A MANVAL of directions for the Visitation of the sicke w th sweete Meditations & Pra­yers to be vsed in time of sicknesse.

by Lancelot Andre­wes late Bishop of Winchester.

LONDON, Printed for Samuel Cartwright at the hand & Bible, in Duck-lane. 1642

A MANVALL OF Directions for the vi­sitation of the sicke, with sweete Meditations and Prayers to be used in time of sicknesse.

Whereunto is added a Short confession of the Faith, with a forme of Thankes­giving; and Prayers for Morning, and Evening.

BY, LANCELOT ANDREVVES late Bishop of Winchester.

LONDON, Printed by R. Cotes, for Samuel Cartwright, and are to be sold at the signe of the hand and Bible in Ducke-Lane. 1642.

TO THE RIGHT HONO­RABLE, Sir EDWARD LITTLETON, KNIGHT, Baron Littleton of Mounslowe, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of ENGLAND, AND One of his Majesties most Honorable Privy COVNCELL; Grace & Peace be multiplyed.

Right Honorable,

MAY it please you in these [Page] troublesome daies of ours, to behold the man, who though (with o­pen mouth) he tel­leth not all things that every one hath done, Yet (by lively exam­ple) teacheth what every one ought to be ready to doe; Even for Kings, and for all that are [Page] in Authority; that we may lead a qui­et and peaceable life, in all godli­nesse, and hone­sty.

His Person, whilest hee lived, wanted not the love and favour of a King, to advance him to dignity; & let not this Post­hume worke of his [Page] lacke your Honors protection and pa­tronage, to keepe it from indigni­ty.

A Midwives care reacheth no further than the safe bringing the Infant into the world, the mainte­nance and prote­ction thereof, she commendeth to [Page] the Father and o­ther Friends.

This Orphan by my meanes hath happily seene the Light, but want­ing a Father, as be­ing deceased be­fore his birth, I pre­sume to commend its defence and tu­ition to your Ho­nour as a friend, & your Lordshippes [Page] selfe to the graci­ous protection of the Lord, who grant you ever the continuance of your honour, to you and your pos­terity for ever:

So prayeth
Your Honours humbly devoted I.G.


COurteous Rea­der, I shall not neede, I con­ceive, to use many words by way of Preface. The Authour of this Ma­nuall, and his former Workes, have beene of such note and esteeme a­mongst us, as that I [Page] doubt not, but it may justly be said, concerning them, even to most men, which Jehu, of the Pro­phet that annointed him to be King over Israel, 2 King. 9.11. Ye know the man and his com­munication.

For this, how like it is the rest of its Brethren, I leave you to judge, and yet I doubt not but some way may be made to your more willing entertain­ment of it, by telling you it was conceived about that time the Reverend [Page] Authour was Parson of Saint Giles Creple­gate, and used by him in his ordinary Visitati­on of the sicke.

To this let me adde, the love of publique good, not respect of pri­vate profit, hath moved him to fit this to the Presse, who otherwise would never have seene his name in Print, and now desireth the praise of the worke may be gi­ven to the right Author, resting

Yours in the Lord I.G.

Inquiries to be made by the Minister.

The Parties.
  • THe Sex,
  • 2 The Age,
  • The condition of life.
  • 1 Whether learned, structed,
  • 2 Sound in minde, memory.
  • [Page]3 The sense of heari [...] perfect.
  • 1 whether patient, unquiet,
  • 2 Cheerefull of deje [...]
  • 3 If being well, found comfort,
  • 1 Reading,
  • 2 Hearing,
  • 3 Repeating any par­ticulars.

Whether any mate [...] all point, whereof to admonished.

To take occasion out of [...]is owne words.

VVHat man is hee that liveth, and shall not see death? Psal. 89.48.
It is appointed for all men once to dye. Heb. 9, 27.
I am a stranger and so­journer with thee, as all my Fathers were, Psal.39. 12.
Wee have here no abi­ding City, Heb.13.14.
The night commeth when no man can doe a­ny worke, Ioh.9.4.
[Page]Where the tree falleth whether to the North, to the South, there it [...] ­eth, Eccles.1.1.3.


1. Comfortable Scrip­tures to be used to the sicke party.

Esay 54.10

THe Mountaine may remove, and the Hills may faldown, but my mercies shall not [Page] depart from thee, nor the covenant of my peace come to nothing, saith the Lord, that hath compassion on thee.

Heaven and earth shal passe, but my Word shall not passe.

All the promises of God are in him, Yea and Amen.

In whom wee have most great and pre­cious promises, that we should be partakers of the Divine Nature.

Ieremy 31.18.

I have heard Ephraim lamenting thus,

Thou trast corrected [Page] me, and I was chastised, as an untamed Heifer; convert thou me, and I shall be converted, for thou art the Lord my God.

Surely after that I had converted, I re­pented, I smote upon my thigh, I was ashamed, yea confounded, because I did beare the reproach of my youth.

Since I spake to him, I still remember him, therefore my bowels are troubled for him; I will surely have com­passion on him, saith the Lord.

I will visite their ini­quity [Page] with a rod, and their sinne with secour­ges, nevertheles my mer­cy will I not take from him, nor suffer my truth to faile.

Prov. 3. 11,12.

My sonne, refuse not the chastisement of the Lord, neither be grie­ved with his corre­ction; for the Lord correcteth him whom he loveth, even as the father doth the child in whom, for all that, he delighteth.

Ioh. 5. 17,18,19.

Behold, blessed is the man whom God cor­recteth; therefore refuse [Page] not thou the correction of the Almighty.

For he maketh the wound and bindeth it up; he smiteth, and his hands make whole a­gaine.

He shall deliver thee in sixe troubles, and in the seaventh, the evill shall not come nigh thee.

Heb. 12. 5.

Forget not the conso­lation that speaketh unto you as unto chil­dren.

If you indure chaste­ning, God offereth himselfe unto you, as unto a sonne, for what [Page] sonne is it whom the Father chasteneth not?

If therefore yee bee without correction, whereof all are parta­kers, then are ye bastards and not sonnes.

Moreover, wee have had the fathers of our bodies which corrected us, and yet wee gave them reverence, should we not much rather bee in subjection to the fa­ther of Spirits, that wee may live?

For they verily for a few dayes chastened us after their owne plea­sure, but he chasteneth us for our profit, that [Page] we might bee partakers of his holinesse.

Now, no chastening for the present seemeth joyous, but grievous; yet afterward, it bringeth the quiet fruite of righ­teousnesse unto them which are thereby exe­cised.

Wherefore lift up your hands which hang downe, and your weake knees.

Ioh. 16.22.

And you now are in sorrow, but I will see you againe, and your heart shall rejoyce, and your Joy shall none bee able to take from you.

Esa. 54. 7, 8.

For a little while have I sorsaken thee, but in great compassion will I gather thee.

For a moment in mine anger I hid my face from thee, but with everlasting mercy will I have compassion on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer.

Modicum & videbitis me.

A little time and yee shall see me.

Psal. 94. 12.13.

Blessed is the man whom thou chastisest (O Lord) and teachest him thy Law, that thou [Page] mayst give him rest in the dayes of evill.

1 Cor. 11. 31.

But when wee are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, because we should not bee condem­ned with the world.

They that sow in teares, shall reape in joy, Psal. 129.5.

The Lord hath cha­stened and corrected me, but hee hath not given me over unto death, Psal. 118.18.

Iam. 1. 2, 4.

My brethren count it exceeding joy when you fall into divers af­flictions: knowing that [Page] the trying of the faith bringeth patience; and let patience have her perfect worke, that you may bee compleate, in­tire, taking nothing.

Blessed are they that mourne, for they shall be comforted, Mat. 5.4.

When I am weak, then am I strong, 2 Cor. 12. 10.

2. Ejaculations for the sicke.

CAst me not away in the time of my weakenesse, forsake me not when my strength faileth me.

[Page]Though I be afflicted on every side, yet let me not be distressed; though in want of some of thy comforts, yet not of all.

Though chastened, yet not forsaken; though cast downe, yet not perished.

As mine outward man doth weare and decay, so let mine in­ward man renew day­ly.

O let this light affli­ction, which will quick­ly be over, cause unto me a farre more excel­lent and eternall weight of glory.

[Page]In the middest of the sorrowes that are in mine heart, let thy com­forts (O Lord) refresh my soule.

My flesh and my heart fayleth, but bee thou the strength of my head, and my portion forever, Psa. 73. 26.

Thou (O Lord) up-holdest all such as are falling, and liftest up those that be downe.

Thou healest the bro­ken in heart, and gi­vest Medicine to heale their sickenesse.

As thou art faithful (O Lord) so suffer me not to be tempted a­bove [Page] that I am able.

But (good Lord) give me an issue with the Temptation, that I may be able to beare it.

3. Heads of comfort to be administred from the consideration of • God. , and • Christ. 


A creator [...] and so faithfull, 1 Pet. 4. ult.

A possessor or owner, [...] I am thine, part of thy possession, Gen. 14. 19.

[Page]A Redeemer at large, [...] Psal. 130. 7.

A Redeemer [...] as of the same flesh and blood, Iob. 19.25. 26.

I. Christ a Mediator,

1. Betweene God and us, his Priesthood and Sacrifice.

A Lyon.

2. Betweene us and Satan, his Kingdome and conquest.

II. A Lambe.

1. Betweene us and sinne, his Innocence.

2. Betweene us and our Concupisence, his Charity.


1. Betweene us and the punishments due to our sinne, his passion, and blood-shedding sa­tisfaction.

2. Betweene us and our conscience, and the Judgement of God, his Advocate-ship.


1. Betweene us and our want of Righteous­nesse, his absolute and compleate obedience.

2. Betweene us and our want of desert of the eternall Reward, his Merit.


Betweene us and our [Page] want of sorrow in re­penting, his Agony & bloody sweate.

These Recount.



Set betweene.

4. Things to be recom­mended to the sicke: such as are Prayer, Almes, Re­pentance, Faith, Love, Hope, Wel-doing.


PRay unto the Lord if happily this may be forgiven thee, Act. 31. 6.


Blessed is the man that considereth the poore and needy, Psal. 41.1.

By mercy and truth are sinnes cleansed or forgiven, Prov. 12.

Breake off thine un­righteousnesse by mercy to the poore, Dan. 4. 14.

They shewed the Gar­ments which shee had wrought with her own hands, Act. 9. 39.


1. Except ye repent ye shall all likewise pe­rish, Luk. 13. 5.

2. Without faith it is impossible to please God, Heb. 11.6.

[Page]3. If I have all faith and no love, it profiteth me nothing, 1 Cor. 13.2.

4. We are saved by hope. Rom. 8. 24.

5. Hope thou in the Lord and bee doing good, Psal. 37.3.

And they shall come forth that have done good, to the resurrecti­on of life. Iob. 5.29.

Make you friends of the unrighteous Mam­mon, that when you must hence, they may receive you into everla­sting Tabernacles, Luk. 16.9.

5. Propositions and in­ferences to be made to the sicke.

1. YOu are perswaded that no sicknesse or Crosse commeth by chance unto any.

2. But you beleeve that it is God that fendeth them, without whose providence they fall not on us.

3. You acknowledge God to be most wise, and to suffer nothing to befall us, but what is expedient it so should.

4. Therefore God having sent this his [Page] visitation now to you at this time, that it is expedient for you thus to be sicke.


I know (O Lord) that thy judgements are just, and that thou of very faithfulnesse hast caused me to bee troubled, Psal. 119.75.

1. You know and confesse that God to al, but Christian men espe­cially, carryeth the as­fection of a father to­wards his children.

2. You know also that a father, whether he maketh much of his childe, or whether hee [Page] chasten him, continu­eth a father in both, and loveth him in the one no lesse than in the o­ther.

3. Thinke the same of God touching your selfe, that while he gave you good dayes, he lo­ved you; and that now he sendeth you some e­vill, he loveth you also, and would not have sent these evills, but to be a cause unto you of greater good, that be­ing cal'd home by them, you might be at perfect peace with him.


Before I was troubled [Page] I went wrong, but now shall I learne thy word, Psal. 119. 67.

1. You are not onely to take it patiently, (I held my peace and ope­ned not my mouth be­cause it was thy doing, Psal. 39.9. It is the Lord, let him doe what see­meth him good in his own eyes) but (2) even to give him thankes for it, as for an wholesome medicine; the Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken away, as it pleaseth the Lord, so is it come to passe, blessed be the Name of the Lord. I will take the [Page] cup of Salvation, and give thankes to the Name of the Lord.

3. Especially for that we in the time of our health forgetting him, yet he is so mercifull, that he giveth us not o­ver with the world; but for all wee have grieved his holy Spirit, and fal­len from grace, he visit­eth us againe, and of­fereth it afresh unto us.

4. That if his will had not beene to have shewed mercy by his chastisement, hee could and would suddenly have taken you away [Page] with a quicke destructi­on, and not given you this time to bethinke your selfe, and to seeke and sue to him for grace.


When I am judged, I am chastened of the Lord, that I might not be condemned with the world, 1 Cor. 11.32.

Gods very punish­ment is a part of his mercy, Psal. 89.31.

