
❧ A Copy of the Kings Maiesties Letters Pattents for the rating and assessing the Prices of Horsemeat for Innes and Hosteries thorowout the Kingdome.

AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Beale, and are to besold by Richard Hawkins in Chancery lane.

❧ A Copy of the Kings Maiesties Letters Pattents for the rating and assessing the Prices of Horsemeat for Innes and Hosteries thorowout the Kingdome.

IAMES by the Grace of GOD, KING of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, De­fender of the Faith, &c.
To Our trusty and welbeloued Sir Henry Mountague Knight, Chiefe [Page 2]Iustice of the Pleas before Vs to be holden assigned: And to the Chiefe Iustice of the said Pleas for the time being, and to all other Our Iustices of Assise, now and for the time being, and to al other Our louing Subiects whom these presents shal or may con­cerne, greeting.

Whereas We haue by Our Letters Patents bearing date at VVestminster the third day of March, in the four­teenth yeere of our Reigne of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the fiftieth, for the considerations therin mentioned: Assigned and appointed Sir Gyles Mompesson of Bathe-hampton in the County of VViltes, Knight, Gyles Bridges of VVilton, in the County of Hereford, Esquire, and Iames Thurbarne of Grayes Inne in the County of Middle­sex, Esquire, Our Commissioners, gi­uing them or any two of them, wher­of the said Sir Gyles Mompesson to bee [Page 3]one, full power and authority to take a view and Suruey of the Innes of this Our Kingdome, and therein a­mongst other things, to informe themselues of the due keeping of the assize & price of Horse-meat, by Inne­holders & Hostlers of this Realme, and therein from time to time to bee ayding and assisting to the Chiefe Iustice of Our Bench, and to Our Iustices of Assise, for the better obser­uing of Our true intent and mea­ning therein expressed. And further to treate with such persons as desire to keepe and continue their Innes, or to haue any Inne erected for the kee­ping, continuance and erecting of Innes or Hostries. And to make such Licence in that behalfe to such persons as in Our said Letters Pa­tents is declared.

In euery of which Licenses We directed by Our said Letters Pat­tents, [Page 4]that there should amongst o­ther things bee contained a Prouiso, that the partie so to bee Licensed and his assignes, should keepe the Assize of Bread and Ale, and measure accor­ding to the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, and further obserue the prices of Horse-meate set downe, or from time to time to bee set downe by Our Iustices of Assise in their seue­rall Circuits, or by the Chiefe Iustice of Our Bench, in places where Our Iustices of Assise do not come, as by Our said Letters Patents of Com­mission more fully may appeare.

By the which Prouiso Wee in­tended as well the generall benefit of Our Subiects, by redressing the excessiue prices and exactions vnlawfully encroached on them by Inne-holders and Hostlers, as al­so the reliefe of Inne-holders and Hostlers themselues, by allow­ing [Page 5]them a more conuenient gaine, then by certaine ancient and almost absolute statutes made in the reigns of Our most Noble Predecessours King Richard the second, and King Henry the fourth, is prescribed vnto them, which Statutes although they remaine as yet in force, yet con­sidering the times wherein they were inacted, and the alteration of prises incident to the Succession of so many ages, besides the difference of monies then and now current within this Our Kingdome, haue by degrees so farre out-worne that originall equity and proportion vppon which they were first grounded, as that at this day they cannot be obserued, with­out the extreame preiudice and almost vtter vndoing of Hostlers, who not­withstanding are by the breach ther­of continually subiect to no lesse mis­chiefe by popular informations. But [Page 6]now finding vppon further aduice, that these Our charitable intentions cannot haue so good effect as we expe­cted, for that you Our said Iustices haue neither by the said Letters Pa­tents, nor otherwise by the Lawes of of this Our Realme, without Our especial Warant as we are informed, sufficiēt power or authority to assesse or limite any prises, accordingly as is conditioned with such as take any Licences for keeping of Innes, by vertue of our said Letters Patents.

Wee therefore willing to giue Our Royall assistance in a case of so gene­rall importance, and reposing especi­all trust and confidence in your fideli­ties, wisdoms and prouident circum­spections, doe hereby for Vs, Our Heires and Successours, giue full power and authoritie vnto you Our said Iustices of Assise, respectiuely within your seuerall circuites, and to [Page 7]all other the Iustices of Assise, of Vs, Our Heires and Successours, now and for the time being.

And Wee do also hereby for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, wil and command you and euery of your respe­ctiuely, as aforesaid, from henceforth vntil Our pleasure be further known to the contrary, at euery generall As­sises to bee holden for each Countie within your seuerall Diuisions, in the presence, and by & with the assistance of any foure Iustices of the Peace of the same County, or more, from whom you may receiue fit informati­on in that behalfe, together with the assistance of Our said Commissio­ners or any of them, if they or any of them shall bee there present, by order in writing vnder your hands, to as­sesse, limit, rate, and appoint such rea­sonable prises for Horse-meate to bee obserued by all Inne-holders and [Page 8]Ostlers within your said seuerall cir­cuits, so licensed or to be licensed, as a­foresaid.

And likewise from time to time at euery of the said generall Assises in the presence, & with the like assistance of any foure or more Iustices of the Peace, & of our said Commissioners, as aforesaid by any other order or or­ders in writing vnder your hands, to correct, renew, alter & amend the said prises, as in your discretions shall seeme fit and conuenient, hauing due respect vnto the time, and the vsuall Rates of the adioyning Markets, and such other considerable circum­stances as shall be requisite in a busi­nesse of that nature.

