An Account of Sir George Rook's Arrival in the Chanel with the Fleet under His Command.
Published by Authority.

THIS Evening came in an Express from Sir George Rooke, Dated on Board His Majesty's Ship the Queen, the 22th of this Instant April at Six in the Morning, being then Nine Leagues South South East off the Lizard; He left Cadiz the 30th of March, with about 190 Sail of Men of War and Merchant Ships, which are all safely arrived in the Chanel; and when he writ these Let­ters he was making the best of his way to­wards Spithead. He had received no account of the French Fleet's having yet passed the Streights.

The Letters from Plimouth of the 21. give an Account, That His Majesty's Ship the Anglesea, Captain Callwell Commander, had brought in a French Privateer of 18 Guns and 120 Men, belonging to St. Malo, which he took the 18th Instant, about 45 Leagues S. W. from Scilly; and that 11 Sail of Mer­chant Ships passed by Plimouth that Morning for the Downs, who came from Kinsale un­der Convoy of the Weymouth and the Ruby; Four of these Ships belonging to London, and being bound home from the West-Indies.

Printed by Edw. Jones, in the Savoy.

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