A DISCOURSE Shewing the Nature of the GOUT: With Directions to such Remedies as will immediately take away the Pain, and prevent the danger of Life, by keeping it from the in­ward Parts; Or, a certain Help, if it be got in the Bowels, Sto­mach or Head. And also Helps for Palsies, Plurisies, Cholick, Convulsions in Limbs or in­ward Parts; also for nummed Limbs, Rheumetisms, or Sinews that are shrunk. With Receipts and Di­rections for the Cure of the King's-Evil, and other Diseases. By W. ATKINS the Gout-Doctor, who is removed from White-Chap­pel into the Old-Jewry.

London, Printed for Tho. Fabian at the Bible in Cheap-side; and are also to be had at the Au­thor's House, with the Medicines. 1694.

The Effigies of W. Atkins the Gout D r. who for Gouts, Rumetisms, Palsey, and Convultions, and all Pains in any parts, he exceedeth all men▪ both for Safest and speediest Cures, as appears by his book.


WHereas several have, since my removal, been troubled to find me out; this is to give no­tice that they may hear of me at any Bookseller's or Coffee-House near the Exchange, by the name of the Gout-Doctor.


IT is almost incredible to declare what strange and speedy Cures have been performed by my Medicines, the like hath not been known in our Age: For many have been weak and helpless for some Months, and have been restored immediately; but most find speedy help, and are recovered to Health in a few days, though judged uncureable by others. Such great Success I have had for many Years past, that most I have been concerned with are yet living, and able to declare their own Experience. But since in my Studies I have discovered my Gout-Medicines, it hath pleased God by his Blessing to perform most strange and more miraculous Cures than former­ly. I must declare it to be the Gift of God, who hath directed me to find out [Page iv] such excellent Things, that I never had of Man, nor ever did read them in other Mens Works, or any thing like them: Therefore Thanks be to God, who hath blessed my Studies with so great Success, as to make me helpful in such an Age as this, wherein many Diseases have proved incureable; and there are others that are very dangerous, and some new Distem­pers that have puzzled Learned Men to know what to call them: Many that have been afflicted with them, have been lost for want of Remedies. No doubt but there are excellent things in the World, which Man hath not yet arrived to the knowledg of: Therefore such as by their ingenious Studies do find out hidden things for the preservation of the Lives of many, ought to be encouraged; and every Gift that God gives to Man, ought to be improved.

There are some envious People in the World, who hate such Medicines as are really good to perform speedy Cures, and do all they can to put People in fear, and endeavour to perswade against them, pretending they are dangerous, though they know not any thing of their Ingre­dients. But yet notwithstanding the [Page v] great Opposition and envious Contra­diction my Medicines have met with by wicked and malicious Persons, yet they are become famous; for before the very Face of my Adversaries, I have per­formed great Cures, which hath shame­fully put them to silence: My Medicines have been often proved by wise and un­derstanding Men; therefore let not any regard the evil Perswasions of the Igno­rant, or be afraid where there is no man of Danger.

I desire no plainer Proof for the Satis­faction of those that may not yet know my Medicines, than this, that when you see the Case is desperate, and there is in the Judgments of all no hopes of Life, then admit that I may come to give my Assistance, and you will be satisfied in my common Success in such Cases. And this I can say for farther incouragement, I never had any died under my hands; but I have been a Means of preserving the Lives of many when given over, as dying Persons; and some that have been long Speechless, and had neither Sense nor Knowledg of any thing, yet have been recovered to Health again. And the Means that I use, are attended with so [Page vi] great a Blessing, that for the most part great Alterations, and some appearances of Recovery are seen before I depart from them.

It is now as great a pleasure to me to be doing good, by improving my Know­ledg, as it was delightful to me in my younger Days to be reading and seeking after those things which now I have ob­tained, through the Goodness of God, who maketh me able to do good in my Generation. And though I was crossed by my Relations, in the things my natu­ral Inclinations led me to, yet nothing could prevent me, and God's Hand hath been with me, and hath directed me to the Imployment of healing the Diseased: And it plainly appeared to me, by the much Business that came in to me of this kind, and the happy Success I have had in my Undertaking, that it is a Work that God hath called me to; and I dare not neglect, but look upon my self bound in Conscience to follow this Practice. And as God maketh me able, my Resolu­tion shall be to do good while I live, and shall be ready to be helpful to such as are not able to help themselves: There­fore let such as are not able to get the [Page vii] Medicines, apply themselves to me. But let not any come as Deceivers; for tho I may not know their Condition, and be­ing ready to take the Word of any that do but say they are poor, yet I have af­terwards found out by their Neighbours that they have been Rich: and though they have been unwilling to let their Neighbours know how they came to be cured; yet some being importunate with them, being in the like Disease, have pre­vailed upon them to discover how they were healed. Let such take heed lest their Covetousness bring a worse thing on them.

My mind is not to exact on any, but I shall be willing that every one may have help according to their Condition. I am not forward to take Money where I think I cannot do good, but my desire is to do as I would be done by: And if the Case be difficult, and is such a Matter that I my self do question or doubt of a Cure, I had rather run the hazard at my own Charge, than abuse People, as some do, to take their Money, when at the same time they know they can do them no good. Many are greatly abused by false Pretenders, who ruin them both in Body and Estate; [Page viii] so leave them to perish, being in an un­cureable Condition. These ignorant sort of Practitioners are apt to speak ill of others, and think all are Cheats like themselves; and because they are not a­ble to perform the Cures they undertake, in order to make some Profit of the Pati­ent, they will have half down, or else they can do nothing: But it is not my way to draw People in after this manner; if I do not some good to those that come to me, when I first take them in hand, I desire no Reward. God hath given me that Know­ledg, that in many I am able to give a near Judgment whether they are cureable or not; and do know, if they are cure­able, nearly the time it will be perform­ed; and have commonly Success accord­ing to my expectation: which maketh ma­ny of my envious Adversaries say, How came this Man by this Knowledg? I do give you to understand, that I came by it, not by Slothfulness, but by my indu­strious Studies: and it was many Years before I came to have the knowledg of the Nature of Diseases; but now, through the Goodness of God, I have▪ attained to the curing of Diseases, but not with other Mens Receipts, as you report; but these [Page ix] things by which I do perform such great and speedy Cures, are great Secrets that I have found out by my own Knowledg and Experience.

I had in my youthful Days a natural in­clination to study Physick; and that which did at first put me on it, was for my own Health, being a diseased young Man. In time I obtained my Ends, and cured my self, and since I have had great Success in helping of others. Thus by my reading, and much studying, and long practising, I have gained Knowledg, and am now able to prepare proper Medi­cines suteable for the helping of many Diseases, which I shall not here mention; I shall only name some particular Diseases which I chiefly concern my self in, and wherein I have more than ordinary Suc­cess: As in Gouts, Rheumetisms, Bedridden-Palsies, Pleurisies, Cholicks, Convulsions on Nerves or inward Parts, or shrinking of the Sinews, numness of Limbs, old Pains. I recover such as have lost the use of their Limbs for many Years, and also such as are deprived of the use of Nature, or stop­page of Urin, or Stranguries, and most painful Diseases, either in the Limbs or inward Parts: Also Dropsies, Yellow-Jaun­dice, [Page x] and Consumptions; also venereal and pestilent Diseases, and Fevers.

God hath given me more than an ordi­nary Gift in curing such as I have here named; and I hope he will give me a Heart to improve it. In order to this I publish this little Book of Directions, and advise such as are at a distance in the Country, too far off to have the help that those may have in London, or the Towns adjacent, that they be provided with some of these Medicines to keep by them, that in time of danger, observing the Dire­ctions which I shall give, they may help themselves, and do much good for their poor Neighbours: Especially observe not to be without these three, being of great use on sudden Occasions; and though I call them the Gout-Medicines, you may read what great use they are for in many other dangerous Cases.

1. The Gout-Balsam, that takes away sudden Pains immediately in most Cases; and though used outwardly, it helpeth inward Pains in a strange manner.

2. The Gout-Glister, observing well its Use, will do strange Cures, and very speedy, in desperate Cases, as you may read.

[Page xi] 3. A Pouder for Snuff.

With these three I have been a Means of preserving the Lives of many; and though they have been seemingly Dead, and all motions of Life to appearance have been gone, yet in such Cases I have re­covered them.

According to what I have known, I do [...]udg that some People in England are bu­ried alive: Therefore let this be a Cauti­on to all, to observe well the Bodies of those who are laid out for dead, especially such as die suddenly; for though the Bo­dy may be changed to a dead Colour in all parts, and may be cold and stiff after it hath been laid out some time; if you do not observe it before, observe it then, and do not let it go to the Grave, if you find a kind of a damp or cold Sweat on the Stomach, or a little warmth in the small of the Back; then you may con­clude there is some hopes of Life, though you may not discern any Breath. This may be a good Rule for the old Women that are the Searchers of the Dead to ob­serve. As for my part I should be very unwilling to bury my Dead before they begin to stink or purge, as is usual, and then I should away with them to their [Page xii] Place. This Caution I give, in hopes thereby some may be preserved and re­stored after such-like dying Fits. But my care shall be to advise and help you, ra­ther to prevent danger in time by the use of Means: And after I have given you large Directions for the use of such Means as may be provided to your hand, in the next place I shall direct you to prepare some necessary and useful things for the helping and curing of several Diseases, which may be of use in your Family, espe­cially for such as cannot be at the charge of a Physitian to help them.

I shall also communicate unto you some Receipts that have cured great numbers of the King's-Evil, and other such-like Diseases; with many other choice Re­ceipts, that will be of great use in many Cases; that you need not expose your selves, with hazard of your Lives, to make trial of any false Pretenders: for when you are satisfied in what you have here before you, I do not suppose that you will run a hazard, before you have made a trial of your own Preparation, accord­ing to the Directions given you, especial­ly when given out by a Person of good Report and Reputation, by multitudes of [Page xiii] Witnesses of his Success in the like Cases, as is here mentioned. Therefore being thus plain with you, I leave you to judg, by what you find, whether this I write be [...]r my private Interest, or for the pub­ [...]ck Good.

I meet in the Streets with many Objects of Pity: By their Physiognomy I know their Cases, though I think it not my con­cern to meddle with them; yet for the good of all, I do give out this little pock­et-Book, to advise such as are under bodi­ly Infirmities, to seek out for help before it be too late.

And as God hath blessed me with Suc­cess in my Undertaking, so I do hope if you carefully observe my Directions, God will still continue his Blessing on the same Means: Which shall be the hearty Desire and Prayer of him, who is your Friend and Servant,

William Atkins.


  • A Discourse of the Gout, Pag. 1
  • Quest. 1. What is the Gout? 2
  • Q. 2. What Parts are afflicted? 5
  • Q. 3. What causeth the Pains of the Gout? 9
  • Q. 4. From whence do these Humours come that flow to the Joints? 13
  • Q. 5. Which way do these Humours flow into the Joints? 16
  • 6. A Remedy, or Cure, 17
  • The Virtue of the Gout-Balsam, 22
  • The Ʋse of the Balsam in the Gout, 23
  • The Ʋse of this Balsam in Rheumatism-Pains, 25
  • Directions for its use in old Pains, and lameness of Limbs of long continuance, 25
  • Directions for its Ʋse, for Sinews that are shrunk, 26
  • Directions for its use, to help Gout-like Pains in the Head, 27
  • Directions for its use in Convulsions of the Nerves, 28
  • Directions for the use of the Gout-Balsam in outward Convulsions, 29
  • [Page xv] Directions for the use of the Gout-Balsam in Palsies, or numness of Limbs, Pag. 29
  • Directions for the use of Gout-Balsam in Dropsies, 30
  • Directions for the Gout-Balsam in the Sciatica, 31
  • Directions for the use of the Gout-Balsam for the Spleen or Pleurisy, 32
  • Directions for the use of the Gout-Balsam for Kernels or Swellings, ibid.
  • Directions for the Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam in dangerous and painful Sores, 33
  • The use of the Gout-Balsam in Giddiness and Apoplexy, 34
  • An Observation, that this Gout-Balsam is good to take inwardly, ibid.
  • Directions for the second Medicine for the Gout, which is a red Balsam, 35
  • Directions for the third Medicine, &c. 36
  • Directions for the fourth Medicine, &c. 37
  • The fifth Remedy for the Gout, 38
  • The sixth Help to carry off the Gout, ibid.
  • The seventh Help for the Gout, 39
  • The eighth Help for the Gout, 40
  • The ninth Remedy for the Gout, 41
  • Directions for ordering your Body, 43
  • Cautions, ibid.
  • Direction for Diet, 48
  • [Page xvi] A Remedy to hinder or prevent the Gout returning again, Pag. 63
  • A Vindication in my own Defence against my malicious Adversaries, 72
  • Many are offended because I am not a Col­lege-Doctor, &c. 73
  • Another Reflection or Supposition is, that some dangerous Matter is in the Medi­cine, as Aquafortis, &c. 77
  • An Account of Cures done by Blisters drawn by the Gout-Balsam, 79
  • Great and Remarkable Cures performed on Palsies and Convulsions in the Nerves, 92
  • An Explanation, or a Discovery of the Safety of the Ingredients of the Gout-Balsam, 104
  • A Word to the Chirurgeons, 106
  • My Apology to the Apothecaries, 107
  • My Apology to the Doctors of the College, 109
  • An Answer to some false Reports, 115
  • The Conclusion, 118
  • Receipts, with Directions for the Cure of the King's-Evil, &c. 119
  • A Catalogue of Choice Medicines, sold at the Author's House at reasonable Rates, 127


MY Design is to speak some­thing concerning the Gout; but it being a Disease that of late Years is grown ve­ry common, most do know what it [...]s, therefore I shall not need to make a long Discourse concerning it.

