter's Priests; no body might fetch fire out of his house, unless to perform some Sacrifice with it.
- 5 Hanc praelatâ divitiarum pompâ Praetores & Magistratus purpurati, in toga & praetexta, atque in ornatu maximo celebrabant, quare purpura Megarensis in vulgi proverbium venit: the Romans celebrated this feast with wonderfull great publick pomp for the coming of Cybele the Mother of the gods out of Asia.
- 6 Graecis [...], Panathenaea; a great Feast in honour of Minerva, that all the Athenians unitedly celebrated.
- 7 Per ea unusquisque paterfamilias hostiam deligebat in Cereris sacrificia, quam querna corona circum collum positâ ornabat, eamque ter circa sata ducebat, quam universa familia querneis ramis coronati Cereris (que) laudes canentes cum tripudiis comitabantur.
- 1 A City formerly called Phlegra, that those Giants dwelt in, which Hercules overcame. In the fight there being great Thunder and Lightening, heaven is said to have vanquished them.
- 2 Totaque thuriferis Panchaia pinguis arenis: A countrey of Arabia that abounds with Frankincense.
- 3 A Promontory of Thrace, that hath Gold and Silver mines.
- 4 A Temple that belonged to all the gods.
- 5 Nullus, ut Solinus ait, toto anno dies tam nubilus est, quo in hac insula Sol non cernatur.
- 6 Syracusis nunquam tanta obducitur nebula, ut non aliqua hora Solcernatur.
- 7 Tantum valet Tempus, vetustas vim hanc habet; ignota profert, celat inde cognita. Omnia qui profers, consumis & omnia rursus. Saturnus omnia destruit, & omnia producit. He is said to devour all his children, because Time that is signified by him, consumes all it produceth, and repairs what is decayed as he vomited up the stone, and all things else he devoured.
- 8 Marmora discindit vis Temporis, ac neque ferro Parcit: inhumanâ cunctaque falce secat.
- 9 Saturn is said to be bound by Iupiter; for the command that the superiour bodies have over the inferiour.
- 10 Omnia sponte suâ hic sine aratro aut femine surgunt Hordea, frumentum, vites quae mollia vina Producunt, augetque Iovis gratissimus imber. A very plentifull Island.
- [Page 33]11 Quam prope sanguineo sequitur Bellona flagello. The goddess of War and sister of Mars, her Priests sacrificed their own bloud to her.
- 12 The Halcyon or King's fisher is said to build it's nest when the air is quiet and free from Storms.
- 13 Exod. 25. 20.
- 1 Two Doves are said to have given Oracles in Dodona's Grove.
- 2 Genesis 3. 24.
- 3 Albion and Bergion, sonnes of Neptune, hindering Hercules in his passing the Rhodanus, wanting weapons to withstand them, Hercules implored Iupiter, and he rained down stones upon them; from hence the place was called the Stony field.
- 4 The City Confluentia in Germany, where the two Rivers Rhene and Mosel meet.
- 5 i. e. Civitas Dei, the city of God. Psal. 46. 4.
- 6 [...], augmentum, intercalatio, quicquid immittitur; Leap year, it usually signifies the intercalation of a day or month: here of a whole year.
- 7 A River in Portugal, said to have golden sands.
- 8 [...], dona quae sponsus sponsae dabat, quum primum eam videret: [...] quae pro virginitate adempta dantur: nuptialia dona, those she received of her friends.
- 9 Genialis lectus, quasi genitalis; the marriage-bed.
- 10 The Bride had a Zona or Girdle, untied the Wedding night; another there was left to be untied at the time of Child bearing: hence Herculanus nodus, in allusion not so much to Hercules his strength, as if they would have had it the faster or stronger tied; as to his happiness in making of children, as if they would have had it the faster untied, as fast as ever it was by Hercules, who had seventy children.
- 11 A River of Lydia that hath golden sands, as Tagus.
- 1 One who brought forth the starres.
