A SVPPORT FOR the sinking Heart in times of distresse. OR A SERMON PREACHED in LONDON, to uphold hope and allay feare, Ianuary 4 th. Which was a day of great trouble and deepe danger in the City.


PROV. 25.11.

A Word fitly spoken, is like apples of gold, in pictures of silver.

LONDON Printed by G.M. and are to be sold by Thomas Vn­derhill, at the signe of the Bible in Woodstreet neare the Counter, MDCXLII.

To the Christian Reader.

THE seasonablenesse of this Sermon occasioning warme workings in the hearts of many who heard it preached, the Author of it was perswaded to print it: but he judging it unworthy such pub­like view, returned a denyall unto those desires of his friends. Afterwards un­derstanding that a Coppy taken by short hand from his mouth, would be made common, he rather chose to peruse and correct it, then to expose himselfe and the reader unto greater wrong. Here­upon sundry phrases are filed, and some [Page] Scriptures lay [...]d more open, other addi­tions or amplifications are not very ma­ny, but thou now hast the body of the Sermon, both for matter and method, as it was first delivered. When thou mee­test with wants and weaknesses, remem­ber that not the confidence of the prea­cher, but the importunity of some of his heareres, hath made this discourse thus publike. If by meanes hereof, thy soule shall receive any spirituall edification, and grow more able with hope and com­fort, to thrust through straights in Hea­ven way; give God the glory of all his gracious workings upon thy spirit by Jesus Christ.

IT is this day ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning Printing; that this Booke, intituled A support for the sinking heart in times of distresse, be printed.


In the Mount of the Lord it shall be seene.

INterpreters call this Text a Proverbe, the interpretation whereof is to be fetched from the occasion of it.

God by way of tryall did put his ser­vant Abraham upon a sad taske, Vers. 1. a dead service, commanding him to make a burnt offering of his sonne, his sonne Isaack, the sonne of his age, and the sonne of Gods promise.

Take now thy sonne, thy only sonne Isaack whom thou lovest, Vers. 2. and get thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering.

How heavy this worke was likely to be upon Abrahams heart, I leave it to the judgement of any affectionate fa­ther, when he hath seriously perused the law of the Lord concerning burnt offerings.

The offering being slaine it was to be cut in peeces, Lev. 1.6.8, 9. the wood being laid upon the Altar fire was to be put un­der, the parts, the head, the fat were to be laid in order upon the wood, the inwards and the legs being washt in water, all were to be burnt on the Altar.

When the good old man had chewed this bitter pill for the space of three dayes, towards the end of the third day, Gen. 22.4. he lifting up his eyes saw the place afarre off where his [Page 2] dearest sonne must be sacrificed.

Being come to his journeyes end he builds the Altar, binds his sonne, and layes him thereon. What patheticall conference pafled betweene them two, the Holy Ghost reveales not. But what it was each affectionate heart will make conjecture. When the father (no doubt with a heavy heart) had taken the knife, and lifted up his hand, and was ready to give the deaths blow to his be­loved Isaack, now imagin you what were Abrahams straights.

Is it not probable he might have such reasonings as these? If I kill not my sonne God will be incensed be­cause he is disobeyed; If I doe, how will the world cla­mour and censure, being ignorant of my warrant, and therefore apt to judge my act both impious and unna­turall.

Now in the Mount is the Lord seene, divine provi­dence sweetly and gloriously appeareth two wayes.

1. In that Abrahams sonne is spared.

Ʋers. 11, 12.2. In that a sitting sacrifice is prepared, and both un­expected. Abraham, Abraham hold thy hand.

How welcome were these words to the working warme heart of Abraham, being ready to let forth the life of his welbeloved sonne? The execution is checkt, Isaack is not killed, Heb. 11.17. and yet the intention of his obe­dience herein is graciously accepted: yea and as an ad­dition of mercy, he is assured by Christ the Angell of the covenant, Ʋers. 12. that God accounted him one that truly feared his name. Now J know thou fearest me.

This unexpected providence might worke in the good mans heart willingnesse to tender unto the Lord an of­fering in way of thankfullnesse, that his Majesty might have some homage in the same place where he had shew­ed so much favour. And though speedy provision of that kind was as farre from Abrahams thoughts, as the pre­servation of his sonne, yet when he lifted up his eyes and looked, behold behind him aramme caught in a thicket by the hornes. Ʋers. 13. And Abraham went and tooke the ramme [Page 3] and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his sonne, and Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh. In the Mount of the Lord it shall be seene.

I will not trouble you in reporting the various rea­dings of these words from the originall. In short, the english of my Text is this, Mans extremity is Gods opportunity. Or if you would have my Doctrine in other words, take it thus:

In the Mount, in the midst of straights it hath beene the manner of the Almighty, Doct. mercifully to manifest himselfe for his servants comfort.

There are two things that I shall desire to speake too in the prosecution of this point, purposeley pitched upon because of this dayes perplexity.

  • 1. Confirmation, that it may be strongly beleeved.
  • 2. Application, that it may be seasonably improved.

The Confirmation of the Doctrine I will give in.

  • 1. By Scripture.
  • 2. By Reason.

The Scripture proofe you shall have under two heads.

  • 1. The Promises of God.
  • 2. The experiences of the godly.

I will mention only two pretious Promises, because they are sufficient, being both pregnant and pertinent, speaking both fully and punctually to the point in hand.

The former is in Psal. 72.12. where the sweet dis­pensations of Christs regall authority being tipically foretold by King Solomons government, Psal. 72.12. we have this re­corded. He shall deliver the needy when he cryeth, the poore also and him that hath no helper. You may doe well to marke the fitnesse and fullnesse of the Promise.

  • 1. When Christ finds his people in themselves poore and needy, destitute of abilities to shelter themselves from wrong and violence.
  • 2. When in regard of others it is thus with them, viz. not only that they have weake helps, or few helpers, but when they have no helpers, none at all.
  • [Page 4]3. When in this distresse they cry out as persons in an undone condition, then, though not till then will he deliver.

The other Promise is registred in Deut. 32.36. For the Lord shall judge his people, Deut. 32.36. and repent himselfe for his ser­vants when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut, up, or left.

The language is large, and hath much in it, but be­cause the proofe in it is apparent to every eye, I will leave it.

The experiences of the godly which I shall produce you may please thus to consider:

  • 1. Of single Persons plunged into deepe dangers.
  • 2. Of companies, whether few or many, compassed about with devouring perills on every side.

For single Persons, I will instance in foure Examples.

Dan. 6.16.17, &c.The first is of Daniell, wherein fource circumstances are remarkeable.

  • 1. He was cast to Lyons, not only one but many, the number we know not.
  • 2. He was put into the Lyons den, and the doore was shut, a stone was brought and layed upon the mouth of the den that he might not get forth from those beasts of prey.
  • 3. The King sealeth it with his owne signet, and with the signet of his Lords, that the purpose might not be changed con­cerning Daniell.
  • 4. In this darke den of deadly danger he continued a whole night, and in this great straight the Lord by his Angell, shut the Lyons mouthes that they did his servant no hurt at all.

