DUALITAS: OR A Two-fold Subject Displayed and Opened, conducible to Godliness, and Peace. In Order, I. LEX LOQUENS, The Honour and Dignity of Magi­stracy, with the Duties thereupon Depending, and Reverence thereunto Due.

II. DUORUM UNITAS, The Agreement of Magistracy and Ministry, at the Election of the Honourable Ma­gistrates of Edinburgh, and the opening of a Diocesian Synod of the Reverend Clergy there.

By Will. Annand, M. A. One of the Ministers of that Ancient City, Sometime of Vnivers. Coll. OXON.

JEREM. 31. 23. As yet they shall use this speech in the Land of Judah. and in the Cities thereof, The Lord bless thee, O Habitation of Justice, and Mountain of Holiness.
H [...]lar. de Synod. Aver [...]. Ar [...]a [...]. Vestrum est in Commune tract are, ac providere at que agere ut quod nunc usque inviolabili Fide manetis Relig [...]sa Conscientia, Conservatis, & Teneatis quod Tenetis.

Edinburgh, Printed by George Swintoun and James Glen; and are to be Sold by Gideon Schaw: Anno DOM. 1674.

To the Right Honourable, JAMES CVRRIE, Lord Provost of the Ancient City of EDINBVRGH. For • Bailies • William Johnston , • James Justice , • William Carmichael , • David Swintoun , • Robert Baird L. Dean of Gild▪ , • James Southerland L. Thesaurer. , and • And all other Members of the Council, and Counsellours of that City.  

My Lords, and Honourable Patriots,

JUstice of old being Painted, according to her uncorrupt Nature, a Beautiful Virgin, Embelish'd with all Vertuous Array, Dragging and Smiting a Priso­ner on the Face, of a Deformed Aspect, named Injuria, may cause some to Re­present this my Adress in unfortunat Colours, with a Meen Compelling Censure; Judgement being designed for punishing Misde­meanour: [Page] But such shall understand, that unless Obedience be Culpable, my Dedication can have nothing of Iniquity.

My Lord, I appeal unto your self, if there be not here pre­sented, what you have so far Honoured, as of old to Request a Copy, to which Motion I could name them who Adhered; where still Declaration was made, (such was my Obligation) that satisfaction should be given; but craved Time, expecting a demurr, might procure a more beautiful Opportunity then to offer it in the dark.

The Hoped for Season (Right Honourable) is now; and the General Suffrage of Authors, Electing Patrons (for counte­nancing Treatises) for Evicting Gratitude in the Writer, and Attracting Veneration from the Reader, I make Address with this my DU ALIT AS before the Body of this Populous City, in your Lordships Person, and Venerable Council, whose Inge­nuous Behaviour in a Succession of Years, towards all your own Called and Elected Ministery, and to my Self in particular, forms already Imaginations of Candid Acceptance.

How empty soever it may seem to others, your Honours desire after it, to me, makes it Ponderous. Ty [...]ng me withall in Gratitude, to wish your Bench prosperous in its Worthies, and that your City, through the Vigilancy of its Watch-men in both Employs, may continually merit its Gray-hair'd and Ancient Epithet, being futurely known for the Good Town, is the request of,

My Lord, and Right Honourable,
yours in all Offices of Love and Duty, Will. Annand.


Courteous Friend,

THe Morosity of this Age can hardly allow, in pro­bability of Discretion, to Complement thee into a kind Conceit of what is here in thy hands; It Treating of Magistracy and Ministry: a Theme that more loudly than ordinary Whisper, Suggests somewhat diminishing Respect; Veneration to them being a Du­ty many called Christian (not to say, thought Godly) hath for­got: Yet if there be any Bowels of Love to God or Man, Com­passion to our Church, or Affection to our own Interest, there is something here inducing to a Perusal.

It speaks of Judgement, and pleads for Justice, as the great Axis, upon which the Wheels of thine ow [...] [...]ffairs must Suc­cessfully move: But as God, together with these, is endowed with Mercy, so neither is there wanting here Documents of Cle­mency and Tenderness, inflaming thee, if God-like, to Af­fability and Meekness, without Sordid Sullenness, or Aukward Surliness, to review what is offered at the request of thy Well­wisher: Otherwise to grant what is much better, viz. Thy Pray­ers and good Wishes, to be directed by the Line of Verity, and led through the Labyrinth of Error and Mistake; And as I never yet wished thee the least evil, so shall I alwayes endeavour thy greatest good. Farewel.

Will. Annand.


Lex Loquens. Page 6. Line 19. r. shining. p. 23. l. 23. r. Fire. DV. P. 2. l. 2. r. Adapted. p: 21. l. 21. r. Princes and Priests. l. 22. 2 Cbron. 23. 7. p▪ 24. l. 7. r. Charnel.

LEX LOQUENS, OR, The HONOUR and DIGNITY of MAGISTRACY, with the Duties thereupon depending, and Reverence thereun­to due: Preached in the High Church of Edinburgh, Octo­ber 4. 1664. the day of Electing the Magistrates of that Honourable City, for the ensuing Year.


And thou, Ezrah, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand, set Magistrates and Judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the River, all such as know the Laws of thy God, and teach ye them that know them not.

And whosoever will not do the Law of thy God, and the Law of the King, let judgement be executed speedily upon him, whe­ther it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

AT the first infusion of the Reasonable Soul into man, it was so Reasonable, so Pure, so full of Beaming Light, directing to vertu­ous undertakings, that his very Body was not under the Dominion of any, not to be brought, God himself excepted; unto whom his Soul doth willingly adhere, without so much as the shadow of desiring another Authority [Page 2] for the rendering of that we call Subjection. What was in­tended or was founded in that primeve Soveraignty Adam was to have had over Eva, or both of them over their Sons or Daughters, sin hath eclipsed our Sun-like endowments, that we are not able perfectly to discern: But evident it is, that man had at first dominion, by publick decree, only over Beasts of the Earth, Fishes of the Sea, Fowls of the Air, Gen. 1. 28. That is, as we now understand it, over unreasonable Crea­tures; hinting that where reason is perfected, there is pro­claimed freedom, Dominion still hitting and falling upon that person with the heavier or lighter stroak, where unreasonable­ness is more or less in-dwelling, or any thing of the Bruit fur­ther in, or faster rooted, as Experience shews in Children, Fools, or Mad-men.

The Fall therefore, in different degrees, Bestializing Man, Almighty Wisdom in all generations, selected the most ver­tuous, as Senior in parts, to [...]ule over those Younglings, more inclined to debaur'd; Yea hath from this their Office, stiled them gods, who were not eminent in that God-like quality of Holiness, but Fiery and Tyrannical, ruling over others as their creatures, for the punishment of a people guilty of more atrocious crimes: And as men multiplied, and Nations in­creased, so Rulers, and Under-Rulers were propagated, to restrain and curb persons more feral, wild, and unneighbourly, from infecting by their bad behaviour, the otherwise peace­able, reduc [...]ng them by inst [...]uction, by correction, to a more goodly deportment; and by death it self, over-awing the like unruliness, in the sad and passionat beholders.

Hence it was commendable in this Artaxerxes, or Ahasue­rus, (for Ezrah's King, and Esther's Husband, was one Man) that God having made him Emperour over an hundred and twenty and seven Provinces, blessing him with a peaceable Reign, and gifting him with the Land of Canaan, for the pu­nishment of Israels sin, to take care against the committing of more iniquity, by impowering a holy Jew, a religious Scribe, [Page 3] a serious Devoto, a Gospel- Wise-man,, one that was known in Mosaick-Law, who eying the Star of the promised return, acted peaceably, religiously, and loyally under the Conque­rour, whereby Conquering so the Persian Monarch and his seven Counsellours, that from them he received a Commis­sion, 1. For building of a Temple for the God of Heaven in Jerusalem, that the people might learn Religion. 2. For setting Judges and Magistrates over them, that they might learn Manners, ordaining the disobedient to have judgement speedily executed upon him. &c. For all which Ezrah was so grateful a Scribe, so godly a Physician, in curing the distem­pers of Church and State, as to bless the God of Heaven, for putting such a thing as this in the Kings heart, prayed for the King and his Sons therefore, his devotional affections run­ning equally as a mighty River, into the Fountains of Gods glory and mans good.

For this last, Right Honourable, (our Temple through gra [...]e being builded) are we met here, viz. for appointing Judges and Magistrates; and because your selves have Au­thority from our great Artaxerxes, it is only my part, as one of your unworthy Scribes, to mind you of what I know you have already purposed, (i. e.) according to the wisdom of your God, which is in your hand, to set over the people Ma­gistrates and Judges, all such as know the Laws of our God, and to teach them that know them not.

In order to which, according to the same Law, let us di­stinctly view, 1. The notation, sense of the word, and the end of Magistracy, Set thou Magistrates and Judges. 2. The necessity of the thing, and rule by which they are to be cho­sen, after the wisdom of thy God. 3. The honour and respect with which the Magistrate is to be noticed, and whosoever will not do the Law of thy God, and of the King, let judgement be speedily executed upon him, whether unto death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment.

The Notation, Sense of the word, and End of Magistracy.

IT cometh from the word Magister, to have the Mastery, Rule, or Government over others, one placed in power, and lawfully impowered to coerce, prevent, and punish disor­ders, in all wisdom. The sense of the word Magister being Magus in the Persian Dialect, called Wise men in St. Matthew, such as the Greeks called Philosophers, the French Druides, the Egyptians Prophets, the English Wise men, or Cunning men, or Canny man in this Kingdom (vulgarly) that is one Handy, and Dexterous in the pursuit of those offices, unto which their eminent abilities in the eye of their Superiours, as a Commendamus did instate them, as here, the wisdom of God in the hand of Ezrah, that is, his promptitude therein, and readiness thereat, did prefer him in the observation of Ar­taxerxes, to this high and eminent imploy.

The word Shaphetin, radically signifies Judging; but that part of it, as to men, which is translated Juridicos, such a Judgment as judiciously giveth the sense or being of the Law, called also Causidicos, such as determineth or pleadeth Causes betwixt men and men; Praesides, Presidents, a word intimat­ing a person invested with publick Authority, for management of the Affairs of a Common-wealth: a Judge or Magistrate, the Law and the People, being the three essentials, giving life and const [...]tution to a Re-publick.

Of Magistrates some are Supream, others subordinat; some are greater, as having a greater charge, others lesser, according to the limits of their Government, some such by Birth and Succession; Artaxerxes was the son of Zerxes, others by Ele­ction, Suffrage, or by Vote, as Ezrah here, and now with us. The first as the King, is compared to the Soul, as being that Spirit by which a Nation is quickened, the latter to the Body or Members thereof, by which motion is made to curb wic­kedness, [Page 5] and encourage goodness, and that splendidly, because of which, there are who will have the word Magistrate to proceed from Magis-and Ter, he performing a threefold office remarkably, 1. In protecting all the people. 2. In praying for the whole people. 3. In punishing disorders among the people. The Roman Magistrates were at first called Pretors, as going before the people to espy and foresee perils; then Judges, from discerning the sense, and expressing the mean­ing of the Law; then Consuls, from consulting the peoples welfare; which again giveth a threefold use of Magistracy.

Hence they ar [...] called, 1. Rulers, from regulating the peo­ple, that they grow, or run not crooked o [...] uneven in their manners. 2. Ancients, as being older, that is wiser then others, governing by gray-hair'd experience, by prudential advertance, their Subjects who are supposed to be more young, that is, rash, tender and head-strong. 3. Elders, as having both Antiquity writ on their Persons, and Gravity on their Faces, in opposition to those youthful and frisking glances, they are to banish by more severe behaviour; from this no­tion cometh the word Alderman, in our Neighbour-kingdom, and great City, which represents but the sense of our word Baily, a title lent us from our ancient Allies the French, sig­nifying Puissance, Command, or Authority infused into him for executing the Law, in his place and stead under whom they are Bailies: And your ordinary Additament Sir, is but Senior, having respect to his venerable age, years, and coun­tenance, not that a Youth may not be a Magistrate, for Con­sulatus est praemium virtutis, said the great Italian in his sound Politicks; Government is the reward to vertue, not of years, he being Senior, he being Alderman, who is old, stayed, learn­ed, and grave in his carriage and conversation. 4. Gover­nours, a metaphor snatched from the Pilots exercise, a City being as a Ship, the Magistrates thereof intended for safe con­ducting both Cargo and Vessel to the designed Port of peace and prosperity; therefore were the Athenian Judges the day [Page 6] of Election sworn thus: I will give sentence according to the Laws and Decrees of the people of Athens, I will not take gifts for Judgement, I am not younger then thirty, I will hear both Parties, the Accuser and Defendant alike, I will pass Judge­ment aright in the thing prosecuted by Jupiter, Neptune, and all the gods.

They are called also High Hills, Princes, Leaders, Powers, Gods, consulting about things to come, judging about things present, governing for the time allotted, according to the known Law. The Prefect of Rome under King Romulus, had the charge of the City only, yet afterwards his Dominion extended to an hundreth miles about it, exercising his Pre­fectory Prepositorship, or Provostry, for so I may call it, according to the Idiome of the word, as doing, as going, as speaking before the people, for example, for conduct, for caveat, that nothing should be done wickedly, undertaken rashly, or uttered indiscreetly, against the b [...]nefit of that Body under inspection. So Samuel was Magist [...]atus, that is Magnus Magistratus, shinely, brightly, being truely feared, and highly approved of the people, 1 Sam. 12. 3.

It was said by a great man, that nothing was more difficult then to govern well; and such as are apt but to the contem­plation, how much more they that are called to the exercise of Magistracy, shall find it more then ceremonious to be a Ruler? For conform to Artaxerxes, the end of that call is, for, 1. Judging. 2. Teaching. 3. Punishing of the people: of which in order.

1. Judging, insinuating clearness of understanding. This word Judices, or Judges, is from Jus dicere, speaking au­dibly what the Law inwardly hath conceived, his eye direct­ing, diving into the most dark recesses of a Statute, for clear­ing up the iniquity or innocency of a cau [...]e, depending before his Bench, or standing at his Bar, not torturing, or stretching the joynts the [...]eof upon the Rock of subtilty, but wisely to respect the meaning and ultimat scope of the appointed rule, which is never to oppress.

[Page 7]What Sinews and Arteries are unto the Natural Body, form­ing for upright walking, that Judgement is to the Politick Bulk of a Society, moving for discerning betwixt the clean and the unclean, in Ezekiels style, c. 44. Ocularly, as it were pointing at their several natures, for imbracing the one, and spurning at the other, and to discern between good and bad in Solomons wish, 1 King. 3. Dogmatically by an authoritative sentence; unto which in that critical case of the Harlots, an ea­ger and sharp prying into the Law of Nature, dissipated all fog­gy complaints, solidly discovered the true Mother, by an un­usual command of dividing the child, procuring a reverend fear unto his own Regal person, all inferring from this acute dis­covery, that there was no bemisting of his unde [...]standing.

For compleating of mans judgement, or perfecting of ju­stice, Philosophers required these three things, 1. Memory, 2. Intelligence. 3. Observation of providence; and if we can remember the import of these, it will much irradiat our under­standings for giving Judgement in any case.

For 1. Memory is a repository for storing up Registers of former, or past actings, that as from a Bank they may be pro­vided for ex tempore assaults. Or again, that Justice be not perverted, when at last it may be casu [...]lly impeded, but exe­cuted. So Gamaliel secured the lives of the Apostles against the Councils resolution, Acts 5. from calling to mind the un­prosperous insurrections of Theudas and Judas. So David at last executed judgement on Joab and Shimei, proving at length too strong for any son of Belial, 1 Kings 2. And Cesar's not reading the Letter, that discovered his own intended murther by a miscreant crew of Conspirators, given him before he went to the Senate, may compel a Magistrate in tumults, into a sagacious inspection of any informatory Epistle, given in his approach to Court or Council, or in earnest, in the most se­rene tranquility of the calmest debate.

That check the oppressed, yet loyal Machetas gave Philip of Macedon, passing (through inadvertence) an unjust sen­tence, [Page 8] may cause a Justitiary to have both his eyes open, in deciding Causes: It was this, beholding the King drowsie, and more then half asleep, while the Pleaders pleaded, con­demned him in a certain sum, upon which Machetas with a loud voice appealed from him; this enraged and throughly awaked the King, demanding to whom? To your self, Sir, said he, when you are perfectly awake: This made the ingenu­ous Prince blush, who hearing the Cause attentively again, gave true judgement, himself paying to the other Party the debt he had unjustly ordered the Appealer to discharge. The same Prince in a hurry being complained unto by a poor op­pressed Woman, told her, He was not at leasure; she boldly enough replyed, Then be not at leasure to be King: The shame­fac'd Worthy, first gave her justice, and frequently after that heard all complaints himself. The remembrance of which and such other passages, how competently, as to the memory, would they qualifie a Judge?

