A COLLECTION OF SVNDRY PETITIONS Presented to the KINGS Most excellent Majestie. AS ALSO To the two most Honourable Houses, now assembled in PARLIAMENT. AND OTHERS, Already signed, by most of the Gentry, Ministers, and Free-holders of severall Counties, in behalfe of Episcopacie, Liturgie, and supportation of Church-Revenues, and suppression of Schismaticks. Collected by a faithfull Lover of the Church, for the comfort of the dejected Clergy, and all moderatly affected Protestants. Published by his Majesties speciall Command.

Ezek. 34.18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but you must tread downe with your feet the residue also. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pusht all the dis­eased with your hornes, till you have scattered them abroad; therefore will I save my flock, and they shall be no more a prey; and I will judge betweene Cat­tell and Cattell. And I will set up one Shepheard ouer them, and he shall feede them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their Shep­heard. J the Lord will be their God, and my servant David a Prince among them. J the Lord have spoken it.

Printed for William Sheares, 1642.


The Collector to the Reader.


LET mee put thee in mind (as these times doe mee) of a speciall Law in (that singular Patterne of a well composed State) Sparta. So sensible were they of the ill effects of Innovations in Government, that who ever proposed a new Law, presented himselfe with a Halter about his neck, his Head paid the tres­passe of a new invented Prejudice. But oh; Quantum mutantur Tem­pora, quantum nos, So rare a gift have the illuminated fancies of this all-knowing age, That old women without Spectacles can discover Popish plots, young men and prentizes assume to regulate the Rebel­lion in Jreland, Sea-men and Marriners Reforme the House of Peers, Poore men, Porters, and Labourers spy out a malignant party, and discipline them; The countrey clouted-shoe renew the decayed trade of the Citie. The Cobler patch up a Religion, & all these petition for a translation, both of Church and State, with so little feare of the Halter, that they would thinke themselves neglected, if they had not thanks for their care of the Re-publicke; only he that desires the ratification of an old Law, or of a long setled Ecclesiastick Govern­ment, lookes as if the Halter were his share; And though there be thir­ty thousand hands subscribed to it; 'Tis ods, not one of all those dares preferre a Petition to that purpose: Oh! Quis pudor quod non praestet fides quod praestitit infidelitas. Oh! what a shame is it that an igno­rant Seperatist shall covertly draw Subscribers out of blind zeale to loose papers, and those to be annext to some Embryon yet unhatcht, and delivered in the name of a County, with confidence, when a Knight of a shire shall perhaps smother the true child, and dares not owne it. That a few Innovators shall be able to summon to Black-heath, South-warke, and Saint-george his fields, thousands of credu­lous people, with implicite faiths, to goe along with Petitions shall be shewed them when they come there, for the alteration of Lawes, and Government: and the Resolutions of an assizes or Sessions of Iustices, published in all Parishes, signed by all the Free-holders of a County for the supportation of Lawes and Government, shall not produce one Patriot to present the unanimous desires of a County: yet it fals out often▪ so when single hearted men are encounter'd by a faction, each man thinkes he stands alone unassured of a second; when [Page] ten of the other confederated make more noyse then 10000. silent men. Episcopacy and Lyturgie are both legally planted at this time both violently assaulted: The question is, whether the battery, or the defence be the stronger: the one side charges furiously; the other suffers silently, patiently, and a reserved strength oft masters a violent: But each orthodox sonne of the Church thinkes himselfe in Eliahs case, that hee alone is left of all the Prophets, and alas, what can hee doe? And perhaps thou my Reader art one of those, Courage man; the same God that taught him to know, he had reserved seven thou­sand, that had never bowed their knees to Baall, when he opens thy eyes, can shew thee not seven, but seventy times seven thousand true Protestants, that will lend their hands and hearts to uphold that A­postolicke order, this blessed forme of divine service. The busines is, 'tis a hard time, every man's afraid to breake his shins by being foremost: But the Ice is broke already. This Collection of these many sleeping Petitions wil shew every County that the way is open: And since noise and number are taken into consideration, the for­wardnesse of the Assaylants will, I beleeve, put shame upon the De­fendants to be so farre behind. The Iudges being honourable, and impartially receiving the arguments on both sides, I presume none will discover a distrust of a faire acceptance, or betray a Trust (out of a personall respect) by detayning such Petitions, as the Counties have committed into their hands. If all such as are already signed see the light, I am sure this volume will be a large one, and the Number, and quality of the Defendants, as much over-sway the Opponents; as their arguments drawne from the Lawes of God and man, will out-weigh the Motives of those, who only will, because they will. As if it were cause enough to overthrow established Lawes, that they have desired it, though they shew no reason for it: But if all other Counties, all true Protestants with like liberty expresse their affecti­ons; the distractions of the Church will be quickly setled; To that good worke I have lent my hand, by lending thee and the world this light. Farewell.

A PETITION DELIVERED In to the Lords SPIRITUALL and TEMPORALL. By Sir THOMAS ASTON Baronet, from the County Palatine of Chester, concerning EPISCOPACY.

To the High and Honourable Court of PARLIAMENT. The Nobility, Knights, Gentry, Ministers, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the County Palatine of Chester, whose Names are subscribed in the severall Schedules hereunto annexed. Humbly shew;

THat whereas divers Petitions have lately beene carried about this County, against the present forme of Church-governe­ment, (and the hands of many persons of ordinary quality solicited to the same, with pretence to bee presented to this Honourable Assembly) which wee con­ceiving not so much to aime at Refor­mation, as absolute Innovation of Go­vernment, and such as must give a great advantage to the Adversaries of our Religion, wee held it our duty to disavow them all.

And humbly pray, that wee incurre no miscensure, if any such clamours have (without our privity) assum'd the name of the County.

Wee, as others, are sensible of the common grievances of the Kingdome and have just cause to rejoyce at, and acknowledge with [Page 2] thankefulnesse, the pious care which is already taken for the sup­pressing of the growth of Popery, the better supply of able Mini­sters, and the removing of all Innovation; and wee doubt not, but in your great Wisedomes you will regulate the rigour of Eccle­siasticall Courts, to suit with the temper of our Lawes, and the na­ture of Free-men.

Yet when wee consider, that Bishops were instituted in the time of the Apostles; That they were the great lights of the Church in all the first generall Counsels; That so many of them sowed the seeds of Religion in their bloods, and rescued Christianity from utter extirpation in the Primitive Heathen persecutions; That to them wee owe the redemption of the purity of the Gospell wee now professe from Romish corruption; That many of them for the propagation of the truth, became such glorious Martyrs; That divers of them (lately and) yet living with us, have beene so great asser­tours of our Religion against its common enemy of Rome; And that their Government hath beene so long approved, so oft established by the Common and Statute-lawes of this Kingdome; And as yet nothing in their Doctrine (generally taught) dissonant from the Word of God, or the Articles ratified by Law. In this case to call their Government, a perpetuall Vassalage, an intollerable Bondage; And (prima facie & inaudita altera parte) to pray the present remo­vall of them, or (as in some of their Petitions) to seeke the utter dis­solution and ruine of their offices (as Antichristian) we cannot con­ceive to relish o [...] justice or charity, nor can wee joyne with them.

But on the contrary, when wee consider the tenour of such wri­tings, as in the name of Petitions, are spread amongst the Common-people; the tenents preached publiquely in Pulpits, and the contents of many printed Pamphlets, swarming amongst us; all of them dan­gerously exciting a disobedience to the established forme of Go­vernment, and their severall intimations of the desire of the power of the Keyes, and that their Congregations may execute Ecclesiasti­call censures within themselves, wee cannot but expresse our just feares that their desire is to introduce an absolute Innovation of Presbyterall Government, whereby wee who are now governed by the Canon and Civill Lawes, dispensed by twenty-six Ordina­ries (easily responsall to Parliaments for any deviation from the rule of Law) conceive wee should become exposed to the meere Arbi­trary Government of a numerous Presbitery, who together with their ruling Elders, will arise to neere forty thousand Church Go­vernours, [Page 3] and with their adherents, must needs beare so great a sway in the Common-wealth, that if future inconvenience shall be found in that Government, wee humbly offer to consideration, how these shall bee reducible by Parliaments, how consistent with a Monarchy, and how dangerously conducible to an Anarchy, which wee have just cause to pray against, as fearing the consequences would prove the utter losse of Learning and Lawes, which must necessarily produce an extermination of Nobility, Gentry, and Order, if not of Religion.

With what vehemency of Spirit, these things are prosecuted, and how plausibly such popular infusions spread as incline to a parity, wee held it our duty to represent to this Honourable assembly; And hum­bly pray. That some such present course be taken, as in your Wisdomes shall bee thought fit, to suppresse the future dispersing of such dange­rous discontents amongst the Common-people. Wee having great cause to feare, that of all the distempers that at present threaten the well-fare of this State, there is none more worthy the mature and grave consideration of this Honourable assembly, then to stop the Torrent of such Spirits before they swell beyond the bounds of Government: Then wee doubt not but his Majesty persevering in his gracious inclination to heare the complaints, and relieve the grie­vances of his Subjects in frequent Parliaments, it will so unite the Head and the Body, so indissolubly cement the affections of his people to our Royall Soveraigne, that without any other change of Govern­ment, Hee can never want revenue, nor wee justice.

Wee have presumed to annex a Coppy of a Petition (or Libell) dispersed, and certaine positions preacht in this County, which wee conceive, im­ply matter of dangerous consequence to the peace both of Church and State. All which wee humbly submit to your great Judgements, praying they may bee read. And shall ever pray.

Subscribed to this Petition.
  • Foure Noblemen.
  • Knight Baronets, Knights and Esquires fourescore and odde.
  • Divines, threescore and tenne.
  • Gentlemen, three hundred and odde.
  • Free-holders, and other Inhabitants, above six thousand.
All of the same County.

To the High and Honourable Court of PARLIAMENT: The humble Petition of the Vniversity of OXFORD.


