The Humble ADDRESS OF THE Presbyterians, Presented to the KING
With His Majesties GRACIOUS ANSWER.
Printed for I W. in the Year 16 [...].
The Humble Address of the Presbyterians, Presented to the KING.
TO believe the Thankfulness of our Hearts, beyond any Expressions of our Lips or Pens, for Your most Gracious Declaration for Liberty for us, in the Worship of God, which we trust we shall ever value above our Property, as that without which we could enjoy nothing which we could call our own, without the greatest uneasiness imaginable: But Your Majesty having in the same Declaration also secured that unto us, both by Your [Page 4] Royal Word and Act: What could Your Majesty have done more for us? Or what is left for us further to ask of the King? And forasmuch as it hath pleased Your most Excellent Majesty, to give this safe Port to Your poor Subjects, so long tossed with Tempests, and justly to believe, that Loyalty is not intailed to a Party, as we hope we shall ever justifie the Credit, which Your Majesties Charity in that point hath given us; So we shall not cease to bow our Knees to the God whom we serve, and by whom Kings Reign, beseech [...]ng him to recompense this Royal Favour to Your Majesty, with length of days, uninterrupted Health, Felicity in Your Royal Relations, Success in Your Great Councils [Page 5] and Affairs, and finally, with the most Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God, heartily crying, as with one Voice, Let the King live for ever.
Subscribed on the Behalf of our selves, and the rest of our Persuasion.
THE Kings Answer.
I Have already found two good Effects of my Declaration; the Easing and, Pleasing My Subjects You spake of, and My restoring to God the Empire over Conscience: It has been my Iudgment a long time, that none Has or ought to Have any power over the Conscience but God. I understand there are some Iealousies among my Subjects, That I have done this in a Design: But you look like Gentlemen [Page 8] of too great Ingenuity to entertain any such Suspition.
Gentlemen, I protest before God, and I desire you to tell all manner of People of all Persuasions, as you have opportunity to Converse with them, that I have no other Design than that I have spoke of.
And Gentlemen, I hope to live to see the Day when you shall as well have Magna Charta for the Liberty of Conscience, as you have had for your Properties.
And now Gentlemen, do You so Preach to Your Hearers as they may be good Christians, and then I do not question but they will be good Subjects.