The 2. Intelligence is a pondering upon, and searching as far as possible, into the nature and circumstance of things present and before them, the Complainers Grievance, and the Plain­tiffs Replyes, being not alwayes writ in Text Hand, craft, and cousenage will dim the Letters; and to make them ap­pear fine, they will (it may be) by the Parties be drawn forth in small Characters: To this how excellent is a quick and piercing eye, to know each Comma, for keeping sense and right reading, from the breath, eye, countenance of the most audacious, arrive at the full Point or period of exact sentence, and may triumph in the conquest over falshood, yea perhaps preventing perjury? Besides this, darkness, the unusualness of the case, may jumble a Judge, if not more then ordinary ready to apprehend what to do. I have oft wondered at that Sentence of the Areopagi, before whom a Lady was accused for killing her Husband and Son, who had dispatched a Son of hers by a former Husband: here there was cause to con­demn, and some cause to have compassion, in securing life; [Page 9] in deep meditation, they ordered the Woman and her Ac­cuser to appear before them, some hundreds of years after that, declaring thereby, they would not absolve, nor could not condemn, leaving the case to the determination of the gods, the Law of the true God not being known, and the poor Ma­dam, tempted to such a passion, by so treacherous a deed.

Magistrates are Heads, and excessively fatal will it prove to the least Precinct, to be moved by an eyeless, that is a Head­less Head, success not being so betrothed to each blind man, as she was to that famous Bohemian Zisca, who fought several Battels with one eye, and some with never a one, yet still conquered the Papal Armies: But also observe, his victories proceeded from the bright Lamp of his beaming understanding, or rather Sun of clear Judgement, upon the information of the Enemies Array, the Eye of the Body being but the Case­ment, through which the vivacious Soul emits her light: And a wise man will be wise in a dark Room, and see clearly what to do though his eye-lids be closed. A disjoynted Pilot will not secure a Vessel, and a rash, inadvertent, and inconside­rat person, Nature her self hath made unapt for a Judges Em­ploy.

Pharaoh will have men of activity set over his Cattel, Gen. 47. not Sir Dull-man, who can neither judge of the Wea­ther, nor Pasture, nor condition, nor case of the Beast. And finding Joseph discreet and wise, he made him Ruler over all his House. Solomon craved wisdom to go in and out King­like, both to begin business, and industriously to end them; yea end them so, as being prepared for a fresh Sally, without transport, perplexity, or amazement. For when in Sym­bols, we see an Asses Head affixed, or joyned to a Humane Body, by the Masters of that Art, we are to understand, a Doltish, Blocked, Dull, and Heavy-pated Ruler.

James the third of this Ancient Kingdom, presented himself in a Medal, under a Crown, as a Hen brooding over her Chic­kens, with this Device, Non Dormit qui Custodit, Magistrates [Page 10] are not sleepy, though asleep, keeping their Subjects warm, and spying dangers within their Circle, contriving methods of deliverance and escapes to those under their wings, in ex­cessive colds, or apparent hazards. This made Solomon in a dream to act the Wise man, beautifying his Throne, gran­dizing his Peasants, making the Boot a Noble-man, and the Noble-man a King, himself as it were a god, by peace, wealth, and Religion, all issuing from a sublimated fore-sight of, and careful plodding upon, the weight of his Affairs, even in the visions of the night.

A Judge, as he should set himself to know Wisdom and Folly, beholding not only the Noon-day of Righteousness of a person, in full and ample Declamations of his innocence; but also the Twi-light, or Star-light of another in his incon­gruous, or incoherent defences: Never failing, if better can­not be, to light the Candle of his own perception, by Inter­rogatories and Demurs, making Scrutiny into the darkest Cre­vice, and blindest Corner of a petulant Accuser, detecting his malevolence in the pursuit, and his revenge in clamour­ing for a Sentence. In which Festus was an unjust Judge, for leaving Paul bound, to procure to himself the favour of mali­cious Jews, Acts 24. And whoever followeth him, affront­eth the Guards that attend them. A Magistrate being there­fore encompass'd with Partizans, and Halberts, that all may know he is purposed truly to discern the face of all Affairs, and immediatly both ready to punish Malversation, and protect the Regular in their well principled behaviour.

The 3. Observation of Providence is, when by a Cluster of antecedent Affairs, compared with the present, in a prudent way of Arguing, Conclusions are drawn touching what may af­terward occur. Absaloms Murther being pardoned, gave life to a more unnatural Rebellion, and since no man did, the un­reasonable Mu [...]e hang'd the disloyal Traitor. This is not to reflect upon David, but, my Lord, to mind you and your Honourable Assistants, that very often it is no favour to let the [Page 11] smallest sinner go free, from what hath been seen, a Reproof, a pair of Stocks, one hours uneasie Lodging, or a lash with a Whip, may save both the expence and shame of a Halter.

I am prone to think, that Moses severity against Dathan and Abiram, had this in its eye, the people having often murmur­ed, and apt to complain, but until then never offered to at­tatch the Priesthood, apprehending therefore there might still be in the Camp incroachments made upon the Sacred Of­fice, he cursed them from the common death of all men (if I may call it a curse) to deter hereafter Sacrilegious thoughts from the bosoms of any, how holy soever, and remove them from attempting to touch that Holy Ground of the Lords Priest-hood. Upon the same Bottom it may be conjectured Peter founded his strictness upon Sacrilegious Annanias, that none after him (upon their peril) should presume to make of­fer of somewhat to the Lords service with both hands willing­ly, yet sordidly to clinch their finger for detaining a part, he saying in that bloodless slaughter, to Annanias Sons, Give all unto, or say you give but half unto the Lords House, that is, for the use of his Servants, and his Temple.

But Sacriledge is none of my Province, this is proper, that it is good to be warry,. And as upon one of your Tolbooths or New-gate, there is written, Justitia alit Pacem, Peace is Daughter unto Justice, so Justice, this night in a small de­gree, may procure great peace, some years from the offen­der, whereas Impunity rankleth to a greater disgrace, and the old Proverb for a Judges Chair, may be a Motto, Foolish pity spoils a City.

If these things from Sacred and Humane Authorities were heeded every where, in Courts of Judicature, called Chri­stian, how universally disposed should all Judges be to per­form what is the next end of Ezrah's installing Judges for, and that is,

2. Teaching, inducing a care of propagating, and counte­nancing of Religion: This the Persian King Dichotomizes, [Page 12] branching it into two Forms, or Classes, 1. Such as know the Law of the Lord; and, 2. Such as know it not. There had been before liberty given to all the Priests, Levits, and the People, to go up to Jerusalem, it might then be supposed, in regard of the Captivity, the Law was either in whole, or in part forgotten, or which is more charitably judged, that the Jews did know the Law, whereas Strangers of other Nations might go with Ezrah, or be in Canaan, and so being Heathen, or their Re­ligion being mixed with Heathenism, might not be perfect in the Law of the Lord; and both these he was to teach.

Ezrah was a ready Scribe in the Law of Moses, having it, as we say, upon his finger ends, for which eminent endow­ment, is he by his now Soveraign made Archbishop, or if that offend, the great Superintendent of the Kingdom of Israel, and also as a Civilian hath. Authority, to appoint Judges, a favour shewn him by the Bounty-Royal of a Prince, and such as Ezrah not only courteously, but thankfully accepts: yet now there are some that would condemn him for neglecting his Priestly Office, in receiving a Commission for setting up Magistrates and Judges; but this is all we sh [...]ll say, that they that condemneth Church-men for this duplicate Authority, are not so ready Scribes in the Book of the Law, as he was; for if they were, they would with him understand both Law and Church, and people would be bettered by those Judges he set up, or then Almighty GOD had never in his Law so joyned Magistrate and Minister together. Nay, their Ne­cessity, Nature, Reason, Experience, or all, moved that from Tully, when he said, that if any thought that the At­tick Re-publick can be well governed without the Coucil of the Areopagites, he may as well say that the world may be governed without the provide [...]ce of the gods, (i. e.) Church­mens Courts. The Civil [...]ffice being no more impeded by his Judges teaching, then his Spiritual Office was by his or­daining Judges obstructed, both Priest-hood and Princedom here uniting, for dignifying each other, as from the beginning [Page 13] hath been, and as yet it doth, and shall in Christ, whose Laws never divorced, what his Father had in all Generations joyned together.

There is a twofold teach [...]ng, 1. Regal. 2. Sacerdotale. And again, 1. Private. 2. Publick. And again, 1. By Coun­tenancing it before others, 2. Performing it in their own persons.

A Magistrate may, and ought to teach all these first ways, A Levit, or a Priest, is to teach all the last ways. And he who hath seen a Quarter Sessions, a publick Assize, a Judges con­demning speech, hath heard a glowing Sermon. Not now to be in a crowd, let us eye Magistratical Teaching, and that is done.

1. Regally, or Authoritatively. Kings have taught, and yet may, and ought to teach, by their Orders, by their Laws, allotting such and such a Circuite to the Cure of such, or such a Levite, and how David, Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, taught the people in statuting the courses of the Levites, com­posing Prayers and Psalms for the people, instituting days of Humiliation, and in benign providences, appointing times for Gratulation, and how they saw their Subjects, whether Clergy, or Laity, perform these things, is so conspicuous, that it were impertinent to prove it by particulars.

2. Privatly, and Conscionably; there is indeed a time for all things, and the Season doth Season, that is, giveth a Ho­ly and Savoury Relish to things at one time, which at another hour would be culpwble and censurable, and therefore disgust­full and unpleasant. Thus Solomon publickly helped to Con­secrat the Temple; and ou [...] late Solomon King James, gave (shall I call them?) two Sermons, one in hopes of a Victory over the Spanish Fleet, in 88. then invading England, and ano­ther in thanksgiving for its overthrow. But in ordinary, Da­vid will walk in the midst of his house, and cut off the liar from from his presence, and who walketh in a perfect way shall serve him, Psal. 101. And after he had blessed the people in [Page 14] the Name of the Lord of Hosts, he returned to bless his own house also, 2 Sam. 6. It is becoming a holy Magistrate, as opportunity offers, to teach Humility, Modesty, Charity, Piety, casting out Vice, and sweetly alluring inclinations for vertuous Education.

In a City there is some Rich, they may be proud, some Poor, they may be unjust, some Covetous, they may oppress, some Wicked, they may be envious, some Idle, they may be unruly: Now as these are known to one in place, a wholsome Sermon for Heaven, for Affability, for Honesty, for Libera­lity, for Clemency, for Industry, may be exceeding taking. One says, that there comes to a City, I. Luxury and Excels. 2. Superfluity and Fulness, after a stuft Panch cometh 3. Con­tumely and Reproach, and then to remove all cometh the 4. the Adversary and Ruine. Another being questioned what City was strongest? Replyed, that where were maniest good men, this is added to make firm, not to weaken, to enlarge, not to diminish the Judges Authority; for if man would stu­dy to be quiet, do his own business, Teach all within his own Circle, Family, School, Chamber, Lodging, the Magi­strates shall have less to do, in Genoa Superba it self, and shall be paralell to that City esteemed by Zeno the best governed, the Citizens in it obeying the Magistrates, and the Magistrates obeying the Law; And a Magistrates privat Teaching will mightily ope [...]at thereunto. Some such thing was intended among some Ancient People, who sung their Laws, to keep the people still in mind of that by which they were to be go­verned. Shall we think Cornelius did not thus teach his Band? nor Boaz his Family? or the great Counsellours, Na [...]hanael and Nicodemus? If Job the poor, was Joabab the Prince, how shall we think that that King did not Teach? And was not Solomon a Preacher in Jerusalem? In a Regal way seeing the Law purely taught, in a private way ordering his Family according to the Law of Royalty, decently, to the admirati­on of that wise Sheba Queen, and example of all Pious, God­ly, [Page 15] and Future Magistrates: who by having an Ascent (I may be under stood) whereby to go up to the House of the Lord, may teach their Servants, their Subjects, to obey the Law taught therein, 1 King. 10.

2. Countenancing it before others. This is the pro [...]uct of Solomons Ascent, and in this did more then Patrizare: yet was David glad when some told him that it was time to go to the House of the Lord, the T [...]umpet sounding to the Sacri­fice. Let interest speak what it will, the example of Magi­strates hath sway upon others, for learning Godliness, and though Trade and Business may be pleaded, to hinder Pulpit-attendance, yet its not to be forgot, they are to be at leasure for Magistracy. I shall be bold to add this more, that sloath or negligence of those in Authority, shall be requited and re­venged, the dutifulness of the Preacher, in supporting that Devoyr awe and reverence his Hearers are to pay to the Ho­nourable Office of Magistracy, shall not at last have p [...]ospe­rous success, but somewhat contrary, where the Almighty beholdeth that Governour not countenance the Doctrines of Love and Fear unto himself.

To give Laws against Blaspheming God, to punish the pro­ [...]haner of the Name of God, to Imprison, to Scourge, to put to Death such as break the Commands of God, to discharge Vice with a severe eye, as contrary to the Nature of God, and to look ascue with a slighting contempt upon a Minister of God, is one of the most indecent, incongruous acts a Magi­strate can perform, it signifying carelessness how his proper work should succeed; for therefore is Magistracy and Ministry appointed as Powers ordained of God, and hath Swords in their hand, to exhort obedience to the Law of God, and to punish them that do evil, to be a terror to evil workers, and encou­r [...]ger of them do well, for this one thing, Gods Glory, with this one difference, that the Minister is, or may be called a Servant of God, the Magistrate a god: now an earthly god to vilifie a Servant of the God of Heaven sent to Earth to aid [Page 16] him in his Domination, [...]avours of Folly, of Envy, both which are Man-like, Devil-like, not God-like Qualities. When Israel joyned themselves to Baal-peor, an Idol of the Moabites, whose Image on an Altar, shewed what Shem and Japhet could not look upon; it seemeth the Elders of the people so far forgot their gravity, as to conduct and guide their Wards thither for Devotion, therefore were their Heads hung up before the Lord, and before the Sun, Numb. 25. by other Elders that had not offered up their Modesty to that impure Priapus: but by discountenancing Idolatry, taught some of the people higher Lessons of the Deity, and such as kept them within compass of the Law, and preserved the Honour themselves had first re­ceived over them. The other favouring Image-worship, de­stroying that respect their places gave them, and in time still will so fester, that they shall be held as base as the Earth, when for their contempt of the Worship of God, which is the high­way of shame, they shall be set up as Beacons, for men who are called gods, to walk more respectfully towards those who are Gods Ambassadors.

It was to teach the people Piety, that the Heathen Sages advised their Nobles, Princes, Judges, 1. To build Temples to the gods, and 2. Their own Houses to be near Temples, that Underlings beholding the Cedars of a Land to love and reve­rence Heaven, they also in their low estate might be induced to eye the Firmament, that success might be the issue of their Trades, and by the hands of their Nobles be supplied in such things as they wanted by motions of pitty coming from above. Keeping up by this Polit-religious practice, both Honour to their fancied gods, and Popular Veneration to themselves and Families. Th [...]s may be enforced from the light in Belshazzars Candlestick: In vilifying but the Vessels of the House of the Lord (who were Servants but in a low degree) call them our Communion Cups, for his Darling Concu [...]ines, say they drank Healths in them, yet his Mene, Mcne, thou art weighed in the Ballance, and found light, may shew the event of such [Page 17] actings, as whispers, but disgrace to those Ministers, who Ministers but with, and by, such Vessels. But what shall we say, as he was found light who did it, they are usually the lightest persons, and most wanton yet, who are most inclined to such disdaining behaviour, and their sin, when sought after, shall be found sufficiently heavy.

Good and great Joshua, a chief Magistrate indeed, com­manding both Sun and Moon, choosed to live in the Tribe of Ephraim, and was buried in the Mount thereof: The Tribe which God had chosen, to erect his Tabernacle therein; and there also but a few miles distant, was his High Priest Eleazar buried: And it had been pitty, that the first Prince, the first Priest, and the first House God had in the Holy Land, should have been very far asunder. That that House, and those Mo­numents, might teach and convince the necessity for Magi­stracy and Ministry in God, to be always near to other, that the people might indust [...]iously strive with God in his Temple, for upholding of the same respect in either, pleading with their Neighbours to prove Conservators of the same union, expressing their gratitude to God for them, by obeying, and respecting both, frequenting Gods House by their example. Artaxerxes was surnamed Longi-manus, or Long-hand, and by conduct can draw in the furthest off to hear. Ezrah signi­fies help, and by Doctrine can p [...]rswade the most obstinat to obey. This shall he find, who is in power, if he protect the honour of Gods Sanctuary with his Sword, that is, by his at­tending therein, and honouring him that serveth, for the same ends he hath Sword put into his hands for.