THat whereas the Vniversity hath beene informed of severall Pe­titions concerning the present Government of this Church, and maintenance of the Clergy, which have of late beene exhibited to this Honourable Assembly; Wee could not but thinke our selves bound in duty to God, and this whole Nation, charity to our selves and Suc­cessours, who have, and are like to have more then ordinary interest in any resolution that shall bee taken concerning Church-affaires, in all humility, to desire the continuance of that forme of Government, which is now established here, and hath beene preserved in some of the Easterne and Westnerne Churches, in a continued Succession of Bishops, downe from the very Apostles to this present time; the like whereof cannot bee affirmed of any other forme of Government in any Church. Vpon which consideration, and such other motives as have beene already represented to this Honourable Parliament from other Persons and places (with whom Wee concurre) in behalfe of Episcopacy. Wee earnestly desire, that you would protect that ancient and Apostolicall Order from ruine or diminution.

And become farther Suiters for the continuance of those pious Foundations of Cathedrall Churches, with their Lands and Reve­nues,

As dedicate to the Service and Honour of God, soone after the Plantation of Christianity in the English Nation:

As thought fit and usefull to bee preserved for that end, when the Nurseries of Superstition were demolished, and so continued in the last and best times, since the blessed Reformation, under King Ed­ward 6. Queen Elizabeth, and King James, Princes renowned through the World for their piety and wisdome:

As approved and confirmed by the Lawes of this Land, ancient and moderne:

As the principall outward motive and encouragement of all Stu­dents, especially in Divinity, and the fittest reward of some deepe and eminent Schollars:

[Page 5]As producing or nourishing in all ages, many godly and learned Men, who have most strongly asserted the truth of that Religion Wee professe, against the many fierce oppositions of our adversaries of Rome.

As affording a competent portion in an ingenuous way to many younger Brothers of good Parentage, who devote themselves to the Ministery of the Gospell:

As the onely meanes of subsistence to a multitude of Officers and other Ministers, who with their Families depend upon them, and are wholly maintained by them:

As the maine authours or upholders of diverse Schooles, Hospi­tals, High-wayes, Bridges, and other publique and pious Workes:

As speciall causes of much profit and advantage to those Cities where they are scituate, not onely by relieving their poore, and keep­ing convenient Hospitality, but by occasioning a frequent resort of Strangers from other parts, to the great benefit of all Tradesmen, and Inhabitants in those places:

As the goodly Monuments of our Predecessours Piety, and pre­sent Honour of this Kingdome in the eye of Forraigne Nations:

As the chiefe support of many thousand Familes of the Laity who enjoy faire estates from them in a free way:

As yeelding a constant and ample revenue to the Crowne:

And as by which many of the learned Professours in our Vniversity are maintained.

The subversion or alienation whereof must (as wee conceive) not onely bee attended with such consequences as will redound to the scandall of many well affected to our Religion, but open the mouthes of our adversaries, and of Posterity against us, and is likely in time to draw after it harder conditions upon a considerable part of the Laity, an universall cheapnesse and contempt upon the Clergy, a lamentable drooping and defection of industry and knowledge in the Vniversi­ties; which is easie to foresee, but will bee hard to remedy.

May it therefore please this Honourable Assembly, upon these and such other Considerations as your great Wisdomes shall suggest, to take such pious care for the continuance of these Religious Houses, and their Revenewes, according to the best intentions of their Founders, as may be to the most furtherance of Gods glory and service, the Ho­nour of this Church and Nation, the advancement of Religion and [Page 6] Learning, the encouragement of the modest hopes and honest endea­vours of many hundred Students in the Vniversities

Who doe and shall ever pray, &c.

Honoratissimis viris Equitibus, Civibus, & Burgensibus Supremae Curiae Parliamentariae SENATORIBUS Consultissimis. Summa cum demissione.

Senatores Honoratissimi,

NOn veremur ne voluentibus tanta negotia molesti simus Accademia Cantabrigiensis, cum nihil sit aut ad Religionem certius, aut ad splendorem nominis excelsius, quàm suscipere Litterarum clientelam. In quo studio, cùm singu [...]aris animi vestri propensio semper eluxerit, tum nulla in re magis possit eminere, quàm si Ecclesiae honestamenta ea, quae sub optimis Regibus tam diu optinuerunt, indelibata tucamini.

Non enim agitur unius Accademiae, non unius aetatis causa; nam nec industria poterit non relanguescere, nec bona indoles ali, atque augeri nec vota parentum non in irritum cadere, nisi spe non vana suffulciantur. Quàm praematurum putemus bonis artibus oc [...]asum imminere, si stipen­dium idem Militi sit quòd Imperatori? Sun [...] qui exp [...]diendis Scholasti­corum ambagibus, evoluendis antiquorum Patrum monumentis, expur­gandae feci Romanae, velut Augiae stabulo, se totus impenderunt; nec aliam mercedem prensant, quam in Ecclesia Cathedrali tandem aliquan­do quasi in portu conquiescere; it a fit, ut quod ignavis Asylum incitiae est, id candidioribus ingeniis pro stimulo sit ad optima persequend [...], nec aequi­tas juditiorum vestrorum ferret, improbitatem nonnullorum in publicam calamitatem redundare. Impetigo Romana quam amplam tum sibi nacta videbitur se diffundendi materiam, cùm non sit nisi imbelles adver­sarios habitura? neque enim certamini, vacare possunt, qui id unicè agunt, [Page 7] ut in rostris Concionibus sudent; etiam▪ num percentiscere nobis vide­mur undam atque inanem Accademiam, & antiquam paupertatem quasi p [...]aeludio perhorrescimus: nec vestra progenies non aliquando ventura est in tantarum miseriarum partes. Quin itaque Senatores Amplissimi, per spes Parentum, per illecebras industriae, per subsidia simul & orna­menta pietatis, per vincula, nervos, & firmamenta Literarum, velitis splendorem Ecclesiae, qui longissimis ab usque temporibus, ad nostra tempora deductus est, authoritate vestra communire. Sed quia Lin­gua nativa dolores & desideria sua faelicius exprimit, annexam Literis Peti [...]ionem benevolis auribus excipietis.

Honori vestro Deditissimi Procancellarius, reliquusque caetus Accademiae CANTABRIGIENSIS.

To the Honourable the Knights, Citi­zens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble Petition of the Vniversity of CAMBRIDGE.


THat your Petitioners having heard of divers suggestions offered to this Honourable Court by way of Remonstrance, tending to the subver [...]on of Cathea all Churches, and alienation of those Lands, by which they are supported, being the ancient Inheritance of the Church, Founded and bestowed by the Religious bounty of many Famous and Renowned Kings and [...]rinces of this Land, and other Be­nefactours, both of the Clergy and Laity, and established and confir­med unto them by the Lawes of this Kingdome, and so accordingly have beene employed to the advancement of Learning, the encourage­ment [Page 8] of Students, and preferrement of Learned men, besides many o­ther pious and charitable Vses.

May it please this Honourable Court, out of their great wisdome, and tender care for the cheerishing of Learning, and furtherance of the Studies, and paines of those who have, and doe devote them­selves to the service of the Church, gratiously to Protect, and secure those Religious Foundations from ruine, and Alienation; and withall to take order that they may bee reduc'd to the due observation of their Statutes, and that all Innovations and Abuses, which have by some mens miscarriages crept in, may bee reformed, that so the Students of our Vniversity, which by the present feares, both are, and will bee much sadded and dejected may bee the better invi­ted to pursue their Studies with alacrity, and the places themselves disposed to the most serviceable and deserving men; according to their first Institution.

And your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray, &c.

To the Honourable House of Commons now assembled in the high Court of Parliament. The most humble Petition of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and Commons within the County of Nottingham.

Humbly shewing,

THat whereas wee are informed, that a Petition, together with a Remonstrance, hath in the Name of this County, beene heretofore presented to this Honourable House, for the alterations in Church-Government.

Wee doe humbly crave leave to certifie your Honours, that the same was done without our knowledge, or consent, and that wee doe hereby dis-avow the same. And with the like humility, doe desire That the long established Government of the Church may still con­tinue, and that the abuses and errours of some particular persons may [Page 9] not cause the alteration of the ancient Government; but rather, that such persons should suffer according to their Demerits. And wee likewise humbly crave, the Booke of Common Prayer, by Law establi­shed, may continue in force, with such alteration (if there bee cause) as to your Honours Wisdomes shall seeme meet.

And as in Duty bound, Wee shall dayly pray, &c. Subscribed by one Viscount, five Knights, above a hundred Gentlemen of quality, all the Clergy of the County, and above six thousand Commoners, being all of them Communicants.

The Remonstrance and Petition of the County of Huntington, the Knights, Gentlemen, Clergy, Free-holders, and Inhabitants. To the Right Honourable the Lords, and Commons assem­bled in Parliament, for the continuance of the Church-Govern­ment, and Divine Service, or Booke of Common-prayer.
Presented to the House of Peeres by the Lord Privy Seale the 8. of December, 1641.

We humbly shew,

THat whereas many attempts have beene practised, and divers Petitions from severall Counties, and other places within this Kingdome, framed and penned in a close and subtle manner, to im­port more than is at first discernable by any ordinary eye, or that was imparted to those who signed the same, have beene carried about to most places against the present forme and frame of Church-Govern­ment, and Divine-Service, or Common Prayers, and the hands of ma­ny persons of ordinary quality sollicited to the same, with pretence to bee presented to this Honourable assembly in Parliament, and under colour of removing some Innovations lately crept into the Church, and Worship of God, and reforming some abuses in the Ecclesiasti­call Courts, which wee conceiving and fearing not so much to aime at the taking away of the said Innovations, and Reformation of abuses, as tending to an absolute Innovation of Church-Government, [Page 10] and subversion of that Order and Forme of Divine Service which hath happily continued amongst us ever since the Reformation of Religion: Out of a tender and zealous regard hereunto, wee have thought it our duty, not onely to disavow all such Petitions, but also to manifest our publike affections, and desires to continue the Forme of Divine Service, and Common-prayers, and the present Government of the Church, as the same have beene continued since the first Re­formation, and stand so established by the Lawes and Statutes of this Kingdome.