My Intent is rather to direct you [...]o that as may help you speedily; and though this is hard to be believed by many, yet by what I shall write, you may be convinced that there is one that doth perform great Things, [Page 2] and gives present Help in the greatest Extremity; and such as use to be confined many Months, are set at liberty in less than one Week, but the Pain is taken away in less than one Hour. This is the common Suc­cess of the Gout-Balsam, if rightly applied, to which I shall give here large and full Directions in all Cases wherein this Balsam is useful: But before I come to that, I shall lay o­pen something of the Nature of the Gout, by several Inquiries, disco­vering the Nature of this Disease, with the Signs and Causes.

Quest. 1. What is the Gout?

In general, all may know so much of it as to tell 'tis a sore painful tor­menting Disease; but those that are afflicted with it, are more sensible to know what it is, and when they may be said to have it, especially after two or three Fits; for usually it cometh after one and the same manner as a [...] [Page 3] the first, and about the same time of the Year; and for the most part it cometh to the same Joint or Part where it first beginneth; and usual­ly it giveth some warning before it cometh; all which doth signify to us the Nature of this Disease.

Now the common Signs that do foretel that the Gout is coming, are these following Tokens.

Sometimes an extraordinary Itch­ing in the Blood, or by sudden Heat, Flushings all about the Body, or sick Fits, or a Fulness after moderate Eat­ing, or a great Heaviness, or Melan­choly, or a Weariness after moderate Exercise, or subject to Dreams and disquiet Sleeping, or ill Taste, or Flemical, or Feverish, or a Tender­ness of the Joints, or a Change of the Urine pale: and these are some of the common Signs that the Gout is coming; but I do not mean that all these Signs are in one Body.

But as there are differing Pains of the Gout, so there are differing Cau­ses [Page 4] and differing Signs: My Intent is but to touch on these Things; but if you observe, you will have some Sign to foretel that the Gout is com­ing as aforesaid; and in a short time after any of these Signs, the Pain cometh, and is commonly violent at the first. The Extremity of the Pain causeth a Soreness, and the Set­tlement of the Humours causeth a Weakness. Those that are afflicted with this Disease, are for a long time disabled; and though it be a Disease that cometh by Fits, yet for the most part every Fit groweth longer, and weakneth the Parts afflicted after the Extremity of the Pain is gone off; so the Disease groweth more pow­erful, as the Party groweth in Age.

Many of late have died of the Gout; and 'tis observed, that it is more dangerous than formerly. Thus in short I have set before you the Na­ture of this Disease, and after what manner it cometh; so I shall come to [Page 5] the second Query, which will shew some of the immediate Causes, the differing Sorts of Pains, in nine parts.

Q. 2. What Parts are afflicted?

For the most part the Pain cometh in the Joints; for the Joints being more loose and open than other parts, do receive the greater quantity of Hu­mours that causeth the Pain; and for the most part the pain cometh to the same part again, as if there were the Seat or Settlement of the Humours. Which for some Reasons may be con­cluded to be true, for the Cavity of the Joints being hollow and loose may be full, and yet nothing seen when the pain is greatest: But after the pain is gone, 'tis common to have a Weakness in the Joints, which re­maineth on some always till the Gout cometh again; for because of the Relicks that do remain in the Joints, it more readily enters in: [Page 6] But when the Joints are full, and the parts swelled, then the Humours do sometimes flow to other parts of the Body; so by the increase of the Hu­mours, all parts may be afflicted to­gether, both in the Limbs and in­ward parts.

But some have it not in the Joints at all, but in the inward Parts only: and usually when it is in the inward Parts, the Pain is exceeding great for a short time, and runneth about like a Cholick or Spleen, sometimes like the Pain of the Stone, and sometimes like the Gripes in the Bowels, and sometimes like Plurisies. Thus ma­ny are afflicted with the Gout in the inward Parts only.

Others there are that have the Gout in the Head, and in no other part at all; and the Pain is great by sits, but doth not continue painful so long as it doth in other parts. When the Gout is in the Head only, I have observed that it is in the External part without the Scull, and so it will [Page 7] flow under the Skin all over the Head at times; but usually it doth fix on the upper part of the Head, where it doth sometimes continue for a long time very painful.

But when the Gout floweth from other parts of the Body into the Head, it is in the Internal part of the Head within the Skull; this is not painful, but causeth a lightness, and doth often deprive a Man of his Senses; and indeed it is so dange­rous, that few escape Death: it must be extaordinary Means that recover this.

There is Help to be had in this Case; but if Men, through unbelief, are regardless of their Lives, they may for want of Means at hand in such a time be cast away.

I cannot but pity such as I hear do die of the Gout, for I know so much of the Nature of the Disease, that when the Gout thus cometh from other parts into the Head, they are not sensible of their Danger, because [Page 8] they seem to be at ease, and will have a conceit of their doing well when they are near their End.

If the Danger do appear, by their being in a raving Condition, it's dagerous; I know not where any have been recovered in that Condi­tion, but what I have recovered my self; let such know that have the Gout, that are in fear or danger of their Lives by it, that it hath pleased God to provide Means to give help for the preservation of your Lives in that dangerous Condition: for of all the parts that are afflicted with this Disease, there is no such danger of Life as when it is thus got into the Head; so let this be a sufficient Caution for you to take help in time.

The next thing to inquire further, is to know the Cause of the Pains of the Gout.

Q. 3. What causeth the Pains of the Gout?

As there are differing Pains, so there are differing Causes. I shall give an account first of the imme­diate Causes.

1. In some the immediate Cause is Wind being fixed in the part, and not having vent. This doth some­times cause an Inflammation, or a Swelling that will be very sore and tender for a long time.

2. In some the immediate Cause is a thin and cold whitish Water fixed in the Joints, that looseneth the Li­gaments and other parts, binding the Joints together, that causeth a pain and great weakness in the parts af­flicted.

3. In some the immediate Cause, is a slimy Matter that is without the Joints: This Humour being cold and thickish, causeth a hard swel­ling that pitteth like a Dropsy; and [Page 10] the part is cold and stiff, but the pain is more moderate than the Humours that are thin. But this sort of Dropsy­like Gout usually continues long▪ and causeth a great weakness, except timely prevented.

4. In some the immediate Cause is a hot Vapour or Steam, driven into the parts by the heat of the Blood▪ and when the Pores are opened where the pain is, this Vapour doth come out like the Smoak of a Chimney that shall be seen to fill a Room al­most with Smoak; and when▪ this Smoak is come out, the pain is pre­sently gone, and the Party walketh about, though helpless just before.

5. In some the immediate Cause of the pain, is a windy and frothy Blood that stoppeth in its Circulation: this swelleth in Knobs like the Cramp, is very painful, but quickly over. This is a kind of a scurvey sort of a Gout, and usually runneth over all parts of the Limbs and Joints.

[Page 11] 6. In some the immediate Cause of the Pain, is a black and settled Blood, occasioned by great cold: This causeth universal pains in all parts of the Body; yet in this Case [...]t is not good to part with your Blood, but rather to cleanse it, by using that Medicine that openeth the Pores: then a sweating Pill is proper to car­ry off the Cause.

7. In some the immediate Cause, is a thick and matter-like Humour, that being fixed long in a place, groweth to a hard kind of a Kernel, that when it is dry it cracketh the Skin, and crumbleth out like little Stones; but the pain is most before it cometh to a hardness. The best time to help this sort of Gout is, when it first beginneth to be painful, for then the Humour is thin, and will easily come forth when the Pores are open.

8. In some the immediate Cause is, for want of the Blood circulating into all parts: And if the stoppage be [Page 12] about the Joints, it eauseth the Si­news to be stiff and dry, and some­times to shrink, and sometimes draw­eth the Joints together. This will cause the Knuckles to be hard and knotty; for by clinching of the Hands together, they are deprived of the Nourishment that should come to them by the free circulation of the Blood. In this Case it is dangerous to give way: but to pre­vent the shrinking of the Sinews, endeavour to keep the Joints in exer­cise.

9. In some the immediate Cause of the pains in the inward parts pro­ceedeth from a foul and slimy Matter that gathereth in the Bowels, that by the stoppage of the offending Matter doth cause the Wind that gathereth in those parts unnatural, to break its way upwards; and sometimes it breaketh its Course, and torments both Back and Sides, and runneth a­bout the lower parts like Stiches or Spleen-like pains, and sometimes like [Page 13] Gripes in the Bowels: And often­time these kind of Humours do turn to Convulsions. And many in this Case have been lost for want of help; for commonly it floweth to the Head, and then the Case is desperate. But now there is a Remedy that will carry off the Cause, better and quicker than if it were in other parts of the Body.

This may be sufficient to set forth the Nature of this Disease, by shew­ing the immediate Cause of the Pains. The next Queries will dis­cover something of the Foundation-Cause.

Q. 4. From whence do these Hu­mours come that flow to the Joints?

There is a great difference in the Judgments of Physicians about this Point. One saith, they flow from the Head, the external part without the Skull, and so flow under the Skin [Page 14] to the Joints. Others say, they flow from the inward parts of the Head, from the Brain: Others from the Bowels: Some name other parts; so that if we put the Judgments of all together, the gouty Humours flow from all parts of the Body.

I shall give you my Judgment, and that is, that the Fault lieth chiefly in the Digestion, and yet Nature may have sufficient vent in the lower parts; but the Digestion doth not so speedily do its Office, by conveying a part of the Sustenance when 'tis re­ceived, so speedily as it ought into the lower Vessels: but when Meat and Drink is received in the Stomach, it usually seemeth to oppress with a Fulness for some time after eating or drinking; and tho Nature doth carry it off after in little time, yet the Food perisheth in the Stomach before it passeth; and this doth hin­der natural Nourishment, and turn­eth to ill Humours which disperse about the Body, but especially to the [Page 15] parts afflicted; but yet every one that hath a bad Digestion is not troubled with the Gout: but where­soever it is, the Body is much out of order; in some it causeth Head­pains, in others Fevers, and many other Distempers which are de­structive to the Body: the Humours are not in all alike.

But the Humours causing the Gout do commonly proceed from a disorderly Government of the Body, as sometimes by immoderate Exer­cise or ill Diet, or too much Drink­ing or Passion, or any other vehe­ment Motion, and Colds and Heats. These and other such-like disordering the Body, breed ill Humours, and open the secret Passages of the Bo­dy, and for the most part fixeth at the Joints. And this is one part of the Foundation-Causes of the Gout.

Next thing is to know,

Q. 5. Which way do these Humours flow into the Joints?

We cannot be unsensible that the Branches do receive their Nourish­ment from the Root, so the Limbs do receive their Nourishment and Moisture from the Body; and (as before) I say the Food perisheth in the Stomach, breeds ill Humours and not natural Blood: So I conceive that by the same way that the Blood passeth into the Limbs, so do these Humours circulate through the Veins and Arteries into the Joints. And the Humours being thin and cold as they flow from the Stomach, some­times may be sensibly felt to run through the circulating Passages, and to settle in the Joints; the Joints be­ing more loose and open than other parts, do receive the greater Quanti­ty. And this is the way, as I con­ceive, that the Humours flow from the Stomach into the Joints.

[Page 17] And thus I have given some short account concerning the Gout, what it is, and what parts are afflicted with it, with the immediate Causes, with some part of the Foundation-Cause.

6. A Remedy, or Cure.

But if I should write never so much in a long and large Account [...]bout the Nature of the Disease, this will not be any help to them that are [...]fflicted with it, without the know­ [...]edg of a Remedy for it. What would it signify if a Man see his House on Fire, for him to spend his [...]ime about inquiring how it came, and what was the Cause? and while [...]e is busy about that, the House is [...]onsumed, when Means was at hand [...]o extinguish it: Shall this be coun­ [...]ed Wisdom? No; most will say [...]hat Man is a Fool.

So it is concerning the Body; there [...]re some Diseases that no Man can [Page 18] know the Causes, but yet the princi­pal part may be known, and that is how to cure such Diseases: Yet some are so foolish, that except a Man will tell the Cause, they will not have the Cure.

I could tell of some but in the Year 1693, that in the Gout, when their Case was seen to be dangerous, and they were foretold of it, and the Means was at hand, but yet refused, now they are in their Graves: where­as many others in the like Case did imbrace the Opportunity, and are all living and well in health. And this I can say, that of the great Numbers that I have for several Years had in hand concerning the Gout, I do no [...] know of any one but is yet living.