From this, sure, came that old principle, that à bono Prin­cipe, &c. a City is rather prosperous by a good Prince, then by good Laws; this last, without the former, being but as Paper Bullets, creating a noise, but doing no execution; the first being a speaking, moving Law, towards Instruction and Sanctity, by Demonstration, whereas the other are but as Mathematical Lines, shewing after what manner some hath [Page 16] [...] [Page 17] [...] [Page 18] spent their time for our learning, and having no Master but our selves, either we come short of Skill, or arrive at it with difficulty, whereas Exemplarly teaching maketh us perfect with ease and delight in the most necessary speculations of God, our Neighbours and our Selves. When Joshua died, the people had the same Laws they had in his life, but he that says they had the same Manners, never understood the Book of Judges; this one instance may serve for all, without open­ing the Graves of the good and bad Kings of Jerusalem and Samaria, to make it unquestionable what Henry [...] Empe­rour, when demanded why he would wear plain and course Cloath, or Stuff, answered, Non Corporis sed Animi. A Ma­gistrate was not to be Finer, but much Better then his Sub­jects, and to go before them in goodness and vertue, which perswades more cheerfully to Serene behaviour, especially if correction be applied to lewd and barbarous undertakings, to such, a Pillory and a Whipping Post, is a Desk for a Cate­chism, and a Pulpit for Edification. But this leads us to the last end of Magistracy, which is,

3. Punishing. This is Teaching with a witness, or as we call it, with a Ce [...]tification, it setting home the lesson upon him that will not learn it by heart. After this sort, with Briers and Thorns, Gideon taught the men of Succoth, Judges 8. that is, Good Manners, Civil Answers, and Courteous Hospitality. Some are Blind, and will not see the Law, others Deaf, and will not hear the Law; others Lame, and will not work the Law; others are Wanton, and will scoff at [...] Law: Now the Judges Office is, to let all of these feel [...] Law. The Almighty gave his Statutes in Mount Sinai in Thunder, and such who are indifferent of hearing the sound, may change their behaviour, when informed there is therein a killing or deadly Bolt. If Judges make Judgements wanting Bolts, whereby to chastise Malefice, at the last may be taught, that such counterfei [...]ing of Laws, is [...] but mocking of God, and his Sword shall strike at him, who thus abuseth the very end of his Commission, by powder Squibs, and Rockets.

[Page 19]The Magistrates are said to bear Swords, Rom. 13. and he bears it in vain, if he only prove an Animat Cavalier on Horse­back (as the Image on a Half Crown,) or George a Horse-back on the Medal, whose Sword hath neither Point, nor Edge, to draw Blood, only lifted up, as threatning to kill the Dragon, yet never so much as ruffles the hair of his skin. Whereas, in vain, in the Apostles sense, stands in opposition to the wic­keds carelessness that he should fear, and for excitation of the Judges diligence, that he should not be slack.

The Roman Tribuns had before them carried, as by Officers or Serjeants, certain bundles of Rods, with an Axe wrapped up in them, to let all see their promptness, in S [...]ibbing disorders, that their City might rather have seemed a School for Man­ners, then a City of Trade, or Arms. Such was not Laish, or Cesarea Philippi: for in it, there was no Magistrate to put them to shame for any thing, Judg. 18. there being therein nothing to be ashamed at; wherefore God, as ashamed of them, remo­ved them by F [...]re and Smoak, he purposing to be revenged at last upon Beast-like Men, and Drone-like Governours.

It is the Motto of Guild-hall, or Council-house of Zant; or to come nea [...]er, I suppose in imitation of it, that of Glasgow in this Kingdom,

Hie locus Odit, Amat, Punit, Conservat, Honorat,
Nequitiam, Pacem, Crimina, Jura, probos.

As if Courts were designed only (as they are not for any other thing, then) to hate Wickedness, love Peace, punish Faults, preserve Priviledges, and to honour Good Men. In which sense, let not the gates of Hell, that is, the Wit, or Craft of Hell (for Judges of old sat in the gates of the City) prevail, (shall I now say?) against the Gates, that is, against the Magi­strates of this Honourable Burgh? by Impunity, Negligence, or Over-sight. The Society of the Vicious being truly Con­tagious, and as Pestilential Air, infecteth others, to shut them up, may adapt for a Cure, making them Chrip their Miserere, and those that pass by, saying, Amen, to their Lord have mercy upon us.

[Page 20]And now we are upon the Threshold of your Archives, rea­dy to open your Arcana Imperii, (i. e.) your Charter-chest: for now Artaxerxes and You, are to consider how to execute Judgement, how long the Offender should lye in Prison, how close his Prison should be, how long, or how far he should be banished, whether this, or that Fact be Capital, or no, or Fineable. How much, or what part of his Goods should be Confiscat, or no: But this is Hercules Club, and I cannot weild it; it is Apelles Table, I shall marr the Draught: leav­ing it therefore to him and you, I say only this, that our great King James had somewhat he now and then called King-Craft, and this none was to learn but himself and his Son: This point is Magistrate-Craft, I presume not to have skill in it, yet I hold it part of my Craft to shew you, that when you are about this, and have determined upon it, that God would have you do it, 1. Couragiously. 2. Nature would have you do it Mercifully. 3. The Kingdom and City would have you do it Legally. And 4. Artaxerxes would have you do it Spee­dily.

1. Couragiously. He is Gods Representative: and in this particular, ought to fear no man, but with a holy Audacity, say to the Malefactor, as Joshua to Achan, God shall trouble thee this day, for troubling us. He was oft bid from God and Man, be strong, (Josh. 1.) and of a good courage. In your Electi­on, morally, let your Officers proclaim at the Council-door, what the Officers of the Jews published at joyning Battel in History, What man is there that is fearful and faint-hearted? let him go and return unto his house, Deut. 20. 8. For what hath Clinas, I mean the Coward, in him, deserving to be cho­sen for wearing of a Sword? unless it be to cause Melancholy retire from a beholders eye: Whereas Justice is so grave a thing, that it ought not to be perverted by fear and trembling. A god to be a Coward, is improper, but to be Might [...] is a due and comely decency, making path-way for the Wheels of Ju­ [...]tice's Chariot, that she may ride, as in the Chariots of Ammi­nadab, [Page 21] a Prince of the Tribe of Judah, who first entered in into the Red Sea, after it was dryed up, not fearing the fall of the Waters, with undaunted swiftness.

The Highest Severest Athenian Court, was that of the Are­opagi, they sat on a Rock, dedicated unto (and it's thought had the Statue of) Mars their god of War; they Judged usu [...]lly in the dark, that they might not regard the Speaker, but the thing spoken, awarding off terrour that could any way arise from any adjudged, and only fearing God. The Famous Moor in his Utopia, cannot fancy a Magistrate in his head, un­til he hath freed him both of Haughtiness and Fear; and i [...] such an one be in any place chosen, who hath these, it shall be said of them what Severus in Herodian said of the Cohortes Urba­nas in Rome, that they were Magis Pompae, quam Virtutis Ad­ministras, rather Images or Pictures, then Men or Magistrats, Fear eclip [...]ing Reason, and blunting the edge, if it break not the point of Justice Sword.

2. Mercifully. This is one property so eminent, so essential to God, that but for this, the world had fallen about mans ears; neither delighteth he in a afflicting man, Lam. 3. 33. It indeed carries away the Palm among all Gods work, yet is he also so just, that I doubt if Ancus Martius first found out the punish­ment of Fetters, Prisons, Stocks, &c. as some writes, for keeping men in good tune, since I find a Kings Bench, (i. e.) the Kings Prison in the days of Joseph, Gen. 39. yet are there so great out-breakings in that heart which is our own, that we ought by pity, to put our selves in the Prisoners place, though out of necessity he be made to grind in the Prison, for his undutiful actings.

It was a fine saying of that Gamaliel of the Church of Eng­land, Reverend D. Hammond, as I have heard, who in a pecu­liar request, being denyed by the late Usurper, the Doctor said, He perceived the Tyrant to have Guts, but no Bowels. The like may be said of him who hath no sorrow, no natural feeling of his Prisoners condition, it being given as a Maxime, that to­wards [Page 22] God, man should have the heart of a Father; towards his Neighbour, the heart of a Mother; only to himself, the heart of a Judge, harsh and severe. The Hebrews say, that God dwelt in his Tabernacle all days, since the beginning, appointing but one day for Judgement, giving all other for Clemency and Mercy. It is probable, that from this Topick of Compassion, cometh that English custom, in calling a Bloodless Assize a White one, or a Maiden one; and with the Justices of Peace, there is joy, and to my Lord the Judge, there are presents and gifts, mercy here and there in all, rejoycing over Judgement in the High Sheriff remarkably.

3. Legally. A Ruler is Officially, Lex Loquens, a speaking Law, not Doctrinally only, but also the Applicatory part thereof, applying the Rule of the Law to the Back, to the Head of the offender, which absolutely dischargeth any passing over the Verge, or unraveling the Hem of the Law: imposing moderation, while the punishment is infl [...]cted, divorcing passi­on on si [...]ster, or by-accounts: For all Pilats Ceremonious washing, he was an unjust Judge, the witnesses against our Sa­viour ought to have been cast, they not agreeing in their Testimony, Mark 14.

He is Pater, Pastor, Medicus: a Father, and therefore Courage is fit; a Shepherd, therefore Compassion is proper, especially to those that are heavy. A Physician, therefore Rules are necessary; in Receipts a Drahm too much through inad­vertence, or a double Dose, in wild adventures, is disgraceful. It is true there are faults take men in a su [...]prize, as sudden heats and colds, others are pestilential and infectious, others, as con­sumptions, seem hereditary. The State Mediciner is not so tyed to the Rules of the Law, but sometimes Prudence will miti­gate the same, and oft he will Article with the Law, not for laying down its Commission, for punish [...]ng altogether, but will for its giving a greater or lesser Censure, providing [...] that that little one keep the Body Politick in a due and calm temper; if not, with the Emperour Ferdinand, our Magistrates Motto [Page 23] is, Fiat Justi [...]ia, Let the Law be executed, fearing the guilt of that other Emperour, Balbinus his device be charged upon him, Bonis no [...]et qui malis parcit, He damnifieth good men, who indulgeth wicked men.

4. Speedily. This is Artaxerxes Symbole, Let Judgement be speedily executed upon him; the want of this Foot-man­ship in holy Writ, seemeth to be the only fault o [...] the unjust Judge, he only appeareth ca [...]eless, and indifferent in the exe­cution of what came before him, for when he sentenced, for ought we find, it was confo [...]m to the merit of the cause; and so will God, whose representative Governours are, avenge his own elect speedily, after, or when they have cryed day and night unto him; Luke 18. But Ha [...]k! This Rule is not so head­strong, as to run a Gallop, before the cause be searched, found, and the truth of it be searched by the Law, and sealed by its Signature. God came down to try Sodom, before he came to execution. And- speedily here stands in opposition both to rash­ness, and dulness; wherefore Alexander the Great, was great in this, that in hearing Causes, he closed still one ear, keeping that for the other Party, that until both were heard, the Com­plainer had but half his hearing.

When all Offices worthy of the Purple, or Scarlet Robe are performed, and the fire of Truth unquestionably falling upon the black Tinder of Impure actings, to delay the execution of the Sentence, is to be Grand-child to the Unjust Judge, a tedi­ous demurr being contrary to the institution of the Rule. Or if there must be a delay, it is Magistrate-craft, and that be­longs to your selves.

The Rule by which Magistrates are to be chosen.

TO speak of the necessity of Magistrates, and enforce it with discerning Arguments, were equally to lose time, as to [Page 24] evict at large the expediency of the Suns light, and Moons brightness. The custom of five days Rant and Liberty to De­bauch given in Persia, at the Interval of Kings and Rulers, rio­tously opened the dullest understanding, for serious Resolves perpetuating the Instalment of Judges, for Justice and Judge­ment; the first, for punishing the Guilty, the latter, for ac­quitting the Innocent: Such now being the condition of all places, that for sin by wrath, and through unpeaceableness by lust, Israel Gods own Land, the Temple his own House, and Jerusalem his own City, must have overseers under him, or it shall perish; yea Babel would be more confounded, and Sama­ria more idolatrous, had it not a Rule some way or other to or­der that confusion, and preserve it from destruction, to manage that Idolatry, that (as each one pleased) it might not be his will-worship. For 300. years Rome had not many, yet some Laws, and those chiefly relating to Martial Affairs: but after­ward the Athenian Tables were the Rules of Justice, and the Ballance in which the due weight of Affairs were pondered.

Therefore Artaxerxes, whose name carries in it both Strength and War, having obtained peace, knowing a Magistrat to be Atlas Civitatis, the chief support of any Countrey, with­out whom the Rabble of a Mercat could not avoid Tumult, civiliz'd Nations having Aediles Cereales, Overseers there­of, ordained Ezrah, which signifyeth Assistance, or Help, to Cull out such by name, assigning them particular Jurisdicti­ons, as the Lot, or Circuite of their Charge; here one City, and there many Villages: And the Rule by which he was to choose them, was according to the Law of his God, Charitably conjecturing this to be done by him. Ezrah choosed for Judges, I. Able men, 2. Fearers of God. 3. Lovers of Truth. 4. Haters of Covetousness, Exod. 18. 21.

1. Men of Ability. Whether you descend to the gifts of the Mind, in Activity and Strength of Judgement, or if you fix upon the Joynts of the Body, in a Nimbleness for Action, or whether you lodge within the House, in a fair competent [Page 25] Estate, and comely Affluence, I care not, for such things as these are to be understood according to the Port, a Ruler is chosen for. The want of any one of these, diminishing from the splendor, or casting some refuse upon a Judges Robe. And the enjoying of all these, is adequat to that harmless Pomp, ought to be viewed, by the eye-gazing [...] people, for (they be­ing much taken by sight) if somewhat more then ordinary be not perceived, the Divine Institution of Authority, as by some secret Magical Spel, shall want its due Respect and Ve­neration.

Thus David was of a goodly Countenance, and a comely Youth,▪ Saul hath been a man of a Noble Meen and Carri­age: And Davi [...] went on and grew great, 2 Sam. 5. Above all things get, this day, Able, that is, Wise Rulers, without which, all Law, all Reason from Law, will be Mank and Lame. For if there be not in the Officers, Internal Principles of Active Prudence, to Consult, Determine, Discuss and Dispatch Affai [...]s, by strong Apprehension, contingency of Events, and Experimental Observation of past Occurrences, both Error and Terror shall Invade the City.

2. Men fearing God. Why are Judges called gods? But that the people may fear them, and for the upholding of that same fear in themselves, towards him whose name they bear. For no sooner did Adam that great Magistrate (receiving Homage of the Creatures, they taking from him a name) rebel from fearing the Lord, but he stood in fear of himself, and of a little cold Air, of a small Serpent, of a Fiery Angel, &c. The Majesty of Gods Word, which he is still to eye [...] the Deformity of Vice, which he is still to punish; the Preser­vation of the City from the Judgements wickedness shall pro­cure, the Convulsions, Shakings of the strongest founded Bodies, which ungodliness shall cause, we presume shall plead (the fear of God being set up in the High Place of this Ancient and Honourable Metropolis) before your voicing, for the fear­ers [Page 26] of his Name to be voted for, for retaining that old Epi­thet of your City, and making it truly the Good Town.

Be it Sound, Be it Fond, what Interpreters of Dreams pre­tend is foreseen in them, that a person Dreaming of being a Magistrate, Ominats Care, Vexation and Trouble, I shall not Dispute; this is sure, that neither the Wealth, Honour, nor Glory Solomon brought Israel, could after his Death se­cure him from the name of an Oppressour. And that Poor Wise Man, that defended his City, was basely slighted by in­grate Citizens, Eccles. 9. 15. Avouching that the true fear of God, is the only sure Card that a Magistrate can expect to win either Honour that is lasting, Peace that is inward, or Comfort that is spiritual from.

Edward the 6. Englands Josiah, gave in a Medal a Sphear surmounted with a Crown, a right hand issuing from a Cloud, holding the Glob, fixed by a Chain, with this Symbole, Nil sine Deo, God is all in all; informing, that whosoever have Government, must reflect, that Heaven hath the chief Regi­ment, and if its Hand support not (which Fear only keeps st [...]dfast) he will suffer the Kingdom or City to fall into shi­vers, as a broken Vessel, not to be regarded, be the Laws never so sharp and severe: Piety in the Heart only sanctifying the Rod in the Hand of the Politick Father, for amending his stubborn Son, and removing guilt from the place by his due execution, Gen. 20. 7.