- 2 Roma potens alis cur stat Victoria lapsis? Vrbem ne valeat deseruisse tuam: the image of Victory erected in the Capitol in Rome that fell from Heaven, breaking onely it's wings off with the fall, gave Pompey occasion to say, Victory should never more depart thence.
- 3 Thyrsum.
- 4 Talaria.
- 5 A place in Phrygia the less (where clusters of grapes are said to grow to such a vast bigness, that sometimes a cart is broken in pieces by the very weight of one of them) given Bacchus and Ceres by Iupiter.
- 6 Numbers 10. 2.
- 7 Oculi sunt in amore duces, [...], fores animae.
- 1 [...], missivum osculum.
- 2 Cydontum malum, a kind of love-fruit growing in the garden of Venus.
- 3 A River (as Pansanias sayes) in Acha [...]a, of force to wash away Love.
- 4 Three Sisters are said to spin the thread of our lives, Clotho holds the distaff, Lachesis spins the thread, and Atropos cuts it off. Clotho colum, Lachesis filum trahit, Atropos occat.
- 1 The children born in England of such Normans as with the Conquerour had there seated themselves, rejected the name of Normans; were accounted and called English, and used the English tongue.
- 2 Anthropophagi, Massagetis finitimi: circa hos tristissima solitudo; sylvestres isti homines, aversis post crura plantis, maximam habent velocitatem, passimque cum feris vagantur.
- 3 An Island in the farthest parts of Aegypt, said to be unaccessible for the mud, rushes and such like encombrance that lie about it.
- 1 The very day that Hippodamia was married, Dictys with several other Centaures endeavoured to take her away by force, but were all slain by Hercules and Theseus.
- 1 Iupiter to enjoy Danae rained himself in a Golden Showr into her lap.
- 2 Pausania ragionando dell' Achaia, dice che in Egira città di quel Paese, era certo piccolo Tempio, oue ei vide Cupido stare à lato alla Fortuna, volendo mostrare che questa anchora nelle cose d' Amore può assai, benche egli da se tanto possa che uinca tutte le piu ostinate voglie, spezza ogni indurato cuore, &c.
- 3 Ausonius makes Venus in armes, and Pallas discoursing with her.
- 4 Pausanias sayes in a certain part of the countrey of Corinth there was a Statue of a very handsome woman in a long garment down to the ground that held Victory in her hand. In the same manner the Romans engraved Venus victrix, as may be seen in an ancient Medal or Stamp made in the time of Numerianus the Emperour.
- 5 Love is pictured sometimes with a burning Torch, sometimes with Thunderbolts in his hand (conciosia che questo non solo arde le cose che facilmente abbruciano, ma quelle anchora subito incende, alle quali altro fuoco non si tosto si attacarebbe, rompe e spezza cio che trova che se gli opponga, e sia pure quanto si voglia saldo, e duro, e penetra con mirabile prestrezza in ogni luoco) to signifie his great power.
- 6 Il piu pretioso tesoro dell' occhio, il ricco diamante che è di piu gran preggio di tutte le perle orientali, è il bel cristallino. Questo e l'anima dell' occhio e lo specchio dell' anima.
- 7 In the Vvea a coat of the eye that is of divers colours.
- 8 Vvea interiùs atrâ quasi fuli gine perfusa. The Vvea is like the husk of a black grape, Opaco infecta colore, ut recepta in oculum visibilis imago, veluti circumfusis umbris nigrescens flammula, magis [Page 34] elucesceret. It is black within, for the greater benefit to the eye by the light, that shines best in a dark place.
- 1 Da Venere celeste nasce quel divino Amore che solleval▪ animo humano alla contemplatione di dio, delle Menti separate, che noi chiamiamo Angeli, e delle cose del cielo, & e tutto puro, mondo e sincerisimo, e perciò fassi di corpo giovine, tutto lucido e bello.