This I do declare, that the Medi­cines I have to carry off the Gout have prevented other Sickness, and cured other dangerous Diseases, by clearing away the Causes: And [...] can prove many great Cures hav [...] been done with the Gout-Medicines [Page 19] that no Man living hath done the like in our Nation, with such speed, for lame and helpless Persons to be cured in one Hour's time.

Also Children in Convulsions, if they have but any Life in them, by the same Means they are recovered speedily, and cured of that Dis­ease.

In my giving you the Virtue and Use of these Medicines, you will un­derstand the common Success I have in the Applications, and will know the better how to make use of them for your Advantage: And though the Parties afflicted may be many Miles distance, and thereby may be deprived of my Assistance, yet ob­serving the Rules I give, I hope, with the Blessing of God, the Lives and Limbs of many may be preser­ved.

It hath pleased God to bless the same Means under my Hands with great Success; for I have had great Experience for many Years past in [Page 20] Practice, and do keep a Catalogue of Cures done, given under the Hands of the Persons cured, that any Per­son afflicted with the same Disease, may read, for their own satisfaction, the Persons Names and Dwelling­places, that have been cured.

And in order to do good for the Publick, because I am taken up in my new Business, and have not that time as formerly I had to give out Medicines with Directions in many other Cases; therefore being willing that People should have the Advan­tage of some good Medicines of great Use, I order my Wife to sell them with Directions.

She is also able to help and give Advice in Womens Cases; but in difficult Matters I shall give my as­sistance.

But my chief Business will be to follow my studying about Remedies for the Gout, and all other painful Diseases in the Limbs or inward Parts; and I hope to obtain great [Page 21] things in that kind of way, for in my studious Thoughts I find great En­couragement.

I have lately corrected and amend­ed my Gout-Balsam, and have also discovered another choice Secret, be­ing a Pouder for the removing of the inward Causes of the Diseases of the Limbs, and have already had great Success in the use of it. And as God hath given me understanding to know the Nature of Diseases, and hath helped me to find out Remedies for the Cure of them; I shall make it one part of my Business to write them down, to be left for others to make use of when I am dead; and I have already taken that care that they shall not die with me. This I mention, to satisfy many who are much concerned for fear they should be lost when I die.

And in order to do all the good I can while I live, I shall give a large Account of the Nature, Virtue, and Use of these Gout-Medicines for eve­ry [Page 22] particular Disease, wherein they have been proved to be useful, and have wrought very great Cures.

I shall begin with the Gout-Bal­sam.

The Virtue of the Gout-Balsam.

It bringeth away the offending Matter by opening the Pores, and doth thereby prevent the danger of Repelling; for the immediate Cause is seen to come away from the part afflicted, and this bringeth down the swelling of the Gout, and for the most part the pain goeth away im­mediately after it is applied: and it doth strengthen weak Limbs, and is very comfortable to cold and nummed Parts. In many Cases it is a Medi­cine of great Use, as will further ap­pear by the Directions for the Use of it.

Next follows the Use of it for the Gout.

The Ʋse of the Balsam in the Gout.

Take a Stick or Quill, and dip in­to the Pot of Balsam, and spot it a­bout the part afflicted, as far as the pain is; then stir it about with your Finger very well till it be near dried in, but not by the Fire, for 'tis hot of it self; therefore I order you to spot it about, because if you lay on too much in a place it will smart: but some will bear much to be laid on and feel nothing, therefore my way is to apply a little first, and then stir that about; and if it be not felt, then I lay on more; and if it do not itch or smart, I go over a third time, and all before I put it up; so that my way is to apply it till it be felt, and if there be more put on than will be dried in, then I do commonly lay on a piece of Bladder, or any kind of Skin, to keep the Balsam to it, for Clothes will take it away from the part. Thus drest, I put it up for four [Page 24] and twenty Hours, or longer; but if the pain remain, I anoint it again quickly, according as it can be well born or endured. 'Tis needless to use it when there is no pain; for the best time to do the most good, is to a­noint it when the pain is greatest, for then the Humour is in the part, and may be brought forth: But in case of a weakness remaining after, or any little kind of pain, I do some­times dress the part once in a day, or in two or three days, or once a week, according as Need requires. In this manner use the Balsam for the Gout, or such like pains; but if need require, you may use it till it blister, if the Humour will not go off with­out; but then anoint the part with any healing thing, as Salet-Oil, or Lucatellus's Balsam, and this will heal it again in a little time; but if it swell after 'tis anointed with the Gout-Balsam, apply it again quickly, and the offending Matter will come out.

The Ʋse of this Balsam in Rheuma­tism▪Pains.

When the pains are in all parts at once, then begin according to that Direction for the Gout, in that part as is mostly pained: and when that is well dressed and put up for some time, then apply it to the next part, and wait a little time after 'tis thus applied; and if after this the pain yet remain in other parts, apply it still where the pain is greatest, and with so doing you will find that this Medicine will cure the Rheumatism: but you need not apply so much in this Case to every part, as when a pain is fixed to one place.

Directions for its Ʋse in old Pains, and Lameness of Limbs of long conti­nuance.

In such Cases the Humours being settled to the parts, it requires to be [Page 26] applied more freely to open the Pores by small Blisters or Pimples, by which means the offending Matter that causeth the pain or weakness, cometh away: and though the Lame­ness hath been of many Years stand­ing, yet in such Cases the Cure is perfected at once dressing, as many have had experience; but some are dressed a second or third time before it be performed; very few miss of a Cure, if there be any pain in the parts.

Directions for its Ʋse, for Sinews that are shrunk.

Take a very little just to moisten the part, then chafe it in very well with your hand, and stroke it with great strength with one hand, while you bear out the Joint with the other; and when the first Application is dry, then apply it again, and do thus a third or fourth time, with a strong hand still stretching out the part; [Page 27] thus doing, the Sinews give way; then if need require, I bind the Joints out streight for one day or more. Sometimes there is no need of so do­ing, but they keep out and are pre­sently cured, applying it after this manner for about two hours time to­gether.

Directions for its Ʋse, to help Gout-like Pains in the Head.

When the Pain is on the upper part of the Head, or all over, then the Hair must be shaved off to anoint the part pained; and the Temples also must be anointed very freely, for if the Temples blister, it is very profi­table in that Case. When the Head is anointed, put on a Bladder to co­ver the part, and keep it close for one week; and if the pain be not gone, you may dress it a second or third time, but let it be a week be­tween every dressing; if the Head be sore or tender, anoint it with [Page 28] Salet-Oil, or any other mollifying thing; but if the Temples should run, lay on a Plaister of Paracelsus, or any other Plaister that is mode­rate; but it should not be healed too quickly.

Directions for its Ʋse in Convulsions of the Nerves.

Observe the parts that are twitched, and so far as the Motion works, ap­ply the Balsam; use it moderately as it may be dressed every day; and af­ter 'tis dressed, let it be bound up as hard with a Roller as can be well en­dured: If after two or three dres­sings the Convulsion be not gone, then it will be needful to take the Gout-Glister, according to the Di­rections given for the Use; so take it once in three days, for three times if need require so often; but one time commonly doth perform the Cure.

Directions for the Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam in inward Convulsions.

When Convulsions are in the Bow­els or Stomach, then anoint the Bel­ly or Stomach all over, but very mo­derately, especially in young Chil­dren: speck a very little about, just to damp it over; so stroke a hand over it easily, and as soon as it is done, give the Gout-Glister accord­ing to the Direction, and one Spoon­ful of the Gout-Cordial.

Directions for the Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam in Palsies, or numness of Limbs.

Take of the Balsam, and anoint all over the parts afflicted; lay on so much as can be well endured, and bathe it very well till it be all dried in, except the part be cold; then put on a little more, and put it up moist in Flannel, or other Cloth, to [Page 30] keep it warm; so dress it once a day for nine days together, if need re­quire.

Directions for the Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam in Dropsies.

Apply it moderately, by spotting it all over the parts that are swelled, and stroak it as hard with your hand as can be endured, for an hour toge­ther; and as you find it dry in, ap­ply more: but if the parts are cold, and do not feel any heat, or smart, then you may apply it more freely; and if you discern Water to arise out of the Pores, forbear chafing it; and when you put it up, lay Linen next to the parts anointed, for Woollen will cause it to itch too much. Thus you may dress it once a day, for three or four days together if need require. Some are cured of the Dropsy with once dressing; and the Water will come away plentifully for several hours together.

Directions for the Gout-Balsam in the Sciatica.

Apply it to the small of the Back first, then to the Hip, and all down the out-side of the Thigh to the Knee, and down the out-side of the Leg to the hinder part of the Heel; so apply it, spotting it about the parts, stirring it in very well; and after three or four days dress it again. If the pain be not gone, then begin to dress it from the Nape of the Neck all along the Back-bone; do it in this part moderately, but so as that you may feel it itch or smart: Thus ap­ply it to the Hip and Huckel-bone, and down to the Heel as aforesaid; after this manner you may apply it once in three or four days, but if it be tender, use it but once a week. And thus if you skilfully manage it, according to this Direction, it will help the Sciatica; every dres­sing lesseneth the Pain, and the Cure [Page 32] is performed easily in about two or three weeks time.

Directions for the Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam for the Spleen or Pleurisy.

Apply it, with laying it first in your hand, so stroke the parts, both Side and Breast, as hard as can be en­dured: Then give the Party a Sack Glass full of the hottest Gout-Cordi­al; but still keep stroking the part till the Pain go away: the Extremi­ty will be over immediately, and in a very little time the Party will be well without bleeding.

Directions for the Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam, for Kernels or Swellings.

In unnatural Swellings and Ker­nels, if they be in tender parts, use it moderately, especially in the Groin or privy Parts: If they are not gone the first dressing, then after twelve hours dress it again, and if need a [Page 33] third time in like manner: But if the Knobs or Swelling be in the Legs, it may be applied more freely, and all will be gone; in twelve hours time it doth, by opening the Pores, bring the venereal Matter out of the Body.

Directions for the Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam, in dangerous and painful Sores.

When a Sore is greatly inflamed and very painful, then anoint round about the sore part, as near to the Sore as you can conveniently; a very little doth in this Case: but my way is to apply it, according as can be well endure it, for speedy help; I know better how to manage it than I can direct others, therefore use but little at first; apply it a second time if need require; but usually after once doing, though the Sore hath seemed uncureable before, it will heal up in a little time and be well.

The Ʋse of the Gout-Balsam in Giddi­ness and Apoplexy.

Apply it to the Temples, with your Finger stirring it a little time; also round the Ears, and cross over the Forehead close to the Hair, and moi­sten your Hand and chase round the Neck backward, as close to the Hair as you can; so done, put a little of the Gout-Snuff up the Nostril.

An Observation, that this Gout-Balsam is good to take inwardly.

I shall not give you Directions for that, only to let you know there is no dangerous thing in it, as I can sa­tisfy any, by taking it my self before them if required. I have found it profitable for my own Health, to take a little in hot Liquor, when I have disordered my self by over­much walking, or eating or drinking that as doth not agree with Nature; [Page 35] it expelleth the offending Matter, and restoreth the Body into good Order again, and is a prevention of Fevers and other Sickness.

This Balsam is of great Use in Pestilence, and other Fevers, by way of Blisters. But this I must apply my self.

Directions for the second Medicine for the Gout, which is a red Balsam; it is to strengthen the Parts.

Take of this Balsam and anoint the Joints: if there remain a weak­ness after the pain is gone, then bathe it in with a hot hand; but if need be to qualify the heat, or to lay the itching of the Gout-Balsam, then use this cold, but bear the itch or smart of the other so long as you can; for if you apply this strengthning Bal­sam before the Gout-Balsam hath been on some hours, then you hinder the benefit of that dressing; but my in­tent [Page 36] is, that after the pain is gone, and when the Gout-Balsam is too sharp, by reason of the tenderness of the Skin, then use this strengthning Balsam twice a day as a Modera­tor.

Directions for a third Medicine, which is a Liquor of a red Colour, to bathe.

This is to use if small pains should come after the Gout-Balsam hath been used so often as to bring off the Skin, then 'tis proper to use this Li­quor, bathing it well twice a day by the Fire; it will take away little grinding pains, and heal it again: then 'tis proper to lay on a piece of a thin Bladder, or some thin Skin of Mutton-Suet when you put it up, or thin Leather.

Directions for the Ʋse of the fourth Medicine for the Gout, which is a Conserve to carry away the Cause, and to prevent a Return.

Of this Lectuary, take the quan­tity of a small Nutmeg first in the Morning, and one hour before eat­ing, and last at Night, for three or four days together; it will cause a good Digestion, and cleanseth the Stomach, and causeth a good Appe­tite.

But if you would use it as a Pre­vention, then take it for three days together, when you have any Signs that you fear the Gout is coming; and with so doing, if you do not hinder its coming, the Fit will be very short.

The fifth Remedy for the Gout, is a hot and comfortable Cordial; it is good against the Stone.

But when the Gout is in the in­ward Part, or any Illness in the Sto­mach proceeding from it, then take a Sack-Glass full or more, this will give present ease, by causing Wind to break away: It will greatly strengthen such as are weak or faint; such should take two or three Spoon­fuls three times a day at least; and though it be hot, it will prevent a Fever. With this Cordial I cure the Hectick Fever, that is in many the greatest Cause of a Consumption.

