Blundell the Jesuits LETTER; That was taken about him at
Lambeth, on
Munday the
23d. of this Instant
Directed to the
Jesuits at
Cambra in
Flanders: Wherein he gives them an Account of several Notorious Untruths, concerning the Proceedings in Court, against the Five
Jesuits lately Executed: with several other Preposterous Relations. The which being duly weighed, it was thought fit to Exhibit this Responsary to confute his errors, and for Vindication of the wholesome
Laws, and Impart
[...]al Judicature of this Our
ENGLISH Nation, &c.
No Wonder if the Jesuitick Order can Dissemble thus with their own Friends, and send them Fallacies to keep them Ignorant of their Diabolick and most unheard of Villanies; the which in open Day have shew'd their dismal heads in this our Native Land: nay, and not only here, but through the Christian World, that they can Equivocate with us for their own Interest, whom they mark out as mortal Foes. What Nation has not heard since first that cruel Order took its birth of Rapes and Massacres, and Murdered Kings, Poysoning and Devastations, Tortures, and all the Cruel rage that the Infernal Legions arm'd with fatal counsels e're could prompt them to; for they the barbarous Executioners of Tyrant Rome, disperse themselves abroad throughout the Earth, and gather in the Slain to fill her Babilonish Cup with reaking Blood from Tender Hearts of Innocents distill'd—This when they rove like thirsty Tygers in their uncontrouled paths, but if restrain'd from their pernitious Deeds by interposing Justice arm, they never look back to view what they have done to others, but cry, themselves are sore opprest for those, who in steeming slaughter do delight: so they themselves are not concerned, love not to undergo the least of pain. And here among the rest I shall expose unto the World, the observation of which being well weighed and considered, the which is an Erronious Letter or Lybill that was found in the possession of one Richard Blundell, an Arch and notorious Jesuit, and a great Instrument for the carrying on of the late Diabolick Plot: when he was taken some few days since at Lambeth, and now remaineth in the County Goal, the which reflecting upon the Justice of our Nation, with many notorious untruths, the which in order: First, Denying that there was any Plot, and that the Five Jesuits lately Executed, were wrongfully condemned, and that they had not priviledge to speak for themselves. The which notorious and scandalous Objections may be answered: That these Parties being Apprehended for High-Treason in designing the Death of his Sacred Majesty, and for the endeavouring to subvert the true Protestant-Religion, had during the time of their Imprisonment, all the favours and priviledges imaginable, to bring proof if they had or could produce any for the better clearing of themselves, and that when they came to their Tryals their witnesses (the which it was probably conjectured, were suborned and sent by their Tutors from St. Omers, and other places, being most of them young Students to validetate the assertions of Dr. Oats,) yet notwithstanding were most patiently heard: The often Laughter caused in the Court, which he objecteth was by their confounding themselves in their Averrations, for they not being well versed in Roman Lyes, or that their premeditated Doctrine being not well digested, they baffled one another most erroniously in their Discourses, for one said this, the next being asked denyed it, and said it was after another manner; so that their Attestations proved not only Ineffectual, but also prejudicial to the Prisoners. Their main point they in [...]isted on, was to prove that Dr. Oats was himself at St. Omers at the same time he had given in upon Oath he was at the Society of Jesuits in London, on the 24th. of April 77, and thereupon by reason their Rable affirmed it, though many of them never saw him, nor in Court had not known which was he unless they had been shewed. Upon this abortive reason, this adaucious Iesuit affirms that Dr. Oats was perjur'd: The material of the Witnesses was a Taylor belonging to the Colledge aforesaid, who if he had denyed to come over upon this account, how false soever, had certainly lost the Jesuits Work, and peradventure all his Tools, except he had conveyed them out of the Colledge by Moon-light; so that for his being conscious in attesting a known untruth, the poor Fellow had been undone for ever. The next was the Butler, who was Sequestred of his place, and made to Swear be would never Lye with any Nun in France, nor Fast a whole Lent together, till he had performed the Rectors Will, who put him in remembrance of the brave Atcheivements of those Hero's, who were sent over in King James's, Time, supposing to excuse Father Garnet and the rest of the Jesuits, in the daring Powder-Plot. The Gardener seeing this, thought it was time for him to stand out, lest his Palazados should be overthrown, and all his Trinks thrown about, he Volentarily consented; so that they with the rest, being by the publick Confession absolved for what they should say or Swear, came merrily over, but went as shamefully home after they had Disgorg'd their Popish Element, vowing never to bring any more Lyes into England, seeing they were no better accepted, and no more regard taken of them; they being Mint of the Popes own stamp, for Dr. Oats bringing in four Witnesses, one of them being a Dominican Fryer, a Chicken of the Popes own Hatching; and Three more honest Protestant Attestators, who both saw, Spoke, and Drank with him on that Day, their Oaths being absolutely deposed upon the same; Had all the Roman Conclave with each of them a Bull in his Hand, that could have Roared the contrary as loud as those of Bason, the judicious Court would scarcely have credited them if but for Dispensation sake; But to the purpose, farther he says, that during the time of their Tryals, they behaved themselves like Apostles, but were not come to be the Sons of Thunder, because the Plot took no effect, for if it had, each of them then had been a Boanerges, and would have Thundred down both Church and State. Again, he objects most falsly, That during the time of their Tryals, the Court shouted as if it had been a Bear-baiting, the which if there was any disturbance or incivility from unruly spectators, their foolish Witnesses, as aforesaid, were the cause of it. But give me leave to ask the Monsieut Jesuit what Bear-baitings were in Ireland committed in 41. by the barbarous and bloody Papists, when 300000 innocent Protestants unjustly fell, not being suffered so much as to speak for themselves, but were inhumanely sacrific'd by their devilish rage. In the same case had we been e're this time, had not Omnipotence prevented it. And farther let him know, that had they not been concerned in the Plot, (as unquestionably they were) that there is a Law forbidding all Jesuits, and Romish-Priests to avoid the Land on pain of Death; the which they knowing, and presumptuously offending, by that contempt had forfeited their lives, but Protestants are merciful, and will not act the rigour again. It is a question whether the Earl of Shaftsbury offered them any such Grace from his Majesty, during their Imprisonment, knowing them to be Priests, and therefore irreclamable: Farther 'tis objected, that they went joyfully to the place of Execution, so did the Monk that Stab'd King Henry of France, the Dagger being Consecrated, dipped in the Euchrist, and wrapt in the reliques of a Saint, to make it more forcible for Execution, and then with solemn Oaths to deny is the property of the Romish Faction. As to the Reprieve that is related to be tendered them at the place of Execution, is most erroniously false, and no man can be produced that saw any such thing, but that is suggested to note to the world how little they feared death, and to animate those that remain to imitate them in their Diabolick practices, trifting with Eternity, and dye with lyes in their mouths, which lying and equivocating may be seen at the late Apprehending of this Blundell, about whom (as it is credibly reported) this Letter was found; who both to the Justice Dr. Oates, and the Constable, forswore himself, his Name, and Function; and that he was a poor man ready to starve, and had not a Shilling in the world: with many other dire Protestations, when upon search they found about him 60 peices of Gold, this letter and many other Seditious Writings; so that now as he was so officious to his Brethren in Iniquity, some of the rest may Execute the same for him.