A Joyous Welcome To the most Serene, and most Illustrious QUEEN of BRIDES CATHERIN, The Royal SPOVSE and Consort OF CHARLES the SECOND KING of Great Britain, France, and Ireland: Presented to Her MAIESTY UPON THE River of THAMES, At Her first coming with the KING to the City o [...] LONDON, AVGVST the 23. 1662,
— Rex
& Regina
Devenêre locos laetos & amoena vireta
Fortunatorum nemorum, sedesque beatos.
Largior hic campos aether, & lumine veslit
Purpureo: Solemque suum sua sider a norunt.
Virg. AEneid. lib. 6.
Upon Her most Sacred MAJESTY CATHERINE, QUEEN of Great BRITAIN, Her most happy and most glorious coming to London.
WHo're sad now, hence, to that strange land retreat,
Narna or
Narnia a City of
VVhere show'rs raise dust, and dirt's produc'd by heat.
So called for the virtue of wine to acuate the wit.
, the Muses mate, from whose
Bacchus his rod.
ThyrsusMilk, wine and honey-rivers flow to us,
He is said to travail up and down the World to be beneficiall to others in what good he could teach them.
forein parts come hither o're the Main,
Where th'
They say
Bacchus as he slept was bit
by the
Amphisbaena, i.e. a serpent with two heads, which with a vine branch he destroyed.
Amphisbaena of our state was slain,To end his travails, he, like
Hercules in the West, so
Bacchus in the East, they say, set up his Pillars.
Hercules,Erects the pillars of his rest and ease.
Bee heathen
Brachmanes were
Indians who drank only water.
Brachman's who're abstemious,And drink
A Well, which whosoever tasts, loatheth wine ever after. The same effect doth
Clitorius; Clitorio quicunque sitim de fonte levavit, Vina fugit, gaudetque meris abstemius undis.
Azanium and
Clitorius.To such our feast now reads the destinie
Of curst
Torn in pieces by his mother and sisters for contemning
Pentheus and
Destroyed with her sisters and servants by
Bacchus for contemning his rites.
Alcithoe.VVe sit round
A fountain in
Baeotia, not far from
Helicon, that
Pegasus is said to have made with his foot.
Hippocrene, where to usNectar springs from the thumps of
A mountain sacred to
Apollo and the
Muses: but is is often, as it is here, put for
Helicon for our
Queen's happy ReignSluce out, till
Bacchus so inrich your vein,
VVith touches pour'd as
Bacchus gave him a virtue to turn all he touched into gold.
Midas's, ye allConvert Earths globe into a golden Ball;
VVhich while Her virtue towr's above the skies,
May bide below as its despised prize.
Blest prodigie of light this day displayes,
Made by our
Sun's and his
The Moon so called.
Lucina's rayes,Her lustre's joyn'd with his to make all day,
And clouds, shades, nights chase hence all quite away.
A famous painter who painted
Venus, but lived not to finish it.
Apelles died ere
Venus finisht was.If his soul was exhal'd by her bright rayes;
Here he might look t'expire, ere his first touch,
Before Her his
Venus excels so much.
Mnason the Tyrant gave
Asclepiodorus a painter 300
l. a piece for making of 12. gods
Mnason spent on Gods cost him so dear,Makes but a Gypher just to figure Her.
VVho'de work her some marble
Minerva's Image.
Palladium,Or compose her vast worth's
A pavement, or such work wherein are wrought very curious figures in divers colours
Asarotum,VVill all confus'd rear piles of hearts to be
Stones that being set on fire burn continually.
Asbesti of zeal to her
Majestie.VVho'd hew in pieces
One that was turned into a Diamond.
Celinus, and sayHe would with diamonds pave all her way,
Fitly in Emblem this to us he'd hint,
Eternity shall put her steps in print.
[Page]True words of
Two Angels, as the Mahumetans say, sent from heaven, with a set form of words, able to convey those who repeat them to heaven.
Arotus and
MerotusHer Merits be, to make Heavens wings for us.
VVere it a crime might ever pard'ned be,
Queen, to set a soul at liberty
Now, when all ours truly are, as they seem,
Subjected t'you, we should unbody him,
VVho after our
A mountain in
Thessaly, so high it's top is said to reach up to heaven, for which therefore it is often use
[...] by Poets.
Olympus's new birth,Prophanes our Sphear with his conceit of Earth.
Nothing's here Earth but tongues, your sacrifice,
Objects of the taste.
hony, milk and wine were
Venus's.That Earth's chang'd too: they are the air to hand
Your worth's loud
Echo o're each sea and land.
