An ACCOUNT of a Late Engagement at SEA NEAR Rye, on the Coast of Sussex. WITH The Particulars of Taking [...] French Man of War, and bring­ing her into the said Port; of [...]he Number of Enemy Killed, among whom was the Lord Strabane, &c.
In a Letter from R [...]e, August the 8th 1691.

LICENSED, According to Order.


THIS Morning came in h [...]e a Dutch Privateer, of Twenty Four Guns, and Eight Patte [...]roes, called, The Anne of Flushing, Ja­cob Vander-Linder Com [...]ander; she brought in with her, as Prize, a French Frigat of Thirty Guns, which she took in the Channel; The said French Ship came from the River o [...] Lymerick, and was making all the Sail she could, either for Hauver de Grace or Diep in France; Ship had a considerable number of Passenge [...] on Board, both French and Irish, among which were the Lord Strabane, and several other Persons of Quality, with Two Priests; There was like [...]ise a Velvet Coffin, in which is the Corps of some Considerable Person of Q [...]lity. After the Privateer had reached them with his Chase-Guns, and ca [...]e up with the said Ship, the Gentlemen, with their Small-Shot, (with the [...]ssistance of the Tarrs, on Board) made a Resolute and Obstinate Defence, [...] some time, coming up with the Privateer, Board and Board, exchanging ma [...] Broad-Sides with her, till, at last, ha­ving their Mast brought by the B [...]rd, and other Parts of their Rigging, greatly Damnified, they were fo [...]ed to yield; But, just as the privateer's Crew were Boarding them, they [...]ere observed to hurl over-Board, a small Trunk, and Leathern-Wallet; in which were supposed to be Pacquets of Letters, &c. There were about 3 [...] of the Ships Crews killed and wounded on both Sides: Amongst the Slain [...] the French Man of War, was the Lord Strabane, &c. and some Persons [...]f Note wounded: They say, There was another Ship, but just before in their Company, Laden with Plate, and other Rich Goods, Bound for France.

Here are only Three other Ship [...]n this Harbour, Laden with Wheat and Oats, Bound for London: The Wind's at West South-West, a Moderate Gale.

London, Printed for Smith in Fleet-street, 1691.

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