The sixth Help to carry off the Gout, is by a proper Purge.

If the Body be hot and costive, it may be of use to take something purging moderately; and therefore I shall direct you to that as is profita­ble [Page 39] in this Disease, and that is Caryo­castinum.

Take of this half an Ounce, or a little more or less, according as you find your Constitution will require: Or if you find at any time your Body out of order for want of Stool, then you may take a little, though at the latter part of the day, and it will answer your Expectation. If this be well and faithfully prepared, 'tis the best Purge you can take for the Gout.

The seventh Help for the Gout is a Glister of an excellent Preparation in this Case, and for inward Con­vulsions.

If the Gout come into the Bowels or Stomach, and though the Party thus afflicted seem to be past all hopes of Recovery, yet by this means there is speedy Help given, and the Dan­ger is quickly over. This doth cer­tainly reeover when in the greatest [Page 40] Extremity; therefore 'tis needful for such as are afflicted with the Gout, to keep it by them in a readiness to pre­vent all Danger; it will keep many Years. With this Glister and the Balsam I cure Convulsions in young Children; and though some have had most of their Children die of that Disease, yet with the use of this Means their other Children are speedily recovered.

It is also good for such as are af­flicted with the Cholick, or other in­ward painful Diseases; and also for Vapours and Lightness, or Swim­mings in the Head; it bringeth the Vapours downwards, so giveth great Relief in many Cases, too large to mention here.

The eighth Help for the Gout is a Plaister.

When after all hath been done, if yet there should remain a Weakness in the Joints, then 'tis proper to lay [Page 41] on this Plaister round the Joint, and bind it on so long as it will stick. This Plaister is good to recover strength in some sort of Gouts, when other things will not do. 'Tis good also to bring down Swellings, and will take away great Pain; therefore in some there may be occasion for this Plaister.

The ninth Remedy for the Gout in the Head, is a Snuff-Pouder.

When the Gout is in the Head, then put up a little of this Pouder in the Nostrils; and though the Party thus afflicted be raving mad, it will quickly compose the Head by purg­ing the Brain, a waterish Humour that is very cold will run down the Nostrils. But as there are differing Gouts, so there are differing Causes, in the Head as well as in other Parts, for all are not seen to be light-headed, but seem to be heavy to sleep: still observe to use this Pouder, if the [Page 42] Head be out of order, so as you fear the Gout is the occasion of it. When I find the Gout dangerous in the inward Parts, or in the Head, I do apply the Balsam to the Temples, and use the Snuff-Pouder, also the Glister and the Cordial; and with the use of these things I have reco­vered them as have been so far gone, that they have not known any thing that hath been done to them.

Thus I have given you the Virtue, with Directions for the Use of these Gout-Medicines, to the end that all such as are at a great distance from me may have the benefit of them. They are only prepared by me, and sold at my House, in Sir John Frede­rick's Court in the Old-Jewry, where I give Advice and Directions ac­cording as the Case brought before me doth require.

It will be most for the Advantage of those that are afflicted with any painful Disease that cometh within the reach of the Gout-Medicines, to [Page 43] apply themselves to him who is the Author, who hath skill in applying them; and likewise to advise to what other Means he may think needful: but such who cannot have my help, may observe the Directions here gi­ven; and looking to him who giveth us all things for a Blessing, I hope you may have good Success in curing your selves.

Directions for the ordering your Body.

When you have the Gout on you, or such-like painful Disease, whereby you are under Confinement, observe these Cautions.

1. Caution.

Bleeding is certainly hurtful; tho at the present it may seem to give a little ease, yet afterwards you will find the ill Effects by the Pains re­turning, and the next Fit will be [Page 44] much worse: but many have not the least Ease by bleeding, but are much more painful; and by the weakness of the Body, the Disease fixeth it self in several parts by drawing away the Blood, for at that time the Blood is waterish and thin, then the best com­eth away, but the ill Humour that is the Cause of the Pain, lodgeth in the Body, being too thick to be drawn away through the Veins; but the best way to bring this Humour away, is by that Medicine which o­pens the Pores where the Humour lodgeth, then there is no danger of repelling, but rather hopes that in time the Cause may be removed out of the Body.

2. Caution.

Take heed of keeping the Body with low Diet, to think thereby to starve the Gout; for you may sooner starve your selves, than cure your selves of the Gout by so doing: you [Page 45] need not bar your selves from good Diet, for you will find your Stomach will fail you too quick of it self: 'tis more dangerous than you are aware, to bring down your Stomachs to low and weak diet, for this doth not in the least ease the pain; but by the bringing your Body weak, your pain is greater, and the Body more help­less, and in so doing are in danger, by your weakness and the continu­ance of the Disease, of falling into a Fever; and by the emptiness of the Body, you are in danger of bring­ing the Gout in your inward parts.

3. Caution.

Take heed that you do not indulge your self too much by confining your self from Exercise before your Disease force you to it, especially un­der the use of the Means; you had better strive than give way to it, so soon as it beginneth to come on you; but by your speedy applying the [Page 46] Means, and by exercising your self, you may prevent your being confined at all, especially after you have been once recovered by the Means herein directed.

4. Caution.

Take heed of over-much purging, for if you think thereby to cure the Gout, you will be greatly deceived; for by this means you will rather en­danger a Consumption, or at least a long Confinement by reason of great weakness of Body. My way is to order a Gouty Person, as I do Con­sumptive Persons; I cure them with­out Physick: By keeping up Nature a Man may strive with a Disease till the Cause be removed; but by using such Means as weaken the Body, in this Case it is the contrary way for a Cure.

5. Caution.

Take heed of being too busy with sleepy Potions; some have been so stupified with such Potions, that when the Gout hath been very dan­gerous, they have not been able to give an Account of their Condition, nor to tell where their Pains lay; so the Disease is drawn into the Head, and the Man goeth sleeping to his Grave: 'Tis better to hear the Man cry aloud, for then some Help may come; and though his pains may be great, and continue long, so that he want Rest and may endanger a Fever, yet in all this there is more hopes of recovery than when the Man is stupi­fied, and thereby made unsensible of his Condition: but since there is ease to be had by outward things, these dangerous Means may be avoided, and the Lives of many may be pre­served.

Directions for Diet.

First, I shall tell you what is hurt­ful for the Bodies of such as are af­flicted with the Gout. Salt Meats are not good, nor stale Beer, nor no sharp or sowre Things, nor mixed Wines, nor Claret, nor too much Spoon-meats, but be sure to forbear Cyder; these and such-like things a­void, and be temperate and moderate in the use of all things, and this will be a good Rule to observe against this Disease. But in the Fit of the Gout you may eat Meat once a day freely; you need not refrain any good Diet no more than at other times. I shall not stand to name particulars, but in short, you may eat Fish or Flesh, or Herbs, or any thing else that is nou­rishing Food. But such as have had the Gout long on them, and are brought to be weak, and have not an Appetite to common Diet, let them strive to eat and drink something [Page 49] that is more strengthning than Wa­ter-Grewel, for sometimes eating too much of that and other Spoon-meats, brings a Dropsy, and hinders the curing the Gout.

I shall advise you to such things as are good to strengthen and nourish you; and whereas you can eat but little, eat the oftner, and by so do­ing you will by degrees get a better Appetite. But being willing to help you, I will direct to such-like Diet as may be sutable to help weak Per­sons.

In a Morning for a Breakfast, Take a pint of Ale, boil it and scum it; then take it from the Fire, and let it stand till it be half cold, so break in two or three new-laid Eggs, brew them together, and drink it while it is warm.

In my judgment, if a Man hath [...]ot a Stomach to eat a good Break­ast, he may with such a Morning's- [...]raught hold up till Dinner-time. But weak Stomachs want change of [Page 50] Diet. Now if you have a good old Nurse, they commonly know how to make much of themselves, and therefore are the better able to advise to that as may do good for a Master or Mistress. My Mind is, that Peo­ple as are not sick should get the best Kitchin-Physick as can be provided, or else for want of this Lameness may soon turn to Sickness. I do not intend to fill up my Book with Di­rections for Diet, but yet I would give a little help to put your Nurse in remembrance to study to make good heartning things to keep up the Body.

For Change I shall give you farther Directions, that you may know what may be good in a Morning, or some times between Meals, and use the best of your skill in providing.

Good Jellies are proper sometimes made after this manner.

Take two Calves-feet, and pu them into three quarts of Water boil them in a Pipkin till half b [Page 51] wasted away; then strain off the Feet, and set the Liquor on the Fire again; put in half a pound of blew Currans well cleansed, and two pen­nyworth of Saffron, and half a quar­ter of an ounce of Cynamon, a dram of large Mace; boil these till the Currans be plump, and take it from the Fire, and let it stand till it be half cold; then have ready at hand a pint of White-wine, with four Eggs well beaten to mix with the White­wine, and six ounces of fine Loaf-Sugar. Brew these with the White-wine very well; then take your Calves-Feet Gelly, being, as I said, half cold; mix all together, beating it very well with a Spoon till it be almost cold: this, well prepared, is good to eat at any time, Night or Day; and it may be eaten, either warm or cold, according to the Sea­son of the Year, but in cold Weather warm it a little. This is a good thing in a Morning, to take about half a pint or more.

[Page 52] I would advise you for a Dinner to eat Flesh, though never so little; but eat as freely as you can, for that is the best way to get strength; some­times eating against Stomach, doth procure a better Appetite against the next Meal; for those that are weak, it is not good to boil or roast their Meat over-much. I am sure, for Consumptive People, Flesh over­roasted is not good; but if you love not your Meat with the Gravy in it, then you had better stew it, and put in Sippets of White-bread; so eat it, for then the Liquor is the best of it; and Meat thus dress'd is strengthning.

If you are disposed to eat Fowl, 'tis proper to have them well roasted or boiled. Also Fish if it be not well dress'd, is not good, being subject to rise in the Stomach, and that doth cause a loathing of Food. One good way to help the weak, is to study new things, for often change of Diet is a great help to procure an Appe­tite: [Page 53] and this is the proper Business of good Cooks and Nurses.

I would advise you to eat freely in the Day, but at Night be moderate, for then you have more freedom to drink, either Wine or strong Drink, for that is not hurtful, provided you drink not to excess: but small Beer is certainly the best thing you can take to bring the Gout on you; there­fore if you love the Gout, drink good store of small Beer, and you may be sure it will come with full power. This I can speak by Experience, that I have found that small Beer will bring a Man into a Consumption sooner than any thing I know of: I have been caught twice, but I take heed to avoid a third bout, for when I find my self thirsty, I drink good strong Drink. I have seen some af­flicted with the Gout, that with low Diet and small Beer have been al­most consumed to nothing; and the Disease is much more powerful, and they have no strength to help them­selves. [Page 54] It is a miserable thing that a Man or Woman shall be in bodily Health, but yet in great tormenting Pain with a Leg or an Arm, that the very Anguish of the Pain shall cause them to cry aloud till they are al­most spent; and yet in this Condi­tion they are perswaded to refrain from eating or drinking of the Best, though then they have most need of it to support Nature; and I am cer­tain that there is less danger of a Fe­ver to keep the Body in strength, than when the Body is brought low and weak. I do know that what I say in this, by admitting you to eat and drink freely in the Fit of the Gout, is contrary to the Judgments of some Men; but let none be of­fended for my giving Advice, ac­cording to my knowledg, of the Na­ture of the Disease: If you think my Advice is not good, then I make my Appeal to you that find fault with me, and I leave you to be Judges by my way of Practice, and by the Suc­cess [Page 55] I have; for no Man can say that ever any died of the Gout that have been under my hands.

It is now near three Years since I discovered the Gout-Balsam; and I have done greater Cures with that Medicine in this time on the Gout, than have been done by any others, as I have proved before many Wit­nesses. But since I have corrected and amended my Gout-Balsam, and discovered other great Secrets, I cure many other Diseases, and for the most part with outward Medicines: but when I find any that are weak and low, I am constrained to direct and advise them to such things as are good to strengthen and raise them up again.

After this manner do I deal with those that have the Gout; and have great Success in my Undertakings.

Thus I have given plain Directi­ons, that you may do good for your selves: But if you do not apply [Page 56] things so well as to have that Success as I have, do not reflect on the Me­dicines, or blame him that made them, but rather send for him, and see what he can do with the same Medicines, and then you may be sa­tisfied in the use of them against another time.

You may conclude, that by my publishing this Book, my Intention is to do good; for it would be much more for my Advantage if I did not expose my Medicines to sale, my Profit in undertaking Cures would be much more to me, and less trouble in preparing. Sometimes they fall into the hands of ignorant People which know not how to use them, though directed; and they find fault, because they have laid out their Mo­ney, and are nothing the better. There are others that buy them and turn Doctors, so pretend they have the same Art with me; and some­times get a great deal of Money; so the People are deceived and cheated, [Page 57] for they may be ignorant of using them rightly: these things I have known to be done. Others there are that will buy them, thinking there­by to find out the Ingredients; but that is impossible, so they deceive themselves. Many there are that have tried, with all the Tricks and Inventions they could, to discover my Medicines, but yet come short of their Design.

