A NEW Prognostication For the Year of our LORD GOD, 1674.
Being the second after LEAP-YEAR.
Wherein is contained the whole Estate of the Year in general, together with the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon; As also some Predictions of the four Seasons of the year: And by what Planets the year is governed; With the Changes of the Moon, and daily Disposition of the Weather. As also, the whole Fairs of SCOTLAND; With a ready Table shewing the Age of the Moon every day throughout this Year; serving most fitly for our Ancient Kingdom, but more properly for the Honorable City of Edinburgh. Whose Longitude in 21 d. 50. m. Latitude 56 d. 4 m.
By A. F. Philomather.
EDINBURGH, Printed for the Year 1674.
A Succinct Computation of Memorable thing to this present Year, 1674.
The Creation of the World | 56 [...] |
Since The Flood of Noah | 3967 |
Since The destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah | 3577 |
Since The building of Rome | 2426 |
Since The building of Edinburgh Castle | 2004 |
Since Fergus the first King of Scotland | 2003 |
Since The Passion and Death of Christ | 1641 |
Since The last destruction of Jerusalem by Vespasian | 1605 |
Since The Christian Faith was first received in Scotland | 1464 |
Since The first Invention of Guns | 294 |
Since The Invention of Printing | 231 |
Since The Gun-powder Treason, Nov. 5 | 69 |
Since The great Plague in London, 1625 | 49 |
Since The Birth of King Charles the First | 74 |
Since The Birth of King Charles the Second | 44 |
Since The great Fire in London | 7 |
THe Golden Number, or Prime is | 3 |
The Epact | 1 |
The Cycle of the Sun | 3 |
Dominical Letter | D |
Shrove-tuesday or Fastens-Even | March 2 |
Pasch or Easter-day | April 19 |
Ascension day | May 28 |
Whitsu [...]day | June 7 |
[...] is and Fastens-Even, are just 28 day [...] inclusive
The Anotomy of Mans Body, as the P [...] thereof are governed by the 12 Signs.
The Characters of the Planets and Aspects.
♄, Saturn, ♃ Jupiter, ♂ Mars, ☉ Sol, ♀, Venus, ☿ Mercury, ☽ Luna.
☌ Conjunction, ⚹ Sextile, □ Quartile, △ Trine ☍ Opposition.
Of the Eclipses this Year, 1674.
THere will happen five Eclipses this Year, viz. three of the [...] and two of the Moon, but all of them invisible to us, except one.
The first, is an Eclipse of the Moon, which happens upon Munday, the 12 of June, about 5 aclock in the morning.
Hence at Edinburgh▪ | H. | M. | S. |
The beginning of the Eclipse is at | 15 | 13 | 36 |
The greatest Obscuration is | 16 | 45 | 49 |
The end of the Eclipse is | 18 | 18 | 8 |
This w [...]ll be an visible Lunar Eclipse to the inhabitants of Sya [...], Germany France, Holand, Denmark, Great Brittain and Ireland &c.
The second is an Eclipse of the Sun, the 26 of January about 9 a clock at night. And therefore it will be invisible to us, yet it may be seen in Ame [...]i [...].
The third is an Eclipse of the Moon, the 7 day of July about 8 aclock at nigh, so that the Moon rises Eclipsed▪ and though the beginning will not, yet the latter end will be visible if clouds, &c. interpose not
The fourth is an Eclipse of the Sun, the 23 day of Jul, about 2 aclock in the morning. And the fifth and last is another Eclipse of the Sun, about 5 in the morning; But because these last Solar Eclipses are invisible to the inhabitans of Great Britt [...] therefore I forbear to speak any more of them.
A Brief description of the four Quarters, Seasons of this Year, 1674.
Of the Spring.
THe Spring Quarter begins at the entrance the Sun into the Equinoxial sign Aries, whi [...] is upon the 10 of March 20 min. past 4 in the morning, making the days and nights equal in length.
Of Summer.
SUmmer Quarter taketh its beginning when the Sun entreth the Tropical sign Cancer, which is upon the [...] day of June, 4 min. past 7. in the morning when the days are at the longest.
Of Harvest.
AUtumne or Harvest Quarter, taketh its beginning when the Sun entreth the Equinoctial sign Libra, which happeneth the 12 of September, 27. min. past 10. at night, the day and night being equal in length.
Of Winter.
VVinter Quarter taketh its beginning when the Sun entereth the Tropical sign Capricorn, which upon the 11 of December, 30. min past 10 in the morning, the days at that time being at the shortest, and the nights at the longest.
