¶ This is the ordinance for the conseruation and keping of the Queenes Maiesties swannes and sygnettes, and of the Lordes spirituall and temporall, and of her Commons [...] the Counties of Lincolne, Northampton, Rutland, Huntington, and Cambridge, and the liberties [...] fr [...]chyse of the same; And for the conseruation of fyshe and fowle, with the assisting of all [...]ner of nettes within the sayde Counties and liberties of the same.

FIRST it is ordeined and statuted, that euery person hauing any Swannes, shal begin yerely to marke or cause to be marked the same vpon the Munday next after Trinitie Sunday, & no person afore, but after as the company may, so that the Master of the Quenes game of Swannes, or his deputies be there present, and yf any person or persons take vpon hym or them in marking to the contrary, to forfeyte to the Quene. xl. s.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that no person nor persons beyng Swanheards nor other, shall go on marking without the master of the Quenes game of Swannes or his deputie bee present, with vi. or iiii. of the company of Swanheardes, vpon paine to forfeyte to the Quenes grace. xl. s.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that no person take vp no signet nor signets vnmarked, nor make no sale of them. [...]the Quenes Swanherde or his deputie with. iiii. other Swanherdes next adioyning be present or h [...] knowledge of the same, vpon payne to forfeyt to the Quenes grace. xl. s.

· Item it is ordeined that the Swanherde of the duchy of Lancaster within the said counties, nor with­in the lib [...]rt [...]es and fraunches of the same, nor no other person for him nor by him, shal make no sale nor [...] Swannes, nor marke them within the said duchy, without the Quenes Swanherde or his deputie [...] present vpon payne to forfeyt to the Quenes grace. xl. s. And in like wise it is ordeyned that [...] Quenes Swanherde of the foresaid counties nor his deputie, shall not enter into the said duchy to [...] any Swannes or signets, nor them to marke without the Swanherde of the duchy be present, then paine to forfeyte to the Quenes grace. xl. s.

· Item it is ordeined, that if any Swannes or signets be found without the said duchy double marked or put out of right marke, that then it shall be seased for the Quene, and to be delyuered to the maister of the Quenes game of Swannes or to his deputie, and so to remayne to it be proued by. iiii. or vi. suffi­cient Swanherdes, to whom the sayd Swannes or signets belong or appertaine, so that the knowledge of the same be had by the saide Swanherds after the said deliuery afore the sessions of Swannes than [...] to be kept within the countie, where as it shall hap the said Swans or signets to be seased and deliue­red in fourme aforesaid. And yf so be the property of the same Swannes or signets can not be knowen by the said sessions, that then the Quene to be assured of the value of the same Swannes and signettes.

¶ Item it is ordeyned that yf any person or persons wylfully put anye Swannes from theyr nestes. wheresoeuer they breede, or els take vp & destroy or beare away the egges or egge of the saide Swannes, to forsait for euery default & presented in the sessions of Swannes to the Quenes grace. xiii.s. iiii.d.

¶ Item it is ordeyned that no man shall make sale of no whyte swannes, nor make delyuery of them without the master of the game or his deputie be present, with iii. o vi. swanheardes next adioyning vn­der payne of xl. s. wherof shalbe to the fynder, vi.s. viii.d. and the residue to the Quene.

¶ Item it is ordeyned that no person or persons hunt in fene tyme or in any haunt of Swannes with dogges, from the feast of Easter to the sunday after Triuitie sunday, vpon payne for euery tyme so doyng. vi.s. viii. d.

¶ Item it is ordeyned that yf any person set any snares or anye manner of inginnes to take Bittors or Swannes betwixt the feast of Easter and Lammas, he or they to forfeit for euery tyme so setting any such ingins vi. s. viii. d.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that no person nor persons shall lay no net nor nettes, or dragge with net nor nets within the common stremes, waters nor maryshes vpon the day tyme, from the feast of the Inuen­ [...]ion of the holy crosse, vnto the feast of Lammas, vpon payne as often as they be found in fault and pre­sented in the sessions of swannes before the Quenes Iustices. xx.s. to forfeit to the Queenes grace.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that euery swanherde intending to keepe any swannes or signettes, that they [...]l keepe them in a pen or pit within. xx. foote of the cōmon streme, or els within xx. foote of the Quenes [...]gh way, so that the Quenes subiectes passyng by may haue the syght of the sayde swannes, vpon payne [...] xl. s.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that there shalbe nor forfeyt of whyte swannes nor grey swannes no signets but [...] to the Quenes grace. aswell within the fraunches and liberties as without: and as often as any [...] sease and delyuer the sayde swannes to any other person, but only to the master of the game or to the Quenes vse, he to forfait to the Quenes grace. vi.s.viii.d.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that no maner of person nor persons shal lay nor set nettes named tramels, nor n [...]ttes called drayes, nor dray with no net from the xvi. day next before the feast of saint Marke the Euan­ [...]list. vnto the xvi day next ensuing the same feast. That is to wit, within the cōmon stremes, waters, s [...]es and marshes in the countie of Lincolne, Northampton, Rutland, Huntyngton, and Cambridge, no [...] within the Ile of Ely, vpon payne of. xl.s.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that no man shal take no gray swannes nor white swannes flying, but that he shall within iiii. dayes next after the sayd taking, deliuer it or them to the master of the Quenes swannes [...] to his deputie to the Quenes vse, and the taker to huaue for his takyng. viii.d.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that no maner of person of what estate, degree, or condicion be be, hauing any game of swannes of his owne, shalbe no swanheard nor keper of none other mens swannes, vpon payne [...] xl. s.

¶ Item it is ordeyned, that no swanherde nor fisher, nor fowler, shall not vexe nor trouble another [...]nherde, fysher nor fowler, by way of action, or otherwyse, but onely afore the Quenes Iustices of her sessions of swannes, vpon payne of forfaiting to the Quenes grace. xiii.s. iiii.d.

God saue the Queene.

¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Rycharde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Quenes, Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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