Nothing's here Earth but eyes. Your Realms all be
One that had many eyes, imployed by
Argus, fixt on your
Iuno's Majesty.Those are chang'd too: they're the light to dispense
Your kinder rays and brighter influence.
Nothing's here Earth but hearts. You
Pallas these
Panting give
Iove as
Dionysus being dismembred by the
Titans, Minerva is said to have carried his heart alive to
Dionysus's.Those are chang'd too, to be our swift convoy
Into the firy Element of loyal joy.
VVho'le not expect this Orbs best period here,
At your great Beauties Sun's approach so near?
Well may the Sabbaths be compar'd to
After our long warres toilsome labour ends,
[Page]Our hearts at rest, bid the six dayes adieu
Bring us now
Queen and
Sabbath both in you.
Sabbath, yes, where none fasts but to be
Iew in death, in life a
The Pharisees boast,
I fast twice a week is rendred
Iejuno bis in Sabbato.
AEgle with her sisters
Erethusa and
Hesperitusa, called
Hesperides, daughter of
Hesperus, had orchards where the trees did bear golden fruit.
AEgle with both her sisters beg you'd pleaseT'accept the treasure of their golden trees.
An horne of Plenty that
Iupiter had.
Amalthaea, when your bounteous handWould pour out plenty, stands at your command.
A River in
Spain said to have golden sand.
Tagus petitions, and
A River in
India abounding with gold, and precious stones.
Hydaspes tooTo make
Islands in
Lybia for their fertility and pleasantnesse called the
Fortunate Isles.
Atlantick Islands under you.The choicest ornaments
A Countrey in
Asi famous for cloth of gold.
CarmaniaShews, to vie splendour with the brightest day,
And those soft shining silks of
An Island in the
AEgean sea; in which are made exquisite silk ornaments for woemen.
Coos, suchNone knowes if pleasing most to th'eye or touch,
(The pride of Art and Nature) ready be
To shadow over your bright Majesty.
See all our hearts one off'ring. Bid them give
VVhat e're your gracious hand daigns to receive.
But to your worth all we can give or say,
Makes but
Egyptian Idol to which they offered hay.
Apis's sacrifice of hay.Poetries best robes o're your worth, expresse
Minerva's shield that was covered over with a goat's skin.
AEgis just in a rough goats skin dress.
[Page]Her worth taxes with silence every wight,
As the world's form did the great
The form of the World is not described by
Charles's Triumph-arches rais'd to be
Trophies of his last bloudless victory;
Fall all to kiss her feet, who freely grants
They cancel all records of Rebels rants,
Cease all content'ous tongues now dare to brave,
One who had an apple of gold to give to
Iuna, Venus, or
Pallas, which of them he accounted the most beautifull.
Paris's apple of gold should have,Or th' other
Hippomanes being to contend with
Atalanta in running,
Venus gave him three apples of gold to cast in her way, and so tempt her to loose ground by stooping to take them up.
three of
Venus. Our
Queen SheInvested with a triple Soveragnitie;
Receivs three from three sev'ral Realms, as known
Iuno, Venus, Pallas all in one.
Amber is said in some Islands to drop from the Cedars upon the rocks.
Cedars rich perfum'd drops on rocks you'l sayDoe teares of gold resemble in her way
That (as from pleasing dropping eyes) show forth
Joys piteous chear weeping for want of worth.
The daughters of the Sun, who bewailing their brother
Phaeton's death, were turned into Poplar trees, of whose teares Amber was made.
Heliades still weeping harmonyNow's compos'd by her brighter Majesty.
For their joyes interest they all desire
To pay their eys-tribute her beams require.
Syrians, who great fish deify'd
A River in
Syria, in which were exceeding great fish, very gentle and familiar, accounted by the
Syrians for Gods.
Chalus, sure in the same sphear beside,Had plac'd
Two of them were taken in
Southampton river, a male & a female, about the beginning of
May last, which was a little before her Majesties arrival in
Sturgeons cameTo welcome here their great
Seas Royal Dame.
Mnason's so priz'd twelve Gods want worth to be
Signes to the Months of this Year's Jubilee.
At her approach bliss flows to our desires,
And ev'ry heart swells up with joyous fires.
Thus th'
Luna dum supra horizontem Maris paulatim sese effert, ex obliquo spargit radios suos in mare, suoque lumine, quod a Sole habet, calefaciens, exhalationes mari commixtas disgregat & dilatat, quibus dilatis paulatim mare crescit, intumescit & accessum suum efficit.