It is the great mercy of the Lord that we are not suddenly consumed Lam. 3. 22.

For giving you a time and space. O tarry thou [Page] the Lords leasure, be strong, and he shall com­fort thine heart, and put thou thy trust in the Lord, Psal. 17. 14.

O cast thou thy bur­then on the Lord, and he shall refresh thee, and shall not suffer the righ­teous to faile for ever, Psal. 55.22.

O put your trust al­way in him yee people, powre out your hearts before him, for God is our helpe, Psal. 62. 8.

He will not alwayes be chiding, nor keepeth he his anger for ever, Psal. 103. 9.

In his wrath will he [Page] remember mercy, Hab. 3. 2.

Heavinesse may indure for a night, but joy com­meth in the morning. Psal. 30. 5.

For a little while have I forsaken thee, but with great compassion will I gather thee: For a mo­ment in mine anger I hid my face from thee, but with everlasting mercy have I had pity on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer. Esay, 54. 58.

6. Questions to be urged to the sick, and Scri­ptures to bee pro­pounded in answer of them.

1. DO you acknow­ledge your selfe, not to have lived so well as you ought, but to have sinned, done amisse and dealt wickedly?

2. Doe you call to mind the yeares of your life spent amisse in the bitternes of your soule?

3. Doe you desire to have your minde illumi­nated by God, touch­ing [Page] those sinnes you ne­ver knew, or which you once knew, but have now forgotten, that you may repent you of them?

4. Doe you desire to feele greater sorrow in your Soule, for the sins committed, than you doe? Would you be glad if you did feele it, and are you grieved that you feele it not, that you are no more grie­ved?

5. Be there, or is there any speciall or peculiar sinne that doth lye hea­vy on your conscience, for the which you need, [Page] or doe require the bene­fit of private absolution?


Thou with rebukes dost chasten man for sin, and makest his beauty to consume, as a moth fret­teth a garment, Psal. 39. 11.

There is no health in my flesh, by reason of thy wrath, neither is there any rest in my bones, by reason of my sinne, Psal. [...],8.3.

Lord be mercifull to me, heale my soule, for I have sinned against thee Psal. 41.4.

Lord, I confesse my wickednesse, and am sor­ry [Page] for my sinne, Psal. 38. 18.

I call to minde the mispent yeares of my life past, in the bitter­nesse of my Soule, Esay 38.15.

My misdeedes have prevailed against me, O be thou mercifull unto my sinne, Psal. 65.3.

For thy Names sake (O Lord) be mercifull unto my sinne, for it is great, Psal. 25.11.

O remember not the offences and fraileties of my youth, but accor­ding to thy mercy, think thou upon me (O Lord) for thy goodnes. Psa. 25. 67.

[Page]Namely (O Lord) and especially, be mer­cifull unto me; Herein the Lord be mercifull unto his Servant, 2 Kin. 5.18.

O Lord, lay not my sin to my charge, Acts 7. 60.

If thou (Lord) be ex­treame to marke what is done amisse, Lord who may abide it? Psal. 130. 30.

O enter not into judg­ment with thy servant, for no flesh is righteous in thy sight, Psalme 143. 2.

My confusion is day­ly before mee, and the [Page] feare of death is falne upon me, feareful nesse, and trembling are come upon me, and an horri­ble dread hath over-whelmed me, Psal. 55.4. 5.

The Lord is nigh un­to them that are of a contrite heart, and will save such as are of an humble spirit, Psalme 34. 18.

A broken and a con­trite heart (O Lord) thou shalt not despise. Psal. 51.17.

7. Questions to be added further, upon answer of the former.

REpent you of these your sinnes?

That is,

1. Have you a pur­pose to judge your selfe for them, if you live? 1 Cor. 12. 31.

And to inflict upon your selfe, punishment for committing them, according as you shall be directed? 1 Cor. 7.11. Lev. 5.18.

2. Are you resolved, if God send you life [Page] hereafter to amend and live more carefully, and to avoyd both those meanes and occasions that may provoke you to sin againe, and those signes and marks which testifie you delight in it?

3. Doe you holily promise thus much in the presence of God, his grace ayding you?

4. Doe you desire, if God send you health a­gaine, to be specially put in minde thereof?

Turne us (O God our Saviour) and let thine anger cease from us. Psal. 85.4.

1. Beleeve you the [Page] Christian Creed, or con­fession of our most holy Faith, once delivered to the Saints?

2. Beleeve you, that you cannot be saved, ex­cept you beleeve it?

3. Are you glad in your soule, and doe give God hearty thanks, that in this Faith you were borne, have lived in it, and now shall die in the same?

4. Do you your selfe desire, and doe you wish as to desire at the hands of God, that this Faith may not faile you untill the houre, and in the houre of death?

[Page]5. If your sence faile you, or if the paines of your disease, or weake­nesse other-wayes, so worke with you, as it shall happen you with your tongue to speake ought, otherwise than this your Faith and Re­ligion would, doe you now renounce all such words as none of yours, and is it your will, wee account of them, as not spoken by you?

Is there in your mind any scruple touching a­ny matter of Faith or re­ligion?


Lord I beleeve, helpe [Page] thou mineunbelief, Mar. 9. 24.

1. Doe you forgive them, that any manner of way have offended you, as freely as you your selfe would be for­given at Gods hands?

2. Doe you likewise desire of God that hee would forgive them?

3. That amends which they are bound to make you, in that they have offended you, are you content to remit them also?

4. Are you willing that so much be shewed them from you, that you have forgiven them freelie, [Page] lie, and fullie, and desire God to doe the like?


Father forgive them, they knew not what they did, Luk. 23.34.

O Lord, lay not these sinnes to their charge, Act. 7. 60.

You your selfe living in the world, it cannot bee but some you have offended.

1. Doe you desire that all such as you have of­fended, would pardon and forgive you?

2. Doe you remember or call to mind any per­son or persons in speci­all, whom you have so offended?

[Page]3. Will you, that so much bee signified to them in your name, that you desire them to for­give you?

In as much as the of­fences against the sea­venth Commandement, of getting any children, (by the act of Adulte­rie) committed with the Wife of another Man, and against the eighth Commandement touching mens goods, are not forgiven, unlesse restitution bee made to the parties wronged: and against the ninth Commandement, tou­ching mens credits and [Page] good names:

Are you willing and ready to restore and make satisfactiō to such as you have wronged, in thrusting in a childe, be­gotten by you, and like­lie to deprive the true children of the party, and begotten by him, of a childs part, or porti­on: And to such as you have wronged in their goods: And to satisfie those whom you have a­ny way touched in their name, and that without all fraud or delay: can you call to minde any persons in particular, whō you have so offen­ded?

8. Severall parts of prayer to be used by the sicke party, taken out of Scripture.

ANd now (O Lord) what is my hope? truely my hope is in thee, Psal. 39. 7.

Thou that art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that remaine in the broad sea.

Though hee kill mee, yet will I trust in him. Ioh. 13. 15.

Though I walk through the vale of the shadow of death, yet will I feare [Page] none evill, Psal. 23. 2. 4.

Lord, thou knowest whereof wee bee made, thou remembrest we are but dust, Psal. 103. 14.

Call to minde, we are but flesh, a winde that passeth away, and com­meth not againe, Psa. 78. 39.

Remember (Lord) of what time I am, what our substance is, where­fore hast thou made all men for nought? Psal. 89. 47.

Lord, considermy com­plaint, for I am brought very low.

Let my present misery more prevaile to moove [Page] compassion, than my sinnefull life past, to pro­voke thine indignation.

Lord, how long wilt thou be angrie with thy servant that prayeth?

Behold Lord, I shew the lowlinesse of a sup­pliant, shew not thou to me the rigour of a Judg.

Ne(quaeso) premat Senten­tia Iudicis,
Quem sic submittit Petitio supplicis.

O deliver not thine owne inheritance over into the will of thine e­nemy, Psal, 119. 94. I am thine, O save me! I am thine, carest thou not that I perish? Mar. 4. 38.

[Page]Behold (O Lord) how that I am thy servant.

I am thy servant, and the sonne of thine hand-maid. Psal. 116. 16.

Thine unprofitable e­vill servant, yet thy servant.

Thy lost unkind child, yet thy child. Luk. 15.

Though I have not shewed to thee the duty and affection of a child, yet doe not thou cast from thee the naturall kindnesse and compassi­on of a Father.

I commend my selfe into thy hands as unto a faithfull Creator. 1 Pet. 4. 19.

[Page]Receive (O Lord) thine owne creature, not made by any strange god, but by thy selfe, the onely true, and li­ving God, despise not (O Lord) the worke of thine owne hand. Psal. 138. ult.


I am created to thine owne Image, and like­nesse, Gen. 1. 26.

Suffer not (O Lord) suffer not thine Image to bee utterly defaced, but renue it againe in righteousnesse and true holinesse, Ephes. 4. 24.

I commend my selfe into thine hands, for [Page] thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth, Psal: 31. 5.

Behold (Lord) I am the price of thy blood, of thy most pretious blood, 1 Cor. 6. ult.

Suffer not so great a price to perish; Suffer not that to be cast away, that thou hast so deerely bought.

O Lord, thou camest downe from heaven to redeeme that which was lost, suffer not that to be lost, which thou hast redeemed.

Behold (O Lord) thou art in the middest of us, thy name is called upon [Page] us, we are called by thy name, Christians, Dan. 9. 19.

For thy names sake be mercifull unto us, Psa. 25. 11.

Spare thine own name in us, Psal. 19. 9.

And doe not (good Lord) so remember our sinnes, that by remem­bring them, thou forget­test thine owne name.

Lord we call upon thy name, there is no name under heaven, wherein we can be saved, but one­ly it, Act. 4. 12.

Though we be unfaith­full, yet thou art true, and canst not deny thine [Page] owne name, 2 Tim. 2.13.

I commend my selfe into thine hands, as to my true and onely san­ctifier.

Lord, I have beene the Temple of thy holy spi­rit, 1 Cor. 3.16.

Though it hath beene polluted by my frailty, yet Lord destroy it not; But dedicate it, hallow it anew, and sanctifie it to thee yet once againe: make an Encaenia of it.

Spare us good Lord, spare thine owne handi­work, thine own Image, thine owne name, the price of thine owne blood in us.

[Page]The good Lord bee mercifull unto every one that prepareth his heart to seeke the Lord God, the God of our Fathers: though he be not accor­ding to the cleannesse of the Sanctuary, 1 Chron. 30.19.

Behold (O Lord) ae bruised Reed, O breake it not; smoaking flax, yet (O Lord) quench it not, Esa. 42.3. Mat. 12. 20.

Lord, I have never de­nied thy name, but con­fessed it ever, and in the confession and invocati­on of it, I desire to spend my last breath, and to [Page] depart this life.

Lord, I have desired to feare thy Name, Neh. 1. 11.

My soule hath beene desirous to long after thy Commandements, Psal. 119.20.

Lord, I doe acknow­ledge my wickednesse and I am sorrie for my sinne, Psal. 38.18.

Lord, I beleeve, help thou mine unbeleife.

Lord, I hope verily to see the goodnesse of the Lord, in the land of the Living, Psal. 27.13.

Let not this hope con­found me, nor make me ashamed, Psa.119.16.

[Page]Lord, I freely forgive whomsoe'r I have ought against, those poore pence or mites they owe me. Mat. 18.28.

Lord, I held my peace and opened not my mouth at thy chastise­ments, because it was thy doing, O Lord, Psal. 39.9.

Lord, I seeke thee, and thou never failest them that seeke thee, Psal. 9. 10.

I come unto thee, and of them that come unto thee, thou castest none out. Ioh.6.37.

Neverthelesse, though I be sometime afraid, yet [Page] put I my trust in thee, Psal. 56.3.

O Lord, in thee have I trusted, let me never be put to confusion, Psal. 71 1.31.1.

O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust, save me from them that seeke after my soule and deliver me, lest hee de­voure my soule like a Li­on, and teare it in peeces whiles there is none to helpe, Psal. 7.1,2.

The snares of death compassed me round a­bout, the overflowings of ungodlinesse made me afraid, Psal. 18.4.

The sorrow of death [Page] overtooke me, and the paines of hell gat hold upon me, Psal. 18.5.

I have found trouble and heavinesse, and I wil call upon the name of the Lord, Psal. 116.3.

O Lord, I beseech thee deliver my soule. Psa.116 4.

Heare my voyce (O Lord) out of thy holie Temple, let my com­plaint come before thee, let it enter even into thine cares, Psal. 18.6.

Send downe from on high, and deliver me, take me out of many waters, Psal. 18.16.

Gracious is the Lord [Page] and righteous, yea our Lord is mercifull, Psal. 116.5.

The Lord preserveth the simple, I am in mise­ry, but hee will thinke upon me, Psal. 116.6.

Turne againe then to thy rest, (O my Soule) for the Lord hath re­garded thee, Psal. 116.7.

Psalme 22.

verse 1. My God, my God, looke upon mee, why hast thou forsaken me, and art so farre from my health, and from the words of my complaint?

ver. 2, 3. O my God, I cry in the day time, [Page] and thou hearestnot, and in the night season also, I have audience, yet thou continuest holy, O thou Worship of Israell.

ver. 4. Our Fathers hoped in thee, they tru­sted in thee, and thou diddest deliver them.

