IN the former TREATISE, the passing away of the Old Heavens and Earth, was handled, and their perishing by Fire: And now I shall adde somewhat concerning the New Heavens, and the New Earth which are to succeed them, as we read. 2 Pet. 3.13. Nevertheless we according to his Promise, look for New Heavens and a New Earth, &c. And certainly 'tis not a state of glory in the Heaven of Heavens, where Christ is, and where the Spirits of just Men made perfect are; which is here meant. For the New Heavens of which Peter speaks, are not yet in Being, but are Promised; we according to his Promise look for New Heavens; this Promise is in Isa: 65.17. Behold I create New Heavens, and a New Earth; these are yet to be created, Isa. 66.22. As the New Heavens and the New Earth which [Page 192] I will make, shall remain before me, &c. I have not made them already, but I will make them. And the time is hinted when they shall be created, Isa. 65.13. my Servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry: my Servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty, my Servants shall rejoyce, but ye shall be ashamed &c. And the former troubles shall not be remembred: this Promise hath not been already fulfilled, for the People of God have not been yet in such an estate, as to leave all their troubles behind them, and to forget them; but such a time shall be, for (saith the Lord) I creat New Heavens, and a New Earth. A New Earth as well as New Heavens, which Intimates a great change here below. Neither is it the Gospel-state of the Church, which was to succeed the Legal state, which is all here meant, for this was in Being when Peter wrote; but the New Heavens, and Earth were lookt for. And lastly, These New Heavens, and New Earth must be created when the World which now is shall perish by Fire, and that will be at the day of Judgment, 2 Pet. 4.12.13. Thus we see what we are to rest in, as meant by the New Heavens, and the New Earth.
In the next place, to shew what they are, consider in the general those words of Peter; 2 Pet. 3.15.16. As our beloved brother, Paul hath written unto you, as also in all his Epistles, speaking of these things: What things? Doubtless the New Heavens, and Earth are these things, for of these, Peter last spake; therefore when Paul speaks of the manifestation and glorious liberty of the sons of God, and the creatures earnest expectation of it, Rom. 8. and also of the Saints judging the World. 1 Cor. 6.2. These are the same things of which Peter speaks: but most plainly the New Heavens, and New Earth are [Page 193] spoken of in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and because Peter saith, Paul had written of these things? this is, conceived to be one of the best Arguments to prove that Paul was the Author of that Epistle: now Heb. 2.5. he speakes of a World to come, the same with the New Heavens, and the New Earth and Heb. 12.26, 27. of a Kingdom which cannot be moved, and of the removing of things which may be shaken, and in relation to the purifying, and consuming work of that day; 'tis said, Our God is a consuming Fire. And somewhat might be gathered out of every one of Pauls Epistles touching these things; except that to Philemon. Thus in the general.
Now to come to a more particular unfolding of this Mystery, we are to consider, that the Heavens, and Earth may be taken these three ways.
First, in a Natural, secondly, a Civil, thirdly, in an Ecclesiastical respect.
1. In a Natural respect; And thus we may conceive that all things below the Heaven of Heavens (which is the Throne of God, and Seat of the Blessed) are to be in some respect made new. Indeed the Heaven of Heavens is called the high, and Holy place, and no change was made in it by Mans sin, & it is so Glorious already, that we have not ground to conclude it will be made better: but as for the inferiour Heavens, and Heavenly Bodies in them, as Sun, Moon, and Stars, there is this to be said concerning them: As they sometimes send down some malignant and hurtful Influences upon this inferiour World, which may be reckoned amongst the Fruits of Adams sin: so in the times of Restitution these shall cease. I shall mention some places of Scripture which afford us some ground [Page 194] thus to conclude it, Psa. 11.6. there is this promise, The Sun shall not smite the by day, nor the Moon by Night; when 'tis said, The Sun and Moon shall not smite; this doth intimate, that sometimes they do smite Men, and surely 'tis Sin; which hath been the cause of this smitting. And if this promise of their not smitting shall be made good to any, in the time of the Old Heavens, and Old Earth; then much more shall it be made good in the times of the New Heavens, and the New Earth. The Sun did once beat upon the Head of Jonah that he fainted, and wisht in himself to die, Jonah. 4.8. Certainly it shall not be thus in the times of restitution, and refreshing: the Sun shall revive and strengthen, and not cause fainting, and make Men wish to die, Deut. 3.3.28. His Heaven, shall drop down Dew. Whilst Israel did keep Covenant with God, the Heavens were his Heavens: much more when all Israel shall be called, and saved, the Heavens shall be their Heavens; the Sun, Moon, and Stars, shall be theirs, so, as that their influences shall not be hurting, and smiting; The Stars in their courses shall not fight against them, as once they did against Sisera. Their Heavens shall not be, as many times now they are, Brass over their Heads, but shall drop down Dew, and the former and the latter Raine that is, Rain in season shall descend, and there shall not be a Sweeping Rain, which shall leave no Food behind it. And 'tis not at all to be doubted, that when the Jews shall be all effectually called, and enter into their rest, Joseph's Blessing shall be the Blessing of all the Tribes of Israel, and that in a more ample and eminent manner than when Joseph had his Lot [Page 195] in Canaan Deut. 33.13, &c. of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of Heaven, for the Dew, and the deep that coucheth beneath, and for the precious Fruits brought forth by the Sun, and for the precious things put forth by the Moon, and for the chief things of the ancient Mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting Hills, and for the precious things of the Earth, and the fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the Bush. Josephs Blessing did then consist in precious things, and that which made all these precious things, more exceeding precious, was, the good will of him that dwelt in the Bush; and when Joseph shall be called and United to Judah under one King, then shall he have the good will of him that dwelt in the Bush, and a Blessing of precious things added thereto. Certainly, we may well conclude that as the Tribes of Israel had these their Blessings in some Degree, when Canaan was Conquered, and divided amongst them, so when the Jews shall be called, then shall they have these Blessings, wherewith Moses the Man of God blessed them, in the fulness of them: but that the great change which shall be in the Natural state of things, may be more fully set forth, I shall with such largeness as the Matter doth require, whilst upon that eminent place, Rom. 8.19. &c. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God, &c. The Apostle had said, v. 18. I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. Saints after a long time of Suffering, must have a time of Glory, As there is to be Eternity of Glory in Heaven, so a set time also for the [Page 196] Church to have great Glory upon Earth. This is proved from the earnest expectation of the Creature; and from the Saints groaning within themselves, and waiting for the Adoption, even the redemption of their bodies; The whole creation groaneth, and Saints groan. What doth this import, but that the World is weary of its present state of bondage, and longs for the time when it shall pass away in respect of its present corrupt and slavish estate, and be in its refined, restored, and free state, of which God hath spoken by the mouth of his Prophets? The Heavens would be New Heavens, the Earth would be a New Earth, they look with outstretched Neck for that happy time when it shall be said, The Lord bless thee O Habitation of justice, and Mountain of holiness; and when the Sons of God that have lyen among the Pots shall come forth and be as the wings of a Dove, covered with Silver, and her Feathers with yellow Gold, and so have their glorious Liberty, and Manifestation.
By Creature here is meant, the World which is now subject to Vanity, and in bondage to corruption. Its condition is much worse now, by Mans sin, than it was at first. This condition is contrary to its Nature, It would be restored to its Primitive State, and is not at rest till it be so.
Here are three things to be considered: First, What the Primitive State of the Creature was: Secondly, What its present bondage is: Thirdly, What the Liberty is which it longs for. What the Primitive State of the Creature was, these Particulars shew:
[Page 197]1. The Creature was very good; there was no evil in the Creation. Gen. 1.31. God saw every thing which he had made, and behold it was very good. Full of vertue, and Vigor; of beauty, and comliness, Gen. 2.27. As Trees, so other things were beautifull to the Eye, there was nothing hurtfull and grieving; No Thorns, or Thistles, for these were a part of the Curse. Salomon complains, all is Vanity, and vexation of Spirit: 'Twas the Evil and bitter thing Sin, which was the cause of it.
2. There was Peace in the Creation, a due subordination, and subjection, and Concord, and agreement; nothing of Rebellion, nothing of enmity, no wasting, or destruction in any part of the Creation, as a Fruit of enmity.
3. The Creature was made that it might serve for the Honour of the Creator. God made all things for himself Prov. 16.4. All his works were to praise him.
4. Man was Lord of the Creation. Rule thou over the Fowl of the Air, the Fish of the Sea, &c. Gen. 1.28. And the Creatures did own Mans Dominion over them, and became willingly subject to him, the Beasts and Fowls came to Adam, as it were to do him Homage, and he gave them Names.
2. What the Creatures bondage is? This consists,
1. In the loss of very much of its Primitive vertue, and beauty. Sin hath much defaced, and enfeebled the Creation. Meat hath not that strength to nourish, which first it had Isa. 3.1. we read of the Stay, and Staff; of the Stay of Bread, and the Staff of Water. If Adam had not [Page 198] Sined this Stay and Staff would have been a sufficient support of Mans life when its going away.
2. In that enmity which is now amongst Creatures. There is a war in the Creation; Creature against Creature: In the Sea the greater Fishes devour the less, the dry Land, and Air are full of Beasts, and Birds of prey.
3. In the sinful abuse of Creatures, they are in bondage to the lusts of Men; and are many times provision For the Flesh to fulfill it in the lusts thereof. We may observe, that the First Sin was the abuse of a Creature: God had forbidden to Men the eating of the fruit of the Tree in the midst of the Garden; when Man did eat, the Creatures bondage began. This sinful a buse was its bondage; And this one Creature being thus abused, and brought into bondage, God did in a way of judgment (as a just recompence of Man's Sin) leave the rest to be subject to Vanity, and less helpful to Man: Adam delighted in the forbidden Fruit more then in pleasing God, and therefore was left to love and serve the Creature, more than the Creator; We may take Notice how this bondage is set forth in Scripture, 1. Joh. 2.16. All that is in the World, the lust of the Flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the World. There are these several Lusts in the World, and the World affords them their several Objects; carnal Delight? are the Objects of the lust of the Flesh, worldly riches, and Propfits are the lusts of the Eye. And do please the Eye, Eccles. 5.11. When goods increase, what good is there to [Page 199] the owners, saving the beholding them with their Eyes; and when these worldly things are enjoyed, and Men prosper, and grow great thereby, then Pride usually compasseth them about as with a Chain, and so they become the Pride of Life. Now this is the bondage of the Creatures, to feed the lust of the Flesh, the lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life. We may observe, that all these lusts did meet in, and made up the first sin; the Forbidden Fruit was fair to the eye, there was the lust of the Eye: there was a lust to eat of it, and an eating to satisfy that lust: so there appeared the lust of the Flesh: and as the Devil suggested, so Adam and Eve thought to be thereby as Gods, knowing good and evil; there was Pride; and as this Sin brought in all others into the World, so we see how the Off-spring resemble their Begetter, and how all Adams Children by generation, do beare the Image of the Earthly Adam. Again see Jam. 4.3. Ye ask that ye may consume it upon your lusts: Lust is a great Devourer; what great Estates are many times consumed by it? This is a bondage to the Creature, which would serve mens Necessities, but not their Lusts. And the Apostle calls such, a dulterers. A dultresses: The Creatures are defiled and defloured by mordinate love to, and sinful abuse of them. And lastly consider, Luke. 16.9. where Riches are called the Mammon of unrighteousness: 'tis a Bondage to them to be so; they would and should be the Riches of righteousness; now they are the Mammon of unrighteousness. When they are gotten by righteousness, Hab. 2.9 Wo to him that [Page 200] coveteth an evil covetousness; or, gaineth an evil gain. Achan's Wedge of Gold was evil gain; Naboth's Vinyard was evil gain to Ahab. Judas his Thirty pieces of Silver were evil gain to him: they are also the Mammon of unrighteousness, when not made use of for Mens own good, or the good of others, which are in want; many have Riches, but not a Heart to use them; not like Christ who accounted giving best. But they account having, and keeping best. Lastly, they are the Mammon of unrighteousness, when employed to promote, and carry-on an evil and mischievous designe. Haman's Ten thousand Talents, which he would give to promote the work of destroying the Jews, were the Mammon of unrighteousness.
4. The Creatures bondage consists in a subjection to Satan; Adam lost his Dominion in the Creation, and Satan hath usurped it; who by Divine Permission hath sometimes power to make Creatures his Instruments in his evil designs: By Fire he destroyed Job's Sheep, and the Servants which kept them: By Wind he overthrew the House where Job's Sons and Daughters were: Sometimes he makes Creatures his alluring Baits to draw men to sin. Now the Creature groans under this bondage to Satan, and longs for the time when he shall be bound, and cast into the Bottomless Pit.
5. In being so much in bondage to men, which are God's Enemies: The Creation groans under an Antichristian Yoke; and as the Souls under the Altar cry, How long, O Lord, dost thou not avenge our blood? So the Creatures cry, How long, O Lord, dost thou not avenge our bondage on them that oppress [Page 201] us? They long for the Fall of Babylon, and the Destruction of the Man of Sin; and as when Babylon shall fall, the Heavens and holy Apostles and Prophets shall rejoyce over her: so also shall the whole Creation, which now groaneth and travelleth in pain.
Thus much of the Creatures bondage, in which we may see the evil nature of Sin; whereby not onely Men, but the whole Creation hath been brought in bondage to corruption. As in things which God hath made, His Eternal Power and Godhead, His Wisdom and Goodness are seen: So in them as made subject to vanity, we see what an evil and bitter thing Sin is; when Achan sinned, he brought Ruine upon himself, his Sons and Daughters, Oxen, Asses, Sheep, and Tent, and all that he had. Here consider:
1. The Creatures forbid these Abuses, and cry out against those that abuse them. As God complained once, that he was press'd as a Cart laden with Sheaves: so the Creation complains of being press'd with Man's Wickedness, Covetousness, Pride, Luxury and Drunkenness, which are a burden to the Creation. And as the dumb Ass reproved the madness of the Prophet; so the dumb Creatures reprove the Wickedness of Men: when they love them inordinately, and serve them, and their Lusts by them: What is their voice, but like that of the Angel to John? See thou do it not, we are thy fellow-creatures, worship God.
2. The abused Creatures will cry against those that abuse it, Hab. 2.11. The Stone shall cry out of the Wall, and the Beam out of the Timber shall answer it. When a Town is built by blood, and a City is established by Iniquity, then the Materials [Page 202] do (as it were) cry for Vengeance on such Builders, Jam. 5.12. Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl, for the miseries that shall come upon you; your riches are corrupt, your Garment Moth-eaten: You will rather let Moth and rust corrupt them, than amploy them to any good Use; and this Rust shall be a Witness against you.
3. 'Tis mercifulness to Creatures to use them well, and cruelty to abuse them; those that do thus, are cruel to their own Souls, and to the Creatures: Sinners are cruel to the Creation; Saints are pitiful to it, when they use and do not abuse Creatures.
Thus much of the Creature's Bondage.
3. What the Creature's Liberty is, into which it shall be delivered?
1. There shall be peace in the Creation: As Christ makes peace betwixt God and Men, betwixt holy Angels and Men; and will in the time of the New Heavens make peace betwixt the Saints: so will he also makes peace in the Creation; and that Promise in Isa. 65.25. may be fulfilled in a literal, as well as a mystical sense: The Wolf and the Lamb shall feed together, and the Lion shall eat Straw like the Bullock; but Dust shall be the Serpent's meat, upon it the Curse shall remain.