For when wee consider that the Forme of Divine Service expres­sed and contained in the Booke of Common prayer, was with great care, piety, and sincerity, revised and reduced from all former cor­ruptions and Romish Superstitions, by those holy and selected Instru­ments of the Reformation of Religion within this Church, and was by them restored to its first purity, according as it was instituted and practised in the Primitive times, standeth confirmed, established, and enjoyned by Act of Parliament, and Royall Injunctions, and hath ever since had the generall approbation of the godly, and a pub­like use and continuance within this Church. And that Bishops were instituted, and have had their being and continuance ever since the first planting of Christian Religion amongst us, and the rest of the Christian World, that they were the lights and glorious Lamps of Gods Church, that so many of them sowed the seeds of Christian Re­ligion in their blouds, which they willingly powred out therefore, that by them Christianity was rescued and preserved from utter extir­pation in the fierce and most cruell Persecutions of Pagan Emperous, that to them wee owe the redemption of the purity of the Gospell, and the Reformation of the Religion wee now professe, from Romish corruption, that many of them for the propagation of that Truth be­came glorious Martyrs, leaving unto us an holy example, and an ho­nourable remembrance of their faith and Christian fortitude, that di­vers of them lately, and yet living with us, have beene so great Asser­tours and Champions of our Religion against the Common enemy of Rome, and that their Government hath beene so ancient, so long approved, and so often established by the Lawes and Statutes of this Kingdome, and as yet nothing in their Doctrine (generally taught) dissonant from the Word of God, or the Articles established by Law, and that most of them are of singular learning and piety. In this case to call the forme of Divine Service and Common-prayers, Erro­nious, Popish, Superstitious, Idolatrous, and Blasphemous, and to call [Page 11] the Government by Bishops, a perpetuall vassallage, and intollerable bondage: and at the first step, and before the parties concerned bee heard, to pray the present removall of them, or the utter dissolution and extirpation of them, their Courts, and their Officers, as Anti­christian and Diabolicall, wee cannot conceive to savour or relish of piety, justice, or charity, nor can wee joyne with them herein, but ra­ther humbly pray a Reformation of the abuses, and punishment of the Offenders, but not the ruine or abolition of the Innocent.

Now on the contrary, when wee consider the tenour of such wri­tings, as in the name of Petitions are spread amongst the Common people, the contents of many printed Pamphlets swarming at Lon­don, and over all Countries, the Sermons preached publikely in Pul­pits, and other private places; and the bitter invectives divulged, and commonly spoken by many disaffected persons, all of them shewing an extreme aversenesse and dislike of the present Government of the Church, and Divine Service or Common Prayers; dangerously exci­ting a disobedience to the established forme of Government and Church Service, their severall intimations of the desire of the power of the keyes, and that their congregations may bee independent, and may execute Ecclesiasticall censures within themselves, whereby many Sects, and severall and contrary opinions will soone grow and arise, whereby great divisions and horrible factions will soone ensue thereupon, to the breach of that union, which is the sacred band and preservation of the Common peace of Church and State: their peremptory desires and bold assuming to themselves the liberty of conscience to introduce into the Church whatsoever they affect, and to refuse and oppose all things which themselves shall dislike, and what they dislike must not onely to themselves, but also to all others bee scandalous and burdensome, and must bee cried out upon, as great and unsupportable grievances, yea though the things in themselves bee never so indifferent, of never so long continuance in use and pra­ctise, and never so much desired and affected of others, so that where three or foure of them bee in a Parish, though five hundred others desire the use and continuance of things long used, all must bee altered or taken away as scandals and grievances for these three or foure, though to the offence of many others, and whatsoever they will have introduced, must bee imposed upon all others, and must by all bee admitted without scandall or offence, whereby multitudes of godly and wel-affected people are in some things deprived or abridged of what they desire and take comfort in, and have had a [Page 12] long and lawfull use and practise of, and other things imposed upon them against their wils and liking, as if no accompt were to bee made of them, or no liberty of conscience were left unto them: which bold attempts of some few to arrogate to themselves, and to exercise over all others, what high presumption is it? and how great a tyranny may it prove over the minds and consciences of men? The great increase of late of Schismaticks and Sectaries, and of persons not onely sepa­rating and sequestring themselves from the publike Assembly at Common Prayers and Divine Service, but also opposing, and tumul­tuously interrupting others in the performance thereof in the publike Congregation, the frequent and many Conventicles held amongst them, and their often meetings at all publike conventions of Assizes, Sessions, Faires, Markets, and other publike Assemblies, their earnest labouring to sollicit and draw the people to them, and the generall correspondence held amongst them to advance their ends herein. Of these things wee cannot but take notice, and must needs expresse our just feares, that their desires and endeavours are to worke some great change and mutation in the present state of the Church Go­vernment, and in the Forme of the publique Worship of God, and Divine Service, and Common Prayers.

Of the Common grievances of the Kingdome, wee as others, have beene and are sensible, and doe professe that wee have just cause with joy and comfort to remember, and with thankefulnesse to acknow­ledge, the pious care which is already taken for the suppressing of the grouth of Popery, the better supply of able and painefull Mini­sters, and the removing of all Innovation, and wee doubt not but in your great Wisdomes you will regulate the rigour and exorbitancy of the Ecclesiasticall Courts to suit with the temper of our Common Lawes, and the nature and condition of Freemen: And wee hope and humbly pray, that the present Forme of Church Government, and of Church Service, and Common Prayers, now established by the Statutes of this Kingdome shall bee setled, and that all such as shall oppose themselves against the same, or shall doe, or speake any thing in derogation or depraving of the said Divine Service, or Booke of Common Prayer, may without any further tolleration or connivence undergoe the paines, punishment, and forfeitures due therefore; and that such care shall bee taken for placing of Orthodox and peaceable men, Lecturers in all places, whose Doctrine may tend rather to sound instruction and edification, then lead to Schisme and Faction; All which wee humbly submit to your great judgements, and shall [Page 13] pray to God to assist and direct you from above with his heavenly wisdome, to guide and bring all your consultations to happy conclu­sions.

To the High and Honourable Court of Parliament now sitting. The humble Petition and Remonstrance, of the Knights, Gentry, Cler­gy, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the County of Somerset.
Delivered to the House of Peers, by the Lord Marquesse Hart­ford, the 10. of December, 1641.

Wee humbly shew;

THat having with griefe of mind heard of sundry Petitions, which have beene exhibited to this Right Honourable Assembly, by some of the Clergy and Laity about London, and some Counties, tending to the subversion of the Church-government established in this Kingdome; Wee therefore, tendring the Peace and Welfare of Both, Doe in all humblenesse presume to make knowne our Opini­ons and Desires concerning the same: Nothing doubting, of the like good acceptance of our humble Petition and Remonstrance in this behalfe; being tendred with no lesse good Affection to the Peace and Happinesse of the Church, the prosperity of His Sacred Maje­sty, and this whole Kingdome.

For the present government of the Church, we are most thanke­full to God, believing it in our hearts, to be the most pious and the wi­sest, that any People or Kingdome upon earth, hath beene blest with­all, since the Apostles dayes: though wee may not deny, but through the frailty of Men, and corruption of Times; some things of ill consequence, and other needlesse, are stollen, or thrust into it; which wee heartily wish may be reformed, and the Church restored to its former Purity. And to the end it may be the better preserved from present and future Innovation; We wish, the wittingly and malici­ously guilty, of what condition soever they be (whether Bishops or inferior Clergy) may receive condigne punishment. But, for the miscarriage of Governours, to destroy the Government; we trust it [Page 14] shall never enter into the hearts of this wise, and Honourable assem­bly.

Wee will not presume to dispute the Right of Episcopacy, whe­ther it be Divine or not; It sufficeth us to know, that the Church-government by Bishops is ancient, even neere to the Apostles dayes: and that it hath pleased God from time to time, to make them most glorious instruments for the propagation, and preservation of Chri­stian Religion: which with their blood, they have frequently sealed to Posterity. And how much this Kingdome in particular is indeb­ted to them, for their Piety, their Wisedomes, and Sufferings; wee trust shall never be forgotten. Our hearts desire therefore is; That the Precious may be separated from the Ʋile; that the bad may be re­jected, and the good retayned. Furthermore, having credibly heard, that our Common Prayer hath beene interrupted and despised of some mis-understanding or mis-led people, to the great scandall of the Re­ligion professed in our Church; Wee humbly beseech you to take into your care the Redresse therof, as of an Impiety not to be endured: as also to take order for the severe punishment of those men (if they may be discovered) who frequently publish Pamphlets, under a veile of Religion, yet, conducing to confusion and Rebellion.

All which wee humbly offer to your Wisedomes as the thoughts and desires of this County. And as wee are perswaded of multi­tudes of the sound Members of the Church of England, and his Sacred Majesties most loyall Subjects.

Beseeching God to direct and prosper your Counsels, and yee to pardon our Errors; Wee rest At your Commands
Knights, Esquires, Divines, Gentlemen, Free-holders; Inhabitants of the County of Somerset, (none of them Papists, but all Protestants of the Church of England) and his Majesties loyall Subjects. 14350 Whereof, Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen —200 Divines — 221
Io: BROVVNE Cler. Parliament.

To the high and honourable Court of PARLIAMENT. The humble Petition of the Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen and Housholders in the County of RVTLAND; in behalfe of our selves, and our Families.
And of the Parsons, Vicars and Curats for the Clergy, in behalfe of themselves and their Families.

Humbly shewing,

THat whereas there have beene divers Petitions exhibited to this Honourable Court, by persons dis affected to the present Go­vernment, for the utter extirpation of the apostolicall Government of the Church by Bishops; They by sedulity, and zeale supplying the want of faire pretences for the abolition of that, which wee hope, no just reason can condemne: and on the otherside, many pious per­sons, true sonnes of the Church of England, have represented their just desires of the continuance of it, upon great and weighty causes, both in Divinity and true Policy; wee also, lest we might seem un­concerned, and for feare lest our silence should be exacted as a crime at our hands if wee be deficient, to what wee are perswaded is the cause of God; In pursuance of their pious intendments, and in al­lowance of their Reasons, doe also presse to your great Tribunal, and begge of you that which is the honour of Kings, to be Nutricij of the Church, and her most ancient and successive Government.

