THE COPY OF A LETTER FROM COLONELL FRANCIS ANDERSON To Sir Thomas Glemham, JANUARY 30. 1643. touching the Invasion of SCOTLAND.

The Copy of a Letter from the MARQVES of ARGYLE & Sir WILLIAM ARMYNE, to Sir THOMAS GLEMHAM the 20. Ianuary 1643.

THE COPY OF SIR THOMAS GLEMHAMS Letter in Answer to the Lord Marquesse of Argyl's, and Sir William Armyne's.

Printed at the Desire of the Members of both Houses now assembled at OXFORD.

Edw. Norgate.

By Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Vniversity. Anno Dom. 1643.

The Letter from Colonell Francis An­derson to Sir Thomas Glemham.


THe Last night I had notice that Wel­tons Regiment was quartered in Warke Barony at Preston, Leermouth, Wark, and Mindrum, it was twelve of the Clock at night before the intelligence came to me, whereupon I immediat­ly caused the guards to be strength­ned and doubled, my Scoutes atten­ding untill this morning for more perfect information, that I might advertise you of it; it is now confirmed by one that was this morning amongst them, that there is six Colours of Horse, which were drawing out, and the Drums beating for the calling out of some Companies of Foot, which also are come over, but the certain number of foot, I cannot as yet learne, but suppose them to be a part of the Lord Maltlands Regiment, which lay at Calstreame. I shall endeavour to keep my Quarters hereabouts, untill I receive farther orders from you. I am now drawing my whole Regiment into Wooller, having heard for certain [Page 2] as I was now writing, that a great body of the Enemies Foot, and very many Troopes of Horse advanced over Barwick Bridge yesterday, and were as farre as Haggeston; it is conceived they will forthwith march towards Bell­forde, for they are Quartered on the English side; you will please to take these things into a present consideration, and afford a present answer to,

Your very humble servant FRANCIS ANDERSON.

The Copy of a Letter from the Mar­quesse of Argyle and S r William Armyne, to Sir Thomas Glemham.


ALthough we justly presume, that the solemne mutuall Covenant entered into by both King­domes, hath long since come to your hands, and likewise that you have had notice of the rai­sing of this Army desired by the Parliament of England for the prosecution of those ends therein expressed, viz. The preservation and reformation of Religion, the true Honour and happinesse of the King, and the publique Peace and liberty of His Dominions; yet that it may appeare both to you and all the World, how unwilling we are to [Page 3] make a forcible use of those Armes we have been constrained (by the disappointment of all other meanes of safety) to take up; We the Commissioners and Committees of both King­domes have thought fit, besides that Declaration (a Copy whereof we herewith send) lately emitted in the name of the Kingdome of Scotland for the satisfaction of the people, con­cerning the entrance of this their Army, to take more parti­cular notice of you the chiefe Gentlemen and Commanders, hoping likewise, that things of so great and considerable con­sequence will find with you, such entertainment as may answer the weight and importance of them.

We will not so much wrong the cause we have undertaken, as to go about, after so many evident demonstrations of the ne­cessity of our present posture, to dispute it with you, but ra­ther instead of arguments, we think it reasonable to acquaint you with our well weighed resolutions, which are, through the assistance of that God in whose cause we are ingaged, and whose strength alone we trust in, with our utmost industry and hazard, to endeavour the prevention of that imminent danger not only of corruption but of ruine, which we see evi­dently intended to the true Protestant Religion by the Popish and Prelaticall faction, who never wanted will, but now think they want not strength and opportunity to accomplish it, as also the rescuing His Maiesties Person and honour so deeply and unhappily intangled in the Counsells & practices of them, whose actions speak their ends to be little better then Popery and Tyranny, and the redeeming the Peace and Liberty of his Dominions; in which the Irish Rebellion, and the sad and unnaturall divisions in England have made so great a breach.

To the accomplishment of these so iust and honourable de­signes, [Page 4] we have reason to expect the concurrence of all men who either owe or pretend a due love to their Religion, King, and Country, and shall be very sory to want yours; but if mis­information, or any other unhappy grounds, shall so farre pre­vaile with you, as to reckon us in the number of your Ene­mies (which certainly we are not, if you be friends to those ends mentioned in our Covenant) and if instead of that con­currence with us, which we wish, and hope to deserve, we find from you opposition and Acts of hostility. The Law of nature, and your owne reason will tell you what you are to expect.

We only adde, that though it will not a little trouble us, to see men withstanding not only us but their owne good and hap­pinesse. Yet it doth in good measure satisfie us, that we have not neglected this or any other meanes to the best of our power, or understanding, to prevent those inconveniences and mis­chiefes that may arise from those Acts of force, which we shall be necessitated unto.

Your Friends Argyll. W. Armyne.

Sir Thomas Glemhams Letter in Answer to the Marquesse of Argyl's and Sir William Armyne's.

My Lord,

I Have this day received yours, together with one to the Gentlemen of the Countrey, and having communicated with them, we returne you this An­swer.

