AN ACCOUNT OF Nineteen REBELS That were Executed at Taunton-Dean, in the County of SOMERSET: On VVednesday the 30th of September, 1685. For High-Treason against His most Sacred MAJESTIE, &c,

AFter many disapointments in under-hand contrivances, and malicious machinations; the restless Faction grown big with mischief, being no longer capable to hide their Rancor, gave it vent, though to their Shame and Confussion; for as it has in most Ages been Evident that Heaven frustrates and blasts evil Purposes and wicked Designs; so more espe­cially in this it has appeared even to a miracle, and peculiarly in the preser­vation of his most Sacred Majesty the best of Princes, and subduing his Ene­mies under his Feet, to render all good men entirely happy, and to bring those to Condeign Punishment, which neither clemency nor mildness were able to reduce too, or retain in their due Obedience to their Lawful Sovereign; so that where Mercy cannot prevail, it is very reasonable Justice should take place, and Examplary Punishment restrain by fear, where Favour and Indul­gence proves ineffectual; that Treason and Traytorous Designs, those bains of Kingdoms and disturbers of Common-Peace and Tranquility may be rooted out, or at least overwhelmed, to a degree of rendring them impotent, and warn those who have been, or hereafter shall be tempted by such guiled baits of Ruin by sad Example, to fly and avoid them, as they tender their Safety and [Page]Reputation, which had these Persons whose Names follow, and who deservedly fell by the hand of Justice done, it might have proved happy to them and their Posterity; but entering upon an unjust and unnatural Rebellion, being by Di­vine Providence frustrated by their wicked undertaking: They were taken in the Pit they had diged for others, and being with many more brought to Ju­stice, and plain Proof made out against them, they received Sentence of Death as Rebels and Traytors against their King and Natural Lord, which Sentence was on Wednesday the 30th. of September put in Execution, in the manner un­der mentioned, upon Nineteen of them.

On the 30th. of September aforesaid.
  • Abraham Ainsly of Wapping, by Trade a Tallow-Chandler.
  • Arthur Mathews of London.
  • William Jenkins of London, Son to William Jenkins, the Non confor­mist Minister, who some time since dyed in Newgate.
  • Benjamin Heuling of London, Mer­chant.
  • John Dryer of Taunton.
  • John Hucker of Taunton.
  • Jonathan England of Taunton.
  • John Sharp of Taunton.
  • Percy Morrin of Taunton.
  • John Savage of Taunton.
  • John Fricker of Taunton.
  • John Williams of Taunton.
  • John Petram of Taunton.
  • James Whettam of Taunton.
  • John Trickey of Taunton.
  • William Satchel of Taunton.
  • William Davison of Wellington.
  • Henry Lisle of London, Linnen-Dra­per.
  • Robert Parrot of Shorditch, in the Sub­burbs of London a Brewer, Notori­ously known, as a Party actually concerned in stealing the Crown out of the Tower of London, in the Reign of his late Majesty, (of Blessed Memory) and thereby incurr'd the Penalty of Death, but was pardoned by that Gracious Prince; yet such transendent Goodness and Dispensation of Mercy, was not sufficient to deter him from entering into a Rebellion against his Royal Brother, our present most sacred Sovereign, for which he met his just Reward.

All these, the Day before mentioned, were conveyed with a strong Guard to a Triangle Gallows plac'd on the Corn-Hill, at Taunton-Dean, in the County of Somerset, where according to their Sentence they were Executed.

This may be Printed,

R. L. S.

LONDON; Printed by E. Mallet, in Bluck-Horse-Alley, near Fleet-Bridge, 1685.

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