Anno regni Regis Henrici .viii. Quinto.
¶ The kynge our souerreyne lorde Henry the .viii. after the conquest by the grace of god kyng of Englande and of Fraunce / and lorde of Irlande / at his Patlyamēt holdē at westmester / the .xxiii. daye of Ianuarii after the last Porrogacion. In the .v. yere of his most noble Reygne to the honoure of god & holy Churche / and for the Cōmon welth & profyte of this his Royalme / by the assente of the Lordes spirituall & temporall: & the Cōmons in this present Parlyamēt assembled: and by auctoryte of the same hath do to be ordeyned made and enacted certayne Statutes / and ordynaunces in maner & fourme folowynge.
Anno regni Regis Henrici .viii. Quinto.
An act concernynge Mynystracyon of Iustyce to the kynges subiectis of his Cytie of Turney.
Capitulo. Primo
WHere as the Kynge oure Soueraygne Lorde greatly desirynge to recouere y e Realme of Fraūce his very trewe Patrymonye and inherytaunce & to reduce the same to his obeysaunce. And for the same purpose and entēt lately made Preparations of great Royall Armyes as well by see as by lande to his right great and merueylous costes and charge / And sythen that by his great wisdome and singuler polyce hath now reduced the Cities and townes of Tyrrewyn / and Turney to dewe obeysaunce by reason wherof nowe shall folowe & ensue great Amyte Famylyarite & entercours in byeng & sellyng of marchaūdyses wares & otherwyse bytwene y e Cytezēs & inhabytaūtꝭ of y e sayd cyties Townes and Precinctꝭ of the same / and the kynges Naturall subiectis inhabytaunces in this hys Realme of Englāde / Therfore the kynge our souereygne lorde wyllynge and entendynge that trewe & indyfferent Iustyce shalbe mynystred in al maters and causes aswell to Cytezens and inhabytauntes dwellynge and inhabytynge in the same Cyties / Townes / & y e precinctꝭ of the same / As to his naturall subiectis dwellynge within this his Realme of Englande / And to the same entent the kynge our souereygne Lorde hath deputed and ordeyned in y e sayd Cytie and towne of turney and in the Bayllywyke and precincte of the same dyuerse offycers and Mynysters / & amonge other two of them called Notaryes otherwyse called Graffers to accepte take and recorde the knolege of all contractes bargaynes conuencyons pactis and agrementes made and to be made within the sayde Cytie and towne of Turney bayllywyke and precincte of y e same by all maner of ꝑsones that wyll and shall resorte and come before them to make knowlege of the same / whiche Notaryes or Graffers shall present and deliuer in wrytyng all suche knolege as shalbe so taken vnder theyr Notarye sygnes vnto an other offycer of the same Cytie and towne / whiche our sayd soueraygne Lorde hathe there made and deputed to accepte and take of them the same whiche offycer for y e more affyrmaūce therof shall sette therto the Seale of our souereygne lorde made and lefte in the kepynge of the same Offycer for the same entēte. The kynge our soueragne Lorde by thassent of his lordes Spūall & temporall / and the Cōmons in this present Parlyament assembled and by Auctoryte of the same hath ordeyned and enacted that vpon euery wrytynge oblygatorie & knowlege to be made of all contractꝭ bargaynes conuētions pactꝭ and agrementꝭ / sygned and Sealed in forme aboue rehersed / by any of y e kynges subiectes inhabyted in this Realme of Englande to any Cytezen or inhabytaunte within y e sayd Cytie and towne of Turney Bayllywyke or precyncte of the same or by any Cytezen or inhabytaunt within the same Cytye / Towne / Bayllywyke or precincte to an other of the same or ells by any cytezen or inhabytaunte of the same Cytie / Towne Bayllywyke or precincte to any [Page]of the kyngꝭ subiectꝭ Inhabyted within the Realme of Englande / or by any of the kynges subiectes inhabyted in y e Realme of Englande / to another of the same subiectis shewed and exhybyted to the Chaunceller of Englande / for y e tyme beynge the same Chaunceller haue full auctoryte and powre vpon the syght of y e same to sēde a Sargeaunte of Armes or another offycer to the ꝑsone so bounden to requyre and cōmaunde the parsone so bounden to ꝑfourms the contentes of euery suche wrytynge oblygatorye and knowlege / and if the same ꝑsones so bounden denye so to do and obiecte or alege any cause why he shulde not so doo / then the same Sergeaūt or offycer immedyatly shall brynge the same parsone so bounden before the Chaūceller of Englande to answere to the premysses. And if the ꝑson so bounden and brought before the sayd Chaunceller obiecte or alege any mater or cause resonable why he shulde not ꝑfourme the Contentꝭ of the same wrytynge oblygatorye and knowlege that then he shalbe adiuged to brynge in suffycyent Gage & plegge to the verye value of the contentes of the same wrytynge obligatorye into the kynges Courte of Chauncerye or ellys to remayne in warde / And then the sayd Chaū celler by his wysdome and discrecion shall prefixe and assigne vnto hym a conuenyent ꝑemptorie daye to proue his obieccion and aligacion / and if the ꝑtie so bounden proue not his obieccion and allegacion before the sayd Chaūceller to be trewe before or at the sayd daye prefixed / that then the sayd ꝑtie so bounden without delay shall ꝑfourme the Contentꝭ of the sayd oblygacyon and knowlege then not perfourmed or ellys to forfayte the sayd Gages and plegges to the partie to whom y t sayd oblygacyon or knowlege was made / And in lykewyse vpon all recognysaunces to be made before the kynge in his Chauncery or in his Benche or in any other the kynges Courte of recorde within the Realme of Englande / And also vpon all wrytynges oblygatorye to be made and knoleged before the Mayre of the Staple of calyce of all debtꝭ contractes and bargaynes by any of the sayd Cytizens or inhabytauntes of the sayd Cytie or towne of Turney or Baylywyke or precincte of the same to any of the kynges subiectes / and the same knolege or wrytynge obligatorie be then certified to the Baylyff of the same Cytie & Towne by the Chaū celler of Englande vnder the kyngꝭ great Seale of Englande / that then the Baylye of the same Cytie and Towne for the tyme beynge or his deputie haue full auctoryte and power to sēde and shall sende a Sergeaūt or other offycer of the same Cytie and Towne to the ꝑsone so boundem to requyre and cōmaunde the same ꝑsone so bounden to parfourme the Contentes of the same knolege and wrytynge oblygatorye / And if the ꝑtie so bounden denye so to do and obiecte and alege any cause why he shulde not so doo That then the sayde Sergeaunt or offycer immedyatly shall brynge y e ꝑsone so bounden before the Baylye of the sayde Cytie and Towne for the tyme beynge to answere to the premysses / And if y e parsone so boū den & brought before the sayd Bayllye obiecte and alege any mater or cause resonable why he shulde not ꝑforme the Contentes of the same wrytynge oblygatorie and knolege / that then he shalbe adiuged to brynge suffycyant gayge and plegges to y e very value of the Contentꝭ of the same wrytynge oblygatorie or knowlege into the Courte before the same bayly or his deputie or ellys to remayne in warde / [Page]And then the sayd Baylye or his deputie by his wysdome and discrecyon shall prefixe & assygne vnto hym a cōuenyent ꝑemtorye daye to proue his obieccion & allegacion and if the ꝑtie so bounden proue not his obiecciō and allegacyon before y e sayd Baylye or his deputie to be trewe before or at the sayd daye prefyxte / that thē the sayd ꝑtie so bounden without delaye shall ꝑfourme the contentꝭ of y e sayd wrytynge oblygatorye and knowlege then not parfourmed or ellys to forfayte y e sayd Gayges and plegges to the ꝑtie to whom y e sayd oblygacyō or knowlege was made / This acte to endure durynge the kynges pleasure.
An acte for trewe makynge of clothes in deuon̄ called whyte straytes.