My Gout-Balsam hath near twen­ty Ingredients in it, but I never knew that Man that could name two things, and yet many will pretend they know what it is made of. Any one that pretends to know that one Medicine, let them make it, for there is but one of the Trade; and if any one can do this thing, he may be my Partner, but till then I shall keep it to my self.

Many there are that would pick Quarrels about my Gout-Balsam, if they could tell how, by finding out some dangerous thing in it: but that [Page 58] cannot be done, for they know it may be taken inwardly, and I have pro­ved it to be safe; and though in some Cases it may not do good, yet in this you may be satisfied it will not do hurt.

In some Fevers I will use it to draw Blisters on the Temples, and it will give great Relief, it will draw out that Vapour that takes away the Senses; but if it were hurtful or dangerous, then I venture hard to ap­ply it to such tender Part so freely as to blister it: And if I should use such Medicines as should prove dan­gerous, I should not only hurt them to whom I apply them, but do my self greater damage, by being expo­sed to the Advantage of those that wait for such Opportunities; but my care hath been at all times to prevent them, for I never meddle with dan­gerous things, therefore none can take that Advantage against me. I know there are some Medicines that will cure one and kill another; but [Page 59] what Medicines I use, I can bring [...]penly to be proved before the Faces of any. And this is my Comfort, I have nothing to burden my Consci­ence for any Wrong that I have done [...]o others: And God hath given me his Blessing, and maketh me prospe­rous in what I take in hand; you may be encouraged to follow my Di­rections with hopes of Success, for you shall have the very same Medi­cines as I use my self; and observing the Directions I have given, with God's Blessing you may go on and prosper.

By what I have written, you may be satisfied in the safe use of the Me­dicines; and by the Directions and Advice I have given, you may be encouraged to make use of them your selves, or send for help, you need not lie in misery: it is suffici­ent that there is proper Means pre­pared to your hand in a readiness a­gainst a time of need, that will set you at liberty, and that very speedi­ly; [Page 60] and by reason the very Humou is discharged out of the Body through the Pores, you may be preserved from the Gout for a long time; and by this means some are perfectly cured of the Gout. Yet I do not pre­tend to cure an old Gout so that i [...] shall never come again, but this may be done with the Balsam only: when the Gout doth come, apply this Bal­sam according to the Direction, and the Gout will go away presently, and not return for that Fit; you may ex­pect it the next Year according to the usual time, but then if you have your Remedy at hand, you are freed of the Gout again: after this man­ner do many keep from being con­fined, whereas before they used to be laid up in their Beds for some Months together.

This is the Advantage that is to b [...] had by the Gout-Balsam, presen [...] help, being freed of pains, and se [...] at liberty. But observe, that in wha [...] Case soever, you use the Go [...] [Page 61] Balsam as I direct in the Gout, so you must remember not to anoint the [...]art before the Fire, for that will [...]ause it to smart very much; and you may remember also to keep it from your Linen, for though it do not hurt the Body, it will spoil your Li­nen.

By what I have written, you may be satisfied by my giving you these plain Directions, that my real De­sign is more to do good to others, than to advance my self.

I shall not need to enlarge any fur­ther about the Directions of the Gout-Medicines; you have what is sufficient to help you in your Extre­mity, in many Cases as well as in the Gout: and you may be further satisfied, that none of these Medi­cines are in the least repelling; but on the contrary, wheresoever they are used, they do prevent the Hu­mours getting into the Stomach or Head, and they will certainly secure you from that danger; therefore you [Page 62] may conclude there is no manner o [...] danger; for if they should not cur [...] you, they will certainly do you som [...] good; and if you do not presently experience the good received, yet i [...] you do but observe, you will find af­terwards your Body to be more healthful; for in many Cases they vent Vapours and other ill Humours from the Body, by opening the Pores; and prevent catching of cold, be­ing a great defence to the Body, by creating natural Warmth; and they comfort and strengthen the Weak, as hath been well experienced by their use in young Children and aged Peo­ple.

The next thing will be to direct you to what may prevent a return of ill Humours, being also proper to hinder the returning of the Gout; and this has been experienced: and tho it be not for my Interest, yet I am free­ly willing to direct you, and if possible so to assist you, that you may never have a Fit more of the Gout.

A Remedy to hinder or prevent the Gout returning again.

This is a Pouder that formerly I have used in Consumptions with great Success, I have found it profi­table in the Gout; it helpeth the Di­gestion, and causeth Nature to car­ry off any offending Matter; cleans­eth the Stomach, procureth an Appe­tite, causeth the Body to be in good natural order; and doth, by purify­ing the Body, prevent ill Humours circulating to the Limbs; and is pro­per to take at any time if the Body be any ways disordered, either by eating or drinking: Then take so much as will lie on a new Groat in a Spoonful of Ale, last at Night and first in the Morning; this observed may prevent Sickness: But if you fear that by any Disorder of the Bo­dy, or by any Signs appearing that do foretel the Gout is coming, then take the same Quantity as before di­rected, [Page 64] and at the same time, and al­so an hour before every Meal: Or if you find, when you are drinking of Wines or other Liquors, your Taste is bad, then take of this Pouder such a quantity as before-mentioned, in the same Liquor you may be drinking, and it will recover your Taste. It is profitable in many other Cases, but if you observe this order, it will be a means to prevent the Gout coming on you.

These Medicines have been tried, proved, and experienced by Learned and Understanding Men, and have been successful in the speedy and safe curing of many dangerous Diseases that have been counted uncureable. God hath by their use wrought mi­raculous Cures; and there are great numbers of Witnesses of the Truth of these Things, of the Persons cu­red that have been in their Beds in a helpless Condition; and the very Hour the Means have been applied, [Page 65] their Strength hath been recovered, and have got up and walked about immediately: and many have been present who are Eye-witnesses of these things.

There is hardly one Week passeth, but that there is some great and nota­ble Cure performed by these Gout-Medicines, being of great use in many other Diseases not mentioned in this Book; and in most Cases the Cure is speedily done, both in aged Men and Women, and in young Children: And though in aged Peo­ple that have been many Years af­flicted with painful Diseases, yet such have been cured in one Hour's time, and have continued well after­wards.

Such as are Inhabitants in or about the City of London, may be infor­med (by enquiring almost in any part of the City) of Cures that are done; or if they come to the Author of this Book, they may be satisfied what Persons have been cured in [Page 66] their Condition; and may have sa­tisfaction in their own Cases, whe­ther curable or not.

He will also give his Advice and Directions to such whose Cases are uncurable, to put them in a way to help themselves to do that good as can be done for them.

And as for such as are not capable to prepare Medicines for themselves, if the Case be curable, they shall have the Medicines bestowed on them: and if ever they are in a Condition to be able to pay, I will trust them till then; but if they have not a Heart to do any thing, then I shall not look after them, but leave it to their own Consciences to do according to their Ability, some­thing towards the charge of Medi­cines, that I may the better hold out to help them that can do nothing.

As for such as are able to pay for their Medicines, they shall have them faithfully prepared, and at reasonable Rates: and I shall endeavour, by my [Page 67] Advice, to give them that Assistance, that they may receive benefit by them, and have no cause to complain that they have laid out their Money and are nothing the better. But if I can see the Persons, or have a right Account brought me, that I may be able to give a true Judgment of their Condition, I shall then deal plainly with them, and shall not suffer them to be at any unnecessary Charge, for it is against my Mind to take Money where I find there is no hopes of do­ing good.

I am so far from coveting Gain to my self, by preparing Medicines for such whose Cases are doubtful, that I had rather give them my Advice and Directions, to make and prepare the Medicines themselves, and then they will be the more willing to use the Means for their own Good, when they know the Ingredients; and in so doing they may cure themselves. But if they have not their Cure, they cannot blame me; for by this you [Page 68] may see my Intention is to do all the Good I can: and though God may deny his Blessing on the Means to some, yet others by the same Means may be cured; therefore let none de­spair of Help, but rather wait upon God in the use of Means for his Bles­sing, in hopes of Success in the End. And though the Means I use my self is for the most part very successful in performing present Cures, yet sometimes in some Distempers it doth require longer time. There are some whose Diseases are un­curable, but such are commonly pro­ved, after the Means I use is once ap­plied: and some there are that can­not be perfectly cured, but yet do re­ceive great help; and by the use of Means do keep up their Bodies that they can walk abroad. But Experi­ence hath shewed, that when they have not had the Means at hand, the Disease hath got Advantage again.

By reason of the differing Causes of bodily Diseases, it is impossible for [Page 69] Man to find such an infallible Medi­cine as to cure all Diseases. But there are for natural Causes, natural Helps; and for differing sorts of Diseases, there are many sorts of Medicines proper for their Cures: And those that have Understanding will seek for help in time, if they know where to have it, for it is difficult to find out such as have good Skill and a good Conscience. Many will say, the World is a Cheat; and the Scrip­ture saith, All Men are Liars; and it may be you will say, you have met with such ill usage that you know not who to trust, especially in Mat­ters that concern Life and Health: in this you are at a loss and know not what to do, and bodily Diseases come on a sudden; and commonly in haste you run to the next that comes to hand for help; but if it prove not a skilful Man, it may be there is a Life lost, or some Mischief done for want of a right understanding of the Disease, and for want of a proper [Page 70] Remedy. And such as seek only their own Interest, will make Profit of them, and make it no Matter of Conscience whether they live or die; and if they know they can do no good, they will not be so honest as to tell them so, but will keep them in hand while it is too late for others to help them. There are too many such Practitioners, and this is a great Discouragement, and makes many afraid to put themselves into the hands of Physicians; but I would ad­vise such that are in Health, to get knowledg of an able Physician be­fore Sickness comes; and those who know their bodily Diseases, to be provided of such Remedies as they hear do cure others in the like case; and this is the way not to be deceived. Believe not any Man by his own Re­port only, nor by a bare Discourse of others, but get plain proof of his Skill, and then you may venture with safety.

[Page 71] Now since I have been in the pra­ctice of Gouts, Rheumetisms and Palsies, and all such-like painful Dis­eases and weakness of Limbs, there are some that would seek to ruin me if they could, and do hate me, and are maliciously set against me for my doing good: I could name some, but I shall omit that now; and if they give me farther Occasion, I shall make them ashamed of their Doing, for no Man shall discourage me from improving the Gifts God hath be­stowed on me; and all may know what great Success I have had by what I have written.

I am unwilling to put Persons Names in print that I have cured, by reason many are troublesome to go and make enquiry when they have no occasion. This I have told you, that all that have need of help may come to me, and I will shew them what I have under the Hands of those I have cured, sufficient to satisfy all Persons what I have done, [Page 72] and what I can do. But because some through Envy do publikly endeavour to run down my Gout-Medicines, I look upon my self concerned to make mention of something of Proof a­gainst them, who have made it their Business to speak against me without Cause.

A Vindication in my own Defence a­gainst my malicious Adversaries.

As most of the Discourse against me is by some private Persons, yet it comes to a kind of a publick Dis­course. Were it a publick thing in open Court, then I would make a publick Defence in that manner as hath not been seen, that the World may judg what good I have done in my time: but according to my pre­sent Occasion, I shall in this private way make my Defence, that may be read at leasure, being in a little com­pass, it may serve for a Pocket-Com­panion.

Many are offended because I am not a College-Doctor, and brought up gra­dually to be a Physician, and there­fore cannot have Skill.

In answer to this, first, Most do know I do not pretend to be a Doctor, for my Business is not among the Sick; yet I must tell you, I do understand much in many Diseases as to the curable part: but that I leave to the Doctors, except it be so that I may have a Friend given over by all; if I can do them any neighbourly Service of Love, or help such as cannot be at the Charge of a Doctor, so far as Christian-Love and Charity re­quires my help.

But that which is my Practice, the Doctors do not pretend to, as to cure or help the Gout after that speedy manner as I do, for these are new things of late discovery, that no Man knoweth but my self; and though many are unbelieving, yet what is [Page 74] written is certainly true, that I can do more than other Men in the afore­mentioned Diseases.

And though I were not brought up gradually (as you call it) to be a Physician, in that way and order as College-Doctors, so I do not pretend to that Knowledg, Skill and Learn­ing; but this I can tell you, that I have been a Student of Physick for many Years: and though I did not wear a Gown at the University, yet I did learn much of my Knowledg at Oxford, and had the Privilege of a Scholar in the great Library, and be­gan in my Youthful Days. After I had obtained to the knowledg of many good things, I did not practise it for some Years, only for my self and Family: But after some time I became serviceable to my Friends, Acquaintance and Neighbours; and thus I gradually came by my Know­ledg and Learning. And though I have not the knowledg of discoursing like a Doctor in their Terms, yet I [Page 75] do know something of the Nature [...]nd Cause of Diseases, and know now to cure a Disease.