The second Example is that of David, 1 Sam. 23. from the 25. to the 28. Saul pursued after David in the wildernesse of Maon, and Saul went on this side the Moun­taine and David and his men on that side of the Mountaine, and David made haste to get away for feare of Saul, for Saul and his men compassed David and his men round about to take them. But there came a messenger unto Saul saying, hast thee and come, for the Philistines have invaded the Land, [Page 5] wherefore Saul returned from pursuing after David.

In this Example these things are considerable.

  • 1. It was no lesse then Davids life that now was en­dangered.
    Ʋers. 15.
  • 2. The Ziphites who were acquainted with Davids holds, combined themselves also against him.
    Ʋers. 19.
  • 3. All this strength did not only in a warre-like way take up armes to meete him, for then by flying backe he might have made an escape, but they compassed him round about.
  • 4. His strength was not sufficient safely to breake through these blood-thirsting forces: Now in this straight, an unexpected providence procures his preservation: In this Mount was God seene gloriously.

The third Example is that of Paul, which you have in the 21. Acts 30.31, 32. All the City was moved, and the people ranne together, they bound Paul, drew him out of the Temple, and forthwith the doores were shut, and as they went about to kill him, tydings came to the chiefe Captaine of the band, that all Jerusalem was in an uproare, who immediately tooke souldiers, and Centurions, and ranne downe unto them, and when they saw the chiefe Captaine and the soul­diers, they left beating Paul.

Herein you may note:

  • 1. The generall Insurrection, All the City.
  • 2. Their violent Opposition, They drew him out.
  • 3. Their bloody Intention, It was to kill Paul.
  • 4. Their entrance upon execution, They were beating him to beate out his life: Now in this straight commeth tydings, leave him there is something else to doe: Thus was God in the Mount seene, and Pauls life preserved.

The fourth Example is of Peter, Acts 12.4, 6, 7. where­in note:

  • 1. That Herod intending to kill him (having done ex­ecution upon James, ver. 3.) had apprehended him, and im­prisoned him.
  • 2. In prison he was committed to the custody of foure quaternions of souldiers, that for every watch both day [Page 6] and night there might be 4. looking to him to pre­vent escape.
  • 3. The night before he was to be brought forth, he was bound with two chaines, and two souldiers had him betweene them. And now, that night, and in that straight, he was delivered by the Angell of God.

The experiences of Gods people in combined com­panies, come in the next place to be considered, and for brevities sake I will only suggest three.

The first is of Shadrack, Mesheck and Abednego, wherein their Persons are not so many as the particulars notable in their deliverance, Dan. 3.19, 20, 21, 22, 23. &c. Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, and the forme of his visage was changed against Shadrack, Mesech and Abed­nego, therefore he spake and commanded that they should heate the furnace seven times more then it was wont to be hea­ted, &c.

From these words their extreame perill with which they were besieged, appeares in five circumstances.

  • 1. Their death is determined by the King, who had authority to command both their tortures and execu­tioners.
  • 2. The most mighty souldiers were appointed to bind them, and doe execution upon them.
  • 3. The furnace being heated seven times more hot then ordinarily, did burne to death them who undertooke their burning.
  • 4. These 3. men, were cast not only into the mouth, but into the midst of the furnace.
  • 5. They fell down bound in the midst of the burning fiery furnace. Now in this condition, conceive how little hope could be expected of life to be continued, and yet it is affirmed by the Holy Ghost,
    Ʋers. 27.
    that they had no hurt, upon their bodies the fire had no power, nor was the haire of their head singed.

The next is of Israel when they came out of Egypt, recorded, Exodus 14. wherein these things set forth Is­raels extremity.

  • [Page 7]1. The forces prepared against them, The heart of Pha­roah and of his servants was turned against the people, and he made ready his Chariot and tooked his people with him, and he tooke six hundred chosen Chariots,
    Ʋers. 5, 6, 7.
    and all the Chariots of Egypt, and Captaines over every one of them.
  • 2. The pursuit made after them, They pursued after the children of Israel, and the Egyptians pursued after them,
    Ʋers. 8, 9.
    all the horses and Chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen and his army.
  • 3. The dreadfull apprehensions raised in the hearts of the Israelites, (viz.) that no lesse then their death was intended. Why hast thou taken us away to dye?
    Ʋers. 11, 12.
    Had it not beene better for us to serve the Egyptians then that we should dye.
  • 4. The particulars whereby they were further straight­ned.
    Ʋers. 9.
    1. The Egyptians overtooke them encamping by the Sea. 2. The Seas of they went forward threatned to de­voure them. In this distresse God discovers himselfe, and delivers them. For observe the words, Moses said unto the people, feare ye not, stand still,
    Ʋers. 13.
    and see the salvation of the Lord, which h [...] will shew to you to day.

To day, even just now and not before, helpe comes from Heaven Herein this farther circumstances hath it's weight, that Israel at this instant was provoking God, by murmuring and distrustfull feares.

The last is of Israel in the raigne of Jeroboam sonne of Joash. 2 King. 14.26, 27. The Lord saw the affliction of Israel that it was very bitter, for there was not any shut up, nor any left, nor any helper for Israel, and the Lord said not that he would blot out the name of Israel under Heaven, but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the sonne of Joash.

All these passages propounded from sacred re­cords, may abundantly satisfie us in the truth of the doctrine now under hand: (viz.) That in the Mount of the Lord it shall appeare, Mans extremity is Gods opportunity.

In case you inquire the Reasons of this divine dispensa­tion, I returne answer.

[Page 8]That God thus worketh in reference to

  • Himselfe.
  • His people.
  • Their enemies

1. In reference to himselfe. The prayse and glory of his own blessed Name designed in all his works, is the supreame end aymed at in this Providence. This God bringeth in as the cause why his hand carryed Israel to the very side of the Sea, into the mouth of death before deliverance should appeare. I will be honoured upon Pha­raoh and upon all his hoast; that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord. Exod. 14.4.

Vpon such occasions the Attributes of the Lord breake forth in glory, His Wisdome is most manifested when it worketh beyond meanes, above meanes, that humane reason cannot find out divine foot-steps. His Power truimphs when all opposition shrinketh before his won­drous workings. The like might be shewed concer­ning his other excellencies. The event of Gods dealings with Daniel, and the three young governours in the times of their straights, discover that this was Gods in­tent in those providences. For marke how Ne­buchadnezzar and the King Darius did trumpet forth the praises of the God of Shadrach, Mesech, Abednego and Daniel, when they were eye witnesses of those two glorious deliverances which were wrought on by omni­potency. Dan. 3.28, 29. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake and said, blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who hath sent his Angell, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the Kings word, and yeelded their bodies that they might not serve, nor worship any god, except their owne God. Therefore I make a decree, that every peo­ple, nation and language, which speake any thing amisse against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dung-hill, Then King Darius wrote unto all people, Dan. 6.26, 27. nations and lan­guages, that dwell in all the earth. I make a decree, that in every dominion of my Kingdome, men tremble and feare be­fore [Page 9] the God of Daniell, for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and his Kingdome that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end. He delivereth and resoueth, and he worketh signes and wonders in Heaven and in earth who hath delivered Daniell from the power of the Lyons. By both these instances it is evident, that the Lord doth appeare in the Mount for his owne sake, to get and raise himselfe a name in the world.