Ca .ii.
PRayen the Cōmons and Inhabytauntꝭ cloth makers and byers of the same within the Coūtie of Deuonshyre / y t where dyuerse & many clothes called whyte straytes be and haue be contynually made within y e sayd Coūtie to the great profyte of the kynges subiectes there the whiche clothes were wont to be well and suffycyently made and bere their brede yerde brode and halfe querter Rawe and .xv. yerdes of lenghte / and that no man in tymes paste hath vsed to make them / but that the maker therof hath sette his specyall marke vpon euery of the sayd clothes so by hym or them made / wherby euery man may knowe theyr owne clothes from other mēnes by reason of their sayd seuerall markꝭ / So it is y t now adayes the sayd clothes be not suffyciētly made ne bere theyr length and brede accordynge as they shuld do ne marked with euery mannes owne marke / Wherof great inconuenyence doth dayly Insue / and increase to then pouerysshynge and hurtynge aswell of the kyngꝭ subiectꝭ byers and sellers of the same / as marchauntes straungers / Wherfore the premisses consyderyd that hit may be therfore / enacted by the kynge our soueraygne Lorde / by the assent of the Lordes spyrituall and temporall and the cōmon in this present Parlyament assembled / & by the auctoryte of the same / That from the fest of Penthecoste nexte cōmynge no ꝑsone make no suche clothes called whyte Straytes to selle without that it be whene he is rawe redy to be toked of the brede of a yarde & halfe quarter / and of length .xv. yardes / And that no ꝑsone make no suche clothes / but if he sette his specy all marke vpon eueryche of y e sayd clothes so by hym or them made / And that no ꝑsone vse no marke on his clothes suche as any other ꝑsone dothe and hath vsed before hym vpon payne of a forfayture of euery of the sayd clothes the one halfe to the kynge / and the other halfe to hym that so seassyeth the sayd clothes so made or marked cōtrary to the fourme and effect afore expressyd. And this Acte to endure vnto the next Parlyament.
An acte concernynge whyte wolleyn clothes of .v. markes and vnder may be caryed ouer the sees vnshorne.
Ca .iii.
WHere in this present Parlyamēt before the firste prorogacion therof it was ordeyned and enacted / that no wolleyne Clothe aboue y e pryce of iiii. markes shuld be conuayed ouer the see vnrowed / vnbarbed / & vnshorne vpon certeyne penalties in the same Acte expressed more at large / Whiche Acte put in execucyon shall not only tourne to the abatementꝭ of y e kynges customes / but also grow to the vtter vndoynge of his subiectꝭ cloth makers & marchaūtes conuayers of y e sayd clothes / For asmoche as wolle is rysen of a ferre gretter pryce than it was at the makynge of the sayd acte / For where a clothe was then comynally solde at .iiii. markꝭ is nowe solde for. v markꝭ. And also by force of the sayd acte the marchauntꝭ sulde be bounde to dresse euery whyte cloth aboue y e value of .iiii. markꝭ on thyssyde the see after they haue bought them / which whyte clothe so dressyd when they be brought in to the ꝑties beyonde the see and therby y e byers of them dyed & put in colours / then they must be newly dressyd / barbed / shoren / and rowed / And so they shalbe therby the lasse in substaūce of them selfe / and the worse to the seale & solde for lasse pryce by .x. or .xii. s̄. a peas beyonde the see then they shuld be if they were vndressed. ¶ Wherfore be it ordeyned and enacted by lyke auctoryte that euery whyte wolleyn clothe solde at .v. markꝭ and vnder may be caryed and conueyed into ꝑties beyonde the see there to be solde at y e pleasure of y e byers of the sayd Clothe vnbarbed / vnshorne / & vnrowed any acte or actꝭ to the cō trary made natwithstandyng / And ouer this be it ordeyned & enacted by the sayd auctoryte / y t if any ꝑson or ꝑsons cōuey or cause to be cōueyd into y e ꝑties beyond y e see any whyte wolleyn Cloth vnrowed / vnbarbed / and vnshorne aboue the value of .v. markꝭ in other fourme then a fore is sayd / That then the ꝑsone or ꝑsones so of fendynge shall forfayte the value of the sayd Cloth or clothes so caryed or conueyed in to the ꝑties beyonde the see / The one moyte of the same forfayture to be to oure sayd soueraygne lorde the kyng / And the other moyte to euery ꝑsone / whiche woll or shall sewe by byll wrytte Informacion or other wyse ayenste any ꝑsone for the same / And y t y e defendaūt in any plee vpon any such accōn be nat admytted to wage his lawe nor any proteccion or esson̄ for any suche defendaūt be alowed in y e same.
