Andrewes Golden Chaine, TO Linke the penitent sinner unto Almighty God. Richly adorned with the ornaments of ho­ly Scripture, which was never in print, nor from any man elsewhere to be had. Newly made in a godly Prayer, taken out of the pure fountaine of holy Scripture, very necessary to cure the sick soule of a sinner: and to draw him from de­speration if with a beleeving faith he will daily use it, in prayer unto Almighty God.

London printed for Iohn Wright at the signe of the Bible without Newgate. 1645.

Candido Lectori, Lege, perlege, relege.

RIght Honourable, for Gods sake, your owne sake, and yours soules sake, peruse this little Booke over, for it guides you in the direct way unto Al­mighty God, and sheweth you how to give your heart unto God, and your sinnes unto Sa­tan, every time you pray with this Prayer.

By me Iohn Andrewes, Preacher of Gods Word.

Andrewes Golden Chaine, TO Linke the Penitent Sinner unto Almighty God.

MOst Mighty Gen. 17. 17., most Holie Rev. 4. 8. Psal 99. 5. 8. Esay 6. 3., most Righte­ous Exod. 9. 27., and most merciful God J [...]el 2. 13. Psal 86. 3. 5. Exod. 34. 6., my sweet Sa­viour Wisd. 16. 21. Act. 5. 31. 1 Tim. 4. 10. Psal. 18. 1. Luk. 2. 11., and Physitian of my soule Luk 4. 23., have mercie on me thou that art full of pity and compassion Psal. 103. 3., rich unto all which call upon thee for mercy Rom. 10. 12., and never forsakest them that put their [Page] trust in thee Ier. 31. 1., againe and a­gaine have mercy on me, here I bow the very knees of my heart unto thee O God, and with sighes, groans, and feares bewaile my sinnes Psal. [...]8. 9. Jam. 4. 9., beseech­ing thee with all humility to cure my wounded and distres­sed soule.

O give my heart true re­pentance, my spirit contriti­on, and mine eyes a fountaine of teares to weepe for my sinnes.

O Lord my God Psal. 40. 6. 1 King. 7. 20. 21. Psal. 7. 1. Psal. 99. 8, 9. Psal. 30. 2. Psal. 18. 1. Psal. 7. 2., I am sicke with sinne Mich. 6. 13., and thou art my Physitian Luk. 4. 23., I am dead, but thou art my life Ioh. 11. 25., and al­though I am but earth and ashes, yet give me grace to seek for thy mercies God. 8. 27. Job 30. 19 Eccle. 17. 32..

O Lord, I know thy hand is not shortned that it cannot save Nu. 11. 2, 3., neither is thine eare heavie that it cannot heare Esay 50. 2.. [Page] but it is my sinnes, my sinnes, my unrepented sinnes Nahum. 1. 2., that have separated betwene this vanishing estate of mine Psal. 39. 5. Psal. 62. 9. and thine eternity 1 Tim. 4. 17..

O Lord I beseech thee for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake to encline thine eare and heare, open O Lord, thine eyes and see Esay. 37. 17., Oh behold the vehemency of my praying, and forgive mee, O forgive me, and blot all thy sinnes out of thy remmembrance Psal. 51. 8 9..

Here, O Lord my God Psal. 7. 2. Psal. 30. 2. Psal. 18. 1. 1 King. 17. 20, 21. Psal. 40. 6. Psal. 99. 8, 9. Psal. 109. 25. Psal. 7. 1., with all humility I prostrate my selfe before my majesty powring out my teares for my sinnes, and praying on my knees like Daniel Dan. 6. 10., weeping for mine offences like David Psal. 6. 6., crying like Esay Esay 58. 1., rore out my griefe like Job Joel 2. 13. Job 3. 24., and rent my heart with the penitent Mar. 14. 7., lament with Peter Mat. 26 75. Luk. 22. 62., sorrow [Page] with Mary Luk. 7. 38. Xsal. 109. 25. Psal. 18 1. 1 King. 17. 20. 21., and cry out unto thee O Lord my God Psal. 40. 6. Psal. 99 8 9. Psal. 30. 2. Psal. 7. 1, 2., with the Iews, O what shall I doe to be saved Act. 2. 37. Act 16. 30. 35..

Oh therefore now heare mee, and helpe me, O Lord Psal. 109. 2 lest I perish in my wicked­nesse Psal. 94. 23..

Saint Peters wives mo­ther received thee O Christ, and thou curedst her Luk. 4 39. Mat. 8. 15. Ma [...]. 1. 31., Za­cheus did but entertaine thee, and thou O God bestowedst salvation upon him Luk. 19. 9., Saint Peter which denied, and for­sware thee, went for his sins, and was pardoned Luk. 22. 62. Mat. 26 75. Mar. 14. 71..

