An Answer to Several Reasons, Humbly OF red to both Houses of Parliament, for taking off the Prohibition of Irish Cattle
1. THat the Prohibition of Irish Cattle was not the cause of the Loss of Trade with Ireland.
2. That the granting a free Importation of Cattle from Ireland will not in the least encrease the Trade to Ireland.
3. That the Prohibition of Irish Cattle hath not prevented the Coming of them over.
4. The Laying an smposition upon the Irish Cattle, with several other Commodities, as Beef, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Tongues, Butter, Cheese, Tallow and Fish, will prove a far greater Advantage both to the King and Kingdom.
Had the Author to the said Paper really Considered the nature of the Kingdom of Ireland, what it was before the Rebellion, and the several Changes since, it might easily have convinced him, that it was not the Prohibition of Irish Cattle that wrought those effects he pretended: For Ireland before the Rebellion was most planted with Native Irish, and the Lands in their Possession, a people so wedded to their ancient Customes, that nothing was more hateful to them then the alteration of any of them, or to make any other Improvements then what they were accustomed to.
But those Wars making so great Desolation, and Destruction amongst them, and most of their Lands being since planted and peopled by English and Scotch, it is now a quite different thing.
The English when they went over to Inhabit, after the Wars were ended, bought up and carried over with them the Largest and [Page 2]best Cattle, Horses and sheep, that England could produce: And from thence have encreased such a Breed of Cattle, Horses and sheep as will compare with the best in England, both for largeness and fatness, as also with wool. Butter and Cheese that the English there make, not being inferiour to what is made in England for goodness.
2. The Parliament of Ireland did, and the English do give all the encouragement they can for the setting up of Manufactures, and to all Artificers to come and live among them, which are the true Reasons of the loss and decay of Trade the English formerly had to Ireland.
But for further Answer to the said Paper, and to their First Argument.
1. The Prohibition hath proved prejudiciall to his Majesties Customs.
1. The Custom of Cattle Imported out of Ireland being very little, and the great charge in the looking after their coming in, and Collecting the Duty, did amount to near the Money, if not more then what the Custome came to for Foraign goods that are Imported directly for Ireland, the Merchants of Ireland being able to fell them cheaper by 20 per cent. then to bring them into England, and pay Customs here, and then carry them to Ireland.
2. It hath greatly prejudiced most of the Land-Owners in England, (there not being Land in England for Breeding) to raise a stock for feeding, to supply the Nation, and so have transferred most of the Victualling for home Consumption, Foreign Trade, and Navall Provision out of England into Ireland.
1. For answer, This is so great an errour, that ever since the Laws were made, there hath been no want of provisions in England, and that at reasonable prizes, not only in times of peace, but in the times of War, his Majesties Fleets were well supplied without the going to Ireland for any.
2. No Merchants will send their Vessels for Ireland for Victualling their Vessels, although their Provision are very much [Page 3]cheaper: Their loss of time, (besides the hazards of the Seas, their Sea-men being in constant pay, will be treble the loss of what they shall save by their buying their Provision.
3. How is it possible that Breeding Land-Owners can be losers, when it is alledged they sell their lean Cattle far dearer than formerly; and for the Feeding-Lands they cannot be losers by them, for although Scotland daily bring in lean Cattle, yet Ireland will fill the Markets with fat Cattle, especially sheep, and never trouble the Feeding Lands with them, they being fed fit for any Market.
3. This Prohibition is destructive to Navigation.
1. This is as great an Errour, for the Irish have Ships anow of their own to Transport their Cattle.
2. Those many Ships that carry Coals for Ireland, and do return only in their Ballast, will bring over more Cattle then Ireland can spare.
4. The Dutch have been supplyed from Ireland.
It is true, and so hath France, Spain, Portugal, and the Straits; which cannot be prevented; there being so many Merchants not only English but other Nations that have their Factors residing in Ireland, and all the Ports well-stored with Shipping, that they do not only supply all those parts with provision, but make their Returns with those Commodities the Kingdom can Vend, and the overplus is made in Money.
5. The Irish took no Money out of England.
This also is very true, but now much better; for they are forced to bring over their Money to pay their Rents to their Landlords that live in England, which are many; but for carrying over Goods, they care not, because they can be supplied at far cheaper Rates.
6. For the price of Beef in Ireland.
That is a great mistake; For the Beef they Barrell up for Sea is not Sold under 9. or 10 s. a C. or more, and should the [Page 4] English be brought to sell at the same rates, the Land-Owners, must of necessity abate above one half of their Rents, which will not be well pleasing to the Gentry of England.
7. For the Lessening their breed of Cattle.
1. They do not lessen their Breed of Cattle although they do encrease in their breed of sheep, for there is more Land in Ireland than will breed for more than is yet done, had they but encouragement to transport for England what they cannot Vend in other parts of the world.
2. For their sending their Wool for England, they do what in them lies to prevent; The Parliament of Ireland having laid a Custom upon Wool that shall be sent for England, of near 30 per cent.
3. They have also laid a great Custom upon all Cloth, Stuffs, Stockins, and Hats that shall be Imported out of England.
4. To Encourage the making of those Manufactures in Ireland, they did lay a very small Custom upon all those Manufactures that should be made in Ireland, and be Exported into any part of the world, which hath produced that effect, that they do not now only supply themselves with all those commodities, but in short time will be able to supply England with considerable quantities. And for sending their Wool to other parts of the world, it is contrary to the Laws, and if they do, it is by stealth.
5. For the Cheapness of Provisions in Ireland: They are able to work cheaper then in England, and so can undersell them in those severall Commodities: But how can it be prevented? For it is generally observed, that in all those Manufactures in England, when Provision is at the dearest then the Markets are best supplied and cheapest. The Laws of England having so well provided for the poor, that they will not at any time lay up for sickness or old age, expecting when that comes, that the Parish is bound to provide for them; and when provision is very cheap, they will rather play half their time, then lay up a stock before-hand.
6. If it be the Authors designe to have all sorts of provisions as cheap in England as in Ireland, he should have done well to have proposed a way to have raised the Lands of Ireland to the value [Page 5]of the Lands in England; if not, then the Gentry of England must fall the Rents of their Land to the same rates they are Let in Ireland, which they would certainly be very unwilling to do, neither can it be advantagious or good for the Kingdom in generall.
8. This Prohibition hath put England out of a capacity of Trading to Ireland by raising the Price of the Exchange of Money. 2. By undoing many Shop keepers, who want Chapmen for their Old fashion-Goods, and Wares.
1. For the Exchange of Money, It is true, it was the last War at 16. or 18. per cent. by reason of the great hazard of bringing it over, but ever since it is at 7 l. or 8. per cent. which is no more then equall with the Value of Money in Ireland: For when gold is here at 21 s.-6 d. it passes currant in all payments at 23 s. there: and the same difference is between English money, and the money that is currant in Ireland; for 20 s. in English silver passes there for 21 s. and 8 d.
2. For the Shop kee pers selling their old-fashoned Wares, they must look another Market, for they are not only grown wealthy in Ireland, but so gentile also, that the newest fashions that England can supply them with, will not please them: nothing less then the A la mode of France will give content.
9. This Prohibition hath put them upon Industry, and taking of Fish in Ireland, which will be fatal to England.
1. That they are industrious and fallen upon the taking of Fish, is not to be denied, but that the Prohibiting the Irish Cattle, is the cause, is the most irrational argument that could be invented.
2. The true Reasons are, the Merchants not only of Ireland, but the most considerable Merchants of England, have sent over their Factors, into the Ports of Ireland, and do provide them all things necessary for the taking of Fish, as also with Salt to Cure them, and Cask to put them up in, with ready money for all they take, which certainly will make them industrious, or nothing that can be invented will do.
BY what hath been offer'd, it is evident, that as the Prohibition of Irish Catte hath not been the Occasion of the Loss of Trade with Ireland, so it may as easily be proved, that the Prohibition of Irish Cattle hath not answered the Expectation of the Parliament; for although the several statutes have laid very great penalties on those that shall break the same, yet there are many whose principles are for private gain before any publique good, and who contrive all ways possible to evade the said Laws, and run the hazard of suffering the penalties, having so great advantage if they can escape them, as to be gainers at least 60 per cent. of all Cattle they can Land, and full C. per C. of all Sheep: I shall therefore mention some of those ways by which these men do evade the said Act, and have been the great Occasion Fat Cattle have not answered the price of Lean, by which means the Feeding-Lands have been so great sufferers.
1. By Landing the Fat Beasts from Ireland at the Isle of Man, and then Shipping them over for England, there being so many Ports, and at that distance one from the other, that no account can be taken of what quantity comes from thence.
2. By agreeing with the Church-wardens of several Parishes, which many times share with them in the Profits.
3. The English Coast lying so advantagiously for their designes, they hire several Lordships, and other Grounds that lie near the Sea, that so upon the Ebb of the Tides, they do throw their Cattle into the Sea, near half a League, oftentimes more; The Cattle swimming to Land, have those to take them up as Strays, and drive them upon those Grounds, and it cannot be proved they came from Ireland, the Cattle being of English breed, not being able to be distinguished one from another: The like way they have for the Importation of Sheep.
It is therefore further humbly Proposed,
1. That a Considerable Duty or Imposition may be laid upon all sorts of Cattle, together withall sorts of Flesh, and Fish, Butter, Cheese, and Tallow, and other Commodities Imported from Ireland, which will prove advantagious both to the Kings Majesty, by Receiving that, (which others who contrive and practice the breach of the Laws) do gain.
2. Several men will be Employed to be continually Watching of the Coasts, for Collecting the Duty.
3. By this means the Rents of Lands will be kept up in England; for although the Lands in Ireland be very much cheaper, yet the Duty laid, will put the English Tenant in a Capacity at all Markets to sell their Cattle at equall prizes with those that shall be imported, whereas now what is Imported must be sold first, because the English can no way be able to sell at the price the Irish can, and in all Markets are great Gainers, when the English are Losers.