There are some that their Parents do bestow much on them to train [...]hem up to be Ministers or Doctors; but if they have not a natural Incli­nation that way, many times all cometh to nothing. Also there are some as can use their Tongues well in Latin and other Languages, can talk a great deal and do but little. I have known many such in my time, being acquainted in the University with all Sorts and Degrees, so it is not a Rule to trust to, for every Man that is well-learned in Latin, Greek and Heb [...]ew, that he is therefore a skilful Man; for I have been ac­quainted with some that have had all these Parts of Learning, and yet fit for nothing but to talk. Now all that know me, do know I am no tal­kative sort of Man, being naturally one of few words, and am like one always in a study; but yet I am rea­dy [Page 76] to give an Answer in any Matter whatsoever, by which you may know I am not an ignorant nor un­learned Person, neither do I under­take that as I am not able to perform▪ and though I am not a College-Do­ctor, yet I have knowledg and skill in that I do practise, as doth plainly appear, being examined, tried and proved: 'Tis clearly seen, and may be believed, that so far as I do pre­tend, God hath given me Skill and Understanding, and he it is that maketh me to prosper.

This may be sufficient to answer this Part, I shall in the next place an­swer some other Reflections.

Another Reflection or Supposition is, That some dangerous Matter is in the Medicine, as Aquafortis, or some other such-like things, because it draweth Blisters, and with over­doing causeth the Skin to come off.

I did never use Aquafortis in my Life. And in answer to this Suppo­sition, among the many things that have been named by the Doctors and other Practitioners, put the Judgments of all together, they never named more than one thing in it. You may know by what I have already decla­red, that there is nothing hurtful or dangerous in it, because I can take it inwardly my self, and in the very Nature of the thing, in drawing any venomous Matter out of the Body.

And further, let any Doctors, or others, propose what way soever they will to apply it, on purpose to do all the hurt they can with it, I will ex­pose [Page 78] my own Body for the Trial and Proof of it in Publick, if required. If there were danger of doing Mischief with it in the use of it, then it would have been discovered before this time, for I have applied it to Men, Women and Children, and ne­ver did hurt to any; and I do use it freely to blister the Part, if need re­quires.

But you will not believe this, that I dare use it so freely; I shall give some proof of this to help your Un­belief, for in some Cases I cannot cure the Disease without blistering the Part; it doth not make any large blistering, but they rise as Pimples; which if you suffer your Woollen Cloth to chase the Part, this will cause the Skin to come off, but it will quickly heal again; this is the great­est Mischief that can come on it, but is often profitable if wisely ordered. This may be sufficient to answer this Scruple of dangerous Matter in it, and what follows will satisfy further.

An Account of Cures done by Bli­sters drawn by the Gout-Balsam.

JUDG Advocate Jenkins was cu­red of the Dropsy; with once dressing the Humours came out in one Night's time, and he was well.

Mrs. Hathaway in Browns-Lane in Spittle-Fields, had Blisters drawn on both her Temples with this Balsam, in an Apoplectical Disease; she had lain as dead for a long time before I came to here, and no hopes of her Life: But after I had applied this, and other of my Gout-Medicines, she was recovered to her Speech in half an hour, and revived, and rose up in a very short time after. I ad­vised her to lay something to draw the Blisters, and to keep them run­ning; which she did, and they run for two Weeks, and so healed up. After this she had her Health bet­ter [Page 80] than she had for many Years before.

Mr. Clifton in Old-Fishstreet has been confined by the Gout for all the whole Winter, several Years toge­ther, but was set at liberty about Christmass last, who used to be con­fined till May. His Humours were drawn off by blistering the Parts with this Balsam.

Mr. Jacobs, Turkey-Merchant in Aldermanbury, by Blisters on his Feet, had help for the Gout, that came out like Gravel, and Dropsy-like Hu­mours which came away as clear Wa­ter, near half a Pint in one Morn­ing. He also was recovered in a short time.

Captain Hutson in Grace-Church­street, was dressed freely, and the Humours of the Gout were helped off by Blisters, and was recovered to go abroad in a little time.

Mr. Hide in Stanhope-street, had Blisters drawn for the Stony-Gout, which brought out the Humours like [Page 81] thick Curds, and prevented the ex­tremity of Pain, by discharging of the Humour in this kind of way, and then it healed up again in a very short time.

Mr. Terry at the King's-Head in Cheap-side, had it freely applied for Blisters on his Knee, to bring out Humours, that caused the shrinking of Sinews, that he could hardly go with Crutches; but in less than 12 Hours his Sinews were brought out, and he could walk without Crutch or Stick.

Mr. Howard at Limehouse-Corner, that was much afflicted with the Gout, and could not be helped, till by Blisters the Humours were let out, and then he was at ease, and could walk abroad. But sometimes the Blisters will be healed up in one Night's time, then I apply it free­ly again: but some are so quick­ly healed up, that I am forced to dress it on the Blisters, and open them three or four times one after [Page 82] another. After this manner he was helped, and kept well for a long time.

Mrs. Ambrose, at the Bell in Wood-street, was afflicted with a painful tormenting Disease in one Hand; it was swelled all over the Hand, and about the Wrist, as if it had been poisoned: She lay in a miserable Condition for many Weeks, and neither Doctors nor any others could give her Ease till I was sent for; then did I apply this Balsam, which did immediately take away her Pain, and afterwards dressed it freely to raise these Blister-Pimples; so the venomous Humour came out, and in this manner was she cured.

Mr. Tarrant, at the Bell in Booth-street in Spittle-Fields, was greatly afflicted with Sciatick Pains in his Hip and Thigh, that he was almost consumed away like a Consumptive Man, and kept in Bed in a helpless Condition, and there was no Help nor Ease could be had till I came; [Page 83] then I applied the Balsam, and bli­stered the Part, and the Humour came away; so he had present Ease, and was recovered to go abroad in a few Days: and by applying it two or three times, he was perfectly cu­red, and is well in Health, much bet­ter than he used to be in former time.

The Widow Hudson, who keeps a Coffee-house in Jewry-Lane, being long afflicted with the Gout and Dropsy, and kept in Bed very help­less, till by the use of this Balsam, by way of blistering the Parts like the stinging of Nettles; thus the Humours were vented, and she is very well recovered.

Sir Richard Fisher, at Islington, when he could not stir to help him­self, but was carried about by two of his Men from Bed, and to Bed; in like manner was helped the same way, and the Humours came out; he walked about the same Day, and continues well. It was done about a [Page 84] Year and half ago, and there is hopes it may not come again.

Capt. Dudley, at Ratcliff-high-way, in the Gout, was also helped by bli­stering the Parts afflicted.

Mr. Hall, by the Pewter-platter in Whitecross-street, was cured of the Dropsy after the same manner; the Humour came out plentifully, and since hath remained in good Health.

Mr. Mason, in Denmark-street by Ratcliff-high-way, was helpless, being afflicted with a painful tormenting Disease, and perfectly cured after the same manner.

Mr. Sheffield, near Ratcliff-Cross, for a pain and weakness in his Back▪ he went as if his Back had been bro­ken; he was cured after the same manner, by blistering that part.

Mr. Palmer, at Ratcliff-Cross, for the Gout in his Leg, was helped af­ter the same manner; and others o [...] the Neighbours in that place, as you may enquire at the Shoemaker's Shop.

[Page 85] Mr. Flowers, in Old-Soho, his Wife was greatly afflicted with the Gout, and was helped also after the same manner.

Mr. Hancock a Counsellor, at the lower end of Arundel-street, in Ex­tremity of the Gout, was helped af­ter the same manner.

Mr. Edwards a Brewer, in Old-Gra­vel-lane by Wapping, for the Gout was helped after the same manner, by blistering the Part, and is cured; has remained well a long time.

Mr. Spirey, at Anchor-stairs by Deptford, being in tormenting pain of the Gout, by once dressing after this manner, was set at liberty, and freed of his Pains, and walked about the same day.

Mr. Holmes a Salesman, over a­gainst the Earl of Bedford's in the Strand, being afflicted with the Sci­atica, for a long time was cured after the same manner.

Mr. Palmer, near St. Katherines by the Bell, was lame a Month in [Page 86] great Pain; and with once dressing in this manner was perfectly cu­red.

Mr. Cooper, at the three Compasses upon Redriff-wall, in tormenting pain of the Gout, with once dressing af­ter this manner, was well recovered, and went abroad the same day; he was anointed, though weak and helpless before his dressing.

Mr. Olive, in Shagby's Walk in Wapping, having great pain and a lameness on him for a long time, with once anointing was perfectly cured.

Mr. Taylor, on Wapping-Wall, was very lame, and in tormenting Pain night and day; was perfectly cured by once dressing.

Multitudes of People have recei­ved great Good by my Medicines in many Diseases which I do not make mention of: but you may under­stand by what I have given you, that my principal intended Business, is to attend such who are afflicted with [Page 87] Gouts, Rheumatisms, Palsies, Con­vulsions, and all such-like Cases. I have cured some that have been lame many Years, and the Cure hath been performed very speedily; but some do require a longer time. This you may conclude, if I undertake a Cure, you may be encouraged it shall be my loss if I do not perform it.

If I should tell here the Cures I have done for Consumptive People, you could hardly believe it, but I shall not insist here on such things: If I could have had time, I should in pity have writ something to help such in this Book, but that I shall re­fer to the next Impression, and in the mean time shall be willing to help such by my Advice, if they can come or send to my House.

Now I must return to the Matter intended, for if I should fill up my Book with never so many Testimo­nies of curing the Gout and such­like Diseases, yet still some cannot or will not believe this to be true, [Page 88] that there is a Man that can do these things.

In a Trial at Law, in difficult Matters, the plain Proof of two or three Witnesses on Oath, puts an end to all Controversies, and both Judg and Jury is convinced to believe, and judg according to the Proof and Truth of the Evidence. Such large Proof hath been given of speedy Cures of many diseased Persons, of Gouts, Rheumetisms, Palsies, and such-like, and were so speedily freed of their Pains, that it is incredible to declare it. But that you may be convinced of the Truth, I have gi­ven you the Testimony of ten Men, who have declared on Oath, every Man in his own Case, their particu­lar Cures, and how speedily done: in the presence of many Witnesses was this Proof given, before the Right Honourable Sir John Fleet, late Lord Mayor of the City of London. And for a farther Confirmation, he hath given it in writing under his own [Page 89] Hand; also subscribed by his Attor­ney at Law.

It cannot be supposed that I should put a Cheat on the People by publish­ing this, or that I should dare to counterfeit the Hand-writing of so great a Magistrate, which would but expose me shamefully to suffer pu­nishment for so doing. All rational Persons may believe this is Truth, therefore I shall not need to give any of their Names in this Book; but such as desire to be further satisfied, may see every Man's Affidavit in Writing under their own Hands, or may have a printed Paper of the Co­py at the Author's House; with ma­ny others who have given under their Hands the manner of their Cures, therefore shall not mention any of them here.

Several of these also are perfectly cured by my Gout-Balsam, being ap­plied freely to blister the Parts; by which all may be well satisfied there is no danger, though it may blister [Page 90] and cause the Skin to come off where it is freely applied: but yet some Bo­dies are so differing from others, that if they use never so much, they can­not feel it, and it will not cause ei­ther Pimple or Blister on them; but yet though it be not felt, it doth so open the Pores that it lets out the Disease, let it be Wind or Water, and no more to be seen afterwards than if nothing had been done: so some are cured with ease and plea­sure, rather than punishment, by u­sing it. And this may be observed for a Rule, if you do not feel it you may use it as often as you will; or if you are minded to use but little, it doth require the longer time for your Cure.

Now this is my way of vindicating my self, by giving you a plain Ac­count what is done by my Medicines, rather than to name or publish what envious lying Persons report. If I should be as unkind to them as they are to me, I could spoil their Practice [Page 91] and selling of Medicines, by making known what Discourse has passed to me in the hearing of others; for ma­ny have visited me in pretence of Love, that will in other Company speak against me without a Cause, being only envious for my Prosperi­ty and good Success in Business; and there are many offended at the Good I do: It would be a Crime in me if I should not do Good; and the Cures I perform prefer me in Practice, and the Success I have shameth my Ad­versaries, who are not able to do the like.

You have had an Account here of Cures mostly concerning the Gout, and such-like painful Diseases, that have been performed chiefly by the Gout-Balsam, being freely used to blister the Parts, and no hurt done to any. Thus you have that which is sufficient to prove them Liars that would say 'tis a dangerous Medi­cine.

[Page 92] The next thing, as a farther Vin­dication of the Excellency of my Gout-Balsam, is to give you an Ac­count of what strange Cures have been done in Palsies, and such-like Cases, with the use of that and my other Gout-Medicines.

Great and Remarkables Cures perform­ed on Palsies and Convulsions in the Nerves.

Mr. Hoar, a Painter in Wapping, lost the use of his Limbs by the dead Palsy for five Months, was perfectly cured in a few days.

Mr. Dimsdell, in Wenford-street by Spittle-Fields, was helpless in his Limbs, by the Num-Palsy and Con­vulsions in the Nerves, and was per­fectly cured in about two Weeks time.

Many poor People who have been brought to my House, being help­less, in Coaches, have been spee­dily recovered to go away on foot [Page 93] and without Crutches.