2. God doth thus work in respect to his own people. And here I will note only foure particulars.

1. Sometimes that he might discover to his servants for their encouragement, both the truth and strength of his owne graces in them. This was the reason why God thus tryed Abraham, that he might manifest that holy feare which was planted in his breast. Hereupon God putteth him to it, and carrieth him into the Mount, leadeth him into distresse by degrees, acting him on to build the Altar, to lay the wood in order, to bind his Isaack, to lay him upon the Altar, upon the wood, yea to take the knife, and to stretch forth his hand to slay his sonne, before he did appeare for his comfort, in giving order for the lengthening of Isaacks life. And now when there seemed to be but one minute of time unto the effusion of Isaacks blood, heare the good newes from Hea­ven, Abraham I know thou fearest me.

2. Sometimes to manifest the feeblenesse of some grace in their hearts for their humbling, Peter thought himselfe full enough of courage to come to Christ upon the sinking seas it he might have a call. Well! marke the issue, Christ calleth him, come out Peter, but when he saw the windes boysterous, and when his sooting failed, he began to sinke, then he was afraid and cryed out, Mat. 14.28, 29, 30, 31. here­upon observe Christs answer, O thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt.

3. That he may set the graces of his Spirit in exercise, both for their increase, and for the enfeebling of con­trary lusts. We know that habits are strengthened by exercise, and grace is augmented in its measure, by [Page 10] being put forth vigorously in it's operations. And by how much any grace gathereth strength, by so much the opposing corruption becommeth feeble in a Christian brest. And that the Lord hath this end in this kind of working, it might be evidenced by manifold instances, but for brevities sake, I will only point at one, in one single experiment.

As holy affiance in God is confirmed, so by such like dispensations creature confidence is abated in holy hearts, 2 Cor. 1.9, 10. But we had the sentence of death in our sel­ves, that we should not trust in our selves, but in God which raiseth the dead, who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver, in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us. Men in straights see the strength of creature helps shunke up, and withered, whereupon they dare leane to them no longer; but Gods irresistible power profound wis­dome, abundant goodnesse, and other glorious attributes in such difficult cases being clearely discovered, the soule is incouraged confidently to cast it selfe into his armes for future times.

4. That their deliverance might be more sweet to their spirits, and consequently that their joyes might the more readily runne out before his Majesty in holy thankfullnesse. When we expect that now our houses shall be fired, the City sack it our estates wasted, our wives abused, our children cruelly murthered, our Sab­bath and weeke day meetings interrupted, our Parlia­ment dissolved, and our Kingdome desolated. Now to see these clouds to blow over, and our Sunne to breake forth againe, oh how sweet will this glorious change be to our now-dropping hearts! Davids experince speaks to this purpose, Psal 34.1, 2, 3. A Psalme of David when he changed his behavior before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed. I will blesse the Lord at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth: My soule shall make her boust in the Lord, the hamble shall heare there­of and be glad, oh magnifie the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Psal. 86.12, 1, 3. I will praise thee O [Page 11] Lord my God with all my heart, and I will glorifie thy name for evermore. For great is thy mercy toward me, and thou hast delivered my soule from the lowest hell. But more fully and fitly may our Kingdome concernments be expressed by: Psal. 1▪ 24. if our God be pleased now to appeare in the Mount for London, for England, in this day of our deep danger, and exceeding, exceeding great feare, And our desired deliverance from present perplexities, may with joy of soule be expressed by the words of that Psalme. If it had not beene the Lord who was on our side, now may England say, if it had not beene the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us, then they had swal­lowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us, then the waters had overwhelmed us, the streame had gone over our soule, then the proud waters had gone over our soule. But blessed be the Lord who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth, &c.

3. God thus worketh in regard of his peoples ene­mies, both the Divell and divelish men. 1. In regard of the Divell, that he might stop his black and slanderous mouth, which is upon all occasions wide open in wayes of calumny, casting slanderous accusations upon Gods good servants. When all Jobs estate was removed in a day, all his children knockt dead at one blow, God commending Job saith thus to Satan, Job 2 3. Hast thou consi­dered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God and es­cheweth evill? and still be holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him to destroy him without cause. And Satan answered and said, skin for skin, ver. 4, 5, yea all that a man hath will he give for his life, put forth thy hand now and touch his bone, and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face. Hereupon God bringeth Job into further straights, for this very purpose to silence Satan. Rev. 12.10. And whereas those malignant spirits continue to be the accusers of the Bre­thren, and are still apt to provoke his Majesty against them, suggesting, that if his providence put them to pin­ches, they will then sly out, and manifest their carnall [Page 12] fleshlinesse in the profession and practice of Religion: Hereupon God puts them (as it were) into the stocks, and sets them upon the rack, and causeth them to be be­sieged with difficulties to prove Satan a notoriour lyar.

2. In regard of divellish men. Partly to fill their hearts with the more vexation: Partly to chaine down their violent spirits, that they may not breake forth with further fury against his cause and people, and through the power of strong conviction, to work some change in their lives and courses.

1. To fill their hearts with the more vexation. The Lord doth indeed rejoyce in the misery of the wicked. I will laugh at your calamity, Prov. 1.26. and mock when your feare com­meth: yea it is a comfort to his highnesse to powre forth fury upon them: Ezek. 5.13. I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted. And the Psalmist seems to give in this, as a reason why God causeth it to be midnight with his servants before light peep forth, why they are in deep danger before day-light appeare, Psal. 112.9, 10. Ʋnto the upright there ariseth light in the darknesse, his heart is established, he shall not be afraid: untill be see his desire up­on his enemies, his horne shall be exalted with honour, the wicked shall see it and be grieved, he shall gnash with his teeth and melt away. It cutteth a wicked man to the heart, when he thinketh he shall have the day in the downfall of the righteous, and yet the godly they rise and get ground, and gather strength. We have a pregnant proof of this in the example of Haman; Esth. 5.14. who expecting that Mordecai should be hanged, when Mordecai was ad­vanced to great honour, Esth 6.10, 11. then Haman mourned and hanged down the head: And thus it will be with the popish and prophane, ver 12. who this day rejoyce in our dole­full straights, when God shall appeare in the Mount for our deliverance.

2. That chaines of restraint might be laid upon their hearts and hands, by Gods strange and amazing provi­dences. When they see that God from Heaven doth give testimonialls of approbation to his poore persecuted [Page 13] servants and service, being plunged over head and eares in the floods of deepest calamity.

