❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the levying and payment of the Ship-Moneys in Arreare.

WHereas His Majestie, out of His Princely care of the defence of this Realm, and safety of His Subjects: Vnderstanding of the great pre­partations of Shipping beyond the Seas, as well this present yeer, as in divers yeers preceding, and the imminent perils thereby appearing on every side in these dangerous and Warlike times: For the speedie defence of His Kingdom and people, guarding of the Seas, and secure conduct of Shipping and Merchandize, (wherein all His Subjects were concerned) Did as well for divers yeers past, as in November last, direct His severall Writs to severall Sheriffis, Majors, Bayliffs, and other His Officers and Subjects, of the severall Counties of Eng­land and Wales, Thereby commanding the providing and getting in readinesse certain Ships furnished with Ordnance and Arms, and manned and victualled at the charges of the said Counties, in such sort as by the same Writs were appointed. But His Ma­jestie finding, that the said Ships were not provided according to the Tenour of the said Writs, nor the moneys Levyed (according to Estimates yeerly given by the Lords, and others of His Majesties Privie Councell) for setting forth those Ships; His majestie, for the common defence and safety of His Kingdom and people, was constrained at His own great charges, yeerly to make out, and maintain that Shipping which he expected from His Subjects.

And therefore His Majestie, as He cannot but censure the most of His Sheriffs and other His Ministers, of great neglects in the execution of that Service, according to their Oaths, and the duty of their places: So He will now expect from them an undelayed and faithfull performance of the same, without favour or connivence. And to that end, His Majestie doth hereby straitly charge and command, all His present Sheriffs, Majors, Bayliffs, and other His Officers and Ministers to whom it appertaineth, forthwith not onely to raise and levie the said Moneys ap­pointed to be collected and raised for the providing and furnishing the said Ships for this present yeer, But also to give forth their Warrants to the preceding Sheriffs, Majors, and other Of­ficers respectively, for the raising and levying of those Arrears which hapned in their times: And that as well the Sheriffs, Majors, and other Officers for this present yeer, as those for the yeere past, who are in Arrear to His Majestie, shall make their payments respectively, to the Treasurers of His Majesties Navie, at or before the first day of October next, without further respite or delay; upon pain of High contempt against His Majestie, and to be further proceeded with, and punished according to the quality of their offences, in that which so much importeth the publike good and safety of the Kingdom.

❧ God save the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1640.

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