Further willing and commanding you and euery of you hereby, within twentie dayes after the end of your seuerall Circuits, to returne and cer­tifie in writing vnder your hands all [Page 9]and singuler the said Orders, Rates, and Assessements, together with the names of such Iustices of the Peace as were present at the rating and as­sessing thereof, vnto the Office of the Receiuer of the Fines, Rents, and Profits for Licences of Inne-kee­pers, erected and established by Our said Letters Patents, to the end that the same may bee there registred and entred in the said Office.

And Wee doe further hereby for Vs, Our Heires and Successours, charge and command all and singu­ler Iustices of the Peace of euery Countie at large within this Our Kingdome, now, and for the time be­ing respectiuely, with their best means and endeauours to be ayding and as­sisting to Our said Iustices of Assise, for the rating and assessing of the pri­ses aforesaid. And touching all ex­empt Cities, Counties, Towns Cor­porate, [Page 10]Liberties, and other places priuiledged within this Realme, where Our said Iustices of Assise do not resort. We do hereby for Vs, Our Heires & Successors, giue full power and authoritie vnto you Our said Chiefe Iustice of Our said Pleas, and to all other the Chiefe Iustices of the said Pleas of Vs, Our Heires and Successours for the time being, and doe also hereby for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, charge and command you and euery of you, twice in euery yeere, that is to say, in the Termes of Easter and Saint Michael the Arch-angell yearely, in the pre­sence, and by and with the assistance of the said Commissioners, or any two of them, whereof the said Sir Gyles Mompesson to be one, by order in writing vnder your hand, to assesse, limite, rate and appoint such reasona­ble prises for Horse-meate to be obser­ued [Page 11]by al Inne-holders and Hostlers licensed or to be licensed as aforesaid, within any of the said exempted or priuiledged places: and likewise from time to time yeerly in the said Terms by any other order or orders in wri­ting vnder your hand, to correct alter, renew and amend the said rates and prises according to your best discreti­on: and in the same Termes likewise to returne & certifie your said orders, rates and prises into Our said Office of Receiuor to bee there registred and entred, as aforesaid, willing and com­manding hereby Our said Receiuor now, and for the time being, to make and giue vnder his hand true Copies of all and euery the Orders, Rates, and Assessements aforesaid, as well such as shall bee made for the Coun­ties at large, as for the said exempt or priuiledged places to all persons re­quiring the same, taking not aboue [Page 12]twelue pence for any one Coppie.

And for the further Indemnity of all such Inne-holders or Hostlers ei­ther in the Counties at large, or other the places exempted, as aforesaid, as now are or shall hereafter be licensed to erect, keepe or continue any Inne or Hostery, according to the tenor of Our former recited Letters Pat­tents, We doe hereby of Our especial Grace, certain knowledge, and meere motion, for Vs, Our Heirs and Suc­cessors, giue full power and authority to al and euery the said Inne-holders or Hostlers so licensed, or to be licensed as aforesaid, and to no other, to Re­ceiue and take from time to time, such Rates and prises for Horse-meate, as by the said Iustices of Assise, or Chief Iustice aforesaid, respectiuely shall be so limitted, ordered, assessed, and cer­tified vnto the said Office, as afore­said, the said seuerall Acts of Parlia­ments: [Page 13]or any other Law, Statute, Proclamation, Ordinance, Vsage or Custome whatsoeuer to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And to the end that Our care herein, chiefly tending to the generall wel­fare and profit of Our louing Sub­iects, bee not hereafter abused by the misapplying of Our Grace and Fa­uour in the granting of any such Li­censes vnto people of base quality and loose conuersation.

And for as much as it is impossi­ble that the said Sir Gyles Mompesson, Gyles Bridges, and Iames Thurbarne, Our Commissioners appointed by the said Letters Pattents, should of themselues bee able to take sufficient notice what persons throughout the whole Realme are vnfit to be licen­sed to erect, keep, or continue any Inne or Hostry as aforesaid: the rather for that men of ill condition oftentimes [Page 14]procure fauourable Certificats, from persons of good credite in their be­halfe.

Wee therefore for the better Assi­stance and Supply of Our said Com­missioners herein, doe hereby for Vs, Our Heires and Successors, wil and command all and singuler Clerkes of the Peace, now and for the time being of euery County at large within this Our Realme of England, where Our said Iustices of Assise do vsual­ly come. And all & singuler Maiors, Bayliffes, Constables, and other head Officers, now and for the time being of the said exempted Cities, Counties, Townes Corporate, Li­berties, and places priuiledged, as aforesaid, Respectiuely to make true Returnes and Certificats in writing vnder their hands, vnto our said Of­fice of Receiuor twice in the year, that is to say, in the Termes of Easter, [Page 15]and Saint Michael the Arch-angell, of the names, qualities and places of aboade of all such persons as before that time haue been, or hereafter shal be in publike Sessions holden for any County at large, or by publike order made in any of the said exempted or priuiledged places respectiuely for their euill behauiour, or other perso­nall insufficiency, disallowed or prohi­bited to keepe any Alehouse or Victu­aling-house, within the Precincts of their seuerall Iurisdictions, together with the true causes wherefore they were so disallowed, To the end that the said Certificates may be kept and registred in the said Office: and that Our said Commissioners thereby ta­king notice of all such prohibited, and insufficient persons, may the more warily proceed in granting the said Licenses.

Lastly, Our will and pleasure is, [Page 16]and Wee doe hereby for Vs, Our Heires and Successours, grant that these Presents, and the Inrolement thereof, shall be firme, good, auailea­ble, and effectual in the Law to all in­tents, constructions and purposes, ac­cording to our meaning herein expres­sed: any Law, Statute, Acte, Ordi­nance, or Prouision to the contra­rie thereof in any wise notwithstan­ding.

Per ipsum Regem.

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