AN ANSWER TO MALICE DEFEATED: OR, Some Reflections upon Madam Cellier's CASE.
SO Damnable and Malicious are the Popes Imps grown, especially the Female Sex, though both as bad a Torment to England, as Hell to them: They cannot be content to come off with their Damnable PLOTS, by running down the KINGS Evidence and upbraiding them: But presently they print and publish a parcel of Hellish Lies to excuse their cursed infernal Practises, thinking thereby to deceive the World with their impudent and deceitful Lies: Knowing full well the Pope will pardon all they do in his Service, for they have not been such bad Servants to him; but for the Thousand pounds, they say, they spent in their damnable and deceitful plottings against the Protestants: He will, you may be sure; pay them double, and it may be give them three Hundred Masses for the use: Yet, I do not question but God will discover, your hellish cloven Foot under your long Coats, to your Shame and Confusion, and the Nations good.
I do suppose that the Pope gave you a pardon before your Case was writ, or otherwise you would not have deceitfully said, You did not fear Death; nor the Smell of Newgate; and so have sealed such a Parcel of damnable Lies, and impudent and hellish Language up with your Blood.
Your popish, upbraiding hellish Speeches shews you have a damnable, wicked and hellish Spirit within, and a Pocky Cloven Foot without. But the God of all Truth will render unto the Wicked according to their Deserts, and bring to light all your Damnable practices: and release his people from your damnable hellish Claws.
You say, Capt. Thomas Dangerfield, who is worthy of the Name, has been a wicked man; if he had not, he would not have concerned himself with your Damnable, Deceitful and cursed PLOT.
But, to make the Nation amends, he hath Discovered your Damnable and ranck-poyson PLOT; which in so doing, he hath done the Nation more good a hundred-fold, than ever he did them harm: for in his Discovering this your Damnable and Cursed PLOT, he hath shewed himself an honest man, both to his King and Country; as you will, I am afraid, know to your Cost.
If the Pope, and all his Imps stand by you; (as, D. B. P. S. A. P. C.) you will be mightily mistaken, if you think that your Female Sex, or Male Sex, can run down a Nation, far better than where your Old Grand-sir, the hatcher of mischief dwels; I mean Rome, where the Devil in the Pope lives. [...] But, pray Madam, before you go any farther, take my Advice, (and do not Curse me, when you see this your Looking-Glass) which is, Make an open Confession to God, and all the world, of all your Damnable and Cursed Practises, and this Nation will be bound to pray for you: but, if you continue in your falsehood, and believe the Popish Religion, than I will give you my farther Advice; that since you have done more harm to this Nation, than ever you or the Popes Agents can make good: Go you over to Rome, and there spend the rest of your daies in a Nunnery, there let your cloven Foot with your rank body and poisoned Mind continue till you dy: but then God have mercy on your Soul; for the pope can give none.