❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation inhibiting all persons to repaire to His Maiestie for cure of the Disease called, The Kings Euill, vntill Michaelmas next.

WHereas His Maiestie by his Proclamation in Iuly last, did prescribe the times of Michaelmas and Easter, for presenting to Him for cure such per­sons as were affected with the Disease called, The Kings Euill: which His Maiestie out of His gracious and pious disposition to relieue their distresses, was wi [...]ling now at Easter accordingly to have done; Yet fore­seeing the danger that may arise as well to His sacred Person, as other­wise, by the concurse of diseased people from all parts of the Realme to His Maiesties Court, especially at this present time, when as the infection of the Plague is discouered and broken out in some places of the Kingdome; His Maiestie therefore timely to preuent the dangers thereof, as well to his owne Person, as to his people, doth hereby publish His Royall Pleasure to be, And also straightly chargeth and commandeth, That no per­son or persons whatsoeuer, doe presume to repaire to His Maiesties Court to be healed of that Disease at Easter now next comming; But doe wholly forbeare the same, vntill the Feast to Saint Michael the Archangel next following, (vnlesse His Maiestie shall hereafter declare any shorter time for that purpose) vpon paine of His Maiesties high Indignation, and to be punished with all se­verity as Offenders in so high a nature. And His Maiestie doth straitly charge and command all Iustices of Prace, Maiors, Bailiffes, Constables, Headboroughs, and other His Officers and Ministers whatsoever whom it may concerne, That they make stay of as many as they finde tra­uelling or preparing themselues to His Maiestie for Cure, and that they suffer no persons whatso­euer to make their resort to His Maiesties Court now at Easter next for that end, As they tender His Maiesties pleasure, and will answer the contrary at their vttermost perils.

¶ God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1636.

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