An acte for advodynge disceytes in worstedes.
Ca .iiii.
PRayen the Cōmons in this present Parlyamēt assembled that where as worstedes whiche ben truly made shorne dyed and calendred as of olde tyme hath ben accustomed to be made shorne dyed & Calendred haue ben one of the goodlyest marchaundyse & grettest Cō modytie for this Realme / & not only worne w tin this Realme / But also moche worne and vsed in other Realmes / And so it is that now of late dyuerse straungers beyonde the see haue taken vpon them to drye Calendre worstedes with gommes oyles and presses so y t a cource pece of worsted nat beyng past the value of .xxvi. s̄. viii. d. Is and shalbe made by theyr sayd gommes oyles / & presses to shewe lyke to the value of .xl. s̄. or better / And if the same worsted so dry calendred taketh any wete incontynent it wolle showe spotte and showe fowle / And euer after contynue stylle soule and wollnat endure to the great disceyte & hurte of [Page]the werers therof & losse of y e sayd Cōmodite / & for y e sayd disceytꝭ & falsnes the sayd dry calendryng is shurned & abhorred in y e ꝑties beyonde y e see / So y t no ꝑsone done shall vse in those ꝑties any suche worstedes to dry calendre / And also now of late the sayd Straungers called dry calenders arne cōmen into this Realme & here w t in y e same vse y e sayd dry calēdryng of worsted & of y e great hurt of y e said cōmon wel & Cōmodyte of this Realme a foresayd / wherfore be it enacted ordeyned & establyshed by the assent of y e lordꝭ spūall & temporall / & the Cōmons in this p̄sent parlyament assembled & by auctoryte of y e same y t no ꝑsone ne ꝑsons w tin this sayd Ryalme hereafter do take vpon hym or theym to dry calendre any worsted within this sayd Realme vpon payne to forfayte for euery worsted that is so dry calendred one .C. s̄. And ouer y t where as the sayd olde calendryng of worstedes called wete calendrynge haue ben vsed well & substancially in tymes paste in the Cytie of Norwych & yet is by ꝑsones hauyng conyng in y e same / Be it therfore furthermore enacted or deyned & establisshed by y e auctorite aforesayd y t no ꝑson ne ꝑsōs hereafter do take vpon hym or them to were calendre any worsted / but only suche ꝑsons as haue ben bounde apprentyses to other ꝑsones of y e same craft or occupacōn of wete calēdre of worstedes by the space of .vii. yeres or be cōnyng in the same / & theyr cōnyng approued & admytted by y e Mayre of the sayd cytie of Norwyche for the tyme beynge & y e two Maysters of y e sayd crafte & occupacyon yerly to be chosen w tin the sayd cytie of Norwyche / or in the Coūtie of Norff of the craft of wete calēdryng vpon payne of euery such ꝑsone or ꝑsons / which hereafter shall do the cōtrary to forfayte for euery pece so calēdred ayenst y e ordynaūcꝭ & puruyaūcꝭ aforesayd .C. s̄. The one moyte of which penaltes & forfaytours aboue specyfied & of euery of them to be to y e kyng our soueraygne lorde / And the other moyte therof to be to the Maisters of the sayd occupacyon of wete calendryng / for the tyme beyng / And that it shalbe laufull to y e Maisters of y e sayd occupacyon for y e tyme beyng / & their successours to shewe for y e one moyte of all such penalties hereafter to be forfayted ayenst euery such ꝑsone or ꝑsones as hereafter shall do y e contrary to y e fourme & effect of this estatute by acciō of dette by wrytte at the Cōmon lawe or by byll or playnt after y e Custome of suche Cytie / port / or towne / where shall happon any suche forfayture to be or fall / or by informacion in the kyngꝭ Eschequer / And y t no proteccion or essoine ne no wagere of lawe for the defꝭ in any such accion playnt or informacion be alloweable before any maner of Iustycꝭ / where any suche sute or Informacion shalbe vsed for the sayd forfayture / And this Acte to endure to the next Parlyament.