5. They called upon thee, and were holpen, they put their trust in thee, and were not con­founded.

9. But thou wert he that tookest mee out of my Mothers wombe.

10. Thou wert my hope when I hanged up­on my Mothers breasts.

11. I have beene left [Page] unto thee ever since I was borne, thou art my God even from my Mothers wombe.

16. O goe not farre from me, for trouble is hard at hand, and there is none to deliver me.

20. Deliver my soule from the sword, my dar­ling from the power of the dogge.

21. Save me from the Lions mouth, deliver me from among the hornes of the Unicornes.

Psalme 25.

ver. 11. For thy names sake (O Lord) be mer­cifull unto my sinne [Page] for it is great.

16. O turne thee unto me, and have mercie up­on me, for I am desolate and in miserie.

17. The sorrowes of my heart are enlarged; O bring thou me out of my troubles.

18. Looke upon my adversity and misery, and forgive mee all my sinne.

20. O keep my soule and deliver me, let mee not be confounded, for I have put my trust in thee.

Psalme 28.

verse 1. Unto thee do [Page] I cry (O Lord) my strength, think no scorn of me, lest if thou make as though thou hearest not, I become like those that goe downe into the pit.

2. Heare the voyce of my humble petitions when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands towards the Mercy seat of thy holy Temple.

O hide not thy face from me, neither cast thy servant away in dis­pleasure, Psal. 27.9.

Thou hast beene my succour, leave mee not, neither forsake mee, O Lord God of my salva­tion.

Psalme 40.

verse 11. Withdraw not thou thy mercy from me, (O Lord) let thy loving kindnesse & truth alwaies preserve me.

12. For innumerable troubles are come about me, my sinnes have taken hold upon mee, that I am not able to looke up, yea, they are more in number than the haires of my head, and my heart hath failed me.

13. O Lord, let it be thy pleasure to deliver me, make hast (O Lord) to helpe me.

[Page]17. As for me, though I be poore, and in mi­sery, yet the Lord careth for me.

Thou art my helper, and my redeemer, make no long tarrying, O my God.

Psalme 31.

14. Lord, my hope hath been in thee, I have said, thou art my God.

15. My life is in thine hand, O deliver me, and be mercifull unto me.

16. Shew thy servant the light of thy counte­nance, and save mee for thy mercies sake.

Psalme 38.

21. Forsake mee not (O Lord my God) bee not thou farre from me.

22. Haste thee to help me (O Lord God of my Salvation.)

Psalme 54.

1. Save Me (O God) for thy names sake, O deliver mee in thy strength.

2. Heare my prayer (O Lord) and hide not thy selfe from my petiti­ons, and hearken unto the words of my mouth

Psalme 55. 1.

Heare my prayer (O [Page] God) and hide not thy selfe from my petitions; take heed unto me, and heare me, how I mourne in my prayer, and am vexed.

Psalme 61.

1. Heare my crying (O God) give eare unto my prayer.

2. From the ends of the earth will I cry un­to thee, when my heart is in heavinesse (O Lord) let me make my prayer unto thee in an accepta­ble time.

Psalme 39.

13. Heare me, O God [Page] in the multitude of thy mercies, even in the truth of thy Salvation.

14. Take me out of the mire that I sinke not: O let mee be delivered from them that seek my soule, and from the deep waters.

15. Let not the wa­ter-floods drowne mee, neither let the deepswal­low me up, and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.

16. Heare mee (O Lord) for thy loving kindnesse is comforta­ble; turne thee unto mee, according to the multi­tude of thy mercie.

[Page]17. And hide not thy face from thy servant, for I am in trouble, O haste thee, and heare me.

18. Draw nigh unto my Soule and save it, O deliver me.

19. As for me, when I am poore and in heavi­nesse, thy help (O Lord) shall lift me up.

Psalme 109.

21. But deale thou with me (O Lord) ac­cording to thy name, for sweet is thy mercy.

22. O deliver me, for I am helplesse and poore and my heart is woun­ded within me.

[Page]23. I goe like the sha­dow that departeth, I am driven away as the Grashopper.

24. My knees are weake through fasting, my flesh is dryed up for want of fatnesse.

26. Helpe me (O Lord my God) O save me ac­cording to thy mercies.

27. And men shall know that it is thy hand, and that thou (Lord) hast done it.

Psalme 74.

1. Oh God, why art thou absent from us so long? why is thy wrath so hot against the sheepe [Page] of thy pasture?

2. O thinke upon the Congregation, which thou haste purchased, and redeemed of old.

17. O deliver not the Soule of thy Turtle un­to the multitude of thine enemies, and forget not the distressed of thy ser­vants for ever.

O let not the simple goe away ashamed, but let the poore and needy give praise unto thy name.

Turne us againe, (O Lord God of Hosts) shew the light of thy countenance, and wee shall be whole. Psal. 80.3.

Psalme 85.

2. O forgive the offen­ces of thy servants, and cover all their sinnes.

3. Take away all thy displeasure, and turne a­way thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation.

4. Turne us then, O God our Saviour, and let thine anger cease from us.

5. Wilt thou be dis­pleased at us for ever, and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generation to another?

6. Wilt thou not turn againe and quicken us, that thy people may re­joyce [Page] in thee.

Shew us thy mercy (O Lord) and grant us thy Salvation, haste thee to helpe me, O God of my Salvation.

Psalme 70.1.

Haste thee (O Lord) to deliver me, make haste to helpe mee, O Lord.

Psalme 44.

23. Up Lord, why slee­pest thou? awake, and be not absent from us for ever.

24. Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and for­gettest our misery and trouble? For our Soule [Page] is brought low, unto the dust, our belly cleaveth to the ground.

Arise and helpe us, and deliver us for thy mercy sake.

Psalme 86.

1. Bow downe thine eare (O Lord) and heare me, for I am poore, and in misery.

2. Preserve thou my Soule, for thou gavest it me, my God, save thy servant, which putteth his trust in thee.

3. Bee mercifull unto me, (O Lord) for I will call daily upon thee.

4. Comfort the Soule [Page] of thy servant, for unto thee doe I lift up my Soule.

5. For thou (Lord) art good and gracious, and of great mercy to all them that call upon thee.

6. Give eare (Lord) unto my prayer, and ponder the voyce of my humble desires.

7. In the time of my trouble, I will call upon thee, for thou hearest me.

15. For thou (Lord) art full of compassion, and mercie, long suffe­ring, plenteous in good­nesse and truth.

[Page]16. O turne thee then unto me, and have mer­cie upon mee, give thy strength unto thy ser­vant, and helpe the son of thine handmaid.

17. Shew some token upon me for good, that they which love thee, may see it and be glad, because thou (Lord) hast holpen and comforted me.

Psalme 142.

1. I cryed unto the Lord with my voyce, yea, even unto the Lord did I make my suppli­cation.

2. I powred out my complaint [Page] before him, and shewed him of my trou­ble.

3. When my spirit was in heavinesse, thou knewest my path.

4. I looked also on my right hand, and loe there was none to helpe me.

5. I had no place to flie unto, and none was a­ble to deliver my Soule.

6. I cryed unto thee, and said, thou art my hope, and my portion in the Land of the Li­ving.

O consider my com­plaint, for I am brought very low.

[Page]9. Bring my soule out of prison, that I may give thankes unto thee; which thing, if thou wilt grant me, then shall the righte­ous resort unto my com­pany.

Psal. 141.8

Mine eyes looke unto thee (O Lord;) In thee is my trust, O cast not out my soule.

Psal. 88.

1. O Lord God of my salvation, I have cryed day and night before thee.

2. O let my prayer come into thy presence; [Page] Incline thine eare unto my calling.

3. For my soule is full of trouble, my life draw­eth nigh unto the Grave.

9. Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out mine hands unto thee.

10. Dost thou sher wonders among the dead? or shall the dead rise up againe and praise thee.

11. Shall thy loving kindnesse bee shewed in the grave, or thy faithful­nesse in destruction?

12. Shall thy wonder­full workes be knowne in the darke, or thy righ­teousnesse in the Land [Page] where all things are for­gotten?

13. Unto thee doe I crie (Lord) and early shall my prayer come before thee.

14. Lord, why abhor­rest thou my soule? and why hidest thou thy face from me?

15. I am in misery, and like unto him that is at the poynt to dye: from my youth up, thy terrors have I suffered with a troubled minde.

16. Thy wrathfull dis­pleasure goeth over me, and the feare of thee hath undone me.

Psal. 141.

1. Lord, I will call upon thee, haste thee unto me, and consider my voyce, when I cry unto thee.

2. Let my prayer be set forth in thy presence as the incense, let the lifting up of my hands bee as an evening sacrifice.

Psal. 79.

5. Lord how long will thou be angry? for ever and shall thy Jealousy burne like fire?

8. Oh, remember not mine old sinnes, but have mercy upon me, for I am come to great misery.

9. Help me O god of my salvation, for the Glo­ry [Page] of thy Name; Oh de­liver me, and be mercifull unto my sinnes, for thy names sake.

Psal. 143.

6. Lord I stretch forth my hands unto thee; my soul gapeth unto thee like a thirsty Land.

7. Heare me (O Lord) and that soone, for my spirit waxeth faint, hide not thy face from me, lest I become like unto them that goe downe into the silence.

Psal. 13.

1. How long wilt thou forget me? (O Lord) for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?

[Page]2. How long shall I seek Counsel in my soule, and be so vexed in my spi­rit? how long shall mine enemies triumph over mee?

3. Consider and heare me (O God) lighten mine Eyes that I sleepe not in death.

Psal. 30.

6. In my prosperity I said, I shall never be remo­ved, thou (Lord) of thy goodnes had'st made my state so strong.

7. Thou did'st turne away thy face from me, and I was sore troubled;

8. Then cryed I unto [Page] the Lord, and gat me to my God right early.

9. What profit is there in my blood, if I goe downe into the pit? Shal the dust give thanks unto thee? or shal it declare thy truth?

10. Heare me (O Lord) and have mercy upon me, and be thou my helper,

Psal. 77.

1. I will cry unto the Lord with my voyce, yea even unto God will I cry with my voyce, and hee shall hearken unto me.

2. In the time of my trou­ble I sought the Lord; my sore ran, and ceased not: [Page] In the night season my soule refused Comfort.

3. When I am in heavi­nesse I will thinke upon God, when my heart is vexed I will complaine.

4. Thou holdest mine eyes waking, and I am so feeble that I can scarce speake.

5. I have considered the dayes of old, and the years that are past.

6. I call to remembrance my songs, and in the night I commune with mine owne heart, and search out my spirits.

7. Will the Lord ab­sent hinselfe for ever? and will he be no more intrea­ted?

[Page]8. Is his mercy cleane gone for ever? is his pro­mise come utterly to an end for evermore?

9. Hath God forgotten to be Gracious? and will he shut up his loving kindnesse in displeasure?

10. And I said, it is mine owne infirmity, but I will remember the yeares of the right hand of the most High.

O God, there is no strength in us, neither doe we know what to do, but onely we lift up our eyes unto thee. 2. Chron. 20.12.

O Lord, how long wilt thou looke upon this? This thou hast seene, [Page] (Lord) hold not thy tongue then, go not farre from me (O God) Psal. 35.17.22.

Save me (O God) for the waters are come even unto my soule. Psal. 69.1

Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered, let them also that hate him, flee before him. Psal. 68. 1.

Lord it oppresseth me, an­swer thou for me Esay. 38. 14.

Thou shalt answer for me (O Lord) my God. Psa. 38.15.

9. A Prayer to be used by the Minister.

O Lord, it is a great pre­sumption that one sinner should dare to cōmend a­nother to thy divine Ma­jesty, especially, the grea­ter, the lesse; and who would not feare to under­take it; but only that thy Commandement it is by thy holy Apostle, when any is sick, that the Mini­ster should be called for, that they should pray for the sick party, and that their prayers thou wilt receive, and save, and for­give [Page] the sinnes of the par­ty so prayed for?

And now behold (O Lord) we that are no way meete, but unworthy, ut­terly unworthy to sue for ought for ourselves (cha­ritie and compassion so binding us) are enforced to become suitors to thee for others.

Even (O Lord) for this thy servant ready to de­part this world.

To thee we hope, to thee we desire, to thee we in­treat and pray in all meek manner, and even from the bottom of our hearts.

O Lord, that which just­ly thou mightest deny to [Page] our unworthinesse, deny not, we beseech thee, to thine owne gracious goodnesse.

O Lord forgive us our sinnes, our great and grie­vous sinnes, oft and ma­ny times committed, long and many yeares most wretchedly continued; that so we may be meete to pray for others, that so we may make our pray­ers unto thee in an accep­table time.

Graciously looke upon our afflictions, pitifully behold the sorrowes of our hearts.

Mercifully forgive the sinnes of thy people.

[Page]Favourably with mer­cy heare our prayers.

Both now and ever, vouchsafe to heare us, O Christ.

Graciously heare us, O Christ.