2. The Creatures shall be again very good, and not vanity and vexation of spirit: They shall recover their lost Vigor and Beauty, Acts 3.21. There shall be a restitution of all things, [...], est restitutio in pristinum statum; A bringing back to the First State: Matth. 12.13. He stretched out his hand, and it was restored whole [Page 203] like the other. And thus the Earth shall be so restored, as to have a new State and Face: It shall not be Iron under men's feet, through want of Rain in the season of it: Neither shall it be barren and unfruitful. What Elisha did at Jericho, might be for a Type of that which shall be done in the times of Restitution: 2 King. 2.21. The men of the City said, The ssituation is pleasant, but the water is naught, and the ground barren; then Elisha went forth to the springs of water, and cast salt therein. Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters, there shall not be any more from thence death, or barren land. And 'tis remarkable, what Josephus writes of this healing of the waters of Jericho, by Elizaeus's Bell; Jud. lib. 5. chap. 4. This Fountain which before was the cause of Famine and Sterility, was now the cause of Plenty and Fertility; and so it watereth the ground, that where a little of it cometh, it doth more good than all other waters which lie long upon it: There are goodly Orchards, and many sorts of Palm-trees growing by Brook's-sides; and the fattest being prest, yield a Juice like Honey: and he after saith, we may call that part of the Earth divine, where whatsoever Fruit is most dear and precious, is in most abundance. Also in all other Fruits it surpasses all Countreys in the World, for it multiplieth all things, and increaseth them sooner there; the cause whereof I judge to be the pleasant waters, and warm nourishing Air, which inviteth all things to spring, and then increaseth them; and the moisture causeth all things to take firm root, and defendeth them from drought: In Summer the Air of that place is so temperate, that when it snoweth in other parts of Judea, and [Page 204] is extream cold, the Inhabitants in this place do onely wear a Linnen Garment. Thus he declares the Fertility of Jericho, caused by that Miracle; and certainly a greater Miracle than this here will be wrought; for there are promises in Scripture of a great Fertility, that shall be after the Calling of the Jews, Ezek. 36.30. I will multiply the Fruit of the Tree, and the Increase of the Field, so that ye shall receive no more reproach of Famine: Verse 35. The Land that was desolate shall become like the Garden of Eden. What a great Change will there be in the Earth, when desolate and barren Land shall be like Eden! And as we have ground to conclude, that many of God's Works wrought among the Jews of old, were typical of greater Works, which shall be wrought for them at last; for which, see Jer. 23.8. So why may we not gather something from that work of God, in giving them Water out of the Rock? And that which I would especially hint, is, from Deut. 32.13. He gave them Honey out of the Rock, and Oyl out of the flinty Rock. The Water is called Honey and Oyl: And why? First, Because it was a Supply flowing from special Grace and Mercy; special Grace adds a great deal of Sweetness to common Mercies. Secondly, It was an extraordinary Supply in time of great need; Water in that extremity was as Honey and Oyl. Thirdly, It was a Type of Christ; for, They drunk of that Rock which followed them, and that Rock was Christ, 1 Cor. 10.4. An Eye of Faith looking unto Christ, would make it sweeter and more pleasant than Honey and Oyl. Fourthly, It being Water given them by a Miracle, might have sweetness and vertue beyond ordinary water: For as the [Page 205] Bread given them by a Miracle, has the taste of Honey and fresh Oyl; so might this mirhculous Water: When Christ turned Water into Wine, that was far better than ordinary Wine; the Governour of the Feast said, Thou hast kept the good Wine until now. The other in comparison with this, did not deserve to be called good Wine: Doubtless that miraculous Wine was the best Wine that ever was drunk; and why may we not conceive the like of this miraculous Water, which might be typical in relation to the times of Restitution, in which, even Water, the most common mercy, shall have much more vertue and pleasantess in it, than now it hath. 'Tis said of Fire and Water, that they are good Servants, but bad Masters; and the [...] have often been bad Masters, in these times of the Old Heavens and Old Earth; but in the time of the New, they shall be good Servants alone, and no more bad Masters to the Saints: The Air also will be sweet, wholesom, and fructifying, and what hath a spiritual meaning, Cant. 4.16. will be then true in a natural sense also; The North-wind shall awake, and the South-wind blow, that the Spices may flow forth. No blasting-wind, or that which will hinder the flowings forth of Fruits, but that which shall farther their flowing forth: and then the rough wind shall be stayed in the day of the East-wind.
3. The Creatures shall be delivered from all their usurping and oppressing Lords. Satan shall not Lord it over them, neither the Man of Sin; they shall be together in the Bottomless Pit; and all Christ's Enemies will be made his Footstool, whereby the Creature shall have its so-much longed-for Liberty, and shall be in Subjection to [Page 206] him, who is to be the desire of all Nations, and of the whole Creation; of whom 'tis said, Psa. 8.4. What is man that thou art so mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him? thou madest him a little lower than the Angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour; thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands, and hast put all things in subjection under his feet. Which must be fulfilled in that World which is to come; as is evident, Heb. 2.5, 6. For as to the present state of things in the World, as now▪ it is, the Apostle saith, v. 8. We see not yet all things put under him.
4. The Liberty of the Creature consists in the lawful Use of it, 1 Cor. 7.31. They that use the world as not abusing it. Here two things may be observed:
First, The Creature is to be used, and not enjoyed: Life and Happiness doth not consist in it; carnal men enjoy the Creatures, the covetous man enjoyes his Wealth, as Dives did, Son remember that thou in thy life-time hadst thy good things. Worldly men have their portion in this life, and say, 'Tis good to be here: Now such an enjoying of the Creature holds it in bondage; its Liberty is to be used well; insist Psa 110.7. 'tis said of Christ, He shall drink of the Brook in the way, and then men should lift up the head and heart to him, in whose favour is their life.
Secondly, The Creature should be used lawfully, and not abused; a lawful Use is its liberty: There is a natural Use of Creatures, which is for Food and Rayment, and somewhat for Delight; for Gen. 2.9. Out of the Ground God made every Tree to grow which was good for Food, and pleasant [Page 207] to the eye. In the times of Restitution it will be so; Fruits both profitable and pleasant, will be made to grow: Hos. 2.21. It shall come to pass in that day; that is, when the Jews shall be betrothed to the Lord: I will hear saith the Lord, I will hear the Heavens, and the Heavens shall hear the Earth, and the Earth shall hear the Corn, and the Wine, and the Oyl, and they shall hear Jezreel: When the Jews shall be Jezreel, the Seed of God, all the Creatures shall with one consent serve that Jezreel. What is the reason that now 'tis otherwise? for many times the Heavens hear not the Earth, the Earth hears not the Corn, the Corn hears not men: 'Tis because for the most part instead of being a Jezreel, they serve a Jezabel. There is a Spiritual Use also to be made of Creatures; and so in them, as in a Glass, we should behold the Glory of the Lord, and we should praise him as the Creator of them, and honour him with them. The great Whore glorifies her self with what she hath: this is the Creature's bondage; but when the Promise shall take place, Mic. 4.13. I will consecrate their gain to the Lord. And their substance to the Lord of the whole Earth, then the Creature shall have its due, and deserved Liberty.
Thus much for the Change which will be in the Natural State of Things.
2. There will be a Change in the Civil State of Things; there will be New Heavens, and a New Earth, in a political sence; for in the New Earth dwelleth righteousness. All Civil Government will be administred in a way of Righteousness; for as Amos. 5.24. Judgment shall run down like Water, and Righteousness as a mighty [Page 208] stream. In Antichrist's Kingdom, unrighteousness, cruelty and oppression hath been a mighty Stream; but that sinful Kingdom must be destroyed, and after this, Judgment shall dwell in the Wilderness, and Righteousness shall remain in the fruitful Field, and the work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of it quietness, and assurance for ever. Isa. 32.16. there shall not be then, any Throne of iniquity establishing mischief by a Law. But that which above all doth commend the happiness of those Times in point of Government, is, this Government then will be Theocratical, and Divine; so that there will be another Divine Common-wealth, more glorious than that of the Jews heretofore. After the Jews were brought out of Egypt, as God made them a Church in the Wilderness, so also a Common-wealth; and God himself was Supream amongst them, and gave them, as a Moral and Ceremonial, so a Judicial Law: so that he was their King and Law-giver, and their Divine Common-wealth was not to end, till the coming of Christ; according to that Prophecy of Jacob, Gen. 49.10. the Sceptre shall not depart from Judah till Shiloh come. Jacob's prosperity was to grow at last into a Kingdom, and Common-wealth and to continue till the coming of Christ. The Scepter of this Kingdom was given to Judah; now though the Ten Tribes revolted from the Scepter, and after were carryed Captive, and did not return, and so were without a King, and without an Ephod, &c. yet Judah did remain as a Divine Common-wealth till the coming of Christ; and Judah had right to the Sceptre, though sometimes it was violently wrested out of the hand of [Page 209] Judah, yet of right it did belong to Judah till Shiloh came, and then Judahs Sceptre did return to him that gave it, and then the Jews Crucifying the Lord of glory, God did suffer their City to be Trodden down of the Romans; and then their Common-wealth, till that time continued in the Tribe of Judah, was utterly destroyed, and they were carried Captive into all Nations, till the times of the Gentiles shall be fulfilled; and when these shall be fulfilled, then shall the Jews have again a Divine Common-wealth; And Joseph and Judah being Joyned together they shall have one King, as is evident Ezek. 37.22, 24. I will make them one Nation, and one King shall be King to them all; David my Servant shall be King over them. That is Christ who shall reign in Righteousness, and give them Civil as well as Spiritual pastors, even Judges as at the first, and Counsellers as at the beginning Ezek. 34.23. I will set up one Shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my Servant David; and how happy they shall be then, is shewn: I will make a Covenant of peace with them, and the evil Beasts shall cease out of the Land, and they shall dwell safely in the Wilderness, and sleep in the Woods: I will make them, and the places round about my hill a Blessing; there shall be showers of Blessings. Now as Mr. Baxter once said; It is this Theocratical polity, or Divine Common-wealth, which is the unquestionable Reign of Christ upon Earth, which all Christians are agreed, may be justly sought, and the temporal Dignity of Saints, which would undoubtedly much bless the World. And (he sayeth) whether there be any other Reign of Christ to be expected; [Page 210] that is, by his visible personal Abode. This controversy I do not now determine. For my own part I reverence the Ancients that were of that mind, and many latter that have followed them. I am my self as meerly Neutral in it, as in almost any point of so great moment so often propounded to my consideration; I oppose them not in the least: nor am I for them; Now as for the Visible, and personal Abode, and Reign of Christ upon Earth, having given some arguments for it already: I shall here adde something more, to see whether any contrary, or Neutral Judgment may be more inclined to the owning of this Truth. And,
1. this truth doth clearly spring forth from 2 Pet. 3.13, Nevertheless we, according to her Promise, look for New Heavens, and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness. Where we may take Notice of these particulars:
First there will be a great and blessed change wrought in the World so far as to make all things New, even to the bringing in of a New World. This is the Saints expectation, we look &c. the Apostles, and other Saints did then, and therefore we ought, now to expect this New World, consisting of a New Earth, as well as a New Heaven.
Secondly, this New World shall have Inhabitants in it; for there shall be Men in it: which may be gathered from those words; In which dwelleth Righteousness. If Righteousness, then both the subjects, and the Objects of it, that is Men living and acting Righteously; and these shall Dwell in this New Earth, they shall not [Page 211] be as wayfaring Men that tarry but a Night, but shall dwell in it; They shall not be here, after this New Creation, but a day with Christ of twenty four hours, and then ascend to Heaven; not a day as Men count a day, but a day as 'tis with the Lord: that is, a Thousand years, and a Thousand years, as one day v. 8. which hath been taken as a Periphrasis of the day of Judgement. This is called, [...] a World to dwell in, and for Men to abide in so long as to be called Inhabitants. And this Inhabited World is chiefly, that which Christ is said to Rejoyce in Pov. 8.31. Rejoycing in the habitable part of his Earth, and my delights were with the Sons of Men. This is the Land which shall be called Beulah. Isa. 62.4. Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken, neither shall thy Land any more be termed, Desolate: that is, without Inhabitants, but thou shalt be called Hepzibah, and thy Land Beulah; For the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy Land shall be Married to Christ; that is,
Thirdly, Christ shall come personally at his time, when the World that now is shall perish, and the New Heavens, and the New Earth shall be Created. For this Personal coming is that which the Scoffers derided, asking where is the promise of his coming? v. 4. Again, this is that which the Apostle asserts. v. 10. The day of the Lord will come, and come as a Thief in the Night; which Mat. 24.43. and 1 Thess. 5.2. is affirmed of Christ's second coming, and when the Battel of Armageddon shall be, then Christ shall come as a Thief. Rev. 16.15. and lastly the passing away of the Old Heavens, and Earth, and consequently the creating of the New, will be at the day of Judgment, [Page 212] v. 7. The Heavens and Earth are reserved to fire against the day of Judgment; and all do grant, that Christ will come personally at the day of Judgment, and when he comes, all the dead Saints shall be raised, and appear with him. Now put all these things together. The Old Heavens and Earth must perish, new must be created. Saints and Righteouss Men must, after this, dwell in the New Earth; and at this time will be the day of Judgment. Therefore there must be a Visible, and personal presence, and reign of Christ upon this New Earth, then to be called Beulah, and Christ will not marry it, and be presently, after a day, divorced again; but as the Saints shall dwell in it, so Christ with them. If any shall Object, that the Judgment shall not be till after the one thousand years, and the destruction of Gog and Magog, for then 'tis said Rev. 20.11. Christ shall sit upon a great White Throne, and the dead, small and great shall stand before him, and why may not this be the day of Judgment spoken of by Peter? For answer to this, I shall say, that if this of Peter, and the 20. Rev. be well considered, and compared together, it will evidently appear that there will be a day of Judgment begun, at the time of Antichrist's destruction, and the final fall of Babylon, and the perishing of the World which now is, which is called by some, the Morning of that great day, and will be at the beginning of the one thousand years; And a day also after the end of them, called the Evening of that day.
And as for the Judgment, the Scipture gives evident ground to state it thus: even by considering it in a threefold step, or degree of it:
[Page 213]1. There is a particular judgment which passes upon all Souls, at their separation from their Bodies: Eccles. 12.7. Then shall the dust return to the Earth, as it was: and the Soul shall return unto God that gave it. The Souls of all men do at their Death return to God, but in a different manner; some fall into the hands of the living God, and that is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of revenging justice, and wrath; others having before committed their Souls into the hands of God, are carried by Angels to Heaven, where an hand of mercy receives them.
2. There will be a Farther work of Judgment at Christ's second coming, even at the beginning of the thousand years; which as it is spoken of by Peter, so by Daniel. 7.26. When the Son of Man comes in the Clouds of Heaven, then the Judgment shall sit and we may consider what shall be done by that Judgment then sitting, in relation to the Wicked. The Dominion of the little Horn will be taken away, and so Antichrist's Kingdom will be wholly destroyed; for the Judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his Dominion, to consume, and to destroy it even to the end. And then also it will be as Peter sayth, a day of Perdition of ungodly Men, even of those who shall then be found standing up against the Prince of Princes. And Farther in relation to the godly, it shall be a day to give reward to them, and what reward this shall be, we see, Dan. 7.27. The greatness of the Kingdoms under the whole Heaven shall be given to the People of the Saints, of the most High, and all Dominions shall serve him; they shall be judged to reign with Christ. This we see [Page 214] also Mat. 25.15. and Luk. 19.17. What shall be said to those that improve their Talents and Pounds? Well done good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee Ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord; so as to reign with him. Be thou Ruler over five Cities, be thou Ruler over ten Cities. At this time the Saints shall be judged to have an Inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ, as it is distinct from the Kingdom of the Father; of both which mention is made, Ephes. 5.5.
3. The last step which Christ will take in the Judgment will be after the ending of the thousand years, and this is that Judgment mentioned Rev. 20.11. Then the wicked shall be raised, and brought to Judgment, even such whose Names are not written in the Book of Life, as there 'tis said, and shall be cast into the Lake of Fire. At this time also there will be a Farther work of Judgment in Relation to the Godly. For they shall be then judged to an inheritance in the Kingdom of the Father. At the Judgment mentioned by Peter they shall have Judgment for an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ; and at that spoken of Rev. 20. Judgment for an inheritance in the Kingdom of the Father. Mat. 25.31. When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, [...], when he shall have come] and so after the time of his coming in Glory, he shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory, and all Nations shall be called before him, and he shall set the sheep on his Right hand, and the Goats at his Left hand, and now although it hath been Stated thus, that at the beginning of the Thousand years, he shall set the Sheep [Page 215] on his Right hand, and after the End of them the Goats at his Left hand, yet it seems more agreeable to the expressions there, to conceive that both sorts shall be set in this posture together, and shall thus stand before Christ the Judge, and then the wicked shall be judged to go away into everlasting punishment, and the righteous into Life eternal in the Fathers Kingdom. And thus as at Peters day of Judgment, Being the Morning of it; the Saints shall be the blessed of Christ, and receive an Inheritance in his Kingdom, and reign with him; so at Johns day of Judgment, or at the Evening of that day; they shall be the blessed of the Father, and be admitted to the enjoyment of their Inheritance in his Kingdom. Hence 'tis, the King shall say to the Sheep on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom; that is, take your Inheritance in my Fathers Kingdom.
