An Account of the Flight, Discovery and Apprehending George Lord Geffries, Baron of Wemm, Lord Chancellor of England: Together With the Manner of his being Taken, Examination, and Commitment To the TOWER; On the 12th. of December 1688.
UPon the News of the Prince of Orange's Approach, and the general Retreat and going over of the King's Forces, an extraordinary Council was held at Whitehall on Monday last, where, it is said, the Lord Chancellor was present: But perceiving his Case desperate, and the King's Interest not capable of supporting him, he, from the breaking up of that Council, retired himself from Business, and from any Conversation, studying, as 'tis supposed, how and by what means to shift for his Sasety, and avoid the Storm (that he no doubt foresaw) hanging over his Head, and on Tuesday morning he was no where to be found: So that it was conjectured he, upon Notice of the King's Retiring, was endeavouring to make his Escape beyond the Seas. And so indeed it fell out: For having made over some of his Goods, and otherwise disposed of what he could with conveniency in so short a time, he betook himself to find a Passage by Water, and in order thereto went down to Wapping, there waiting for the Opportunity in a Disguise, contrary to his former florid Equipage. However he carry'd it not so secretly, but those who pryed into such Affairs, understanding a great quantity of Treasure, and other things of Value were stowed in a Vessel lying near the River side, it gave suspition that something more than ordinary was intended. Insomuch that suspecting it a Fraight no ways convenient for such a Vessel, it being said to be a Collier, spoke so loud, that it came in Question. And thereupon they apply'd themselves to the Officers proper for that purpose, to Arrest and Stay the said Vessel, till a further Account could be given. And though it was not speedily done, nor without further Application, yet upon Search it was plainly perceived, that no ordinary Person was concerned therein. However he had Notice, as it is conjectured, or at least suspected a Search, and Retired, in Disguise, to a House in Hope and Anchor Alley in Wapping, where, by the Vigilance of the Neighbours, he was this Day discovered through his Disguise; and some Constables being called and consulted, it was on all hands concluded, (since they had heard he was one of the principal Persons proscribed by the Prince of ORANGE, and Confederate Lords, as an Evil Counsellor, a Perverter of the Laws, and Betrayer of the Liberties of the People) it was convenient to seize him, which they did without any Resistance, between One and Two of the Clock, being then in a Furr Cap, a Seaman's Neckeloth, and a Rusty Coat. So proceeding to carry him before the Lord Mayor, they brought him into the City in a Coach guarded with Blunderbusses, &c. preceded by one Coach and followed by another; as also by a great Number of the Rabble, with shouts and Acc [...]tions. When coming to the Entrance of Grocer's Hall, having then on an old Hat, instead of a Cap, he alighted, and was conducted thither, hanging down his Head, and shedding some Tears. And coming before the Lord Mayor, after a short Examination, &c. and a Repast for Refreshment, he was committed to the Tower in the charge of a strong Guard, where re remains to expect the Issue.