❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure touching Orders to be obserued for preuention of dispersing the Plague.

THe Kings Maiestie, finding that the infection of the Plague at this present hath begunne to breake forth in some places neare vnto the City of London, and some other parts of the Kingdome, Out of His Princely and prouident care of the common good and safety of His Dominions and people, by a timely vse of good meanes (accompanied with the blessing of Almighty God) to preuent the increasing and dispersing thereof, Hath thought fit, with the aduice of His Priuie Councell, to declare His Royall Pleasure therein: And whereas in the time of the last Plague, there were diuers good Orders thought meet by His Maiestie and His Priuie Councell to be published with sundry good Rules, Preseruatiues, and Directions against the Infection, His Maiesty is pleased that the same Orders, Rules, and Medicines shall be againe now publised and renewed, toge­ther with some additions.

And doth therefore require and command all Iustices of the Peace in euery County, as well within Liberties as without, and all Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, Headboroughs, and other His Officers, Ministers, and Subiects whatsoeuer, to take knowledge of His Maiesties Royall Will and Pleasure therein; And that euery one of them in their seuerall places where the Infe­ction is, or shall happen to be, doe vse all care and vtmost endeauour for the due and effectuall exe­cution of the same: And to that end, His Maiesties express charge and command is, That all the said Iustices of the Peace, as well within their seuerall Iurisdictions as (if cause be) in places adiacent thereunto, doe assemble together in some safe and meet places, to treat and consult amongst themselues, or with the Iustices of neighbouring Counties or Liberties, where there shall bee cause, how the said Orders and Directions may be duely obserued, for the better preuenting the dispersion and increasing of the Sicknesse, and for the Reliefe and well ordering of such, as are or shall be infected with the Plague, and to take account how the said Orders and Directions are from time to time performed, and the Offendors punished; So as no Neglect, Remisnesse, or Offence in that behalfe be suffered to passe without due correction and chastisement. And His Maiestie doth hereby further declare, that whosoeuer in this businesse (so much importing Him­selfe, His Kingdome, and People) shall be found Remisse or Negligent, whether they be Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Bailiffes, Constables, or other Officers, or persons of what de­gree, qualitie, or condition soeuer, must expect to receiue such condigue punishment as by the strictest Lawes or Statutes of the Realme, or otherwise may be inflicted vpon them.

¶ God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent M [...] And by the Assignes of [...]OHN BILL. 16 [...]6.

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