2. 'Tis most evident from Scripture, that there will be a time in which the Jews shall be called, and delivered from their spirituall Captivity, which is upon them, by their blindness and unbelief; and the vail which is upon their Hearts shall be taken away, They shall be delivered from their outward Captivity and also be in a state of freedom, Rest and Power; and in this estate must long continue, even for many generations, as hath been shewen in the former Treatise. Now that there shall be a personal coming of Christ, when the Jews shall be thus redeemed from their Captivity, is most evident Luk. 21.23, 24. &c. There shall be great distress upon the land, and wrath upon this people, and they shall be led away Captive [Page 216] into all Nations, and Jerusalem shall be Trodden down of the Gentiles, till the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. The Gentiles Captivating the Jews, and treading them down, were the Romans; these Gentiles have their time set, how long they shall Reign. The Roman Monarchy which did Tread down Jerusalem, in the Letter, and doth now Tread down the Mystical Jerusalem; that is the Church, as we Read Rev. 11.2. hath a period set to it: thus far shall it come, and no farther; thus long it shall continue, and no longer, that is, at the end of fourty and two Months, reckoning them from the beginning of the latter treading down, mentioned Rev. 11. Rome, the seat of this Monarchy shall be destroyed. And then will the Jews deliverance from their long Captivity begin: Now what shall happen when these times of the Gentiles shall be very near their end? This we see v. 25. there shall be Signes in the Sun. In the Moon and in the Stars, and upon the Earth distress of Nations, Mens Hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming upon the Earth; for the powers of the Heavens shall be shaken, and these shew the day of their redemption to be drawing nigh. v. 28. Now when these times of the Gentiles shall be fulfilled, and there shall be such a shaking to remove quite away the power of the Gentiles; that is, to destroy for ever the Roman Antichristian Kingdom, and State; then, at that time v. 27. they shall see the Son of Man coming with power, and great Glory, which is his Second personal coming. If any deny this, they will gratify those [Page 217] Scoffers much, which Peter spakes of, in giving up so clear a proof of Christs Second coming.
3. A Third Argument may be taken from Mat. 24.29. Which hath been a little toucht, but now shall be farther urged. Immediatly after the Tribulation of those days, that is, when Tribulation comes to this height, to be such as never was &c. the Sun shall be darkned &c. and then shall appear the signe of the Son of Man in Heaven, and the Tribes of the Earth shall Mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with power and great Glory. This shall be Immediatly after the Tribulation of those days, what Tribulation? this is the last Tribulation of the People of God, which is said to be such trouble as never was since there was a Nation. This is from the Devil, when he shall have great wrath because his time is short, 'tis the Tribulation that Gog and Magog, mentioned Ezek. 39. shall cause, the same with those Kings of the Earth, and the whole World, which shall be gathered by the Beast and his Emissaries, to the Battel of that great day of God Almighty; This being the last Tribulation; when this shall End, then will the year of Christs, redeemed come; and the Saints will have rest and peace, and shall sit under their Vines and fig-trees, and have none to make them affraid, Now if there shall be such a time here upon Earth, that all the Saints troubles shall have an End; and they shall enter into a state of rest and peace, which shall have no End, (which if any will deny, they must Write Apocrypha, over a great part of [Page 218] that Scripture, which was given by Inspiration of God) I say if such a time shall be, then Christ will appear, personally at that time: for immediately after this Tribulation, shall appear the Sign of the Son of Man, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven, and this his personal coming, for at this time the dead Saints shall be raised v, 21. He shall send his Angels with a great Sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather the elect &c. that is, the dead shall be raised. 1. Cor. 51.52. 1. Thess. 4.16. The Trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised: and Observe by the way, that at this time, only the elect shall be raised for they shall gather the elect, and besides 'tis that coming of which Christ said, none knows the day of it. v. 36. which certainly is his second personal coming. If the Church therefore shall have a glorious time on Earth, Christ shall come personally, even at the beginning of that time.
To this argument it hath been answered; that this is the Tribulation, which Gog and Magog shall cause after the thousand years shall be Ended. But that this is not the Tribulation here meant, these particulars sufficiently declare:
1. At the time of this Tribulation, there will be a great Apostacy of Men professing godliness. For the love of many shall wax cold. v. 12. and false Christs, and false Prophets shall arise, and deceive many. v. 24. and the Stars shall fall from Heaven &c. Now no such thing shall happen after the thousand years, for the Devil shall only deceive the Nations, Gog and Magog, not [Page 219] any among the Saints, and saved Nations, much less any in the beloved City. Shall the Sun in the New Heavens be darkned? shall any of the Stars of that Heaven fall? no certainly; for, Isa. 60.20. Thy Sun shall no more go down, and as the New Heavens, so the Stars of those New Heavens shall remain.
2. At the Tribulation here spoken of, the powers of Heaven will be shaken, which is not to be said of the New Heavens, for these can't be shaken Heb. 12.26. yet once more I shake Heaven, and but once. This shaking will be of the Antichristian Kingdom, and Heaven, to remove it quite away, that so way may be made for the New Heavens. Gog and Magog when they shall gather at last, shall not at all shake the New Heavens. For the shaking is to remove the things that may be shaken. But the New Heavens shall not be removed, but remain Isa. 60.22. Yea, the Apostle saith plainly, these cannot be shaken Heb. 12.27. That those things which cannot be shaken may remain, wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken &c. The Mount Sinai Kingdom was shaken and removed, that the Mount Sion Kingdome might be set up, which is not to be shaken, but stands fast for ever, this is the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ under the Gospel, which shall continue till the coming of Christ, and then grow up to its perfection, and then all the Enemies of it shall fall before it, and be the Foot-stool of Christ, and he shall be King over all the Earth, and this his Kingdom is not to be shaken, and removed. It's most evident then, that this Tribulation will immediately precede the [Page 220] Thousand years; and then Christ will come the second time to salvation; and put an End to it, And thus the Argument here stands, like that Pillar in the Porch of Solomon's Temple called Boaz, in its strength; and is not at all shaken by what is said against it.
4. Another argument may be taken from 2 Thess. 2.8. Then shall that wicked one be revealed [...], that Lawless one, that will be above all Laws, and not Subject to any: The Cannon-Law tells us, who this Law-less one is, even the Pope, who is Solutus ab omni Lege humana, not bound by any Humane Law, nay not by Divine Laws neither; for he dispenses with those, and binds and looses them at his pleasure, now this Lawless one must be removed out of the way. It may be well said of him what the Jews wickedly said of Paul, away with such a fellow from the Earth; for it is not fit that such a Lawless one should live. God judgeth so of him, and therefore hath said: The Lord shall consume him with the Spirit of his Mouth, that is, by the Preaching of the Gospel. The Word shall consume him, and cast him into a bed of Languishing, and at last he shall destroy him with the brightness of his coming; that is, at the day of Judgment, as our English Annotators say well, when Christ shall appear personally: so that Antichrist will be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's Personal appearing. Is it so? and must not the Church have Being in the World long after the destruction of that Wicked One, and be in that glorious, pure, and peaceable Estate, of which the Lord hath spoken so much by the Mouth of all his Prophets, since the World began? [Page 221] Most evident it is, that it must. And shall not Christ then Reign upon Earth at that time? The Scripture saith so, The Lord shall be King over all the Earth.
5. The last Argument which I shall now mention, shall be taken from 2 Thess. 1.5. where the Apostle speaking of the Saint's Persecutions and Sufferings, comforts them with this; It is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven in flaming fire, and with his mighty Angels. Now this must be meant of his Personal coming, in that his mighty Angels shall come with him; which argues a Personal coming, as we see, Matth. 25.31. The Son of Man shall come in his Glory, and all the Angels with him. And when he shall thus come, then, and not before, shall the Church on Earth so long persecuted, afflicted, and tost with Tempests, and not comforted, have rest and freedom from persecution. The Church must have a peaceable and glorious Estate upon Earth, but this will not be, till the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels, and that in flaming fire, to recompence tribulation to those that trouble the Saints, and to the troubled Saints rest: So this shall be at the revelation and appearing of Christ. And observe farther, what the Apostle saith, Rest with us, with us Apostles, and with the Prophets that went before. What doth this hint, but that then the Apostles and Prophets, and all the dead Saints shall be raised, and come with Christ, and then the living Saints, the Church, so long under persecution and trouble in the World, shall have rest [Page 222] with them. And thus I have endeavoured by Scripture to clear this Truth; and little from Scripture 'tis, which I have urged against it: but Reason steps in and declares its dissent from, and dislike of it, fancying some great Absurdities that will attend this Opinion, and some Difficulties which will press it. Shall Heaven come down and be upon Earth, saith Reason? But as the Apostle saith, Who art thou, O man! that repliest against God? So, who art thou, O man! what is thy Reason, that it should argue against God? Doth not the Scripture say, That Christ shall come from Heaven, and all the Angels with him; and the dead Saints shall be raised and come with him? If this be for Heaven to come down, and be upon Earth; then so it must be, for thus much is agreed upon on all hands: All the difference is about the Time of Christ's Abode, how long he shall continue; some say, but a day, and that in that short time he shall dispatch all the Work of the last Judgment. Others do conceive this will take up longer time and it may be well agreed; If Christ, and all the Angels and Saints, may leave Heaven, and be here on Earth one Day; why not as well many Days? and if Days, why not Years? and if Years, why not a thousand Years, as the Scripture saith? Certainly Reason hath as much ground to argue against his c [...]ming at all, as against a longer stay upon Earth, than one Day, when he shall come. Nay, Reason may argue strongly from what hath been done; that Christ may come, and appear to his People on Earth: For the second Person, the Son of God, came to Abraham and appeared in a humane shape, and talked with him, and told him, he [Page 223] should have a Son: And may we not as well conceive, he may as well appear to the Seed of Abraham, when they shall be called? He went also to Sodom, and led Lot out thence, and destroyed Sodom by Fire and Brimstone: And may he not as well come Personally to save his many Lots, and destroy his Enemies, as he shall at Armageddon? And consider we farther, that the first coming of Christ was foretold in the Old Testament, Isa 7.14. A Virgin shall conceive, and bring forth a Son, whose Name shall be Immanuel: And he was to be a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, and to be cut off. Now if these things should be weighed in the Balance of Reason, what would it have said, but as Reason did in Mary? How can these things be? and yet we know that all came to pass. Now this may be well concluded, that Reason might have more colour to have pleaded against the Prophecies of Christ's first coming, and suffering death; than it can have now, to plead against his Personal Reign upon Earth: But He came and suffered death; and Reason may now argue, If he came to be Humbled on Earth, why may he not come to be Exalted on Earth? If he came to appear in the form of a Servant upon Earth; why may he not come and appear in the form of a Lord, and of the King of Kings? And if he was some years upon Earth in his state of Humiliation; why may he not be for more years here in a state of Exaltation? If he did come to suffer upon Earth; why may he not come to reign upon Earth? And 'tis to be observed, when Christ spake of his Death, Peter 's Reason withstood it; for Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord, this shall not be unto thee. [Page 224] Now I would not suffer my Reason to argue against his personal coming and reigning, which the Scripture gives such great ground to believe, lest it should be said as to Peter, get thee behind me Satan. In a word, 'tis to be observed that the arguing from conceived absurdities against any truth, was the great way of the Sadduces in opposing the Doctrine of the Resurrection. They tell a story of a Woman that had seven Husbands successively; and ask whose wife she should be of the seven, in the Resurrection? Questions like to this have been askt, and more may, by such as are in this matter not knowing, not searching the Scriptures; for if the Scriptures were well searcht, enough would be found, to put to silence the ignorance in this thing, of many, in other respects, wise Men. Thus much of the Government which will be Theocratical, even a glorious reign of Christ.
3. There will be a Change in the Ecclesiastical State: Now seeing much hath been written before to set forth the great and happy Change, which will be made in the Church, (which the business of unfolding the Mystery of Ezekiels Temple did lead to) therefore I shall adde but a little upon these three following Heads: The glorious Light, the great Purity, and the glorious Liberty which the Church shall have in the times of Restitution.
1. The time of the New Heavens will be a time of breaking forth of great, and glorious Light. For the Light of the Moon shall be as the Light of the Sun, and the Light of the Sun, sevenfold, as the Light of seven days. Isa. 30.26. And this Light will be a discovering Light, [Page 225] and a healing Light. First a discovering Light; Light makes manifest. Good, and evil, truth and error will be made manifest by the Light of the New Heavens. The Gold, and Silver wherewith some have been Building, the Wood Hay and Stubble wherewith others have been building, will be seen in that Light. Pilate askt, What is Truth? Then a full answer shall be given to this question, and it shall be known, What is Truth; and we may in particular observe that those two great Gospel-truths will have then a clear manifestation, and discovery; Christ as Righteousnes, and Christ as Lord: Christ as made Righteousness, for the justification of Men, to cover their sin, and to keep the shame of their Nakedness from appearing; and Christ as made Lord: Lord of Faith, and Lord of Life: Lord of Soul and Spirit, of Conscience and the whole Inner-man; and Lord of Body also, and of the whole Outward-man. Now I ground this upon that Promise Jer. 23.5, 6. & Jer. 33.14, 15. Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign, and prosper, and execute Judgment, and justice in the Earth; and in his days, Judah shall be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely, and this is the Name, whereby he shall be called, The Lord our righteousness. Christ shall then appear as the Churches Lord, and righteousness, yea shall account it his glory to appear, for so he shall own this for a Name and Title. In the other place there is the same promise, only with this variation: This is the Name whereby he shall be called, the Lord our righteousness. As Christ shall owne this for a Name, [Page 226] so shall the Church too. In the former Name, we see how Christ is offered, even to be Lord, and Righteousness; In the latter, how the Church receives him, that is, to be her Righteousness, and to be her Lord.
In the former we see, God in Christ not imputing sin, but imputing righteousness without workes. In the latter we see faith in Christ justifying through laying hold on, and applying Christs righteousness, as that alone by which the Church shall account her self righteous; but together herewith, submitting to be guided, and Governed by Christ as Lord; so we find These two great truths in these Names: The righteousness which justifies, is not our own at all, but only Christ's, and this, and this alone, is sufficient to justify, no other is nedeed; no other is required. For observe, 'Tis not the Law our righteousness, 'tis not love to Christ, and evangelical Obedience flowing from it, which is our righteousness, but the Lord himself, our righteousness; not any thing we do as Servants, but what the Lord of the Law, becoming a Servant to it, hath done. By this it's evident, the gross Popish Doctrine of the Merit of mens works, and justification thereby, will not be the Doctrine taught or received in the New Heavens. New Jerusalem-Light will shew the Vanity of this Doctrine. And as for that more refined and Spiritualized piece of Popery, (and therefore the more dangerous) which is but of Yester-day, up amongst us; and is owned by such, who have the persons and parts of the propagators of it in admiration, and therefore are so ready to own their pernicious [Page 227] Paradoxes, viz. that Evangelical obedience is to be taken in, as that Righteousness by which we are to be justified (for so they understand James, when he saith, a Man is justified by works, although James himself gives ground enough for another sence when he sayth shew me thy faith by thy works) I say this Popery, nay this Socinianisme will be quite shut out of the New Heavens also, and shall pass away, as a Morning Cloud before the New Jerusalem-Light. For this shall be the Churches Name then, as well as Christs, The Lord our Righteousness. And this New Doctrine then, will be found amongst the Old things which must pass away, And amongst the works of the Earth which are to be burnt up.
And then also Christ shall appear as Lord; and Saints shall say, other Lords have had Dominion over us, but now will we make mention of thy Name. Isa. 26.13. and will henceforth call thee by this Name, The Lord our righteousness, and will account this our glory to be called by this Name, The Lord our Righteousness. This Name implies thus much, as given to Christ; He that hath made Christ Righteousness, hath made him also Lord; and in that the Churches of the New Heavens shall be called by this Name, it shews, that all of that Church shall take Christ as for Righteousness, so also for a Lord. Christ shall be called by this Name, and therein God joyns these two together, Christ as Righteousness, and Christ as Lord. And what God joyns together his People will not put asunder, for they shall be owned and called by this Name, The Lord our Righteousness, taking [Page 228] Christ for Lord as well as for Righteousness. Thus the Light of that glorious day which is to come will be a day discovering Light.