Mrs. Ashworth, in George-Yard in Shoreditch, who for a long time had been afflicted with running Pains in all Parts with Convulsions. She had used all Means as could be heard of to help her; had tried the Bath, and all was ineffectual, but grew worse: but at last, by Providence, she heard of one in the same Neighbourhood that I had cured: I was sent for; when I came, the Neighbours were about the Bed expecting her depar­ture; with all speed I applied the Means, for I found it was the Cho­lick, Convulsions and Gout, had af­fected all parts at once, both Limbs, Bowels, Stomach and Head. In a­bout two Hours I did remove the Cause, and she was comfortably re­vived, and in four days time she was cured.

Mrs. Lucas, just without Alders­gate, had been lame many Months in a helpless Condition; the Doctors could not find out the Cause, and [Page 94] none could help her; so she lay un­der great pain and weakness, which was on one Side only, yet she could not help her self; the Nurse carried her about like a Child in Arms. When I came, I went speedily to my Work, and in one hour's time she walked about; and in about four days time she had recovered such strength, that she could walk from her Country-Lodgings at Islington, to her Dwelling-House at Alders­gate.

Mr. Morgan's Son, at the corner of Little-Britain in Aldersgate-street, had been helpless a long time almost in all Parts. It was a kind of inward Convulsion that affected the Bowels and Limbs, as was the Cause of his weakness: I applied the Means I use for helping the Gout in the in­ward part; which after once dres­sing he walked about, and the se­cond dressing perfectly cured.

Several others in that Street I have speedily helped in extremity of [Page 95] pains; but 'tis needless to multiply to fill up, it would tire your patience to read all.

Mr. Moon, a Cheesmonger in High-Holborn, over against the new Watch-House that is built in the middle of the Street by the Fountain-Tavern: He had kept in Bed for a long time as a bed-rid Man, and could not help himself; all Means that had been used were ineffectual, so he lay in a hope­less Condition despairing of help: At last, by strange Providence, I came to him; and because he had no pain, I feared he was uncurable; but my Medicines were applied, which dis­covered the Disease; it appeared to be a palsical waterish Humour that was on the Sinews, with a kind of Convulsion in the Nerves, that was the Cause of his Weakness. In less than one hour after I had applied my Medicines, the Cause being brought out, his strength came to him, and he rose out of Bed and walked about his House. I dressed him twice after­wards, [Page 96] and in a little time he came to his full strength, and in good bo­dily Health. After this manner was this Cure performed.

I have formerly cast off several that have been under great Weakness, be­cause they have had no pain, and sometimes no feeling; for at first my Medicines had not that Success in such Cases as now they have: but now they are much amended, and I daily increase my Knowledg in these things, and do much Good, and per­form greater Cures than formerly, in several Diseases which I have thought uncureable my self; as appears by the aforementioned Cures, and others as follow, which are sufficient Proof of the great Skill and Knowledg God hath given me in curing Diseases.

Mr. Meriton (Minister of Old-Fishstreet) his Son, in the 21 st Year of his Age, was strangely afflicted with a Disease that took away his Limbs, and deprived him of the use of Nature; it had so affected hi [...] [Page 97] inward parts from the pit of the Sto­mach, that all his lower parts were as dead; his Bowels and inward parts were as dead, without any feeling or strength to help Nature; also down both sides to his Toes ends. In this very weak Condition this Gentleman had lain for a long time, and no help could be had by all means that was used, by the Advice and Help of able Doctors of the College. There were several concerned to advise and help one another, consented to use the utmost of their Skill in this Case; but no good could be done, neither could they discover the Cause of this Dis­ease; so there was no hopes of his recovery, but in all likelihood grew nearer to his End as it got upwards. At last I was sent for by a Letter to come at a set time; so when I came there was Dr. Merity, and two of the College-Doctors, and several others: After a little discourse, I began to ap­ply my Medicine, which did in a ve­ry little time cause a sensible feeling [Page 98] of the Blood circulating, and in less than two hours he stood up, and his strength began to come; he walked about a little then. Now as it ap­peared, the Cause of this was from Convulsions on the Nerves and in­ward Parts, and by this means the Limbs were affected with a palsical Disease, that taketh away all strength wheresoever it cometh; the Convul­sions had appeared by twitchings in his Toes & Feet: but after the means had been applied about three or four hours, he appeared more strongly. Then I came with my Medicines that cure Convulsions, and in a quar­ter of an hour I brought away the very Cause, and from that time he never had any more Convulsions then his strength came, and the next day he walked about without any help; so I dressed him a second and a third time. Thus he was perfectly cured in about four days time. This was in cold frosty Weather this last Winter, so it was two Weeks before he went abroad.

[Page 99] Madam Hudson, on Tower-hill, was much after the same manner as Mr. Meriton was, both in the Limbs and inward Parts; only hers was all on one side of the Body, half the Head, one Arm, and one Leg; but in the inward parts all together as he was; and had been in this Condition about four Months, and all means was in­effectual, and no help could be had: though she had all done as the Do­ctors could advise her, yet still she remained in this Condition till I came. I applied the Means, and in 24 Hours she was in good order, and stronger and better to walk with that Leg that was lame, than with the other, for she was weak in all parts with lying so long, and a Consump­tive Woman long before. This great Alteration was done, chiefly by the first dressing; and since it has been her lot to fall into my hands, I hope, by my Direction, and God's Bles­sing, to cure her of the Consump­tion. I have done much in helping [Page 100] her, both for the Cholick and Stone, and hope to see her in good Health on all Accounts: She is now under the use of Means for the Consumption, and is in a good way of recovery.

Mr. Boulton's Kinsman, living near the aforesaid Mr. Moon in Holborn, was lame of a nummed and dead Pal­sy: It affected all parts, both Head and Body, especially from the mid­dle of the Body to the Toes ends; both his Legs were dead and cold, had no feeling at all; pinching, pricking, or cutting, nothing could hurt him: He was tried, but, he said, if we would cut off his Legs, he should not feel it; they were also pale, and looked like the Limbs of a dead Man. This put me to a stand, whe­ther I had best do any thing to him or not: I had him then took out of Bed, and laying him cross on the Bed, I dress'd him; and after a little time he felt a pricking in both his Legs▪ Then he began to be warm, I still chafed the weak parts till he had [Page 101] good feeling; I pinched him and he cried out. In a little time his strength came; in less than two hours time I had done all, and put on his Clothes, and he walked down two pair of Stairs presently, without Stick or Crutch; then I left him among the Family. This was done the first dressing, being the fourth day of this instant May 1694. This young Man liveth with his Uncle, who keeps a Publick House in Bloomsbury-Market. He is a Tapster, and hath since gone up and down Stairs to draw Drink, from five a Clock in the Morning till Night. But this was too hard for him, for it hath caused a stiffness in his Limbs; yet he will be well of this in a little time, if not neglected or over-wrought before he hath got his full strength.

A young Gentlewoman at Mr. Millers (the Bull-head Tavern in Woodstreet near Cheapside) was taken with a Dead-Palsy on all one side of her Body; it drew her Mouth, caused [Page 102] an Impediment in her Speech, af­fected her Senses being much in her Head, and her Limbs on that side were as dead. Thus she lay in a helpless Condition for some Weeks, and none could help her. Mrs. Mil­ler came to hear of some Cures I had done in that Street, and sent for me: In like manner I dressed the dead Parts, and before I went out of the House, she walked about without any help; in about a Week's time she walked strongly: her Head is also recovered, but her Arm is not yet, by reason of her being blooded; therefore remember my Cautions: By this Arm it may be seen how she was in other Parts; I have her yet in hand for her Arm, and hope in time to recover that also. This is one of the first Questions I ask in any such-like Cases, Are they blooded? A Word to the Wise is sufficient. If my Advice had been observed but two Years ago, as it is now, I am satisfied some might have been yet [Page 103] living that are now a rotting in their Graves.

What sad Objects are daily seen, of Persons afflicted with Palsies and other Diseases, as we walk the Streets, that could never be helped because no Cure was found out for them! and great Numbers do lie in Beds in Chambers and Garrets, hid from the World, and thus they lie till they die. What if God send Means at last to help such Objects of pity, why should any be offended at this? You have heard what I have done; you know what I can do by what I have said before; How shall I satisfy you further? Will nothing serve but I must unfold these Secrets to you? Must I give my Labour to another, and my Skill to such as love not to take pains? it's not reasonable. But yet to satisfy you further, I will dis­cover something of the Nature and Safety of this Gout-Balsam, that you may have nothing more to say against it by your false Suppositions.

An Explanation, or a Discovery of the Safety of the Ingredients of the Gout-Balsam.

First of all; You say 'tis dange­rous because it will blister: You have heard of the Cures that have been done that way by its use. What I declared further is truth, and if re­quired can give it on Oath, that the most dangerous part in it is often gi­ven in Cordials by Doctors, that there is nothing in it but what is taken in­wardly. And further, some of the Ingredients are often eaten for Food, and for the most part is in common use, but especially in Summer-time in most Families: Thus far I declare, find out the rest. You may suppose I do something more than ordinary to draw out the Virtue, to make them useful in this way, but it is impossi­ble if I would to raise any dangerous Matter from the Ingredients; nei­ther is any part thereof repelling, [Page 105] but all on the contrary; and is so far from doing any hurt, that it is a pre­vention of all Danger, as plainly ap­peareth in the manner of its Opera­tion.

What I have laid down is sufficient to give Satisfaction, both to you as have given a wrong Judgment in the Matter, and to others that may be fearful and timerous; no Man hath any just Cause to be offended at me, for I am not willing to speak against others, except in my own Defence, and design not to give offence to any; therefore to remove all Prejudice and Envy, I shall make an Apology to the Practitioners in and about the City of London, to let them under­stand, my Business may be a help ra­ther than a hindrance to them, so we may agree together to serve our Friends. I advise my Patients (when I see occasion for it) to call for far­ther assistance; I do not love to hin­der other Mens Business. This is my Method.

An Apology to the Practioners in and about London, both Chirurgeons, Apothecaries and Doctors.

I. A Word to the Chirurgeons.

That which was my Business when I first began to be publick in the World, came the nearest to your Concern; but yet I left that as pro­perly was your Business, and applied my self to that as was the most dif­ficult, troublesome and dangerous Cases, as King's-Evil, Cancers, Ul­cers, Imposthumes, and such-like Cases. Many of you know I did great things, and had in that way of Business good Success, and great Pra­ctice; but now I am come from all this, and leave it to you, therefore you have less cause to be offended than any others: yet I hear abroad how some of you do speak slightly, and in an undervaluing way do run down me and my Medicines; and [Page 107] although you know my Skill and great Success, you are so unkind to your Friends, as to let them lie in Misery till they seek out for farther help, and so hear of me. It would be better if there were a Spirit of Love and Unity; you shall not hear me to speak against you in any back­biting way, nor meddle to run down another, for this is not to do as I would another should do to me: So let us agree, and serve one another in Love, and to do all the good we can to serve the Publick.

II. My Apology to the Apothecaries.

I know that you do not like any Physicians that do prepare their own Medicines, so I can hardly expect your good Word: but yet if you do but consider the Necessity Men are put upon to do this thing, it should silence you in finding Fault, consi­dering that in some difficult Cases there is no Cure to be had by any [Page 108] Medicines as you have; and this puts ingenious Men to study to find out something else; and if they do at­tain to that which effectually doth Bu­siness according to expectation, who shall be offended at this? Is it not all our Duties to study to do all the Good we can?

I do not intend to cast any Re­flections on you, for your Medicines are very necessary and useful; and most of you have good Business, and no cause to complain: As for my part, I shall not prepare any Medi­cines that belong to your Trade; but those things that I prepare, are more like Food than Physick; and I am so far from hindering your Business, that I rather promote it, by giving di­rections to my Patients to the use of your Medicines, as occasion requires. If it were in my way to serve you more, I should certainly do it; my Business doth not lie among the Sick, but with them that are Lame, and un­der painful Diseases; and for such I [Page 109] use only such things as I prepare my self, as you have an account of in this Book; and many Physicians and other Practitioners do make use of them with great success.

III. Lastly, I make an Apology to the Doctors of the College at London.

I do know some of you are very angry with me, because I often come where you are concerned: You see I raise your Patients on their Legs; and why should you be offended? the great Success I have, should ra­ther move you to promote my Medi­cines by your Advice; when you see the Case requires it, you would do well to send for my Assistance: and seeing you do not prepare your own Medicines, and you cannot find any other Person that can do what you know I can, I shall therefore give my Attendance to serve you, if you think well of it.

[Page 110] Let this Offer be well taken, and let not any be offended; and such as have been angry, I hope will be plea­sed again: if you will not be recon­ciled, I cannot help it; and though you have threatned me, and do in­tend if you can to put a stop to my Practice, I will stand in my Defence against you; if you can do the like, I will give place to you. The Law is not intended to bind Mens Hands from doing good, nor made for the private Interest of some particular Persons, but the intent is for the good of all the Subjects; and if any prove otherwise, our Parliaments can repeal or amend such Laws if they see good. Commonly such as are trou­blesome to others for well-doing, do but little good themselves, but seek their own Interest more than the Ad­vantage of others.

