A CALL TO ALL Bishops, and Others, VVho are zealous for the Book of Common-Prayer, &c. (for which I have been also sometime zealous) By way of remembrance, now to come to the Way of the Quakers to the Grace of God, to the Light and Spirit of the Lord, &c. which they so often in words have prayed for and desired, as may appear by the ensuing Relation, and Collection out of the Book of Common Prayer, compared with the Principle and Practice of the People called QƲAKERS. And let them read it in moderation, & mark & consider it well; for it is a serious Invitation to them all, from the Lord. And henceforth cease to persecute the Quakers, for the practice of those things, which they so often pray for; & not to mock God, to pray for that which they themselves will not receive and obey, and so condemn themselves in that which they allow. And let them also consider, how in dayes past the Jews (when Christ came) were in earnest expectation, and desired his coming, and yet when he was come, they persecuted him, and would not receive him: So now, many pray for the Grace and Spirit of God, and yet resist it as it comes, & persecute them that have received it, and do obey it, and bring forth the fruits thereof; and worship God according to his own Institutions in spirit and in truth, for which we ought not to be questioned or persecuted; for the service of God is perfect Freedom; and he expects to have the free exercise of our hearts and minds therein: And who shall gainsay him and prosper? J. A.
Printed in the Year, 1670.
A Call to all Bishops, &c. to come to the Quakers VVay, which they have so often prayed for, and desired, &c. and to Persecute them no more.
And that which is here desired is our Way, which we are come unto: And by the Grace of God, that bringeth Salvation, which hath appeared unto all men, are we taught and enabled to deny Ungodliness and Worldly-lusts, and to live Soberly, Righteously, and Godly in this present World; And by Grace are we saved, Tit. 2.11, 12. Eph. 2.8.
And who can come thus to live, until they come to the Grace of God, and receive it, which is our Way, which is sufficient. And where doth the Grace of God appear, within, or without a man? And how doth it appear, that you may receive it? And why should any Mock God, to Pray so to live, and yet live quite contrary, and reject the Grace of God?
And the Lord hath granted us true Repentance (Praises to his [Page 4] Name for ever) not only to Confess our Sins, but to forsake them. And Gal. 4.6. God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our Hearts, Crying Abba Father: And he hath written his Law in our Hearts, and put his Truth and Spirit in our inward parts, Jer. 31.33. Heb. 8.10. Whereby we are enabled to do that which is well pleasing in his sight. And we have Learned of the Word of God, which is pure and perfect, wherewithal a young man may cleanse his Way, by taking heed thereunto, Psa. 119.9. And we are Sanctified through the Truth, Joh. 17.17. And thy Word is Truth: And the Word is nigh thee, in thy Heart and in thy Mouth, that thou mayst hear it and do it, Deut. 30.14. Rom. 10.8. And this Word is Quick and Powerful, whereby we are enabled to live a Pure and Holy Life, Heb. 4.12.
And is not this a perfect State? And how can this be accomplished, unless ye come to Christ Jesus, who is come to save his people from their Sins, which is our Way? Mat. 1.21.
And We are come to the Washing of Regeneration, and we are come to the Blood of Sprinkling, and we are come to the Word of Faith, which purifieth the Heart, and cleanseth the Conscience, from Sin and from dead Works, Tit. 2.3, 4, 5. Heb. 9.14. to serve the Living God: And as we abide in Gods Fear our Hearts are kept clean: And as we walk in obedience to Gods holy Spirit, it is always with us; to Teach us, to Comfort us, and to Lead us into all Truth; and this is our Teacher that cannot be removed into a Corner. And why should not God take away his Holy Spirit from them that daily Resist it, Quench [...] [...]rieve it; for his Spirit shall not alwayes strive with man [Page 5] that corrupt his wayes; therefore obey the Spirit (which is our Way) if you will not have it taken away from you.
And we have learned of the Lord to seek Peace and ensue it, and are a Peaceable People; and our God hath spoken Peace to us, as we are turned from Wickedness, and from the evil of our Wayes, unto him: And we have waited in the Power and Spirit of the Lord to know Freedom from Sin, and so to serve the Lord in newness of Life: And so his Service is perfect Freedom, without the Force or Impositions of man, even by his own Spirit, which maketh Free.
And here you pray for our Way also, for the Light within, where the Darkness is, in your hearts, there to be enlightened. And we say Christ Jesus is the true Light, that Lighteth every man that cometh into the World; and the Light is our Way, which hath led us out of Darkness, which hath shined in our hearts, and given us the knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus, 2 Cor. 4.4, 6. which is the Fountain of Light and Life; And the Light shineth in the Darkness, John 1.5, &c. And so wait to know its illumination, that ye may no longer abide in Darkness, nor hate the Way of the Quakers, which is the true Light.
[Page 6]From Fornication, and all other Deadly Sins; and from all the Deceits of the World, the Flesh and the Devil. Good Lord Deliver us.
