❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation declaring His Maiesties Royall Grace and Pleasure, to confirme to His Subiects their defectiue Estates in their Lands and Possessions, by His Commission lately renewed and enlarged to that purpose.
WHereas for the good of Our Subiects, VVe haue beene graciously pleased, to renew and enlarge Our former Commission of Grace, and haue thereby authorized the Lords and others of Our Priuie Councell, and some of Our Iudges and learned Councell, to sell, grant, and confirme to such of Our Subiects, whom it may concerne, their Defectiue Estates, Possessions, and Titles, in such Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Leases, and Hereditaments as they enioy, not only by colour of void or insufficient grants, or by Patents of concealements: but for those Lands also which they now hold by intrusion only, without Title deriued from the Crowne, and which are not establisht to them by Act of Parliament in the one and twentieth yeere of Our late Royall Father.
And howsoeuer the former slacknes of Our Subiects in taking hold of the tender of this grace in times before, might iustly induce Vs to cut off the Current and course thereof now, and to make aduantage thereof to Our selfe and Our owne benefit; Yet We out of Our Princely desires of the common good of Our people, and to settle and quiet them in their Estates and Possessions, haue beene pleased once more to make knowne these Our Royall Intentions of fauour to such of Our Subiects as shall timely imbrace the same.
And therefore Wee doe hereby declare Our Royall Pleasure to be, That such of Our Subiects as shall seeke to haue their defezible and defectiue Estates and Possessions, in any their Mannors, Lands, Tenement, Leases, or Hereditaments, deriued, or deteined from the Crowne, to be made good and establisht to them, vpon moderate compositions, (which We intend shall be applied to Our owne vse) That they before the beginning of Hilary Terme next, doe repaire to Our now Commissioners, at a house in Fleetstreete (where Our Commissioners for Our Reuenue (while Wee were Prince of Wales) did vsually meet) where Our now Commissioners will haue their frequent meetings for the Suitors dispatch: Neuerthelesse We doe hereby also let them know, that such of Our People as shall not now apprehend this present opportunity of Our Grace and Fauour, may not expect it hereafter, Wee minding by course of Law to reduce those Lands to the Crowne againe, or otherwise to dispose them to such as shall become Suitors to Our Commissioners to compound for the same.
Giuen at Our Court at Oatlands, the foure and twentieth day of August, in the eleuenth yeere of Our Reigne of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland.
¶ God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1635.