- 2 Apresso i Lacedemonii, sopra il Tempio di Venere armata, era una capella oue Venere, chiamata Morpho, stava à sedere, con certo velo in capo, e con lacci o ceppi che fossero a' piedi, basta che ella gli haveva legati, per mostrare che hanno da essere le donne di fermissima fede, verso quelli alli quali di nodo Maritale si sono gialigate. Morpho is the name of Venus in fetters, signifying the tie of Matrimony upon married weemen.
- 3 Phryno an Athenian Captain; the Philosopher Pittacus being to fight a Duel with him, carried a net secretly and caught him in it.
- 4 Matth. 4. 19▪
- 5 To signifie how fortunate Timotheus was, they feign him sleeping, and Fortune driving cities as fish into his▪ net: Ita Fortunae non Minervae, Felicitati, non Virtuti res gestas & victorias ejus ascribebant. Thus attributing what he did and won to Fortune, not Pallas; to the luckey success attended his exploits, not to any Virtue he might have to bring them to effect.
- 1 Alluding to the custome of conserving Sainis and things sacred in a repository before the Altar, which that they may be seen, they face and beautifie over with a rich vail of Net work.
- 2 Divine and Princely, being, we know, formerly famed by Saints and Queens.
- 3 The Poets feign the Almighty before the elements were created, made a band of wonderfull great brightness, and more admirable virtue to unite and keep together united hearts; this band Hymen is said to have to join true Lovers together, and make them for ever most happy in their Marriage.
REGALIA VATUM Regibus fortunam Et Felicitatem pollicentia. Coronae Poëtarum gemmiferae, Serta genialia, Flores Hyblaei, Vota sacra, Illorum Anglorumque assensus & applausus.
A. B. C. D. Easdem literas in singulis poëmatis paginis designant.
- a
—Quae in nemora, aut quos agor in specus,Velox mente nova? quibusAutris egregii Gaesaris audiarAeternum meditans decus,Stellis inserere & consilio Jovis?Hor. l. 3. Ode 25.
- b
Accipite haec animis, laet as (que) advertite mentes.Vir. l. 5.
- c
c—Hic aurea silva,Divitiisque graves & fulvo germine rami.Lucan. l. 9. Aen.Si nunc se nobis Ille aureus arbore ramusOstendat nemore in tanto.Virg. Aeneid. l. 6.
- a
Carmina vestrarum peragunt praeconia laudum:Neve sit actorum fama caduca cavent;Carmine fit vivax virtus, expersque sepulcriNotitiam serae posteritatis habet.Dii quoque carminibus, si fas est dicere, fiunt:Tantaque maiestas ore canentis eget.Ov. de Pont. l. 4.
- b
O Musa humil sol di pallor dipinta,Che farai timidettaDinanti à quella elettaCoppia reale, e bella insiem: auuinta?Per riverenza alhor, che tu la vedi,E per timor lascia caderle à i piedi.Rime di Gas. paro Mu [...]tola p. 178.
- c
Qual mattutina stella esce de l' ondeRugiadosa estillante, ò come fuoreSpuntò, nascendo gia da le fecondeSpume dell' Ocean la dea d' Amore,Tal apparve costei, tal le sue biondeChiome stillavan christallino humore.Tor. Tasso Gier. cant. 15.
- d
Urbs Hyperionis. Ovid Met. l. 15.—Haec tantum alias inter caput ex [...]ulit urbes,Quantum leata solent inter viburna cupressi.Virg. Ecl. 1.
- e
—Non fusior ulliTerra fuit domino.—Luc. l. 4.
- a
Quo nihil majus meliusve terrisFata donavêre bonique divi,Nec dabunt, quamvis redeunt in aurumTempora priscum.Hor. l. 4. Ode 2.Hoc tu per terras quod in aethere Jupiter altoNomen habes, hominum tu pater, ille Deûm.Ovid l. 2. Fast.
- b
Vulneribus faecunda suis erat illa, nec ullumDe centum numero caput est impune recisum.Ov. Me. l. 4.