2. 'Twill be a healing Light, and that in Saints, and among Saints. First in the Saints; that is, in their hearts, and Consciences. All Wounds made there will be healed, all horrors, all disquieting thoughts, and fears there, will Vanish before that Light, which shall shine into the heart. For as 'tis foretold Mal. 4.2. The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his Wings. The full and compleat accomplishment of this Promise, will be at Christ's Second coming, as is evident from what follows: Ye shall go forth, that is, from your bondage, and Tread down, that they shall be ashes under the Soules of your feet; which was not done at his first coming. Now observe, this Sun of Righteousness, shall arise with healing in his Wings, what are the Wings of this Sun? the Beams of this Sun are its Wings; which coming, into the Heart shall heal it, of all its Wounds, which the killing Letter shall make, which the Conviction of Sin, especially against Christ, in Piercing, persecuting, slighting Christ; shall have made. So we find concerning the Jews, when Christ shall first appear, they shall remember their piercing of Christ, which will then pierce through their own Souls, and shall cause them to mourn and be in bitterness as for a first-born, Zach. 12.10. and Rev. 1.7. The first effect of Christ's appearing, will be a great mourning and wailing; but quickly after this comes healing; for the Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings; and will restore health, and heal all these Mourners [Page 229] of their Wounds. I shall mention two places of Scripture for the clearing of this; one is, Jer. 31.18, &c. I heard Ephraim bemoaning himself, thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, turn thou me, and I shall be turned, for thou art the Lord my God. This is a Prophecy of the calling of the Ten Tribes; none can say that the fulfilling of this Prophecy is past already, for no such thing hath been yet done amongst the Ten Tribes: Now when Ephraim shall thus bemoan himself, what shall the Lord say? That we see verse 20. Is Ephraim my dear son? is he a pleasant child? since I spake against him, I do earnestly remember him, still my bowels are troubled for him, I will surely have mercy upon him. And thus the Lord will quickly comfort Ephraim, and give the Oyl of Joy for Mourning. The other place is Isa. 33.24. When Jerusalem shall be a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down: When the Jews shall say, The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Law-giver, the Lord is our King; as verse 20.22. Then at that time, no inhabitant of Jerusalem, no man walking in the light of it, shall say, I am sick, for the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquities. Sin shall be forgiven, and every Saint shall know it, and have assurance of it; as is evident from that Promise, None shall say, I am sick: Surely if there be knowledge of Sin, and no assurance of Pardon, the Soul will be sick with Sin, guilt remaining in the Conscience will trouble it so long as 'tis there; but no Inhabitant shall say, I am sick, therefore all shall have assurance of the forgiveness of their sins; and this assurance shall continue with them. Secondly, 'Twill be a healing light amongst the Saints; many Rents have been made in [Page 230] the Church; Saints by their divisions have made wounds amongst themselves; through divisions there have been great thoughts of heart, great heart-burnings; and thence have they come to that Paul complains of amongst the Galatians, Chap. 5.15. even to biting, and devouring one another: Now the Light of that Great Day of the Lord will heal all Wounds which have been made amongst the Saints, by Rents and Divisions; for Christ will spread his wings, even the beams of his light, which shall then most gloriously shine forth; and he shall gather all the Saints under his wings, as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings; and so will restore health to them, and heal them of their wounds. This we have set forth, Zeph. 3.8, 9. Wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, till the day that I rise up to the prey; for my determination is to gather the Nations, that I may assemble the Kingdomes, to pour upon them mine Indignation, even all my fierce anger, for all the Earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealously. We may observe what an admirable harmony of Prophecies there is: This is the same in substance with that Prophecy of Gog and Magog in Ezek. and also with that great gathering of the Nations to the Battel of Armageddon. Now consider what great mercy God will at that time bring forth to his People; Then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the Lord to serve him with one consent: There shall be one Lip, and Language, and that a pure one, and so there shall not be divisions amongst the Saints, but they shall all speak the same things, and be perfectly United together; of the same mind, and the same Judgment.
[Page 231]2. The time of the New Heavens will be a time of great purity; this we see foretold, Ezek. 36.25, &c. Great Promises are made to the Jews to be fulfilled in the latter days; and amongst other things 'tis promised, that they shall be made a very pure and holy People. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean, and from all your filthiness, and from all your Idols will I cleanse you: a new heart also will I give you, a new spirit will I put within you, and I will cause you to walk in my Statutes. God promises that this shall go with their outward Mercies, verse 33. What time I shall cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause you to dwell in the Cities, and the desolate places shall be built up. Psa. 110.3. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness. What is meant by the Beauties of Holiness? the Church is meant hereby: this is an ordinary Periphrasis of the Church say our Annotators, the Sanctuary was so called, Psa. 29.2. Worship the Lord in the beauties of holiness; that is, in the Sanctuary: the true Church is always holy, but then it shall be much more eminently holy; it shall be even the Beauties of Holiness; that is, very beautiful and glorious in holiness; yea it shall be the beauties of holiness, having variety of Graces, even all meeting together, and appearing in their beauty without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. As the Sanctuary was called the beauty of holiness, even the typical Sanctuary; so then tho true spiritual Sanctuary shall be called the beauty of holiness, and be as perfect and exact in true holiness, as the worldly Sanctuary was in ceremonial and typical holiness, Isa. 35.8. There shall be an high-way, and it shall be called the way of holiness, the unclean shall not pass [Page 232] over it: But it shall be for those, the wayfaring-men, though Fools shall not err therein. There hath been an high-way of Prophaneness, an high-way of Superstition, of Antichristian Idolatry, and great multitudes have gone in this way, and the ways of Sion have been desolate, very few have gone in these; but at last that high-way of Prophaneness, Idolatry, &c. will become desolate, and the way of Holiness and Godliness will be the great high-way, and the wayfaring-men that go in this way, shall have an unerring Spirit to guide them in it; for the wayfaring men, though Fools shall not err therein, Isa. 54.11, 12. They shall be a holy flock, Ezek. 36. ult. I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and thy foundations with saphires; I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. What doth this signifie? but that there shall be a Church at last exceeding pure, which shall be called the beauties of holiness, Isa. 60.2. The Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. The Light of the Glory of the Lord shall shine to the Saints, and shall shine from them, both for the glorious Works of God wrought for them, and upon them; and in the Works wrought by the Saints, in which the Image and Glory of God shall be seen upon them: Rev. 22.4. They shall see his face, and his Name shall be in their foreheads: Their Professions, their Lives, their Actings and Conversations, shall be a discovery of God: Ʋpon the bells of the horses shall be holiness to the Lord, much more upon the foreheads of his people.
3. In the time of the New Heavens and New Earth, the Sons of God shall have Glorious Liberty: [Page 233] And this brings me back again to Rom. 8.21. The Creature shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God: Now for this we may consider, that there is Gracious Liberty, and Glorious Liberty; there is a Liberty wherewith Christ hath made the Saints free, as Gal. 5.1. and a Liberty wherewith he will make them free; as in this place, which is also called the redemption of the body: There is a redemption of the Soul from sin, and of the Body from sufferings: It hath been for the most part with the Saints, as Christ said to Peter, Another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldst not; But in the time of Glorious Liberty it shall not be so. Gracious Liberty is a Liberty from Evil, and a Liberty in relation to that which is good; Liberty from Evil, is from the evil of sin, and of punishment: Liberty from the Evil of Sin is, when a man is made free from the Reigning power of sin, as in regard of the Outward committing, so from the inward love of it: Rom. 6.18. Being made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness. There is a Liberty also from the Evil of Punishment. Rom. 8. 1 There is no condemnation to those, that are in Christ Jesus. There is now correction to them, and therein God dealeth with them as with sons; but no condemnation to them; they meet with crosses, but have escaped the curse; die they must, but the sting of death is taken away. As they look not for life from the Law, so they need not fear death by the Law. There is a liberty also in relation to that which is good. Saints have liberty to go where they are sure to receive that good which they want; they may go, and that boldly [Page 234] to the Throne of grace, to obtain mercy and find grace to help in a time of need. They can go to Christ, to receive of his fullness grace for grace Jam. 1.17. Every good, and perfect gift is from above: some gifts are good but not perfect: others are good, and perfect, and able to make those perfect who have them. Creatures are a good gift, for every Creature of God is good; but Christ is a good, and perfect gift. Knowledge is a good gift; but the Spirit of wisdome, and grace, of love, and fear, of supplication and adoption is a perfect gift. Earth is a good gift, Heaven is a good and perfect gift. Now, what a precious liberty is this to have free access to him, who gives liberally good, and perfect gifts to those that ask them, and upraideth not? There is a liberty also to the doing of good; though there is not free will, and power in Nature to do that good, which is acceptable to God, yet there is by grace, when any are made free from sin thereby; those that are partakers of the Divine Nature, and have, the seed of God in them, will be free, ready and willing to do good. I will run the ways of thy Commandments when thou shalt inlarge my Heart. Jam. 25. the Law is called the Law of liberty: to men in the flesh, 'tis a Law of bondage; to men in the Spirit, 'tis a Law of liberty. The Law in the Head only, may be but a Law of bondage, so the Law in the Lips; but the Law in the Heart, which hath the Law of the Spirit with it, is a Law of liberty. I go bound in the Spirit said Paul. 'Tis gracious liberty to go bound in the Spirit, both to the doing, and suffering the will of God; and to [Page 235] be constrained by the love of Christ to live to him. Thus much of Gracious Liberty, for some introduction to what is to be said of Glorious Liberty. And as for Glorious Liberty; that, the spirits of just men have in Heaven, going to God the judge of all, to Jesus the Mediator, to the General Assembly, and Church of the First-born. But the glorious liberty mentioned by Paul, is that, which the Saints shall have in the New Heavens, and the New Earth. For 'tis that which the Creatures long for, and look to have some benefit by, and therefore is not meant of the State of Glory in Heaven. Now, that some discovery may be made of this, let some few particulars be observed.
1. To be free from War, and the evils, and mischief that attend it, is a Glorious Liberty. And this shall be the Saints happiness at last, when all things shall be made New. Isa. 40.1. Comfort ye, Comfort ye my people speak comfortably to Jerusalem, tell her that her Warfare is accomplished. In the times of restitution, after the destruction of the Man of Sin, and the calling of the Jews, there shall be no learning of War any more: Isa. 2.4. but swords shall be beaten into plow-shares, and spears into pruning-hooks. Now there is War, Nation against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom: And Saints are called to sight the good fight of faith; But when the Beast and false Prophet shall be taken, God will make all Wars to cease, to the ends of the earth.
2. Glorious Liberty will consist in being free from temptations; Adam was at first free from sin, but not from temptations: There shall be at last a better Paradise for the Saints, than that in [Page 236] which Adam was placed; in which there shall be no Serpent to tempt; Satan is now following the Saints with his temptations; and he hath his Messengers to buffet them: but in the time of Glorious Liberty, he shall be bound and cast into Prison, and never suffered to tempt one Saint any more; for when he shall be loosed out of his Prison, he shall deceive the Nations, Gog and Magog, but not the Saints in Paradise. When the Sons of God in Job's time came before God, Satan came also among them; and he was at Joshuah's right hand to resist him. What a Glorious Liberty will it be for the Sons of God to present themselves before the Lord, and no Satan among them? The Saints will be also free from the Worlds temptations; for neither the persons, nor the things of the world shall allure them to evil; the forbidden Fruit will not then be lookt on as fair, and good to be desired: nothing of the Old World shall come upon the heart; as the things of Egypt did upon the hearts of the Israelites in the Wilderness, Isa. 65.17. And nothing in the New Heavens and Earth shall prove a snare; Saints shall not be tempters to Saints; no Eve shall tempt an Adam; no Peter will then turn Satan, that is, a tempter: And none of the Unconverted shall then be tempters to the Converted; the Sons of God shall not look upon the Daughters of men; neither shall the Woman which now sits upon the Scarlet-coloured Beast, having a Golden Cup in her hand, full of abominations, be in that World, to tempt any to commit Fornication with her; for Satan the great Tempter being bound, and the seducing false Prophets being taken, and cast into the Lake of fire; that doth intimate, that all [Page 237] other Tempters and Seducers will be bound up from deceiving and tempting any of the Saints of the New Heavens and New Earth. And lastly, Saints will not be exercised with God's temptations of tryal: Thus once God tempted Abraham, and the Israelites in the Wilderness, to prove them, and to know what was in their hearts, Deut. 8.2. Now Faith is many times put to the tryal in this way; but then Faith and other Graces, will be found to praise in a constant and vigorous exercise of them, and thereby will it be seen what is in the heart.
3. Glorious Liberty consists in a freedom from Persecution and Sufferings, for the Gospels sake: Whilst the Man of Sin remains, and Satan is going to and fro in the Earth, Saints must look to suffer: the Cross must be taken up, if men will follow Christ; in this time, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution, but at last the Man of Sin will be destroyed; all the Enemies of Christ shall be made his Footstool; then the troubles of the Saints shall be recompenced with tribulation, and then the troubled Saints shall have rest; none shall hurt or destroy in all the holy Mountain of God.
4. Saints will be free of that City, whose Name shall be, The Lord is there; that City that hath Foundations, whose Light shall be like a Stone most precious, whilst abroad: they shall have the light of it to walk in; and they shall have right to enter in through the Gates into the City; and to eat of the Tree of Life there, and to drink of the Waters of Life. The Worshippers of the Beast account it a great liberty to be free to buy and sell in the great City Babylon, but all the joy they have, and delight they take herein, [Page 238] will end in crying, alas! alas! for in one hour so great riches will come to naught. How much better will it be with the Sons of God, when they shall have right to enter into the great City, New Jerusalem, and to eat of the Tree of Life there, and to live for ever? After Adam had sinned, the Way of the Tree of Life was guarded, that he might not eat thereof, and live for ever: Whence it's gathered, that the Tree of Life had a Virtue to have perpetuated Life, and to preserve men from old Age, Diseases, and Death, if he had not sinned, and had once come to eat of it. Now as Adam lost the right to eat of that Tree of Life, which was Typical and Sacramental so a right to eat of the Tree, the Tree of Life, is now given to the Saints, which by Faith they eat of; and 'tis promised to those that do overcome, that they shall eat of the Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradise of God; which is Christ, whom they shall behold in his Glory; and so they shall live for ever, a holy, and a happy Life.
Thus in some few particulars, somewhat of that Glorious Liberty which the Sons of God shall have in the time of the New Heavens, and New Earth, hath been shadowed out; when, how much soever they are despised now, yet they shall be made a Praise in the Earth; yea, an Eternal Excellency, and the Joy of it. This is the Glorious Liberty which the Creatures would be delivered into, they would be subject to, and serve the Sons of God; and will readily yield up their Glory, if that may contribute any thing to the happiness of the Sons of God: Isa. 60.13. The Glory of Lebanon shall come to thee, &c. to beautifie [Page 239] the place of my Sanctuary, and to make the place of my feet glorious; thou shalt suck the milk of the Gentiles, and the breasts of Kings: For brass I will bring gold, for iron I will bring silver, for wood brass, and for stones iron. I will also make thine Officers peace, and thine Exactors righteousness. Now that the Saints may, in a time, that they with the Creatures groan under a sore bondage, rejoyce the more in hope of this Glorious Liberty; let a few things be considered:
1. Present Bondage is no way to be compared with future Liberty: The Bondage whilst Antichrist reigns, is not so grievous, as the Liberty when Christ shall reign, will be glorious: Bondage will not be for ever; it will end well; and when Liberty comes, it will be so glorious, that Saints shall remember no more their anguish, for the joy they shall have in Christ's taking to himself his great power to reign. What was Joseph's anguish and trouble, to the joy which after he had? What was David's great affliction in the Wilderness, to his great glory which he had when advanced to the Throne?
2. Bondage and Affliction makes way for glorious Liberty; Joseph's great Sufferings and Bondage did work for him a greater weight of glory: Psa. 105.17. He sent a man before them, even Joseph who was sold for a servant. Joseph was sold by his Brethren, but sent by God: his Brethren sold him for a Servant, but God sent him to be a Lord: His Brethren sold him, to make void his Dreams; but God sent him, that his Dreams might be made good: And being sold, his Feet were in Irons, until the time that the Word came: Sometimes, after a Word and Promise is [Page 240] given, it seems to go away; hence some askt, where is the Promise of his coming? but though the word may seem to be quite gone, yet it will come. As Christ is he that shall come, so the Word is that, which shall come. David said in his haste All men are Liars. Samuel, and Nathan and Jonathan, and who-ever had spoken of a Kingdom which he should have, even all Liars; but in the end the word came. And next 'tis said, The word of the Lord tryed him. The tarrying Word is a trying word; It tries Faith, and Love and other Graces, which holding out, and enduring the trial, are found unto praise. And the word having had its work in trying him, Then the King sent, And loosed him, even the ruler of the People, and let him go free. He made him Lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance, to bind his Princes at his pleasure, and to teach his senators wisdom.