Graciously heare us, O Lord Christ.

10. A Letany to be u­sed for the sicke.

OH God the Father of Heaven, have mercy upon him (or her) keepe and defend him.

Oh God the Sonne, Redeemer of the World, [Page] have mercy upon him: Save and deliver him.

Oh GOD the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son, haver mercy upon him; strengthen and comfort him.

Oh Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon him.

Remember not Lord, our offences, call not to minde the offences of his forefathers, but spare him good Lord, spare thy ser­vant whom thou hast re­deemed with thy most precious blood, and bee not angry with him for ever.

[Page]From thy wrath and heavy indignation, from the guilt and burden of his sins, from the dread­full sentence of the last Judgement, ‘Good Lord deliver him.’

From the sting and ter­rour of Conscience, from the danger of impatience, distrust, or despaire, from the extremity of sicknesse, anguish or agony, that may any way withdraw his minde from thee, ‘Good Lord deliver him.’

From the bitter pangs of eternall death, from the gates of hell, the power of darkenesse, the illusions and assaults of [Page] our Ghostly enemy, ‘Good Lord deliver him.’

By thy manifold and great mercies, by the ma­nifold and great mercies of Jesus Christ thy Son; his Agony and bloody sweate, strong crying and teares, bitter Crosse and Passion, mighty Resur­rection, glorious Ascen­sion, effectuall and most acceptable intercession, & mediation; By the graces and comforts of the Ho­ly Ghost, ‘Good Lord deliver him.’

For thy names sake, the glory of thy name, thy loving mercy, thy truths sake, thine owne selfe: [Page] In this time of his most extremity, in this his last and greatest need, in the houre of death, and at the day of Jndgement, ‘Good Lord deliver him.’

Deliver him (O Lord) from all danger and di­stresse, from all paines & punishments both bodily and ghostly, Amen.

As thou diddest deliver Noah from the flood, so save and deliver him.

Lot from the fire of So­dome, so save, &c.

Isaac from present death, so save, &c.

Iob fnom his tentati­ons, so save, &c.

Moses from the hand of [Page] Pharoah, so save, &c.

Daniel from the Lyons den, so save, &c.

Ionas from the belly of the Whale, so save, &c.

And as thou hast deli­vered all thy blessed Saints, and servants from all their terrors and tor­ments, so deliver his soul, and receive it to thy mer­cy.

We sinners do beseech thee to heare us good Lord.

That it may please thee to remember him with the favour thou bearest unto thy people, and to visit him with thy salva­tion.

We beseech thee, &c.

[Page]That it may please thee to save and deliver his Soule from the power of the enemy, lest as a Lyon he devoure it, and teare it in peeces, if there be none to helpe.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may please thee to be mercifull, and to forgive all his sinnes, which by the malice of the devill, or by his owne frailty hee hath at any time of his life commit­ted against thee.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may please thee not to lay to his charge, what in concu­piscence of his eyes, in [Page] pride of life, vanity, or superfluity he hath com­mitted against thee.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may please thee not to lay to his charge what in carnall desires of the flesh, in lust, or in the uncleane passions therof, hee hath committed a­gainst thee.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may please thee not to lay to his charge, what in the fiercenesse of his wrath, in the eager­nesse of an angry spirit, hee hath committed a­gainst thee.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may please [Page] thee not to lay to his charge, what in vaine and idle words, in the loose­nesse and slipperynesse of the tongue, he hath com­mitted against thee.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may please thee to make him parta­ker of all thy mercies, and promises in Christ Jesus.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may please thee to vouchsafe his soule the state of joy, blisse, and happines, with all thy blessed Saints, in thy heavenly Kingdome.

We beseech thee, &c.

That it may pleasethee to grant his body rest [Page] and peace, and a part in the blessed resurrection of life and Glory.

We beseech thee to heare us good Lord.

Sonne of God we be­seech thee to heare us. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Sonne of the father, that takest away the sinnes of the world, have mercy upon him; thou that ta­kest away the sins of the world, grant him thy peace.

Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the fa­ther, have mercy upon him. Lord have mercy upon him; Christ have mercy upon him; Lord [Page] have mercy upon him.

Our father which art in heaven, &c.

Oh Lord deale not with him after his sinnes.

Neither reward him ac­cording to his iniquities.

O God mercifull father that despisest not the sigh­ings of a contrite heart, nor the desire of such as be sorrowfull, mercifully assist our prayers which wee make before thee, at such times specially when our greatest and grievous extremities are ready to oppresse us: And (O Lord) graciously heare us, that those evills, those illusions, terrours and as­saults [Page] which thine and our enemy worketh a­gainst us may bee brought to naught, and by the providence of thy good­nesse bee dispersed, that we thy servants, beeing swallowed up with no tentations, may evermore give thanks unto thee in thy holy Church, through Iesus Christ our Lord.

11. Severall choyce ex­pressions of prayer to be used for the sicke party.

In the midst of life we [Page] are in death, of whom then may we seeke for succour, but of thee (O Lord) who for our sinnes art most justly displeased with us?

Yet (O Lord) most holy, O Lord most migh­ty, O holy and most mer­cifull father, deliver us not over to the paines of Eternall death.

Thou knowest (Lord) the secrets of our hearts; shut not up against us the cares of thy mercy, but spare us, O Lord most ho­ly, O Lord most mighty, O immortall and most mercifull father.

Thou most worthy [Page] Judge eternall, suffer us not in our last houre, for any terrour of death to fall away from thee.

We commend unto (O Lord) the soule of this thy servant.

He (or she) is the worke of thine hands.

Despise not (O Lord) the worke of thine owne hands.

The likenesse of thine Image.

Suffer not (O Lord) thine Image to be utterly defaced.

The price of thy blood.

Let not so great a price be cast away.

A Christian man (or [Page] woman) the name of thy Son is called upon him.

For thy names sake, be good unto thy name.

Thine ( ) O save him.

Give not over that which thine is, to the will of the enemy.

Though he have sinned, yet thy name hath hee not denyed, but called up­on it, and confessed it, un­to his lives end, and there is no name under heaven, but thine wherein he ex­pecteth salvation.

Though he have sinned, yet he hath not hid his sinne, nor excused it, Psal. 141.4. [Page] but acknowledged it, and beene sorry for it, and wisheth even teares of blood wherewith to la­ment it.

Though he have sinned yet others also have sin­ned against him, which from the heart he forgive­eth, and desireth forgive­nesse of them at thy gra­cious hands.

O establish thy word with thy servant, and let him not be disappointed of his hopes.

Though he have sinned, yet in thee he trusteth; O suffer him not for ever ut­terly to be confounded.

Though he have sinned, [Page] yet he seeketh thee.

And thou Lord never failest them that seek thee Psal. 9. 10.

Yet he commeth to thee

And of them that come to thee, thou castest none out. Ioh. 6.37.

O Lord,

Let not the guiltinesse of a sinner more prevaile to condemne, then the gracious goodnesse of a most mercifull Saviour to acquit, to pardon.

O Let not the unrigh­teousnesse of man, make the goodnesse of God of none effect.

O Lord, doe not so remember the unkindness [Page] of this thy Child, that thereby thou forget the Compassion, and kinde­nesse of a father.

Doe not thinke upon our sinne, that thou ther­by forget thine owne na­ture and property, which is alway to have mercy.

Doe not so remember our sinne, that thou ther­by remembrest not thine owne name, which is Je­sus, a loving and most kind Saviour.

Lord if thy life in our life, have not sufficiently appeared, yet let not thy death lose the full power and effect thereof in our death also.

[Page]Suffer not (O Lord) in both, so great a price to perish. Lose not (O Lord) that which thou hast redeemed, since thou camest to redeeme that which was lost.

That which was so deere to thee to redeeme; suffer it not to be lost, as a thing of no value.

Have mercy upon him, (O Lord) consider the pains which he suffereth, thou, who onely dost de­liver from the gates of death. Psal. 9.13.

Shew thy marvellous loving kindenesse, thou which art the Saviour of them which put their [Page] trust in thee. Psal. 17.7.

O keepe him, as the ap­ple of thine eye: hide him under the shadow of thy wings, Psal. 17.8.

O Iet thy mercifull Io­ving kindnesse bee his comfort, according to thy word unto thy ser­vant. Psal. 119.76.

He (or shee) is troubled above measure, O be mer­cifull unto him, accord­ing to thy goodnesse.

O consider his adversi­ty, and deliver him, for he is brought very low.

His eyes long sore for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?

His eyes are wasted a­way [Page] with looking for thy health, and for the word of thy Righteous­nesse.

O thinke upon him (O Lord) as concerning thy word, wherein thou hast caused him to put his trust

O look thou upon him and bee mercifull unto him: as thou usest to do to those that love thy name.

Cast him not away now in the time of his weake­nesse, forsake him not now, when his strength faileth him, Psal. 71.9.

In the multitude of the sorrowes that are in his heart, let thy comforts [Page] (O Lord) refresh his soule.

O Lord, when it op­presseth, comfort thou him, Esay 38.14.

O Lord, let thy strength bee made perfect in his weakenesse, 2 Cor. 12.9.

Let no tentation op­presse him, but such as is incident to thy children; But as thou art faithfull (O Lord) so suffer him not to be tempted above that he is able to beare.

But (good Lord) with the temptation, give an happy issue, that he may be able to overcome it, 1 Cor. 10. 13.

O Lord, though he be [Page] afflicted on every side, yet let him not be distressed; though in want of some of thy comforts, yet not of all; though chastened, yet not forsaken; though cast downe, yet not perish 2 Cor. 4, 8,9.

Remember him (O Lord) with the favour thou bearest unto thy children: O visit him with thy salvation.

That he may see the fe­licity of thy chosen, and rejoyce with the gladnes of thy Saints, and give thankes with thine inhe­ritance, Psal. 106. 5.

O Remember not his former sinnes, but have [Page] mercy upon him (O Lord) and that soone, for hee is come to great extremity, Psal. 79.8,9.

Helpe him (O LORD God of his Salvation) for the glory of thy name: O deliver him, and bee mer­cifull unto his sinnes, for thy names sake.

Call to remembrance (O Lord) thy tender mercies and thy loving kindnes­se, which have beene e­ver of old.

O Remember not the sinnes and offences of his youth; but according to thy mercy thinke thou on him (O Lord) for thy goodnesse.

[Page]Clense him (O LORD) from his secret sins: from whatsoever hee hath of­fended:

By thought, word, or deed; by ignorance, or er­ror; by frailty, or negli­gence; in excesse, or in de­fect; by leaving good un­done, or by doing evill; in publicke or private; by day or by night; against thee, his neighbour, his owne body.

Before, or since his ef­fectuall calling; by him­selfe or by other; Re­membred or forgotten.

From them all clense him (O Lord) even from them all; lay none of [Page] them to his charge, cast them behinde thee, bury them, drowne them, scat­ter them as the mist, and as the morning cloud, make them to vanish a­way and come to no­thing.

And wherein soever his conscience most accuseth him, therein (O Lord) be thou most mercifull.

O enter not into judge­ment with thy servant; if thou shouldest, no flesh should bee righteous in thy sight.

If thou (O Lord) shoul­dest be extreame to mark what is done amisse, (O Lord) who may abide it? Psal. 130.3.

[Page]But (good Lord) one deepe calleth another; the deepe of our misery, the deepe of thy mercie, Psal. 42.

Where sinne hath a­bounded, there let grace over abound, Rom. 5.

And in and through all sinnes and offences, (O Lord) let thy mercie tri­umph over thy Justice, Iam. 2.

O Lord heare.

O Lord forgive.

Consider (O Lord) and doe it. Dan. 9.

Delay not (O Lord) for his spirit waxeth faint; Turne not thy face from him, lest he become [Page] like those that goe down into the silence.

Be favourable (O Lord) be favourable.

For thy names sake.

Forthy truthes sake.

For thy mercies sake.

Thy many great won­derfull mercies sake.

For thine owne selfe,

O Lord,

Our Creator and Re­deemer.

Our Lord and our Fa­ther.

Our King and our God.

Commendatio Ani­mae. 12. The Commendati­on of the Soule to God, immediately before the departure.

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace. Luke. 2. Into thy hands (O Lord) we commend his spirit, for thou hast redeemed it O Lord thou God of truth. Psal. 31.

Bring his soule out of [Page] prison, that it may prayse thee Psal. 142.

Oh deliver him from this body of death. Rom. 7.

Say unto his soule, I am thy salvation. Psal. 33.

Say unto him, This day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Luke. 23.

Let him now feele the salvation of Jesus.

Let him now feele the anoynting of Christ, even the oyle of Gladnesse, wherewith thou art a­noynted.

Guide thou him through the vale of the shadow of death. Psal. 23.

Let him see the good­nesse [Page] of the Lord in the Land of the living. Psal. 27.

O Lord command his spirit to be received up to thee in peace.

O Lord, wil him come unto thee. Mat. 14.

Lord Iesu receive his spirit. Act. 7.

And open to him the gates of everlasting glory.

Let thy good spirit conduct him into the Land of righteousnesse. Psal. 143. 10.

Into thy holy hill and Heavenly Kingdome. Psal. 15.