An acte cocernynge Iurys in London̄.
Ca. v.
WHere in this present Parlyament holden at Westmester the .iiii. day of February in the .iii. yere of the reygne of our soueraygne lorde the kynge and proroged vnto the .iiii. daye of Nouember in the .iiii. yere of the reygne of oure soueraygne lorde y e kyng and adiourned vnto Westmester aforesayd / for asmoche as after issuis Ioyned in accions and suettes cōmensed taken or dependyng ī y e kyngꝭ Courtꝭ before hym selfe in his Benche & before his Iustycꝭ of the cōmen Benche / And also in his Eschequer at the kynges suete or at y e sute of the ꝑtie tryable in the cytie of London aswell y e kyng as y e ꝑties [Page]suffered great delaye many tymes for defaute of apparens of the Iuryes enpanelyd to trye the sayd issues / and many tymes for lacke of Iurours not hauynge landes and ten̄tes of the yerly value of .xl. s. It was the sayd .iiii. daye of Nouember ordeyned and enacted by the auctoryte of this present Parlyament / that the Sheryffes of London for the tyme beynge shulde haue full auctoryte & power to returne in panelles or Arrayes of all accions and suetes then dependynge or that shulde depende in any of the sayd Courtes or Eschequer ꝑsones beynge cytezens hauynge goodes to the value of .C. marke or aboue to trye the issue Ioyned ī euery suche accion or sute / And that y e ꝑsones so retourned hauynge goodes to the value of .C. marke or aboue shuld be sworne and doo in all suche Iuryes īlyke wyse in euery thynge as other ꝑsones shulde do hauynge landes ten̄tes of y e yerely value of .xl. s. ouer all charges / And that y e Sheryffes of the sayd cytie for y e tyme beynge shuld retourne vpon the firste distresse in euery suche accion or sute vpon euery of the Iurours enpaneled to trye the issues therof .xx. d. And vpon the seconde distresse vpō euery of the same Iurours .xl. d. And vpon euery distresse after that vpon euery of the same Iurours the double / tyll a full Iury in euery suche Accion and sure shuld appere & be sworne to trye the issue Ioyned in y e same / And that y e Sheryffes that shuld make any retourne vpon suche distresses contrarye to the fourme aforesayd shuld forfayte for euery suche defaute .x. li. The one halfe therof to be to the kynge / And the other halfe to the ꝑtie that will sewe therfore / And that the defendauntes in any suche accion shulde not be admytted to wage his lawe nor proteccion therin for hym alowed whiche estatute was oonly made for the good Expedycyon of Iustyce for to haue quycke apparence of Iurours cytezēs of Londō at Seynt Marteynes y e graunt with in the sayd cytie / where all Iuryes were & ben bounden oonly to appere to try the issues Ioyned of all thynges tryable in London by ꝓcesses of Nisiprius out of the sayd Courtꝭ & in none other place accordynge to theyr Auncyent lybertie pryuilege and custome / wherfore for more playne declaration of the same good estatute be it ordeyned and establysshed by the auctorite of this present Parlyament that the sayd Acte be expowned interpretated and taken / that y e Sheryffes for the tyme beynge be bounden to Retourne at euery first distresse of Nisiprius to be had at the sayd seynt Marteyns in euery suche accion or sute vpon euery of the Iurours impanelled to trye the issues therof .xx. d. And vpon the seconde distresse of Nisiprius vpon euery of the same Iurours .xl. d. And vpon euery distresse of Nisiprius after that euery of the same Iurours the double / tyll a full Iury in euery suche accion and sute shall appere & be sworne to trye the issue Ioyned in the same / And that no Sheryffe of the sayd citye or other / any thynge forfayte by force or colour of y e sayd estatute for euery retourne to be made / except only vpō Retournes to be made contrary to the fourme declaracion interpretation & exposycion of this Estatute / that is to saye / vpon writtes of distresses before Iustyces or Iustyce of Nisiprius within the sayd cytye / And that vpon all other wryttes and processes that be & shalbe awarded out of y e sayd courtꝭ or eschequer It shalbe laufull to the Sheryffes for the tyme beynge to make their Retournes accordyng to the ordre of the lawe as the Sheryffes of London were wonte to do before the makynge of the sayd Estatute without any losse or forfayture.