Ocean when fair
Phoebe moves onTo make her progress up it's Horizon.
Venus once mourn'd in
Venus in
Theocritus celebrated the funeral of
[...], caeruleâ veste amicta in a skie-coloured gown.
clouds. To ours that vestNow for her triumphs splendour suites the best.
VVhile Heaven her bright Majestie invites
T'adorn her with rich gemms of spangling lights,
Its liberal hands round her in showers display
Matchless gifts, for her
Junkets, banqueting-stuff, and such like, that were wont to be thrown upon the Brides head at her first ingresse into her husband's house.
[...].Since she hath virtued our
A fountain in the land of Promise of exceeding great virtue to cure diseases.
Callirrhoe is also a fountain in
Athens that had nine springs;
Et quos Callirrhoe
novis errantibus undis, Implicat. This water the Bride was wont to bathe in before she bedded with her husband.
Callirrhoe,A mountain of
Thessalie where the Muses are said to be born.
Pierus left, the Muses hither flee;VVhere while into one flowing bed they steer
Each spring, turn
Syrens, and inhabit here;
The Heaven dwells here giving them such advice,
Shews them the streams be those of
Diomedes changed armour with
Glaucus, from whom he had his of gold for his owne of brass.
Glaucus and
Diomedes now change armes.VVe've gold for brass, and blisse for all our harms.
From her virtues, for sound Philosophie,
VVe can maintain
An opinion some Philosophers held.
our worlds Eternitie.
[Page]All we say's this, each
Carpocrates now
Denies God made this orb, see't made by you.
All we do now while we'd our joyes express,
Looseth it's nature into Holiness.
Thus the Temple sanctifieth all that we
Give to it, like your sacred Majestie.
Th'opinion of
Basilides thought there was as many Heavens as dayes in the year.
Basilides proves true,So many Heavens we have as dayes with you.
The first great work the whole World did begin
After the Floud, and were confused in,
Yo've done alone (and with applause too given
By Heaven it self) made Earth reach up to Heaven.
VVhat Atheist denies there's a God, where he
Stands and beholds th' ador'd Divinity
Rayes from your presence, as he changes shape,
His frighted Soule out of his eyes escape,
And he be fast fixt there the Porphyre tower,
And hieroglyphick of your Soveraign power.
Soliman the Turk had this heaven sent him by
Ferdinand the Emperour: wherein all the Planets had their several courses, the Sphears, Sun and Moon had their proper motions. The work was in a frame, to be unframed at the Emperour's pleasure.
Solyman's silver Heaven now be shown:That and his
The Earth the place and mold it came f
Heaven's Heaven too we trample on.VVe leave to be unfram'd before his eyes
That Earthly bulk of humane artifice.
[Page]VVhile for that fam'd, made
Made of wood in
Germany by
Iohn de Monte-Regio.
Eagle they relateFlew after th'Emp'rour to the City gate;
The wings of bliss you've both made us (that be
Effluxes of your joyn'd resplendency)
VVe shall, to follow after ye, displaie
VVhen Times wings & plumes all are dropt away.
VVe'le feast at
The Table of the Sun in
AEthiopia prepared alwayes with great vatieties for all comers.
Solis mensa, and there eatOf all the delicates in
Acts 10. 11.
Peter's sheet.With thunder of her praise then all consent
To make our voices cleave the firmament:
Then enter in, while Earth's gold Angels here
Remain to figure out blest beings there.
A latere movetur trepidando octavus orbis, ab Austro in Septentrinem. Et hino rursusin Austrum.
eight sphear with trepidation move: shew forthYour sense of joy, & dance from South to North.
Nymphs, with us attend our Royal Bride,
He learned Musick of certain Nymphs he heard sing about the lake
Torrhebia and taught in the
Lydians, and they deified him for it.
Carius sing and be deifi'd.Mingle each others souls in such notes now,
May with your breath make us ascend up too,
And the three
English Realms the while imploy,
Like the
Islands neer the lake
Torrhebia (quae tibiarum cantu in ambitum moventur, & in symphoniae cantu ad ictus modulantium pedum moventur) which are said to dance.
Calaminoe, to dance for joy.VVhile thousands of Heavens winged Quire conveen
To anthem joyous welcome to the
Ye Starrs stand thick together in array,
To make her sacred feet the Milky-way.
William Austin
Aug. 23. 1662.