Send thine Angell to meete him, and to bring [Page] him into Abrahams bo­som. Luke. 16.

Place him in the habita­tion of Light and peace, of joy and gladnesse.

Receive him into the armes of thy mercy and give him an inheritance with thy Saints in light, there to raigne with thine elect Angels, thy blessed Saints, thy holy prophets and glorious Apostles, in all joy and glory, felicity and happinesse for ever and ever.

13. Scriptures to be ap­plyed to those who survive, when the party is departed.

Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints. Psal. 116.

I heard a voyce from Heaven, saying, Write; Blessed are the dead, that dye in the Lord, for they rest from their labours, and their workes follow them.


Wee have sinned (O Lord) thou hast set our [Page] faults before thee, and our secret sinnes in the sight of thy countenance. Psal. 90.8.

Returne (O Lord) how long? and bee pacifyed towards thy servants, Psa. 90. 13.


I have sinned, what shall I doe unto thee, O thou preserver of man­kind? why hast thou set mee as a marke against thee, that I am become a burden to my selfe? Iob 7. 20.

Have mercy upon mee (O Lord) and restore un­to me my righteousnesse againe. Say, concerning [Page] me, (Lord) deliver him, for I have received a Re­conciliation, Iob 33. v. 24

That I have offended thee, woe is me, Iob 10.15

Yet if thou kill mee, I will put my trust in thee, Iob 13.15.


My misdeeds have pre­vailed against me, Psal. 65. 3.

O bee thou mercifull unto my sinne, ibid.

I have gone astray like a sheepe that is lost:

O seeke thy servant, for I do not forget thy Com­mandements, Psalm. 119. ult.

Wee have sinned with [Page] our Fathers, wee have done amisse, and dealt wickedly, Psal. 105.

For thy names sake (O Lord) bee mercifull unto our sinne, for it is great, Psal. 25.

My foote hath slipped, let thy mercy (O Lord) lift me up, Psal. 94.


Behold, thou art an­gry; for we have sinned: we all have beene as an uncleane thing, and all our Righteousnesse as a defiled cloath. Wee all fade as a leafe: and our iniquities (like a winde) have taken us away.

But now (O Lord) thou [Page] art our Father: wee are but as clay, and thou art our Potter: wee all are the worke of thy hands.

Be not angry (O Lord) above measure, neither remember our iniquities forever. Lord, we beseech thee, remember, wee are thy people.


Lord, our iniquities are against us; our rebellions be many: we have sinned against thee.

Yet deale thou with us according to thy name for thou (Lord) art in the middest of us, and thy name is called upon us; (O Lord) forsake us not.

[Page]O Lord, thou hope of Israell, the Saviour of it in the time of trouble, forsake us not.


Wee have sinned, (O Lord) we have transgres­sed, and done wickedly; yea, we have rebelled, and have departed from thy precepts, and from thy Commandements.

O Lord, righteousnes belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion and shame of face, because of all the offences wee have committed against thee.

Yet compassion, and forgivenesse is with thee (O Lord,) though wee [Page] have rebelled against thee (O Lord) according to thy goodnesse, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy wrath bee turned a­way from us, and cause thy face to shine upon thy servant (O my Lord) incline thine eare, and heare, open thine eyes, and behold my affliction, for wee doe not present our supplications before thee in our owne righte­ousnesse, but for thy ma­nifold and great mer­cies.

O Lord, heare, O Lord, forgive, consider, and doe it (O Lord) deferre not for thine owne sake, O my God.


O Lord, in following lying vanities, I have for­saken mine owne mercy, for the which I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes. Ion. 2.4.

Yet I remember thee, (O Lord) yet will I look againe towards thy holy Temple; O Lord, heare, and have mercy.

The Prodigall Child,

Father, I have sinned against heaven, and a­gainst thee, I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne.

But forgive mee, and make me one of the mea­nest of thy hired servants, [Page] Luke 15. 28.

Lord bee mercifull un­to me a sinner; Jesu, Ma­ster, have mercy upon us.

Have mercy upon mee, (Lord) thou Son of Da­vid, Mat. 15.

O Lord helpe me.

O Lord, even the little whelps eate of the crums of thy Table.


O Lord, I am carnall, and sold under sinne, and in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good.

The good things I doe not which I would: the evill that I would not, that doe I.

Though I consent to [Page] the Law, according to the inner man, yet I feele another Law in my na­ture, rebelling against the Law of my minde, and leading me captive to the Law of sinne.

O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this bodie of death? Rom. 7.14.

But this is a true say­ing, and by all meanes worthy to bee received; That Jesus Christ came into the world, to save sinners, whereof I am chiefe.


We have spent the time past of our life, after the [Page] lust of the heathen, walk­ing in wantonnesse, lust, surfetting, uncleannesse, and other excesses. 1 Pet. 4.

But thou hast redeem­ed us (O Lord) by the precious blood of Christ, the undefiled Lambe, 1 Pet. 1.

Have mercy upon us in that name, besides which thou hast given none un­der heaven, whereby wee must be saved. Act. 4.


If we say wee have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us.

If our heart condemne [Page] us not, God is greater then our heart, & know­eth all things.

But wee confesse our sinnes, and confessing them, we have an Advo­cate with the Father, Je­sus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiati­on for our sinnes.


In many things we of­fend all.

But Lord let thy mer­cy triumph over thy Ju­stice.

14. A forme of Confes­sion according to the tenne Commande­ments.


1. I have not studyed to know and seeke thee as I ought.

2. Knowing thee, I have not glorified thee, nor beene thankefull to thee; especially not for thy chastisements.

3. I have doubted of thy promises, and not trusted to thy helpe.

4. I have made flesh mine arme, and have hoped [Page] for prosperity from man, rather then from thee.


1. I have, touching thee, been full of roving imaginations and evill thoughts.

2. I have not worship­ped thee in spirit and truth.

3. I have not perfor­med the duty of invoca­tion, with that reverence which I should.

4. I have drawne neere unto thee with my lippes, but my heart hath beene farie from thee.


1. I have not with due regard taken thy name [Page] into my mouth.

2. I have with rash oathes and eager execra­tions oft abused it.

3. I have not given oc­casion to others, to san­ctifie thy name, but have caused it to bee evill spo­ken of through mine evil dealing.

4. I have not duely re­garded and reverenced those things wheron thy name is imprinted.


1. I have not spared to absent my selfe from thy holy assemblies without sufficient cause.

2. I have not to thy sab­bath or sanctuary broght [Page] that care which I should.

3. I have not spent the dayes assigned to holy ex­ercises, upon them onely, but have in them inten­ded mine owne private businesse.

4. I have been content in them with the use of the meanes onely, with­out any practice at all.


1. I have not so reverent­ly spoken of, nor so duti­fully carried my selfe to­ward some whom thou hast placed over me, as was meete I should.

2. I have not so care­fully prayed for them as was requisite.

[Page]3. Chiefly those who had mee in government touching my soule.

4. I have not opposed to them, who unreverent­ly in termes have used them.


1. I have not wished or provided for the good of my Neighbor as I should, but rather maligned, been angry and quarelled with him, and sought revenge, upon every light occasi­on.

2. I have not rejoyced in the good successe of my Neighbour, but envied his welfare.

3. I have not had due [Page] compassion on the poore, nor ministred to their ne­cessities.

4. I have not defended them against the wrongs of others as I might.


1. I have suffered my fancy to wander licenci­ously.

2. I have not eschewed the occasion of lust, nor made a Covenant with mine eyes, not kept mine eares and tongue as I should.

3. I have not brought under my body, nor kept it in subjection with ab­stinence, but have wore studiously, and with more [Page] cost intended my flesh then my spirit.

4. I have not possessed my vessell in holinesse and honour, nor preserved it from pollution, as became the temple of God.


1. I have not reckoned godlinesse great gaine, nor been content with mine e­state, but wished an high­er.

2. I have not been so exact in paying, and dea­ling with those I had to deale with all, as in justice I was bound.

3. I have by undue meanes interverted to mine owne use that [Page] which was not mine.

4. I have not, of that I had more then enough, been willing to part with to the reliefe of the nee­dy.


1. I have not been so studious of speaking the truth as I should.

2. I have beene defirous to seeme, and to bee repu­ted more then I was.

3. I have not had that care of the good name of my brother, which I was bound to have.

4. I have not hated flattery as I should.

5. I have not stood for, and defended the Truth, [Page] as was meete.


I have beene full of wandring desires, wicked affections, unlawfull con­cupiscences, evill suspiti­ons and surmises, and in­ordinate lusts, touching my Neighbour, and that which is his.

15. Severall Remem­brances of Gods Mercy.

God In his Mercy is [...] 2 Cor. 10. 1 [Page] Gen. 18.32. takes all in the better part; If it will admit any good sense, so he construes it.

[...], Meeke, 2 Cor. 10. 1. not irritable, not ea­sily stirred up or provo­ked.

[...], Sees, and sees not, makes as if he did not see.

[...], overlookes, be­yond our sinnes; not at them.

[...], passeth by, or over them, dissimulat peccata propter poenitenti­am.


When hee cannot but see, yet he forbeares, is pa­tient.

[Page]M [...].

Forbeares long, suffers long, many times, many yeares.


When he can suffer no longer, yet stands as over Ephraim, asking, how shal I stay yet? Expect at ut mi­sereatur.

When hee can stay no longer, but punish hee must, he doth it not from the heart, Lam. 3.33. but against his will.

When he punisheth, he doth it, not suffering his whole displeasure to a­rise, containing himselfe and his anger.

Not according to our [Page] deserts; nothing so much.

Not long, it indures but a moment in compa­rison, Psal. 30.5.

He thinkes every stripe two, is quickly weary, E­sa. 54.7,8.

In his wrath remem­bers mercy, Hab. 3.2.

Repents him of the e­vill, is mooved with the fight of our misery, Ioel 2 13. Psal. 106.

Hath Mercy, [...] Great mercy, multitudes of mercy.

Hath Compassions, [...], the bowells of compassion, the bowels of a parent, of a mother, [Page] Psal. 103.15. Esa. 49.

Many Bowells, [...]. Is soone ap­peared, and easily, Esa. 30. 15.

Forgives, pardons, is reconciled, Mat. 18.32. 27.

Takes into favour a­gaine, Receives to grace, 2 Cor. 5.19. Luk. 15.22. Rom 3.25.

All have sinned, and are defective in giving glory unto God, Rom. 3.23.

In his Angels he found folly; the starres are not cleane in his sight, Ioh 25 5. & 4.18. & 15.15.

But God hath not made all men for nought, Ps. 89

[Page]Yet if God should bee extreme to marke what is done amisse, who were able to abide it. Psal. 130. 3.

If he should enter into Judgement with his ser­vants, no flesh should bee found righteous in his sight, Psal. 147.2.

None were able to an­swer one for a thousand, no not Iob himselfe, Iob 9.3.

Therefore God hath shut up all under sinne, that he might have mer­cy upon all, Rom. 11.32.

Hee would have none to perish, but to come to him by Repentance, 2 Pet. 3,9.

[Page]He would not the death of a sinner, but that hee should turne and live. Eze. 33.11.

Hee would have all to be saved, 1 Tim. 2.4.

All that know their sinne, Psal. 51.3. Know, and acknowledge it, Psal. 31.5. Luk. 15.18.

Acknowledge it, and be sorry for it, Psal. 38.

Be sorry for it, and bee ready to leave it, Prov. 28. 13.

Not onely to leave it, but to judge themselves for it, 1 Cor. 11.31. Eze. 36.

And to punish them­selves for it.

[Page]By the fruites of mor­tification, Ioel 2.13. Ion. 7.5.

Accompanyed with prayer, Psal. 32.6.

Aliens, Esa. 58.7. Prov. 6.6 Dan. 4.24.

At the estimation of the Priest, who may forgive us in the person of Christ Ioh. 8.9.2 Cor. 2.10. Ioh. 20.22.

Which his mercy is not onely for common and ordinary sinners, but for the chiefe:

Such as Manasses, Paul; such as David, Peter; such as Ionas, the thiefe on the Crosse: such as Rahab, Mary Magdalen; such as [Page] the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 5.1.

Et eratis, the Jewes his betrayers and mur­therers, Act. 3.15.19.

David was a man ac­cording to Gods owne heart.

Christ is the sonne of David, and David forgave Shimei, and wept for his rebellious sonne Absolon, 2. Sam. 19.29.

The preface or Stile of the Law, Exod. 3.46.

The Lord, the Lord, gentle and mercifull, pa­tient and of much mercy, which keepeth mercy for thousands, and forgiveth.

The discourse of Elihu, Ioh. 3. 23.

[Page]Tast and see how grati­ous the Lord is. Psal. 34. 8. 1 Pet. 2.3.

His mercy is sweet. Psal. 109. 10.69.17.

His mercies are many, there is a multitude of them. Psal. 5.7. 51.1.

There is plenteous re­demption. Psa. 130. ult.

The mercies are great, they have a magnitude, Psa. 86.5. 119. 56.

In height. Psa. 103. 11. Psal. 36.5. 108.4.

In depth. Psa. 42.9.

In length. Psal. 26.6. 13.6.