Wee therefore humbly beg of you, to leave us in that state the Apostles left the Church in; That the three Ages of Martyrs were governed by; That the thirteene Ages since them have alwayes gloried in, (by their Succession of Bishops from the Apostles, proving themselves members of the Catholike and Apostolike Church) that our Lawes have esta­blished, so many Kings and Parliaments have protected, into which we were baptized; as certainely Apostolicall, as the observation of the [Page 16] Lords Day, as the distinction of Books Apocryphall from Canonicall, as that such Bookes were written by such Evangelists and Apostles; as the consecration of the Eucharist by Presbyters; as any thing which you will doe by upholding the Government of the Church by Bishops, which we againe and againe, begge of you to doe, having pitty on our Consciences, and not forcing of us to seeke Communion, as yet we know not where. So shall we be bound to pray with a multiplyed Devotion, for the increase of publike, and personall blessings to your Honourably assembly, to your Noble Persons.

Wee also doe with all Humility begge leave to re­present these our Considerations, subjoyned, which wee hope you will favourably expound to be a well-meant zeale, and at least, a confidence of duty, and charity to those our Fathers, from whom wee have received, and daily hope to receive, many issues of spirituall Benison.

1 WEe consider that Christ, either left his Church without a lasting Government, or else Bishops and Presbyters un­der them are that Government; the former wee feare to say, lest wee might seeme to accuse the Wisdome of the Father, of Improvi­dence, in the not providing for his Family; the Feeder and the Ruler in Scripture being all one in Office, [...]n expression, in person: So that, if hee left no Rulers, hee left no Feeders; The latter wee are more confident of, for that Christ did clearely institute a disparity in the Clergy, (which is the maine Stone of offence) appeares in the Apo­stles, and seventy two Disciples, to whom, according to the voyce of Christendome, and traditive Interpretation of the Church. Bishops and Presbyters respectively doe succeed; and also many actually did succeed the Apostles in their Chaires, being ordained Bishops by the Apostles themselves that did survive, and also beyond all exception that Christ did institute a Government; appeares in those Evange­licall words, (who then is that Faithfull and wise Steward whom his Lord shal make Ruler over his houshold, &c.) which Rulers are Bishops, and Priests under them, or else the Church hath beene Apostate from [Page 17] her Lord, shee having clearely for fifteene hundred yeares had no o­ther Rulers then such.

2. Wee consider that, whether it can be a Church or no without Bishops, is at least a question of great consideration, and the Nega­tive is maintained by Apostolicall, and Primitive men and Martyrs, and by the greatest part of Christendome; and those few (in respect of the whole, that dissent being most certainely, not infallible, to bee sure with Episcopacy, it may be a Church eatenus, therefore it is the surest course to retaine it, for feare we separate from the Church, the Pillar and ground of Truth.

3 No Ordination never was without a Bishop, and if any Presby­ter did impose hands, unlesse in conjunction with a Bishop, hee was accounted an Usurper, and anathematized by publike and unquestio­ned authority; and so without Bishops, no Presbyter, then no ab­solution, no consecration of the Sacraments of the Lords Supper, and for these wants no man can make a recompence or satisfaction.

4 No Presbyter did ever impose hands on a Bishop, Viz. De jure, non eidem de facto, till 555 years after Christ, and then but once in the case of Pope Pe­lagius, and that irre­gularly & never since unlesse by Papall u­surpation. which if so famous a resolve, or publike voice of Christendome may have an esti­mate, shewes their disparity, and that a Bishop hath a Character, which cannot be imprinted without at least, an equall hand.

5 VVithout Bishops no Confirmation of Children, and yet con­firmation (called in Scripture Imposition of hands) Saint Paul in his famous Catechisme accounts a Fundamentall point, and the Church hath alwayes used it, and it was appropriate to Bishops, by the lau­dable custome of Christendome, and by the example of the Apostles, in the case of the Samaritane Christians, whom Phillip the Evange­list had converted, and is charged upon the Parents of Children, that they bring their children to Bishops to be confirmed, and it was ne­ver otherwise, but just as in the case of Ordination, (videlicet) by singularity and usurpation, till of late that the Iesuits to enlarge their Philacteries, have striven to make Bishops not necessary, by com­municating Confirmation to the Priests of their Order.

6 To take away Bishops, is against the Wisdome of the State of England, ever since the Reformation, and having beene attempted by clancular practises, was checked by the Princes respectively, and their Councell, and confidently, by the wisdome of preceeding Par­liaments, and this although the Bishops then were lesse learned, and as much infamed.

7 We are sure that Episcopall Government hath consisted with Monarchy, ever since the English Monarchy was Christian, & we are to try whether any innovated Government can or will.

[Page 19]8 Wee consider, that if it could consist with Monarchy, when it was byassed by the Popes prevalent incroachment, much more since the Reformation, when the King hath the raines in his owne hand, and can give them Lawes, and ascertaines them by their immediate dependance, both for their Baronies, and Election, and personall Iurisdiction on the Crowne, and by the Statute of Submission.

9 Wee consider that Saint Hierome (pretented as the maine Au­thenticke enemy against Episcopacy) yet sayes, Comment in Epist. ad Titum. That Bishops were constituted as an antidote and deletory to dis-improve the issues of Schisme, and that by the Apostles, who best knew the remedies. And now that Schismes multiply, there is more need of Bishops, so that they cannot be taken away, upon pretence their Regiment is not ne­cessary, for the taking them away makes them more necessary by the multiplication of Schismes.

10 All Learning will be discountenanced, if not extinguished, upon the demolition of Episcopacy, the Bishops being parties for the ad­vancement of Learning; and on the other side, if the Government should be in the hands of Presbitery, or lay Elders, we know no rea­son sufficient to stifle our feares, lest preferment be given to people un­learned and unfit to have the mannaging of Soules, especially, since a learned Clergy will be suspected by their Lay-Elders, as too knowing to be ruled by their Dictates, which will not have so much artifice and finenesse, as to command by strength of reason: which our feares are also increased, by considering that by the multiplication of Lay-Elders, or other Governours, their personall interest being increased partiality must be more frequent, and all this is besides their incom­petency of judging the abilities of Schollers.

11 The remove all of Bishops would be a scandall, not onely to many weake Christians, who feare all Innovation, as guilty of some ill intendments upon their consciences, but also to the strongest, which shewes it to be the fault of the giver, not the weaknesse of the recei­ver; and if we must not scandalize our weake brethren, much lesse our strong; since this will intrench upon us in a high measure, they not being apt to be scandalized upon umbrages, and impertinencies.

12 Where Bishops are not, there is not an Honourable, but Fa­milike Clergy, against the Apostolicall rule of double honour.

13 By putting downe Episcopacy, wee deprive our selves of those solemne benedictions, which the Faith of Christendome, and the profession of the Church of England, enjoyning the Bishop ra­ther to pronounce the blessing at the end of the Communion, appro­priates to Episcopall preheminence above Priestly authority.

[Page 18]14 Two parts of three of the Reformed Churches are governed by Bishops, or Superintendents (which is properly the Latine word of Bishops) and the other part that wants them, have often wished them, as their owne Doctors doe professe.

15 It is against the liberties of the Clergy, indulged to them by the Magna Charta, granted and confirmed by so many Kings, and about thirty Parliaments in expresse act, and the violation of any part of it by intrenchment upon the right of the lay Subject, justly ac­counted a great grievance, the Charter it selfe being as Fundamen­tall a Law (as we conceive) as any other, and any of us may feare lest his Liberties may be next in question.

16 The foure great Generall Councels, in estimation next the foure Evangelists, and by the Statutes of the Kingdome, made the rules of judging Heresies, were held by Bishops, the greatest fires and pests of Christendome, the old Heresies, were by their Industry extinct; Timotheus▪ Titus. Clements▪ Linus. Marcus. Dyonysius. Onesimus. Caius. Epaphro­ditus. Iacobus Hierosoli­mit. Evodias. Simeon. Church Discipline, and pious constitutions by them established, many Nations by them converted, many Miracles done for the confirmation of Christian Faith, one of the Gospels written by a Bishop (Saint Marke of Alexandria) if wee beleeve as authentike Records, as any are extant; Three Epistles of Saint Paul written to Bishops; Seven Epistles by the Holy Ghost himselfe, recorded in the Revela­tion, and sent to seven Asian Bishops, as all ancient Fathers accord; the names of twelve men, beside Apostles, mentioned in Holy Scrip­ture, which all antiquity reports to have beene Bishops; Most of the Fathers, whose workes all Posterity embraces with much zeale and admiration, were Bishops; these also in our apprehensions advance that holy Function, to a high and unalterable estimate.

17 Very many of the fairest Churches and Colledges, and places of Religion, were built by Bishops; which are faire Caracters to shew their promptnesse to doe publike acts of Piety, and that persons so qualified as they were, that is, Governours and Clergy, and fairly en­dowed, is an excellent composition to advance publike designes for the honour of God in the Promotion of publike Piety.

18 Since it hath pleased this Honourable Court, of late to com­mend a Protestation to us, which we by solemne Vow engaged our selves to attest with our lives and fortunes, the established Doctrine of the Church of England, wee consider, that since the 36. article hath approved and established the booke of Consecration of Bishops; the abolition of Episcopacy would nullifie that article, and should not we make humble Remonstrance to the contrary, we should suddenly [Page 20] recede from our great and solemne Protestation for maintenance of our Church Doctrine.

But may it please this Honourable Assembly, wee consider on the other side.

19 The introducing of Lay Elders, must needs bring an insup­portable burthen to all Parishes, by maintaining them at the Parish charge (for they must bee maintained, or else a transgression is made against an Apostolicall Rule. For the principall, and indeed the one­ly colourable pretended place for Lay Elders, injoynes their mainte­nance: So that, either the people must bee oppressed with so great burthens, or else Saint Pauls Rule not obeyed, or else there is no au­thority for Lay Elders, as indeed there is not.

20 And also there can bee no lesse feare of Vsurpation upon the Temporall power by the Presbitery, then is pretended from Episco­pacy, since that Presbitery challenges cognisance of more causes and persons, then the Episcopacy does, (so making a dangerous entrench­ment upon the Supremacy) and derives its pretence from Divine Institution, with more confidence, and more immediate derivation then Episcopacy, though indeed most vainely as wee conceive.

21 Wee crave leave also to adde this, that these two (viz.) Epis­copacy and Presbitery being the onely two in contestation, if any new designe should justle Episcopacy, wee are confident that as it hitherto wants a name, so it will want a face, or forme of reason (in case of Conscience) when it shall appeare.