Mary Magdalen which had many legions of devils, with teares of unfained repentance was absolved, and made a Temple of the Holy Ghost Luk. 7. 38.: And although my sinnes, my sinnes, my scarlet sinnes Esay. 1. 18., be in number many Psal. 19. 12., in weight [Page] most heavy Eccles. 38. 18., and for desert damnable Luk. 13. 3. Esay 59. 2., Yet O Iesu, my sweet Saviour W [...]s. 16. 21. Psal. 18. 1. Act. 5. 31. 1 Tim. 4. 10. Luk. 2. 11. Mat. 1. 25., I most en­tirely beseech thee, let not mee that knocks at thy gates of mercie, with sighes, groanes and teares be excluded Iam. 4. 9. Psal. 38. 9.: But forgive me, O forgive mee, againe and againe I beseech thee forgive mee, for there is mercy with thee, O Lord my God to forgive even crying sinnes unto the penitent sin­ner, although they have beene died in the deepest graine of iniquity. O Iesu my sweet Saviour Wis. 16. 21. 2 Sam. 22. 3. Act. 5. 31. Psal. 18. 1. 1 Tim. 4. 10. Luk. 2. 11., thou light of mine eyes Ioh. 8. 12. Ioh. 9. 5. Ioh. 14. 9. 2 Sam. 22. 29., which hast pro [...]sed to answer before I [...], and while I pray for to heare Esay. 65. 24. Mat. 6. 8. Psal. 19. 1 Pet. 3. 12., O for pity then heare my prayers, and grant my petiti­on, that thy crimson drops of precious bloud which trick­led downe thy azure veines, [Page] may wash away my scarlet sinnes say 1. 18., O let mine eyes be as continuall lavers to wash away the pollution of my sinnes J [...]m. 4. 9. Psal. 38. 9., seeing teares be the best and soveraign [...] balme to cure the wounds of my sinne-bleeding soule: and therefore with a melting heart, and mourning eyes Psal. 51. 4., I tremble at thy word Psal. 2. 12., and am pricked when I am rebuked Act. 2. 37. Act. 16▪ 3 [...]., and in­flamed with burning zeale Psal. 69 9. Psal. 119. 139. Iohn 2. 17. Tit. 2 14. Wisb. 16. 21. Act. 5. 31. Psal. 18. 1. Luk. 2. 11. 2 Sam. 22. 3. Mat. 1, 21., when I am instructed to come unto thee, O my sweet Sa­viouri, that I may see thee, thou joy of my heart Psal. 119 11., and love thee thou life of my soule Ioh. 14. 6. Eccles. 23. 4.; O let me finde thee my hearts de­sire Psal 42. 1, 2., and hold thee whom my soule loveth Sal. So [...]. 3. 3..

According unto the riches of thy mercies Rom. 10. 12., thou hast pro­mised to heare my petition Psal. 50. 15. Psal. 91. 15., that whensoever I shall aske [Page] any thing in thy name through faith, I shall obtaine the same Jam. 1. 5. Mat. 7. 7. Mar. 11. Luk. 11. 9. Mat. 21. 32..

Oh therefore regard now O Lord, I most entirely be­seech thee, thy gracious pro­mises towards me Eccles. 3. 11. Esay 55. 27., and be­hold the words of thine owne mouth, the workes and cove­nants of thine owne hands, how thou hast sworne by an oath Heb. 6. 17, 18. Esay 54. 9, 10., and covenanted and indented with me, To put thy lawes in my heart, write them in my mind, and remember my sins no more Ier. 31. 33. Heb. 10. 16, 17., but at what time soever I repented from the bottome of my heart, of all my sinnes, thou wilt forgive me all mine offences Ier. 24. 7. Ezech. 18. 21. Mal. 3. 7., if they were as red as scarlet, thou wilt make them as white as snow Esay 1. 18.: Ioh. 6. 27. Rev. 7. 3. [...]. 27. 31. which covenant thou hast sealed with thy owne most precious bloud, and [Page] confirmed the same by thy death and passion on the Crosse Luk. 23. 33. Ioh. 19. 14..