And if this be granted, there will be as great a change wrough upon you, as there is upon the Quakers; and if you come to know Deliverance and Freedom from these things, whether you will own and be of our Way, and be Perfect, yea, or nay, when you are cleansed from all filthiness of flesh and spirit? And who shall deliver you, but the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour? And how are you in the Way of his Salvation, so long as you live in these things, which are quite contrary unto him? And how can you expect to be freed from Wrath to come, and live in Sin unto Death? And therefore it is good to repent, and return unto the Lord withal your hearts, and not Mock God.
For we say, Christ is come to save us from all these things, and as we have believed in him and obeyed him, we are come to know Salvation by him, and his coming is to destroy these things, which are the Works of the Devil; yea, and also to destroy the root of sin in the heart, from whence all these things do proceed; and so he comes to finish sin, and to set an end to Transgression, and so brings in everlasting Righteousness. And if you be delivered from all Blindness, then you will come to be wholly Light in the Lord; and from all the aforesaid Evils, then surely we shall be no farther Persecuted; for there is many strive after Perfection, and many have attained it, Blessed be the Name of the Lord: And Christ Jesus hath given himself for us, that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purifie unto himself a peculiar People Zealous of good Works, Tit. 2.14. And if we walk in the Light, as he is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin: So here is a perfect State, if you would come to the Light, and walk in the Light, which is our Way; and because men hate it, and walk not in it, therefore they are not cleansed.
This is that we have and do Pray for, and the Lord hath beard and answered; and he hath brought many from the error & evil of their wayes, into the Way of Truth, and they walk therein, Blessed be the Name of the Lord: And how can people be brought into the Way of Truth, but by the Spirit of the Lord, which leadeth into all Truth, John 16.13. Which is our Way and Leader?
And why do you not receive it and obey it then, as we have done? For his Grace hath appeared, and his Spirit hath appeared, and convinced you of sin in your Hearts and Consciences, John 16.8. As you say elsewhere, Take not thy Holy Spirit form us. So you confess you have it, therefore obey it, and bring forth the Fruits thereof, while it strives; and deny Ungodliness, or else, you have no Reason or Ground to expect his Abode with you, John 14.17.23. &c.
And this is our Armour, which we have put on, which is not Carnal but Spiritual, and Mighty through God to the pulling down of the strong Holds of Sin and Satan; and in this we make War in Righteousness, not against Flesh and Blood, but against spiritual Wickedness, wherein the Lord hath prospered us: And have put off the Works of Darkness, and walk as Children of the Light and of the Day, in the time of this mortal Life, and have not delayed and put off the Day of the Lord, as many do, and yet in words pray for his coming.
And who are the Persecutors? And who are the Persecuted now? And who shall pray this Prayer now? Not they that are filled with Iniquity and Rage, but they that are filled with the Holy Ghost, for the Testimony whereof we Suffer.
Oh that we might see this Innocents day, every day, in your lives and Conversations! And where would there be Vice then, when all is mortified, and that in you? And where would be Wrong then, and Oppression then, when all become Innocent? Then there would be no more hurting or spoiling one of another, in our Streets, when all become as little Children, as all must that will enter the Kingdom of God; What Violence will there be then? But to keep a Day in remembrance of the Innocents, and just to be as little Children, Harmless and Innocent; but to Persecute them that are such, is very unsutable: For the Lord would have us all to walk according to his Royal Law, written in our Hearts, To do to others as we would be done unto: Oh this is an even Path and a good Way to walk in! And why should men choose another Way, to their own hurt and ruin? And consider Herods cruelty against the Innocent, and beware least you be found like-minded, to persecute the Innocent for the Lords Sake.
And this is our Way: And where is room for any sin then? And the Lord hath granted our Requests; and we are come to the Circumcision that is made without hands which is in the Heart, by the Power and Spirit of the Lord, and through the obedience of the Spirit are come to kno [...] the deeds of the Flesh mortifi [...], who the old man with his Affections & lust crucified, & know the new man formed, whose Nature it is to obey his Fathers Will in all things: and by the Power and Spirit of the Lord are we ena [...] [...]o be fruitful in every good Word and Work; and it is not of our selves, but by the Grace of God we are what we are, whose praise is not of man but of God: And he who is thus circumcised is not a Jew outward, but a Jew inward, in whose heart there is no Guile. And this we desire and labour to bring all men unto, to Truth in the inward parts, which the Lord delights in, and hath regard to them that love it, and are not Hypocrites.
And the Lord hath sent his Holy Spirit and Power into our Hearts; Gal. 4.6. That most excellent Gift of Charity: And we have believed and received him, and so have received power thus to walk in Charity, and Good-will towards men, and rejoyce in the Truth, and not in Iniquity, and suffer long, 1 Cor. 13.4, 5, 6, 7. verses read. And the Bond of Peace is known, and we seek peace with all men, and ensue it, and if all did come to this (which is our Way) they would be bound to Peace, and there would be an end of all strife; and as Charity abounds, Peace abounds; and because men are out of it, therefore so much Wickedness and Strife abounds: And so as you Pray, wait to receive an Answer, that you may with us have Charity [Page 10] and Good-will towards all men, and be quickned by the Power and Spirit of the Lord, that you may not be dead while you live; and forbear to persecute them who are quickened and live unto God.