An acte concernynge Surgeons to be discharged of questes and other thynges.
Ca. vi.
SHeweth-vnto your discrete wysdomes your humble Oratours / The wardens and fesshype of the crafte and Mynysteri of Surgyons enfraunchy sed in the Cytie of London / not passynge in nombre .xii. ꝑsones / That where as they and theyr predecessours from the tyme that no mynde is to y e cō trary aswell in this noble cytie of London / As ī all other Cyties and Boroughes within this Reyalme or ellys wherefor the contynuall seruyce & attendaunce that they deyly and nyghtly at all houres and tymes yeue to the kynges lege people / for the releue of the same accordynge to theyr scyence haue ben exempt and discharged from all offycers and besynes / wherin they shuld vse or bere any maner of Armoure or wepyn / & with lyke pryuylege haue ben entreated as Harowdes of Armes aswell in Batayles and feldes as other places / there for to stāde vnherneysed and vnwepenned accordyng to the lawe of Armes because they be ꝑsons y t neuer vsed Feattes of warre nor ought to vse / but oonly y e besynes & exercyse of theyr scyence to the helpe and comforthe of the kyngꝭ lyege people in the tyme of theyr nede / And in y e foresayd cytie of London from y e tyme of theyr firste Incorꝑacion when they haue ben many moo in nombre than they be nowe were neuer called nor charged to be on queste / watche nor other offyce wherby they shulde vse or occupy any Armour or defēcible gere of warre / where thorugh they shuld be vnredy & letted to practyse theyr Cure of men beynge in ꝑell. Therfore for that they be so small nombre of the sayd felyshyppe of the crafte and Mystery of Surgyons ī regarde of y e great multytude of pacyentꝭ that be and dayly chaunce and infortune happeneth and encreasethe in the foresayde Cytie of London / And that many of the kynges lyege people sodenly wounded and hurte for defaute of helpe in tyme to theym to be shewed perysshe / And so dyuers haue done as euydēcly is knowen by occasyon that your sayd Supplyauntes haue ben compelled to attende vpon shuche Cōstableshyp / watches and Iuryes as a foresayd. ¶ Be it enacted & establysshed by the kynge our Soueraygne lorde and the lordes spirituall and temporall / and by the Commons in this present Parlyament assembled & by actoryte of the same / That from hensforth your sayd supplyauntes be discharged and not chargeable of Cō stablyshyppe / watche and all maner of offyce berynge and Armour / And also of all Enquestes and Iuryes within the cytie of London / And also that this Acte in all thynge do extende to all Barboures Surgyons admytted and aproued to exercyse the sayd mysterye of Surgyons acccordynge to y e fourme of y e statute lately made in that behalfe / So that they excede ne be at one tyme aboue the nombre of .xii. parsones.
An acte for Strangers for byeng of Lether in open market.
Cap̄. vii.
