ARTICLES of direction touch­ing Alehouses.

Munday the xxj. of March 1607.

¶ IMPRINTED AT London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Ex­cellent Maiestie.

[royal blazon or coat of arms]

Articles of direction touching Alehouses.

FIrst, that in euery Pa­rish, Hamlet, Towneship or Precinct, there bee per­fect and true Certificate made, how many Ale­houses, or Victualling houses were the last day of February last past, And how many of them by Li­cence, and how many not, And what persons in the places aforesaid keepe a­ny Innes, and how long time the saide House or Houses haue beene kept and vsed for Innes.

ALso the Iustices of the Peace in their seueral Limits and Diuisions, taking Information from the high Constables of the Hundred, Church­wardens [Page 2]and pettie Constables, with o­ther the substantiall Inhabitants of euery Parish, Hamlet, Towneship or Precinct, how many Alehouses, and Victualling houses are fit there to bee kept, and who are the fittest persons in respect of their abilitie and condition to keepe the same, shall agree, set downe, and make presentment of those that shalbe allowed at the first Sessions to be holden after Easter (where it may be so soone performed) or els at some gene­rall assembly of the Iustices for that purpose, to be by them appointed before Whitsuntide next, at such seuerall pla­ces within the County, as to them shall seeme meete, where fiue Iustices of the Peace at the least, whereof two of the Quorum, shalbe present with the Clearke of the Peace or his Deputie.

ALso, that the Iustices of the Peace of the seueral Limits or diuisions, or three of them, (whereof one to be of the Quorum) with the Clerke of the Peace or his Deputie, within twentie dayes next [Page 3]after such presentment, and Allowances as aforesaid, shall assemble themselues and take Recognizances, and graunt Licences to the seuerall persons that shalbe so allowed, as aforesaid, at the ge­nerall Quarter Sessions, or assembly of the Iustices of Peace, as aforesaid.

ALso, that none bee Licenced or al­lowed to keepe an Alehouse, that is in Liuery or Retainer to any man.

ALso, that certaine Articles of good order be conceiued by the Iustices of the Peace fit for euery Alehouse-keeper, Tipler or Victualler to obserue, And that the Iustices see the same straight­ly obserued, And that they doe certifie the same before the ende of Trinitie Terme next, to the Lords of his Ma­iesties priuie Councell, to the end, if cause so require, further directions may be ad­ded hereunto.

ALso, that the Alehouse keepers bee bound by Recognizance against vn­lawfull [Page 4]ga [...]es and for keeping of good Order and rule in their Houses accor­ding to the Statute in that behalfe made, As also to bring in their Licen­ces at that Sessions Twelue moneth, or Generall meeting of the Iustices of Peace, as aforesaid, if hee so long con­tinue an Alehouse-keeper, And so yere­ly so long as such their Licences shall stand in force, to bee allowed or disal­lowed, according to the meaning of these Articles.

ALl Licences of Alehouse-keepers shalbe sealed with a common Seale in grauen in Brasse or Siluer, with a Rose, and the Inscription of the Coun­tie, Citie, or Towne corporate, hauing authoritie to hold sessions of the Peace, where such Alehouse shall be, And the same Seale shall be appointed and pro­uided by the Clearke of the Peace, or Towne-Clearke respectiuely; For the charge of making whereof, they shall haue allowance made out of their next receipt.