3. The worse the bondage grows, the nearer the Sons of God, are to Glorious Liberty. Isa. 9.1. At first he lightly Afflicted the land of Zebulon and Napthali afterwards more grievously; such is the Lords dealing with his People, first, more lightly, 'tis, that he afflicts them, at last more grievously. The Churches last trouble is thus set forth in Scripture, such trouble as never was since there was a Nation. Now, that the hope of this Glorious Liberty may be the more confirmed,
1. Have an Eye to the All-sufficiency of God. When God made Promises to Abraham that he should have a Son, and that his Seed should be multiplyed, and that Kings should come out of him; these things being hard to be believed, [Page 241] God sets himself forth in his All-sufficiency, Gen. 17.1. I am the Almighty God, and therefore able to make good my Promises. Isa. 49.23. They shall bring thy Sons in their arms: Kings shall be thy Nursing-fathers, and Queens thy Nursing-mothers: they shall bow Down to thee with their faces to the Earth, and lick up the dust of thy Feet. But v. 24. a doubt is raised, shall the Prey be taken from the mighty, or the Lawful Captive delivered; rather, as in the Magin, shall the Captivity of the just be delivered? Is this any way likely? But, thus saith the Lord, even the Captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for I will contend with him that Contendeth with thee, and will save thy Children: and I will feed them that oppress thee, with their own flesh, and they shall be drunken with their own bloud, as with sweet wine, and all flesh shall know that I am thy Saviour, and thy redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob. Though Satan be mighty, and Antichrist be mighty, yet all flesh shall know that the Lord is more Mighty; and therefore the prey shall be taken from the mighty, and the Lord will turn the captivity of the just as the streams in the South.
2. Have an Eye to the Faithfulness of God, for he is faithful who hath Promised. God hath spoken by the mouth of all his Prophets of these thing Acts. 3.21. And is not this enough to stop all contradicting Mouths, who ask, where is the promise of these things? The Scripture is most copious, and abundant in foretelling, and declaring these things. Paul in all his Epistles hath spoken of these things; and all the Prophets have spoken of them. So then, great ground there is for Faith in this, that glorious liberty shall come [Page 242] And 'tis observable that these Promises are not barely propounded and held forth, but they have a Sealing, and confirming Word added to them, As Rev. 19. After the prophecy of the Lambs Marriage 'tis farther said, These are the true sayings of God, and John was commanded to write; that is, for the Generations to come, Rev. 21.5. He that sate upon the Throne said; Behold, I make all things New and he said unto me, Write. Doth God give a Command that this be written for our learning, and shall not we read? and then 'tis again added; These words are true, and faithful. Rev. 22.6. The Angel said to John after some promises given, These sayings are faithful, and true, and the Lord God sent his Angel to shew to his Servants the things which must shortly be done. Should not then all the Servants of God endeavour to know, and wait for these things, v. 16. I Jesus have sent mine Angels to testify these things in the Churches.
Is it not then the duty of Churches, and all believers in them, to know these things, and to set their Seals to them that they are true? and should not these things be taught among the Churches? thus Daniel having foretold the destruction of the four Monarchies in his interpretation of Nebuchadnezzars dream, concludes all thus: The dream is certain, and the intepretation thereof sure.
3. The Sons of God, even because they are Sons, shall have this Glorious Liberty, Exod 4.23. Let my Sons go that they may serve me. Isa. 43.6. I will say to the North, give up, to the South keep not back; bring my Sons from far, and my Daughters from the Ends of the Earth. Jer. 31.20. Is [Page 243] Ephraim my dear Son? I earnestly remember him still, I will surely have mercy on him. Now by this which hath been thus briefly Layed down concerning the New Heavens, and New Earth, somewhat of the glory of them doth appear, which is well worth the waiting for; and the glory being so great, so desirable, there is reason sufficient that we should be ready to do, and contented to suffer, what the Will of the Lord is, in order to our sharing in the happiness, and glory of that blessed time and state. A right to enter into that City, is incomparably better than all the riches, and glory of this world, which is to perish. And when we hear these glad-tidings of great joy to come, why should it not be with us according to that of Solomon? Prov. 25.25. As cold waters to a thirsty Soul, so is good News from a far Countrey. As cold waters to a thirsty Soul, so should the good News be of this better Countrey, and World to come. This may be a Well for the Sons of God to refresh themselves at, when they are going through the valley of Baca. But let two things be considered, that none may be ashamed of their Hope of these things.
1. Gracious Liberty is the way to Glorious Liberty: Liberty from bondage to the flesh, to our own Wills, and lusts, to Satan, and the World, and the having of a heart inlarged toward God, and his Commands, is absolutely necessary to this, that we may have a Lot in these things. Except a Man be born again, he shall not see the Kingdom ef God; As not the Kingdom of God in Heaven, so not that which shall be when Christ comes from Heaven.
[Page 244]2. We must be ready to take up a Cross, and to chuse sufferings for the sake of Gracious Liberty to serve God: so are we in the way to Glorious Liberty. This was Moses his choice for himself, and the Israelites, Exod. 8.27. We will go into the Wilderness to sacrifice to the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us. They went into the Wilderness to have Gracious Liberty to serve God, and God led them through the Wilderness into Canaan, where they had, as gracious so Glorious Liberty. In like manner, the Woman, the Church of Christ, and his faithful Witnesses, go into the Wilderness for Gracious Liberty, and prefer that, before buying, and selling in the great City Babylon; and these must come up out of the Wilderness, leaning on their Beloved, and stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion, and at last they shall have Glorious Liberty in the great and Holy City Jerusalem.
And thus having handled Peter's Doctrine of the New Heaven, and the New Earth; let the Use which he makes of it be in the next place considered by us, and put in practice: this we have 2 Pet. 3.14. Wherefore, seeing ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot and blameless.
Here are two things to be observed:
1. Saints in the Primitive times did, and Saints now ought to look for the New Heavens, and the New Earth.
2. Those that look for these things, should with all diligence look to this, that their present state and carriage in this World, be suitable to the hopes of such glorious things in the World to come. For the first, we shall do well to consider, [Page 245] that the Doctrine of the New Heavens and New Earth, was Apostolical Doctrine; and the looking for them was an Apostolical practice. In the Primitive times this Doctrine was more taught, and better known, than now it is; Saints at so much a greater distance from these things, did more generally expect them, than now they do, when they are so much nearer: And we have not onely an Apostolical example and practice for it, but if we look higher, even to Heaven, we shall find a Pattern there, which calls for our imitation; for, as we should do the will of God as 'tis done in Heaven, so we should expect the accomplishment of the Will and Word of God, as 'tis expected in Heaven. Let's consider then what example Heaven doth afford us; now this is the example of Christ himself; Heb. 10.12, 13. This man after he had offered one Sacrifice for sins for ever, sate down at the right hand of God, from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. When Christ was upon Earth, he expected Glory in Heaven, which he hath; and being in Heaven, he expects Glory on Earth, which he shall have: He looks to have all his Enemies made his Footstool, and to be King over all the Earth, and to have the Saints reign with him. Christ knows, that thus it shall be, and the thoughts of it are pleasing to him: Isa. 63.4. The day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed shall come: Christ knows that day, and hath it in his heart; 'tis a day of joy and gladness in his heart. And thus as the Creatures have an earnest expectation of that day, so hath Christ himself; and he hath been expecting it ever since he went to Heaven: for 'tis said, From henceforth expecting; [Page 246] that is, from the first time of his sitting down: He is upon the Father's Throne in Heaven, and expected to be upon his own Throne in the New Jerusalem, which shall come down out of Heaven: And Christ will expect till it be done; For as 'tis from henceforth, even ever since he went to Heaven; so, till his Enemies be made his Footstool. Now, seeing Christ expects these things, ought not we to expect with him?
2. The Angels do expect these things; for if Christ doth, then we may conclude the holy Angels do also, seeing they are to come with him; wich they do well know, for they understand Scripture-Prophecies, and the time also, which is revealed in Scripture for the fulfilling of them; for an Angel made Daniel understand a Prophecy, and the time of its accomplishment: Dan. 9.22. As there are things which the Angels desire to look into; so also which they look for; as the passing away of the World which now is, and the creating of the New Heavens, and the New Earth.
3. Saints in Heaven do expect these things; Saints on Earth do long to see these things of Heaven; and the Saints in Heaven do long to see the things of the New Heavens, and the New Earth ▪ For if it be not beneath Christ to expect them, then it is not beneath glorified Saints to look for them. Now, that glorified Saints do know and expect these things, we may conclude thus: We read Luke 9.31. that Moses and Elias being with Christ on the Holy Mount, they spake of his Decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem: Now if his Decease was known by them before its accomplishment; we may as well conceive that his Victory over his Enemies, the New [Page 247] Heavens and the New Earth, and his Kingdom in them, are made known unto them, and expected by them; and not onely the Things, but the Time also, when all shall be done: My ground is this, Both their Things and the Times are revealed in Scripture; as we see by the several numbers of years mentioned in Daniel, and the Revelations; Now what is revealed in Scripture concerning Christ, the Saints in Heaven do know; as in particular the things concerning the Kingdom of Christ, and the time of its coming; which I conclude from 1 Cor. 13.12. Now I know in part, then shall I know as I am known; That is, I shall know that perfectly then, which now I know in part. This is an evident Truth; the Saints know that of Divine Mysteries perfectly in Heaven, which here from the Scriptures they know in part; and so we may suppose that they know when the 1260 Days began, and when they will end. Thus we see how these things are expected in Heaven by Christ, by the Angels, by the Saints; and it being so, these things follow hence:
1. The things which are to be done on Earth are very great things; the subduing of all Christ's Enemies, will be a very Glorious Work, for Christ hath a great, earnest, and constant expectation of it; the New Heavens and the New Earth will be very glorious, for they are the expectations of Heaven: Isa. 11.10. 'tis said, His rest shall be glorious; and when shall this be? verse 11. When the Lord shall set his hand the second time to recover the remnant of his People, &c. The first recovery was from Babylon; this second will be when the Jews shall be called, and when the Outcasts of Israel, and the dispersed of Judah shall [Page 248] be gathered from the four Corners of the Earth.
2. The expectations of Christ's Enemies on Earth, are but a vain thing; for there are expectations in Heaven quite contrary to these; and which, think we, shall be performed? surely the expectations of Heaven. Babylon expects to continue in her Pomp and Power, and looks that Sion shall be her Footstool; but Christ expects till Babylon be made his Footstool. I sit a Queen, saith Babylon; but what saith the Lord to her, Come down and sit in the dust; there shall be no more Throne. I am no Widow, saith Babylon; but thou shalt know Widowhood, and loss of Children, saith the Lord. I shall not see sorrow, saith Babylon; but what is the Word of the Lord concerning her? How much she hath glorified her self, and lived deliciously, so much torment of sorrow give her, Rev. 18.7.
3. If these things be so much expected in Heaven, how much more should they be expected on Earth? If where there is no sin, nor sorrow, but perfect holiness and happiness; then sure, the Saints here in this present evil World, have great reason to be much in the thoughts and expectation of these things. As therefore 'tis the duty of Saints to look for these things, so let me give a few Directions for the right performance of this Duty.
1. Expect the same things which Christ expects; He expects till his Enemies be made his Footstool; he expects the Fall of Babylon; he expects to be revealed from Heaven, and to be glorified in his Saints, and admired in them that believe: And these things should the Saints on Earth look for; even the blessed hope, and glorious appearing [Page 249] of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thus we are sure our expectations shall not perish, because they are Christ's also: but the expectation of his Enemies shall perish, and their hope shall be as the Spiders Web.
2. Expect because Christ expects; he knows what he expects, and hath sufficient ground for his hope, and hath power to make good his own expectations. Now when the Saints want some Stay and Support for their hope, and their Hearts like Moses his Hands are heavy, they should look to Christ's Hope, and this will be to their hearts as Aaron and Hur were to Moses his hands, they stayed them up, and so they were steady, till the going down of the Sun, and till Amalech and his People were discomsited by Joshua with the edge of the Sword. 3 Expect as Christ expects. Hopes on Earth should bear the Image of Heavenly Hopes; there's no fear, no taking thought in Heaven: Hope deferred doth not make any heart sick there; but there is joy of hope. As Christ expects that his Enemies be made his Footstool, so he laughs at their Imaginations and Contrivance against him, and hath them all in derision. Such should the Saints hope be here, and so they shall be able to say of Babylon the Man of Sin, and all that give up their power to him; as Isaiah did of Sennacherib, when he besieged Jerusalem: Isa. 32.22. The Virgin, the Daughter of Sion hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorn; the Daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee. The Power and threats of the Romish Beast, with all that take part with him, should not shake the hearts of the faithful Witnesses, but they should shake their Heads at him, and laugh him to scorn. Surely [Page 250] there is little cause to fear those who shall very shortly be Christ's Footstool.
Christ expects also with Constancy and Perseverance; there is perseverance in the hope of Heaven; Christ expects till his Enemies be made his Footstool: Christ's hope is like himself, The same yesterday, to day, and till all be accomplished which he hopes for: Nothing on Earth weakens the hope of Heaven, no changes, no scattering of the Power of the holy people; no Death of the Witnesses make any the least alteration in the hope of Heaven. Now such should the Saints hope be on Earth, even the same in all changes; they should hope when the Beast kills the Witnesses, and those that dwell on the Earth rejoyce over their dead bodies, as well as when the Witnesses have power to shut Heaven, and to smite the Earth with all Plagues as often as they will: they should hope not onely when a deadly Wound is given to the Beast, but when that deadly Wound is healed; and when Babylon triumphs and glorieth most, then may Sion hope the more, and rejoyce most of all in her hope. For when Babylon saith, I sit a Queen, am no widow, and shall not see sorrow, then her plagues shall come in one day, Rev. 18.8. That is, a very short time after this her vain triumph: For, when having been under great Fears, and these passing away, she saith, The bitterness of death is past; and comes forth delicately like Agag, then if the Sauls that should do it, will not, some Samuels will be found that shall hew that great Whore in pieces.
And secondly, when her plagues come, quick dispatch will be made with her, even in a day as it were; yea in one hour, so great riches, [Page 251] and glory will come to nought.
Thus we see what the expectations of Heaven are, which do call for such hope on Earth as that which Peter exhorts. 1. Pet. 1.3. Be sober, and hope to the End. For the grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ. And thus we see 'tis the Saints duty to look for these things, and how they should do it.
Q. But here it may be askt as the Disciples did of Christ; When shall these things be? Seeing we are to look for them, we would gladly know when we may expect them, at least when the time is near.
A. For answer to this, it may be said, as Elijah did to Elisha, Thou hast asked a hard thing. 'Tis indeed a hard thing to tell when the time will be; yet certain it is, that the time is revealed in Scripture, when the Jews shall be called, when Babylon shall fall, and the two Beasts shall be destroyed: and why is it revealed, but that first or last Men might come to the knowledge of it? Daniel understood by Books the number of the years of the Jews Captivity in Babylon: though it was but a very short time before the expiration, viz. in that very year in which Babylon was taken Dan. 9.1. and why may we not hope, it may be given to some beloved ones, to understand by books the number of the years of the Churches desolations, some little time, at least, before the accomplishment of them?
We may observe three numbers in Daniel and one in the Revelations, which concern the times when these things shall be brought to pass. The first is Dan. 8.14. How long shall be the Ʋision of the daily Sacrifice: and 'tis answered, unto [Page 252] Two thousand and three hundred days; that is, years: for so the rest of the numbers are interpreted; and why should not these days be so taken also? The other two are mentioned together Dan. 12.11, 12. From the time that the daily Sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, shall be One thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Blessed is he that cometh to the thousand two hundred and five and thirty days. The fourth number is Rev. 11.2, 3. Forty and two months, and a thousand two hundred and sixty days, being the same time. Now, it is upon good ground conceived, that the 2300 days, and 1335, will end together, and that the 1290 days, and the 1260 days will also end together. The grounds of this conception, I shall after lay down in the distinct handling of these Numbers, and 'twill be of great Use to clear this, because if we can't find out the right Epocha of every one of these numbers, yet if we can find the Epocha of one of them, by that we shall know when all the rest will end. I shall take notice of these numbers distinctly, but chiefly insist upon one of them ( viz.) the 1290 days, and endeavour to find out the Epocha of it: for I think the great mistake hitherto hath been about its Epocha.
First, of the Number 2300 days Dan. 8.14. some would understand [ days] here in a proper sence, and so take them as setting out the time of Antiochus Epiphanes his Persecutions, but this is very improbable, for seeing that the other numbers mentioned in Daniel are taken by general consent for so many years, why should not these be so taken also? And besides; Antiochus [Page 253] his Persecutions were but for six years, as Pererius hath shewn out of the First Book of Macchabes. But 2300 days make six years, three Months, and twenty days. This appears farther, by considering, who is meant by the little Horn, Dan. 8.9. who should tread down the Sanctuary and host till the 2300 days should be finished. Now Antiochus Epiphanes was not this little Horn, seeing the Characters do no way agree to him. For,
1. 'Tis a little Horn at his first Rise, and afterward waxes great. But it's evident that Antiochus was great at first, being the Son of Antiochus Magnus, who left him a great Kingdom.
