At the Sign of the ELEPHANT Within a Door or two of the Golden-Posts Tavern at Charing-Cross,
DWelleth a Person that Writes all the usual Hands of England, and Teacheth to Write a good Hand in a Months time, his way of Teaching absolutely differing from all Masters, as to his concise Method and pains taking; he having Taught many from 7 and 8 years of age to 50, to write in a Month or six Weeks at farthest to great perfection; for in his way of Teaching, the Scholar cannot miss of Writing an exact and true Hand: By reason for want of a right grounding and pains taking on the Masters side at first, in the knowledge of the reason and humour of Hand and Pen, how the Letters are leaning and depending one upon another, that the Scholars writes not sooner and better then they do; for in most of the Hands of England, from 5 or 6 Letters Infallibly doth the whole Alphabet depend, and in making some one Letters, there is no avoiding the making 4 or 5 exact Letters, and so easy and plain, that Young Ladies and Gentlemen of 7, 8, and 9 years of age, hath in a month or six weeks at farthest, readily attained to such Perfection, as to be judged to have learnt Months or Years: who ever is pleased to discourse the Professor hereof, may receive a more ample satisfaction.
Short-hand also he Teacheth with great expedition, he having abreviated, corrected, and amended the same, to make it the more facile, easy, and plain to the Learner.
The Authour makes and sells a curious sort of shining Ink, an Ink that is everlasting, that decays not in Paper or Parchment, that neither Moth nor Mice will touch or come near.
Likewise a Liquor may be had of the Authour, that recovers any loss or decayed Writing, either in Paper or Parchment.
Also any Writing or Business may be fairly Writ and Copied to great content.