  • Signed by Knights, Justices, Gentry, and Free­holders, about 800.
  • By Ministers, about the number of 40.

The Cheshire Petition for establishing of the Common-Prayer-Booke, and Suppression of Schismatiques, presented to the Kings Majesty, and from him recommended to the House of Peeres, by the Lord KEEPER. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and to the Right Honourable the Lords, and the Honourable the House of Commons Assembled in Parliament.
The humble Petition of divers of the Nobility, Justices, Gentry, Mi­nisters, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the County Palatine of Chester, whose Names are nominated in the Schedule annexed.

Your Petitioners with all cheerefulnesse and contentation, [...]ffying in the happy settlement of the distractions both of Church and State, by His Majesties pious care, and the prudent and religious endeavours of this Honourable Assembly, and with due humility and obedience submitting to the unanimous conclusions thereof, yet conceive themselves bound in Duty.

HVmbly to represent to your mature considerations, that the pre­sent disorders of many turbulent and ill disposed Spirits, are such, as give not onely occasion of present discontent to your Peti­tioners, but seeme to import some ill event without early preven­tion.

The pure seed of our Faith (the Doctrine of the true Reformed Protestant Religion) established by so many Acts of Parliament, and so harmoniously concurring with the confessions of all other Re­formed Churches, being tainted with the Tares of divers Sects and Schismes lately sprung up amongst us.

Our pious, laudable, and ancient forme of Divine Service, compo­sed by the holy Martyrs, and worthy Instruments of Reformation established by the prudent Sages of State (your religious Predeces­sours) honoured by the approbation of many learned forraigne Di­vines, subscribed by the Ministery of the whole Kingdome, and with such generall content received by all the Laity, that scarse any Fa­mily [Page 22] or person that can read, but are furnished with the Bookes of Common Prayer: In the conscionable use whereof many Christian hearts have found unspeakable joy and comfort, wherein the famous Church of England, our deare Mother, hath just cause to glory; And may shee long flourish in the practise of so blessed a Liturgy; yet it is now, not onely depraved by many of those who should teach con­formity to established Lawes, but in contempt thereof in many places wholly neglected. All these dayly practised, with confidence, without punishment: To the great dejection of many sound Prote­stants, and occasioning so great insultation and rejoycing in some Separatists, as they not onely seeme to portend, but menace some great alteration; And not containing themselves within the bounds of Civill Government, doe commit many tumultuous, (if not Sacri­legious) violences both by day and night upon divers Churches.

Therefore your Petitioners being all very apprehensive of the dangerous consequences of Innovation, and much scandalized at the present disorders.

Doe all unanimously pray,

That there bee admitted no Innovation of Doctrine or Liturgy, that holy publike Service being so fast rooted by a long setled continuance in this Church, that in our Opinion and Judgements it cannot bee altered (unlesse by the advice and consent of some Nationall Synode) without an universall discontent. And that some speedy course bee taken to suppresse such Schismatiques and Separatists, whose fa­ctious Spirits doe evidently endanger the peace both of Church and State.

And your Petitioners shall ever pray, &c.

  • The Petition signed by Lords, Knights, Iustices of the Peace, and Esquires: 94.
  • By Gentlemen of quality, 440.
  • By Divines, 86.
  • By Freeholders and others, in all; 8936.

To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, And to the High Court of Parliament. The humble Petition of Colledges and Halls, and others, well-willers to Piety and Learning, throughout the Kingdome of England.


THat whereas many Persons dis-affected to the present forme of Government of the Church of England (established not onely by the Ecclesiasticall, but also by the Common Law of this Realme, and diverse Acts of Parliament) have of late in great multitudes petitio­ned this Honourable Court against the Orders, Honour, Iurisdiction, and meanes of the Clergy; And have published such their desires in print, and Pulpit, and dayly seeke to advance and propagate the same: To the great disheartning of all Learning, (if such designes find favour) the grievous scandall of the Reformed Religion as un­stable, and the unspeakeable advantage of our Enemies of Rome.

WEe therefore (well weighing, that the Seminaries must de­cay when the Garden shall bee wasted) in all humility most heartely pray Your Majesty, and this Honourable Court, that all the Orders of Holy Church, of Bishops, Priests, and Decons, which from the Apostles times till these, have withstood so many Practices, may have yet hopes to flourish under Your gracious Protection. And that by your assistance, under our most Religious Soveraigne, the ancient Catholique Faith, and Discipline, as also the devout and decent service of God, in our Church Liturgy, may bee defended from all Innova­tions, and Novelties: The meanes and liberties of the Churches, as well Cathedrall, and Collegeat, as Parochiall, to them hitherto of right belonging, according to the pious Wills of their blessed Founders, may bee continued and preserved: Many thousand Families which on them depend, secured from ruine: And that our Nation, whose Lawes already favour as much as any in the World, the right of the First borne, may retaine Ecclesiasticall promotions, as the Patrimony of younger Children, the prize of labour and study, an incitement of learning, and a reward of those that can intitle themselves thereto by honest desert.

And your Petitioners shall ever pray, &c. [Page 24] This Petition is subscribed, generally by all the Doctors, Masters, and Batchelours of all Degrees and Faculties in the Vniversity of Ox­ford; And by very many other persons of quality: Baronets, Knights, Esquires, Ministers, and Gentlemen, within the Coun­ties of Oxford, Berks, Wilts South-hampton, Dorset, Kent, Sur­rey, Westmerland, Cumberland, and other Shires.

Devonshire Petition. To the Right Honourable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, now assembled in the House of PARLIAMENT. The humble Information and Petition, of the Knights, Esquires, Gen­tlemen, and others of ability, within the Diocesse of Exeter.

WEe whose Names are underwritten, have for these many yeares, found the benefit and comfort of Episcopall Govern­ment, under which wee have lived hitherto peacebly, and happily, with great freedome and frequency of the Preaching of the Gospell, and incouragement of the conscionable and painefull Preachers thereof. As wee blesse God for his favour to us in the behalfe, So wee doe humbly and earnestly professe our desire that the same Go­vernment may bee still continued both to us, and our posterity, sub­mitting all personall offences, and redresse of abuses to your Honou­rable Wisdomes.

In witnesse whereof wee have hereunto subscribed. Signed by Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, and other Inha­bitants, neere upon Eight thousand.

The Staffordshire Petition. To the Right Honourable the LORDS, and COMMONS assembled in the High Court of PARLIAMENT. The humble Petition of the Knights, Gentlemen, Ministers, Free­holders, and other Inhabitants, within the County of STAFFORD, hereunto subscribed.

Who Most humbly pray,

THat the present publique forme of Gods Worship, and admini­stration of the blessed Sacrament, with other Rites agreeable to Gods holy Word, and purest antiquity, which hath beene formerly, sundry times established by godly Acts of Parliament, may now a­gaine in these broken and troubled times, bee to Gods glory, and the Churches Peace, re-established, and confirmed.

That Episcopacy being the ancientest, and Primitive Government of the Church, renowned for successes, victorious against Schismes, and Heresies, and especially of late yeares, against that Hydra of Here­sies, the Roman Papacy, glorious for ancient and late Martyrdomes, happy before the corruption of Popery, and since the Reformation in the Plantation, and Preservation of Truth, and Peace; eminently ser­viceable to this Common-wealth, most compliable with the Civill Government (into the Fabrick, and body of which it is riveted, and incorporate) & most apt & easie a [...] all times by the State to be reduced into Order, may for the future, as formerly, by your Great Authority bee continued, and maintained for the glory of God, preservation of Order, Peace, and Vnity, the Reformation and suppression of wicked­nesse and vice, and the mature prevention of Schismes, Factions, and Seditions. The which wee, your humble Petitioners, the more ear­nestly beseech your Honours to grant, For that strong feare doe pos­sesse our hearts, that the sudden mutation of a Government so long setled, so well knowne, and approved, cannot recompence with any proportionable utility, the disturbances, and disorders which it may worke by novelty, being most confident, in your Honours, Wisdome, and Iustice; That all excessive exorbitances, and incroachments, [Page 26] which shall bee found issuing, not from any poison in the nature of the Discipline, but rather from the infirmity, or corruption of the person (unto which the very best Government is subject, shall bee duely regulated, and corrected.

And your Petitioners shall duly pray for your Honours happiest proceedings. Subscribed by 3000. of the best quality of the County.

To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, And to the Right Honourable the LORDS, and the Honourable the House of COMMONS assembled in PARLIAMENT. The most humble Petition of divers Baronets, Knights, Iustices, Gentry, Ministers, and Freeholders, Inhabitants of the County of KENT, within the Diocesse of CANTERBURY.

Most humbly shewing,

THat notwithstanding this Kingdome, hath by the singular provi­dence of Almighty God, for many yeares last past, happily flou­rished, above all other Nations in the Christian World, under the Re­ligion and Government by Law established: Yet hath it beene of late most miserably distracted through the sinister practises of some pri­vate persons ill affected to them both.

By whose meanes the present Government is disgraced and tra­duced, The Houses of God are prophaned, and in part defaced, The Ministers of Christ are contemned and despised, The Ornaments, and many Vtensils of the Church are abused, The Liturgy and Booke of Common Prayer depraved, and neglected, That absolute modell of Prayer, The Lords Prayer, vilified, The Sacraments of the Gospell in some places unduly administred, in other places omitted, Solemne dayes of fasting observed, and appointed by private persons, Mar­riages illegally Solemnized, Burials uncharitably performed, And the very Fundamentall of our Religion subverted, by the publication of a new Creed, and teaching the abrogation of the Morall Law. [Page 27] For which purpose, many offensive Sermons are dayly Preached, and many impious Pamphlets printed, and in contempt of authority, Many doe what seemeth good in their owne eyes, onely as if there were no King, nor Government, in this our Israel.

Whereby Almighty God is highly provoked, his sacred Majesty dishonoured, The peace of the Kingdome endangered, The Con­sciences of the people disquieted, The Ministers of Gods Word disheartned, and the Enemies of the Church emboldned in their enter­prises.