2. This little Horn was to wax great to the South, and to the East, and to the Pleasant Land; but Antiochus did not so: not to the East, for he was put to flight, and expelled out of the East; by the Citizens of Elamis in Persia. Not in the South; for he had a repulse in Egypt by the Captains of Ptolomeus, and was forced thence by the threats of Popilius, the Romane Ambassador: and after his Cruelties in Judea, his Armies were overthrown and put to flight by the Jews, and their Captain Judas Macchabaeus,
3. The acts of this little Horn are extended to the time of the end, yea the last time of Indignation. v. 17. At the time of the end shall be the Ʋision, That is; its fulfilling. And I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the Indignation; the same end with that, Chap. 11.35.40. Chap. by this it is evident, that Antiochus Epiphanes was not this little Horn, and therefore the days are not meant of the time of his persecution.
[Page 254]Neither was the fourth Monarchy, when it first became so, this little Horn. For the Roman Power was very great before the Grecian Monarchy was subdued by it; so great, that it awed much Antiochus, as appears by what was said of Popilius. Neither was the first Beast, or Antichrist in his first estate as Pope, and as being in his Seat at Rome, this little Horn; for he never did wax great to the East, and to the South, and to the pleasant Land, but onely in the West; therefore we must conclude, that the second Beast spoken of, Rev. 13. shall be this little Horn which shall wax great to the East, and to the South, and to the pleasant Land. 'Tis said v. 24. He shall destroy the mighty and holy people, and also he shall stand up against the Prince of Princes: he shall not onely stand up against Christ in his Members; but also, which shews it to be another distinct standing up, he shall stand up against the Prince of Princes; that is, Christ in person, Rev. 19.16.
Obj. This little Horn must arise out of one of the four notable Horns of the Grecian Monarchy; how then can we judge this little Horn to be the second Beast, which rises up when the fourth Monarchy draweth very near to its end?
A. The little Horn will come forth in the last time of the fourth Monarchy, and be the Head of it: and as heretofore, so then, that which was under the Grecian Monarchy, in part at least, will come under the fourth Monarchy again; and this little Horn will then arise out of one of the four Horns; that is, out of one of those Kingdoms or Countries, which before made one of the four; and we have most reason to conceive, that in Graecia will be that Horn, because 'tis said, that [Page 255] he shall wax great to the East, and to the South, and to the pleasant Land.
Obj. But it's said, Dan. 8.23. In the latter end of their Kingdom, when the Trespassers are come to the full, then shall the little Horn arise. Their Kingdom, what is that but the Graecian?
A. To this I spake somewhat formerly, that this is to be understood so, as that it shall be fulfilled in the time of the fourth Kingdom; and 'tis called their Kingdom, because theirs did run into the Fourth, and was in it. Now to clear this more fully; consider first, That these Four Kingdoms in the first representation of them are set forth as one body, appearing as a great Image of a Man, the Head whereof was Gold, the Breast and Arms of Silver, the Belly and Thighs of Brass, the Legs of Iron, and the Feet part of Iron, and part of Clay: When the time of its destruction comes, the Stone breaks all, even the whole Image in pieces: Dan. 2.35. Then was the Iron, the Clay, the Brass, the Silver and the Gold broken to pieces together, and became like the Chaff of the Summer Threshing-floors, and the Wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: So then, the latter end of the Fourth, is the latter end of the Third; yea, and of the Second and first also. Hence thirdly we may gather, That all the Kingdoms, all the Dominions and Powers, which shall be in any of those Nations and Countries, which formerly were, or now are under any of the four Kingdoms, represented in that Image, standing in opposition against Christ, shall be all smitten by the Stone, and thus broken in pieces. This will be the first work of the Stone, which after this, will become a great Mountain, [Page 256] and fill the whole Earth. Fourthly, The smiting will begin at the Feet of Iron and Clay: so 'tis said, Dan. 2.34. The Stone smote the Image upon the Feet that were of Iron and Clay, and brake them in pieces. The Head was in the East, and other parts were in the East, or towards the East; the Legs, Feet and Toes came down to the West. Now, they are the Feet and Toes that are first broken in pieces; that is, the Fourth Kingdom, as in this Western part of the World, in the destruction of the first Beast at Rome: and the extream parts of the Toes will first be broken in pieces, and then will the Stone proceed to the Legs, Thighs, Belly, Breast, Arms and Head, till all be destroyed together. And therefore as this great Body grew downwards, so it shall die upwards, beginning at Ʋltima Thule.
Obj. Shall we think that the Holy Spirit making a discovery of Alexander's Kingdom, and the four Kingdoms which were to stand up out of his, would immediately pass from these, over so vast a space of time, and on a sudden come down to speak of what should be in the last times?
A. So it is; and we are necessitated to conceive so: For first, 'tis when the Transgressors are come to the full; that is, when their number is filled up, and the number of their Iniquities is filled up also: when they are accomplished, Dan. 8.23. This little Horn will fill up the number of the Transgressors; when he comes he will be the last. Secondly, He will be broken without hand, v. 25. this last Transgressor will not be destroyed as the former; they were broken with hands; the Babylonish Transgressors by the hands of the Medes and Persians; they by Graecian hands, and the [Page 257] Graecian by Roman hands: But the last Transgressors without hand; that is, such a hand as the others were destroyed by; for the Lord himself shall destroy them, and then the slain of the Lord shall be many.
2. 'Tis usual with the Prophets in their Prophecies, to leap on a sudden from their times, to the very last times of all, delighting to be in view of them, and to be speaking of them hereby comforting themselves, amidst the calamities of their times, and also laying up comforts in store for the Saints in all ages, viz. by prophesying of these times of ruine to all their enemies, and of the restitution of all things; 'tis usual with them, having the Wings of the Dove, to fly to these times that they may be at rest. Thus Isa. 1. The prophet complains of Sin, and bewailes the Judgments which it brought upon the Jews, and then on a sudden he is carried by the Spirit to the very last times v. 25.26. I will purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin; not only purge, but purely purge, or according to pureness, which is to be done, when the Jews shall be called; and I will restore thy Judges as at the first, and thy Counsellors as at the beginning. Surely they must be the last Judges of the World that shall be as the first, and Counsellors at the end of the present World, who shall be like those at the beginning; and then Chap. 2.1. &c. he goes on to declare these blessed times. It shall come to pass in the last dayes that the Mountain of the Lords House shall be established in the top of the Mountains, &c. See also Isa. 11.30.18. to 26. Thus we see grounds to conclude that this little Horn must be the second Beast, and Objections [Page 258] answered. And one thing more is very worthy of our observation concerning him. That is, As he shall wax great so it shall be only towards the East, and towards the South, and towards the pleasant Land. Nothing is said of his waxing great towards the West. The Lord, it appears by this, will be gracious to this Western part of the World, where the first Beast hath been so long tyrannizing, and exercising so much Cruelty: so that though he shall destroy Wonderfully, and prosper and practise; yet it shall not be in that part, where the Witnesses prophesied in sackcloth 1260 days, And now having spoken so much of this little Horn, which was very necessary, that we may better know what to Judge of the 2300 days, when they began and when they will end; let this come into consideration in the next place,
1. That the 2300 dayes, and the 1335 dayes will end together; for first the 1335 days bring us to the end of the dayes of trouble and affliction to the Saints; and to the end of those days at which Daniel shall stand up in his Lot, Dan. 12.13. so 'tis in Dan. 8.19. I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the Indignation, that is, when he that shall prosper and practice, and destroy the mighty and the holy people, shall come to his end, and be broken without hand. This will be at the end of the 2300 dayes, and of the 1335. And doubtless, this last end of the Indignation, and the breaking of this little Horn, that shall stand up against the Prince of Princes, without hand; shall be the pouring out of the last Vial, Rev. 16.17. Then secondly,
At the end of 2300 dayes the Sanctuary shall be cleansed; then all shall be cleansed; then all [Page 259] shall be pure and clean as it ought to be, in the Church and among the Saints. Now compare with this Chap. 11.35. some of them of understanding shall fall to try them, and to purge and to make them white; but how long shall this trying time be? to the time of the end, because it is yet for an appointed time; this is spoken concerning the Jews after their first Call. Now when shall this time end? When the 1335 dayes end, of which it's said, Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to them, because then the trying time will be over; for at this time the Sanctuary shall be perfectly cleansed: so there will be no more need of afflictions and sureffings to try, & to purge them, & to make them white.
2. The 2300 are to be accounted to begin at the time when Daniel had his Vision: This I gather from Dan. 8.13, 14. How long shall be the Vision concerning the daily Sacrifice? And he said unto 2300 dayes. How long shall be the Vision? that is, how long from the beginning to the end of it; how long from the first representation of these things in the Vision, to the accomplishment of them? how long from the time of the Prophecy to the time of the performance? Now Daniel said, v. 1. In the third year of Belshazzar a Vision appeared to me. Belshazzar reigned but three years, and in his third year, but after Babylon was taken, Daniel had this Vision. For v. 2. He sayeth, when I saw, I was at Shushan in the Palace; Now Shushan was in Persia; thither he was carried after Babylon was taken; so he had this Vision at the beginning of the Persian Monarchy, and that we must take to be the Epocha of this Number: And if any one can find out and give an exact account of years, since the beginning of the Persian monarchy, then I think I may undertake to [Page 260] tell, when they will end. And consequently when all the other Numbers mentioned will come to their end. A late Author, who hath laboured much to find out the true account, fixes the period of this Number in A. D. 1701. but for my part, I shall only declare what I am most inclined to believe; which is, that it will not be till about 1731. those that have Books and leasure, may do well to try, what by searching they can find out, of the certain Number of years since the beginning of the Persian-monarchy: which would be a thing of great Use, if it could be found out. Thus much of the first Number 2300 dayes.
The second and third have an Epocha, which next is to be enquired into: This Epocha is the time of taking away the daily Sacrifice, and setting up the Abomination, that maketh desolate, Dan. 12.11, 12. Here our enquiry must be to know what is meant by the daily Sacrifice, and when it was taken away.
1 What is meant by the Daily Sacrifice? Now the generality of those that look for Redemption in Israel, do take the Jewish Sacrifices and Worship to be here meant, which were abrogated by the coming of Christ. To these, Julian out of his hatred of Christianity, gave countenance; and he was willing to have them brought into Use again: and so they conceive the Daily Sacrifice was taken away, &c. when Julian gave liberty to the Jews to rebuild the Temple; from the doing of which they were miraculously hindred.
But this puts a strange sense upon the words; for here's taking away, and setting up; the taking away is to give oportunity for the setting up of somewhat in the room of what is taken away; and [Page 261] therefore the taking away is first mentioned: and so if we must understand the Jewish daily Sacrifice, 'twill be, as if it had been said, the Daily Sacrifice and the Jewish Worship was taken away, which was a great Abomination, and an Abomination that would make desolate set up; and this Abomination which was to be set up, was the Temple and Jewish Worship, which was indeed the Daily Sacrifice. And thus the sense will come to this, the Jews Worship was taken away, to make way for the setting up of the Jewish worship; an Abomination was taken away, to set in an Abomination; the Daily Sacrifice was taken away, to set up the Daily Sacrifice.
Secondly, The Daily Sacrifice must be taken here in a good sense; that is, for the pure worship of God, spiritual, evangelical worship, set forth under a Legal Name: and thus the sense will run clear, pure Religion and Worship in the free and publick exercise of it, was that, which the Enemies of it would prevail to take away, and set up an Abomination, a false Religion, corrupt and impure Worship in the room of it, which would bring great desolation upon the true Church, and such as would worship in spirit and truth; and would be a very great desolating thing to true Religion; and by this means the World would come to be filled with abominable Doctrines, with abominable Idolatries, with abominable Will-worship and Superstition.
Now for the farther clearing of this, that the Daily Sacrifice is to be taken in a good sense, and not in an evil sense, let's consider a little a parallel place before mentioned, Dan. 8.11, 12, 13. He magnified himself to the Prince of the Host, and [Page 262] by him the Daily Sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his Sanctuary was cast down. I have proved before, that this was to be done in Gospel-times, by what was said concerning the little Horn: Now most evident it is, that in this place the daily Sacrifice is to be taken in a good sense, for it is joyned with the Truth, an Host was given him against the daily Sacrifice, and it cast down the Truth to the ground. The Truth and the daily Sacrifice suffer together; and then 'tis asked, How long shall be the Vision concerning the daily Sacrifice, to give the Sanctuary and Host to be trodden under foot? and he said, unto 2300 days; then the Sanctuary shall be cleansed, and the daily Sacrifice restored. Now the daily Sacrifice being taken in a good sense in this place, why should it not be so in the other? both speak of Gospel-times, and both mention it, as a great calamity to the Church to have it taken away: and doubtless it must be taken in the same sense in both places; there is onely this difference, that taking away in the Eighth Chapter, is meant of the great Calamity which shall come upon the Jews after their First Call; and that in the Twelfth Chapter, of a desolation to come upon the Churches of the Gentile Saints. And thus we are quite beaten off, from making that mentioned concerning Julian, our Epocha there, where we find pure Religion, and the true Worship of God to be eminently cast off by the generality of men professing Christianity; and in the room of it a false Religion and Worship set up: so that true Religion in comparison with its former state, becomes a desolate thing, maintained and owned but by a few. This is to bring us to a right understanding of the daily sacrifice, and the [Page 263] Abomination set up, that so we may stand upon a sure foundation in our Inquiry. And so I come to the next thing, which is,
2. When the daily Sacrifice was taken away. And here I shall consider, first what we find foretold in the New Testament concerning this, which may be a help to us in this Inquiry: and secondly what we find in Ecclesiastical History, of the fulfilling of things foretold in the Scripture. Now for the former of these, let two places of Scripture be considered. The first is Rev. 11.2. The court which is without, measure it not, for it is given to the Gentiles; and the holy City shall they Tread under Foot. That which I would here take notice of for our present purpose, is, the Name given to those to whom the outward Court is given; which is, Gentiles. Now these are called Gentiles in opposition to those that are called Jews, that is, such who were Jews inwardly, as Paul saith. 'Tis observable, in the same Book of the Rev. the true Worshippers are called Jews. Rev. 29. and 3.9. I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but the synagogue of Satan, and doe lye. This Intimates, that some were Jews, and did not blaspheme in calling themselves so; others were Heathens, who yet would have been called Jews. So the Gentiles there spoken of, are Jews turn'd Gentiles, and Christians turned Heathens; yet, such as would keep up a Name for being Jews and Christians: which argues a great Apostacy. Now observe this, when such an Apostacy did eminently appear, and Men proffessing Christanity did turn Heathens, and took up the way of the Heathens in many things in their worship; then the daily Sacrifice began to be taken [Page 264] away, and the Abomination that made desolate was set up, these Gentiles 'tis said, Tread down the Holy City, and that is the head of the 42 Moneths, and 1260 dayes. But before these Gentiles get into such power, and grow so numerous, they must have a time to become Gentiles; and we may well conceive, there may be a considerable space of time betwixt their first becoming Gentiles, and there getting into such power, as to be able to carry it in the outward Court against the true Worshippers, the Jews inwardly, and to tread down the Holy City. So then the time of the Jews turning Gentiles, of Christians becoming Heathens, is the head of the 1290 dayes; and the possessing the outward Court, and the Treading down of the Holy City, is the head of the 42 Moneths, and of the 1260 dayes, 30 years after the former. Thus much for the first place: The other place is 1. Tim. 4.1, 2, 3. Now, the Spirit speaketh expresly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the Faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, Doctrines of Devils, speaking lyes in hypocrisy, forbidding to Marry, and commanding to abstain from meat. This place shews how Jews should turn Gentiles, and Christians become Heathens; and also shews how the daily Sacrifice was taken away, and so will be of great Use to help us in our inquiry after the time, when this was done; for when the Doctrine of Devils was taught and practised, when there was a prohibition of Marriage, and when there was a command to abstain from meats, then the daily Sacrifice began to be taken away, and the Abomination was set up which proved so desolating a thing to true Religion, and to the People of God. Now Mr. [Page 265] Mede's interpretation of the Doctrine of Devils, rather Daemons, is generally known and embraced coming with such evidence, that it is not to be rejected: this Doctrine of Daemons he concludes to be that which taught the worshipping of Saints departed, wherein Christians turned Heathens, for they symbolized with them herein; it being the custom of the Heathens, to deifie and worship their Heroes when dead; who were a middle sort of Powers betwixt their sovereign Gods, and Men, being mediators betwixt them. And like to these were the adored Saints among Christians, whose Reliques were trusted-in, as Powers defending their Cities, as appears by some passages which he quotes out of Basil and Chrysostom; and these he takes to be meant by the Mahuzzim, or God of Forces: Dan. 11.38. This kind of Idolatry began, saith he, after Julian; the Reader may see more in his Apostacy of the latter-times. Now God was no longer worshipped in truth, when this Abomination came in, of worshipping Saints, and trusting to their Mediation and Intercession, and making them Protectors. God says, My Glory of religious worship, and of Christ's Mediation and Intercession, I will not give to another: If men do it, they certainly in this do cast off the daily sacrifice, even the true worship of God: and besides there is no Abomination more desolating and destructive to true Religion, than for men to usurp a Power to command things contrary to the Commands of God, and to forbid what God allows; as Marriage, and Meats: no more desolating Doctrine, no more desolating Principle than this, That Men may take upon them to make Laws about Worship and Matters of Religion; when men think [Page 266] to mend God's Institutions, and to make a better Religion then what God hath left us in his word; this is the ready way to marr all, and so take away the daily sacrifice, and to set up that Abomniation which makes all desolate. Now this I take to be the true Epocha 1290, ( viz.) the time when Christians thus turned Heathens, and the Doctrine of Daemons was taught and practised, and then these desolating Abominations were set up; In which the Apostle sets forth the Apostacy of the latter days; and doubtless the Head of this Apostacy is the true Epocha of these Numbers 1290, and 1335 days.