I do not intend any long Discourse of this kind, being not willing to give any Offence; but because some malicious Persons have interrup­ted [Page 111] me in my Business, and shew their malicious Intentions, what they would do if they had Power, I am well satisfied in my Mind, that they have such Malice against me, that if Opportunity served they would certainly do me a Mischief. If it lie in my power I shall be ready to do them good, and should be glad I had not occasion to mention these things; but I shall forbear, in hopes that all Anger and Malice may be o­ver in time. I have now some that are my very good Friends among you, and I shall endeavour so to be­have my self in my publick Business in the World, that I shall give no just Cause of Offence; but if I must fight, my greatest Weapon shall be my Pen to defend my self: I am peaceable of my self, and not easily provoked; but if I'm forced, I shall do as well as I can, trusting God will be my Defence.

The Lives and Limbs I have preserv'd,
have gained me much Love;
[Page 112] And he that taught me all this Art,
he dwells in Heaven above:
And I hope he will instruct and
learn me a great deal more;
And make me able to do more
than I have done before.

A great part of the Inhabitants in and about London, are a middle sort of trading People: My Business hath been much among them, and I am content with a middle Station. If I had studied my own Interest more than to serve the Publick, I might have set up a Coach and six Horses; but I am content to ride in a hired Coach, and find it most convenient for speed, for I love to make haste to do good, though it be to serve such as cannot pay for it, God hath gi­ven me enough to my full Content, and now I am ready to be serviceable to any according to my Ability▪ for in great and difficult Cases, I will help the Poor for nothing, rather than hide the Talent God hath given me.

[Page 113] I must declare this to you, though some that do not know me call me a Quack-Doctor, because I am not of the College, and it may be they think I am as ignorant as themselves; but you know me, or at least have heard of me, yet you may not know so much as them that have experience of me: therefore I shall let you know something I can do more than ordi­nary in other Cases as is not men­tioned.

I have a quick way in curing He­ctick Fevers, and therefore can do much in Consumptions.

I have a speedy way to help such who are Distracted, or Light-headed under any kind of Fevers, drawing [...]he Vapours down immediately, and rebuking the Fever in a strange man­ner.

Such as are taken raving Mad, oft­times the Disease lieth in the Head; I can cure them perfectly in one day's time.

[Page 114] Such as are in torment with the Cholick and Gravel in the Kidneys, I have an artificial way to ease them quickly, and bring away the offend­ing Matter.

Such as have Falling-sickness and other Fits, I can do much in helping them speedily, especially in Women.

In several other Cases I give such speedy help, as the like hath not been known in our Age.

Had I been in some Mens places, some great Persons that lately are gone to their long Homes, might have been in the Land of the Living.

I commit these things to your con­sideration, and if you please, try me and prove me; and when you are sa­tisfied, consider with your selves whe­ther it is reasonable to hinder my Pra­ctice, or to encourage it.

I have taken this way to speak my Mind to you, because I see you are not disposed to discourse me in a fa­miliar friendly way when I meet you in the College; but I hope we may [Page 115] meet in Friendship and Love when we are better acquainted. So fare­wel.

I have heard of false Reports gi­ven out by some, thinking thereby to hinder my Practice; to which I shall give my Answer.

An Answer to some false Reports.

Whereas several say, (by reason of the speediness of my Cures) I use Magick, or the Black Art, to do these things.

In answer to this I do declare, that I have never seen any Books of Astro­logy, to read in them, for fear I should be hindered in better things. I have a Rule to observe for gather­ing my Herbs at the proper time, by the Planets; and in all the other parts I am as ignorant as a new-born Child; and I am so well known, that I can give good satisfaction of my Life and Conversation: I am so [Page 116] far from being concerned that way, that I spend my spare Time in read­ing Books of Divinity. God only knoweth the Heart; but I have walked so circumspectly in my Life and Conversation, that I have kept my self unspotted from the World on all Accounts: Yet some have repor­ted me to be a Person of a wicked Life and Conversation. Several false and malicious Reports have passed as I have heard of; I appeal to the whole World: if any Person knows, or can prove any thing against me, I am ready to answer for my self. O­thers give out that I am dead; but that needs no answer, I am at my Dwelling-house in the Old-Jewry, ready to give Satisfaction in any Case whatsoever.

I think none can blame me for what I have written in my own De­fence, against them that publickly, in a backbiting way, have spoken a­gainst me: Many of them I do not [Page 117] know, therefore I thought it necessa­ry to give it out in print; by chance it may come into their hands, and convince them of their Folly; and it will be for the satisfaction of those who have been doubtful and timo­rous, and through their perswasion have been discouraged to use the Means: And though they cannot do any thing to give them Relief, yet they have hindred them from taking help in time. They have done more harm to others, than they can do to me; for many that might have been cured, are now uncureable, and some are dead as might have been living. But thus it hath been in former Ages, evil-minded Men are offended at any good Works: and as they love not to do good themselves, so they would hinder others; had they but Power, they would, like devouring Beasts, destroy their Fellow-Creatures.


Ingenious Students,

LET all that are lovers of Art, help and incourage one another, and join hand in hand together to do good, and exact on no Man, but do unto others as they would be done by; that is the way to obtain a Bles­sing, to make you prosperous in all your Undertakings, and indeavour to make improvement of Time; we need not spend it idly: he that know­eth most may learn more, and the best cometh short in many things. Let us still press forwards, and do Good while we live, that we may have Peace when we die: let us live in Peace and Unity as Brethren; we are all but on a Journey, travelling to­wards the Grave, let us take the Ad­vice of our old Father Jacob, See that ye fall not out by the way.

Next follow some good Receipts which I have used my self with great Success in curing many.

A Receipt with Directions for the Cure of the King's-Evil.

TAKE a Kilderkin, or a lesser Vessel, with one end out; and put into your Vessel two Gallons of Spring-water; then put into the Water three Pounds of Stone-Lime unslacked, stir it about very well; put in two Gallons more, and three Pound of Lime, stirring it: then add more Wa­ter and Lime, to what quantity you please, still stirring it till it hath done hissing; then cover it up for nine Days, and it will be very clear.

Then take of this Lime-water two Gal­lons, and put into a Stean, or Pot; then put in half a Pound of Liquorish sliced, and half a Pound of Anni-Seeds, and half a Pound of Currans beaten, with half a Pound of white Saxafras-Root sliced; stir them all together, and after 24 Hours be­gin to drink of it.

Take half a Pint first in the Morning, and at four in the Afternoon, and last at Night, for some Weeks together. 'Tis best for this Disease to take it at Spring and Fall if need be, for a Month toge­ther.

[Page 120] This King's-Evil Drink hath cured ma­ny of this Disease; and being a great cleanser of the Blood, is good in many other Diseases, as hath been experienced: It works chiefly by Urine, And helps

  • Scurvy and Dropsy,
  • Ulcers and Imposthumes,
  • Piles and Fistula's,
  • Consumption▪wastings,
  • Cinpanies,
  • Stone and Gravel,
  • Swelling and Sores,
  • All Corrupt Humours,
  • Shortness of Breath,
  • Want of Appetite.

If you have any Wound or dangerous Sores that may be under Cure, then drink of this, and it will help the Cure by pu­rifying the Blood.

I have observed, that the King's-Evil and other corrupt Diseases, are mostly a­mong poor People: I hope this Receipt, with other Directions I shall give, will be of great use to help such, and be a means of preserving their Limbs, that they may be able to work for their Livings; for ma­ny [Page 121] poor Families have been ruined for want of Cure in many such-like Dis­eases.

If you make a quantity it will not keep long, except you leave out the Currans; if you leave them out it will serve: Or you may mix up a little, and have it fresh. If you would make it pleasant, you may put in a spoonful of Syrup of Elder-Ber­ries into every Draught, or sweeten it as you like it.

Now if your young Children have need of it, if they cannot drink a Quantity to do them good, let them drink the oftner: If they drink it for their common Drink several Weeks together, it is profitable so to do.

Some Gentlemen that have experienced it, will drink it a Month together for the Scurvy.

It is also good for any itching or scabby Diseases to drink, for six or eight Weeks together if occasion be.

Another thing good to add to this Drink if need require.

Take of those things commonly called Hog-Lice, or as some call, Lock-chesers, because they role round up in your Hand. [Page 122] Dry these and pouder them, and take as much as will lie on a Sixpence, last at Night, and first in the Morning, in a Spoonful of the King's-Evil Drink; then drink a little after it, but not so much as when you do not mix this Pouder in it. Observe when you take this, follow it for nine days together.

A Plaister for the Swellings of the Evil.

Take a Handful of Hounds-tongue, and boil it in a Pint of Oil: Then strain your Oil, and to half a Pint of this Oil, put in half a pound of Red-lead; boil them a­bout a quarter of an hour, or something longer, till it be fit for a Plaister. Apply this to the swelling, and let it stick on till it drops off; then apply another if need be. This is good to dissolve the Swelling.

For running Sores of the Evil.

You may apply this Plaister, and if it run much, lay on a fresh Plaister once in two days; but open it twice a day, and wash it very well with Lime-water; this will keep it clean, and in time heal it up. It is not good to use Plaisters that draw much, that is hurtful; for by drawing the Humours too much to one place, they be­ing [Page 123] sharp, there will be danger of hurting the Bones.

Another Help for running Sores.

Take the inward Bark of Elder, and boil in Lime-water; then wash the Sores twice a day with this, and sometimes lay on El­der-leaves for some days for change; after two or three days apply the Plaister a­gain: this observed, will keep all the Sores in good order, better than if they kept to one thing, especially if the Humour be ve­ry sharp. If you do make good use of these things, you may have great Success in curing the King's-Evil, especially if you apply them in time, then the Cure is per­formed quickly: I have cured some in a month, and others in less time; but when the Distemper is old and fixed, it requi­reth a longer time: still keep using the Means, you will find encouragement by the Amendments. You must keep to the out­ward Means till it be well; the Drink need not be taken but according to the Directi­ons, chiefly at Spring and Fall. I wish you may have the Success I have had in the King's-Evil and Scurvy, and other cor­rupt Humours, you have the same Means. Next I shall give Directions for such as have sore Breasts.

For Swellings in the Breast which are not to be broken, that come by Cold.

Take a Handful of Holyhock-leaves, and as many Violet-leaves; cut them small, and boil them in fresh Butter, or Hogs-Lard; make it like a Poultis, and lay it on a Wool­len Cloth to cover the Breast: lay it on as warm as can be endured; let it lie on 24 hours, and if need be apply it a second or third time. This is also good for Breasts that are broken, and have many Holes; apply it in this manner, and this will heal them in a little time.

For a Cancered Breast.

Take the Cords or Corns, as some call them, of a Stone-horse: dry them and beat them to Pouder, and take half an Ounce in a draught of Ale, fasting two hours after do thus three Mornings together. This is a choice thing for such-like Humours in the Breast.

To use Outwardly.

Take a Pint of Ale, a Sprig or two of St. John's-wort, either green or dry; boil it [Page 125] till it come to a quarter of a Pint or less, it will be like Salve: When 'tis cold, lay it on thin Leather, and dress it twice a day, laying it well on the Sore, then lay on the Plaister: Keep to this, and in a few days you will find a good Alteration.

For a Dropsy and Tinpany.

Take Salt of Wormwood, Salt of Ash, and Salt of Broom, of each half an Ounce; put these in a quart of Wormwood-water, shake it well, and after twelve hours begin to drink of it, a Sack-Glass full every Morning, fasting two hours after it: One Bottle is sufficient if timely taken.


Take blew Flower-de-luce Roots, and bruise them, and take of the Juice two Spoonfuls, and two or three Spoonfuls of Syrup of Roses, and two Spoonfuls of Syrup of Rhubarb: Take this for three Mornings, it will help these Diseases.


Take a Spoonful of Mustard-Seed in half a Pint of Ale last at Night, and do the like first in the Morning. These things [Page 126] are of great use against the Dropsy and Tinpany.

A Cure for Agues.

Take Sinkfoil, otherwise called Five-leave Grass; dry it and pouder it, and take as much as will lie on a Six-pence, in half a Pint of Wormwood-Beer, very hot; take it when the cold Fit comes, and the like when the hot Fit comes: doing thus three Ague-days together, it will cure.


Take a pint of warm Milk, and a quar­tern of Brandy, and drink it when the Fit begins.


Take a pint of Ale, and a whole Nut­meg grated in it, an ounce of Allum bea­ten; make it hot, and drink it off, stirring about after it: use these, and one or the other will cure your Ague.

An easy Cure for Piles.

Take the white Ashes of slaty Coals, as are often among Sea-coal, and apply the Ashes to the part; 'tis an excellent thing for speedy help.

For Specks and Whites in the Eyes.

Take the White of Hen-dung poudered, and put it in the Eyes: 'tis a harmless thing, and good for many Distempers in the Eyes.

Another good thing for Eyes.

Take the Cock-tread out of an Egg, and put in the Eye, it will take any thing out of the Eye in a short time.

To stop Bleeding at the Nose in Women.

Take Man's Blood and pouder it; put it up the Nostrils, and Womens Blood for Men in like manner: But observe, after the Blood hath stood sometime, take of that as is thickest. Now you that are troubled with such Diseases, should not be unprovided.

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