For redresse whereof, May it please this Great and Honourable Coun­cell, speedily to command a due observation of the Religion and Govern­ment, by Law established; in such manner, as it may seeme best to the Piety and Wisdome of his Royall Majesty, and this Honourable Court.

Your Petitioners as they shall Confidently expect a blessing from Hea­ven upon this Church and Kingdome, So shall they have this fur­ther cause to implore the Divine Assistance upon this Most Honou­rable Assembly.
Subscribed by
  • Knight Barronets, and Knights 24.
  • Esquires and Gentlemen of note, above 300.
  • Divines 108.
  • Freeholders, and Subsidie men 800.
All within the Diocesse of Canterbury.

To the Honourable the Knights, Citi­zens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble Petition of the Gentry, Clergy, and other Inhabitants, sub­scribed, of the Counties of Flint, Denbigh, Mountgomery, Carnarvan, Anglesey, Merioneth, being the sixe Shires of Northwales.
As it was presented this present March the 5. 1641. Acccompa­nied with thirty thousand hands.

WHereas the present condition of the Church of England (in the publike Liturgy thereof, in the ancient liberties and [Page 28] forme of Government, as they doe now stand established by Law) hath beene lately brought in question, and manifold Petitions from the severall quarters of this Kingdome, and other such like ad­dresses concerning the same, have beene presented to this Honourable House.

Wee his Majesties faithfull Subjects in the Principalities and Counties of North-wales whom it equally concerneth, and as strong­ly tied in duty and conscience, doe likewise presume to make our humble Remonstrance, and wee doe it after a long silence and expe­ctation, joyned with some feares.

And first, for those things which concerne the publique Service of God, as they bee of neerest importance, and wee nothing doubt, but you will take unto your tendrest thoughts, so wee doe earnestly propound and prostrate before you that dangerous consequence of Innovation in matters of so high concernment, as wee con­ceive, and leave it to your owne great Wisdomes to Iudge, what scruples and jealousies are like to arise, if wee bee taught a new and different way of serving God after a full perswasion of the law­fulnesse of that which is prescribed according to the Word of God, not without the deliberate, and concurrent approbation and in­dustry of the most learned of the Protestant Church, of this and o­ther Nations, and the possession of so many yeares in the practise thereof, and all since the blessed time of Reformation.

The meere report hereof hath already produced no good ef­fect, breeding in the minds of ill-disposed persons Insolence and contempt, in others perplexity and griefe, not knowing how to set­tle themselves, or forme their obedience in such distractions, and sometimes repugnancy of commands.

Then for the outward policy and forme of Government, under the Iurisdiction of Bishops, bounded by Law, and kept within their owne limits.

It is as wee beleeve, that forme which came into this Island, with the first Plantation of Religion heere, and God so blest this Island, that Religion came earely in, with the first dawning of the day, very neere, or in the time of the Apostles themselves. And in the succes­sion of all after Ages, the same hath beene constantly maintained a­mong us, and that without any eminent interruption, or gaine-saying, even till these our dayes.

And now from the comfortable experience which wee feele, and which our Fathers have told us, of the conveniency and moderation [Page 29] of this Government, together with the antiquity of the same (a strong argument of Gods speciall Protection.) Wee doe in all humility re­present, and pray that the same may be still preserved entire in all the parts thereof, professing yet withall, that wee heartily disclaime all scandalous Innovation, and Popish corruption whatsoever.

And we are the more incouraged in this suit, because wee find it to be the unanimous and undevided request and vote of this whole Country, who cannot without some trembling entertaine a thought of change. In all which we doe not presume to give any rules, but as it becomes us, humbly declare and open our owne breasts, and labour to deliver our owne soules in testimony of our loyalties, and dis­charge of our Consciences, who shall ever take comfort to find the same way of honouring God, continued in his owne House of Prayer, the lawes of the land put to actuall execution, the Peace and Govern­ment of the Church preserved, the rumor'd alterations declined, and the distractions already too visible arising thereupon avoyded.

And as wee doubt not but your great Wisdomes will take care that our Doctrine and Discipline established, shall be still in force, and ob­served, untill by some absolute law, and the opinions of learned Con­vocations, or Synod (according to the Customs of our prudent fore-Fathers in best times) it be otherwise ordained.

So shall wee never cease to pray for a permanent blessing upon your Counsels and Resolutions, to the generall happinesse of Church and Kingdome.

To the sacred MAIESTIE, of our most Gracious Soveraigne Lord, King CHARLES; by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, KING: Defender of the Faith. The humble Gratulation and Petition of divers, His Majesties faithfull Subjects (of the true Protestant Religion) within the County Palatine of Lancaster.

Most gracious Soveraigne,

THe most Reall and convincing'st testimonies of your Princely care, for the advancement of Gods true Religion in your Ma­jesties [Page 30] Realmes: And the common good of all your Subjects. Could no lesse then draw from us (who have hitherto in these stirring Times sate still) this humble acknowledgement of our due and necessary thankes.

Wee with the inmost and choicest thoughts of our soules, doe e­steeme and prize your Majesties most righteous intentions, of gover­ning your liege people, according to the wholsome Lawes of this Kingdome. A thing so often, and with such earnestnesse avowed by your sacred Majesty, whereunto we yeeld that hearty credence, which is due to so religious a Prince. Wee doe also with all humility and thankfulnesse acknowledge your manifold and evident manifestations, (to the world) that you affect not an Arbitrary Government, But the common prosperity, and happinesse of all your loyall subjects: by your readines to joyn with your Parliament in speedy raysing of forces for a timely suppression, of that odious Rebellion in Ireland, by your late. Proclamation for the putting in due execution the Lawes against Papists. By your most gracious condiscending to the desires of your Great Councell, in signing the Bill for the trienniall Parliament, for the relinquishing your Title of imposing upon Merchandize, and power of pressing souldiers. For the taking away the Star-chamber: and High Commission Courts, for regulating of the Councell Table, As also for the Bils for the Forrests and Stannerie Courts, with other most necessary acts. Moreover, wee are confident, and well assured of your Majesties zeale, for the advancement of the true Protestant Religion. And with inexpressible joy doe understand your most Christian and pious resolution, for the preservation of those power­full encouragements of Industry, Learning, and Piety, the meanes and honour of the Ministry, for the maintenance and continuance of our Church Government, and solemne Liturgy of the Church, of long continuance, and generall approbation of the most pious and learned of this Nation, and of other countries: Composed (according to the Primitive Patterne) by our blessed Martyrs, and other religious and learned men. As also your gracious pleasure, that all abuses of Church and State shall bee reformed, according to the modell of Queene Elizabeths dayes, (of ever blessed and famous memory.) By the one you have weakned the hopes of the sacrilegious devou­rers of the Churches Patrimony (if there be any such:) And by the other provided against all Popish Impieties and Idolatries: and also against the growing danger of Anabaptists, Brownists, and other Novelists. All which Piety, Love, and Iustice, wee beseech God to [Page 31] returne into your Royall bosome. But yet most gracious Soveraigne, there is one thing that sads our hearts, and hinders the perfection of our happinesse, which is the distance and mis-understanding between your Majesty and your Parliament, whereby the hearts of your sub­jects are filled with feares and jealousies (Iustice neglected, sacred ordinances prophaned, and Trading impaired, to the impoverishing of many of your liege people. For the Removall whereof wee cannot find out any lawfull meanes without your Majesties assistance and direction.

Wherefore we humbly beseech your most excellent Majesty, to conti­nue your most Christian and pious Resolution of ruling your peo­ple, according to the Lawes of the Land, and maintaining of the same, of being a zealous Defender of the estabilshed Doctrine, Li­turgie, and Government of our Church from heresies, Libertinisme, and prophannesse; an advancer of Learning, Piety, and Religion; an Encourager of Learned, Painefull, Orthodox Preachers. And whatsoever your Parliament shall offer to your Royall view, con­ducing to this blessed end, the common good and tranquillity of your subjects, to be pleased to condiscend unto, and graciously to confirme, and withall to declare unto us some expedient way, how we may make a dutifull addresse unto your Parliament, for the taking away of these differences and impediments, which stay the happy proceedings (of that most honourable Assembly, whereof your Majesty is the Head) which once removed, wee doubt not, but you will bee as neare your Parliament in Person, as in affection. That there may be a blessed harmony, betwixt your Highnesse, and that great Councell, wee shall with all alacrity oserve the same. Humbly rendring our lives, and fortunes for the preservation of your Royall Person, Crowne, and Dignity, according to our boun­den duty, and allegiance. And heartily praying for your Maje­sties long and prosperous Raigne over us.

Wee the Subscribers of this Petition, doe hereby give authority unto the Bearers hereof, to put our names to such Transcript hereof, as shall be presented to His Majesty. Attested by Knights and Esquires 64. Divines 55. Gentlemen 740. Free-holders neare 7000.

To the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. The humble Petition of the County of Cornewall.

WEe your Majesties loyall subjects, In all duty render unto your Majesty all thankfulnesse, for your Majesties unexam­pled favour, and grace in granting unto your Subjects (in concurrence with your Parliament) such Lawes and Freedomes, which have most fully expressed your Majesties Gracious Goodnesse unto your people, And wee most thankfully receive your Majesties free offer of a gene­rall pardon, whereof wee most humbly desire to be made Partakers. And wee most humbly beseech your Majesty never to suffer your Subjects to be governed by an arbitrary Government, nor admit an alteration in Religion. And your Petitioners being most feelingly grie­ved for your Majesties discontents: partly occasioned by divers scan­dalous Pamphlets; and no way lessened by seditious Sermons: Doe wish a confluence of all comforts, honour, and happinesse unto your Majesty: and doe heartily pray for the reconcilement betwixt your Majesty and your Parliament. And in all thankfulnesse for your Ma­jesties said Grace and Goodnesse, your Petitioners doe offer them­selves most ready to maintaine, and defend with their lives, and for­tunes, your Maiesties sacred Person, Honour and Estate: And law­full Prerogative against all persons whatsoever, according to the oaths of allegeance and Supremacy. May 22. 1642.


Wee the Petitioners to this Petition, doe constitute, and appoint Peter Courtney, Walter Langdon, Benatus Bellot, and Nevill Bligh, Esquires, to deliver this Petition, in the name of the county of Corn­wall to His sacred Majesty.

