❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for restraint of Fishing vpon His Maiesties Seas and Coasts without Licence.

WHereas Our Father of blessed memory King IAMES, did in the seuenth yeere of His reigne of Great Brittaine, set forth a Proclamation touching Fishing; whereby for the many important reasons therein expressed, all persons, of what Nation or quality soeuer (being not His naturall borne Subiects) were restrained from Fishing vpon any the Coasts and Seas of Great Brittaine, Ireland, and the rest of the Isles adiacent, where most vsually heretofore Fishing had been, vntill they had orderly demanded, and obtained Licences from Our said Father, or His Commissioners in that behalfe, vpon paine of such chastisement as should be fit to be inflicted vpon such wilfull Offen­dors: Since which time, albeit, neither Our said Father, nor Our Selfe haue made any considerable execution of the said Proclamation, but haue with much pa­tience expected a voluntary conformity of Our Neighbours and Allies, to so iust and reasonable Prohibitions and Directions as are contained in the same.

And now finding by experience, that all the inconueniences which occasioned that Proclama­tion, are rather increased then abated: We being very sensible of the premisses, and well know­ing how farre We are obliged in Honour to maintaine the rights of Our Crowne, especially of so great consequence, haue thought it necessary, by the aduice of Our Priuie Councell, to renew the aforesaid restraint of Fishing vpon Our aforesaid Coasts and Seas, without Licence first ob­tained from Vs, and by these presents to make publique Declaration, that Our resolution is (at times conuenient) to keepe such a competent strength of Shipping vpon Our Seas, as may (by Gods blessing) be sufficient, both to hinder such further encroachments vpon Our Rega­lities, and assist and protect those Our good Friends and Allies, who shall henceforth, by vertue of Our Licences (to be first obtained) endeauour to take the benefit of Fishing vpon Our Coasts and Seas, in the places accustomed.

❧ God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1636.

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