AN ACCOUNT Of the Manner, BEHAVIOUR AND EXECUTION OF Mary Aubry, Who was Burnt to Ashes, in Leicester Fields, On
Friday the 2d Day of
March, 1687. For the Barbarous and Inhumane Murther, Committed on the Body of Dennis Aubry, Her Husband, in the Parish of St.
Martins in the Fields, on the 27th of
January last.
And the same Day,
Daniel Sconley was Executed at
THe late surprizing Murther of Dennis Aubry, the person whose Body was found in Parkers-Lane, his Arms, Legs, &c. in the Savoy House of Office, and his Head in another, near Exeter Exchange; upon strict inquiry, being known to be done, and committed by Mary Aubry his Wife, a French Woman; she upon her Examination having confessed the Fact, viz. That she bereived him of Life, by strangling him with a Cord, &c. and Cut him in Pieces, for the more private and convenient disposal of him, thereby to prevent discovery, she was thereupon Committed to Prison, where not without some Regret, which appeared by her upon Committed to Prison, where not without some Regret, which appeared by her much deiected Countenance and Behaviour: She continued till the Sessions, Holden for the City of London and County of Middlesex, &c. Began at the Sessions House in [Page]the Old B [...]y, whether being brought, in order to be Tryed for that Barbarous Murt [...]r [...] was Read, wherein she stood charged, for Murthering her said [...], by Strangling, &c. on the 27th of January, Anno, 1687. In the Parish of St. M [...]tins in the Fields; and having Notice at large, of what was contained therein, by her Interpreter; and being demanded whether she was Guilty or not of the Fact, as laid in the said Indictment: She pleaded Guilty to the Felony, Murther, and Petry Treason; yet, the Court was so favourable to tell her, that she might, seeing it was a Case that [...]ndered her Dead in Law by her pleasing Guilty, [...]act that P [...]e [...], and put her self upon the Country for her Tryal, if she thought it [...] or convenient; but she still persisting to plead Guilty, her Confession was Recorded▪ And in the close of the Sessions, she was brought to receive Sentance of Death, as in that Case the Law requires, which was accordingly pronounced by the Court, viz. That she she said Mary A [...]bry, should be carried from thence, to the place from whence she came, and thence to be drawn to the place of Execution, and there to be burnt with Fire till she be Dead.
Sentance being past, she was reconveyed to the County Goal of Newgate, there to attend the time of the said Sentance being put in Execution, appearing much afflicted under the sense of so great a Crime, affecting for the most part retiredness and avoiding as much as in her lay, the concourse or company of such, especially, whom she conceived came only out of curiosity to see her, and so continued to indulge her self rather in Melancholiness than any thing that was apparent to the contrary, both before and after she was sensible the Warrant was signed for her Execution.
On Friday the 2d of March, the Day appointed for her being Burnt, &c. about Ten in the Morning of the said Day, the Sheriffs Officers came to demand her in order to carry her to Leicester Fields, the place where she suffered. When being put into the Sledg, she was with a Guard of Sheriffs Men, drawn to Le [...]cester Fields, where a Stake was set up towards the North side of the Square, and the Wood, &c. accordingly prepared to perform the Execution, when about half an hour past Ten, she arrived to the place appointed, appearing very Penitent, often listing up her Hands and Eyes to Heaven, seeming to express much sorrow for the Crime that had been the occasion of this her shameful End, and then prayed to her self; and after that, held some Discourse or Conference with a certain Person there atending when being taken out of the Slead, about half an hour after her arrival she again having Expresied much Sorrow in her manner of Cariage and Gesture as was Evident to the Spectators, she was set upon a stool prepared for that purpose; and a Rope being fastened through a Hole of the Post, or Stake, and the Noose of it put over her Neck; the stool being taken away, she hung there for near the space of a quarter of an Hour, in which time, the Bavins and Faggots where Piled about her, and at the Expiration thereof, Fire set to them, which consumed her in about half an hour more to Ashes, &c.
About three hours before this Execution, one Daniel Stonley; who was condem [...] the last sessions, for Robing Anthony Shackliffe a Brewer, of a considerable su [...] Mony, was caried to Tyburn, and there Executed.
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