- c
—Titania pubesFulmine dejecti fundo volvuntur in imo.Virg. Aen. l. 6.Obruta mole suâ cùm corpora dira jacerent.Ov. Me. l. 1.
- d
Quid prius dicam solitis parentumLaudibus?—Nil majus generatur ipso,Nec viget quicquam simile aut secundum.Proximos illi tamen occupavitPallas honores.Hor. l. 1. Ode 12.
- e
Coniuge eras felix, felix erat illa marito,Mutua cura duos & amor socialis habebat.Nec Jovis illa tuo thalamos praeferret amori,Nec te quae caperet, non si Venus ipsa veniret,Vlla erat, aequales urebant pectora flammae.Ov. Met. l. 7.
- f
Come all'hor che 'l rinato unico AngelloI suo' Ethiopi a visitar s' invia,Vario e uago la pium e ricco e belloDi monil, di corona aurea natia,Stupisce il mondo.—Cosi se n ua costei ma [...]anigliosaD' habito di maniera e di sembiante.Tar Tasso Can. 17.
- g
Caesaris at coniux ore precanda tuo.Quae praest at virtute sua ne prisca vetustas,Laude pudicitiae secula nostra premat.Quae Veneris formam, mores Juvonis habendoSola est coelesti digna reperta coro.Quâ nihil in terris ad finem solis ab ortuClarius, excepto Caesare, mundus habet.Ov. Fast. l. 3.
- h
Quae tanc seposita est quae gens tam barbara, Caesar,Ex qua spectator non sit in urbe tua?Mart. l. de sp. ep. 3
- a
Deucalion vacuum lapides jactavit in orbem,Unde homines nati durum genus.—Virg. Georg. l. 1.
- b
- a
—Hinc maxima serpensDescendit Python.Luc. l. 6.
- b
Gia sono queste l' Isole felici,Equi gli Elisi campi e le famoseStanze delle beate anime pose.Tas. Gier. Cant. 15.
- c
Hic dies verè mihi festus, atrasEximet curas.—Hor. l. 1. Ode 14.
- a
—Adductis spumat versa unda lacertis.Infindunt pariter sulcos.Virg. Aen. l. 5.Turbantur fluctus, spumis (que) sonantibus albent.Ov. M. l. 11
- a
Mille Lupi, mistique lupis ursique, leaeque,Armeniae occurrunt tigres: sed nulla timenda,Nullaque erat nostro factura in corpore vulnus.Quin etiam blandas movère per aëra caudas,Nostraque adulantes comitant vestigia lente.Ov. Me. l. 14.
- b
Ecce leo, supplex elephas te, Caesar, adorat.Tigris ab Hircano gloria rara jugo.Mart. l. de Spect. Epig. 18.
- c
—D' oro siammeggia l' onda.Tasso Gier. Cant. 16.
- d
—AdsuntQuaeque colunt amnes sola (que) rura Deae.Ov. Fast. l. 1.
- e
— [...] fluctuque furorisCompages humana labat.—Luc. l. 5.
- a
Ultima (que) excipiat quod tortilis inguina piscis,Crura (que) pennigero curvata novissima pisce.Ov. Met. l. 13.
- b
Sic tauriformis volvitur Aufidus,Qui regia `Dauni perfluit Appuli,Quum saevit, horrendamque cultisDiluviem minitatur agris.Hor. l. 4. Ode 14.
- c
—Resonant spectacula plausu.Tumplausu fremituque virum, studiisque faventumConsonat omne nemus: vocemque inclusa volutantLittora, pulsati colles clamore resultant.Virg. Aen. l. 5.
- d
E ne suonan le valli ime e profonde,Egli alti colli, e le spelonche loro,Edaben mille parti Echo risponde,Equasi par che boscareccio choro,Fra quegli antri si celi, e in quelle spondeSi chiaramente replicar s'udiaDi Carlo il gran nome e di Catarina.Tasso Gier. Cant. 11.
