As that Soueraignty which vnder God we hold ouer you, tyeth vs to take care for your safeties and welfare, so the loue of subiects and bond of duety tyes you to ayde and assist vs in those actions which haue no other end, but the common preseruation both of vs and your selues; In which affaires, such hath been our care, and so exceeding great our charge, as that the sale of a great part of our Iewels, Plate, and lands (besides the aydes and loanes already had of our people) haue not sufficed the necessities of these publique seruices. Wherefore as our Ancestors, Kings and Queenes of this Realme, haue euer vsed vpon vrgent necessities, for the common defence (occasions nor time not permitting the calling of their people in general) to resort vnto the priuate helps of those whom they pleased to chuse; So we not doubting of your obedience in this behalfe, and fidelity you beare towards the surety of our person, defence of your Countrey, maintenance of Religion and our Allies: (The safegard of all which, all good subiects ought so much to tender, as we looke you should not faile to straine both your credit and your selfe hartily to maintaine and defend) doe for these causes require of you, by vertue of these presents, the summe of [...] which we doe promise in the name of vs, our heires and successors, to repay to you or your assignes within one yeere after the paiment thereof to the Collector. The person that we haue appointed to collect [...] to whose hands we doe require you to send it, within ten dayes after you haue receiued this Priuie Seale, which together with the Collectors acquittance, shalbe sufficient warrant vnto the Officers of our Receipt for the repayment thereof at the time limitted. And because we make our full account of the receipt of so much money at your hands, we require you in no wise to faile hereof.
Giuen vnder our Priuie Seale at our Palace of Westminster, the [...] day of [...] in the [...] yeere of our Reigne of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland.