¶ By the King.

BEing informed, That many Officers of Our Armie, as well Foot, and Horse, as of Our Garisons, are absent from their se­verall charges to Our great dis-service, and their owne shame and dishonour, We do hereby ordaine, injoyne, and expresly command all Chiefs, Captaines and Officers of horse and foot, as well those of Our Armie, as of Our Garisons, whose regiments, troopes and companies are marched or ready to march, to depart out of these Our Cities of London, Westminster and other parts, within eight and fortie houres after the publishing hereof, and to repaire to their severall Charges with all possidle diligence: Whereof they are to take notice and conforme themselves accordingly vpon paine of being cash [...]ered and for ever declared unworthy of Our service, and incurring Our highest indignation and displeasure.

God save the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1640.

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