- e
—Tunc aethera tenditVox populi, extremi convexa irrumpit Olympi.Excepit resonis clamorem vallibus Aemus,Peliacisque dedit rursus geminare cavernis.Luc. l. 7.Sarmaticas etiam gentes, Istrumque, Getasque,Laetitiae clamor terruit ipse novae.Mart. l. 4.
- f
—Laeto complerant litora coetu,Visuri reges.Virg. Aen. l. 5.
- g
—Incedunt longo ordine gentes,Quàm variae linguis, habitu tam vestis & armisVirg. Aeneid. l. 8.
- a
Strata micant: Tyrio quorum pars maxima succoCocta diu, virus non uno duxit aheno,Pars auro plumata nitet, pars ignea cocco.Luc. l. 10.
- b
Gratia cum Nymphis geminisque sororibus audetDu [...]ero nuda choros.Hor. l. 4. Odc 7.Protinus accedunt Charites, nectunt qve coronas,Serta (que) coelestes implicitura comas.Ovid. Fast. l. 5.
- c
—Fugêre pudor, verumque, fidesque;In qnorum subiere locum fraudesque dolique,Insidiaeque, & vis, & amor sceleratus habendi.Ov. Met. lib. 1.
- d
Recta fides, hilaris clementia, cauta potestas,Jam redeunt: longi terga dedere metus.Mart. l. 12. c. 6.
- e
Floret ager, spumat plenis vindemia labris.Virg. Geor. l. 2.
- f
—Tua, Caesar, aetasFruges & agris rettulit uberes,Et signa nostro restituit Jovi:Janum Quirini clausit. Horat. l. 4. Ode [...]5.
- g
Horrida per regnum totum nam bella fuere,Tam multae scelerum facies, non ullus aratroDignus honos: squalent abductis tum arva colonis,Et curvae rigidum falces conflantur in ensem.Vir. Ge. l. 1.
- h
—Fugiunt vasto aethere nimbi.Virg. Aen. l. 5.
- i
Numine caelesti solem fulsisse serenum,Cum populi vultu conveniente die.Ovid. de Pont. l. 2.
- k
Sol medium caeli conscenderat igneus orbem.Vir. Aen. l. 8.
- l
Instar veris enim vultus ubi tuusAffulsit, populo gratior it diesEt soles melius nitent.Hor. l. 4. Ode 5.
- m
—Refluens ita substitit unda,Mitis ut in morem stagni placidae que paludis.Virg. Aeneid. l. 8.
- a
—Urbem sedesque revisitIlla suas: ubi templum illi, centumque SabaeoThure calent arae, sertis (que) recentibus halant.Virg. Aen. lib. 1.Ipse (que) qualis ubi Lyciam, Xanthi (que) fluentaDeserit ac Delum maternam invisit Apollo.Virgil. Aeneid. lib. 4.
- b
Praesidio foribus coeli cum mitibus Horis.Ovid. Fast. l. 1.
- c
Pervenisse tuam Thamesis jam te scit in urbem:Nam populi voces audit & ille tui.Mart. l. 8. ep. 11.
- d
Nunc ades aeterno complectens omnia nexu;O rerum, mistique salus concordia mundiEt sacer orbis amor—Lucan. l. 4.
- e
Cernis odoratis ut luceat ignibus aether?Et sonet accensis spica Cilissa focis.Ov. l. 1. Fast.
- f
Laetitiâ, ludisque viae, plausuque fremebant. Vir. Aen. l. 8.
Pars pedibus plaudunt choreas & carmina ducunt. Virg. Aen. l. 6.
Pars epulis onerant mensas, & plena reponuntPocula, Panchaeis adolescunt ignibus arae.Virg. Geor. l. 4. - g
Huc omnes populi passim, matrumque patrumqueObvia turba ruit; laeto clamore salutantIllustres Reges. Taedas Hymenaeus AmorqueOvid. Met. l. 15.Praecipiunt: largis satiuntur odoribus ignes.Sertaque dependent tectis: & ubique lyraequeTibiaque & cantus, animi felicia laetiArgumenta sonant: reseratis aurea valvisAtria tota patent, pulcroque instructa paratu.Ovid. Met. l. 4.—Nullus fertur celebratior illoIlluxisse dies, agitant convivia patres,Et medium vulgus; nec non & carmina vinoIngenium faciente canunt.—Ovid. Met. l7.