Concerning the Lord of this Year and Quarters.
AT the desire of certain Persons I have set down here the Lord of the Year, or of this Annual revolution, with the Lords of the Quarters, by erecting figures, for the entrance of the ☉ Sun into the four Cardinal signes ♈ Aries ♋ Cancer ♎ Libra, ♑ Capricorn; and to the time of the Lunatious preceeding and succeeding the ☉ Sun [...] entrance into the same signs, which done, I find ♃ Jupiter Lord of the Spring, with ♄ Saturn partner. Secondly [Page] [...] Lord of the Summer, and partner ♃ Jupiter. [...]ly, for Autumne, ♄ Saturn, and partner ☽ Luna, [...] or the Winter, ♄ Saturn, Lord & partner ♂ Mars, [...]nence for the Lord of the Year, I find ☉ Sun [...] [...]h his two partners ☿ Mercurius and ♂ Mars. [...] [...]erve, When ♄ Saturn is Lord of the year, and [...] dignified, the people shal during that yea [...] [...] revolution, build and erect houses, shal make many alterations in Fabricks, shal abound in all things, the Earth shal be fruitful, and the people [...]al be in esteem, and honored by their neighbors. And the Husband-men shal exceedingly increase their store and wealth, and be succesful in all their labors. But if he be watery and afflicted, there shal be much cold, great and grievous infirmities, and men shal sustain much sorrow losses and crosses; and great damnage by storms and rain, and wind (but this must warrily be considered, if other significators of weather concurr, thou may assuredly [...]onclude it to be so) ancients and old men, and wo [...]en shal die, and these things shal chiefly happen, [...] these places, Cities & Regions, under ♄ Saturn his [...]ominion, & the dominion of the sign which be doth [...]ossess. Secondly as he is accordingly placed in the 12 [...]oules (as in this revolution in the second) & if held [...] the fortunat Aspects of the Lord of the second, [...] denots the succesful and prosperous condition of [...] comon people in their [...]rads and merchandising [...] they shal thrive & grow richt especially in such things as are signified by the sign wherein the cu [...]p of the second is. If he be therein weak, imp [...]d, [...] unfor [...]unat, he shal signifie contrairy, and that the people shal be poor, have losses and crosses, especially in such things as are singified by ♄ Saturn, and [...]e sign wherein he is, for according to the nature [...] the sign and planet therein must you give judge [...]nt
The exact day, hour and minut of the New Moon, her Full, and Quarters, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, the first day of every Moneth: As also the daily disposition of the Weather, for this Year, 1674.
XXXI. January begins on Thursday. Sun riseth 27 min. before 9. sets 27. min. after 3.
- First quarter on munday 5 day, 13 minuts. past 6 morning.
- Full Moon on Munday 12 day, 27 minuts past 5 morning.
- Last quarter on Sunday 18 day, 45 minuts past 9 at night
- New Moon on Munday 26 day, 35 minuts past 8 at night.
This New year beginneth with snow or cain, to the 4 day, from thence to the 10 fair and frostie. 12. 13, 14. snow, 22 and 23 tempestuous, to the end of this moneth frostie with some snow.
The first Fair in the year, is at Kilsyth the 1 day, S. Naughlanes, at the Kirk of Bethe lay in Gerry, upon the 7 day. S Mung [...] in Glasgow the 13 day▪ And at Dunkel, and Kilwinning the 21 day.
XXVIII. February begins on Sunday. Sun riseth 30 min. before 8. sets 30 min. past 4.
- First quarter on Tuesday 3 day, 41 minuts past 9 at night.
- Full Moon on Tuesday 10 day▪ 37 min. past 3 afternoon.
- Last quarter on Munday 16 day, 44 minuts before noon.
- New Moon on Wednesday 2 [...] day, 27 min. past 3 afternoon.
This moneth begins with rain and snow, the [...] [...]o [...]stuous, to the 8 treasonable winter weather, 9 [...] and snow, to the 15 [...]ie. 16 17 snow an [...] ▪ [Page] wind; to the 10 fair 20 21 wind and snow, the res [...] fair about the end rainy.
At Aber [...]hy and Forres in Murrayland, called S. Bride [...] day 1. On Candlemas [...] day in Ramff, Dunkel, Dinge [...]al th [...] a day. In Liddisdail, the 4. In Cowper of Fife the first wednesday of this moneth: Valentines day at Linlithgow the 14 day and at Forfar the 15 day, holding eight days. Ashwednesdays fair beginneth on Fastens-Evan, at La [...]erk the same day, at [...]all [...]y field 24 days.
