An Account of the Defeat of the Rebels in England: As also the taking of the late Duke of Monmouth, the late Lord Gray, &c.
YEsterday Morning His Majesty received the News of the entire defeat of the Rebels; of which we have the following account.
ON Sunday Morning the Earl of Feversham marched from Somerton to Weston, within three Miles of Bridgwater. He Quartered his Horse and Dragoons in the said Village, and Encamped his Foot in an advantageous Post near it, fronting towards a Moor, (being a spacious Plain,) and having a Ditch before them. In the Evening he had notice that the Rebels were drawing out of the Town, which made him keep his Troops in a readiness, and send out frequent parties to observe them. The Rebels so ordered their March, and with so great silence, that they found a quiet passage into the said Moor; and there towards Morning formed their Foot in Battle, to the number of between 5 and 6000. the late Duke of Monmouth being at the head of them, and marched near to our Camp: My Lord Feversham having notice of it, immediatly put His Majesties Forees, being about 2000 Foot, and 700. Horse, Granadiers and Dragoons, into a posture to receive them. The Rebels began with a great Volley of Shot and Shouts, which was returned by Ours in the same manner. In the mean time the Rebels were bringing their Horse to second their Foot, but were hindred by a Party of Horse Commanded by Colonel Oglethorpe, who engaged them till my Lord of Oxford's Regiment and the Detachements of the Guards came in to form the Line. The Resistance of the Rebels Horse, which were between 1000 and 1200 Commanded by the late Lord Gray, was very inconsiderable, being never drawn up in a Body, but giving way before all that charged them, and soon after quitting the Field. All this while the Foot stood very firm on both sides, and exchanged great Volleys, the Ditch beforementioned hindring them from closing; But our Cannon coming up, and our Horse breaking in upon them, they were at last entirely routed, and three pieces of Cannon, all they had there, taken; About 2000 of them were killed, and many taken Prisoners: The most remarkable among these are Colonel Holms, and Perrot his Major, the Constable of Crookhorn, and Williams Servant to the late Duke of Monmouth. who had about him 200 Guineas, all the Monvs he says the said late Duke had left; the Coat which he usually wore was likewise taken.
[Page 2]The Earl of Feversham, His Majesties Lievtenant-General, was during the Action every where present, giving the necessary Orders with great Readiness and Conduct: My Lord Churchil, who Commanded next under him, likewise performed his part with all the Courage and Gallantry imaginable. The Duke of Graston, and all the Commanders of Batallions and other Officers, behaved themselves with great Resolution and Bravery.
Of His Majesties Forces there were about 300 killed and divers wounded, of whom a farther account will be given in a more particular Relation that will be published of this Action.
After the Field was cleared of the Rebels, the Earl of Feversham marched with 500 Foot, and some Horse and Dragoons to Bridgwater, the Rebels that were left there having fled and dispersed themselves in several places. His Lordship left these men in the Town, under the Command of Colonel Kirk; and hearing that the late Duke of Monmouth was fled with about 50 Horse, the greatest number of the Rebels that were left together, he sent out several Parties in Pursuit of him.
My Lord Feversham intended to match yesterday with His Majesties Forces to Wells, and this day to Bath.
This Morning the King received an account that the late Lord Gray was taken yesterday in a disguise at Ringwood on the Borders of Dorsetshire, and secured by my Lord Lumley: And his Majesty has been pleased to give order that the 500 l. promised in His late Majesties Proclamation of the 28th of June 1683. shall be paid to the Persons that took him.
His Majesty has just now received an account, that the late Duke of Monmouth was taken this Morning in Dorsetshire, being hid in a Ditch, and that he is in the hands of my Lord Lumley, and now in the Tower.
London, Printed by Thomas Newcomb, in the Savoy, 1685. Re-printed at Edinburgh, by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1685.