An Account of what passed between the King and Richard Hubberthorn, after the delivery of George Fox his Letter to the King.
SInce the Lord hath called and gathered us to be a people to walke in his feare, and in his truth, we have alwaies suffered, and been persecuted by the powers that have ruled; and been made a prey of for departing from iniquity. And when the breach of no Law could be charged against us, then they made Laws on purpose to ensnare us, and so our sufferings were unjustly continued.
It is true, those that have ruled over you have been cruell, and have professed [Page 2] much which they have not done.
And likewise the same sufferings doe now abound in more cruelty against us in many parts of this Nation, as for instance, one at Thetford in Norfolke, where Henry Fell ministring unto the people, was taken out from the meeting and whipt, and sent out of that Towne from Parish to Parish, towards Lancashire, the chiefe ground of his accusation in his passe which was shewn to the King was because he denied to take the Oath of Allegience and Supremacy; and so because for conscience sake we cannot sweare, but have learned obedience to the doctrine of Christ, who saith, Sweare not at all; hereby an occasion is taken against us, to persecute us; and as it is well known we have not sworn for any nor against any, but have kept to the truth, and our yea hath been yea, and our nay nay, in all things, which is more then the Oath of those who are out of the truth.
But why can you not swear? for an Oath is a common thing among men to any engagement.
It is manifest, and we have seen it by experience, that it is so common amongst men to swear and engage either for or against things, that there is no regard taken of them, nor fear of an Oath: that therefore which we speak from the bottom of our hearts is more then they swear.
But can you not promise as before the Lord, which is the substance of the Oath?
Yes, what we doe affirm we can promise before the Lord, and take him to our witnesse in it; but our so promising hath not been accepted; but the ceremonie of an Oath they have stood for, without which all other things were accounted of none effect.
But how may we know from the words that you will perform?
By proving of us, for they who Swear are not known to be faithfull but [Page 4] by proving of them, and so we by those who have tryed us are found to be truer in our promise then others by their oaths, and to those that do yet prove us, we shall yet do the same.
Pray what is your principle?
Our principle is that Jesus Christ is the true light which enlightens every one that cometh into the world, that all men through him might believe, and that they are to obey and follow this light as they have received it, whereby they may be lead unto God and unto righteousness and the knowledge of the truth that they may be saved.
This do all Christians confesse to be truth, and he is not a Christian that will deny it?
But many have denyed it both in words and writings and opposed us in it, and above a 100. Books are put forth in opposition to this principle.
Then some of the Lords standing by the K. said that none would deny that, [Page 5] one of the Lords asked how long we had been called Quakers, or did we own that Name?
That name was given us in scorn and dirision about twelve years since, but there was some who lived in this truth before we had that Name given us.
How long is it since you owned this Judgement and way?
It is near 12 years since I owned this truth according to the manifestation of it.
What is your Name?
Richard Hubberthorn.
Do you own the Sacraments?
As for the word Sacrament I do not read of it in the Scripture, but as for the Body and blood of Christ I own, and there is no remission without Blood.
Well that is it, but do you not believe that every own is commanded to receive it?
This we believe that according as it is written in the Scripture, that Christ at his last supper took bread and brake it, and gave it to his Disciples, and [Page 6] also took the Cup and blessed it, and said unto them, as often as ye do this, that is, as often as you break bread you shew forth the Lords death till he come, and this we believe they did, and they eat their bread in singleness of heart from house to house, and Christ did come again unto them according to his promise, after which they said, we being many are one bread, for we are all pertakers of this own Bread.
Then one of the K. Friends said, that is truth, for as many Grains make one bread of they being many Members are one Body, Another of them said, if they be bread they must be broken?
There is difference between the bread he brake at his last Supper, wherein they were to shew forth his death as in a sign till he came, and this whereof he spake they being many are one bread, for herein they were come more in the substance, and to speak more mistically as they know in the Spirit.
Then they said it was truth [Page 7] and he had spoken nothing but the truth.
How know you that you are inspired by the Lord.
According as we read in the Scriptures that the inspiration of the Almighty gives understanding, for by its inspiration is an understanding given us of the things of God.
Lords Then one of the Lords said how do you know you are led by the true Spirit?
This we know because the spirit of truth it reproves the world of sin, and by it we were reproved of sin, and also are led from sin unto righteousnesse and obedience of truth, by which effects we know it is the true spirit, for the spirit of the wicked o doth not lead unto such things.
Then the King and Lords said it was truth.
Well of this you may be assured that you shall none of you suffer for your Opinions or Religion, so long as you Live peaceably and you have the word of a K. for it, and I have also given a Declaration to the same [Page 8] purpose, that none shall wrong nor abus [...] you.
How do you own Magistrates or Magistracy?
Thus we own Magistrates whomsoever is set up by God, either K. or Supream, or any set in Authority by him, who are for the punishment of Evil doers, and the praise of them that do well such we shall submit unto & assist in righteousnesse and civil things both by body and estate, and if any man do that which is unrighteous we must declare against it, only submit under it by a patient suffering, and not rebell against any by Insurrections, Plots, and Contrivances.
Then the K. said it is enough.
Then one of the Lords asked why do you meet together seeing every one of you have the Church in your selves?
According as it is written in the Scriptures the Church is in God, Thes. 1. 1. and they who feared the Lord did meet often together and speak one to another and were edyfied and comforted one in [Page 9] another, and so is our meeting together in the fear of the Lord, and to us it is profitable and herein we are edyfied and strengthned in the Life of Truth.
How did you first come to believe the Scriptures were Truth?
I have believed the Scriptures from a Child to be a declaration of truth, when I had but a Litteral knowledge, natural education and tradition, but now I know the Scriptures to be true by the manifestation and operation of the spirit of God fulfilling them in me.
In what manner doe you meet, and what is the order in your meetings?
We do meet in the same order as the people of God did, waiting upon him, and if any have an Exhortation from the Lord he may speak it, or if any have a word of reproof or admonition, and as every one hath received the gift, so they Minister one unto another, and may be edyfied one by another.
Lord, One of the Lords said, then you know [Page 10] not so much as you may know but there is a growth then to be admitted of?
Yes, we do grow daily into the knowledge of the truth in our exercise and obedience to it.
Are any of your friends gone to Rome?
Yes there is one in prison at Rome.
Why did you send him thither?
We did not send him thither but he found something upon his Spirit from the Lord whereby he was called to go to declare against superstition & Idolatry wich is contrary to the will of God.
The Kings Friends said there were two at Rome but one of them was dead.
Have any of your Friends been with the great Turk?
Some of our Friends have been in that Countrey.
Some other things would have been spoken but the KING passed away.