Secondly, Let us see what we can find in Ecclesiastical History, of the fulfilling of these things foretold in the Scripture, and when this Apostacy began; so as that the true Worshippers had cause to take up the Psalmist's complaint, O God, the Heathen are come into thine Inheritance, thy holy Temple have they defiled: They are gotten into the outward Court, and we fear they will drive all the Worshippers shortly thence, and possess it wholly themselves, and at length tread down the holy City also. Now here I shall make use of some Collections of a late Author, declaring when this Apostacy began, which he makes the Epocha of the 1260 days; this hath been the great mistake hitherto, as I conceive from what hath been before laid down: and we have great ground to conclude, that what hath been pitcht upon for the Head of the 1260 days, is indeed the Head of the 1290 days: Now let us take the particulars of the Apostacy in that order in which the Apostle gives them to us.
1. He saith in the general, Some shall depart [Page 267] from the Faith: some Sayings of Augustine are mentioned, which shew a great departure from the Faith in his time: As we who are called Christians, do not believe in Peter, but in him in whom Peter believed: This doth intimate that some pretending to be Peter's Successors, did begin to claim such a power and Right as this: And what greater departing from the Faith, than to come to this, to believe in men? And again, reprehending the Popes arrogancy who suffered themselves to be called Gods: He saith, he that would seem to be God, when he is man, doth not imitate him, who when he was God, for our sakes was made man; is not this a departing from the Faith? Again, saith he, the Catholick Faith believes Heaven to be the first place, the second Hell; as for a third, we are wholly ignorant; neither is it found in Scripture: this intimates a departing from the Faith in this thing. Again, good works do not precede Justification, but follow the justified: this also intimates a departing from the Faith, when an opinion of Justification by Works began to be taken up. This was about the year 393. that he wrote thus: And about 393. began Humane Traditions to grow into request; and a Monkish Life, which was conceived to be a meritorious thing, and that thereby men might be freed from Hell, and obtain a true, certain, and plentiful hope of eternal Life. Epiphan. Contra haeres. saith, Among many other things, shewing the great Defection, A. 396. whence is this Image-worship, and the Design of the Devil? Men introduce Images to be worshipped, having the Mind adulterated from the One and onely God.
2. For the second thing; The Doctrine of Daemons, [Page 268] and of Saint-worship: touching this, a saying of Epiphanius is mentioned; The Body of Mary was truly holy, but not God; her-self was indeed a Virgin, and to be honoured, but not given us that we should worship her: she her self was worshipping him, who was born of her self. We may be sure of this, that he observed Divine Honour to be given to her, which was the occasion of his writing thus. A Saying of Augustine also is mentioned to this purpose; It is not our Religion to worship dead Men, they are honoured for our imitation-sake, but are not to be worshipped for the sake of Religion; nor are we to Consecrate Temples to them, for they will not be so honoured of us. Now that of Epiphanius is referred to A. D. 396. as the other to 399. This shews that the Doctrine of Daemons was then taught, and had too much heed given to it. And did not this tend to the taking away of the daily sacrifice? and was it not an abomination making desolate?
3. Touching Prohibition of Marriage; It was endeavoured in the Council of Nice, A. 326. to make a Decree, That Bishops and Elders should refrain from their Wives: But Paphnutius opposed himself to the whole Council, urging that of the Apostle, Marriage is honourable among all men; and so far prevailed, that a Decree of Liberty was brought forth: But in An. 396. the second Council of Carthage was held (saith Helvicus) which made a Law against their Marriage, and this was confirmed in the Council of Toledo in Spain, with an Allowance to have Concubines, A. 400. and likewise Siricius who was Bishop of Rome from A. 385, to 398. (as saith Alfred, in Chron. Paparum) imposed single life upon the [Page 269] Clergy, endeavouring to justifie it by abusing those words of Paul. They that are in the flesh cannot please God. Thus we see when forbidding to Marry came in, viz. A. 396.
4. As for a Command to abstain from Meats, which is the last thing mentioned by the Apostle. Socrat. lib. 5. saith, That about the year 396. Laws were made about Meats, and other things were instituted, which he called Jewish Rites, which made Augustine complain, That about this time Religion was so corrupted with Traditions and Humane Rites, that the very condition of Jews under the Law, was much more easie than that of Christians under the Gospel: And Dionysius Bishop of Corinth did, in an Epistle, admonish another Bishop, not to load Christians with heavy burthens, Ceremonies, and Traditions, nor obtrude upon his Brethren single Life. Thus we have seen somewhat that History doth afford touching the Apostasy foretold by the Apostle. These things before mentioned, and more, may be seen in Wolfeus his Centenaries. Now, seeing the great things of the Apostasy foretold by the Apostle, appear to have been commanded and practised, in and about the year 396, therefore that year is most likely to be the Epocha of that Number 1290 dayes, and that then the daily Sacrifice began to be taken away; and if so, then we may easily conclude, about what time the Jews will be called. Thus much of the Second and Third numbers. And lastly touching the 1260 days, I would have it considered,
1. That the 1290 dayes, and the 1260 dayes will end together: for we may observe Rev. [Page 270] 16.10, 12. that the fifth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Seat of the Beast, and so destroys that, and consequently the Beast, as in that Seat; then the sixth Angel pours out his Vial upon the River Euphrates, that a way may be made for the Kings of the East. These Kings of the East are the Jews, and chiefly the ten Tribes. Now we may well suppose a calling of the Jews before this, it may be a considerable time: They are called Kings, at the time of the sixth Vial, which supposes their calling before, and getting into such power as to be called Kings; as the Israelites, when brought out of Egypt, and gathered into a body, then were a Kingdom of Priests. And besides, 'tis said, he shall save the Tents of Judah first: therefore their calling is before the sixth Vial, and so we may suppose, it will be at the end of the 1260 dayes. For my part I conceive that the Jews first Call, at least the Call of those of the Tribe of Judah, will be at the time of the Witnesses being raised. Which seems hinted, Ro. 11.15. If the casting away of them be the reconciling of the World; what shall the receiving of them be, but Life from the dead? Life to the dead Witnesses; a civil Life, and Spiritual to them in a far more eminent degree than before; and also a Spiritual Life to many of those that were dead in sins; and then the fulness of the Gentiles wil begin to come in.
2. The first appearence and Rise of the Man of Sin, or first Beast, is not to be reckoned for the head of this Number 1260 dayes. It's evident he did begin to appear about the time of the great Apostacy, and the taking away the daily [Page 271] Sacrifice. 'Tis observable in the year before mentioned 196. There was a division of the Empire upon the death of Theodosius, and division was the way to ruine; and in few years after, Alaricus took Rome, and the Bishop of Rome beg [...] to usurpe the power of the Keys, as appea [...] by a saying of Augustine: The keys are delivered to the whole Church, and not to one Peter, and then a little after, the Horns of the Beast appear.
3. If we would pitch upon the right time for the beginning of the 1260 dayes, let's consider two places which give us two eminent marks of that time; the first is Rev. 11.2. his having such power, as that he thereby treads down the Holy City; the other is Rev. 13.5. power was given him to continue, Gr. [...], to make War, 42 Moneths; we may well conceive he might have his Being some time before his making War, and before he was able to tread down the Holy City. Now upon that supposition, that the 1290, and 1260 days will end together, and that the head of the former number being reckoned to be about 396, it doth Appear, that the head of the latter must be 30 years lower.
4. At the Rise of the Witnesses the 1260 dayes will end, and then the Beast's time also will be run out: But we must consider in what sense this is to be taken, that is; then the time of his Treading down of the Holy City, and his making War, so as to prevail therein, will have an end; for so 'tis said, That he shall tread down and make War so long. Now when the Witnesses shall be raised, they shall begin to grow into a City, and considerable body. For then 144000 [Page 272] are said to be upon Mount Sion. They get out of the Wilderness and afflicted estate, and begin to be a Mount Sion, and to tread down that wicked City Babylon: for the tenth part of it then will fall, and soon after, the other parts, and Rome it self; and at this time the Witnesses will be able to make War with the Beast, and first shall slay 7000 Names of Men, and then shall overcome and kill him. For he that killeth with the Sword, must be killed with the Sword: when the tenth part of the City falls, and the 7000 Names of men are slain; then a deadly Wound, not to be healed, will be given to the first Beast: True, he may doe somewhat towards his defence, but all in vain. So that his warring time, so as to conquer and prevail by it, will then be ended, and his 42 Monthes compleated at the rising of the Witnesses.
And thus, Although I had declared some resolutions not to medle with the times, farther than to give some signes of them, yet being earnestly prest to it, I have adventured to doe somewhat in this matter, which hath been so much disparaged by former mistakes, and the too positive determination of such who have built upon a wrong foundation. My aim hath been to get the surest ground I could from Scripture to proceed upon: a little time will bring these things to light by the accomplishment. In the mean time, 'tis much that we do or may understand by Books, which give us sufficient ground to conclude, that the 1290, and 1260 dayes are come very near to their end; and my hope is, that they will not reach beyond the year 1686. If Chronology be right it is very probable [Page 273] they will not, they may end before; and then soon after, Rome will come to its end, and none shall help it: And when these days beforementioned shall be run out, then we may conceive the work of pouring out the Vials will begin; for that any of them are poured out already, I take to be a mistake: Their Plagues are the last Plagues, and in them will the wrath of God be filled up; what a Vial is poured out upon, will be destroyed for ever, for it brings the last Plague upon that thing it destroys; and at the end of these days the true Worshippers that did go forth of the outward Court, and went into the Wilderness, bearing good Seed with them, shall come again into it with joy, bringing their Sheaves with them, and drive out those Gentiles that possess it. And as an handful of Corn was still in the earth even in the worst of times; so after the end of these days, the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon, and they of the holy City, which then shall begin to be built again, shall flourish like the grass of the field. And what is foretold of the Jews, Isa. 60.22. we may apply also to the Gentile Saints: A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong Nation, I the Lord will hasten it in his time. The faithful Witnesses, and that remnant of the Woman's Seed, which keep the Commandments of God, and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ, is a Flock, though a little one, and but a small one; but this little one shall become a thousand, yea quickly increase to 144000. and this small one a Nation, yea a strong Nation; I the Lord will hasten it in his time: and when God hastens, nothing shall hinder. God gives to every seed his own body, 1 Cor. 15.38. The [Page 274] seed is very small, the body which God gives it, is many times very great. 'Tis so in the Works of Nature; what a tall, spreading, vast-bodied Oak grows out of a small Acorn! and much more in the Works of Grace; there is a Seed that serves God, Psa. 22.30. What a vast body will God give to this seed! 'Twas a vast body that was represented to Nebuchadnezzar in a Dream, in that Image which he saw, reaching from Chaldaea, and Persia in the East, and coming down as far as the utmost bounds of the Western-parts: but that body which God will give to the Seed that serves him, will far exceed this; for Christ will have a Kingdome at last, that shall fill the whole earth, which shall never be destroyed, as the Image which Nebuchadnezzar saw, must be. Thus much to shew that these things are to be lookt for, and when they shall come.
2. Saints should with all diligence look to this, that their present Carriage and state be suitable to their expectations of such glorious things hereafter. Here are three Branches of the Apostles Exhortation, which deserves to be a little insisted on:
- 1. Be diligent that you may be found of him in peace.
- 2. Be diligent that ye be found of him without spot.
- 3. Be diligent that ye be found of him blameless.
1. Be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace: All will be found of Christ at last, though some put him far out of their thoughts, and like Cain wander from the presence of the Lord, yet [Page 275] at last he will find them out: for at death he will find them; at Judgment he will find them; and what will they do then but cry out with exceeding anguish and horror, as Ahab did to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? Now seeing all shall be found of him, be therefore diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, and that in a peaceable state, and a peaceable frame.
1. In a peaceable state; and that first a justified state, for that is a peaceable state: Rom. 5.1. Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Our care should be to be found in a justified estate, that so we may appear as Christ shall, without sin: compare with this place, Phil. 3.9. That I may be found of him, not having mine own righteousness which is of the Law, but that which is by the faith of Christ, the righteousness that is of God by Faith. And if it be thus, then we shall be found of him in peace. Here observe,
First, we must be found in him, if we would be found of him in peace, Rom. 8.1. There is now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. If in him by faith, if in that Name of his, The Lord our righteousness, there we are in a strong tower, and safe from wrath and vengeance.
Secondly, We must not have any thing to do with our own righteousness in the matter of Justification; Not having mine own righteousness which is of the Law: What Law is here meant? There is an abrogated Law, and an established Law; the abrogated Law, is the Ceremonial Law which was given to the Jews, and had the shadow of good things to come; and Christ the Substance being come, the Shadows flee away. The established Law is the Moral Law, established in [Page 276] and by the Gospel. Now 'tis not onely the righteousness of the abrogated Law, which must not be had, but the righteousness of the established Law, which is to be excluded from the business of Justification. To this, Evangelical Obedience must be yielded, and in observing it, we must confess that Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father; but when we have yielded it, we must not have it for a justifying righteousness; for in relation to this also it was that Paul said, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the Law; as is evident from Rom. 3.28, 31. we conclude a man is justified by faith without the works of the Law. What Law? even without the works of the established Law; for he adds, do we then make void the Law through faith? No, we establish the Law; a man therefore is justified by faith without the works of the established-law, and without that evangelical-obedience which all true believers, and justified persons do yield to it, and therein serve Christ as their Lord. They that would have Christ, and justification of life by him, must not have their own righteousness, no not their evangelical righteousness, nor harbor such a dangerous, such a corrupt and evangelical Notion about justification as that is. Now whereas, those that would bring in our evangelical obedience, and intrest that in the business of justification, do it, because they suppose the Doctrine of justification by their imputed righteousness alone, is Antinomian, and tends to the making void the Law; Paul spakes of such an objection as this, doe we make void the Law through faith? no, we establish the Law. It may be better askt of such, Do ye not make void Christ to your selves by establishing your own righteousness; [Page 277] and so from a vain fear of Antinomianisme, run to Antichristianisme? sure the Orthodox believer, who holds fast the faith which was once delivered to the Saints, may say to such as Paul did to the Galatians Chap. 1.6. I marvel, that you are so soon removed to another Gospel, from him that called you into the grace of Christ, which is not another Gospel, save that there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the Gospel of Christ. But if after so much ado to discover this New way to attain to justification Our English R. B. had concluded as the Romish R. B. did, with a Tutissimum est, &c. this had been ingenious.
3. The righteousness we should have, is the righteousness of Faith; but that which is by the faith of Christ, not that which is by the love of Christ, not that which is by the sincere serving of Christ, but that which is by the faith of Christ. Most true it is, that where there is faith, there will be love and obedience. Faith, that is unfeigned, and love that is sincere, can no more be parted than Fire, and heat and nothing provokes more to love, nothing doth more vigorously promote evangelical obedience, than a true lively faith; who will love most said Christ to Simon? He that had most forgiven said Simon, and Christ said, thou hast rightly judged. Faith will purify the heart, and reforme the Life. In the business of sanctification, and holy living, Faith workes by love; but in the matter of justification, love doth not work by faith to the compleating of it.