To the Honourable House of Com­mons, assembled in Parliament. The Humble Petition of the Gentry, Ministers, and Commonalty of the County of Kent, agreed upon, at the generall Assizes of the County.

Most Humbly sheweth,

THat wee cannot but take notice, how welcome to this Ho­nourable House, many Petitions have beene, which yet came not from an assembled body of any county (as this doth) wee doe therefore hope to find as gentle and favourable a reception of this, as any other have found of their Petitions, our hearts witnessing unto us, as good, peaceable, and pious purposes as the best.

These are therefore the true and Ardent desires of this County.

1 That you will be pleased to accept our due, and hearty thankes for those excellent Lawes (which by his Majesties grace and good­nesse) you have obtained for us.

2. That all Lawes against Papists, be put in due execution, and an account taken of their disarming, and that all children of the Papists may be brought up in the reformed Religion.

3. That the soelmn Liturgy of the Church of England (Celebri­ous by the piety of the Bishops and Martyrs who composed it) esta­blisht by the supreame Lawes of this Land, attested and approved by the best of all Forraigne Divines, confirmed by the subscription of all the Ministry of this Land, a Clergy as able and Learned as any in the Christian world ere injoyed, and with a holy Love embraced by the most and best of all the Laity, that this holy exercise of Reli­gion may by your authority be injoyed quiet and free from interrup­tions, scornes, prophanenesse, threats and force of such men, who daily doe deprave it, and neglect the use of it in divers Churches, in despight of the Lawes established.

[Page 34]4. That Episcopall Government, as ancient in this Iland as Chri­stianity it selfe, deduced and dispersed throughout the Christian world, even from the Apostlicall times, may bee preserved (as the most pious, most prudent, and most safe Government) for the peace of the Church.

5. That all differences concerning Religion and Ceremonies, may be referred to a lawfull free, and Nationall Synod, as your Remon­strance promiseth, to a generall Synod of most grave, learned, pious and Iudicious Divines, (the proper agents) whose interests, gifts, and callings, may quicken them in that great Worke, whose choyce to be by all the Clergy of the Land, because all the Clergy are to bee bound by their Resolutions, and the determination of this Synod to bind us all, when you have first formed them into a Law, and this we take to be according to the ancient and fundamentall Law of this Land, confirmed by Magna Charta.

6. That some speedy and good provision may be made (as by his Majesty hath beene, and is by all good men desired) against the odi­ous and abominable scandall of schismaticall and seditious Sermons and Pamphlets, and some severe Law made against Lay-men, for da­ring to arrogate to themselves, and to execute the holy function of the Ministry, who (some of them) doe sow their impious and dis­contented Doctrine even in sacred places, by abuse of sacred Ordi­nances, to the advancing of Heresie, Schisme, Prophanenesse, Liber­tinisme, Anabaptisme, and Atheisme.

7. That if the coertive power of Ecclesiasticall Courts by way of Excommunication be already abrogated, or shall be thought fit so to be, that there be some other power & authority speedily established, for suppressing the heynous, and now so much abounding sins of In­cest, Adultery, and Fornication, and other crimes, and for recove­ring Tythes, repayring of Churches, Probate of Wils, Church as­sesses, providing Bread and Wine for the Communion, and choyce of Church-Wardens, and other Officers in the Church, and especi­ally for Ministers, who neglect the Celebrating of the Holy Com­munion, and the Parishioners for not Receiving.

8. That the Professors of that Learned faculty of the Civill Law, and (without which this Kingdome cannot but suffer manifold In­conveniences) may not find discouragements, and so divert their stu­dies and Professions.

9. That honour and profits the powerfull encouragements of In­dustry, Learning, and Piety, may be preserved without further dimi­nation to the Clergy.

[Page 35]10. That you please sadly to consider the bleeding wounds of our Brethren in Ireland, and with speedy succours endeavour to preserve them, whereunto his Majesty hath promised a gracious concur­rence.

11. That you will please to frame an especiall Law for the Re­gulating of the Militia of this Kingdome, so that the Subject may know how at once to obey, both his Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament, a Law whereby may bee left to the discretion of Gover­nours, as little as may bee, but that the number of Armes, and what measure of punishment shall bee inflicted upon the offendours, may bee expresly set downe in the Act, and not left to any Arbitrary power, and that according to the president of former Lawes, the of­fendours may not bee tried out of the County.

12. That the precious liberty of the Subject (the Common birth­right of every English man) may bee as in all these points preserved entire, so in this also, that no order of either of both Houses, not grounded on the Lawes of this Land, may be enforced on the Subject, till it bee fully enacted by Parliament.

13. That his Majesties gracious Message of the 20. of Jan. last, for the present and future establishment of the Priviledges of Par­liament, the free enjoying of our estates and Fortunes, the Liberty of our persons, the security of the true Religion professed, the maintai­ning of his Majesties just and Regall Authority, the establishing his Revenue, may bee taken into speedy consideration, the effecting whereof will satisfie the desires of all us, his faithfull and loving Sub­jects.

14. That all possible care may bee taken, that the Native Commo­dities of this Kingdome, may have a quick Vent, and that Cloathing, and other Manufactures may bee improved, wherein the livelihood of many thousands doe consist, and that Trade may bee ballanced, that the importation doe not exceed the exportation, otherwise it will prove a consumption of the Land.

15. That you please to frame some Lawes concerning Depopu­lations, Purveyances, Cart-taking, delayes in Iustice, Traffick, Fishing in the Coasts, Fulling earth, that our Sea Forts may bee repaired, and our Magazines renewed.

16. That you please to consider the generall poverty that seemes to overgrow this Kingdome.

17. Lastly, Wee humbly beseech you to consider the sad condi­tion, that wee and the whole Land are in, if a good understanding [Page 36] bee not speedily renewed betweene his Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament.

Our hopes are yet above our feares, secure them wee beseech you, God direct and guide your consultations for the removing of all distrusts and Iealousies, for the renuing that tye of confidence and trust, (which is the highest happinesse) betweene our gracious Prince, and his loving Subjects.

And you shall have the dayly prayers of your humble Oratours of the Commonalty of Kent.

To the Honourable the Knights, Citi­zens and Burgesses of the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble Petition of the Baronets, Knights, Esquires, Gentle­men, Clergy-men, Free-holders, Subsidy-men, and others of good Rank and Quality in the County of OXFORD.
Agreed upon, and subscribed, at the times of their meetings to take the Protestation sent unto them.

Humbly shewing,

THat whereas some Petitions have beene exposed, in print, the common view under the names of the Knights, Gentlemen, Free­holders, Subsidy-men, of the best Ranke and Quality of the County of Ox­ford, as preferred to the Honourable House of Parliament.

Wee doe hereby crave leave, to shew to this Honourable House, that such Petitions have not received Publique Examination among us, at any Generall meeting directed by Authority, for the service of the County.

ANd wee your now Petitioners, knowing our selves to bee to Major part of those degrees within this County, and as desirous to expresse our Gratitude in this Honourable House, for your unwea­ried labours, and the happy effects thereof, for the good of this Land [Page 37] and State, doe hereby offer up in all Humility, the greatest expres­sion of our Thankefulnesse: And in like manner, our unanimous de­sires.

That the Government of this Church may continue, as is now by Law established: And that the Liturgy may bee setled with such alte­rations (if there bee cause) as your Wisdomes shall approve.

That the Lawes against Papists which oppose our Religion, And against Sectaries (of late dangerously encreased among us) that trou­ble the Peace thereof, may bee put in full execution: And where those Lawes are defective, such further remedy therein may bee provided, as to your wisdomes shall seeme fit.

That a free Synod of Orthodox and peaceable Divines may bee con­vened, according to the forme of the Primitive, and Purest times of Christianity, for composing of all differences in Doctrine, and Cere­monies of Religion.

That the Safety of this County and Kingdome may bee provided for, by the disposing of such a Militia, as may consist with the native Liberties of the Subject.

That you would bee pleased to continue your Care in hastening the further Reliefe of our distressed Brethren in Ireland.

And your Petitioners shall bee ready to maintaine, with their Lives and Estates, his Majesties Person, Honour, and Estate, together with the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament.

And your Petitioners shall ever pray, &c.

To the Most Honourable and High Court of PARLIAMENT: The humble Petition of the Gentlemen, and other of the Inhabi­tants of the County of Cornwall.

HAving seene and heard the many (though scarce divers) Peti­tions to this Honourable Assembly, by the Inhabitants of divers Counties and Cities of this Land, as also Corporations, Companies, and Trades, some against Bishops, some against the Common Prayer, and all against such Iudiciall, and things Super-elementary to the re­gion [Page 38] of their capacity of judging, and matters onely belonging to the Iudicature of this grave Synod, which seemes either to distrust, or direct, or both, your great Wisdomes; Wee therefore the Gentle­men, and other the Inhabitants of Cornwall, with as many hearts, though not hands, with as many good willes, though not persons, not in imitation, but rather by provocation, and necessity, in these times, to shew our good minded affections, doe humbly prostrate the utmost of our service to your feet. In which (or rather after which) wee take leave humbly to begge.

THat you will bee pleased to bend your auxiliary and good affe­ctions to the redresse of the distresse of the miserable Protestants in Ireland. To gaine whose good, prosperity, peace, and tranquility, to preserve the Soveraignty of that Land to our Royall King, and to maintaine His, and this Kingdomes Honour, We shall willingly lay downe our lives and fortunes.

That you will bee pleased to continue your great respect, dutifull love, and true obedience, to our Royall Soveraigne, by maintaining his just, and no way Antilegall Prerogative.

That you will bee pleased to put the Lawes in due execution against all Iesuites, Seminaries, Papists, and Recusants.

That you will bee pleased to looke upon the other side, and duly weighing the actions (or rather factions) of some, (whom most men call Citizens) to scourge their irregular and disorderly Schisme, and Hereticall Sects, into right paths of serving God, to frequent his House, and to Pray as well as Heare, to allow Order, and obey Con­formity, to reverence Learning, and bow to Authority, to bee under a Discipline, and live in order.