XXXI. March begins on Sunday. Sun riseth 42 min. before 7, sets 42 min. past [...].
- First quarter on Thursday 5 day, 27 min. past 9 morning.
- Full Moon on Thursday 12 day, 5 min. past 1 morning.
- Last quarter on Thursday 19 day, 33 min. past 3 morning.
- New Moon Friday 27 day, at 8 in the morning.
This moneth begine with rain, 2 and 3 frostie, 4 5 wind and rain, to the 7 fair, 8. 9, 10. stormie, to the end of the moneth reasonable fair, with s [...]me frost [...] and snow, only about the 26 some rains, with cold weather.
S. Monence in Aberdene, Dumfermling, Abercherder, and S. Marnoch kirk the 1 day, at Pettenwe [...]m S. Duthos [...] of Ross the 6 day, on Auchtertuil the 10 day, S. Cauf [...] [...]ho 11 day, a fair at Leven the 15 day. S. Patrick in Dumbartan, and at the kirk of Strag [...], and at Kircaldy, a fair of Horse, Neat and Sheep, &c. the 16 day. In S. Johnstoun the 19 day, Cuthbert in Langtan of the Mars the 20 day, Lady day in Westweems: Bamff, and Auchtermuchty the 25 day, Palm sunday at the Kerk of Forrig and in S. Johnsto [...]n, and Skyerthursday fair in upon thursday before Good-friday, at Cowper of Angus: Otherwise Monks-Cowper. A fair in Forress, called S. Marks fair, the first tuesday after Easter.
XXX. April begins on Wednesday. Sun riseth 53 min. before 6 sets 53 min. past 6.
- First quarter on Fryday day; 55 min: past 5 afternoon.
- Full Moon on Friday 10 day, 18 min. past 10 morning▪
- Last quarter on Friday 17 day, 14 min: past 9 at night.
- [Page] New Moon on Saturday 25 day, past 9 at night.
This moneth begins with cold rains, to the 10 good Spring weather, 11 rain, to the 15 fair, 17 18 rain and wind, 19 fair, 20 22 2 [...] 24 rain and windy, 25 26 27 28 fair, 29 30 windy.
A fair at Langhomle the 1 day of April, L [...]sh on tuesday before Easter, in Carstorphi [...] the fyft tuesday after Easter a fa [...], Saint Donald fair at the K [...]k [...]f Achthe ess 17 day, Mark Evangel in Dyser [...] the 23 day, Be [...]tan da [...] the first, the 26 day, a fair at Rugla [...]d the 28 [...]ay contin [...]ing four days, at Leven the 29 day, and in Kilren [...]the 30 day▪ at Dalkeith upon the last tuesday of this moneth.
Whiles in March, and whiles in April.
Sk [...]rthursday before Pasch, in Glasgow, Dumbartan, Cowper of Aug [...], Elg [...]n of Murray, Paschmund [...]y in Cowper of Fife, Lan [...]rk, and Irwin, L [...]wsunday after Pasch in K [...]llsm [...]es, and all the week after at the SenZ [...]e of Saint Andrews.
XXXI. May begins on Friday. Sun riseth 2 min. before 4, sets 2 min past 8.
- First quarter on Sunday 2 day, 10 min. before high-noon.
- Full Moon on Saturday 9 day, 12 min: past 8 afternoon.
- Last quarter on Sunday 17 day, 4 min: past 2 afternoon.
- New Moon on Munday 25 day, at 9 a clock in the morning.
May begins with fair weather, and doth still, 6 rain, from thence to the 20 fair Spring weather, [...] rain, to the 25 fair, 26 [...]7 rain, to the end of the moneth good Spring weather.
The first day of May, called, Philip, a fair in the Grange within the Sheriffdom of Lanithg [...]w.
Holy Cros [...] day, the s [...]cond Bel [...]us, in Monross, Kinrocher and in Peebles the 3 day, at Carlouk and Dryman in the Lenox (with a weekly mercare every thursday) the 10 day [...] Bamff and at Kirkaldy, a fair of Horse, Neat and She [...]p, & [...]. the 16 day▪ and in Sterling [...] fair [...] daye: before Whitsunday, Ascension day at the bu [...]gh of Annam.
Whiles in May, and whiles in June.