3. Men loving Truth. That is, so to search and sift out the T [...]uth, that from a heap of Dust they may seek, until they find, not accounting the Inquest burdensome, one grain of solid Verity being worth much Incustry and sweat. The love of Fire will make men seek for it from the Concussions of two Flints, from two opposite and strong Fore-heads, and fiery Contentions: An exi [...]t Surveyer will fetch Sparks of Equity shall give light to a whole Tribe, yea beautifie a Na­tion. With the two Harlots it was only an Aye, and a No, without either Witnesses, or Circumstance to find a Cheat, [Page 27] yet Solomon being a lover of truth, fanned away the Chaff, and found that which made all Israel to fear him. To alter a little what the Ancient Christian Hermes (St. Pauls Disciple) in his Precept concerning Justice said. There are two Messen­gers, I might call them Procurators before a Bar, one is Nun­cius Iniquitatis, another, Aequitatis; one bluntly or fully speaks the Truth, the other audaciously and pertly Gilds Falshood that it may pass for Truth. Now what God did at Sodom, the Judge must endeavour to do at the Bench, (viz.) Search out the Truth of Sodoms Cry, Gen. 18. and know if that persons bawling have a true Cause, if the Law speak as that Youngster asserteth; on the other side, if that pretended Malice be of verity the other saith his Adversary hath against him, and i [...] that be true, that he fo [...]merly vowed Revenge upon some Disgust, is substantial for a Judge that loveth the Truth to be exercised in, and it shall occasion him to have in­fin [...]t more joy, because better grounded, then the Egyptians had in their Sacrifice to Mercury, feasting upon Figs and Ho­ney, and zealously singing in their own Language with hearts gladness, O the Truth is sweet!

This Job was excel [...]ent at, for the cause which he knew not he searched out, being a Magistrat, if not a King in his own Countrey, supposed to be that Jobab mentioned among the Kings of Edom, Gen. 36. 33. And in this one point David was rash and faulty, in giving to Ziba a Nurcius Iniquitatis, false Informer, the Lands of Mephibosheth, before he had search­ed if that Son of his old and dear Friend and Brother, Jona­than, had been, (as he was not) in the Conspiracy with Ab­salom, 2. Sam. 16.

4. Men hating Covetousness. It was the Emperour Ha­drians usual Proverb, Non mihi sed populo, I am to enrich the people, not my self. And the famous Ptolomeus had rather his Subjects had Store then himself, saying, Their Riches was his Plenty. And I find in another History then Scripture, that this same Artaxerxes said, Regius est, &c. It was more [Page 28] King-like to give, then to take from his people. And Jethro, whose name signifies Excellent, and finding out, will have this Excellency, in that man appointed for bearing Rule a­mong the people.

His Office is to restrain prodigality from without, and Rein or Curb the Covetous from Gripping within, he is therefore to stand between them, hating the Covetous so much the more, as he is further from the Publick Good then the other. 1. From his base keeping. 2. From his dangerous receiving, that is, of Bribes, or Gifts, for perverting Judgement and Law.

Both Greeks, Latines, and Hebrews, had their Aediles, Cereales, Overseers, shall I call them Clerks of the Mercat? Overseers of the Corn, moderating the price thereof, that the poor might be satisfied with Bread, breaking their hun­ger, and filling their Bowels with a larger Loaf than Huck­sters would allow them for their Money. But to what pur­pose are these or any other Laws? If a handful of Silver shall benumb their Arm, not to write down, fell for so much; or so Tongue-tye them, that they cannot say, You grind the faces [...] of the poor, Isai. 3. 15.

When Alexander the Great had sent a richer Present to the Grave Phocion, then to all Athens besides; because he seem­ed to be a just man, he refused the Gift, saying, Let me con­tinue to be what I seem to be. The like answer the Famous Chancellor Moor of England, gave a Lady who had a Cause depending before him in the Chancery-Court, upon the like occasion smiled [...] saying, Gentle Eva, I'le have no Apple. It was this made the Cretians of old, or Candiots now, to have the Image of Jupiter without Ears, ho [...]ding it unsuitable that he who gave Laws to others, should so much as hear another Whisper unto him: And others Painted their Judges without hands, that nothing could be received, albeit Baseness should make offer.

Yet since Vertue ought to be rewarded, and Gratitude lov­eth to be seen, an Honourable Pre [...]ent after the Final Sen­tence, [Page 29] may stand with this Law, and whose Oxe have I taken to blind mine eyes therewith, is a sufficient Salv [...] for a suspe­cted Judge, 1 Sam. 12. 3. I know a good Conscience is joy enough, and reward sufficient for just Decrees: But since Goodness God-like is Communicative, an Apple upon the Judges Table out of the restored Orchard, is an Ensign dis­playing Thankfulness to God and Man, God as the Cause, and the Judge as the Inst [...]ument in his hand, for recovery of un­justly detained Possessions; encouraging even Justice and Vertue it self, to go [...] in a confident and upright pro­gress. But to be too closs, and too proportionat here, is not my Task either; this only I learn, that Fire shall consume the Tabernacles of Bribery, Job 15. 34.

Right Honourable, you must answer at the last day singu­larly, for this dayes choice, therefore take care that the pure Scarlet be not put upon them of blemished lives, who will stain it by future Impieties. David was Cor, Lingua, Cala­mus Primi Regis, the Heart, the Pen, the Tongue of the great King; that sanctifying the Root of Magistracy, (that Saint being the Corner-stone, or Stock of Judah's Princes) the least Twig or Stone thereof, might in future times be Holy. Chuse you such, who are like to Gods own heart, that being the proper Medium for admitting them into the hearts of those for whom they are chosen: But this bringeth us to the last Section.

The Honour with which the Magistrates is to be noticed.

EVery Soul being ordained to be subject to the Higher Powers, that is, to the Person Invested and Endowed in a right way with Power, pleads for Fear and Honour under the New Testament; But, Curse not the gods, nor speak evil of the Ruler, under the Law, with other Scriptures, Rom. 13. 1. Exod. 22. 28. Importing High Veneration and Respect, speak how Ezrah's Judges ought to be Rever'd: And the multitude of Earth's Inhabitants, having their happiness from under the Wings of Magistracy, Power having respect to the curbing of the Vicious, and protecting the Innocent; Vertue hath infinit Arguments prepared for peoples yielding to an Authorized Judge: the four ordinary prescribed Duties, 1. Of Honour. 2. Lov [...]. 3. Prayer. 4. Obedience.

1. Honour. This the very Sheath, yea Shadow of the Sword, the Romans Birc [...]-Rods, the Magistrats White Stave, his Long Robe, constantly Commands as due from all Be­holders. There is an Honour, that is, a R [...]ve [...]ence we owe all men, but the gods of men [...] are doubly beaut [...] fied with the Image of God, in Governing Faculties, and transformed by a Politick Soul of life and Power, into an higher degree of Man­hood than ordinary Commons, therefore is Double Honour to be told down, in ready and prompted respect, as the Egypti­ans, and Joseph's Brethren, in, My Lord, and bowing down the head, Gen. 47. 18.

Tell me not this to be understood of Good Magistrats, Mal­versation as to Men, not destroying the Prerogative of Au­thority: For, 1. Thunder-bolts are of Gods appointment, to frighten and to punish men, so also are Tyrannical Governours designed as the harsh and untender Chi [...]urgeons, to search the putride Sores of an unholy Common-wealth. 2. Who are the Good Men? or where are the Good Works? or to come [Page 31] more closs to the Objection, who is the wicked Magistrate? For he who watcheth the Garison of his Charge best, and with greatest circum [...]pection, and Fatherly depo [...]tment, and he who Draco-like, is most Severe in punishing to death the least Debaurd, for lopping off Delinquency, shall be by the un­ruly, Surnamed alike Tyrant. The Log from Jupiter in the Fable, was the worse Magistrat; and Solomon in the Truth, was accounted by Male-contents, none of the Wisest, be­cause an Oppressour. 3. Saul had been forsaken of God, in the Prophets certain knowledge, yet le [...]t the people sh [...]uld dishonour him, Samuel [...]iveth him honour in their presence, and telleth the people nothing of the Divorce. Do the like for a petty Co [...]stable, in his own Hundred, and for a Baily in his own Baily [...]ick, for a Justice in his own County, for a Ruler in his own Verge, an [...] for a Judge before the Members concerned in his Court: For it is his due, and thy debt, Jure Divino, Rom. 7.

Yet ought those of the Scarlet Gown to carry such an Af­fable Meen in the face of their Conversation, as to live in the Affections of their People, a mean for everlasting Honour, like Antonius Venerius, Duke of Venice, whose life in the History of his Fellows, dignified with the Ducal Crown, speaks him to be of excellent abilities for the Honour, being Ingenio ad Benevolentiam comparandam accommodato, Indu­strious for procuring of good-will in it. Morosity, Surliness, Sawciness, or Disdainful Pride, being destructive to those Honourable Thinkings the Vertuous themselves frame upon the Anvil of Sound Knowledge, for upholding, as Nails, the curious Wainscot, or Ceiling of true Respect, towards all wear­ing the Furr'd Long Robe.

2. Love. What the Pilot is to the Ship, what the Phy­sician is to the Sick, what the Father is to the Children, that is the Prefect, Provost, or Maior to a City, Acting by his Counsel, for the Security of the Vessel, for satisfying of the Heart, and for providing not for the Son only, but the [Page 32] least Servant within the Body Politick, David, while yet a Courtier, behaved himself wisely, and was accepted of all the people, 1 Sam. 15. 8. He is in place of God, and that god­head he is endowed with, prohibits the least inclination to Disrespect, or Hatred; But as true love without bitterness, and real love wanting hypocrisie, is duely to be offered up to God, for his own sake; so is it also to be rendered to the Ma­gistrat for Gods Names sake and Authority.

3. Prayer. Sound not the Triumph at the Electing of any men, so highly, as to forget with Elias they are subject to the like passions with other men: They are gods, it's true, but the gods you are this day to Elect, are made up of Flesh, and therefore obnoxious to those Interests, by which the Circle of this World, by Worldlings is moved; and if your Pray­ers hold not up the Hangings, that God may be seen, both by the eye of Counsellours now, and of Magistrates who are to Confer about you afterward; Flesh may bemist their eyes, and Judgement may be fore-stalled by a Whispe [...]er, for prevent­ing whereof, fix your eye upon that Green Carpet, that Vel­vet Cushion, in the words of the Psalmist, The Lord hear (you) in the d [...]y of trouble, the Name of the God of Jacob d [...]fend you, send you help from the Sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Sion, Psal. 20. 1. For our dayes are dangerous, and the times you know are perilous, &c.

If Prayers and Supplications must be made for all men, for Kings, and for all that are in Authority, 1 Tim. 2. 1. Sure for our own Native Prince, and for them under him, whom we by Authority from him, place in Regiment over our selves, are we to be doubly zealous, or then, where is he, that from this dayes determination, can, or ought, to expect to lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty? It being true of Governours, what in Divinity is said of Ministers, Paul may plant, and Apollos may water, but God must give the increase: It not being Pauls Studying, not Cephas Preach­ing, nor Apollo's Oratory, that can convert the Soul, but the [Page 33] Spirit of God, in making use of them for that end; So it is not Wise Men, Faithful Men, Good Laws, Solid Counsel, Sound Advice, that will make your City prosperous, but the blessing of God through your Prayers, upon their delibe­rate Resolves. If a Magistrat be a god, then his Actings for our good, being Heavenly, must God-like, be the return of our Prayers, or then, &c.

It is easie, it is ordinary, though it be undutiful, to be mustering, and Talking of the many Faults of those in Publick Places, whereas one way to have them few, (viz.) making many Prayers for them, is omitted by many Sons of Disobedience; and for this cause, I conjecture, Plato's Laws appointed Youth and Childhood to be trained up in the customs, Laws, and Principles of their Imaginary gods, that a Reverence might be held, not only to their Re­ligious service, but in Politick, though Divine manner, it might be presented to them in their Court-Inquisition among men, in keeping Custom and Law together with Reli­gion.

4. Obey. This is the product of Love, Prayer, and Ho­nour, the Final end, and Ultimat scope of Government, and he that Writes one Motto of Pride upon his Crown, Non obedio, I scorn to yield, as a rotten Branch is to be lopp'd off, by the Bill or Axe of Authorized Power, and that speedily, (the season may require it) whether it be to Death, Confisca­tion of Goods, or Imprisonment.

What ever superstition (yea robbing of God) may be pre­tended to be on one side of the Tribute-money we owe Ce­sar, Obedience is still to be upon the other, or then Experi­ence will hold it for Counterfeit, and to be refused. It is the end of the Law, that men obey, and the end of obedi­ence is the Flourishing of a City, and the end of a City is pro­sperity and peace.

In short, my Lord, and Right Honourable, the Great Alex­ander, being to possess the Crown of his Ancestors by Bi [...]th, [Page 34] yet from what impulse, I know not, I care not, he called his Princes and Nobles together, commanding them to choose a King for themselves, and one whom they pleased, providing they would choose one who was most obedient to God, most for the publick good, most compassionat for the poor, most for the defence of the weak, &c. They after mature deliberation, choosed Himself, and he thereupon sware to do all that: I add, to the other, List them, who will be most for your Cities Credit, Wealth, Godliness and Honour. And your own Re­putes in your going off, and falling back, in the Minds and Tongues of your Numerous Inhabitants, who will immediatly be Curious to behold their New Mag [...]strates.


At this time there were Elected for MAGISTRATES,

  • Sir Andrew Ramsay Lord Provost.
  • Bailies.
    • William Reid.
    • James Davidson
    • John Fullartoun
    • George Drummond
    • Robert Sandelands L. Dean of Gild.
    • John Scot L. Thesaurer, &c.

DUORUM UNITAS OR The Agreement of Magistracy and Mini­stry, Preached at the Election of the Ho­nourable Magistrats of Edinburgh, Octo­ber 2. 1666. And at the opening of a Diocesian Synod, of the Reverend Clergy there.

PSAL. LXXVII. ‘Thou leddest thy people like a Flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.’

AMong the Diversity of Gifts, which the Author of every Perfect Donation, giveth unto Man; it is eminently seen, that Government of the World hath a principal part of his Wisdom and Liberality: Communicating to this and that other Person, Rich Endow­ments, for that and this Affair, Employ, Trade or Calling, for the beautifying that Corporation, He in his providence is erecting; Hence floweth that Impulse in youth, yea in child-hood, for Wo [...]k, for Books, for Speaking, Writing, for Armes, for Arts, we frequently do with wonderbehold.

But as all motions must have a fixed Axis to move upon, and a Basis virtuating the utmost point; so still hath GOD [Page 2] elected from that Mass of people, them who have in their spirits been adopted, even afar off, for Regiment and Rule: Some from the Womb being of so servile a Nature, that the whole survey of their Life, or Actings, their highest prin­ciple, is but a token of subjection, Nature having made them of so knotty timber, no education can form them to a capa­bility of being Mercurial, whether for Wisdom or Eloquence. Whereas, others are of so pure a grain, that the beaming souls beyond their years, are discov [...]ring somewhat predi­ctive of Honour and Grandour. R [...]mulus, Romes First King and Founder, when a poor Shepherd, would sit and determine causes among his fellows; they giving both Audience and Reverence to his Decisions. We read that Phara [...]h, once putting his Crown upon the head of his adopted Grand-son Moses, when a Child, his little armes pulled it away, and his feet spurned at it in scorn, ominous to that Egyptian De­monstration of his future not fearing the wrath of the King. His killing the Egyptian, and saving the Hebrew, did prog­nostick deliverance of the Jews from bondage; and by keep­ing of a Flock, had thereby learned how to rule and govern Men, being thereby actually fitted for that employ, unto which from the Cradle he had been inclinable.

Yet as none is Eminent in all Abilities, Moses was, though excellent at Government, (whereof the Shepherds rod was the Ensign) yet not in Elocution: of which his stammering, or slow-tongue is witness, Exod. 4. 10. To help him therefore in his Government, a Brother Eloquent and of a flourishing, because of a fluent style, is joyned to him as a Collegue, that the one, profound in judgement▪ may ponder what is to be done; the other in charming R [...]etorick, may alu [...]e to perform what is deemed necessary in doing. And it being very usual to express the facund and smooth guiding of the tongue by a hand. Oratory perswading, that is, leading Her hearers to run in, and rest upon that purpose She is pressing for, or painting out. The people are said [Page 3] to be led by the hands of MOSES and AARON.

Hence it is, that the two Princes of Gods Israel diversified in Gifts, are united in the End, for leading Israel like a flock: The great end was, for obeying God, for him did Moses eye in all his meditation, and him did Aaron re­spect in all his elocution; that he, not they, might get the Glory of their united Industry and powerful Atchiefments: Whence it is not said, that Moses and Aaron, but that God led His People like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron. His Head in Contrivance, His lips in Utterance, both as a Shepherds Rod, or Commanders staffe, inclining them, or beckonning towards them, to move in that Path, where­in there was Profit, Security and Honour.

We call it a Drove of Oxen, a Herd of Deere, a Rout of Wolfes, but usually a Flock of sheep, and so it is here, not that the people were alwayes pe [...]ceable, for they were sometimes as a Sounder of u [...]ruly swine, but because they were governed, and cared-for as Sheep; and when stray­ing, as by the Dog of some Judgement, were they again brought into a better order by the Hands, that is, by the Prudence, Conduct, and Wisedom of Moses and Aaron. The First being a Noble Prince, the other a Holy Pre­late, Sones of one Womb, Crowned, Consecrat for this Employ Literally here, Morally for ever, still and In perpetuum while time shal be no more. God Governing His Church by the Hands, that is, by the Industry of Magi­stracy and Ministry.