That you will bee pleased to maintaine and establish the Ancient, Fundamentall, and most venerable Lawes, Order, and Discipline, both of our Church and Common-wealth, to continue the reverenced Office, and punish the offending persons of Bishops, to have in high account, and eternize (as farre as in you lies) the Divine and excellent forme of Common-prayer, to correct braine-forg'd doctrine, by your examplary precepts strike a Reverence of Gods House into eve­ry mans breast.

That you will bee pleased to intimate to the people, your Honou­rable and wise intentions concerning Divine Service, lest while you hold your peace, some rejecting it in part, others altogether, they vainly conceive you countenance them.

[Page 39]Lastly, (not to trouble your great affaires any longer) That you will bee pleased to take into your Sage consideration, those Scanda­lous and ill-affected Pamphlets, which fly abroad in such swarmes, as are able to cloud the pure aire of Truth, and present a darke igno­rance to those who have not the two wings of Iustice and Know­ledge to fly above them.

Now to polish this our worke with a smooth demonstration of our modest intents, that the tinctures which in Introduction fell on the fore-mentioned presents, may slide without a staine from this; Wee doe in all humility declare, that neither distrust of your intentions, nor opinion of any of our Counsels worthy your eares, ever tainted our thoughts, but that wee have still beene, and are confident, that this most wise Synod hath ever thought fit, resolv'd, and will confirme into action, what wee now humbly request; therefore this our present, not so much a Petition, as a Prayer of willing and thankefull hearts for the hoped sequell, is onely to shew our true intentions and good will towards his gracious Majesty, and this High Court, as Instruments of the peace of our soules and bodies, for which wee are unanimously, and immu­tably resolv'd to spend our dearest bloud.

Published by I.B. Gent.

To the Right Honourable the LORDS, and COMMONS assembled in the high Court of PARLIAMENT. The humble Petition of the Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, Mini­sters, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants, within the County of HEREFORD.

Who Most humbly pray,

THat the present publique forme of Gods Worship, and the Ad­ministration of the blessed Sacraments, with other Rites agreea­ble to Gods holy Word, and purest Antiquity, which have beene sundry times established by godly Acts of Parliament, may now a­gaine in these broken and troubled times, bee to Gods glory, and the Churches Peace, re-established and confirmed; That Episcopacy be­ing the Ancient and Primitive Government of the Church, Re­nowned for Successes, Victorious against Schismes, and Heresies; [Page 40] and especially, of late yeares against that Hydra of Heresies, the Ro­man Papacy, Glorious for ancient and late Martyrdomes, Happy be­fore the corruption of Popery, and since the Reformation in the plan­tation and preservation of Truth and Peace, eminently serviceable to this Common-wealth, most compliable with the Civill Govern­ment, into the Fabrick and Body of which it is riverted and incor­porated, and most apt and easie at all times by the state to bee reduced into Order: may for the future (as formerly) by your great authority bee continued and maintained, for the glory of God, the preserva­tion of Order, Peace, and Vnity, the Reformation and suppression of wickednesse and vice, and the mature prevention of Schismes, Fa­ctions, and Seditions, That Cathedrals, the Monuments of our Fore­fathers Charity, the reward of present Literature and furtherance of Piety, bee also continued.

The which wee your humble Petitioners the more earnestly be­seech your Honours to grant, for that strange feares doe possesse our Hearts, that the sudden Mutation of Government, so long setled, so well knowne, and approved, cannot recompence the Disturbances and Disorders which it may worke by Novelty, with any proportionable utility, being most confident, in your Honours, Wisdomes, and Iustice, that all Excesses, Exorbitances, and Encroachments, that shall bee found issuing not from any poyson in the nature of the Discipline, but rather from the infir­mity and corruption of the Persons (unto which the very best Government is subject) shall bee duely regulated and corre­cted.

And your Petitioners shall pray, &c.
  • Subscribed by Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen of Quality, 68
  • Doctours, 8
  • Ministers of good repute, as will appeare by the Originall Peti­tions, 150
  • Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Hereford. 3600

To the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Honourable House of Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT. The humble Petition of the Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants, of the County of Cornwall.

Humbly shewing,

THat wee are no lesse thankefull for the many excellent Lawes which by his Majesties grace and favour, and your care and as­siduousnesse, [Page 33] you have obtained for us; then those who have beene more forward to present you with Petitions; doubting not, but you will welcome this with as hearty acceptance, as you have done any other, it proceeding from loyall hearts to our Soveraigne, a tender care of our Protestation, and aboundance of affection to the Common­wealth; And whereas wee understand that there is a purpose, if not a presentment already to this honourable House, of a Petition here­tofore by some Iustices of the Peace tendred to the grand Enquest, at our last Assises, to be by them considered, whether fit to be presen­ted to this Honourable House; which on deliberate debate was much disliked, as it was laid; but since (as we are informed) indirectly ob­truded on diverse persons, without reading or peru [...]all; many of them since retracting their opinions, and wishing back their hands; and we having resolved to rest upon the abilities, and care of our Knights and Burgesses, our hands and mouths, for matter of our particular con­cernments; yet since their absence from us, and attendance in Parlia­ment, finding and feeling our owne grievances, giving us just grounds and feare of sudden misery, by disobedience and contempt of Lawes; thus provoked with bleeding hearts, wee beg the helpe of your Wise­domes, to advise and apply some speedy remedy for these felt and fea­red evils, And for as much as there are lately risen amongst us some few of the Clergy, and many of the Laity, publike contemners and de­pravers of the Ceremonies and the Service of the Booke of Common Prayer, by Law established, irreverent vilifiers of Gods House, and Church Assemblies in Prayer times, and generally disobedient to Ec­clesiasticall Government, of whom many have subscribed or subsigned to the recited Petition; Although the said Ceremonies and Booke of Common Prayer, are by far the greater and discreeter part of our Con­gregations inoffensively and reverently received and approved.

1 WE pray (no way presuming) to prescribe rules, but submit­ting to your graver Judgements, that a Nationall Synod of our learned, and approved Clergy, by the rest to be chosen, may be convened, and some Parliamentary course speeded, for the ordaining, confirming, & establishing of the said Service Booke, and Ceremo­nies, or some of them, or others not repugnant to Gods Word, ten­ding most to the peace and purity of our Religion and Church; before which settlement, our humble desires are, that a Parliamentary Decla­ration, may speedily issue forth, for requiring of obedience to the Lawes established.

[Page 42]2 We likewise humbly pray the continuance of that ancient and ever reverenced Episcopall Government in our Church, and that the Delinquences of any particular person, may not cause that high and holy Office, or Calling, to suffer.

3 We pray likewise that in every Parish unprovided, there may bee a Preaching Minister, and a competent maintenance raised for him, and where Impropriations are, and Preaching Ministers not suffi­ciently cared for, allowance may be had or bettered.

4 We pray likewise that such of our Clergy, as upon enquiry, shall be found either Scandalous or not Orthodox, may bee admonished, and bound for the better supply and discharge of their Cures, or re­moved.

5 Wee pray likewise that some positive Law may bee Inacted for Parsons and Vicars recovery of their Tithes, and that such course may bee taken for the obtaining of them, as may bee most speedy, and least chargeable; That so those that Minister at the Altar, may live by the Altar.

6 We pray likewise that for the restraining and preventing of in­ordinate licenciousnesse, there may be some penall Law Inacted for the punishment of Adulteries, and diverse other offences not punish­able by the Common Law.

7 As likewise that there may be some Coersive power or Law, ordained for compelling of refactory men to the payment of their rates, and for the reparations of their Parish Churches, in which of late some are growne very remisse and backward.

8 Wee pray likewise that great care may bee taken not onely for disarming of Recusants, but for the Education of their children in the Protestant Religion.

9 Wee likewise pray that some speedy course may bee taken for the Redemption of those wofull Christian Captives in Barbarie, the want of whom, hath occasioned an extraordinary decay and pover­ty in our Maritine Townes and Parishes, and that our Coasts may bee sufficiently gaurded and secured.

10 Wee likewise pray that whereas this County hath beene and is surcharged double, at least, with Armes, and very high in Subsidies, much above our abilities, and the respective charge of diverse parts of this Kingdome; we may (in consideration hereof) bee relieved in future.

11 Wee likewise pray that the Sheriffes Turne, now growne an unnecessary Court, and onely used to the grievous oppression of the [Page 43] meaner sort of people, may bee suppressed, and taken away, it being more burdensome then the Office of the Clerke of the Market for­merly hath beene.

12 Wee likewise pray that such Dutchcy Tenants as within our County pay over their rightfull Rents and Duties unto the Dutchy Officers may not bee doubly charged by Proces out of the Exchequer, as now they are, by extreame and continuall Amercements.

13 Wee likewise pray that there may bee a reparation of the de­cay of the Castle of Saint Mawes, and that there may bee a supply of the wants of Ordnances, Carriages, Powder, and Ammunition, in all which, it is extreamely defective.

And thus with all humblenes, Craving pardon for with-holding you from your other Weighty Affaires, but perswaded that the cause is considerable, and may well challenge a part of your thoughts, and be put in action; for the effecting of which, as of all things standing to the Purity and Peace of our Church, and Religion, as for the safe Defence and Ho­nour of his Majestie, his Royall Posterity, and King­domes; And in these, your and our happinesse, as for u­niting of his Gratious Majestie and this Honourable As­sembly in a mutuall consent and compliancy, as for the una­nimous and prosperous proceedings of this Parliament, wee doe, and ever shall, with humble hearts implore Gods gracious assistance and blessing.

The Index of the Petitions.

  • CHeshire. Pag. 1
  • Oxford University. Pag. 4
  • Cambridge Universitie. Pag. 6
  • Nottingham. Pag. 8
  • Huntington. Pag. 9
  • Somerset. Pag. 13
  • Rutland. Pag. 15
  • Cheshire. Pag. 21
  • Colledges, Halls, &c. Pag. 23
  • Exeter Diocesse. Pag. 24
  • Stafforashire. Pag. 25
  • Diocesse of Canterbury. Pag. 26
  • Six Counties of North-Walles. Pag. 27
  • Lancashire. Pag. 29
  • Cornwall. Pag. 32
  • Kent. Pag. 33
  • Oxford County. Pag. 36
  • Cornwall. Pag. 37
  • Hereford. Pag. 39
  • Cornwall. Pag. 40

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