Whitsonmunday in Glasgow, Dumbartan, Lanerk, and Jedburgh, Whitsontuesday, called Pardon-day, in the Chanrey of [Page] Ross, and at the Kirk of Ninans above Kircaldy, Trinity munday in Edinburgh, and Br [...] bin 3 dayes: in S. [...] one day, in Bruntiland o [...]e day a fair in Kilsyth the friday before Whitsunday, A fair in the Burgh of Linlithgow, th [...] f [...]rst thursday after Whitsunday. Trinity tuesday in England lasting 2 dayes, Trinity thursday in Falkland.
XXX. June begins on Munday. Sun riseth 45 min. before 4, sets 45 min. past 8.
- First quarter on Munday 1 day, 7 min, past 5 morning.
- Full Moon on Tuesday 9 day, 50 min: past 7 morning.
- Last quarter on Friday 10 day, 23 min: past 8 morning.
- New Moon on Tuesday 23 day, 33 min. past 6 afternoon.
- First quarter on Tuesday [...]0 day, 20 min. past 10 for noon.
Iune begins with rain, thunder and lightning, from thence good weather, 6 windy, indifferent to the 15 16 17 18 rain: to the 27 fair, from thence of the end of the moneth, or about 28 29 30 good weather
A fair in Kinross the first tuesday of June, in Longnewtoun the 5 day, Stram [...]glo Aberac [...]r and Ennerkeithing the 6 day, A weekly mercat in Forfar the beginning the 8 of June, of Neat, Sheep, Horse, &c. continuing till the first of October, at Bigger the second tuesday, fo [...] Neat, Sheep and Horse, a fair on Drymen the 9 day, in [...]org [...]ndeny the 10. S. Barnabie in [...]awder and Dyse [...]r, S. Lawrence in Grinnock [...] day; the same day th [...]r [...] is a fair in D [...]rltoun, with a weekly mercat every wednesday: also, there is a fair at Preston-pan [...] the same day, with a weekly mercat every tuesday, S. Margaret in Abernethy, Ceres in Fife 13 day, Midsummer on S. Johns day in S. Johnstoun five days, in Air four days, in Wigton, [...]amff, Ar [...]elston, and Meiklou [...] in Perth-shire, (with a weekly mercat every wednesday) 14 day: in Auchtertuil 15 day, A fair at Clackmanan 15 day, at Laddisdail 18, & at Scoon the 16, 17 18 days with a weekly merca [...] every thursday. A fair as the Burgh of Annan the third tuesday of June: S. Margaret in [...]umfermling, and at Moffet 18 day, in which place there is a week [...]y mercat every friday. [...]aritstoun 19 day. [...] his fair holden at Colrain in Ross-shire, the 20 day: Meshil, near Levens-mouth 22 day, Midsummerday in F [...]iress the 2 [...] day, [Page] and at Townyetam on the Border, the 24 day, of Horse, Neat and Sheep, &c. with a weekly mercat. In [...] in A [...]gu [...] called S. Emagola, and at the town of N [...]colsan the 25 day. S. Peters day at Forfar 26 day, holding four days. As also: [...]n Faulkland Brunteland, [...]amff, Kelso, 26 day, Gal [...]ast [...]ess [...]7 day, [...]n Peebles 29 day▪ S. Seriff fair the last tues [...]ay of this moneth, S. Iohn the Baptist day, a fair in Fraserburgh the 24 day.
XXXI. July begins on Wednesday. Sun riseth 36 min. before 4. sets 36 min. past 8.
- Full Moon on Tuesday 7 day, 28 min. past 8 at night.
- Last quarter on Wednesday 15 day, at mid-night.
- New Moon on Thursday 23 day, 29 min. past 2 morning.
- First quar▪ on Wednesday 29 day, 30 min. past 5 afternoon.
Iuly entreth fair, and doth continue till the 6, 7 ha [...]l and thunder, [...] to the 23 fair, 24 windy, rain, thunder and lightening, 28 wind and weet.