There is no end of his salvation, Psal. 71.13.

Mercy shall be set up for [Page] ever. Psal. 89. 4.

His mercy is over all his workes. Psal. 145.9.

As is his Majesty, so is his mercy. Psal. 102.40.

His propertie is to have mercy. Esay. 28.21.

Hee is the father of mer­cyes. 2 Cor 1. 3.

Hee is mercy it selfe. Psa. 59.

He was so mercifull, that he forgave their mis­deedes, and destroyed them not.

Yea many a time tur­ned hee his face away, and wold not suffer his whole displeasure to arise, for he considered they were but dust. Psal. 78. 1.38.

[Page]The Lord waiteth, that he may have mercy on you, Esay. 30.18.

In the father of the lost child his image. Luke. 5. 22.

God hath shut up all under sinne, that he might have mercy upon all, Rom. 11. 32.

Where sin aboundeth, there grace doth over-a-bound. Rom. 5. 20.

Mercy ttiumpheth over Iustice. Iam. 2. 1.

This is a true saying, and by all meanes wor­thy to be received, that Iesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.

In this God set forth [Page] his love to us, that when wee were his enemies Christ dyed for us. Rom. 5. 10.

Christ dyed once for our sinnes, the just for the unjust, that he might of­fer us unto God. 1. Pet. 3. 18.

Wee have an Advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our sinnes, and not for ours onely, but for the sins of the whole world, 1. Ioh. 2.2.

I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Mat. 9. 13.

Come unto mee, you [Page] that travaile and be hea­vy laden, I will refresh you. Mat. 11. 20.

Of them that come to mee, I cast none out. Ioh. 6.37.

Thou never failest them that seeke thee. Psal. 9.10.

Why art thou so heavy O my soule, and why art thou so disquieted within mee?

O put thy trust in God, for I shall yet give him thanks, for he is the helpe of my Countenance, and my God.

Returne thou unto my rest, O my soule, for the Lord hath beene gracious unto thee.

[Page]If the Lord had not hel­ped mee, it had not failed but my soule had been put to silence.

In the middest of the troubles that were in mine heart, thy Comforts have refreshed my soule.

Neverthelesse, my soule, waite thou still upon God, for of him cometh my salvation.

He verily is my hope and my strength, he is my defence, so that I shall not greatly fall.

Let us goe with bold­nesse unto the Throne of grace, that wee may finde mercy in the time of need, Act. 4. ult.

16. Expressions of Gods Mercy, fit to be used to him in Prayer.


Of life and death, of sickenesse and health, and al things thereto belong­ing.

By whose appointment wee were borne, and a­gaine, by whose appoint­ment wee m [...] dye; our time is in thine hand; and unt [...] belong the issues [...].

Th [...]est nothing th [...] made, nor doe [...]terly forsake [Page] the workes of thine owne hands.

Thou that art a defence for the oppressed, a re­fuge in the needfull time of trouble.

Thou that never failest them that seeke thee, and to whom none ever pray­eth without hope to be heard.

Thou that promised, the poore shall not alway be forgotten; that the pa­tient abiding of the meeke shall not perish for ever.

For the comfortlesse troubles sake of the nee­dy, and for the deepe sighing of the poore, a­rise (O Lord) and men [Page] shall know that it is thy hand; and that it is thou Lord that hast done it.

O Lord,

Whose mercy reacheth to the Heavens, and whose faithfulnesse to the clouds

Of whose mercies there is neither number nor end

The greatenesse of whose goodnesse is not shut up under any time.

Who callest unto thy vineyard, even at the e­leventh houre.

Which rulest not with rigour, but with meeke­nesse doest governe the things thou hast made.

Thou that killest, and revivest, that bringest to [Page] the gates of death, and bringest backe againe.

That hatest nothing of that thou hast made, that hast shut up all under sin, that thou mightest have mercy upon all.


The Saviour and saving health of all the faithfull.

The fountaine of all grace and goodnesse.

The father of mercies and Consolation.

Thou that upholdest all such as are faling.

And liftest up those that be downe.

Thou that healest the broaken in heart.

And givest medicine to [Page] cure their sicknesse.

The Comfort of them that be in heavinesse.

The strength of them that be in weakenesse.

The health of them that be in sickenesse.

Heare (O Lord) and have mercy.

Looke downe from heaven, behold and visit, visit with thy salvation.

A Confession.

The Foundation and ground-worke of Prayer is Faith, Theoph.

The ground of Faith is the promise of God.

Lift up your hearts.

He which giveth us life, teacheth us to pray.

The prayer of the hum­ble pierceth the clouds, Eccles. 35.17

Prayer, is a conference with God.

I will set my sinnes be­fore mee, that they may [Page] not appeare before thee.

Lord my heart is ready

Lord, I feare it is not ready.

Would God it were so.

Woe is mee that it is not so.

Lord, I fit and prepare my selfe.

Assist my preparation, and make me more fit.

A Confession of the Faith.

Lord I beleeve, helpe my unbeleefe.

First, In God,

  • 1. The Father,
  • [Page]2. Almighty,
  • 3. Creator of Heaven and Earth.

In the Father, naturall affection.

Almighty, power of deliverance.

Creator, providence;

  • To Preserve,
  • To Governe,
  • To Perfect, & consum­mate all things.

Secondly, In Jesus

  • Christ,
  • His only Sonne,
  • Our Lord.

The great Mystery of godlinesse. God manifest in the flesh, for us men, and for our Salvation.

[Page]God and Man,

The Son of the Father

Anointed of the spirit Our Lord,

  • As Creator.
  • As Redeemer.

1. That he was conceived. To purge forth the sin wherin we are conceived.

2. Was Borne. To clense us of the sin wherein we are borne by nature.

3. Suffered. What we should have done, that we might not suffer.

4. Was Crucified. To take away the curse of the Law.

5. Dyed. To take away the sting of death.

6. Was Buried. To take [Page] away the corruption of our bodies in the grave.

1. That he descended in­to bell. Whither we should have gone, that wee may never come there.

2. Rose againe from the dead. That being made the first fruites of them that sleepe, he might raise our nature together with himselfe.

3. Ascended up into hea­ven. That he might pre­pare a place for us.

4. Now sitteth at the right hand of God. that he might make intercession for us.

5. Whence he shall come. That he may receive us.

6. To be a Iudge. For [Page] the consummation of all things.

Thirdly, In the Holy Ghost. And in him pow­er from on high, to san­ctifie and quicken unto e­ternall life.

Outwardly, and visi­bly, but powerfully and manifestly working in us, by the illumination of knowledge, infusion of grace.

  • In Reproofe,
  • In Instruction,
  • In Long sufferance,
  • In Assistance,
  • In Witnesse-bearing,
  • In Consolation.

Grace is the fruite of the Spirit.

[Page]Fourthly, The holy Ca­tholique Church. The my­sticall body of Christ the head, and them which the Spirit hath called out of the whole world.

To the beleife of the divine truth.

To a holy conversati­on. To the mutuall par­ticipation of all the mem­bers of the body.

To the Communion of Saints, and remission of sins in this world, and hope of Resurrection, and tran­slation to life eternall, in that to come.

I beleeve, (Lord supply the defects of my Faith.)

That I may love thee [Page] the Father. Reverence thee the Almighty.

That I may commit the keeping of my Soule to thee, as to a faithfull Creator. 1 Pet. 4.

That I may ever give thankes to thy word, and onely begotten Sonne, as the purger of our nature, in our conception and Birth.

As the Redeemer of our persons,

  • By his Passion,
  • By his Crosse,
  • By his Death.

As the triumpher over hell in his Descension, over death his Resur­rection.

[Page]As our forerunner in his Ascension.

As our Advocate in his Intercession.

As the Repairer of our Faith, in his second com­ming.

That Christ may bee formed in us.

That wee may be con­formed to his Image, in good workes. Concepti­on, in Faith. Birth, in humility.

For his Passion-sake, to have sympathie with him as suffering for us.

To suffer for him, when it shall please him to have an antipathie with sin, as the cause of his Passions.

  • [Page]To Revenge sin in us.
  • To Crucifie sin in us.
  • To Mortifie sin in us.
  • To Burie sin in us.

To make us conforma­ble to his Descension in­to hel, by our often com­ming there by meditati­on. To his Resurrection, rising againe to newnesse of life. To his Ascension, seeking and labouring after those things that are above.

To his Judgment, judg­ing our owne selves, that we may not be condem­ned with the world.

To make us remember, when wee are cold in prayer, and want any [Page] grace or heavenly com­fort,

  • Thy Seate,
  • Thy Appearing,
  • Thy Intercession.

To make us never for­get, when wee burne through concupiscence, and sinfull lust,

His dreadful and feare­full tribunall, and often to thinke on the last trumpe.

That for thy Christ his sake, the onely begotten of thee the Father, wee may receive thine anoin­ting, the grace of Sancti­fication, the unspeakeable gift of the Holy Ghost.

In a happy conjuncti­on, [Page] flowing knowledge, fervent prayer, diffusion of charity.

That I may not quench the Spirit, or resist him, or make him sad, or at a­ny time dishonour him.

That we may be called in thy catholick Church, living members both by now and holy affection.

That we may be com­mon partakers of holy persons, actions, prayers, Liturgies, or publique ser­vice, to the full assurance of remission of sinnes.

Hope of Resurrection, and translation to life e­ternall. Lord increase my Faith, [Page] as a grain of Mustard seed.

  • Not a dead, Faith.
  • Not a temporary, Faith.
  • Not a hypocritical Faith.

Destroying the Law, But working by charity co-operating with good works, subservient to ver­tue.

  • A living Faith.
  • A pure Faith.
  • A holy Faith.


A Confession of sins.

Lord, I confesse, I was borne in iniquity, and in sinne did my Mother [Page] conceive me, Psal. 51.7.

  • A roote of bitternesse,
  • A vine of Sodome,
  • A spawne of Vipers,
  • A wild Olive branch,
  • A son of wrath.
  • A vessel of wrath,
  • 1. A rebellious heart, like a deceitfull bow.
  • 2. A mouth, like an o­pen sepulchre, full of fol­ly.
  • 3. Polluted lips.
  • 4. A tongue, a world of wickednesse.
  • 5. Eyes, full of adultery.
  • 6. Vncircumcised eares, like a deafe Adder.
  • 7. A whorish forehead, like brasse.
  • 8. A hard necke, like [Page] an iron sinew.
  • 9. Hands, slow to good.
  • 10. Feete, swift to evill.

Whatsoever I have done, either was a Spiders web, or Basiliskes egge.

I have sinned before the Lord; Thee the Lord, and done this evill in thy sight.

I am by nature, corrup­tion, a worme, very dust.

By sin, a slave of Satan, and most vilde firebrand of hell.

I have sinned sins many in number, more than there are drops of water in the Sea, starres in Hea­ven, haires on my head.

Of many kindes.

[Page]In many places, on eve­ry greene field, under eve­ry greene tree: Often rei­terated, at severall turnes, as a Fountaine casteth out her waters, Ier. 6.7.

Till they became habi­tuall as skarlet, Esa. 1.18.

I sold my selfe to doe wickednesse, 1 King. 21.25.

Till they became natu­rall, like a Leopards spots or Ethiopians skinne.

I have sinned large sins, Esa. 57.8. hard sins, Ier. 30. 14.

Great, in quantity v. 15

Long, from my Mo­thers wombe, Psal. 24.11.

Thicke, cords of vani­ty, Esa: 5. 18.

[Page]Deepe; heavy, as a bur­den, Lead, Psa. 38. 4.

Having their cry reach to heaven.

I have sinned, heinous sinnes, because fruitelesly, vainely; for a handfull of corne, for a peece of bread because with greedinesse, Ephes. 4.19.

One sin after another, because with a whores forehead, Ier. 3. 3.

Because deceitfully, Gal. 2.18. Iam. 4. 10.

Because even to offence, because I have been un­thankfull, Rom. 1.21.

As a dog to the vomit, as a sow to the wallow­ing in the mire, 2 Pet. 2.22

[Page]But deliver mee from them, O Lord, because thou art righteous, and upright are thy judge­ments, Psal. 119.137.

I eate the fruit of a lye.

For what fruite have I now of those things, whereof I am ashamed, Rom. 6.21.

Broken cisternes, which can hold no water, Ier. 2. 13.

My dayes are passed a­way in thy wrath, my yeares are as a tale that is told, Psal. 90.9.

Thou hast given me up to a reprobate minde, to doe the things that are not convenient, Rom. 1.28

[Page]There is no soundnesse in my flesh, because of thine anger: neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sinne, Psal. 38.3.

Adde hither the con­fusion that is continually before me, and the shame of my face that hath co­vered me, Psal. 44.15.

Moreover my troubled minde and feare, because of thy judgements.

Lastly, bitternesse worse than of death, both be­cause I have forsaken God and am forsaken by him.

Woe be to me revolter, that I have done these things.

[Page]See, O Lord, how vilde I am become, even abhor­ring my owne selfe.

I waste for very griefe.

What shall I say? or how shall I open my mouth? what shall I an­swer, seeing I have done these things? Esa. 38.15.