I do not say the words divide themselves, (for I fear, and hate Division here, bet [...]ixt [...]hose two) but branch them­selves forth, betwixt Church and State: And let us speak with all Humility of the one, and Reverently of the other, Be­ginning with the State; For though Aaron be the Elder, yet Moses is the greater Brother: therefore it is Moses and Aaron. Moses, the fi [...]st Great Magistrate over Gods Uni­ted People, and in him there is a plat-form for all people, [Page 4] loving union in the Choice of Magistrates, giving Ab incu­nabulis, from the Milk, proper Doctrine for this day, Right Honourable, and Most Reverend, in that, 1. His Body speaketh Beauty, 2. His Name sheweth Duty. 3. His Endowments, m [...]tives to pray for Equality.

1. His Body speaketh Beauty. This heightned the Pa­rental Affections his Parents had for him, stirring up com­passion, enliven'd by Faith, exercised in care, for saving of His life; that He was a goodly Child, Exod. 2. 2. conclu­ding forcibly from Faith and Sense, a Boy of such Vigou­rousness, Comelinesse, such infantile Man-hood, was by Providence never designed for Food to Fishes, such the He­brew word Tob, senseth the Goodnesse, the Elegance, the Shapelinesse of His F [...]ature: The Comelinesse of His but new seen Aspect, the Symetry and Proportion of His several parts, the exact joyning of His several Limbs with the pleasure of His Lovely Stature, (to speak of Him as a Man) his Parents foresaw He was born to Command, and having its thought a particular Revelation of this their Son, (a gene­ral promise being too general for them to conclude a Delive­rer from their family) They laid him (rather than cast him out) in the Arms of Providence, by Faith, Heb. 11. 23. about the Kings Garden, for Princely Education and Breeding, sute­able to the Harmonious content they took in beholding His divided Limbs, Argueing for Understanding of a R [...] ­fulgent Soul, when Experience should hold up the Hang­ings, or withdraw the Curtains of Infancy a [...]d Child­hood.

Suffer Moses to suck the Teat or Pap of his Mother a while or to rest in the Cradel, rock'd by his Sister; Behold Is­rael now grown weary of wanting a King, God provided them a Saul, a Goodly person, 1. Sam. 10. 23. and after him a David, a comely Youth and of a good Countenance 1. Sam 16. 12. The Lord by Express Law, discharged De­formity from his Altar, Levit. 21. and in significant chara­cters [Page 5] hath he prohibited Monstrosity to approach the Jud­ges Bench; Dwarfishnesse, Crookedness, Blindnesse, Deaf­nesse, Umbrageing in any person, some degree of Real sligh­ting, Irreverence, and Contempt, especially when the per­son so uneven is by choice Elected, for in cases of Successive Government (though We say the crooked in Body is crooked also in manners) Providence is therein to be obeyed; And even there what Reverence soever be due, Gratior est pul­chro, &c. Virtuous and Graceful Behavior, emerging from a Comelie and Court-like person, is more Enamouring. A proper Moses, marching before the Camp of Israel will be preferred, before a penitent Zacheus, conducting the same number of Jewes, though it were to the Holy Land.

I find Great Alexander short of Stature, but he was born a Prince, and his fine little Body was exceeding shapely, his Constitution fresh and active, and this is also properness: Though Charles the Great, is recorded to have been Facie pul­ihrâ, of a sweet Countenance, and a maj [...]stick Eye, & through out Vniversa specie Augusta, of a taking presence is more propernesse, It is granted, that a Saul may be dispossessed, and that Absalom as the Synamon tree, may have his ba [...]k (i. e.) his outside, more worth then the whole Compositum. That Agesilaus that famous Lawyer, Warriour, and oblidging Commander, though a King in Sparta, had Forma parum probata, a crooked and lame Body, yet his Father Archida­mus was fined by the Ephori, for matching with a little wo­man, foreseeing that a King (such was their Constitution, and Government) proportionate to his Dame, would, or might prove among Kings but a Demy, to the diminishing that Court Grandeur, those stately Laconians studied even in stature to preserve.

The Army of Xerxes was vastly great, yet did he [...]xcell all his Troups for Gate and Person, being therein a King over them, by natural parts, as well as in legal properties and rights. Antigonus Junior was Senior in this, that no [Page 6] Painter could express the liveliness of his Countenance. This therefore may be said, That in all Elections, for one to go in and out, before the Flock of a Common-wealth, as Moses was chosen, being Goodly and being Godly, caeteris paribus, they next to Moses in comeliness, is to be exalted, not as essential to Regiment, but a Circumstance having great Influence in the judgement of God and experience of Men, for keeping Magistracy in its Primitive Devoyr and Ancient Respect.

The Beauty of Esther▪ and her excellent Feature, moved the King in a throng of Beauties, to set the Crown upon her Head, Esther 2. 17 each emulating to be Queen; Her inartificial, not painted visage, made more beautiful by an up­right Body, Courted Maj [...]sty to accost her, and sue for Fa­vour at the Barr of her [...]prightly Gifts. It is more then once said▪ that Samuel grew, 1 Sam [...] 3. 9. and it was thought fit to mark that, He being designed for a Judge in Israel. In a City there are Sons of Belial, in a Body p [...]li­tick, there may be Mutinees and Insuriections, Hau [...]htiness and Pride may lift up their horn: Some are self willed, spea­king evil of Dignities. How forcible to cha [...]tise such, to a­mend such, to terrifie such, will be the very Name, Shadow, much more the apperance of [...]uch a daring Person, I leave un­to your wiser Judicatu [...]e to refl [...]ct upon, and consider? min­ding you only of Solom [...]ns four things, Prov. 30. 3. which are comely in going, A Lyon, a Gray hound, a Hee-Goat, and a King, against whom there is norising up. And that the nearer we come to Adam, the Son of GOD in his perfe­ction, and the greatest Magistrat under Heaven, the fitter are we for Government: And by the noble ruines in decayed Nature, we may guess at the first Glory of the Fabrick, Sam­sons strength, Achitophels head, Absoloms beauty, Davids complexion, Sauls stature, and the nearer we choose to these, the more will Authority be nobilitat, such a one, even while asleep, creats a fear in others, animating for action, more or less in the Magistrats.

[Page 7]II. His Name sheweth Duty, Abigal argued from Na­bal, the Name of her Churle, to excuse Folly, and why not others from Moses, a nowne to perswade officially un­to Duty, in the Hebrew it is Mosche, a Name given him when a quarter old, and that by Phara [...]h's Daughter (for that his Mother called him Joachim at his Circumcision, I leave it with them reports it) pertinently enough, she be­ing a Kings Daughter, and in some sense a God-Mother, to Gods chief Minister of State, holding him up thereby unto Baptisme; I say Baptisme, for, 1. We read of no certain; nor other Name he had before this. 2. It is a Name from his being preserved, and drawn forth from the water, and now shal I say to Pharaohs Daughter, Under­stands thou what thou doest? giveing him that Name because of an Office, he is to do on the water, and in it, because she hath preserved him by drawing forth. For; 1. If many waters signifie Many People, and, 2. If great wa­ters seem abounding Extremity; Moses is, and Magistrates are designed to be Drawers forth; with this difference, that he Passively was drawn o [...]t, and he and they afterward still to draw, 1. From Stated Oppression, 2. From De­structive Confusion. Both being called, not only to higher Purposes, then to be called great; but to Do and Act as by the pully of Pharaoh's Daughters hand, that like oyle up­on the other Brothers head, descending to the lowest skirts of Magistratick power for succouring all Oppressed, and all the Helplesse.

3. His Endowments, motives you to Pray for an Equality, He was bred up, taught in, and Diligently did he learn the Doctrine of the Egyptians their Mathematical Sciences, their Phylosophie, their Hi [...]roglisicks, but that he wrought his Miracles by Legerdemaine, or that he made his Brazen Serpent by the Rules of Talismatical Tradition, (i. e.) a Figure under such and such a Planet, or Star, with Conju­rations, or Spels, &c. is not worth Refutation, si [...]ce h [...] had [Page 8] expresse Law from Heaven for so doing, sufficeth us to know, 1. That he was a Man of Knowledge, teaching you, Right Honourable, to choose a man of Sagacity. 2. Of Prudence, denoting observancy. 3. Of Courage, stirring for Magnanimity. 4. Of Holiness, teaching Piety, It may be profitable to preach the same things, and I am sure it is seasonable, &c. Know therfore,

1. He had great Knowledge: A Magistrate to speak in the Language of the Times, ought to be a Frigot of the first Rate, and draw deep, I presse not the Understanding of the seventy Languages with the Jewes, but shall induce, to a­void that reflection Antistines gave some Athenians, advise­ing them to plow their Ground no more with Horses, but Asses, and when told their unfitnesse, as being never taught, Quid refert, said he? It's all one for that, since you have them Magistrates that were never taught the Art of Govern­ment; There being such a necessity to punish, and at the same breath, an Expediency to be satisfied with Repentance in men of equal condition, though it may be not of Humour, Knowledge, of the Constitution of the Sinner in the Politick Physician, is as necessary, as to the natural Mediciner.

Many Funerals are dishonourable to a Son of Hypocrates, a Physician, evidencing either his mistake by inadvertance, that is of the Patients disease, or ignorance of his Art, in the nature of his Simples or Compounds▪ A Magistrat to be al­wayes lashing, alwayes stocking burning, showes he hath got judgement but by rote: And is like that School-master, that knows no way to instruct his Scholler, but that Orbilian, or Tyrannical way of scourging, which indeed is one way, but to be left as the last way, and not to be gone into, if any other way can do it.

Without much search, and without going to the Root, Fund, and Bottom of a Cause, without looking this way, and that way, that's every way contrary to Moses, a Judge may [...]ill the Israelite, 2 Exod. 2. 12. By killing the Egyp­tian, [Page 9] striving with the Hebrew, he shewed the first fruits of his Commission to save and free his Nation; But beholding two Hebrews to strive together, he processes the Delinquent and sifts the cause; Wherefore smitest thou they Fellow? see­ing him do wrong, in grave judgement differencing betwixt Persons and Crimes, accordingly purposing to discern to Death or Admonition.

Besides, if in place, Fear and Dread, for want of better knowledge be the great End of Advance, when time wears out the Gown, Hatred and Disdaine are the usual Events of such Promotions, Love being the true bond of durable Benevolence, which Love to God, and Justice, shal in a discer­ning head towards Man, support [...]is Dignity; or if blasted with Mal-co [...]tents in the spring of the Resurrection of the Just, their Honor sh [...]l recover, puting on never-fading flourishes of Glory and Renown.

II. He had great Courage, He feared not the wrath of the King, having once shown publickly his commission, but brought and led Israel out from among them. Heb. 11. 27. So long as it was a Pocket deed, he was cautious, and hid in the sand the slaine Egyptian, flying to Mid [...]an, waiting a fair­er opportunity, that more Affiction might advise his Coun­trey-men to embrace his Mediation for Liberating them from Pharaoh's thraldom: But when pronounced in the ears of the People, and Pharaoh knew that God sent him, as that King Richard, he became a Cor▪ de Lyon: how low soever a man beareth his sail, being once called upon by the great Admiral, to come up hither, and ply toward the coa [...]t of Authority, and Power for battering down Forts and Cita­d [...]ls, raised agai [...]st Heavens Dominon, in the tongue, heart and houses of the debauch'd, he will and ought to bear up brav [...]ly sitting as on Mars hill, God before them, as so [...]e where the Athenians had their godd [...]ss on a c [...]shon, cryi [...]g with Moses even the multitude dancing about the Gold [...]n Calf, Who is on the Lords side, let him come unto me▪ Ex 32. 26.

[Page 10]With the people, Dulnesse is oft took for Circumspection, Lasi [...]ess for Modesty, Rashness for Courage; and there­fore Courage here is not to be understood M [...]rtial Law, that a sm [...]l fault should reach to Death; Draco like, punishing each triffle with extre [...]m Rigor, but here is only pressed a Heroicisme in finding out Ca [...]ses, that the Rich oppresse not, that the [...] dash no [...], that the Modest lose not, and that the Scorner triumph not, and that the Senten­ced threaten not, and all in a noble passion in [...]ffeasive and irreproachful Boldness: then shal God say with that She-Ma­gistrat Deborah, my heart is toward the Governours of Is­rael (My heart is towards the Magistrats of Edinburgh) Jud. 5. 9▪ I shal not altogether condemn Cotys a King in Thrace, he might have good ground from the Constitution of his Sub­jects to [...]ssert▪ when once furious in passion, being told it was not Kingly, answered [...] this passion of mine keepeth all my subjects c [...]lm F [...]r oft coyness & sharpaess, not to say s [...]verity is good.

Search all Histories, and there is but here a battel if any but such as were fought by Kings and Magistrats whether in Israel, Greece, Baby [...]on, or Rome; and their highest Ho­nors flowed from their eminent hazarding themselves, for their Countreys Honour: such a time may this be, and your Scarlet G [...]wn may but shadow Bloody Services, your Sword comman [...]ed from its velvet sheath, to lodge in the breast of a declared F [...]e, the safety of your City, may consist in cast­ing over the W [...]ll; the head of some traitorous Sheba, there is valour to be regarded, and valiantly to be debated for, Figure [...] in that, when any of the People sinned through Ig­norance in Moses Law, and it had come to his knowledge, he was to bring a kid of the Goats, or a Female without ble­mish, Levit. 4, 23. But when a Ruler had so done, he was from the same flock, to bring without a blemish a Male: A Magistrat being to be of a Masculine spirit, and no­thing Femi [...]ne to [...] noticed by him, even towards God. How much more should he shew Virility even among m [...]n?

[Page 11]3. He had great Prudence, He discreetly fled, when he saw his Brethren did disrespect him, as one, not designed to be a Deliverer of them, where he stopped. And this is chiefly to be pondered upon, that a Magistrat is closely to heed his own Province, if it be ordinarily bold or furious, or by a particular malus Genius, inclined to Lust, Intem­perance, Craftinesse, or Theft, or Silly, as the Inh [...]bitants of Silesia are said to be mostly Fools, that by intuitive specu­lation, a malady, a Rupture may be foreseen, and by abun­dance of Caution, make his people beware of lewd attempts. In this, a Wise man differing from the Otherwise, that the one beholds the performance of evil in its Causes, the other never believes it untill it be done: the People thinking generally no such thing was intended, which they behold frustrate; the Magistrat is to see it done in its occasion, and one word of the Danger, by disappointing opportunities of Mischief.

There are who finds in the vulgar no reason of their doing, no spirit to discern, touching what is to be done. A Magi­strat must walk Antipodes, to such blind Bayards, and rea­son to discern, and dis [...]rn to determine, and after determi­ning to be resolute. What more? the Coat Arm of Justice with an old Herauld, bea [...]th Azure, charged with a pair of Ballances Argent, the first Bl [...]w, the other White, which is by interpretation Charity, Purity, Chastity, with discretion and vigilancy in Service, to the Justitiary, in weighing out the Im­ports of Business, Challenges and Probations.

4. He had great Holiness, In this Moses was Exemplar, early refusing to be called the Son of Pharaoh's Daughter, Rejoycing in the Affliction of Christ. If holiness consist in a right understanding of God, and in a due worshipping of God, Moses life is as a Myrrour, he consulting for, and desiring after, more and mo [...]e Communion with, and knowledge of the Glory of God; an Enemy he was to all Idolatry, and severe in punishing any Iniquity by Reproving, by Correct­ing the Offender: all which wrought a two fold effect, 1. [Page 12] Care over the People, 2. Prayer for the People he led. Which, the good King of France, Clodoveus, had in his eye, who for a Honorarium on a solemn day, gave in a Medal two er [...]cted elbowes and hands, elevated toward Heaven, sup­ported by other two strong armes, with this superscription, Tu [...]issimus. This giveth Security, implying that F [...]vent Supplications, were preferable to all Industry, to all Armes, to all Knowledge, for supposing the Possession of all these, yet with Moses, must the M [...]gistrat go to the Mount to make Attonement for the sins of the People, even when the Malefactor is put to death, and the deluded by him put to shame, Exod. 32. 30.

It is now [...]easonable, for we are come to Prayer, t [...] turn, Right Reverend, from Moses Throne, to Aarons Altar, and behold his Employ in this affair of [...] of the People as a Flock; But this would [...], if alone [...], of a dividing Nature, and would speak two men, whereas our Text only speaks of different Hands▪ such is the Union of this Moses and that [...]aron, that they seem to be acted but by one Soul, I mean the Spirit of Love, that is of God, per­forming one and the same Office, as by a Right and Left hand. A Left hand, not in a Sinister sense, but in an Inferior de­gree. This shal be further understood, if you consider. 1. Their Nearness. 2. Their Dearness.