A fair in the Stow the 1 day of this moneth holding 2 days, [...]nd at Ed [...]erstoun upon the Border, for all sorts of Cattel, [...]nd in Culross, & Bigger the 1 day: Abernethy and Auchter▪ [...]ughey 2 day, S Martin of Bulze [...]n 4 day, S. Thomas 5 day, S. Palladius in Forden in the Mernes 6 day S. Andrew in Glas [...]o [...] 7 day, a fair in the burgh of An [...]an, & at Da [...]keith 2 [...]uesday of this moneth, in Kilwinning 2 day, the [...]9 S. Mar [...]ares in V [...]llim [...]re, 6 days at the Kirk of Forr [...]g, the third tuesday in this moneth: Moffat, and at Kirkaldy, a fa r of Horse, Nea [...] and Sheep, &c. the 18 day, a fair in Stirling the 20 day, Magdalen day in Lauder 22 day, with a weekly mercat very friday, Mary Magdalene in Linlithgow, Pettenweem, and Pa [...]head 22, in A [...]th & Christina in Corsto [...]phine 24 day, [...] Iames in Forfar Cowper of F [...]fe Lanerk, & Roxburgh King [...]on, [...]way, Elg [...]n in Murray, and on Musselburgh the 2 [...]. Po [...] fair in Inver [...]ey and Lambas fair in Turreff both on the last tuesday. The last thursday of Iuly a fair in Lesly, and Whith [...]rm 2 days. At Longh [...]love 15 day of this moneth.
XXXI. August begins on Saturday. Sun riseth [...]8 min before 5, sets 28 min pass 7.
- Full Moon on Thursd [...]y 9 day, 18 min. past [...] in the forenoo [...]
- Last quarter on Friday 14 day, 21 min. past 2 after [...]
- New Moon on Friday 21 day, 9 min. past 10 i [...] the forenoon
- First quarter on Saturday 28 day, 4 [...] min. p [...]st 2 [...].
This moneth begins having Saturn retr [...]rade about, which time for many days together there wil [...] be [...] rain, yet be not dismayed Husband-men the [...] also rain, the 23 windy, to the end fair.
Lambmasday in [...]etruse 3 days long, and in Melrose, [...]uer [...]eithing S. Andrews, and in Dumbartan the 1 day, [...] L [...]ckerbie in Annan [...]a [...] the 2 day [...]f this mon [...]th, [...] fair in Rain the first tuesday and thursday after in Falkand in Kelsyth 5 day, [...]n Me [...]lour the 7, S. Lawrence in [...] Auchtermuch [...]y and in Forres 10 day, in Ram 2 days before Kiimabag, and a [...] the burn of Campsie, at Dam [...]llin [...] [...]1 day Lady day in Dundee, Bamff, Mer [...]es, [...]alley-field th [...] 15 day the 20 day a fair at Rugland [...] days with a weekly mercat e ery Munday, the 22 a fair at Se [...]on 3 days, with a [...] every thursday S. Col [...] in D [...]yman the 23. Ba [...]tholomew Apostle in Linlithgow, Re [...]karn of Neel and in Clackma [...], and Peebles the 24 day, S. Zephers us in Co [...]sturphine the 26 d [...]y a fair; Sama [...]e [...]s day in Forres 27 day, and S. [...]bus day in [...] Iohnstoun, and in Lauder the 28 day.
XXX. September begins on Tuesday. Sun riseth 27 min. before 6. sets [...]7 min. past 6.
- Full Moon on Saturday 5 day, 28 min, past 3 morning.
- Last quarter on Sunday 13 day, 43 min past [...] morning.
- New Moon on Saturday 19 day, 6 min. past 9 afternoon.
- First quarter on Saturday 26 day, [...]t 12 min. past 4. afternoon
The first 6 days fair, 7 rain, 9 and 10 cold winds, with some rain. to the end of the moneth fair weather, with gentle shour [...].
Saint Giles in Elgin [...] day, in Moffat [...] day, in Skirla [...] and at Castlesoun in [...]iadshall the 4 day Latter Lady-day in [...]eering, [...]undee and Bamff [...] day, As B [...]gger the third wednesday, for [Page] Horse, Neat Sheep &c. Rudeday in Caril▪ Jedburgh, Dauid [...]rmling, Dumsre [...], & Athelston 24 day at [...]engnenton 23 day [...] & Sala [...] the 11 day a fair at Forfar the 15 day [...] day [...] a fair at Kircaldy of Horst Neat & Sheep, & [...] [...]he [...] day▪ in [...]aw the 23 day with a weekly mercat every [...] Ros [...]shire fryday. Mat. Apostle in Linlithgow [...] day, a fair [...] Col [...]n called S. Georges fair 25 day; fair at [...] and [...]t Nicolson the 27 day, a fair at Tranent the same day with [...] weekly mercat every Saturday, Saint Michael in Hadington, [...]esly [...]ire, S. Andrews, Cr [...]ef, Kirkubright, Gallashials, and of the Kirk of [...]ttig, the 20 day, a fair at the [...] of [...] the same day, S. Ierome in Bamff the last day.