- h
—O Rex maxime, votaPublica suscipimus: Bacchi tibi sumimus haustus.Consonat assensu populi, precibusque faventumRegia; nec tota tristis locus ullus in urbe est.Ov. Met. lib. 7.Invenies illuc qui Nestoris ebibat annos.Quae sit per calices facta Sybilla suos.Protinus erratis laeti vescuntur in agris;Et celebrant largo seque diemque mero.Ovid. Fast. lib. 3.Pars manibus clypeos, galeas pars tundit inanes.Index laetitiae fertur ad astra sonus.Fast. l. 4.
[Page 37]a
—sit dives amomo,Cinnamaque, costumque suam, sudataque lignoThura ferat, floresque alios Panchaica tellus.Ov. Met. lib. 10.
- b
—satis jampridem sanguine nostro—Luimus perjuria gentis.Virg. Geor. l. 1.
- c
—Concordiamitis—Araque Pacis erit.Ov. Fast. l. 3.Venit Apollineâ long as Concordia lauroNexa comas, placidi numen opus (que) Ducis.Fast. l. 6.
- d
—Magna Iovis invicto robore QuercusIngentes tendit ramos.Virg. Geor. l. 3.
- e
Aspice ventura letentur ut omnia seclo.Virg. Ecl. 4.
- f
O dilecta Deis, O magna Caesaris arbor!Ipsa virens ramis sidera celsa petis.Mat. l. 9.
- a
Stabat in his ingens invicto robore quercus,Una nemus, vittae mediam, memoresque tabellae,Sertaque cingebant, voti argumenta potentis.Ov. M. l. 8.—Geminaeque columbae—Coelo venire volantes.Virg. Aen. l. 6.
- b
At te protexit superûm pater, & tibi, Caesar,Projaculo & parma fulmen & Aegis erit.Mart. l. 9.
- c
Pinguis ad astra affert Eoos fumus odores.Luc. l. 8.
- a
Nasca, nasca di voi chi le sue fideCittà frenie corriga, all' hor che al cieloRitornate sarete alme indivise.Tor. Tas. rim. p. 22.
- b
—Nullo constat tibi sanguine bellum.Luc. l. 4.
- c
Custode rerum Caesare, non furorCivilis aut vis eximet otium.Non ira quae procudit enses,Etmiser as inimicat urbes.Hor. l. 4. Ode 15.
- d
Non equidem hoc dubites amborum foedere certoConsentire dies, & ab uno sidere duci.Vestra vel aequali suspendit tempora LibrâParca tenax veri, seu nata fidelibus HoraDividit in geminos concordia fata duorum.Pers. sat. 5.
- a
Intonsos dum ageret Apollinis aura capillos,Fore hunc amorem mutuum.Hor. Epod. 15.
- b
E confirmi tra voila fede il CieloI sacri Patti, eregga un sol affetto,Et un consiglio sol quest almae quella.Vnpensiero, un desire, un puro zcloRischiari, come sole, l'uno el'altro aspetto.Rime del Tor. Tasso p. 48.
- c
—Ita D'ijubeatis; & istumNulla dies à te, nec te diducat ab isto.Ov. Met. l. 4.
- d
Scenda a temprar sin da' superni giri,Aura diva celeste e puro ardore,Di Carlo e Catarina insieme il cuore,Ed ambe l'alme eternamente inspiri.Tor. Tasso rime p. 3.