This is made good upon Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 3.29. Therefore I make a decree, that every people, nation and language which speake any thing amisse against the God of Shadrach, Me­shach and Abednego, shall be cut in peeces, and their houses shall be made a dung-hill, because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort. Then the King promoted Shadrach, ver. 30. Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babilon.

In like manner the defeate of Haman, and the deli­verance of the poore Jewes devoted to destruction, Esth. 8.16, 17. pro­duced the same effect upon many of their enemies. And truly notwithstanding this dayes feares and straights, we will hope to see some such effects upon the hearts and lives of some who deride and oppose our desired refor­mation. Thus much for Confirmation of the do­ctrine. Application followeth. There are foure uses to be made which are both naturall and seaso­nable.

Hence it followeth, Ʋse 1. Information. that people have no ground at all to suspect their own gracious standing in reference to God because of their straights. Deep and devouring dangers may be ready to swallow up the righteous, God may bring an Abraham into the Mount, unto great dif­ficulties, Gods people may travell through the red sea in the way to Canaan, seas of trouble, bloody times may overtake them who are most deare to God. This I rather note because Gods people are apt to dash upon this rock, and to doe themselves much wrong by thus reasoning. If God did love me, 1 Pet. 4.12. or had been graciously respectiue to my humiliations and prayers, I should not have seen so black, so dark a day. My selfe and mine, our peace and Parliament, our persons and possessions had never been in such danger, if the Lord had bin fa­vourable to me in seeking better times. Herein David failed: Psal. 73.13, 14. Verily I have cleansed my heart in vaine, and washed my hands in innocency, for all the day long have I bin plagued, and chastened every morning. [Page 14] Now to keep us from adding guilt to our grief, that we may not provoke God to be angry, while our enemies are filled brim full of bloud-thirsting fury. I will briefly suggest foure considerations, to preserve us from this mistake.

1. By this error acted, we deny the perfection of the word of God, because therein there is no such rule to judge by. Yea the Scriptures openly and evidently speake the contrary, Eccles. 9.1, 2. No man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before them. All things come alike to all, there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked. And certainely if we shall dare to adde our de­vises to Gods word, Prov. 30.6. he will be angry. Adde thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a lyar.

2. Thus people beare false witnesse against themselves, by passing unjustifiable sentences against their own soules. Exod. 20.16. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neigh­bour. To detract from our neighbours credit and com­fort, is a breach of Gods law. And truly it admits ma­ny aggravations, when we deale thus injuriously with our selves.

3. We expresse much ingratitude to God, the God of all our mercies, calling his love into question, and overlooking or undervaluing all former favours, because of present pressures and approaching dangers. Let Is­raels miscarriage in this kind be your looking-glasse to shew the foule face of this fault, that you may take heed of this deformity. When Pharaoh pursued them, and the roaring seas threatned to devoure them, their deli­verance out of Egypt (though wrought on by many miraculous providences) was accounted a misery rather then a mercy, for observe their language, Exod. 14.11. wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us?

4. By this mistake we reach a wrong to others, Psal. 73.15. If I say I will speake thus, behold I should offend against the generation of thy children. Our carriage in this particular may cast sad discouragements upon the hearts [Page 15] of many deare to God, causing them to question their spirituall state, because of outward straights. Hereby also we seeme to suspect their wisdome who uphold their hopes, and maintaine their comforts, notwithstanding their manifold heavy afflictions.

Censure not others to be rejected or abhorred by the Lord, because you meet with them in the Mount, Ʋse 2. Admonition. you see them in straights, in extremities. Beloved, the words of the Psalmist are considerable. Psal. 41.1, 3. Blessed is he that considereth the poore, the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble, the Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing, thou wilt make all his bed in his sicknesse. As you desire favourable dealing from God in the time of your personall calamity, learne to judge wisely and cha­ritably of them who are in extremity. The Barbarians did censure Paul to be a man under some black note of infamy, fastened upon him by the Lord, because of his suddaine and unexpected danger. Acts 28.4. And when the Barbarians saw the venemous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, no doubt this man is a murderer. Marke their confidence as well as their uncharitablenesse, no doubt he is a murderer: And why no doubt? because though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth him not to live, for a venemous viper, a death threatning crea­ture now did hang upon his hand. Beloved when we looke upon men arrested by credit-killing accusations, and pursued with death-threatning charges, and con­strained to hide themselves from the bloody hands of violence, let us take heed of adding to their sorrow by our censures. That practice which was well beseeming Barbarians, will be very uncomely for us Christians. Two things consider to keep you from this fault, which I will propound without much enlargement.

  • 1. The sinfullnesse of this censoriousnesse.
  • 2. The dangerousnesse of this censoriousnesse.

The sinfullnesse of it:

1. Being forbidden by Christ, judge not, Mat. 7.1. that you be not judged; judge not, that is, not rashly, groundlesly, unchari­tably.

[Page 16]2. Arguing want of love, for truth and strength of love maketh faire and canded constructions of all occur­rances which concerne them whom we love. Charity doth not behave it selfe unseemly, 1 Cor. 13.5. ver. 7. is not easily provoked, thin­keth no evill, beareth all things, beleeveth all things, hopeth all things.

3. Weakning love, for affection is enfeebled by our looking upon our brethren through the glasse which pre­sents them as unlovely, while we think them per­sons disregarded by God, our respect to them is dimi­nished.

4. Hindering prayer, the Apostle knew this, and therfore I pray you consider by what an argument he pres­seth the Hebrews to pray for him, Heb. 13.18. pray for us, for we trust we have a good conscience in all things, willing to live ho­nestly. If you be well perswaded of the afflicted in re­gard of their pious frame, you will be the more willing to let out your hearts for them in a way of prayer. But when men thus think, the Heavens frown, and God is angry with such an one, and therfore it is a vain thing to bestow time and breath in prayer for him, this office of Christian love is interrupted. By these particulars you may perceive that this censoriousnesse is very sin­full; sinfull in the root, and sinfull in the fruits, sinfull in the heart, and sinfull in the life, checking grace, and hin­dering duty.

2. Consider the dangerousnesse of it.

1. God is much incensed, You remember how Eli­phas and the other of Jobs friends, loaded him with their heavy censures, concluding his hypocrisie from his ex­tremity. Now when God had done with Job, having schooled him out of the whirlwind, and had wrought him to his own bent, observe what followeth, The Lord said to Eliphas the Tewanite, my wrath is kindled against thee, Job 42.7. and against thy two friends, for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right as my servant Job hath. Therefore my beloved if you would not suffer under Gods frowns, nor smart under the expressions of his displea­sure, [Page 17] if you would not have the sparks of Gods wrath to kindle upon you, take heed of censuring any of Gods worthies that have bin instrumentall for good either in Church or commonwealth, because for the present un­der a black cloud, because exposed unto any disgrace or danger, by reason of some sad providence.