XXXI. October begins on Thursday. Sun riseth 14 min. before 7, sets 14. min. past 5.
- Full [...]oon on Sunday 4 day, 22 min. past 8 at night.
- Last quarter on Munday 12 day, at noon-tide.
- New Moon Munday 19 day, 23 min, past 3 morning.
- First quarter on Munday 26 day, 49 min. past 9 morning.
The 1 2 3 and 4 are rainy and stor [...]ite, to the end at [...] moneth reasonable weather, with some rain or snow
The 1 2 3 a fair in Salt Preston, at L [...]ke [...]bia in Annandail [...]he 2 day, with a weekly mercat every thursday of horse, [...]eat, [...]nd s [...]p, and all other comm [...]dities, S. Franci [...] [...]n Abernethy, [...]allyfield [...] [...] [...]letoun in Li [...]desd [...]s the 4 day, with a weekly [...] every fryday [...] Me [...]klou [...], and at Edzerstoun on the So [...]der, for all sorts of Cattel the 5 day, in Cowper of F [...]fe 6 day far at the town Low-head of Lesswa [...]al the 8 day Dreuise in [...], Earlston Kirki [...]eilloch, Acton Auchter [...]uch [...]y C [...] [...] in Fife, and in Killimuire and Moffat the 9 day, D [...]lkeith [...]nd [...]ell [...]hol 10 day, at Ennerkeithing t [...]e 12 day, Fena [...]k at [...]unning the 13 day in Forg [...]ndenny and Drym [...]n the 15 day at Mu [...]elh [...]urgh the 16 day S. Luke in Lander, Kinrose & Rugland 8 day Townyettam on the [...]oraer, 20 day, of Horse, Neat, [...]nd Sh [...]ep, &c with a weekly mercat [...] Irena [...] Constor [...]hine and at the Kirk of Carloc [...]k 20 day with weekly mercat every Wednesday Mary Salamin in S [...]erlore, and Kels [...], [...]2 day [...] a fair at Forfar 24 day, holding eight days [...] Linthgow 14, in Kel [...]eni [...] and [...]ram [...]gle and [...]almelle [...] [...] [Page] 25 Fowler fair in Pasley, and Falkirk 26 day, Simon and [...] in Roslin (with a weekly mercat every Saturday) Dysert, [...] kirk Cockanie, Begger and Kirkleston 28 day, in Alloway [...] at Nicolson the 29 day; The last Thursday of this moneth fair in Whithorn holding two days.
XXX. November begins on Sunday. Sun riseth 27 min. before 8, sets 27 min. past 4.
- Full Moon on Tuesday [...] day, 14 min. past [...] afternoon.
- Last quarter on Tuesday 10 day. 8 min. past 9 at night.
- New Moon on Tuesday 17 day, at 3 afternoon.
- Fi [...]st quarter on Wednesday 25 day, 33 min. past 6 morni [...]
This moneth begins with snow or rain, to the [...] frostie with some snow, about the 19 windy, to th [...] 23 good weather, 27 rain or snow.
Hallow-day in Edinburgh 8 days, in Falkland, Dumbia [...] Fo [...]dye [...] 1 day in Aloth [...]e 2 day, in Kilwinning the 3 day, [...]enard in Lanerk, in Forres, and in Largo the 6 day; also [...] is a weeklie mercat in Largo everie friday. S. Ma [...]th. in D [...] bar, Melross, Mantinskirk, Strabogie, Cowper of Fife, Hami [...] ton, Culress, Kilmahug, 11 day: a fair at Kilsyth the 12 day [...] S. Clement in Dundee 13 day, S. Helene day at Grinock [...] day a fair at Doun in Monreeth 15 day; Margaretmess in Du [...] fermleng and Lawder the 16 day, S. Machharmuch in Tam [...], [...] Auchtertuil 22 day, Brun [...]eland 23 S. Andrew in S. Johnstoun Peebles and Chirnside 30 d [...]y:
XXXI. December begins on Tuesday. Sun riseth 17 min. before 9, sets 17 min. past 3.
- Full Moon on Thursday 3 day, 16 min. past 5 morning.
- Last quarter on Thursday 10 day, 23 min. past 5 morning.
- New Moon on Thursday 17 day, 6 min. past 5 morning.
- First quarter on Friday 25 day, 20 min. past 4 morning.
From the 1 to the 11 frostie, 12 snow or rain, and to the end of the moneth good seasonable winter weather.
Saint Nicholas in Aberdene 7 day Lady day in Westwa [...] 8 day, a fair at L [...]ven the 13 day; St Dustane in Bamff, [...]