AN ABSTRACT OR BRIEF DECLARATION Of the present state of his MAJESTIES REVENEW, WITH THE ASSIGNATIONS AND DEFALCATIONS UPON THE SAME. All Monies brought into his MAIESTIES COFFERS from time to time, since his coming to the Crown of England, by what meanes so ever. The ordinary Annuall ISSUES, Gifts, Re­wards, and extraordinary Disbursments, as they are distinguished in the seve­rall Titles hereafter following.

London, Printed for M. S. 1651.

The Contents.

  • HIs Majesties ordinary Annuall Revenew with the Assignations and Defalcations upon the same. page 1
  • His Majesties ordinary Annuall Issues. p. 6
  • The Inequality thereof. p. 9
  • What money hath bin Extraordinarily raised by his Majesty since his coming to the Crown; by what meanes and how much. p. 10
  • His Majesties extraordinary disbursments since his coming, for what cause, and how much. p. 12
  • The Inequality between those extraordinaries p. 14
  • How much ready money hath been given away by his Majesty, when, and to whom. p. 17
  • Knights Barronets, their priority of place, and the Condition of their payments. p. 36
  • All Fees and Annuities, paid out of the Exche­quer, appertainent to any Office, place, &c. p. 39
  • The Ʋaluation of a Subsedie, and how much is paid in out of every Shire as it was collected in Anno 14 of the King. p. 70
  • The Ʋaluation of a Fifteenth and Tenth. p. 71
  • The recompence to the Officers of Ʋlushing and Brill. p. 71

Reader, be pleased to take notice that the Printer varies not from the Originall Coppy neither one way or other, and if any worthy Gentleman or man of Quality is not well Sa­tisfied in any of these particulars, but make a question or doubteth of the truth of these following or before, let him repaire to the Stationer that hath been at the charge of Printing, or the Gentleman that hath been the preserver of these Originall Coppies, there they shall have a vew gratis of all, and full Sa­tisfaction, to clear some Errors formerly Prin­ted and falsly published.

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