To which of the Saints may I flee?

Wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Rom. 7.24.

Since I can neither say or doe more, I will lift up mine eyes toward thee.

Though I bee unwor­thy to looke towards thee, yet I will looke to­wards [Page] thee.

Out of the deepe have I called to thee, O Lord, Lord heare my prayer, Psal. 130.2.

If thou beest strict to observe what is done a­misse, Lord, who shall be able to abide?

Enter not into judge­ment with thy servant, O Lord, for in thy sight shal no man living be justify­ed, Psal. 143.2.

I appeale therefore, O Lord, from thee, to thee.

From thee being Just, to thee being Mercifull.

From the throne of ju­stice, to the throne of grace,

[Page]From thee; being a Judge, to thee being a Fa­ther in Christ.

Accept, O Lord, this humble appeale.

Suffer me not to perish Lord carest thou not that I perish? Mar. 4.33.

Which wilt that all men be saved. 1 Tim. 2.4.

That no man perish, 2 Pet. 3.9.

Lord I am thine, there­fore save me, Psal. 119.94.

Despise not the worke of thine owne hands, Wis. 10.4.

Thy servant, and sonne of thy hand-maid, Psal. 116.15.

Thy servant, a prodi­gall, [Page] Mat. 18.27. yet a Servant.

First, Thy Sonne: the price of thy Sons blood, that I might be adopted.

Though I have forgot­ten the duty of a Son, yet remember thou the love of a Father.

Though I am a wicked prodigall Son, yet I am a Son, Luk. 15.17.

I am called by thy name, Dan. 9.19.

Thou art not ashamed to be called my God, Heb. 11.16.

We are Christians, thy Christs ransomed ones, we are called by his name.

[Page]Spare thy worke, spare thy name the price of thy blood, though thou spare not us.

Secondly, But I am a sinner, and God heareth not sinners, Iob.9.20.

Yet consider I beseech thee, of what I am made.

Remember that I am but flesh, a wind that pas­seth away, and commeth not againe, Psal. 78.39.

Consider our frame, re­member wee are but dust, Psal. 103.14.

  • Fraile dust,
  • Light wind,
  • Corruptible flesh.

Lord wilt thou breake a leafe driven to and fro? [Page] wilt thou pursue the dry stubble? Iob 13.24.

Wilt thou hunt after a flea? 1 Sam. 24.15.

Thirdly, thy Creature. But miserable, humble. Spare me being humble.

David spared railing Shimei, 2 Sam. 19.19.

And David was a man after thine owne heart, Act. 13. 22.

Spare me therefore, O Lord.

Behold, we have heard the Kings of Israel are mercifull; let us therfore put sackcloath on our loynes, and ropes upon our heads, and goe to the King of Israel, and say, [Page] Let my soule live, 1 King. 20.31,32.

It may be he will save us.

Is any King of Israell mercifuller then thou?

Thou Lord sparedst Ahab, which sould him­selfe to doe wickednesse, because he humbled him­selfe. 1 King. 21. 27.

Spare mee also.

How long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people? Psal. 80. 4.

Lord, I cover not my sinne as Adam. Iob 31.33.

I doe not extenuate and lessen my sinnes.

I freely confesse

I have sinned.

[Page]Wrought wickednesse.


Beene rebellious.

But I condemne my selfe. 1. Cor. 11. 31.

Call it often to mind.

Confesse it.

Punish my selfe for it.

Spare me O Lord.

Accept the sacrifice

Of a broaken spirit.

Contrite heart.

Troubled mind.

Afflicted reines.

Wounded Conscience.

I have sinned against thee.

Fourthly, but Lord thou wilt have pitty on some; hast thou made man for nought?

[Page]Shall thine enemy say, thou hast made us to kill us? because thou hatedst us thou hast made us for to be destroyed; or that thou couldest not save us? Num. 14. 15.

Remember this that the enemy hath reproa­ched, O Lord, & that the foolish people have blas­phemed thy name. Psal. 74. 18.

As also that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Rom. 3. 23.

If thou wilt contend, the most holy cannot an­swer for one of a thou­sand. Iob. 9. 3.

[Page]Neither the infant of a day old, nor the starres are pure in his sight, yea he hath found folly in his Angels. Iob. 25. 3.

If thou, O Lord, shouldest marke iniquities who should stand? Psal. 130. 3.

If thou enter into judg­ment, no man shall bee justified.

And what shall become of thy great name, of the riches of thy mercy, of the blood of thy Sonne? Gal. 2. 21.

Shall he dye to no pur­pose?

Let the world rather pe­rish; then thou shouldest [Page] not multiplie thy mercies upon us.

Be it farre from us.

Thou hast included all under sinne, that thou mightest have mercy on all.

All which desire to ac­knowledge your sins, and the misery due for them, returne to the Lord with your whole heart.

All those thou hast lo­ved, in thy beloved.

Not small sinners.

But Manasses, and Paul.

That in them thou mightest manifest the ex­cellency of thy mercy, [Page] and open a gate of hope.

The chiefe of sinners.

Fifthly, wherefore spare me desiring to returne in­to thy favour.

For what profit is there in my blood, when I goe downe into the pit? Psal. 30.9.

In death there is no re­membrance of thee, in the grave who shall give thee thankes? Psal. 6.5.

Shall thy wonders be knowne in the darke, and thy righteousnesse in the Land of forgetfulnesse? Ps. 88. 12.

Verily the grave can­not praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee, they [Page] that goe downe into the pit, cannot hope for thy truth. Esay. 38. 18. 19.

The living, the living shall praise thee, as I doe this day.

I shall not dye, but live, and tell the workes of the Lord. Psal. 118. 17.

Sixtly, But if I have knowne thee, O Lord, and thy dealings, thou art good to them that are good and deserve wel. gracious to strangers and mourners: merciful to the bad, and them that de­serve ill.

Here I Insist.

When thou canst not for any one, for anything, [Page] yet for thine owne sake thou pardonest sinnes. Esay 43. 44.

I may come so easily.

Seaventhly. David the prophet adventureth thus to pray.

Be mercifull unto mee, according to thy Law, Psal. 119.24.

As if the Law set forth thy mercy, and indeed so it doth; The very Law from thy mouth sound­eth,

The Lord raigneth, the Lord God, mercifull and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in good­nesse and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, for­giving [Page] iniquity, and tran­sgression, and sinne, Exod. 34.6.

And by this very word thy servant Moses be­sought thee to spare thy people, Num. 14.15.

Eightly, the Prophet Isaiah, & Habakkuk, pre­sume to call mercy thy work, as if to punish were strange to thee, and be­longed to another, Esa. 28 20. Hab. 3.2.

Neither doe the Law, and the Prophets onely, but nature it selfe, but the direction of the Holy Ghost teach Iob this.

If there bee a messenger with him, an interpreter, [Page] one among a thousand, to shew unto man his up­rightnesse, then he is gra­cious unto him, and faith, Deliver him from going downe into the pit, I have found a ransome, Iob 33. 23.

He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable.

O taste and see that the Lord is gracious.

Blessed is the man that trusteth in him, Psal. 34.8.

His mercy is good, Psa. 109.21. tender, Psa. 69.16. better than life, Psal. 63. 3

The mercy of God, is Great, Psal. 5.7.

Manifold, Psal. 51.1.

Abundant, 1 Pet. 4. 10.

[Page]Large, Psal. 130.6.

Broad to the East, Psa. 86.5.

To the West, Psal. 119. 156.

Deepe as a pit, Psal. 103 12.

High, to the heavens, & above the heavens, Psal. [...]2.9. & 36.5.

Eternall every way, Psa: 25.6. & 103.17, & 13.6.

His mercy is above all his workes, Psal. 145.9.

Above our sins, Ro. 5.20.

Above his Justice, Iam. [...].13.

According to his great­nesse, so is his mercy, his salvation infinite. Psal. 71.

[Page]I know no end thereof.

He is the father of mer­cy.

It is naturall to him.

God is called mercy it selfe, Psal. 59.10.

Oh happy name, under which, no man may de­spaire! Aug.

Great is the pit of my sins, but more, the deepe of Gods mercies, Chrysost.

First, kind, patient, long-suffering, slow to wrath, long containing it selfe.

Winking at the sins of men, because they should amend, Wisd. 11.23.

Hee being full of com­passion for bare them 40. [Page] yeares, and forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not. Yea many a time turned he away his anger, and stirred not up all his wrath, Psal. 78.38.

O that thou hadst knowne this!

It is the mercy of God that wee are not all con­sumed.

Secondly, milde in cor­rection, so that his judg­ments want not mercy; his punishments are parts of mercy.

I will visite their trans­gression with a rod, and their iniquity with stripes neverthelesse, my loving kindnesse will I not utter­ly [Page] take from him, Psal. 89. 32.

He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor re­warded us according to our iniquities, Psa. 103. 10

Little correction suffi­ceth a Father, for great offences.

How shall I give thee up Ephraim? Hos. 11.8.

Thirdly, Placability, because his wrath is easily appeased.

Hee will not alwayes chide, neither will hee keepe his anger for ever, Psal. 103.9.

His anger endureth but a moment, Psal. 30.5.

In a little wrath hid I [Page] my face from thee, for a moment: but with ever­lasting kindnesse, will I have mercy on thee, &c. Esa. 54.8.

In wrath hee remem­breth mercy, Hab. 3.2.

When I said my foote slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, helped me, Psal. 104. 13.

I said, I will confesse my transgression unto the Lord, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin, Ps. 32.5.

David said, I have sin­ned against the Lord: and Nathan said unto David, The Lord, hath put away thy sinne, thou shalt not [Page] dye, 2 Sam. 1. 8.

Though for no other cause, yet for mine owne sake, saith the Lord, Esa. 43.25.

The Lord is mercifull, and will not keepe anger for ever, Ier. 3.12.

The Lord waiteth that he may be gracious unto you, Esa. 30.18.

Fourthly, Compassion, for though we suffer de­servedly, yet hee pityeth us in our misery.

He is said to have bow­els of mercy, or tender mercy, Luk. 1.78.

The Lord is very pity­full, and of tender mercy, Iam. 5.11.

[Page]Neverthelesse, he regar­ded their affliction, when he heard their cry, Psal. 106. 44.

Hence hee heareth sin­ners, being in trouble, who in their prosperity knew him not.

If wee seeke him in the time of trouble, he will heare us, aud be mercifull to us.

Fifthly, Readinesse to pardon, Psal. 130.4.

As David at first would not looke on Absalon, yet afterwards kissed him.

A Father will not on­ly pardon a prodigall Son, returning, but put on him a robe, and a ring [Page] and kill a fatted calfe, Lu. 15.22.

There is joy and tri­umph in heaven, over one sinner that repenteth, Luk. 7.

Neither doth God one­ly pardon small faults, but great sinnes.

They say, if a man put away his wife, and shee goe from him, and be­come another mans, shall hee returne unto her a­gaine? shall not that wo­man be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers, yet returne againe unto me, saith the Lord, Ier. 3. 1.

[Page]And thus he did to his Disciples leaving him.

Peter denying him with an oath, the theefe blas­pheming him, and the Jews crucifying him, Act. 3.15.19.

He is kind unto the un­thankfull, and to the e­vill, Luk. 6.35.

Sixthly, Neither doth he onely grant pardon, but grace also; preven­ting, following, compas­sing about on every side, Psal. 79.8. & 23.6. & 32.10

Seventhly, What ever good worke we doe, be­ing assisted by his grace, he will reward it.

Hee crowneth us with [Page] loving kindnesse, and ten­der mercies, Psal. 103.4.

He is mercifull, and re­wardeth us farre above what we deserve.

He suffereth not a cup of cold water to be given without a reward.

Eightly, Neither is he mercifull by nature one­ly, but also by practice.

Hee hath learned to be gracious, and shewed it for ever of old, Psal. 25.6.

We say rightly there­fore, Our Fathers trusted in thee, they trusted, and thou didst deliver them, Psal. 22.4.

Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in [Page] anger shnt up his tender mercies? Psal. 77.9.

The Fountaine is not dryed up, his hands are not shortened, his eares are not heavy.

Where are thy former. loving kindnesses? Psal. 89.49.

I will sing of the mer­cies of the Lord, for I have said, mercy shall be built up for ever.

Ninthly, As God shew­eth mercy, so he promi­seth it: so saith David, Re­member the word unto thy Servant, upon which thou hast caused mee to hope, Psal. 119.49.

For what if some did [Page] not beleeve? shall their unbeleefe make the faith of God without effect? Rom. 3.3.

If Isaac could not. change his word, Gen. 27. 33.

The Persians theirs, Dan. 6.8.

Nor Pilate his, Iob. 19. 22.

Surely Gods promises shall never be altered.

I will not let thee goe, except thou blesse me, Gen. 32.26.

Yea Lord, even dogges eate of the crummes that fall from their Masters table, Mat. 15.27.

But all these are as one [Page] in Christ, whereby are given unto us many great and pretious promises, 2 Pet. 1.4.

And in whom all pro­mises are yea, and Amen, 2 Cor. 1. 19.

Whom to have named is sufficient.

Jesus thou Sonne of David have mercy on us, Mat. 15.22.