4. The righteousness which is of God, by faith, is that alone, which we must have for our justification. An imputed righteousness, which was [Page 278] the gift of the Father, was fulfilled by the son, of which the Spirit doth convince, and is received, and applyed by Faith; this is that which we must have, if we would be justified, Rom. 5.18, 19. By the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men, for the justification of Life. And by the Obedience of one shall many be made righteous, Christ was obedient in his Life, and obedient in his Death; he was obedient in doing, and in dying: the Law said, do this, and live; The Man that doth them shall live in them, Gal. 3, 12. Do, and do all; do, and do; perfectly, do, and continue to do. Man stood bound to this that by such doing he might glorifie the sovereignty of God, and honor him as his Creator. Now Christ putting himself in mans stead, this he did, and most highly glorified the sovereignty of God, when he being in the forme of God, and equal with God, humbled himself and took the form of a Servant. Again the Law said, not doing thou must die: In the day thou eatest thou shalt die the Death. Now Christ became obedient to Death, whereby all that doe believe are delivered from, and need not be in bondage, through fear of Death; consider then what the Law sayeth, and what Christ hath done, and bring both together, and be found trusting in him, and in what he hath done; so shall you be found in a justified state, and so in peace.
2. A sanctified state is a state of Peace. There is no peace sayth my God to the Wicked Isa. 48.22. But he spaketh peace to his Saints, Psa. 85.8. The pure in heart, shall see God. Except a Man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God, in which is peace, and the joys of the holy Ghost. [Page 279] In Christ Jesus, neither circumcision availeth any thing nor un-circumcision, but the New Creature; the New Creature, the Man made after God; who hath concerning the former conversation, put off the Old Man, is in a state of peace.
2. Be diligent that ye may be found of him in a peaceable frame. A peaceable State and a peaceable frame goe together; when God is at peace with men, they shall be at peace with him: who ever can look to Christ in Heaven as their peace, they have the Spirit destroying that enmity, which is in their Hearts against God. Be at peace with the sovereignty of God. Say not as those enemies, we will not have this Man to reign, over us; but as Thomas, my Lord, and my God. Not as Pharaoh, who is the Lord that I should obey him? but as Joshua, As for me, and my house we will serve the Lord. Be at peace with the Commands of God, say as David, O how doe I love thy Law? As Paul, I delight in the Law of God after the inner Man. Be at peace with all the Truths of God; receive them in the light, and love of them, in the Life, and power of them, so as to obey the truth, and be found walking in it. Be at peace with all the dispensations of God; even with such wherein evil comes, as well as with those wherein good comes. Be at peace with all the people of God. Love those whom God loves, whom Chrst hath redeemed, and the spirit hath sanctified. Thus much of the first Branch of the Exhortation.
2. Be diligent that ye may be found of him without spot.
Q. But who is, or can be in this life without spot? Noah had his spot; Lot had his spot; David [Page 280] had his spot, and Peter had his spot.
A. None in this life are altogether without spot, 'twas Christ alone who was absolutely without spot, Heb. 9.14. He offered himself without spot to God: and, he was a lamb without spot and blemish 1 Pet. 1.19.
2. Be such now, as that you may comfornably hope to be without spot, and to be made perfect in Holiness, when your Souls shall be separated from your Bodies, and that you may appear so at the Judgment. If now you are regenerated, If now you have faith working by love, If now you have repentance unto life, if Christ be yours, and you Christ's; then you shall be at last altogether without spot.
3. Take the right course to be Without all spots of guilt, and to have an unspotted Justification: To this an unspotted righteousness is necessary, personal righteousness is not so. As Christ is the Lamb without spot, as he offered himself without spot to God, so therefore his Sacrifice was the Sacrifice without spot, his righteousness which he fulfilled was the righteousness without spot: and if this be imputed to us, and trusted in by us, we shall obtain a justification without spot; whereas mens personal righteousness hath its spots, their Holy things have iniquity in them; and if our personal righteousness must be the righteousness for our justification, what will that be but a spotted justification? and that will be none at all. Cant. 6.10. The Spouse is said to be fair as the Moon, and clear as the Sun. In holiness, in grace wrought, In evangelical Obedience, she is but fair as the Moon, [Page 281] having her spots like the Moon; but in her justification, she is clear as the Sun, not having any spot of guilt, or sin imputed remaining on her: clear as the Sun, because clothed with the Sun of righteousness; the true spouse of Christ is the Woman cloathed with the Sun, in respect of Christ's righteousnes imputed to her; some there are that will chuse rather to be clothed with the Moon, their own personal righteousness. But who are most likely to go away justified? Those that are clothed with the Sun, or those that are not, nay will not be otherwise cloathed then with the Moon? surely these at best are but like Jacobs Cattel, spotted and speckled, it may be said of such as 'twas concerning Joshua, Zach. 3.3. Now Joshua was cloathed with filthy Garments: and what should be done, but as the Lord commanded concerning Joshua, take away the filthy Garments, and cloth him with change of raiments? Thus it must be, if you would stand justified before him, and be accepted in his sight. Those that will not imbrace Christ's counsel, buy of me white raiment, that thou mayest be cloathed, make my righteousness thine own: cannot be justified, and saved, for no unclean thing shall enter into the Kingdom of God. Now if you trust to your personal righteousness, and have not Christ's imputed to you, you are but an unclean thing, for this is an undeniable truth: Those that have not Christ for righteousness have not true holiness. Those that are without imputed righteousness, are without personal, evangelical righteousness, for 1. Cor. 1.30. Christ is made righteousness and Sanctification, and so, whatever shew of holiness may be made, [Page 282] whatever holy duties are performed, yet such have not true holiness, because Christ is not sanctification; and he is not sanctification, because he is not righteousness. So that 'tis clear, if you have not imputed righteousness, and so justification through Faith in it, you have not inherent righteousness, nor true holiness, and therefore cannot expect to see God; for without holiness no man shall see the Lord, you cannot go to Heaven without holiness, and this you cannot have, but from Christ; and not this from Christ, unless you have him for righteousness; you cannot have that which you make the condition of justification unless you have Christ for rightousness. If without imputed righteousness then without true holiness. And if so, you will come neer the case of those mentioned Mat 7.22. if not fully up to it: Lord Lord, have we not prophesied in thy Name &c. Have not we taken thee for our Lord? have not we believed, and yielded evangelical obedience? Yea we have done it, and will prove both. Our Faith appears, for in thy Name we did cast out Devils; that was, through Faith in thy Name: and our evangelical obedience appears: for we owned thee for our Lord, and prophesied in thy Name; our works have been done in thy Name; we have done good, and we have done it in thy Name. And now we present our Faith as a work to thee; and we present other works, and duties with our Faith, and we are bold to plead our Faith and our works before thee, and look now to be accepted of thee; behold here the condition fulfilled by us, here's the causa sine qua non, and so what was required on our part, is performed, and now we expect thou shouldst perform thy part, Lord, Lord open [Page 283] to us; thus they plead. But what is Christ's answer? depart from me, I know you not, ye workers of iniquity; you are neither justified nor sanctified, and therefore what should you do here? I know you not, therefore you are not justified; I have no delight in you, you find no acceptance with me, one thing is lacking, you have none of my righteousness; it was preached, and offered to you, but you rejected it, and would not have it imputed to you; and whereas you boast of your Faith, and good works, you did not serve me as I would be served: I see no true holiness or evangelical obedience in all that you did; for you did it to be justified by it, and so did not the will of my Father in Heaven, but your own wills; my Father never required your obedience for that end, for another he did; and therefore I cannot reckon you amongst the workers of righteousness. And you call me Lord, but that is but a part of my Name; you divide my Name, and you do not call me by my evangelical Name, The Lord our righteousness, and therefore, I cannot call you by that Name, The Lord our rightteousness, but the workers of iniquity. The great plea of the Old, and our in this great point of justification) New Socinians, is, that imputed righteousness makes void personal righteousness and holiness; but we see better ground to conclude, that the denying and rejecting of an imputed righteousness makes void personal righteousness, and holiness; and so this puts men quite besides the way of justification and salvation. What reason is there then, that you should imbrace this branch of the exhortation? Be diligent to get an interest in that unspotted righteousness whereby you shall have all spots [Page 284] of guilt done away, and so attain an unspotted and perfect justification. But before I leave this particular, let one thing be considered. This error about justification by inherent righteousness, seems to be the very first that was brought into the World, about matter of religion; which may be gathered from the History of Cain and Abel, Gen. 4. 'tis said, Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock, and offered a Sacrifice to the Lord, in which there was bloodshed for the remission of sins, and in this Christ was offered, and slain typicaly, and so he was a Lamb slain from the beginning of the World. For, as the rock was Christ, so this Sacrifice was Christ; In this the Law was fulfilled. Thou shalt die the death, Abel did die the death, ( viz) in the firstlings of his flock, which did die the death; typfying Christ; and in offering this Sacrifice, Abel did well, taking the right course to obtain justification of Life, and he was accepted of God, and what he did was imputed to him for righteousness. On the other side, Cain brought of the fruit of the ground, and expected that this offering, this work and Service of his, should procure his acceptance with God, and his justification before him. But what came of it? To Cain, and to his offering, God had no respect: Cain was not justified hereby, that is the meaning of it, as appears by what follows. If thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted. But if thou dost not well, sin lies at thy door. Observe, that sins lying at the door is the contrary to being accepted, now the meaning of sins lying at the door is, that sin is not pardoned, but the guilt of it remains; sin, that is, the punishment of sin is at the door, ready to come upon thee, and therefore thou art not justified; so this doing [Page 285] well, and not doing well, is spoken with respect to the offerings then made, and to the end which they aimed at in their offerings, which was, that they might be accepted, and justified. Abel did well, he took the right course to be justified, but Cain did not well; Abel did well, in seeking his justification, and acceptance, by an imputed righteousness, and thus his sin was carried from his door, never to come near it again; but Cain did not well, in seeking his justification and acceptance by his personal righteousness, and by a work which he did. For notwithstanding this, Sin lay at his door. So Abel was justified, and became righteous Abel, as he is called Mat. 23.25. But Cain went away not justified, for which he was very wroth, and slew his brother Abel, who was the first Martyr; and he suffered upon the account of this great fundamental truth, of justification by an imputed righteousness, Sealing it with his blood. If you would then be found in peace, being found in a justified estate, see that you be not found in this way of Cain, but in the way of Blessed Abel, who by Faith offered unto God, a more excellent Sacrifice, than Cain, &c. See Heb. 4.11.
4. Be without the spots of the Not-Children of God, and of such as are in an unregenerate state, Deut. 32.5. Their spot is not the spot of his Children. There is a great deal of difference betwixt the spots of the Not-Children of God, and of the Children of God, for these have their spots. There are spots in dead Carcases, and spots sometimes in living bodies; so there are the spots of men dead in Sins, and of those that are alive to God. Sin reigning, Sin loved, Sin [Page 286] committed without repentance, Godly sorrow, and reformation, is the spot of men dead in sin, and of the Not-Children of God. Sin hated, sin loathed, resisted, over which there is mourning after a godly sort, is the spot of those that are quickened, and made alive to God. Let's take Notice more particularly of some spots of unregeneracy, which you must have purged away, if you look to reign with Christ.
1. That spot of looking on the forbidden fruit as the fairest, and best; this is a spot of unregeneracy. There began the first sin, and this is the issue and product of it in corrupt Nature; a lusting after the forbidden fruit as the fairest, this is the very image of the Earthly Adam. When Men can take, and eat freely of the forbidden fruit, as more sweet, and pleasant because forbidden, this is a manifest spot of the Not-Children of God. Such there are to whom stolen waters are most sweet, and Bread of secrecies is pleasant; but the dead are there, and being there, are in the depths of Hell.
2. To love, worship, and serve the Creature more than the Creature; to have more care of the body than of the Soul, more regard to things temporal, then eternal: to things earthly than to things Heavenly; this is a spot of unregeneracy, and forbidds such to look for any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ, and of God.
3. To love darkness; and hate the light; to love sin, and hate holiness, to love the wicked, and hate the godly; is a spot of the Not-Children of God.
4. Delight in lying, is a spot of the Not-Children of God. Isa. 63.8. He said surely they are my people, [Page 287] Children that will not lye, so he was their Saviour. But of such as will ly, such as delight in it, and make a practice of it, what doth the Lord say of such? surely they are Children that will ly, and therefore are not my people, and to them I will be no Saviour.
5. The mark of the Beast is a spot of unregeneracy, and of the Not-children of God; this is either in the forehead, so as openly to own the power of the Beast, and to profess to be his Worshippers; or in the right hand, to do the work of the Beast and to give up their power to him, this is a spot of the Not-children of God. for of such 'tis said Rev. 14.9. If any Man Worship the Beast, and receive his Mark, the same shall drink of the Wine of the wrath of God. they that believe as the Pope will have them believe, and Worship according to his ordinances, and Commands, have his marks upon them, and are not owned by the Lord as his, neither may expect any inheritance in his Kingdom.
6. Strive to be more and more cleansed from those spots, which the Children of God, in a regenerate state, are too often defiled with. Thus,
1. Take heed of the spot of Pride. This is a hateful spot, which many times defiles even the Children of God. Knowledge too oft puffeth up, gifts many times puff up; the People of God should esteem others better than themselves, but too apt they are to esteem themselves better than others. God would not have his Children defiled with this spot. To prevent this in Paul, there was given him a Thorn in the flesh, that he might not be lifted up in his Spirit [Page 288] through the abundance of Revelations.
2. Take heed of the spot of covetousness, too much love to the World is many times the spot of the Children of God. We read in Scripture of the idolatry of covetousness, and of the iniquity of covetousness. There is the idolatry of covetousness; I mean, that degree of it, which is a serving of Mammon, and is inconsistent with the serving of God; of which Christ said, ye cannot serve God and Mammon. This is that which excludes from the Kingdom of God, and makes men uncapable of an inheritance there, Ephes. 5.5. Now this degree of covetousness shall not be found in the Children of God. But there is besides this, mention of the Iniquity of covetousness; which though it come not up to that degree of idolatry before spoken of, yet 'tis iniquity; and the least degree of covetousness is iniquity: and the iniquity of covetousness when 'tis in the people of God, begets fatherly displeasure in God, Isa. 57.17. For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him. But this smiting is in order to the healing of this distemper. I have seen his ways, and will heal him. Take heed therefore, as of that Idolatry of covetousness which is the spot of the Not-children of God, so also of all Iniquity of covetousness.
3. Take heed of the spot of carnal security, and of negligence, and remissness in duties; carnal security, slumbering, and sleeping was the spot even of the wise Virgins; they neglect their watch, the Bridegroom comes, and finds them sleeping. The thoughts of our going hence, and Christ's coming, should dwell upon our hearts. What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch, and [Page 289] be not cold and lukewarm, but be zealous and repent, be fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord. Like Elias, Jam. 5.17. He prayed earnestly, or he prayed in prayer; so pray in prayer, hear in hearing, do in doing.
4. Take heed of Babylonish spots, come out of her my people that ye partake not in her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues, superstition, will-worship; to be of a persecuting Spirit to beat fellow-servants, these are sins, of Babylon, and the People of God are sometimes in some degrees defiled with these; which, if they hearken not to the call, partake not in her sins, may bring some of the temporal Plagues of Babylon upon them.
3. The last branch of the Exhortation, is, be deligent that ye may be found of him blameless, for this consider.
He that hath the righteousness of Faith is blameless, so far as to be without guilt; for he that believes is justified from all things Acts 13.39. No sin is charged upon him to his condemnation, He is the Blessed Man, to whom the Lord doth not impute Sin. For he hath an absolutely blameless righteousness imputed to him, and received by Faith, which renders him blameless in respect of guilt.
Again he that hates the evil that he doth, and complains of his body of sin, O wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of Death? is so far blameless that the evil he doth, is charged not upon him, but sin that dwelleth in him 'tis no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
Lastly he that hath sincerity of grace, is blameless in a Scripture-account, and in a gracious esteem [Page 290] of God. A Noah, who was righteouss in his generations, upright, and sincere towards God, is perfect, and blameless: A David, a Man after God's Heart doing all his wills, is blameless. A Job, who is an upright Man, fearing God, and eschewing evil, is blameless, and a perfect Man: such as Zachary, and Elizabeth, who walk in all the Ordinances and Commands of God, are blameless. Such as these are blameless in God's Gracious account, though not in their own. They see much in themselves to bewail, much to be humbled for, much to repent of, much that they blame themselves for, when God is yet pleased to call them blameless Now be diligent that you may have that simplicity, and godly sincerity, which may incourage you to hope, that God will out of his abundant grace, and great love toward you, account you blameless. Avoid as much as possible every thing blame worthy, and do what is commanded, and after all, pray That you may be accounted worthy to escape the Judgments, which shall come upon the World of the Ungodly, and to obtain that World which is to come, and to stand before the Son of Man.