That without the sight of that Let­ter we could not have bin induced by any flying rumors to beleeve, that the Scottish Nation, or the prevailing party for the present in that Nation, would have attempted an Invasion of Eng­land: so contrary to the Lawes of God, of Nations, of both Kingdoms, and especially to the late Act of Pacifica­tion: so opposite to their Allegiance and gratitude to His Majesty, to that neighbourly love which they pretend, to that discreet care which they should have of their own safety.

We could not otherwise have imagined that they who by His Majesties goodnesse enjoy a settlement of their Church and State, according to their own desires, should needlesly and ingratefully imbroyle themselves in a busi­nesse that concernes them not, forfeit their Rights, disob­lige His Majesty, and hazard the losse of their present hap­pinesse.

[Page 6]No Order of any Committee or Committees whatsoe­ver of Men or Angells, can give them power to March in­to the Bowels of another Kingdome, to make offensive Warre against their naturall Soveraigne, upon the empty pretence of Evill Councellors, who could never yet be named. And for the English agents, we cannot believe them to be any Commissioners Lawfully authorized, ei­ther by the Parliament, or by the two Houses, or yet by the House of Commons, whence so many of the Mem­bers are expelled by partiall Votes, so many banished by seditious tumults, so many voluntarily absent themselves out of Conscience, where desperation or want of opportu­nity to depart, or feare of certain Plunder, are the chiefest Bonds which hold the little remnant together from dissi­pation, where the venerable name of PARLIAMENT is made a stale to Countenance the pernitious Counsailes and Acts of a Close Committee.

For Subjects to make forraigne Confederacies without their Soveraignes assent, to invade the territories of their undoubted King, to goe about by force to change the Lawes and Religion established, is grosse Treason without all contradiction; And in this case it Argues strongly, who have been the contrivers and fomenters of all our troubles. No Covenant whatsoever, or with whom­soever, can justify such proceedings, or oblige a Subject to runne such disloyall courses. If any man out of Igno­rance, or Feare, or Credulity, have entred into such a Co­venant, it bindes him not, except it be to repentance. Nei­ther is there any such necessity, as is pretended, of your present posture, your selves cannot alleadge that you are any way provoked by us, neither are we Conscious to our selves of the least intention to molest you.

[Page 7]Those ends which you propose are plausible indeed to them who doe not understand them, the blackest designes did never want the same pretences; if by the Protestant Religion, you intend our Articles, which are the publique Confession of our Church, and our Book of Common Prayer established by Act of Parliament, you need not trouble your selves, we are ready to defend them with our Bloud: If it be otherwise, it is plain to all the World, that it is not the Preservation, but the Innovation of Re­ligion which you seek, how ever by you stiled Reforma­tion. And what calling have you to reforme us by the sword? We do not remember that ever the like indignity was offered by one Nation to another, by a lesser to a greater, That those men who have heretofore pleaded so vehemently for Liberty of Conscience, against all Oathes and Subscriptions, should now assume a power to them­selves by Armes to impose a Law upon the Consciences of their fellow Subjects. A vanquished Nation would scarce endure such Tearmes from their Conquerers.

But this We are sure of, that this is the way to make the Protestant Religion odious to all Monarchs, Christian and Pagan.

Your other two ends, that is the Honour and happi­nesse of the King, and the publique Peace and Liberty of His Dominions, are so manifestly contrary to your pra­ctice, that We need no other motives to withdraw you from such a Course, as tends so directly to make His Ma­jesty Contemptible at home and abroad, and to fill all His Dominions with Rapine and Blood.

In an Army all have not the same intentions, Wee have seen the Articles agreed upon, and those vast Sums and Conditions, contained in them, as if our Countreymen [Page 8] thought that England was indeed a Well that could never be drawn dry, and whatsoever the intentions be, We know right well what will be the consequents: if it were other­wise, no intention or consequent whatsoever can justify an unlawfull Action. And therefore you do wisely to de­cline all disputation about it, it is an easy thing to pretend the Cause of God, as the Iewes did the Temple of the Lord, but this is farre from those evident demonstrations, which you often mention, never make.

Consider that there must be an Account given to God of all the blood which shall be shed in this quarrell. The way to prevent it, is not by such insinuations, but to retire before the Sword be unsheathed, or the breach be made too wide; you cannot think that we are grown such tame Creatures, to desert our Religion, our Lawes, our Liber­ties, our Estates, upon command of Forreigners, and to suffer our selves and our Posterity, to be made Beggers and Slaves without opposition. If any of ours shall joyne with you in this Action, we cannot look upon them other­wise then as Traitors to their King, Vipers to their native Country, and such as have been Plotters or Fomenters of this designe from the beginning. But if misinformation or Feare, hath drawn any of yours ignorantly or unwil­lingly into this Cause, We desire them to withdraw themselves at last, and not to make themselves accessaries to that deluge of Mischiefe which this second voyage is like to bring upon both Kingdomes.


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