1. Their Nearness. They were both Sons of one Pa­rent, both Children to Amrana and Jochbed, Exod. 6. 20. only Aaron was the first-born, being three years Moses's El­der, Exod. 7. 7. Ministry and Magistracy (for so a litle while, it must be) since it is, Aaron and Moses, Exod. 6. 26. (Aaron being Senior, and therefore Priest) ought Brotherly to be­have toward each other, and we may conjure the greatest Governor, the highest Ruler, when contemning the Priest, in the words of God to Moses, Is not Aaron the Levit thy Brother? Exod 4. 14. Not but that Moses was a L [...]vit too, but Aaron is said to be the Levit, not only for distin­ctions [Page 13] sake, from others of that Name, but futurely design­ing him as Levit, for the Root of the Priest-hood for ever. And so near hath been the Relation in all Countreys, that they seldom parted by Law, and if by violence, it was mis­chievous.

They were united in Adam, who was both King of the World, and Priest of the [...]ongregation, His Commission for ruling is partly expressed, Have thou Dominion; and partly [...] Wife and Children being from him; Authority for Pr [...]st-hood is seen in that Histo­ry, ca [...] brought o [...] the f [...]uit of the ground, an offering unto the Lord [...] Firstlings of his Flock; where wh [...] c [...]n d [...]bt, but the F [...]ther of all, was Sacrificer for all, at the [...] of the World? as Noah afterward was at the be [...]inn [...]ng of the New, his Sons and their Wives mak­ing up [...] Corgregation here, consisting of good and bad; for here was a H [...]m: And Adam's [...]ons, Wife and Daugh­ters, being all the Congregation there, where bad and good appeared, for there was a Cain. If with the Historian, there were two Tables of Stone, upon which Adam writ, (Shall I say his Bible?) The Doctrine of the Creation, Fall, Re­demption of the world, for the Assembly, I know not; But sure there was a peculiar place, the Co [...]gregation came too, and to that place they brought their offerings, and that place, is also to be understood the presence of the Lord, from which Cain fled, Gen. 4. 16.

The time would fail me to speak of that Mighty Prince Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, who were holy Priests, and n [...]ble Rulers upon Earth; and if Jo [...] was that Johab, Ki [...]g of Fdom Gen. 36 this holds good, that [...] and [...] are near other, for th [...]t King▪ was [...] in the [...] his daily sacrifice. Of [...] we might say many thi [...]gs, but let this [...] [Page 14] the other, yea and of the spoil gotten in war so closely, was his Priest-hood eyed. Heb. 7. 6. This Solomon regarded so much, that his Regal Titles, are imperfect when sum'd up, if I the Preacher was King of Israel, in Jerusalem, be om­mitted, Eccles. 1. 12.

After the beginning of Time, men multiplying in the World, the first born, the Elder Son after the Father, was ex Virtute, by priviledge of Birthright, Priest to the Family, and Master thereof. Numb. 3. 12. Hence Esau was called profane for selling his Birth-right, thereby regarding not his Priest-hood, for which chiefly the Birthright was then re­garded, or at least one great cause, Gen. 25. 34.

At the Erection (so to speak) of the Egyptian Principality and reducing it to a Kingdom, it was made fundamental, at the Instalment of Menes the first King, to chuse alwayes, one from among the Priests; and if the Kingdom by con­quest happened to fall into the hands of an Invader, before he could be established, he was necessitat to be consecrated Priest, and then concluded Lawful, when both King and Priest: Their Nation being still upheld by Kings, Priests, Warriours, and Tradesmen. Priests first in Jury, and after­ward Kings, were both [...]nointed with Oyle, by Mo­ses, by Samuel, by Nathan, &c. that is, by Prophets and Seers, congruously enough, for as Oyle they should hold and shine together, being appointed to be uppermost and nearest God, not mixing themselves with the Watery, Unsteady, and Fleety Multitude, of the Earthling, Worldly Vulgar; with which, if once incorporate, both are dimini­shed of their glory. From this hath proceeded, that some in Zeal, some in Dispair, some Kings, for this, and the other Cause, hath laid down their Crowns, and put on the Mi [...]er, turning Church-men, as still Royal, how meanly soever they were attended: and some Church-men have again been Ele­cted Kings as still being in a holy Employment, not destroying their Sacred Ordination; Abbacyes being governed by Kings, [Page 15] and Kingdoms, ruled by Bishops, so nearly are these two related. Nay the most noble order of Knight-hood, wants not a Bishop of its own Body, He of Winchester in Eng­land [...]eing ex Officio Prelate of the Ga [...]ter And Honi Soit Qut Mal. Y [...] pense, it proceeds from evil, to grudge now, that the Sover [...]ign and Companions of the Order should have what its first Founder concluded it could not want, viz. a Venerable Church-man to blesse the Royal Corporation: for what hinders a Bishop from being among Knights and reckoned among th [...]m, since a Courtier owneth Elijah to be, and reckoneth him among Lords. 1 King. 18.

There are pre [...]umptions, that Jethro was both Priest and Prince in M [...]dian, Exod. 2. 16. serving (as Mel [...]hisedec at Salem) the true God, [...] some mixture of Idolatry, which by Instruction being winnowed off by Moses, they wor­shipped the true God t [...]g [...]ther, Exod. 18. 11. One ground of the Conj [...]cture, is from the double signification of the word Cohen, sensing both a Priest, as we read it, Exod. 18. 1. and a Prince, as it may be r [...]ad, giving occasion to observe that, what is before said, so near of kin are these two, that in the most Holy Tongue both a [...]e expressed by oneword and expr [...]ssion.

When Israel was in bondage, there was no sacrifice▪ the Egyptian [...] w [...]shipping for gods, what was otherwise to be offered up: In which time▪ the Elder Brother had the right, though not the liberty of sacrificing: But when to be brought forth, the two Br [...]thers, Aaron and Moses▪ both L [...]vits, and [...], therefore near unto GOD in that [...], is called to bring the people forth to hol [...]a F [...]ast in the wi [...]derness. In which wild place, an Order is made, recalling the uncertain way of the fi [...]t­bo [...], and establi [...]shing for ever the Tribe of L [...]ve for the Tabernac [...]e service, Num 3. 12. As so many Deacons, Sub dea [...]ons [...] the uncle [...] from the [...], and service, as so many q [...]sters, or s [...]nging-men, to pro­phesie. [Page 16] on Harps and Organs, and all under Aar [...]n and his Sons, in all their Generations [...]and Successions for ever­more.

When God wanted a fixed house for the service of his Name, the Master thereof; and after him the Elder Brother was Minister to the people: And according as their abode was certain, or uncertain, so was the place of Sacrifice, un­sure, or determined. Abraham sacrificed here and there; so did Jacob, so did No [...]h; so dib Job at his own house, so did Moses in the wilderness command the young men, that is, the first-born, of principal Families, Exod. 24. 5 At which time, for a solemn farewell, there is a feast held bef [...]re the Lord▪ the first-born being before holy to the Lord, was now promiscuously to wait upon him no more throughout their Tribus: JEHOVA here, giving in all following Genera­tions an everlasting discharge of [...]hat Employ, an [...] a [...]hrea [...], if they presumed upon former custom so to approach, for his glory, at the drawing of the clo [...]th (s [...] to speak) was like devouring fire, Exod. 24. 17.

The old being removing, a new Model of Church Go­vernment is ordained by Heaven, Moses hath order for the Tabernacles Erection, where the Lord will now reside, not in the clo [...]d, that marched formerly before the camp, Exod. 25. 8. Aaron and his Sons must be consecrated Priests for ever, to offer the dayly sacrifice with garments for glory and beauty. The Dominion of the Camp being left to Moses. But how is this prefaced, even thus, Take unto thee Aaron thy Brother, and his sons [...]ith him, Exod. 28. 1. They, that is, Moses and Aaron, being now to part, and to part for ever, in this affair of the Sanctuary; that the one should not grumble, the other not envy; It is, Take unto thee thy Bro­ther: well the House is builded, Aaron to be short is conse­crated, so Moses finished the work, Exod. 40. 33. a wor [...] which secluded himself from Sacrifice, though a Levit, and because a Levite, is he to rejoyce that his Brethren hath the [Page 17] Honour, and not another Tribe, that work, that gave his El­der Brother, an Inheritance for ever of being the Lords Priest; therefore, in Brotherly Affection let him be thankful, that his Elder Brother in this keeping his place, as to be Priest, yet that he a Younger Brother consecrated this Elder Brother for that High Office, The Consecration making him in honour to be Elder, then his Eldest Brother. Gods Wisdom by this enterchanging Providence, commanding a Brotherly Converse betwixt a Moses and an Aaron, in future ages: For now it is Moses and Aaron, the one having the charge of the Camp and Tabernacle, as to give Laws to both; the other of the Tab [...]rnacle, as to officiat therein, according to these Laws; and both brethren, for a perpetual Cement of these great Honours in the House of GOD.

We read of some to have wished to have seen Christ in the Flesh, Paul in the Pulpit, &c. which many saw, and were not much affected; but to have seen these two Brothers, at the foot of the Altar, Moses in his Robes, Aaron in his Garments: To have heard that parting word from the first, that commissioned the last. All the Congregation drawing near, standing before the Lord. I say, to have seen this ga­thering, and these words a [...]thorizing, viz. Gounto the Al­tar, &c. Lev 9. 7. that is, Go up to it, and offer, take infeft­ment of that for ever; He ascending in his Priestly Garments, Moses retiring or standing still▪ having liberty now only to look up, Aaron to go up: I say again, to have seen Aaron make his first step, and first offering, and first blessing, the glo [...]y of the Lord appearing; and all the people shouting, was no doubt a ravishing sight to a native Egyptian: this word, Go unto the Altar; parted Magistracy and Ministry for eve [...], which before had been together, yet parted them not in the sense before mentioned, but pleading for Unity, they having shaken hands to, and again sever'd hands, for leading of the p [...]ople. In testimony whereof, GOD was consulted in Moses's Tent, or in some small [Page 18] Structure without the Camp. But now the Glory filled the great Tabernacle, which we may call Moses's consulting Roome, and Aarons work-house, and after it the Temple, the one in the midst of the Camp, the other alm [...]st of the Land, that the Priest to all extrems might be equally near for Counsel and Advice.

It may be fancied, that when Gambrivius, (a King over the Germains, about the time of Joseph) invented the wea­ring of the Crown, first, for forming and creating a more Re­verend and King-like awe, in the hearts, by the Eyes of his Subjects; his first appearance in that Diadem was no que­stion beautiful, yet short no doubt of this High Priests Mi­ter, and the Glory of his appointed Robes by GOD. This is not spoake to ecclipse the Grandeur of that King, but to dif­ference Humane from Divine Institution: and here again is good agre [...]ment, the King his Crown, the Priest his Miter, GOD by Providence and Continuance, allowing both for greater Glory to, and for more servent Love, between either.

II. Their Dearness: Can it be imagined, that ever any man hated his own honour, that understood it? was not the Priest hood precious think you to King Melchisedec? And though Esau lost it, yet he valu [...]d it so dearly, that if blood or tears could have availed, he h [...]d got it regained. Now after Aaron is established, our respects must be shown to love it, not in general to have it: For if Saul attempt to sacrifice, it shal ruine him, and if David think to bring up the Ark but by the Levits, it shal displease the Lord, 1 Chron. 15. 13. And when their orderly walking pleased him; so dear were the Levit [...] to their King, that David, like a Levit is cloa­thed with a Linnen Ephod, hereby honouring both himself and them, in being a King-like-Levite in a beautiful Order, which he himself had tansgressed before; therefore the Lord made a Breach then, and now a Covenant for peace.

Is not Aaron the Levite thy Brother? said the Lord to [Page 19] Moses, Behold, he cometh forth to meet thee, and when he seeth thee, He will be glad in his heart: And when he met him, he kissed him, Exod. 4. 14. And where shal love be, if not in these two titles? Thou shalt be to him in stead of GOD, and He shal be to thee in stead of a Mouth, that is, Moses shal be to Aarona King, and Aaron to Moses, a Lord Chancellour, Ex. 4. 16. Will not God love his Priest, and shall not the Priest love his God? Call him Lucifer among the Sons of the Church, that exalteth himself above, or equal to any, who are called gods; let that Minister be a­shamed of his Office, that sayes not in this sense, Let GOD live, let Magistracy flourish: and that God again blush at his Deity, that will not have respect unto his Priest, his Prea­cher: for he having as Moses an impediment in his speech, hath given him as Aaron the Minister for an Orator, without whom his lisping, his stammering Tongue, shall in the Tricks, Be­h [...]viour▪ Jears and Mocks of the Vain, of the more Serious be dismissed without State, Reverence and Respect.

We have no certain Record, how or by what accident Moses had his slowness of Speech, which he urged for an ex­cuse against going to Pharaoh, Exod. 4. 10. But that rea­son seems too ridiculous, which some Rabbins teach; that Pharaoh putting his Crown on the Child Moses his head, who spurning it away, was by his Magicians advised to de­st [...]oy him; that Ominating, he should prove the overthrow of the Kingdom, but his Daughter pleading Innocence and Childishness, Pharaoh for a tryal b [...]ought a Golden Apple, and one of Hote Iron▪ this last, the Child putting to his Mouth, had the Nerves of his Tongue drawn in. It is certain that he had an impedim [...]nt [...] his Speaking, and so his want of Elocution is supplied by the Oratory and Fluency of Aaron: as Moses was, so all M [...]gistrats are, & shal be found of no perswading u [...]terance, to dispat [...]h the Almighties affairs, until as Colleagues they have their Preachers in their hand.

So deare were these two Levites, Moses and Aaron, that [Page 20] Moses getting a Commission from GOD, to go to Pha­raoh, and that Commission sealed in Cast down thy Rod, &c. told the Miracle, and shewed all to Aaron, who as High Chancellour to King Moses, eloquently delivers Moses mind to the people, and works the wonders before them, Exod. 4. 30, Each of them endearing other so much, that both might be respected by the p [...]ople: who seeing this, might say, Moses could not want his Aaron, nor Aaron his Moses▪ m [...]re then a Man could want the power of Conception; and that Conception want a Tongue for Expression, the One readily aiding the Imperfections of the other, Moses's st [...]pping in his spe [...]ch being not heeded, because he ha [...] the Power to rule, Aarons's asisting to Moses, not exposing him to Con­tempt, because he had the utterance, both for this end, of leading forth the people.

In the matters concerning the Lord, and also of the King▪ they of Levies Tribe were Overseers, 1. Chron. 26. 30. The Priest and the Judge in matters of Blood▪ stroak and stroak, plea and plea; God thought it uncomely not to have his Priest advised with, as well as the Judge, and a threatning upon him, who neglected the Sentence given by the Priest, Deut. 17. 8. Equally as that of the Judge. It is not good, if Da­vid want his Abiathar. And Zadock will be [...] nay, must be at Solomons (Coronation, shall I call it?) Unction, It be­ing proper, usual for the Priest to crown the Prince. When can Aaron want his Moses? and again, when can Moses want his Aaron, that is, the King his Priest? I mean never, never; nay, not at Death: for before Aaron died, Moses by Com­mand stripped Aaron of his Garments, the Badge of his Priesthood, and put them upon Eleazer his Son. And Aaron died, Numb. 20. 28: Moses and Eleazar (his Nephew, now his Priest) c [...]me down from the Mount, a vacuum in the Priesthood to God, to a Godly Moses, being even for an i [...] ­stant hated; And mark it, such whose boldness, or who [...] sloathfulness, can come down to, that is, converse with the [Page 21] people, to rule the Tabernacle, without a Son of Aaron, though he should talk with God, shall have Sauls event, when he attempted to [...]ffer a burnt-offering, whereon his Ruine fearfully was bottomed; Samuel assuring him, he had done fo [...]lishly: for, but for that, his Kingdom had been establish­ed for ever, all other evils [...]alling upon him, flowed from that attempt, made upon the Priestly Function, 1 Sam. 13. Though he pleaded a nec [...]ssity, and was truly in an amazing strait, 1 Sam. 13. 13. Samuel being absent, and the Philistins pre­sent.

