❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for a generall Fast to be kept thorow out the Realm of England.

THe Kings most Excellent Majestie, observing the correcting hand of God upon the Kingdom in many yeers Pestilence, the present interrup­tions of that long continued blessing of Peace, and other signes of his anger for the sins of the Land; and seriously considering the weighty affairs of State now in agitation in the high Court of Parliament, out of His truly Religious heart to God, and His tender care of His King­dom and peoples welfare (according to the practise of pious Kings and Princes in former ages, in times of common calamities, which concern both Prince and people) hath resolved (with the humble advice of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament) by a solemn and publike Fast, in the first place to have recourse to the Divine Majestie, to implore his merry and favour to Him and His people, as well for removing the present Iudgements, as for a blessing upon the great Affairs and businesses in hand concerning His Majestie and the Pub­like. And therefore His Majestie doth hereby straitly charge and command that a generall and publike Fast be kept and holden, as well by abstinence from Food, as by publike Prayers and hearing the Word of God, and other sacred Duties, in all Cathedrall, Collegiate, and Pa­rish Churches and Chappels within the City of London, the Suburbs thereof, and the ad­joyning Parishes of Saint Clement Danes, Saint Giles in the fields, Saint James at Clarkenwell, Saint Katharine Tower, Saint Leonard Shoreditch, Saint Martins in the fields, Saint Mary Whitechappell, Saint Magdalene Bermond, and Savoy Parish, upon Tuesday the seventeenth day of this in­stant November: And in all other Cathedrall, Collegiate, and Parish Churches and Chappels within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, upon Tuesday the eighth day of De­cember next ensuing the date hereof: All which His Majestie doth expressely charge and com­mand shall be Reverendly and Devoutly performed by all His loving Subjects, as they ten­der the favour of Almighty God, and would avoid his just indignation against this Land, and upon pain of such punishments as His Majesty may justly inflict upon all such as shall con­temn or neglect so religious a work.

God save the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of [...]OHN B [...] [...]

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