❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for calling in a Book, entituled,
An Jntroduction to a Deuout life; and that the same be publikely burnt.
WHereas a Book, entituled, An Jntroduction to a Deuout life, was lately printed by Nicholas Oakes of London, and many of them published and dispersed throughout the Realme, the Copy of which Book being brought to the Chaplaine of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, for Licence and allowance, was by him, vpon diligent perusall, in sundry places expunged and purged of diuers passages therein tending to Popery: Neuerthelesse the same Book, after it was so amended and allowed to be printed, was corrupted and falsified by the Translator and Stationer, who between them inserted again the same Popish and vnsound passages: And the Stationer is now apprehended, and the Translator sought for to be proceeded against according to Iustice.
His Maiesty, out of His pious and constant care, to vphold and maintain the Religion professed in the Church of England in its purity, without Error or Corruption, Doth therefore hereby declare His Royall Will and Pleasure to be, and doth straightly Charge and Command all persons, of what degree, quality, or condition soeuer, to whose hands any of the said Books are, or shall come, that without delay they deliuer or send them to the Bishop, or Chancellor of the Diocesse, whom His Maiestie requireth to cause the same to be publikely burnt, as such of them as haue beene already seized on, haue been by His Maiesties expresse Command: And to this His Maiesties Royall Pleasure, he requireth all His louing Subiects to yeeld all due Conformity and Obedience, as they will auoid the censure of high Contempt.
Giuen at Our Court at White-hall, the fourteenth day of May, in the thirteenth yeare of Our Reigne.
❧ God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. 1637.