For whom thou hast suffe­red bitter bonds Mat. 27 2., cruell wounds Mat 25 15, tormenting death and the grave Ioh. 19. 41.: and withall, thou hast endued me with thy Image Col. 3. 10. Gen. 1. 27., that I should re­member thee, graven me on the palme of thy hand Esay. 49 16., that thou shouldest not forget me, and called me in thy name Rev. 14. 1. Reu. 22. 4. 2 Cor. 11. 2., to make me a Christian,

Betrothed through faith Psal. 119. 105., directed by thy word Rom. 5. 5., and guided by thy holy Spirit Rom. 8. 6., to enlighten my mind 2 Cor. 13. 1., cleanse my conscience Gal. 5. 22., and rejoyce my heart Luk. 2. 11. 1 Sam. 12. 3., to come unto thee my sweet Saviour 1 Tim. 4. 10. Act. 5. 31. Psal. 18. 1. Mat. 1. 21., O there­fore, I most entirely beseech thee, O Lord, to keepe me as the apple of thine eye Psal 17. 8., and cleanse me from all my sins Psal. 19. 12., [Page] Oh, let me never be confounded Psal 31. 1., O Iesu of Nazareth Mat. 26. 71. Mar. 1. 24. O sonne of David Mar. 9. 27. Mar. 10. 47., O foun­taine of mercie i, have mercie upon me. Zech. 13. 1.

I will forsake all my sinnes and cleave unto thee for mer­cie Psal. 32 11. Eccles. 17. 1., that thou maist save me Eph. 2. 7, 8. Wis. 2. 23.: I had perished, hadst not thou which didst make me Gen. 1. 25. Tit. 3. 5. 6, 7., renued me againe.

O how often would the Dragon Rev. 12. 34. Psal. 30. 2. Psal. 109. 25. 1 Kin. 17. 20, 21 Psal. 18. 1. have deuoured me? but thou, O Lord my God Psal. 7. 1, 2. Psal. 40. 6., didst plucke mee out of his mouth; how often have I sin­ned, and how often hath hee been ready to swallow mee up Rev. 12. 7, 8. 1 Tim. 4. 10. Act. 5. 31. Psal. 18. 1. Luk. 2. 11.? but thou O Lord hast de­fended me.

O Iesu my sweet Savi­our Wis. 16. 21. Mat. 12. 1., thou madest man at the beginning after thine owne Image Gen. 26. 27. Gen. 5. 1. Gen. 9. 6. 1 Cor. 11. 7. Col. 3. 10., without sinne, and therefore O Lord my [Page] God, Psal. 40. Psal. 109. Psal. 7. 2. 25. 6. 1 Kings 17. 20. Psal. 30. 2. Psal. 99. 8, 9. Psal. 18. 1., it was not man, but Satan, that was the author of sinne, and through his Diabolicall practice hee doth daily tempt me therewith.

O therefore hold him fast good Lord, and bruise him in peeces Rev. 20. 33. Ioh. 3. 35. Eccles. 23. 4. Job. 14. 6. 1 Ioh. 1. 2. Col. 3. 3. Ioh. 11. 25. Ioh. 1. 49. Ioh. 9. 5., that hee exercise his devices no longer upon mee: For my sinnes, my grievous sinnes, doe seeme so grim and ugly in my sight, so base nad loathsome unto my minde, and so venomous unto my body, and soule, that, O Lord my God, the very stincke thereof maketh mee weary of all my sinnes, and utterly abhorre and detest them.

And therefore my life 1 Cor. 1. 7. , my Redeemer Eph. 1. 7., my light 2 Sam. 22. 29 I [...]h. 8. 2., and onely Saviour Luk. 2. 11. Psal. 18. 1. Act. 5. 31. 2 Tim. 4. 10. 2 Sam. 22. 3. Mat. 21. 2.. I doe here from the bottome of my heart, by thine assistance, with all my force and might, forsake and [Page] loath my sinnes. And here I bequeath all my sinnes, and every one of them unto Satan from whence they came; and I will also both now and ever­more by thy helpe, O Lord, renounce, loath, and defie Sa­tan, and all his workes, both past, present, and for to come Pet. 1. 8 9. Psal 99. 8, 9. Psal. 30. 2., and appeale unto thee, O Lord my God Psal. 109. 25. 1 Kin. 17. 20. 21., from thy seat of justice Wis. 17. 1, 2. Psal. 40. 6., unto thy throne of mercy Rom. 10. 12. , beseeching thee mine all and onely Saviour Eph. 2. 4. Psal. 18. 1. whose armes were spread on the Crosse Luk 22. 33. Rom. 10. 13. 2 Sam. 24. 14., to embrace mee and all penitent sinners Act. 2. 31. Psal. 18. 1. Luk. 2. 11. 1 Tim. 4. 10. Mat. 1. 21. Joel 2. 32. Rom. 10. 11. Act. 10. 35. 1 Pet. 3. 18. Rom. 8. 23., to have mercy on mee, O Lord have mercy upon me; Oh naile my sinnes unto thy Crosse, and burie them in thy grave that they may never rise up in judgement against me.

Now what shall I render unto thee, O my sweet and lo­ving [Page] Saviour o, for all that thou hast done for mee: Sa­crifices and burnt offerings thou wilt not have, but a con­trite and broken heart, O Lord, thou hast promised not to despise Psal. 51. 16, 17. Ioh. 14. 9. 2 Sam. 22. 29. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Tit. 3. 5, 6, 7. Wis 2. 23. Eccles. 17. 1. Col. 3. 10..