Jesus, this is his name, because he saveth us from all our sinnes, Mat. 1.21.

Lord, do not so remem­ber my sins, as to forget thy mercy, Aug.

Sonne of David, who forgave railing Shimei, thy sworne enemy.

[Page]And thou Lord forgive.

Christ heare us.

Christ, intercede with us, and for us.

Expiate our sinnes.

Procure thy Fathers fa­vour, give us what thou art thy selfe.

Say to my Soule, I am thy salvation.

Thy apostle hath not said in vaine, This is a faithfull saying and wor­thy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came in­to the world to save sin­ners, of whom I am chiefe, 1 Tim. 1.15.

Where sinne abounded, grace did much more a­bound, Rom. 5.20.

[Page]He hath concluded them all in unbeleife, that hee might have mercy upon all, Rom. 11.32.

He commandeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ dyed for us, Rom. 5.8.

And another Apostle speaketh to the same pur­pose; Christ also hath once suffered for sinnes, the Just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, 1 Pet. 3.18.

So a third, Mercy re­joyceth against Judge­ment, Iam. 2.13.

And a fourth, if any man sin, we have an Ad­vocate [Page] with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiati­on for our sinnes, and not for our sins onely, but al­so for the sinnes of the whole world, 1 Io. 2.1,2.

Yea, he himselfe saith, Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy la­den and I will give you rest Mat. 11.28.

I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, Luk. 5.32.

These words have not beene uttered in vaine, they cannot be so uttered

Wherefore in the mul­titude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts [Page] delight my soule, Psal. 94. 19.

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that wee may obtaine mercy, and finde grace to helpe in the time of need, Heb. 4. ult.

Now therefore, O our God, heare the prayer of thy servant, and his sup­plications, and cause thy face to shine, Dan. 9.17.

Lord be mercifull to me a sinner.

Lord heare me, and that soone, for my spirit fail­eth me.

A forme of Thankesgi­ving.

Prayse is comely.

I was formerly unwor­thy let me not now bee unthankefull.

The Soule that blesseth shall be made fat.

When ye shall have ea­ten and are satisfyed, ye shall praise the Lord your God, for that good land which hee hath given you.

Blessed bee the Lord God of Iethro.

Let us sing unto the Lord God of Israel.

[Page]Thou art my god.

I will magnifie thee, and praise thee.


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy, hath begotten us againe unto a lively hope, by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 1 Pet. 1.3.

Blessed bee the Lord God of Israel, who hath visited and redeemed his people, Luk. 1.78.

Blessed he God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus [Page] Christ, the Father of mer­cies, and God of all com­fort, which comforteth us in all our tribulations, 2 Cor. 1.3.

I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the up­right, and in the Congre­gation, Psal. 111.1.

I will praise the Lord, for I am fearefully, and wonderfully made; mar­vellous are thy workes, and that my soule know­eth right well, Psal. 139. 14, 15.

My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the [Page] lowest parts of the earth.

Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being un­perfect, and in thy booke all my members were written, which in conti­nuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them, Psal. 16.

Thine hands have made and fashioned mee toge­ther around about. Thou hast powred mee out like milke, and cruddled me like cheese, Iob 10.8,9,10,

Thou hast cloathed me with skinne and flesh, and hast fenced mee with bones and sinewes. Thou hast granted mee life and favour, and thy visitation [Page] hath preserved my spirit, Iob 10.11,12.

I will blesse the Lord, who hath given me coun­sell Psal. 16.7.

I am not worthy of the least of thy mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant: For with my staffe I passed over this Iordan, and now I am become two Bands, Gen. 32.10.

O blesse our God yee people, and make the voyce of his praise to be heard, which holdeth our soule in life, and suf­fereth not our feete to be moved, Psal. 68.8,9.

[Page]For thou Lord hast made mee glad through thy work, I will triumph in the workes of thy hands, Psal. 92.4.

Blesse the Lord, O my Soule, and all that is within me, blesse his ho­ly name, Psal. 103.1.

Blesse the Lord, O my Soule: and forget not all his benefits, v. 2.

Who forgiveth thee all thine iniquities, who hea­leth all they diseases, v. 3.

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindnes and mer­cy, v. 4.

Who satisfyeth thy [Page] mouth with good things: so that thy youth is re­nued like the Eagle, v. 5.

Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing, thou hast put off my sackecloath, and girded me with gladnesse, Psal. 30.11.

To the end that my glory may sing praise un­to thee, and not be silent; O Lord, I will give thanks unto thee for ever, v. 12.

Thou which hast shew­ed mee great troubles, quicken me again, & bring me up againe from the depths of the earth. Psal. 71.20.

My lips shall greatly re­joyce [Page] when I sing unto thee, and my soule which thou hast redeemed, Psal. 71.23.

My tongue also shall talke of thy righteousnes all the day long, v. 24.

Lord God, who is like unto thee?

Blessed bee the Lord God of Israel, who onely doth wondrous things, and blessed be his glori­ous name for ever; and let the whole earth be fil­led with his glory, Amen, Amen, Psal. 72.18.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and for evermore, Psal. 113.2.

[Page]Blessed be the glory of the Lord, from his place, Ezek. 3.12.

Honour and glory, Rev. 4.9.

  • And Power, v. 11.
  • And Wisdome, Re. 5.12
  • And Strength,
  • And Blessing, v. 13.
  • And Salvation, Re. 7.10
  • And Thankesgiving,
  • And Praise,

To the blessed and indi­viduall Trinity, now and ever,



That I, Have any being,

  • Live,
  • Have reason,

[Page]That I, Am civill,

  • Am a Christian,
  • Am of honest paren­tage,
  • Am of a right minde,
  • Sense,
  • Members,
  • Am borne freely,
  • Am brought up with learning.

For deliverance from

  • Danger,
  • Disgrace,
  • Trouble.
  • For Health,
  • For A competent estate,
  • For Redemption,
  • For Regeneration,
  • For Instruction,
  • For Vocation,
  • For Thy patience,
  • [Page]For My repentance,
  • For Hope of pardon,
  • For Prevention,
  • For Healing,
  • For Benefits which wee have received,
  • For That wee have done any good,
  • For Present comfort,
  • For Future hope,
  • For Good and honest Parents,
  • For Masters,
  • For Benefactors,
  • For Good friends,
  • For Children,
  • For Faithfull Servants.

For all that have beene presidents to me,

  • [Page]By Writing,
  • By Preaching,
  • By Discoursing,
  • By Prayers,
  • By Examples,
  • By Reproofes,
  • By Injuries.

For these, and all other things,

  • Knowne, or unknown,
  • Manifest, or hidden,
  • Remembred, or for­gotten,

I doe, and will praise thee;

I doe, and will blesse thee;

I doe, and will thanke thee, all the dayes of my life.

Morning Prayer.

Lord the day is thine; and the night also is thine, thou hast prepared the light and the Sunne. Psal. 74.16.

They continue this day according to thine ordi­nances, for all are thy ser­vants. Psal. 119. 91.

Evening, and morning, and at noone will I pray, and cry aloude; and thou Lord, wilt heare my voyce. Psal. 55. 17.

My voyce shalt thou [Page] heare in the morning, O Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and looke up. Psal. 5. 3.

Blessed art thou O Lord,

Who turnest darkenesse into light, and renuest the face of the earth. Psal. 104. 30.

Who deliverest us from the terrour by night, and from the pestilence that walketh in darkenesse. Ps. 91. 5.

Who makest sleepe de­part from mine eyes, and slumber from my eye lids. Psal. 132. 4.

Blot out O Lord, as a thicke cloud, my trans­gression, [Page] and as a cloud my sinnes. Esay. 44.22.

Make us children of light, and children of the day. 1. Thes. 5. 5.

Grant that we may walke soberly, and wise­ly as in the day.

Vouchsafe O Lord to keepe us this day with­out sinne.

Preserve us from the ar­row that flyeth by day, and from the devill, which walketh at noone day.

Deliver us from the snare of the Hunter, and bitter words, preserve us from the malice of this day.

[Page]This day let salvation and peace be unto this house.

Cause me to heare thy loving kindenesse in the morning, for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walke, for I lift up my soule unto thee. Psal. 143 8.

Deliver me O Lord, from mine enemies, I flie unto thee to hide me.

Teach me to doe thy wil, for thou art my God: thy spirit is good, lead me into the Land of up­rightnesse. Psal. 143.10.

Let thy worke appeare unto thy servants, and [Page] thy Glory unto their children. Psal. 90.16.

Establish thou the worke of our hands upon us, yea the workes of our hands establish thou.

Set a watch (O Lord) before my mouth, keepe the doore of my lips. Ps. 141. 3.

Let my speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that I may know how to answer every man. Col. 4. 6.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditati­on of my heart, be accep­table in thy sight, O Lord my strength & my redee­mer. Psal. 19. 14.

[Page]Lord prosper our go­ing out and coming in, now and ever.


Evening Prayer.

By night lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and blesse the Lord. Psal. 134.3.

Evening, and morning, and at noone will I pray, and cry aloud, and thou Lord wilt heare my voyce Psal. 55. 17.

The Lord will command his loving kindnesse in the day time, and in the [Page] night his song shall bee with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life. Psal. 42. 8.

Let my prayer be set forth before thee as In­cense, & the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Psal. 141. 2.

Blessed art thou O Lord,

Who makest the day and night, and givest rest unto the weary.

Who givest songs in the night, and makest the out-goings of the mor­ning, and evening to re­joyce. Psal. 65. 8.

Who deliverest us from the arrow that flyeth by day, and from the devill [Page] that walketh at noone day. Psal. 91. 4.

Who hast not cut off like a weaver my life, and from day unto night wilt not make an end of us. Es. 38. 12.

Lord as one day succee­deth another, so have we added one sinne to ano­ther.

A just man falleth seven times & riseth up againe, but the wicked shall fall into mischiefe. Prov. 24. 16.

This day hath both Massah and Meritah.

But we returne unto thee, and all our bones cry out we repent. Luk. 17. 4.

[Page]Let not the sonne set in thine anger.

Lord thou hast done all our good workes for us, whatsoever hath beene well done, accept favou­rably.

Lord, sinne and de­struction proceede from us.

Pardon us wherein we have offended.

Accept of the good we doe.

Forgive what we doe a­misse.

Blessed art thou O Lord,

Who givest thy beloved sleepe, and makest them that feare thee to rest qui­etly Psal.127. 2.

[Page]Deliver us from the ter­rour by night, and from the pestilence that walk­eth in darkenesse.

Behold, hee that kee­peth Israel, shall neither slumber nor sleepe. Ps. 121. 4.

Lord deliver us from evill, Lord preserve my soule.

Lord I sleepe, but my heart waketh.

Visit me with thy sal­vation, and shew me thy visions by night.

Let my sleepe be a cessa­tion from sinne, as well as labour, that so by dreames I may neither offend thee, nor pollute my selfe.

[Page]Make me to remember the darkenesse hideth not from thee, but the night shineth as the day. Psal. 139. 12.

Make me when sleepe departeth from mine eyes to remember thee, that I may keepe thy statutes.

Make me to commune with mine owne heart upon my bed in the night to search mine owne waies, & not to neglect the chastning of my reines.

What is right, what more right, how I may be more pleasing to thee, better usefull to men.

Thou that compassest my paths, bed and reiues

[Page]With a cleare lanthorne to see thee, with a darke Lanthorne to see thee.

Make me thinke long sleepe, to be the sleepe of death, and my bed to be a grave, whose stuffing is wormes, and covering dust.

I will lay me downe and take my rest, for thou Lord makest me dwell in safety. Psal. 4. 9.

Into thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit, because thou hast redee­med mee, O Lord God of truth. 1. Pet. 4. 1.


The Contents contai­ned in this Booke.

  • 1 Comfortable Scrip­tures to be used to the sicke party.
  • 2 Ejaculations for the sicke.
  • 3 Heads of comfort to be administred from the consideration of God, Christ.
  • 4 Things to be recom­mended [Page] to the sicke,
    • such as are, Prayer,
    • Almes,
    • Repentace,
    • Faith,
    • Love,
    • Hope,
    • Well-doing.
  • 5 Propositions and infe­rences to be made to the sicke.
  • 6 Questions to be urged to the sicke, and Scri­ptures to be propoun­ded in answer of them.
  • 7 Questions to be added farther upon answer [Page] of the former.
  • 8 Several parts of pray­er to bee used by the sicke party, taken out of Scripture.
  • 9 A Prayer to be used by the Minister.
  • 10 A Letany to be used for the sicke.
  • 11 Severall choyce ex­pression of prayer to be used for the sicke party.
  • 12 The commendation of the Soule to God, immediately before the departure.
  • 13 Scriptures to be ap­plyed [Page] to those who survive when the party is departed.
  • 14 A forme of confessi­on according to the ten Commandements.
  • 15 Severall remembran­ces of Gods mercy.
  • 16. Expressions of Gods Mercy, fit to be used to him in Prayer.
    • A confession of the faith
    • A confession of sinnes.
    • A forme of Thankesgi­ving
    • Another.
    • Morning Prayer.
    • Evening Prayer.

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