AN ACCOUNT OF THE Total Defeat of the Rebels in Scotland. By the KING's Forces At Crawford-John; In a LETTER from a person of Quality to his Friend in London.
I Send you the following good news, which I hope will put an end to our restless Phanaticks troubling our peace for the future. On Thursday the 22th of July 1680, the General of the Kings Forces having notice that Mr. Cameron (that Trumpet of Sedition and Rebellion) who lately emitted that most Treasonable and horridly Rebellious Declaration against the Kings most Sacred Person and Government, was with a considerable party of Horse and Foot in Craford-John near Lanericke, he immediately commanded Sir Alexander Bruce of Earls-hall, Lieutenant to Captain Graham of Clever-house, to take his Troop, and a Troop of Dragoons, and go in search of the Rebels; who having discovered Cameron and his Party, who consisted of one Hundred men, most Horse, he Attacqued them so briskly, that they were forced to Retreat, and betook them to a great Marsh or Bogg, where the Kings Horse could not come at them; upon which, Sir Alexander Bruce commanded his Troop and Dragoons to dismount and quit their Horse, and with great Bravery charg'd the Rebels on foot, though with great disadvantage; and after a sharp dispute for half an hour, Camerons Party was totally Defeated, himself and Fourteen of his men killed on the place (though fighting the Battles of the Lord, as himself preacht some days before) and six Prisoners taken, amongst which was that Notorious Murderer of the Archbishop of St. Andrews, Haxton of Rachilet, amongst the dead were two more of those Murderers. The Prisoners were brought hither this night, together with Camerons Head, which was carried upon a Poll through the streets by the common Hangman; and so fare all, who opposes the Kings Person or Government, as now established by Law,