2. Our censoriousnesse may in our suffering times adde much weight to our own heavy pressures. If I censure others, and thereby adde affliction to their bonds, I may expect that God will adde gall to my wormwood, when the bitter cup commeth to my hand, and I must per force take down a displeasing and distastfull draught. Judge not, that you be not judged, for with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, Mat. 7.1. ver. 2. it shall be measured to you againe. These meditations made use of, may, I hope through Gods mercy, prevent our sinning against God, others and our selves, by uncharitable censures cast upon our distressed brethren.

It concerneth all of us to prepare for a journey into the Mount, to make ready for tryalls by extremities. Ʋse 3. Exhortation. Beloved, this day the Heavens are black over our heads, and our feares are not few, for ought we know God will have us into the Mount, my meaning is, it may be the Lord will thrust us into such extremities, as we never yet met with in all our lives.

There are two things that I will plainly speake to in the enlarging of this use.

  • 1. What may quicken us to prepare for straights.
  • 2. What course must be taken that we may be prepared for such a condition.

To perswade our preparation, consider two motive.

  • 1. That we are all exposed unto perplexities.
  • 2. That we are all subject to manifold miscarriages in such a state.

1. We are all subject to a distressed condition, let him that denieth it bring forth his supersedias, and say here, I have that from Heaven signed and fealed, which doth secure me I shall never come into adversity. Beloved, be­leeve [Page 18] it, whatsoever afflictions have seized upon any of Gods worthies formerly, may overtake you and me be­fore we dye, and we cannot tell how speedily. You have heard what befell Israell, and why may not the same betide England, you have heard what befell Abraham, David, Daniell, Paul, and why may not we looke for the like.

Secondly, Subject we are to many miscarriages when God in his providence bringeth us to extremities: I will only hint this in a word or two.

1. Extremities doe expose us unto unbeliefe, A grie­vous sinne it is to suffer our soules at any time to be ta­ken from an holy adherence, and firme dependance up­on our God, and yet thus we are in danger to dishonour his highnesse, and wrong our own soules in times of distresse. Davids example doth evidence this fully. What more fayre promise can any man imbrace, then that which God made to him particularly, that he should be the King of Israel, and yet when David was in a straight, you heare of his distrust from his own confession, I was gratly afflicted, Ps. 116.10, 21. I said in my hast all men are lyars, Nathan a lyar, and all others who told him of succeeding Saul in the Kingdome of Israel, they were all lyars. And why? because he saw not a faire and easie passage to the crown. The like also is recorded concerning him, when wea­ried out with the bloody pursuit of envious Saul. And David said in his heart, I shall perish now one day by the hand of Saul. 1 Sam. 27.1.

2. In distresse we are disposed to strange impatiency and discontent of spirit, which distemper doth wo­fully disguise our hearts, and disgrace our profession. It is a wonderfull thing that ever a heart furnished with grace, Jonah 44. should flye out as Jonah did. First, he thought he had lost his reputation, because Niniveh by him threat­ned was by the Lord spared. Well, he goeth out, and then the Sunne annoyed him in regard of his body, ver. 6. but God provided a shelter, and the man was calme, afterward the gourd being worme-eaten and withered, [...] 7. Jonah he [Page 19] chafes and frets. The Lord checks him by this interroga­tion, doest thou well to be angry? ver. 8. Marke and be warned by his answer, I doe well to be angry even unto death. ver. 9. Job 3. The history of patient Job also proves this plentifully.

3. I might adde, that we are subject to sinfull feares, which dismay and torment the heart, check duty, wea­ken joy, and interrupt our sweet communion with God. Take notice of this distemper in Gods own people, for which his majesty chideth them, Isa. 51.12. ver. 13. And who art thou that fearest a man that shall dye, and the sonne of man that is but as grasse, and for gettest the Lord thy maker, that hath stret­ched forth the Heavens, and layed the foundations of the earth, and hast feared continually every day, &c.

4. Apt we are to use sinfull shists betaking our selves to unworthy practices to safeguard our selves in times of extremitie. Observe this in Peters practice, Mat. 26, 70. ver. 72. his Ma­ster is apprehended, violently carried away, likely to suffer death as a grievous malefactor. Now he seeth him­selfe surrounded with them that oppose Christ, ver. 74. and this distresse drove him upon a dangerous rock, a three-fold denyall of his dearest Master: Let this move you and me, to prepare that we may not in like manner misse it, if God shall be pleased thus to prove us.

These things I beleeve doe affect your hearts, where­upon in probability you will desire direction. Attend therefore and I will give you some counsell briefly: There are six things which I shall commend to your con­sideration and practice.

First, You must labour to make sure your propriety in God: When David upon service had bin abroad, 1 Sam. 30.2. Ziglack the place where he left his wife and children was burnt, ver. 3. when he commeth home, there was no house to enter­taine him, no wife to welcome him, no children to be a comfort unto him, they all were carried captive, here­upon he with the rest, ver. 4. ver. 5. ver. 6. wept till they could weepe no lon­ger, &c. But David incouraged himselfe in the Lord his God. Heede here the ground of his support and con­solation, not the Lord God, but the Lord his God, deity [Page 20] and propriety hold up his heavy heart, for the good man enjoying God, might thus refresh his drooping spirit. What though I have not an house to dwell in? thou art my dwelling place, my habitation, a place of sweetest rest and safest refuge. What though I have not a Wife? I have more in God then a yoak-fellow could have af­forded. What though I have not a Child? there is more then the comfort of a numerous posterity in the blessed Deity. The souldiers cannot batter down this castle, the pilfering people pillaging, cannot possibly steale away this treasure, the troops of robbers, the desperate Ca­villiers cannot deprive of this possession: This might be much enlarged both seasonably and profitably, but I must not insist upon any thing. But this is my request, that you would without delay endeavour to cleare up your interest in the almighty, that your dejected hearts may not abide disconsolate in the dayes of your di­stresse.

Secondly, Acquaint your selves with God, and labour to be familiar with his Majesty by constant and frequent communion through Jesus Christ. Men desire to know the utmost worth of what they have in possession, and what improvement may be made thereof if need should so require. We reade in the Parable, that he that had bought a piece of ground, Luk 14.13. must needs goe to see it, and there­fore he must be excused if other things be neglected. If we were thus wise for our soules, we would seek to know, and to improve our God who is our inhe­ritance, yea our all, unto our various advantages in the times of our greatest need. Seriously therefore aske thy selfe this question, What have I in having a God? What have I? I have infinite wisdome to advise me in all dif­ficulties, infinite power to carry me through all straights, abundant goodnesse to supply all my wants, the ten­derest bowells to commiserate me in my most dolefull condition, yea I have alsufficiency to fill me brim full, and running over unto satisfaction. I added converse with thy God. He that would have comfort from Phy­sitians [Page 21] in time of sicknesse, gaineth and maintaineth ac­quaintance with them in time of health. If you and I shall dare to keep at a distance from God in a way of estrangement from his Majesty in summer dayes, and in sun-shine seasons, when the Heavens are cleere, and the City is peaceable, and the Parliament promising, and our hopes flourishing, we shall want comfort through communion with God, when the sunne setteth, winter approacheth, Parliament breaketh, and misery threat­neth on every side. Being in hast I shall here lay heads confusedly on heapes, whereas I should distinctly have discovered three things.

