AN ACCOUNT OF THE Discovery and Siezing OF Mr. Harrison, and Mr. R—, On the Account of the Murther of the late Doctor CLENCH. WITH A Relation of the Examination, &c. of One of them, and of his Commitment to New-gate last night, the 6th. Instant.
DOctor Clench, having been most Barbarously and Inhumanely Murthered, by Two Ruffins, in a Coach, going towards Aldgate, on Monday the Fourth Instant, about Eleven at Night: Now, it being generally supposed, by all the Doctors Friends, that the Villains were instigated to Commit this Notorious Fact, more out of Malice and Revenge, than any Real Design as to Profit, on the Account of Robbing of Moneys, &c. Upon which, mature Consideration was taken, What Persons had any Quarrel with the Doctor (himself being, in his Life-time, known to be a very Peaceable, Innocent, and Inoffensive Person:) Upon which the following Concern came fresh to Memory; viz. The Doctor having, a considerable time since, Lent a certain Gentlewoman a Sum of Money, on a Mortgage, and afterwards calling in his Monys, for divers Reasons, the Thing being but for the Gentlewomans Life, that the Mortgage was upon, and for Non-Payment, neither of the principle Money, nor Interest, the Doctor proceeded at Law, and in time procured the Rent being paid to him; upon which one Mr. Harrison, who was a Friend, and as some say, kept very Familiar Company with Gentlewoman, going to demand the Rent, and they refusing Payment, saying, it was now Docter Clenches right to Receive it; upon which he was heard to say, G—damn-him, he would speedily be Reveng'd on the Doctor, and cure him of Receiving of it, or Words to that effect; and, as 'tis said, in other companys lately he has been heard to say, he would be the death of the Doctor.
A Warrant being granted for the Apprehending of this Mr. Harrison, and one Mr. R—, who is supposed to be the said Harrisons Accomplice in the Murther, they were both taken yesterday, by Constables, Tipstaves, &c. the former after a long and diligent search (he often changing his Lodgings, taking new Lodgings, on Saturday last,) was taken near White-Fryers; the latter at his own house.
Mr. Harrison, being brought before the Lord Chief Justice, and the Coachman, who drove the Coach when the Doctor was Murdered, being sent for and present, Depos'd, That he verily believ'd, Harrison to be one of the Ruffins, but that he had then Black Cloaths on; but now was in Coloured.
Harrison being Examined to give an Account, where he was from Nine to Twelve a Clock on Monday night; said, He was at a Widow-womans Coffee House near Fleet-Street; but she being sent for, Declared, That he was at her House not above half an hour; which, as she said, was from half an hour past Eight till Nine, or thereabouts; tho' he before alleadg'd, that he was there Three or Four Hours; he likewise Alledged, that he had not seen Doctor Clench for many Weeks before, though it was proved that he had been with him but a few days before.
In short, Harrison giving but a very slender account of himself, and there being very Corroborating Circumstances fixed upon him, the Lord Chief Justice committed him to Newgate that Night.
This Mr. Harrison, was formerly Clerk to Serjeant Ottway of Grays-Inn, but has been known to [...]e [...] Person of a very Lew'd Conversation for several years last pa [...]
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[...] 1692.