The Prentices Resolution: or, Who have made a promise to spend their best blood For the glory of the King and the Parliaments good.
The tune is, Hey lusticke.
ROws;e vp your drooping spirits all,
and listen to my story,
We have a noble Generall,
to stand for Englands glory.
Let vs not be afraid to fight,
Tis for our King and Countries right.
Then hey for Essex,
The Earle of Essex,
Wee'le march with Essex,
downe with the Cavelleers now boyes.
The Cavalléers it séemes are bent
I pray marke well my story,
To rainate our Parliament,
which stands for Englands glory,
But we will quell their haughty pride,
And send them to old
Nick their guide.
Then hey for Essex,
The Earle of Essex,
Wee'le march with Essex,
downe with the Cavalleers now boyes.
Brave London lads I understand,
I pray marke well my story,
Protest to set their helpe in hand,
and fight for Englands glory,
O we will march couragiously,
Against the Gospels enemy.
Then hey, &c.
The Prentices have proved men,
I pray marke well my story,
At Bulloigne wars, take notice then,
they stood for Englands glory.
Though they lie sléeping in the grave,
Ten thousand of their bréed we have
To goe with Essex,
The Earle of Essex,
Wee'le march with Essex,
downe with the Cavalleers now boyes.
The Glovers and the Butchers bold,
I pray marke well my story,
The Feltmakers you may behold,
doe stand for Englands glory.
The Dyers will their cunning try
Some other colours for to dye,
Then hey for Essex,
The Earle of Essex,
Wee'le march with Essex,
downe with the Cavalleers now boyes.
Crispianus was a lad,
I pray marke well my story,
You read how he good fortunes had,
he stood for Englands glory.
This puts the Shoomakers in minde,
They may the like succession finde.
Then hey, &c.
The second Part.
To the same Tune.
ALL kindes of Tradesmen more and lesse,
I pray marke well my story,
Their voluntary minds expresse,
they'le stand for Englands glory,
All such as doth the truth oppose,
Wée'le lay them on with manly blowes.
Then hey for Essex,
The Earle of Essex,
Wee'le march with Essex,
downe with the Cavalleers now boyes.
Chéere vp my lively hearts of gold,
and listen to my story,
The Cavalléers shall be control'd,
by vs for Englands glory,
To goe with this renowned Earle,
Each Lad hath vow'd to leave his Girle,
Then hey for Essex,
Warlike Essex,
Wee'le march with Essex,
downe with the Cavalleers now boyes.
Alas the Maids are discontent,
I pray marke well my story,
To sée their loves so warlike bent,
to stand for Englands glory.
In heart they wish that they were men,
Onely to march along with them,
And noble Essex, &c.
You masters that doe want your men,
I pray marks wel my story,
You ought to speake no ill of them,
that stand for Englands glory.
But pray for vs when we are gone,
We goe to kéepe you safe at home,
With warlike Essex,
The Earle of Essex,
Wee'le march with Essex,
downe with the Cavalleers now boyes.
Mars and
Bellona doth vs gréet,
I pray marke well my story,
With invitations very méet,
to stand for Englands glory,
Mars commands we must obey,
Guns, Drums and Trumpets bravely play,
Then hey, &c.
Lord blesse our King and Parliament,
and se I'le end my story,
Wée'le fight till life and breath be spent,
for them and Englands glory,
Lord be our guide, and prosper vs,
For we are all resolved thus,
To goe with Essex, &c.
Robert Wh
Printed at London for Tho: Lambert neere the red Crosse in Little Britaine.