  • 1. How God is revealed in holy writ for our comfort in the worst of times.
  • 2. By what courses Christians should gaine, and main­taine communion with their God.
  • 3. What fruitfull improvements may be made of God by such imployments. But I shall leave these things to your private care, having suggested this course by way of friendly counsell to make way for your comfort in the day of distresse.

Thirdly, Walke exactly. Take heed of making brea­ches upon your consciences, by willing and willfull sin­ning against the God of your comforts. Beloved, be­loved you know that those who have had bruises and broken bones, they will feele aches in hard weather, and certainly if you will in time of prosperity dare to sinne against conscience, it will adde sorrow to your Sops, and gall to your wormwood, when God com­meth upon you in a way of bitter calamity. Sinfull sensuall surfets upon sweet morsells, will breed wringing paines, and painfull vomits. Gen 42.21. The sonnes of Jacob were in a great straight when they were taken for spyes as the story reports. What did now wring them? The remem­brance of sinne, though many yeers since committed, ah our brothers blood, our brothers blood; we would not pity him when he made his moane, and now God will be avenged of us. Alas, alas, we were hard-hearted to­wards [Page 22] a brother, and therefore no wonder that we meet with harshnesse amongst strangers. Whereas the main­taining of a cleere conscience, ô what a comfort will it be when all shall be blacknesse, and blood about us. See it in Paul and his companions. When they made no other account but to dye, 2 Cor. 1.12. what saith Paul, This was our rejoycing, (that was strange, rejoyce when the next day they might expect to goe to the stake?) well saith Paul our rejoycing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, we have had our conversation in the world. Beloved, beleeve it that you cannot lay in a better cordiall, to comfort and to stay your hearts in fearfull, fainting, distressing, dying times, then by ex­act walking with God before the storme fall. The A­postles experience puts a probatum est unto this prescrip­tion. For ought we know, the day is at hand wherein we shall heare the warre-Horses neighing, the mur­thering Cannons roaring, the little Children skreaking, and the fearfull Women skritching: You know not, be­loved, how soon you may see your City flaming, your own houses burning, your goods wasting. It will be a sad sight to behold your Wives barbarously abused, your Husbands bloudily butchered, and your Children cruelly tormented. I beseech you, I beseech you, con­sider now what will yeeld you comfort then. When Hezekiah did daily expect to dye, take notice, unto what he betooke himselfe for solace and support: Remember now ô Lord I beseech thee, Isa. 38.3. how I have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. In like manner may we raise up our sinking hearts in such heavy times, if we can truly thus speake unto the soule-searching Majesty. Lord while times were peaceable and prosperous, when I was sur­rounded with comforts on every side, thou knowest I had a heart to walke with thee humbly, to observe thy Sabbath holily, to use thy worships purely, and to aime at the honour of thy name sincerely. This, this will cheare you both living and dying. You know that nei­ther [Page 23] the lowd windes, nor the black clouds, nor the great showers, nor the flashings of lightning, nor the hideous claps of thunder, doe so much affright us, as an earthquake. But when some vapours are got into the hollow places, the bowells of the earth, and the foun­dation of the world shakes, this is terrible, this is ter­rible indeed, though the Sunne shine, and no cloud ap­peare in the skie. In like manner it is not so much an outward affliction as guilt within, guilt within which causeth the heart of man to rocke and quake through feare within him. Therfore take heed, stop all the passages into your soules, keep the heart with all diligence, that no knowne guilt be admitted into it, as you desire a stable, firme frame of spirit, prepared for the strongest stormes, the greatest straights wherewith divine pro­vidence may possibly prove you.

Fourthly, If you have made wounds and bruises in your consciences, seeke an healing plaister by sound re­pentance suddainely. A bone broken being well set (they say) becomes the stronger. David had gashed his con­science grievously, both by uncleannesse and murther, in the matter of Bathsheba and Ʋriah. Notwithstanding by means of Nathans plaine dealing being wrought to deepe sorrow, the wound was healed, and the same mouth which cured him by a corrasive, gave him this comfort, God hath forgiven thy sinne, thou shalt not dye. 2 Sam. 12.13. Now after this, according to the threatning of Nathan, ver. 11. God raised up evill against him out of his own house, and he was in a wonderfull straight, Absolom was up in armes against him. This distresse occasioned the third Psalme, as the title tells, wherein he expresseth his per­plexed condition. Many are they that rise up against me, Psal. 3.1.2. many there be that say of my soule there is no helpe for him in God. Now here is a straight indeed, many imagining, that Heaven could not helpe him: yet if you will by his phrase of speech, judge the frame of his heart, you shall find as much confidence in him now, as ever in all his life: Take notice of it. ver. 3. But thou ô Lord art a shield for [Page 24] me, ver. 6. my glory, and the lifter up of my head. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. ver. 5. Yea this is added, I laid me down and slept. Consider in his supposition, 1. The number of enemies, viz. ten thousand. 2. The manner of their opposition, though they should rise up in a warlike manner against me. 3. Their advantage against him, and his danger to be apprehended by them. It is not though they come to meete me, or though they make after me, for then by flight he might hope for safety, But though they should beset me round about, &c. David having made his peace with God, though now in a very great distresse, yea although (remembring Gods threathing) he might reade his scandalous sinnes, in this heavy affliction, yet his confidence, courage and comfort is very remarkeable. If any of your consciences now wring you upon the re­membrance of such a sinne, or such a sinne, (I name none, but leave it between God and your own hearts to con­sider of it) goe home repeat, repent and make your peace with God to day, without any further delay, that you may be sit for a straight if it should come to mor­row.

Fiftly, Mind and trade your experience. God hath done already as much for England as is yet to be done, to set all things right and in order againe amongst us. Not many Moneths since, our dayes were as darke, our feares as great, and our enemies as many as now. Let us there­fore remember our selves, the Lord lives, the Almighty is in Heaven, he still is mindfull of his covenant, and changeth not. The holy Scriptures yeeld us plentifull proofe of improving former experiences, to arme against future feares. 1 Sam. 17.36. That of David is notable, Thy servant slew both the Lyon and the Beare, and this uncircumcised Phi­listine shall be as one of them. ver. 37. David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the Lyon, and out of the paw of the Beare, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. Psal. 61.2, 3. When my heart is overwhelmed, leade me to the rock that is higher then I, for thou hast bin a shelter for [Page 25] me, and a strong tower from the enemy. In like manner the Apostle improves his deliverance from Nero, that persecutor. No man stood by me, but all forsooke me, 2 Tim. 4.16. ver. 17. not­withstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, and I was delivered out of the mouth of the Lyon. Consider the words, Paul was not only in the Lyons denne, not only within the reach of the Lyons chaine, nor only un­der the Lyons paw, but in the Lyons mouth. Now his inference is observeable, ver. 18. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evill worke, and will preserve me unto his heavenly Kingdome. Againe note, 2 Cor. 1.9. We had the sentence of death in our selves, that we should not trust in our selves, ver. 10. but in God which raiseth the dead. Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver, in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us. Here for your helpe, I will hint one expe­rience still fresh in our mindes, God setled peace be­tween us and Scotland, when after great preparations for warre, the arymes were set in battell array, the on­set given, the skirmish begun, blood drawne, many slaine, the two Kingdomes ready to be broken in pieces, the one against the other. Consider what great things God hath done, and trade your experiences for your future profit.