Victory over all Adversaries, is not many miles distant, when the Sword of the Lord a [...]d of Gideon enters the field to­gether; yea, this freed the Kingdom from Tyrrany, when Jehojadah the High Priest, was married to Jehoshabeath, King I [...]h [...]tam [...] Daughter, whose Heir and Prince (All others be­ing slain) was s [...]cured in the [...]ouse of the Lord, by his Uncle the P [...]st, [...] a c [...]veni [...]nt time, [...]thalia was slain with the Sword: and h [...]w p [...]e [...]ty a sight, and P [...]ognostick of future good to any but Traitors wer [...] it, to see that▪ which th [...]n was s [...]en viz.) The King by a pillar of the house of the Lord, and the Priests round about him, and the people rejoycing to see both? 2 King. 11. 19. This will enhance the Dearne [...]s, when you may re [...]em [...]er, that ordinarily the Jews keeped within their T [...]i [...]es, yet here for l [...]ve, Levi marries with the house of David and not far for d [...]arness again, the Kings of Judah had thei [...] Palace so near the House of the Lord and Temple, t [...]at there was b [...]t a st [...]p or a court betwixt them. And how seemly was it to see th [...] Pr [...]phet, the great Preacher Isai [...]h preach in the Cou [...]t, being by the Hebrews Grand­child to King [...]m. Zia, and to have behold him advising Figs, for the recovery of Hezekia, who according to the same Teachers, was both his King and Son in Law, mar­rying his Daughter Hephzib [...] ▪ s [...]mewhat is in this also, that Churches, are oft in Records, called Basilica (i. e.) the Palaces of Kings: And the great Hermes of Egypt, was called Tris­megistus [Page 22] (i. e.) ter Maximus, thrice great, being the greatest Philosopher, Priest, and King of his Age, and spake about, if not before the time of Moses & Aaron, of the Trinity, of a three-fold world, of a three-fold Knowledge, &c. Queen Elizabeth in a progress rejoyced exceedingly to meet some Country Justi­ces of the Peace, each one having his Minister with him, con­cluding tha [...] Co [...]ntry well governed. But that of Scotlands Crown, by Fames Trumpet, should be known to all the world, that in our late Rebellion, from Dunnotter Castle, then be­siedged by the English, the Wife of Mr. Granger, M [...]nister of Kineffe, secured b [...]th it, the Scepter and the Sword under her husbands Pulpit He and She, now and then taki [...]g them up to secure them from rust: and though gre [...]t summs by Proclamation, were offered for discovery, yet was th [...] Pul­pit its Sanctuary, untill again it was brought in calmer times before the Throne in Parliament. Of which single, though National Act, let the pulpit of Kineffe boast: and again, let the Crown glory, that no Money, no Sword, but a Pulpit, secured that Ancient, that Noble, that unravished Crown from the head, not only of an Usurper, but of a Stranger, who was not of the house, nor heir of Scotland.

O [...] had our Pulpit [...] of late so far reg [...]rded themselves, as to have remembred this their interest in the Court, and to its Master, the Ene [...]y had not casten up so high a Tr [...]nch about both, to the batt [...]ring, defacing, and d [...]stroying of both. But that God had left us a remenant, as a naile in a sure place they had become as dung, Our King & Our Princes being (and reckoned) among the Gentiles, Lam. 29. Our Taberna [...]le took away, and our Priests despised. v. 6. &c. How much better the old and sober Egyptians, whose King in the morning being to repair to the Temple and Sacrifice, after his Offe­ring, the chief Prelate told the People what vertues were in the King, what Religion toward the gods; and after other such like Doctrine, all went about their affairs, and why not? For, what could hinder prosperity and peace, when [Page 23] Kings respected Church-men, and Church-men honoured Kings, and both in sig [...]t of the People? R. B. Let me say in the words of our Master, to that Question about Neigh­bour-hood (lest we fall amongst Theeves) go and do ye likewise, Luk. 10. 37. remembering that in Rebellion Za­dok [...]nd all the Levites chused to follow David, both in Person and in Counsel, 2 Sam. 15. 29.

These two are not only lovely in their lives, but in their deaths, they are not divided: for, look after the Monuments of Judahs Princes, see the Sepulchres of the Sons of David, and you shal see in the throng, a Son of Aaron, a Divine, chap­la [...]nizing in Death to those dead Hero's, as if these goodly Worthies were not honoured sufficiently by their curious Dormitories, untill the dust of a Priest graced their sleep, they served the same God Jehojadah did, they did much good to the Kingdom, so did Jehojadah, they died as he, so did he as they; they lye in state, and lamented by the people; so does he, and so was he, keeping the Churches priviledge, al­ways being near the King, 2 Ch. 24. 16. whereas one King Jeho­jakim, is cast forth with the burial of an Ass [...], for despising the Lords Priests, c [...]v [...]a [...]ing all against disrespecting of the Lords House, wherein by both, Honour unto both, is to be upheld, or both will be contemned.

At Augustine the Monkes first coming to England, the King of Kent, the first Christian King Ethelbert, gave him liberty to build o [...] repair Houses for Christian Worship: in process of time, being made Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, He and the King; He the first Christian King in the world, He the first Arch-bishop of B [...]itain, lived so in Honor and Love, and Plenty together, that a [...]ter leave given, the Bishop build­ed a Monastry, yet called Augustins, for a burial-place to the Kings, and for the Arch-bishops of that See: Let none look with an evil eye upon this n [...]ar [...]esse, but rather thank the Arch-bishop: for untill his time, and untill this Act, the Kings themselves had no care for, nor had, that is read of, [Page 24] any certain burial place, but afterward had, walled about with the Reverend Clergy, forming a greater awe in those who presumed to tread the ground where their Civil and Spiritual Guides lay by mutual consent: for, question not the Kings pleasure therein, he giving it, as it is in the Charter, D [...]o, in ho­rem S. Petri, aliquam partem Terrae juris mei, &c. And being a Royal Sepulchre, a Reverend Channel ground, Ex authoritate s [...]il. Apostolica, & hinc ad aeternam-glor [...]am resuscit and a, &c. whence their bodies might arise together to that heaven­ly glory, whereunto they by their Bishops were exhorted all this about, Ann [...] Dom. 6 [...]0.

It is evident that God thus marshalling Moses and Aaron in their several Offices, had c [...]re to protect the we [...]kest side, with strongest Walls and Barrs: for since Aaron the Elder Brother ha [...] the Sword took out of his h [...]d [...]y D [...] ­cree, and in stead thereof, ge [...]ting a S [...]crifi [...]ing knife; yet observe it, that knife is put into his hand by a [...] sta­tu [...]e, and to the house of Aaron, wh [...]reas Moses Sword, able in a great measure, to defend it self, is left in the hand of Providence to fi [...]d out th [...]s and that Josu [...]h, th [...]s and that Sampson, this and that Sam [...]l. The unce [...]tainty whereof, creats genuinly a Reveren [...]e to the certain and constant Priest-hood, the only great secure way, the Sword hath, a Moses hath, even now to keep it self long, in his, and his Sons hands for its honourable bearing, As is visible all the dayes of Moses, Joshuah and the Judges, where so [...]etimes in an Extraordinary way, the Judge is Priest, but at the Unction of the Son of Jesse, the Regal P [...]wer being se [...]led in a Familie, and Thrones of Judgeme [...]t▪ set for the house of Da­vid, Psal. 122. then it was, Blesse the Lord, O House of Isra [...]l; Bless the Lord, O house of Aaron, Bless the Lord, O hous [...] of Levi, Psal. 139. These runing by Law assunder, yet to­gether, I mean, David and Aaron near each other, smiling and j [...]yning hands together, both having the same ene­mies, the same smiles of Providence, they march parallel [Page 25] together, untill again as at the first, they meet in the first begotten of the Father, in that Son of David, Jesus Christ, both King and Priest unto his Church, and by Birth-right, and Blood, that is in respect of his Humane Nature; allie­ed both to Moses and Aaron, being a Branch of the two great Houses of Judah and Levi. The Holy Virgin Mary, being of the House of David, and her godly Cousin Eliza­beth, of the Levitical Tribe: Thence it cometh, that who o despiseth one of those Loyal Levits, and rebelleth against any of these true Princes, are proclaimed Enemies to both Families, united in the Corner-stone of our blessed Saviour. Upon which account it is, that Rebells and Traitours, usual­ly pretend both good to Church and State to be thought good Christians, and also true Subjects.

Be wise therefore, O Kings, Be instructed ye Judges of the Earth, Take not too much upon you, ye Sons of Levi; [...] Judges, when ascending the Judgement Seat, become like Melchisedet, having neither Father nor Mother by Im­partiality, and let all Aarons Sons, as true L [...]vits in the case of the Golden Calf, become like the Sons of that Priest, their Grand-father; Saying to their Fathers and their Mothers, I have not seen them, when countenancing Re­bellion, Deut. 33. 9. For unless your Children use this Speech in the Land & Cities of our Judah, The Lord bless thee, O Habitation of Justice, that is to you, R. H. Your Coun­cil-house, Your Session-house, and M [...]untain of Holiness, that is, R. R. Our Churches and Our Pulpits, Jer. 31. 23. Peace shall be far from us.

What is that Mans Name, and what is his Sons Name? that ever defaced the Church, by pulling out but one stone, and not either his Eyes blinded with the dust thereof, or his Arm crushed with the violence of the pluck? Where liveth he, and where was he born, that ever weighed the Sacred An­chor of the Churches Authority, and at the same time kept the Ship of the State, from being driven by contrary Tydes, [Page 26] to his own Amazement, Disgrace or Ruine? And again, where is that Priest, or how came he to prosper, that joyned in a Conspiracy against his David, and the High-way to the Temple did not mourn? For if once the Guard of Love and Reverence be forced from the Hearts of Subjects, from their Princes, it's not our Gowns that can give protection to our Bibles: and on the other hand, Zerubbabel must have, and must not want his Josua, Hag. 1.

This, R. H. is not to compel you to respect your own Mi­nistry, your care for us, and love to us, being highly Emi­nent and Honorable: To requite which, and fit all to con­formable behaviour to their Magistrats, Let us, R. R. eye our Father Aaron, and in him we have every thing adviseable. 1. His Name, giving Instruction. 2. His Office, Direction. 3. His failings, Caution.

1. His Name offers Instruction. It was said, Nabal is his Name, and Folly is with him, we say, Aaron is his Name, and Learning is with him: Some will have it from the Hebrew, Aron, to signifie an Ark or Chest; such an one as he himself kept the Law in, and brought it out thence to teach it to the people: Some from Haron, signifie­ing to cast or throw Darts, which Morally a Preacher doth, pierceing both the Ears and Hearts of the Teached, his Hea­rers: Some from Har, a Mountain; it is all one. This we learn, that a Son of Aaron, should Immoveably be fixed upon his Calling, having his Breast full of the Law, that his peoples Hearts may be touched, as pricked, while he openeth to them the Scriptures.

Indeed the faithful Shepherd will in choice consider, what pastorage to lead his Flock unto, to call up dead heresies, to improve not understood Texts, or dark, and seemingly to us disjoynted Scriptures; as the manner was in our late con­spiracy, between Ruben and Corah in their Rebellion; as the shutting up of the Gates of Abel against King Davids Army, as Davids flying up and down with an [...]rmy from Saul, [Page 27] (for he never fought him) and heating them into Treason ap­parent, from Uzzahs being opposed, and thrust from the Temple, when a Leper: Is to make a half penny-Box of their bosom, to contain some shreds, rather then a chest to contain the whole Volumn of the Law. Magistrats are said to be Heads, and the Ministry, to be the Eyes of the Church: And if her Eyes choose not the good old, and true way of obedience to Higher Powers, (without which no Subjection unto GOD) of love to all men, they may in time be blood-shot. And I could wish, that our Clergy study and pray to be free of that infirmity, it being the Nefarium Crimen of some that hath been before us.

A Son of Aaron, is a Steward in the Palace of one grea­ter then Moses, yet under Moses; and if Food wholesome be not presented, he himself shall be infected with the com­mon, if not a worse disease; I will not grate your Ears with Controversies, but it's clearer then Interest can cloud, that if Abiathar prove disloyal, he may be removed from the Altar. The Key of the Wine-cellers taken from him that offers bitter water, is such a piece of Justice, as must be in a Kingdom, or it shall rave upon the bed of Feavers and Dis­tempers: And some more mad therein fly in the face of that unworthy Trustee, making him sick by smiting. What event our late Rebellious Teaching had in Murther, Adultery, Swearing, Drunkenness, and all kind of Ryot, what con­tempt of the Gospel, and of Gospel Ministry, that is, them­selves, I leave to the iniquity of their own Fasts and Causes of Humiliation they observed; God seeming to [...]take re­venge upon the Pulpit, for its treacherous extravagancies, in those dayes of Lying, Conspiracy and Rebellion. But then, Brethren, shall we not be ashamed, when we have respect to all GODS Commandments, then and not before, Shall we be truely of the House of Aaron, and Blessed of the People.

There are some things in the Law, such as G [...]nealogies, [Page 28] these are wearisome, unlesse modestly and without heat they be handled, they are profitlesse too; There are some things like Law, or given out as Law, such as old wives fables, minched Scriptures, such things as are in no Sacred Ark, but purely treasured up by old Fabulous Tradition, such passages as are neither commended nor disaproved in ho­ly Writ. Rome maketh use of ridiculous fancies of Visions and Miracles, and some noticed so much that doubtful act of shutting the gates of Abel upon Joab, that they preached there­from, absolute field Disloyalty; Neither of these we under­stand, yet this we do, that Aaron first sacrificed for him­self, then for the People, lifting up his hand the first day of his Priest-hood, Blessing the Congregation, Levit. 9. 22. This that we understand let us do, letting the f [...]ble lye at the old wifs door where we found it, and Genealogie in Gods Re­cord (when it comes to contention) untill he clear it and not presse the shutting up of Abels gates, until it be approved.

2. His Office giveth Direction: He was appointed, 1. To instruct the People from God, 2. To mediat for the Peo­ple with God. After Abirams conspiracy, Moses comman­ded Aaron to offer Incense, which he did, standing betwixt the Living and the dead, and the Plague was stayed, Numb. 16. 48. The like yet should his Sons do, saying spare thy Peo­ple, O Lord, and give not they Heritage to spoil, and again, That the Covenant with Levi of Life and Peace, might turn a­way many from their iniquity, that the people seeking the Law from their mouth, might not stumble out of the way Mal. 2. 6. In this Office observe, 1. His Station, 2. His Mo­desty. 3. His Apparrel.

1. His Station; He was by birth Moses Elder and so his Su­perior, but when Priest, Moses goeth foremost, Aaron peace­ably coming behind, being content to sit in any Chair, high or low, armed or not, which God setteth in for him; He is the Chief Church-man and is under Authority, receiveth orders from Moses, delivering these again to Priests inferior [Page 29] unto himself. The Method God hath established in his Camp, or his Church, had never been Terrible as an Army w [...]th Ban­ners: And who so is for a parity, with Corah and Abiram, may molest the Church, but themselves shal perish inevi­tably, Jud. II. And those Countrys, wherein Imparity is setled, if it can be setled: mark it. 1. If Moses be not too much slighted. 2. Observe if the Church be very beautiful. 3. If the Manners of the people be of a taking Behaviour, for walking not successively, not in that orderly March under Moses and Aaron, as instituted here in Gods first National Church.

The Cedars of the Church were never alike high, No [...]h's Ark was of three stories, Gen. 6. 16. and David had a chief Musician: yea, let's see that Church in Scripture, that had a Parity, and it shal be from that we have already called, a disjoynted, or not understood Text, Imparity being in the whole body of Holy History so visible as it self: And not­withstanding of that frivolous distinction Diotrophes maketh, (angry because he hath not the Preheminence) that there was no Apostle over an Apostle, nor Disciple over a D [...]sciple, nor Pastor over a Pastor; yet was Christ over the first, the second was over the third, the third was over a fourth, that is the Deacon. At our Lords Ascension, the Apostles indeed had none over them, nor needed they, 1. Having the infallible Spirit to direct them for keeping rank. 2. Being to scatter, for converting of the Nations and therefore Superior to Dis­ciples, and Pastors, and therefore the Reply is eas [...]e since there was Imparity established, there needed no Imparity to be established.

The Romanes had of old their Pontifices Majores, their Minor [...]s Pontifices: So had the Jews, so had the old Christians, and these new Rabbys of Parity, were known over their [...]r [...]thren to be greatest Ad [...]rers of Imparity, being bound by Pru­dence, and Necessity to uphold Imparity, to defend their Pa­rity If not, [...] co [...]founded them at first, as it did at last: Why [...] first it confounded the Au­thority [Page 30] of their Royal Moses, and because of that, themsel­ves could be in no good order. To prevent Insurrection a­gain, let Moses be under God, Aaron under Moses, Levits under Aaron, or the Glory of our Israel shal depart by the breaking in of the plague of War to the destruction of Moses, and all the Princes and all our Tribes, for what is Aaron, that you murmur against him?