IN the moste humble wyse shewen and complayneth vnto your hyghnes your pore and dayly Oratoures the Felyshyppe and broderhed of the blessed Trinite at the blacke Fryers in your Cytie of Londō of the crafte of Cordewayners straungers / that where at your laste Parlyament holden at westm̄ in y e thirde yere of your most noble Reygne amongꝭ other thynges it was accordyd and enacted by an Acte made & graunted vnto the wardens and felyshyppe of y e Coriours to haue serche of Ledder for certayne causes ī the sayde Acte largely named & expressed / That no straūger Alyn̄ not borne within your Realme of Englande / Irlande / Wales / Calyce / or the marchese of y e same dwellynge within any Fraunchesed place or places within the precincte of y e sayd Cytie of London and suburbes as in the Fraunchese of seynt Katheryns / saynt Martyns in the Towne of Westmester / and in the borouhe of Southwerke shulde bye or cause to be bought to his or to their vse any ledder or wares in any secrete place / but oonly ī y e opē market where it shulde be seen assayled sealed abled good and suffycyently tanned & coryed / And also that the wardens of y e coryours their successours & assygnes shuld haue serche in the crafte and broderhed of the Trinite aforesayde aswell in Fraūchysed places as in any other place for all maner of suche ledder or ware in suffyciētly Tanned sealed and coryed as often as they shuld thynke conuenyent / And the same ledder so founde insuffycyent to be forfeyted w t other paynes ī the content of the sayd Acte lemytte & expressed sythe the makynge of whiche statute many & the moste ꝑtye of all your sayd poore oratoures be falle ī great decaye ad pouertie by the meanes of whiche statute the sayd crafte of Coryours wrongfully dayly compelle your sayd pore Oratours straungers borne vnder the domynyon of themperour / and the prince of Castell to by their ledder and wares of them and of no ꝑsone ellys after theyr owne pryce without any ryght or conscience In asmoche that be force of y e aboue named Acte youre poore oratours straungers may bye no redde ledder as they were wonte to do before y e makynge of the sayde statute / but it muste be coryed / And so if the sayd ledder be vnlaufully drest or coryed all y e fault retourne ī your sayd pore oratours / where as a fore tyme they bought bothe redde ledder and other and sawe that it shuld be suffyciently coryed and drest orells to be forfeyted / Wherefore your sayd Oratours may not please and serue your lordes states & comynaltie / of this your Realme as they were wonte to doo in tymes paste afore the makynge of the sayde Acte for as it is openly knowen the sayd warden and crafte of Coryours dayly sell the beste Ledder in grosse to marchauntes straūgers Italyans and other ꝑsones / so that your poore oratours be compelled to take and bye of them vnlaufull ledder in retale or elleys in grosse with ouerchargeable pryce for lacke of a dewe ordre and prouysion incō syderacion wherof and for the most conforte and relefe of the sayd broderhed and felyshype of the blessyd Trynyte / It woll please your sayd hygnes and the lordes Spirituall and temporalles / and the Cōmons in this your present Parlyament [Page]assembled that it may be therfore ordeyned enacted and establysshed / by auctoryte of the same that from hensforth it be laufull to all maner of ꝑsone or ꝑsones estran̄ gers beynge in the felysshyppe of the blessed Trinite a foure named & to all maner other ꝑsones borne vnder the domynyon of the Emperour and the prynce of Castell to by all maner of redde ledder or other ledder coryed or not coryed ī open market and Fayres within this your Realme of englande suffycyently wrought assayed and sealed with all laufull serche in all places Fraunchysed or Vnfraunchysed as they haue done and occupyed in tymes paste afore The makynge of the aboue sayd Acte in y e thirde yere of your reygne without any lette interrupcion and trouble by any ꝑsone or ꝑsones accordynge to the olde vsaunce and custome / The sayd Acte of coryours statute and ordynaunce or any other acte or actꝭ grauntꝭ statutes or ordynaunces to the contrary made or to be made notwithstandynge.
