Published by Authority.
AN Officer, dispatched by the Duke de Croy from Esseck, is arrived here with Advice, That on the 29th of the last Month the Turks, to the Number of about 16000, Commanded by the Bassa of Bosnia, and Mustapha Bacha (the Grand Visier remaining himself at Belgrade) appeared before that Place. That on the 30th the Enemy advanced, and attackt the Counterscarp; but finding the Besieged in a better Condition than they expected, they retired, and began to open Trenches in order to a regular Attack. That on the 2d of this Month the Enemy raised two Batteries, and began to play two Mortar-Pieces. The same Day the Duke of Croy, to take a stricter View of the Enemy, made a Sally with 200 Foot and 100 Horse, and beat the Enemy out of their Trenches, and took a great many Prisoners; who declared, That the Turks being informed that several Imperial Troops were on their March to re inforce the Garison of Esseck, they had resolved to make a General Assault, in order to possess themselves of the Place at once before the said Succours arrived. Whereupon on the 6th of November the Duke of Croy drew up the Forces he had with him in two Lines on this side the River, Commanding them to make all the Noise they could with their Drums, Trumpets, and Kettle Drums; which so disturbed the Enemy, who imagined that the Succours the Enemy expected, were arrived, that they immediately ceased to work in their Trenches, and the next Morning in great Confusion quitted their Camp, and marched away, leaving behind them four Pieces of Cannon, two Mortar-Pieces, (which was all they brought before the place) some Ammunition, and great part of their Baggage.