[Page 5] ALso that the Clearke of the Peace in euery County, and Town-clarke in euery City, or other Officer of that nature in Townes Corporate, where they haue authoritie to holde Sessions of the Peace, shall haue the keeping of she said Seale, and shall signe the said Licences that shall be so allowed as a­foresaid with his hand, and set the said Seale to the same, And shall haue for the making of euery such Licence, & ta­king Recognizance aforesaid Two shil­lings, And for the Sealing of the said Licence with the said common Seale, there shall bee paide in hand to the said Clerke to his Maiesties vse, for all Li­cences in Cities, Townes corporate or Market Townes Eight shillings a peece, and in other Villages Foure shil­lings. And that no other charge by any meanes be imposed vpon the said Ale­house-keepers, nor reward taken of them for their allowance, And the said Clarkes of the Peace & Towne Clarks, and euery of them be bound to his Ma­iestie in Recognizance, with sufficient [Page 6]Suerties to be taken by the Custos Rotu­lorum, or any two Iustices of the Peace, in a competent summe for the true an­swering of their Receipts from time to time, into his Maiesties Receipt of the Exchequer, within fourtie dayes after euery Sessions of the Peace, and shall pay no Fees in the said Court of Exche­quer vpon the paying in of his said mo­neys, nor for passing of his accompt. The persons Licenced, shal at the Ses­sions Twelue moneth, or generall As­sembly of the Iustices as aforesaid, af­ter their Licences granted, bring their Licences to the said Sessions, or gene­rall Assembly of Iustices as aforesaid, there to be seene, and consideration to be had, whether they shall be found fit to stand or not: And if they shall be allow­ed by the said Iustices, or the more part of them to stand for one yeere longer, Then the said Clearke shall enter vpon the said Licence, Allocatur pro vno alio anno duratura, entring withall the date of such allowance, And shal receiue of the same person for such allowance to his Maie­sties [Page 7]vse, the like summe as before vpon the first granting. And for his such en­try of allowance onely Eight pence for himselfe. And so shall all Licences bee presented, and such summes paid vpon allowance, yeerely, as long as the said Licences shall remaine in force. And if any person so Licenced shall faile to pre­sent his Licence to bee allowed or dis­allowed, or to pay vpon his allowance such summes yerely as aforesaid, Then his Licence shall presently cease and be voide.

ALso to the end that it may certaine­ly appeare what Ale-houses shall from time to time stand and be allowed in forme aforesaide in euery Countie, Ci­tie and Towne Corporate where Iu­stices of peace are, The Clarke of the peace or Towne Clarke shall within twentie dayes after the ende of euery Sessions, or generall Assemblie of Iu­stices as aforesaid, make vp a booke con­taining the names of all the persons li­censed of new, or continued at such Ses­sions, [Page 8]and the places where they keepe such Ale-houses, and shall present the same to the Iustices of the peace at the said Sessions, which saide Iustices of the peace, or any foure of them (where­of two to be of the Quorum or in Cities and Townes Corporate, two Iustices of the peace, whereof one to bee of the Quorum,) shall subscribe their names to euery page of the said booke, that no al­teration may be made. And that the said Iustices, or one of them keepe a true note of the number of such Ale-houses entered into such booke, that it may bee knowen for what number and for what time the Clarke of the peace & Towne Clarke ought to answere.

BEfore the end of Easter Terme next, a true and perfect booke shalbe made by the Clarke of the Peace of euery Shire, and the Towne Clarke of euery Citie or Towne Corporate (hauing au­thoritie to keepe Sessions of peace) con­taining all the Ale-houses and Victual­ling houses in euery seuerall Countie, [Page 9]Citie and Towne Corporate, within this Realme, and how many, and who they be that keepe them. And that be­fore the end of Trinitie Terme next, a true and perfect Transcript be made of the same by the Clarke of the Peace or Towne Clarke respectiuely to whome it may appertaine, And before the ende of the said Trinitie Terme the same be certified vnder the hands of the Iu­stices of Peace of the Shire, Citie or Towne Corporate, or of foure of them (whereof two to bee of the Quorum, or in Cities and Townes Corporate vn­der the hand of two, whereof one to be of the Quorum) to the Lords of his Ma­iesties most honourable priuie Councel, and the like booke and in like manner and forme to bee yeerely made, and certified at and within the times afore­saide.

ALso that it bee carefully looked into that the number of Ale-houses bee not increased but diminished, and speci­ally that none be suffered to keepe Ale-houses [Page 10]vnlicensed, or otherwise licensed then according to the prescript afore­saide.

SAuing, that in case where any Ale-house-keeper, Licensed as aforesaid, shall die or remoue, or for his ill rule or misbehauiour, thought fit by two Iu­stices of the Peace, whereof one to be of the Quorum, to be put downe, That then such other to bee appointed in the same Parish or Hamlet, as shalbe Licensed and allowed as aforesaide, at the next Sessions of the Peace, or generall As­sembly of the Iustices, whereat fiue Iustices of the Peace, with the Clearke of the Peace, or his Deputie shall bee present.

LAstly, That the Iustices of Assize in their Circuits, and Iustices of Peace at their generall Sessions of the Peace, doe from time to time enquire of the due execution of these presents, and of all Alehouses kept without such Li­cense, as aforesaid, and of all other a­buses, [Page 11]disorders, briberies, extortions, deceipts, and other misdemeanours whatsoeuer, committed or suffered a­gainst the prouisions aforesaide, and the true meaning of them.

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