¶ Prouyded alway that this present acte do not extende to any other parsone but suche as be of the sayd brotherhed / and to all other ꝑsones borne vnder the Emperour and the kynge of castell domynyon.
¶ Prouyded also that this acte shall not extende to gyue any ꝑsone borne out of y e kynges obeysaūce lybertie to bye any ledder vntanned nor vnsuffyciētly tanned.
¶ Prouyded furthermore that no ꝑsone borne out of y e kynges obeysaunce by coloure of this acte shall haue auctoryte to bye any ledder ī any secrete place / but oonly in open markettes and Fayres.
¶ Prouyded also y t no ꝑsone by coloure of this Acte haue auctoryte to bye or selle any ledder within the Cytie of London / but if eyther the bier or the seller be a freman af the sayd Cytie accordynge to the auncyent customes & liberties of the sayd Cytie and accordynge to dyuerse estatutes in that case made and puruayed except oonly in seynt Bartylmewes fayre.
¶ Prouyded also that this Acte shall not extende to take awaye or mynysshe any powre or auctoryte gyuen by the sayd former estatute vnto y e wardens of the felyshyppe of Coryours and to theyr successours for dewe serche by them and theyr deputies to be made in any place or vpon any parsone for ledder vnsuffyciently drest / wrought tanned or vnsealed nor in y e execution of suche penalties as be conteyned in the sayd former acte and statute for the punysshementꝭ of suche defautes as shalbe by the sayd serche founden.
¶ Prouyded also that no parsone borne out of the kynges obeysaunce haue none auctoryte by reason of this acte to begynne any newe markettꝭ within seynt Martens the graunte of London or in any other. Fraunchysed place / but only shall bye in suche markettes as haue bene of olde tyme accustomed.
An acte concernynge the maner and fourme of Sute for the kyngꝭ most gracyous Letters of generall pardon.
Cap̄. viii.
WHere hit hath pleased y e kynges hyghnes of his mere mocyon & most habundant grace to graūte to euery of his Subgectes his generall pardon / by his letters patentes to be opteyned of vpon and concernyng all and synguler Artycles cōteyned & specyfied in a bylle sygned with his moste gracyous hande delyuered and remaynynge in y e Custody of his Chaunceller of Englande for the warraunt for y e same. Be hit enacted by our sayde Souerayne lorde y e kynge with y e assēt of y e lordes espirituell & tēporall / & the Cōmons in this present Parlyament assembled / and by thauctoryte of the same that all & as many / and euery of the kynges Subiectes the whiche at any tyme hereafter wyll Sue for any of the sayd Pardōs shall haue the auantage auayle & benefyte of the same Pardō in all and euery of the kynges Courtes to hym or them to be alowed without writte or writtes of allowaunce therupō to be made or Sued / the same parson or parsons payinge oonly suche fees aswell of sealynge / as other duyties in the kynges Chaū cery / And all other y e kynges Courtes as shalbe orderyd assygned lymytted and appoynted by our sayd Souerayne lorde or by suche of hys moste honorable coū ceyle / as his hyghnes Shal therunto name / And no more neyther Other fees to be Payede for the premysses.
¶ Here foloweth the Table of Anno Quinto.
- ¶ Firste an Acte concernynge Minystracyon of Iustyce to the kynges subiectes of his Cytie of Turney .Capitulo. Primo.
- ¶ An acte for trewe makynge of clothes in deuon̄ called whyte straytes .Ca .ii.
- ¶ An acte concernynge whyte wollen clothes of .v. markes and vnder may be caryed ouer the sees vnshorne .Cap̄ .iii.
- ¶ An acte for auoydynge disceytes in worstedys .Ca .iiii.
- ¶ An acte concernynge Iuries in london .Ca. v.
- ¶ An acte concernynge Surgeons to be discharged of questes & other thynges .Capitulo. vi.
- ¶ An acte for Straungers for byinge of lether in open market .Cap̄. vii.
- ¶ An acte cōcernynge the maner & fourme of Sute for the kynges moste gracyous Letters of generall pardon .Cap̄. viii.