❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation to restraine the Kings Subiects from departing out of the Realme without licence.
WHereas it is one of the principall duties of all Our Subiects, to attend at all times the seruice and defence of their King and natiue Countrey, either within the Realme, or without, when they shall be thereunto required: And foreseeing in Our Princely prouidence what danger might ensue to this State, if Our Subiects might at their pleasure passe and depart out of this Realme, into the Kingdomes, Countreys, and Dominions of forraine Kings or States: For preuention whereof, We haue thought fit to publish Our Royall wil and commandement in that behalfe; And doe therefore hereby, straitly prohibite and forbid all Our Subiects of this Our Realme, or of any of the Dominions of the same, of what estate or degree soeuer they be, that they or any of them (other then Souldiers, Mariners, Merchants, and their Factors, and Apprentices) shall not at any time hereafter, without the speciall licence of Vs, or of six, or more of Our Priuie Councill, vnder their hands (whereof one of Our principall Secretaries to be one) passe or depart out of this Our Realme of England, or any of the Dominions thereof, into the Kingdomes, Countreys, Territories, or Dominions of any forraine King, Prince, State, or Potentate, vpon such corporall, and other great and heauie paines and penalties, as by the Lawes or Statures of this Realme may be inflicted vpon them. And We doe hereby also require and command all Our Officers and Ministers in Our seuerall Ports of this Realme; that hereafter they suffer none of our said Subiects to passe without such licence; And that no Owners, Masters, or Mariners of any ships or vessels, doe from henceforth carry, or transport beyond the Seas, any person or persons whatsoeuer, without such licence so obtained from Vs, or such six, or more of Our Priuy Councill; and the same first shewed, and duely entred with the Officer of the Port, from whence such person is to passe, vpon paine of Our high displeasure, and such forfeitures, and losse of Office, ship or vessell, and other penalties, as by the Lawes and Statues of this Our Realme are ordained and prouided in that behalfe. Prouided alwayes, that if any such Souldiers, Mariners, Merchants, or their Factors and Apprentices, as are herein excepted and permitted to passe without licence, doe after their departure out of this Realme, commit, attempt, or assent to any act, deuice, plot, or thing against Vs, or any Our Kingdomes or Dominions, or against any of Our Lawes or Statutes: That euery such person so offending, shall lose the benefit of the said exception, and shall to all intents and purposes be taken and adiudged to be, as one that maliciously and contemptuously passeth or departeth out of this Realme contrary to the tenour and effect of these presents.
Given at Our Court at Oatelands the one and twentieth day of Iuly in the eleventh yeare of Our Reigne.
God saue the King.
❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. 1635.