- e
Di tibi dent & tu, Caesar, quaecun (que) mereris.Mar. l. 6. c. 87
- f
Pro meritis coelum tantis, Auguste, dederunt,Alcidae cito Di, sed tibi sero dabunt.Mart. l. 5.—Te cum statione peractàAstrapetes serus, praelati regia coeliExcipiet gaudente polo——Pars aetheris illa sereniTota vacet, nullaeque obstent à Caesare nubes.Tunc genus humanum positis sibi consulat armis,Inque vicem gens omnis amet: pax missa per orbemFerrea belligeri compescat limina Jani.Luc. l. 1.—Rex Carolus Anglus,Pace datâ terris, animum ad civilia vertetJura suum, legesque feret justissimus auctor,Exemploque suo mores reget; inque futuriTemporis aetatem venturorumque repotumProspiciens, prolem augusta de Virgine natam,Ferre simul nomenque suum curasque jubebit▪Nec nisi cum multos senior numeraverit annos,Aetherias sedes cognataque sidera tanget.Haec anima interea sacro de corpore raptaSit Jubar, ut semper Capitolia nostra forumque,Divus ab excelsa prospectet Carolus aede.Tarda sit illa dies, & nostro serior aevo,Qua caput augustum, quem temperat, orbe relicto,Accedat coelo▪ faveat que precantibus absens.Tarda erit illa dies, seclum & famâ ipse per omne(Si quid habent veri vatum praesagia) vivet.Ov. Me. l. 15.
- g
Dum juga montis aper, fluvios dum piscis amabit,Dum thymo pascentur apes, dum rore cicadae,Semper honos, nomen (que) tuum, laudes (que) manebunt.Vir. Ec. 5.
- h
Irrita votorum non sunt praesagia vatum.Ov. de Pon. l. 3.
- i
Tu venias, nostros (que) sinus gratissimus intres.Ov. Met. l. 7.
- k
Jupiter augeat imperium vestrum, augeat annos;Protegat, & nostras querna corona fores.Ov. Fast. l. 1.
- a
Quodcun (que) est alto sub Jove Caesar habet.Fast. l. 2.
- b
Sicque sopor fessis in gramine, sicque per aestum,Dulcis aquae saliente sitim restingere rivo.Vir. Ec. 5.
- c
Ille velut rupes vastum quae prodit in aequor,Obvia ventorum furiis, expostaque ponto,Vim cunctam atque minas perfert coelique marisqueIpsa immota manet▪Virg. Aeneid. l. 10.
- d
Herculeum tantis numen non sufficit actis.Mart. l. 10. Ep. 103▪
- e
Insidiae hostiles quantae, casusque tuorumErroresque tui: nam te vigesima portatOmnibus errantem terris & fluctibus aestas.Vir. Aen. l. 1.
- f
Si titulos annosque tuos numerare velimus,Facta premunt annos.Ovid. Met. l. 7.
- g
O digno conjuncta viro!Virg. Ec. 8.
- a
—Adductis sudans audiret amicis.Pers. Sat. 3.Et salsos rident revomentem pectore fluctus.Virg. Aen. l. 5.
- b
Extrahit insomnes bellorum fabula noctes.Luc. l. 4.
- a
—Pluvio Danae conceperat auro.Ov. Met. l. 4.
- b
Errantes hederas passim cum baccare tellus,Mistaque ridenti collocasia fundet a [...]antho:Molli paulatim flavescet campus aristà,Incultisque rubens pendebit sentibus uva.Vir. Ecl. 4.Flumina jam lactis, jam flumina nectaris ibunt,Flavaque de viridi stillabunt ilice mella.Ov. Met. l. 1.Est alter jam Tiphys, & altera quae vehit Argo,Delectos Heroas—Virg. Ecl. 4.
- c
Tu quoque non paucos (si te bene novimus) ures,Tunc quoque praeteriens vulnera multa dabis.Non possunt (licet ipse velis) cessare sagittae;Fervida vicino flamma vapore nocet.Ov. l. 1. Eleg. 2.