And this is that we are come unto, the Word of God in our hearts; and have felt the operation thereof, to break down and abase the Loftiness and Pride of mans Heart; and to purge and clense our Hearts, and so create in us new and contrite Hearts; and here we with the Prophet have felt the Word of the Lord as a Fire, and as a Hammer.
And Friends, when you come to know this Work wrought in you by the Word of God, by which all things were made, then shall your faces gather Paleness; and ye shall also know what it is to tremble at the Word of the Lord: And so do not reproach nor scorn our Way.
And so be ye Followers of us, as we are Followers of Christ, as the Apostle hath said; and he will teach you to be Meek and Lowly, and to be of no Reputation in this World: And as you learn of him, he will teach you to be otherwise minded; and to seek the good and welfare of all men, and not to persecute; For he came not to destroy, but to save mens lives; Which is the Way of God.
It is granted: And the Inspiration of the Almighty hath given us Understanding. Job. 32.8. whereby we think, and do, that which is good; and it is not of our selves: And so here Inspiration, and the immediate Teachings of Gods Spirit is owned: And why should the Cry of the people be so vain, as to say, The Spirit ceaseth now, (and if it be so, it is to them that are Disobedient to him) and Inspiration ceaseth, and Revelation ceaseth now; what then is become of the Knowledge of God in those dayes, whom to know is eternal Life? for it is written, No man knoweth the Father save the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him, Mat. 11.27. And Gods people are taught by his Spirit; and as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God, Rom. 8.14. And this is our Teacher and Leader; And if Justification be ceased, why then do ye still pray for it in vain?
He is come to be our Comforter, which bears us up in all Tryals and Persecutions; and he speaks not peace nor comfort to the Wicked.
So here the Light is the Teacher, which we own, and bear Witness to; and have believed, and received it in our hearts, and are taught by it, which giveth the knowledge of God, and gives us Judgment and Understanding of these things that differ: And if ye were like-minded, you might come to be of a right [Page 12] Judgement; and then you would not persecute us for receiving that which you desire.
Here are many and frequent desires after our TEACHER; Oh that People would receive him, and be taught by him! and they would profit more then by all other Teachers whatsoever; For the Lord teacheth his People to profit▪ And this is he that helpeth our Infirmities, and teacheth as to Pray, and maketh Intercession for us with Sighs and Groans that cannot be uttered, Rom. 8.26. And by him we both think and do that which is rightful, and acceptable in the sight of the Lord: And why should we be persecuted for so doing? And Godliness is profitable to Salvation, 1 Tim. 4.8.
And why should not this Prayer be fulfilled, which is universal? And why should we not go to Preach and Declare the Everlasting Gospel, being called by the WORD of GOD? And many have freely given themselves up, to follow the Lord's holy Calling and Commandment therein: And who should let or hinder that which is so prayed for? And so that which is now come to pass hath been desired in former Ages: And Moses that good Man, envyed not, nor would not have others envy for his sake, when Eldad and Medah, Prophesied, in the Camp of Israel, in dayes of old, but wished. That all the Lords people [Page 13] were Prophets, who preached freely, and declared the Word of God freely, without Money and without Price: And in the Apostles dayes, who freely had received, freely gave: And why should any be offended when the Lord grants that which they themselves pray for?
And why should we be hindred, troubled, or persecuted for the practice of those things, that have been so long prayed for; being come to the fulfilling of what hath been desired by the Martyrs and primitive Reformers, since the Apostacy, who desired to see this Day; and endeavoured in their day and time a Reformation, according to the best of their Knowledge, in those dayes? And seeing that is now come to pass and fulfilled, which many good men, in their day and time, desired to see; and their Soules travelled after, and they suffered for: Why should not all now with one accord, freely lay hold upon the largeness of God's Love, and Rejoyce that the Kindgom of Heaven is come unto them, and press after it? And not to push at them who are come to walk in the Way, and are guided and led by the Spirit of the Lord, in the Path of Holiness, the end whereof is Everlasting Life: And why should not all come to walk in this Way *And also prayed for on Simon & Judēs day. in the unity of the Spirit of the Lord, and all be made a holy Temple for the Lord to dwel in, and be Worshipped, who dwells not in Temples made with hands? And why should any envy us for walking in this Way, that hath been so long desired, and yet is? And why should any endeavour to bring us back again after so many years travel on, out of your Way, in the WAY to Everlasting Happiness; but rather incourage us to go on, & rejoyce that some are come to the Good Old Way, and yet New and Living Way, that you and many others have so long in words talked of, & desired; and say [Page 14] in your hearts, This is the Truth, come let us walk in it; and this would make you right honorable in the sight of the Nations: And lift not up a hand against us any more, until you have convinced us by sound Arguments, touching these things and practices: But let us go on to walk in the Light of the Lord God, and of the Lamb, in which the Nations of all them that are saved must walk. And bless God that there is a Remnant that have obtained that which you desire; and endeavour not to turn them out of the Way; for that which is of God shall stand; and that which is of man, and by man, shall have an end, and come to nothing: For the Lord will stain the Pride and Glory of all Flesh, and exalt his own Name and Truth over all; unto whom be Praises and Glory for evermore, Amen.