Sixty, Cleere up your evidences for Heaven, and keep them so faire, that in the darkest day they may be legible, easie to be read without hacking and hesitancy. The usefullnesse hereof in evill times appeares in the Apostles experience, For which cause we faint not, 2 Cor 4.16. but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction that is but for a moment, ver. 17. wor­keth for us a farre more exceeding and eternall weigh of glo­ry. Mind the ground, For we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved, Chap. 5. ver. 1. we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternall in the Hea­vens. The heire apparent of Heaven, may hold up head and heart, and in this manner expresse himselfe: come the worst that can come, though my state shall decay, my soule and body part, my selfe and dearest naturall [Page 26] friends be plucked asunder, Heb. 10.34. yet I have in Heaven, a better and more enduring substance: more and better friends, sweeter and more satisfying communion. If they take away my trash, the true treasure, that is out of their reach. What if they take downe my tottering tabernacle of clay? I shall have a glorified, a beautified body to all eternity, in spight of hell and earth combining against me. What if they drive me out of house, and City, and Kingdome, the best is, they cannot expell me from my God, nor deprive me of a mansion, an abiding place in the City of God, the Kingdome of Hea­ven.

Ʋse 4. Comfort.It is a ground of sweet joy, and strong incouragement unto us, notwithstanding our present state which is darke and dreadfull. Here we may seasonably with com­fort call to mind that strange apparition unto Moses: A bush burning with fire, Exod. 3.2. and yet the bush was not consu­med. Beloved, what slames of fury are now kindled in the bosomes of many, threatning to burne downe all our hopes? Yet let us pluck up courage, for though our sinnes have made us combustible matter, yet may we hope that our God will not consume us. Let us cheare our selves against the jeares and insolencies of the Ma­lignant party with the words of the Church, Rejoyee not against me ô my enemy, Mich. 7.8. when I fall I shall rise againe, when I sit in darkenesse the Lord shall be a light unto me. Some interpreters conceive, Abraham had this deli­verance hinted before hand, and therefore first told his servants, Gen. 22.5. I and the lad will goe yonder and worship, and come againe to you: and afterward going to the place where Isaack was to be sacrificed; when the child said, father, father here is the wood, but where is the burnt offering, he answered, my sonne God will prepare one, and this held up the good mans heart, encouraging him thus to re­solve, I will goe on, I will see what God will doe, I will put him to it. We are in straights at this day, I need not tell you, and who knowes but that to day in the Mount God will appeare for our comfort. Much I can­not [Page 27] speake through want of time to this use, yet dare I not altogether be silent, considering the season. Vnder two heads I will briefly assist your sinking spirits by way of advice.

1. Learne aright to make way for desired comforts in times of distresse, that you may have this Texts, and this Sermons incouragement at hand, not only now, but hereafter when you may stand in need.

2. Improve the particulars comprised in this title Jehovah, held forth for our use in the Text now handling, I may not now speake under these heads, both unto our Nationall and Personall concernments distinctly. For the former, way is made for our refreshing in the worst of times that can possibly overtake us.

1. By studying the qualifications to which favour is promised.

2. By using the meanes of our good which by the Lord are prescribed.

First, Every one may not challenge propriety in the priviledge of the Text. Every loose-liver may not come out and say, well I in the Mount God will be seene, and therefore I will feare no colours. No, no, for there is a peculiar gracious disposition to be found upon the hearts of them who may expect that God will appeare in the Mount for them, for their consolation.

1. Your soules must be so seasoned with Gods feare, that having his command, you will not draw backe from any service put upon your hands, how hard, how heavy soever. Marke it in Abraham, Abraham now I know thou fearest me, and how doth his feare discover it selfe, Vpon divine commission he sets upon a service, the doing whereof, was against heart and haire, repugnant to rea­son, without all president, against the streame of naturall affections, crossing the conceit and opinion of the world. Can you imagine if Isaack had bin slaine, and the fact known, what a hubbub would have bin in the Country? how many mouthes would have bin opened, in reporting Abrahams strange and unheard of cruelty? Isaak is [Page 28] killed, and his own father, father Abraham, that religious man, he himselfe hath killed him, how would this have rung in every corner? Doe but thinke what Mother Sarah would have said upon her Husbands returne home, Husband where is Isaak? and conjecture with what a sad heart he might have made this answer, Wife I have killed him, and I have burnt him before God as a sacri­fice. Beloved, neither these things, nor any other which might be cast in as discouragements, did take him off from duty. The feare of God carried him above all dis­couragements, both from his naturall affections, his wives frownes, and the worlds clamours. And to this man, thus fearing God, God appeares in the Mount: Minde this I pray you, and labour herein to be like this gracious man, thus devoted to Gods feare.

2. You must, not dare to adventure upon any known sinne, though it be to safeguard your persons, your estates, your places of favour and honour, your any thing, your all things under the Sunne. A man of this make, is one who may expect to meet with the Almighty in the Mount. The proofe of this is faire in the experience of Daniell. The decree was signed, he must not for thirty dayes pray unto his God, Dan. 6.7. if he did, he must be throwne into the Lyons den, well saith Daniell, let the Lyons make a meale upon my body, I am resolved I will not forbeare this worship due to my God, I will not thus interrupt my communion with my heavenly Father. The like you have in the three young Governours, the King he would have them fall down and worship the image he had set up. Dan. 3. If you will not, you must into the furnace. ver 17. ver 18. Marke their answer, Our God whom we serve is able to deliver, but if not, be is knowne unto thee, we will not serve thy gods. And the proofe of the point reported how God appeared in the dayes of their distresse for their de­liverance, unto these experiments I might adde Promises. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoake, Isa 58 9. ver. 10. the putting forth of the singer, and speaking vanity, and if thou draw out thy soule to the hungry, and satisfie the afflicted soule. The mea­ning [Page 29] is, if you will betake your selves to courses of piety and mercy, contrary to your former wayes of wicked­nesse and violence, then shall your light breake forth in ob­scurity, and your darknesse be as the noone-day. ver. 11. And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfie thy soule in drought, and make fat thy bones, and thou shalt be like a wa­tered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters faile not. If iniquity be in thy hand put it farre away, Job 11.14, 15. and let not wicked­nesse dwell in thy Tabernacle, for then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot, yea thou shalt be stedfast, and thou shalt not feare. What incouragements should these be to perswade us to reforme our selves, and to endeavour the amendment of one another. Therefore goe home now, and thus say to God, and to your selves seriously and sincerely, I am re­solved I will leave my cheating, and cozening, my oathes, lying, my hypocrisie and pride, and all my other known sinnes. Away with these and all other discovered ab­hominations, promise God for future times to betake your selves unto a better course of living, as you desire the sweet and seasonable discoveries of God, in the time of your greatest need.