- d
—Acrior igni,Asperior tribulis, faetâ truculentior ursâ,Surdior aequoribus, calcato mitior hydro.Ov. Met. l. 13.
- e
—Vidit lacerum crudeliter ora,Ora manus que ambas, populataque tempora raptisAuribus, & truncas inhonesto vulnere nares.Vir. Aen. l. 6.Voluitur ille vomens calidum de pectore flumenFrigidus, & longis singultibus ilia pulsat.Virg. Aen. l. 9.
[Page 38]a
Scena joci morem liberioris habet.Ovid. Fast. l. 4.
- b
Aureus hanc vitam in terris Saturnus agebat.Georg. l. 3.
- c
Di man del tuo fattor, anima eletta,A gloria eterna uscisti, e di celestiTempre fu'l seme, onde l'humane vestiFormando, poscia fusti in lor ristretta.Tor. Tasso rime p. 22.
- d
Iam redit & virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna;Iam nova progenies coelo demittitur alto.Vir. Ec. 4.
- e
Faemina tu princeps: tu filia Caesaris illi.Nec minor es magni conjuge visa Iovis.Ov. ad Liv.
- f
—Sors & virtus miscentur in unum.Vir. Aen. l. 12.
- g
—Funda jam verberat amnemAlta potens, vasto & pelago trahit humida lina.Geor. l. 1.
- a
—Procul ô procul este profani. Virg. Aen. l. 6.
Hic locus est, quem si verbis audacia detur,Haud timeam magni dixisse palatia coeli.Ov. Met. l. 1.Haec domus, haec sedes, haec sunt penetralia magniNuminis—Ovid. Met. l. 1.
To the READER.
THis thatcht tugurium of Poësie, is by the glory of the theame, the royal subject of it, beautified, you see, as in the Suns presence, with the noon-light of Heaven. By this means, as you discern its rudenesse and defects the more perspicuously: so from Phaebus (who with the lustre of his golden beams, as liberally and as richly, gilds over a mean cottage as a magnificent pallace) you have (to procure your benigne aspect and favourable opinion here) a rule to perfect and sublime the most refined wits, and most elevated fancies: You have, from so illustrious and great a▪ Monarch, a pattern to be imitated by the most ingenious and generous spirits, by the loyallest of Subjects and best of Readers; a president as allcommanding as noble, of an Heroick disposition and Princely genius, whose free courtesie obligeth others, without invitation of their merit.
For | Page | Line | Read |
reverrere | 2 | 5 | revertere |
Mart. l. 14. | 4 | 10 | Mart. l. 4. |
Fav ur | 6 | 4 | favour. |
Parnasso | 7 | 11 | Parnaso |
Il nome nostro | 8 | 21 | il nome vostro |
Power | 11 | 1 | apower |
view | 11 | 11 | bview |
golden | 11 | 13 | c golden |
deludgd | 15 | 4 | delug'd |
yields | 15 | 15 | yeelds |
7banner | 16 | 24 | the 7 is superfluous |
paunches | 21 | 18 | panches |
Angel | 21 | 30 | Angels |
blessing | 24 | 18 | blessings |
ere | 26 | 9 | evēr |
Danaë | 27 | 1 | 1Danaë |
ere | 27 | 17 | Here |
th'alter | 29 | 1 | 1th' aalter |
name | 29 | 5 | 2name |
force | 29 | 12 | 3force |
e'il fine | 29 | 21 | è il fine |
For | Fol. | Page | Fig. | Line | Read |
arcus | 30 | 0 | 0 | 1 | arcus. Hor. art. Poët. |
[...] | 30 | 12 | 2 | 7 | [...] |
portenza | 31 | 15 | 13 | 2 | potenza |
che la fama | 31 | 15 | 14 | 4 | e che la Fama |
dcorno i divitia | 31 | 16 | 1 | 2 | corno di divitia |
The Moon | 32 | 17 | 5 | 1 | The Sea |
femine | 32 | 21 | 10 | 1 | femine |
30 | 31 | Pages want Figures. |