Wherefore in token of my humblest devotion I owe un­to thy most sacred selfe, with all humility I will give my dearest love unto thee my sweet Iesus Wis. 6. 21. Psal. 65. 9. Exod. 15. 2., which art my light Ioh. 8. 22. 2 Sam. 22. 3, my way Ioh. 14. 6., and my sal­vation 1 Pet. 3. 24. Eph. 1. 7. 2 Cor. 1. 30., and what gift can be better, or more acceptable then my heart, unto my Ma­ker Gen. 1. 26., that made and redeemed it Eph. 1. 7. Ioh. 14. 6. 1 Ioh. 1. 23. Col. 3. 3.? for it can finde no rest un­till it come unto thee, to bee refreshed with the sweet sight of thy chearefull counte­nance Psal. 27. 4. Luk. 2. 11.: wherefore my com­fort 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Sam. 22. 3., my Redeemer Ioh. 11. 25. Mat. 1. 21., my life Act. 5. 31. Psal. 18. 1., and onely Saviour Tim. 4. 10., [Page] with all humility I prostrate my selfe before thy Majesty, most humbly beseeching thee to take it, oh take it, for it is thine, O Lord my God Psal. 30. 2. Psal. 7. 12. 1 Kin. 17. 20. 21. Psal 109. 25. Psal. 18. 1., it is thine.

Thou sufferedst thine owne heart to be pierced for it I [...]h 19. 34. Psal. 40. 6. Psal. 99. 8, 9. 1 Tim. 4. 10. 2 Sam. 22. 3. Psal. 18. 1. Mat. 1. 21. L [...]. 2. 11. Eph 1 17., and didst but lend it mee during thy pleasure, and should I then detaine it from thee that hast so dearely bought it? oh no, no, I will reserve it onely for thee.

To whom fitter may I be­queath my heart, then unto thee my sweet and loving Sa­viour Wis. 16. 21. Wis. 2. 23. Col. [...]. 10., which hast given thy selfe a ransome for it 1 Col. 1. 30. Eccles. 17. 1. Tit. 3 5, 6, 7. Eph. 1. 7.?

Wherefore goe thou O my heart, I have given thee unto God my Maker Gen. 1. 21., and Redee­mer 1 Cor. 1. 30. Col. 3. 10. 7. 1., he created thee Eccles. 1. Gen. 1. 27. Tit. 3. 6. Wis. 23. and he onely shall have thee: Now thou art in Gods keeping, [Page] thou maist quietly passe tho­row the gates of death, there is neither disquieting with sorrow for sinne, nor with sin, which is beyond all sorrow; thou art there without the reach of thine adversary.

Whilst thou wast mine, thou wast a wandring, faithlesse, se­cure, carnall, and impenitent heart, (alwayes infected with the poyson of sin,) but being now thy Creators, hee will apparrell thee anew, adorning thee with the gifts of his Spi­rit, that being here clothed with the ornaments of his grace, thou maist bee trans­planted unto the Kingdome of glory, Vnto the which place, the Lord of his mercy bring me, through the mirits of his Sonne, my Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ: To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost, [Page] he rendred all honour and glo­ry, power and praise, might, Majestie, dignity, and domi­nion, both now and evermore, Amen.

In this prayer I doe from the bottome of my heart, with all humility confesse my sinnes unto my Lord and Sa­viour Jesus Christ, most en­tirely desiring him in his mercy, to give me his grace to returne unto him by spee­dy repentance.

O Iesus Christ my sweet Saviour, thou Sonne of God, which art most holy and most mercifull, have mer­cie on me O Lord, for pity heare my prayers, and grant me petitions: I am a misera­ble [Page] and most wretched sinner, which from the crowne of mine head unto the sole of my foot, have no soundnesse in me, but wounds, blaines, and pu­trifying sores of sinne, which deserve thy wrath and indig­nation against me: but sweet Lord, have compassion upon me, and anoint my wounds with thine oyle of mercy. O Lord, I come with a mourning heart, and weeping eyes, with my most earnest repentance, Oh reconcile my poore, woun­ded, and distressed soule slaine with sinne, unto thee, O Lord my God, upon the multitude of thy mercies, and with a contrite heart, with all humility, even with sighes, groanes, and tears, most lamentably bewaile my sinnes, and openly confesse them unto thee O sweet Iesus to be more in number then the hairs [Page] of mine head, or sands in the Sea. Yet O my most merci­full Saviour, I beseech thee forgive me, O Lord forgive me, and give me grace to re­turne unto thee by speedy repentance, which God grant me.


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