Secondly, The meanes of your good must be used, and they are,

  • 1. Civill.
  • 2. Sacred.

For Civill meanes, You must not say we care not whe­ther we have any more watch in the City, night or day, we will trouble and charge our selves no further in this kind. But you must hold on in being serviceable to di­vine providence, otherwise you will tempt God. There is a notable example of Joab in this case both commenda­ble and imitable. 2 Sam. 10.9. When Joab saw the front of the battle was against him, before and behind, he chose all the choice men of Israell, and put them in array against the Syrians, ver 10. and the rest of the people he delivered into the hand of his brother. ver. 11. And he said, if the Assyrians be too strong for me, then thou shalt helpe me, but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come and helpe thee. Now be of good courage, ver. 12. and let us [Page 30] play the men and fight for God and our country, and the Lord doe that which seemeth him good. Remember we have by solemne protestation bound our selves before God to doe our utmost in wayes lawfull for the honour of our King, the liberty of the Protestant Religion, for the peace and welfare of the three Kingdomes, and for the priviledges of our Parliament, and keeping within the limits of our callings, to oppose Popery, and popish innovations. Therefore every man according to the lawes of God and of the land, must unweariedly be industrious, night and day, for the Kingdomes good, in the use of meanes, both defensive and offensive, as necessity may require.

2. There are meanes sacred, Teares and Prayers are the Christians best weapons, this munition let us make use of. Jeh shaphat surrounded with danger, when Moab, Ammon, 2 Chro. 20.3. and the children of Mount Seir came out against him, what course doth he betake himselfe to? he feared, and set himselfe to seeke the Lord, and proclamed a fast. And David being in danger to loose both his Kingdome and his life, by the insurrection of Absolom, betooke himselfe to prayer, 2 Sam. 15.31. Psal. 3. to breake the neck of Achitophels crafty coun­sell, and also to secure himselfe from the hand of vio­lence, now stretched forth against him. Beloved, as Gods command, and the practise of his people, doe guide us unto this imployment, so Gods pretious promises, and our own glorious experiences, touching the preva­lency of this ordinance, should perswade our perseverance herein in these times of feare and danger.

Secondly, What is the improvement of the originall word here used, In the Mount Jehovah shall be seene. This title hath much in it, a great deale more then I may men­tion. Thus much I have observed from holy Scripture, that it both,

1. Advanceth God.

2. And advantageth a Christian in times of straights.

Psal. 68.3. Let the righteous be glad, let them rejoyce before God, yea let thē exceedingly rejoyce. Sing unto God, sing praises to his name, extoll him that rideth on the Heavens by his Name Jah, ver. 4. and [Page 31] rejoyce before him. Foure things there be hinted in this title Jehovha, and they are all usefull for our present purpose.

This title holdeth forth the Lords,

  • 1. Soveraignty.
  • 2. Independancy.
  • 3. Immutability.
  • 4. Fidelity.

1. It suggesteth the Lords unlimited Soveraignty, his absolute and undoubted authority over all things. Jehovah he is the most high, not only high, or higher then many, or more high then the most, but the most high over all the earth. Psal. 83.18. It is Jehovah that ruleth Kings, and ordereth Crowns, joy in him, he can rule both the Kings heart and counsell, he governeth in the Country and in the City, at Westminster, and here within the walls: Therfore still rejoyce in him, for he is Jehovah, the all-governing Majesty.

2. It noteth his independancy. All creatures for their continuance, have a kind of dependance upon one another. As the grasse and plants upon the earth, the bruites upon the fruits of the earth, and our nutriment is from inferior creatures. But our Jehovah dependeth upon none, he is of, and from himselfe, he needeth no servant, no service. In him we all live, move and have our being, Acts 17.28. but his Majesty is beholding to none, either men or Angels, either for being or wel-being. Thus much God intended to teach by his speech to Moses, and God said unto Moses, I am that I am. Exod. 3.14. We think verily that we shall be utterly undone if the Parliament breake up, or if our King divide himselfe from this his body representative. Beloved, my soule maketh out to God for the prevention of this sad fraction. Yet I beseech you remember this, whatsoever falls out, that whereas all men, and all ordinances, Kings and Parlia­ments depend on God, yet our God Jehovah is an inde­pendent Majesty.

3. It intimateth Gods Immutability, All other things change, As a snow ball melteth by our handling it, and the flower withereth by our smelling it, so these sublunary contentments wast and ware away by our using them. [Page 32] But in the Lord Johovah there is everlasting strength, Isa. 26.4. or as the originall languange expresseth it, The Lord Jehovah is a rock of ages, he abideth the selfe same, strong, unalte­rable, unmoveable God throughout all generations.

Mind this (my beloved) that though England Ireland-like should be wasted, although there should be sad chan­ges in Church and Common-wealth, in City and Coun­try, in Towns and Families: Yet still our Jehovah con­tinues in himselfe, and unto his people the self-same All-sufficient, All-satisfying God. Surely we who pitch our hearts and hopes upon this unchangeable foundation, the Lord Jehovah, may abide steddy in our spirits and comforts in the midst of the worst alterations that can overtakes us.

Exod. 6.3.4. It expresseth Gods fidelity. And I appeared unto Abra­ham, unto Isaack, and unto Jacob, by the Name of God al­mighty, but by my Name Jehovah was I not known unto them. The true meaning is, Gen. 15.13, 16 compared with Exod. 12.41. that whereas God had manifested a­bundantly his power by many glorious providences in former times, now he intended to prove himselfe mindfull and carefull of his promises made unto his people. Now let us make improvement hereof for our comfort. Search divine records, consider the various pretious promises an­nexed by the Almighty unto the covenant of free grace and mercy. Choose out of those Gospell treasures, such pearles as you put the highest prizes upon, Collect those particular promises, which you conceive most pertinent for your condition, and most full your satisfaction. And from this sweet title Jehovah, you may comfortably and confidently inferre this conclusions.

Whatsoever Promise is registred in the book of God, either in the old or new Testament, that this Jehovah will set all his attributes on work, for the full and seasonable accomplishment thereof unto his own people by speciall covenant. Therfore having evidenced your propriety in Gospell Promises through Jesus Christ, from this bottom build your comforts, in the darkest and most dolefull times. Is is Jehovah the all-governing, the independing, the immutable and faithfull God that will be seen in the Mount for his servants deliverance.


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