2. His Modesty is graceful, Not only content with his portion, but took Reproofs without passion, Eloquent though he was with admirable Meekness, yea to the silen­cing of Moses to see a Gospel Incendiary, to hear a Factious Preacher raile at Moses, or at his Father in Law to his face, is a thing we have heard of, and read of, but an action to be accursed, favouring not of that Compassion, and Tenderness, with which to the basest of the people, publick reproofs are to be applied. Withal Luther advised a Minister, to for­bear taking three dogs after him to the pulpit, (viz.) Pride, Avarice, and Contention: let me add, they are so farr unfit to run after him to Church, that they are not worthy to be suf­fered lick a dish in his kitchine, and therfore improper for a Synod, or a Chapter-house, John the Baptist's Reproof to Herod, and Nathans censuring of David, was by some James`s and John`s in their thundering spirits, made use of for upbrading Kings in publick before their people, for geting the privacy of both, the parable of the one, and incest of the other. Neither did Micajah go forbid the Army to follow Achab, nor John the Souldiers to be commanded by Herod nor went Nathan to the people proclaiming David's Adulte­ry. But pardon this Digression, we are to speak of the Sons of Aaron, not of Abiram.

3. His Apparel. I shal neither here act the Jew, nor the Superstitious; for as no holinesse is to be placed in Apparel, so let no prophaneness be pitched upon, because of a Coat. Yet there is (Let Ignora [...]ce, Wilf [...]lness, or Malice say, wh [...] they will) something in a Church-mans habit. And though [Page 31] in the Mystery, Aarons Habits typified Christ, yet in the Hi­story it represented the High-Priest to be himself.

Let us first see his Breast-plate, and it is of Judgement, Ex. 28. 15. putting it one when he was to consult with GOD, and in it there is an order, a comely Quadrat, teaching us ju­diciously to keep our ranks; The four-squardness thereof, signifying the Satability and Firmnesse we should observe in that Higher, in that Lower place we are set; Pride was an­ciently painted with three Crowns, each having a proper Device, the first Transcendo, I am most excellent, the next was, Non obedio, I will not be commanded, the third was, Perturbo, I will Fight; But the Sons of Aaron must re­member and vail their Bonn [...]ts, And do as the Lord comman­ded them by the hands of Moses, Levit. 8. 36.

This may minde us of their Coats and Girdles, wherewith they were girded, which the Lord commanded in his service, they were to use; the one being Decency in Cloathing and Unity, the other signified Readiness and Promptnesse for Action. Do not imagine it to be curious, if I speak of Clerical habits, fit to indicat a Church-man, and such may teach us, who of late years, denyed in this sense their Coat, and could hardly be known for Church-men; even when preaching, from somewhat that was seen, heard and done; Providence or Guilt not giving them the heart to wear that upon their back, which they denyed in their Sermons, be­ing Sons of Thunder and Lightning: And as touching, the Girdle, it was discernable, the signification of it being fixed­ness & promptness, worn by Aarons Sons for Truth, and about their Loins for chastity; and as Knowledge grew by the ap­pearance of Christ, it came up higher towards the Heart for Love, where Christ wore it himself, Rev. 1. 13. I say, for the Girdle, the laying of it aside, was but a presage of thrusting from them the vertue it signified, running hither and thither, never fixing upon one thing, save in pulling down, at which work in place of a Girdle, they moraly wore somewhat that [Page 32] caused Sweat, (I might say, a Bloody Sweat) contrary to Law, Ezek. 44. 18.

I know, Inconstancy is laid to the charge of some of the Sons of Corah, because forsooth, being once insnared by Ru­ben's policy, to get the Government, & Corah's Ambition, to get the Priesthood, freed themselves afterward by leaving the Rebels, before they were swallowed, or as soon as they could, and therefore admitted again to serve in the Temple, with their Coats and Girdles. [...]o accuse such is equally ra­tional, as to accuse a Jew Paul, for becoming a Jew Christian, or a beguiled Man, accepting a Counter for a piece of true Gold, afterward returneth it for a Trick, or those simple hearted Israelites, who for a time followed Abso­lom, and then returned to their Allegiance again. In the mean time these Complainers were the greatest Changers, and Changelings in their Age, with this difference perhaps, that whereas, some changed from good to ill, and some from in­differency to naught: Their change was from good to ill, from ill to worse, and so held on untill Providence made their Folly to appear to such who went on in changing with them, who confessing their Errour, are now by them con­stant in mischief, called Turn-coats.

Let this mind you of that Proverb of the three great Tra­vels, and Labours in the world. 1. Of a Woman in a Child-birth, which is great. 2. of a Magistrate for a Cities good, which is greater. 3. Of a Minister for his peoples Benefit, this is the greatest, in regard it may be most opposed by hands and tongues. Yet go on, R. R. and prosper, many have la­boured in Sword and Fire, and would have others do so, to eschew the Method such walked in, and let me advise you, and (let none despise my youth) to labour in your own Vineyeard. It is a fine saying, that there are three things necessary for a Preacher. 1. Knowledge, noted in the book sent to Eze­kiel, 2 Eloquence, in the hote coal that purged Isaiah. 3. [...]olinesse of life, in the hand sent to Jeremiah wanting [Page 33] Utterance, he is an Insant; Wanting Holiness, he is a Devil, whose great Employment is going too and froe, making Di­vision, and stirring up medlers in other mens businesse, for strife and debate,

Aarons Linnen garment, by some Moralizing, signified Puri­ty, his Breeches Chastity, his Shoulder-pieces, Strength, the Purple in his Robe, Patience, the Scarlet, Love, the Blew, Heavens Contemplation, the Gold, Wisdome with Discretion; the Miter, Devotion, and his Plate, Reverence to God, his Bels and Pomgranats, Prayer and good Works.

Now how unsuteable is such cloathing for the assisting at the making of a golden Calf. How unfit is it in our Saviors eye to wash his Apostles feet (a servile office) with his up­per Garment (a Teachers Habit?) Let's therefore follow our Father in these his Perfections, leaving our vertue an Inheri­tance to our Posterity, I mean his Sons. I might urge our Savior, whose name is writ upon his Thigh, declaring he hath a posterity by lawful ordination, begotten by himself, whose White garments are not to be stained with the ink, or soil of beastly conversation, and whose Girdle is not to be loosed by following each fond principle or nice opinion, ne­glecting the greater matters of the Law. Let therefore your Priestly Office, your Ministerial Habits, mind you of your Pedigree, and endeavor Sempiternally to minde your Sacer­dotal Descent.

To come to fancy: In Vtopia, the Prince is said to be known in the Streets by nothing, but by a little sheave of corn carried before him, and the Bishop by a [...]aper of wax, Imagination concluding, they ought to be known who are Guids, and Lights to the people, and this use, except in our unhappy age, we may deduce therefrom, that as in the King­dom of Israel, their six Cities of Refuge sheltred [...], from all ports, yet three of them were poss [...]ssed by the Levits, in the little spot beyond Jordan, that the flo [...]k in the smalest Items of danger, as knowing us their Shepherds afar off, might [Page 34] run for Gospel Consolation, assuring themselves thereof, by venerable cloathing.

There were three famous men and worthy in the Congre­gation, Moses, and he had his Rod, Aaron: he [...] Samuel, and he had his Coat: clearing an expe [...]ienc [...] of s [...]me extern [...]l thing, signifying their Office and Calling.

But who hath believed our Report? for though in this, we lift up our voice as a Trumpet, we cannot perswade some otherwise resolved to confess this irregular, That Church-men should not be Church-like, and yet would be angry, if the Bible were bound up in the fashion of a Song-book, or a Pulpi made in the form of a Fiddle; yet themselves walk as Ministrels; that is, not as Ministers in the Streets: But to such who refuseth Aaron's, I shall only wish them Adam's Girdle that a covering of Fig-leaves may conceal their shame, that it be not exposed to the mockery of their Order, and Office in others, more true and faithful to their Colours. For, 3. His failing [...], giveth Caution. It is not intended to pry into each Punctilio of escape, whereof Aaron might be guil­ty, leaving that Office to him, who accuseth the Brethren: And even Moses, spake unadvisedly with his lips. But I shall mention such as were more sc [...]ndalous, and to which he was provoked, 1. By Men. 2. B [...] Woman.

1. By Men. This was occasioned by Moses absence, and it was a beastly mistake for fearing the people; he melted Met­tal, and framed a Golden Calf, and gave to Moses a leaden excuse for so doing; And I said (said he) Whosoever hath any Gold, let them break it off, and they gave it me; then I cast it into the Fire, and there came out this calf, as if there had ne­ver come a graven Tool upon it, but as the figured Calf had come by Chance, by Miracle, by he knew not which way, Exod. 32. 24.

Indeed the Churches weakness in Moses's absence, when the Magistrat is not present, hath many dangerous Symp­toms of a Decay, which should make both Moses diligent [Page 35] in attending his Charge; and Aaron Couragious, if Rebel­lion it self should divert a Magistrat, it is never well with the Temple of Jerusalem, when the Gates of the City are not watched; not with the City, when the way to the Temple mourns. Make this Question in the worst of times, Whom should the Priest of the moct High GOD please? GOD or the People? If GOD, why then will he make a Golden Calf to please them? if the People, why do ye call your selves Gods Priests? In short, not desiring to rub old fores, and being obliged to protest against future evils, we have too many Calfs of the people made among us, and therefore there is cause to fear the Wolves of the Evening for a punishment be commissioned to devour, and destroy.

I have long ago half adored that Expression of a most Re­verend Father, when cast into the Furnace of popular fury, in our late War, in his own Funeral Sermon, before Ma­lice and the Axe had cut off his head, Nor shall I worship the Imaginations, which the people are setting up, nor will I for­sake the Temple and the Truth of God, to follow the bleating of Jeroboam's Calfs, in Dan and in Bethel, &c. But not to pursue the Metaphore, in hardest Seasons; let's have re­course to Bethphage, a Village of Priests, signifying D [...]m [...]s Buc [...]ae, Trumpeting, to encourage each other, and not be made to blush by frivolous, because sensless Excuses, from fear of the People. For if we please Men, we shal not be the Servants of Christ. But the second is more base, because it was,

2. By a Woman. Miriam Moses's Sister fell quite out with Moses's Wife, her Sister in Law, and what in Gods Name had Aaron to do, to interest himself in either, except to agree them? Yet this is somewhat Honourable, that he is not the beginner of the plea; For it is said Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses, because of the Ethiopian woman he had married; not the Ethiopia in Africa, but a Country, bo [...]dering upon the Red-sea, and the same which is called Midian. It [Page 36] was an old fault, if any, and newly riped up by Miriam, who being first named, seemeth to have led on Aaron in a surprize, she being punished with Leprosie for persevering: Aaron quickly repents, or was at first Cool in the business, and therefore is not plagued.

Every man is free to conjecture the cause of the complaint, since it is mantled about and covered, I am prone to think the two Ladys strove for place, Miriam it may be was elder, and so would not lose her place though Aaron the Elder Brother quite his; It may be she was Fairer and more State­ly, but indeed me thinks says Miriam, I being a prophetesse, born within the Covenant of God, should have place of a Midianitish Proselyte, &c. Yet whatever was the cause, it was unluky, and neither by Moses nor Aaron, was the Campled for seven dayes, Numb. 12. 15.

How closely could this to the shame of many of the Holy Order, and Sacred Function be pressed, whose base Inadver­tence, whose fetid, and sordid behavior, hath occasioned great bre [...]ches in our State and Church. Authority by taking part with the home spoon quarrels of the other sex? Our Mi­riams could do little excep [...] scold, if Aarons did not joine with them: But this is confusion, that Aarons Sons should stir up Active, Furious, Superstitious, Ignorant Woman to speak against Moses and Aaron, and that in things relating to the Tabernacle, Pudet hac Opprobria nobis, &c. And what a miserable hinderance this hath been to the Camp? How Scandalous to our Religion? I leave to my Elders: Adding, that our preaching work is a work, Angels would account themselves honoured, if authoriz'd unto; But man, who is more Masculine; shall I say, more Divine, then a Daughter of Evah must stay his hand; until he fight both against Moses and Aaron, because of a Pick some Dame hath took against his Brother, or his Brothers Wife. Her Name had bitterness in it, for its Mara, and bitter was it here to Aaron. It is [...] Star of Wormwood in the Firmament of our Nation, and so [Page 37] much the more bitter, that this Example with her punish­ment doth not edifie.

Do not smile, if I once more suggest, what may be the ground of this Quarrel (to pass other causes given as more un­like) It might be Mose's wife went too too fine, and Miri­am thinks Moses should not lead the people with his hands on­ly, but also with his Wifs Petti-coat: And may be Aaron concluds and assents, She goeth too too light, for one of her Age and Place, Though I will not make Oath upon this, sure we are to invert the story; that the fine Cloaths of the High-Priests Relations, I mean, the Decency of any Habit in a Church Mans Familie is an Eye-sore to many Prophetesses in the Land: And some Sons of Aaron closeth to the Motion, and with mock-finger, proves that a piece of good Cloath (to pass Silk) is too rich for a Church-man, when the same Reformer will allow it upon a Trades-mans back. But mark the progress of Sacriledge; This Age hath found a way to cure the prodigality of the Church, there being little left her but Cloaths, and that to some few; and these also many would have made Courser. But, let me assure all Aarons Sons, that when the Coat is taken away, Miriam and that other Saint will weare it on their own Backs. And for all the Youngsters ranting, (for confirmation of his own Doctrine, of Church-mens grave Cloathing) he shall walk the streets in Querpo: and court them in a Bare-coat, or pray without a Cushon.

Experience of these things ought to make the Priest-hood wise, and not to disturb the Flock, or complain against Moses for such trifling. And the shame and Horror commit­ted in such Rapes upon Aaron, ought to make us more war­ry in our Carriage; Friendly in our Places, Charitable to our Brethren, more Gratefully towards GOD; and more Loy­ally towards Moses; by whose Authority, the Priest is yet kept from being absolutely naked, and more obediently to­wards Aaron. The Corah like resisting of whom, I mean [Page 38] Church Officers, hinders the Camp more then all the Ama­lekits or Papists that are about us; according to that Proverb of our Neighbour Nation: Tell not me of the Turk & Pope, it is my Neig [...]bour does me wrong, &c.

The Word of GOD is divided in two parts. One is, the Old Testament; that is, the Word of Promise. The other is▪ the New Testament; that is, the Word of Accomplishment. These two agrees in one, and holds forth Christ; Moses and Aaron here leads the People. These two agrees in one, in God, who led them by their hands. And in the Unity of these, the Felicity of the Flock consists▪ being without these, like Sheep without one shepherd, scattered by some Faction, or a dicontented Corah, or a Miriam. Therefore, Charles the ninth of France, in a Medal, gave his Crown above two pillars; intertwisted with this devise, Pietate & Justitiâ. It's Church and State upholds my Crown. The Motto then, or Devise of the Tables, this day hung forth, ought to be that of the beloved Disciple; Let us love one another.

I say one another, for you the people, being the Flock, are not to tempt your Shepherds, your Wardens, your Guids, your Mose's, your Aaron's, your Magistrats and Ministers, with grumbling, though ye be led through the wilder­ness, and want Bread and water. Complain not of these two: It is God, not they that hath the Gift of Riches, or of Po­verty, that can straiten and enlarge your Quarters; Give you food convenient, or no food; or, Make your Cup run over. Yet for obtaining the best of his Blessings, the favourable Cloud of his Presence, to keep you from the Destroyer, to preserve you from the Scorpion tongues of them that hate you: And after all windings, turnings, changes and vicissi­tudes of Providence, to arrive at the promised Land of fu­ture rest and glory. The securest and most effectual mean, is [...]earing Moses, and reverencing Aaron.

In that dreadful Conflagration at Rome, in the dayes of Commodus; when Templum pacis, and the Vestal Fane were [Page 39] burned: The Sacred Virgins (brought till then unseen) through the open holy street, Pal [...]as or their Palladium into the Emperors Pallace: That as its Divinity (as they esteemed) had secured Majesty; So in distress, Authority might succour its Divinity, that both might live or die together. Say the same of the Crown and Pulpit, that the people may reverence both; and each of these Honor and prove Thankful to the other.

This double Solemnity, or Meeting of these two happy Constellations in the Orbe of your City, (a delightful sight) by your praying to GOD for them; and communing with GOD about them, may be the Foundation of one years journey; which may refresh you as the Flock was, when led to Elim, a City of Palm-trees, to the number of threescore and ten. The number of our Lords Disciples, and where there was Twelve wells of water, The number of the Tribes and of the Apostles, that both by Law and Gospel, by Ju­stice and Peace: you be much helpt forward in your way. And for your selves, look down, R. H. and say to the Sons of Aaron, in whose meeting you are concerned, as Boaz to his R [...]ap [...]rs. The Lord be with you. And you, R. R. Look up, and say to Moses and his Elders: In whose electing, you have Interest, with them again. The Lord bless thee: And I say to Both, to All, what the Levits said in the Temple, The Lord that made the Heavens and the Earth, Bless you all out of Zion, Psal, 134 3.


At this time there was Elected for Magistrats.

  • Sir Andrew Ramsay. Lord Provost.
  • Walter Borthwick.
  • Bailies.
    • Thomas Murray.
    • Robert Baird.
    • James Justice.
  • Francis Kinlo [...]h. L. Dean of Guild.
  • James Currie. L. Treasurer.

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